


Achilles Millefolium, rVrmatltls from ; Contribution on the .Etiology of Skin Eruptionsafter Public Baths. O. GANS. (Deutsch. med, Wochenschr,, July 19th, 1929, Iv,No. 29, p. 1213.)

**Achorion Schoenleinii," On a Case of Favus due to the. G. HUFSCHMITT. (Bv.ll. dela ^Soc. Fran<;. de Derm, et de ^^yph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 3 [R.S.].)

Acne, Necrotic or Varioliform, and Hyperthyroidism. E. A. SAINZ DE AJA. {ActasDermO'Sifiliograficas, March, 1020, xxi. No. 0, p. 414.)

Acne Rosacea, Antimony Treatment of. L. W. BAIN. {Brit. Med. Journ,. July 13th,1!I2!I, XI.. Sr>75, p. 51.)

Acrodermatitis Atrophicans. HEKXHEIMER, SCHMIDT LABAIMJ:. {Zentralbl. f. Haut,ft. (^fschUrhtskrti,,Lh(:ite>,, July "Hh, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 1(», p. 562.)

Actinomycosis of the Skin, Primary. F. RONCHESE. {Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July,I!t29, XX, No. 1, p. 1.)

Actinomycosis; Report of Cases. R, EPSTEIN and P. SCHOENHOLZ. (California andWestern Med., June, 1920, xxx. No. 6, p. 305.)

Adenoma of the Coil Glands. ^I. H. GOODMAN. (Arch, of Derm, and Syph., Jul}^ 1029,XX, No. 1, p. 10.)

Alastrim (Variola Minor), Relationship of, to Smallpox (Variola Major). E. (J. FENTON.

{Brit. Med. Journ., July 20th, 1929, No. 3576, p. 124.)Alastrim (Variola Minor), (Relationship of, to Smallpox (Variola Major). C. KILLICK

AliLLAKD. {Brit. Med. Journ., July 27th, 1929, No. 3577, p. 166.)Allergy and Allergic Diseases. F. MI^LLER. (Zeitschr. f. drztUrhe Fortbildung, July 1st,

1929, xxvi. Xn. 13. ].. 421.)Allergy and Trichophytic Immunity, Experimental Researches on. E. RIVALIEK.

[Aiiff. lie Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, x, series vi. No. 6, p. 618.)Allergy of the Skin, Physical. E. URBACH. (Derm. Zeitschr., July, 1929, Iii, No. 4,

Alopecias ? Are there Contagious. L. BORY. (Bull, de la Soc Fran^, de Derm, et deSyph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 509.)

American Dermatology, Pioneers in. P. E. BECHET. (New York State Journ, of Med,,.hily 1st, 1929, xxix. No. 13, p. 807.)

Andes, Disease of the (Erythromic Syndnime). C. MONGE. (// Poficlinico [Med. Sect.],July, 192St. xxxvi. No. 7, p. 333.)

Arsenic Keratosis. H. C. S. FINSEN. {HospitahtifU-nde, Noveml>cr 2'2TUI, 192S, lxxi.No. 47, ]). 21.)

Atrophy of the Skin and Fatty Parts of the Upper Portions of the Body (Dermolipo-dystrophia) and Yellowish Skin. L. HUFNAGEL. {Bull, de la Soc Frani;, deDerm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, j). 571.)

Balzer, F6lix. C. FOUQUET. (Derm. Wochenschr,, July I8th, 1929, Ixxxix, No. 28,p. 1037.)

Besnier, Ernest. B. BARKER BEESON. (Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July, 1929, xx.No. 1, p. 05.)

Bismuth Treatment of Lupus Erythematosus and Psoriasis, Two Years of. E. LEDO.

(Adas Dermo-iSifitiograJicas, iMarch, 1929, xxi. No. ti, p. 428.)



Biastomycoses, On Genuine and False. W. TRKUIIEKZ. [Derm. Wockevschr., July 0thH»29. lxxxix, No. 27, p. 084.)

Blastomycosis, A Case of (Jeneralized. (Annotation.) {Lancet, August lUd, 1^20,(.-exvii, No. 5527, p. 238.)

Blastomycosis, Systemic. T. TOEPEL. {Jourti. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 0th, 1O2H,xciii, No. 1, p. 32.)

Blood in Eczema, The Chloride Content of the Whole. N. BURGKSS. {Arch, of Derm.and Syph., July, 1929, xx. No. I, p. 59.)

Boeck*s Sarcoid (Lupus Pernio). V. GENNER. [Hospitahiidende. November 29th,1928, lxxi. No. 48, p. 75.)

Bouton d'Huile in a Turner. L. M. PAUTRIER and Diss. {Bull dp la Soc. Franc, dpJj^rt/). et de Syph.. June, 1929. xxxvi, Ko. 6, p. 10 [R.S.].)

Bowen's Disease, Case of. OOUGEROT and BTRNIER. {Bnll. de la Soc. Franc, fieft fh> Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 594.)

Brant, Sebastian, De Pestilentiali Scorra Sive Impetigini Anni XC\'L \\. HRRiDDELL. {Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July, 1929, xx. No. 1, p. 03.)

Bromoderma Treated with Sodium Chloride. A. H. LANCASTER. (Southern Med.June, 1929, xxii. No. (i, p. 521.)

Cancer of Skin, Lip and Mouth, Radiotherapy for. I. J. MrurHY and S. L. ML RPHY.

{Radiological Review, March, 1929, Ii, No. 3, p. 12(i.)Cancer of the Lip, End-Results of Irradiation of. B. F. 8CHREINER. {Radiological

Reriew, June, 1929, Ii, No. 0, p. 235.)Cat Scabies in Human Beings. A. VON MALLINCKRODT-HAUPT. {Derm. Zeitschr.,

July. 1929, Iii, X,). 4, p. 232.)Circumcision Tuberculosis, Contribution to the Kno-wledge of Ritual. V. ZART'BTN.

[Dfnn. \\<>ih(,,srhr., July (>th, 1H29. lxxxix. No. 27, p. 995.)Complement-Fixation in Foot and Mouth Disease, The Reaction of, as a :\Ieans of Identi-

fying the Different Types of Virus. A. CIUCA. {Journ. Hygiene, February,1929, xxviii, No. 4, p. 325.)

Creeping Eruption, Some Observations on. J. L. KTRBY-SMITH, W . E . DOVE audG. F. WHITE. {Amer. Journ. Trop. Med., May, 1929, ix. No. 3, p. 179.)

'* Cultures of Donovan Bodies,*' Remarks on the So-called. Sir ALDO CASTELLANI

and R. W. MENDELSON. [Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg.. June 1st, 1929, xxxii,No. 11, p. 148.)

Cutis Rhomboidalis Nuchae, Countryman's Skin Epithelioma. OPPENHEIM. {Zentralhl.f. Haut-u. (Jeschkchtskrankheiten, July 5th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 553.)

Darier's Dyskeratosis. E. K. NEMETH. {Zentralhl. f. Haitt-u. Geachlechfshrankheiten,July 2(»th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12, p. 695.)

Dermatitis, tJiopsy of Lichcnoid and Purpuric. GOUGEROT, ELIASCHKFK ajul 1'. BLL .M.

{Bull, de la Soc. Frang. de Denn. et de Syph,, June, 1929, xxxvi. No. (i,p. 570.)

Dermatitis, BUUOUH Public Bath and .Meadow. A. FESSLER. {JJerm. Zeitschr., July,I!t2!>, Hi, No. 4, p. 200.)

Dermatitis Exfoliativa after Infancy, o. BAUMLEH. {Jahrh. f. Kinderheilk., March,1!)29, lxxiii, Nos. 3 and 4, p. 170.)

Dermatitis Exfoliativa Neonatorum (Ritter von Rittersheim), On the .Etiology of. A.SOLLEWIJN GELPKE. {Nederland. Tijd^chr. v. Geneesk., June 22nd, 192!t,lxxiii, No. 25, p. 2947.)

Dermatitis of the Legs with Secondary Licheniflcation. J. (JAT6, G. BOSONNET, P.MICHEL and A. VIDAL. {Hull, de la Soc, Frarn,'. de Derm, et de Syph., June,1920, xxxvi. No. (i, p. 331 \n.h.l)



Dermatitis Venenata, L^ntoward Reactions following Toxin Treatment for. H. J.TEMI'LETON. {Arrh. of Derm, and Sijph., July, 1929, xx, X*). 1, p. S3.)

Dermatological Observations during the Course of Dengue (during the Athens Pandemicin 1928). N. DRACOUUDES. {Bull, de ia Soc. Franc, de Derm, et de Syph.,June, 192!t, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 612.)

Dermatology and General Medicine. (Leading Article.) (Lancet, August 24th, 1929,ccxvii. No. 5530, p. 39L)

Dermatology, Fifty Years of. Sir NORMAN WALKER. {Lancet, August 3rd, 1929,ccxvii. No. 5527, p. 209.)

Dermatology, Relationship of, to other Branches of Medicine. (Iettsomian Lecture.)H. \V. BARBER. {Lancet, August 24th, 1929, ccxvii, No. 5530, p. 363.)

Dermatophytes, (iencralities Concerning the. Alenioire VI: Natural Classification ofthe Dermatophytes. R. SABOURAUD. {Ann. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929,X, seiies vi. No. 6, p. 569.)

Dermatophytes, On the Faviform Degeneration and Transformation respectively ofour. A. ALKXAXDER. {Derm. Zeitschr., July, 1929, Hi, No. 4, p. 225.)

Dermatoses and Alcalosis, SPILLMANN, DROUET and VERAIN. (Bull, de la Soc. Franq.>lc Dirw. ct dr Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 30 [R.N.].)

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra. Sir ALDO CASTELLANI and C. W. DUVAL. {Journ. Trop.Med. and Hyg., June 1st, 1929, xxxii. No. 11, p. 149.)

Diathermy, Some Accidents in. R. HOMBRIA and J. SOTO. (Adas Dermo-Sifiliograficas,March, 1929. xxi, Xo. 6, p. 435.)

Discoloration of the Skin due to Mercury. L. HOLLANDER and H. L. BAER. {Arch.of Derm, and Syph., Juiy, 1929, xx. No. 1, p. 27.)

Diseases of the Skin, Local Treatment and Physico-Therapy in. W. KNOWSLEY SIBLEY.

[Vrul. and Cut. Review, July, 1929, xxxiii, Xo. 7, p. 433.)Dyskeratosis, Follicular Vegetating (Darier's Disease). A. A. FERNANDEZ, J. L. E.

MoNSERRAT and A. VAZQUEZ. (Revista Med. Latino-Americana, May, 1929,xiv, Xo. 164, p. 869.)

*'Dystrophia Unguium Mediana Canaliformis," On a Case of. E. LEDO. (AdasDernio-Sifiliograficas, April, 1929, xxi, X'o. 7, p. 491 ; and Ann. de Derm, et deSyph., July, 1929, x, series vi. No. 7, p. 765.)

Eczema, Infantile. C. O. KING {Southern Med. Journ., June, 1929, xxii. No. 6,p. 563.)

Eczema, Modern Conceptions on the .Etiology and Treatment of. H. C. SEMON.

(Clin. Journ., June 26th, 1929, lviii. No. 26, p. 301.)Eczema of the Inguino-Crurai Regions of an Infant, Marginated. L. PERIN. (Bull, de

la Soc. Fran<;. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 580.)Electro-Desiccation in Dermatology, Indications and Technique of. G. ARCHAJIBAULT

and A. MARIN. (.4////. tie Derm, et de Syph., July, 1929, x, series vi, No. 7,p. 759.)

Elephantiasis extrem. inf. on a Trophoneurotic Basis. \\ (;ENNER. (Hospit(tlstidende,XuvcinlxT 2\nh, 1928, Ixxi. Xo. 48. p. 49.)

Epidermodisplasia Verruciformis (Lewandowsky-Lutz). G. TORNABUONI. {Giorn. Ital.di Derm, e Sifih, June, 1929, Ixx, No. 3, p. 557.)

Epidermolysis Bullosa with Typical Familial Appearance. SVEND LOMHOLT. (Has-pitalstidende, November 22nd, 1928, Ixxi, No. 47, p. 29.)

Epidermomycoses, The. G. B. DOWLING. (Brit. Med. Journ., August 17th, 1929,No. 3580, p. 307.)

Epidermophytias, Acid Treatment of Tntertriginous. A. MARCHIONINI. (Derm.Zeitschr., July, 1929, lii. No. 4, p. 248.)



Epidermophytide in the Form of Post-Scarlatinal Desquamation of the Hands. S. M.PErK. (A7;//. Wochettsrhr., July 10th, 1929, viii. No. 29, p. 1357.)

Epidermophytosis (Dhobie Itch), Treatment of, with Castellani\'^ Fuchsin Paint.T. A. IMAXWELL. {Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg., June 1st, 1929, xxxii. No. 11,p. 148.)

Epidermophytosis, Some Phases of. E. WOOD RUGGLES. {X.Y. State Journ. of Med.,June 15th, 1929, xxix. No. 12, p. 740.)

Epithelioma, C(jmniencing Sclerodermiform ; Baso-cellular Sclerous Epithelioma.GoUGEROT, P. UHRY and 0. ELIASCHEFF. {Bull de la Soc. Fran<;. de de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 588.)

Epithelioma of Lip, Treatment by Radium Therapy. V. LENTH. {Radiological Review,March, 1929, li. No. 3, p. 132.)

Epithelioma of the Face in a Patient 73 Years of Age, Clinically Baso-Cellular, presentingan Krythemato-Squamous and Hyperkeratosic Dermatitis of the Two Forearms,with Comedonian Acne of the Face, due perhaps to Tar and large MelanicPapillary Naevus of the Fold of the Groin. J. NICOLAS, J. LACASSAGNE andJ. ROUSSET. {Bull de la Soc. Franc;, de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi.No. 6, p, 318 [R.L.].)

Epithelioma of the Scalp, Baso-Cellular Pigmentary. L. M. PAUTRIER and Diss. {Bullde la Soc. Franc^. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 22 [R.S.].)

Epithelioma of the Vulva, Case of. V. RICHE, G. VILLA and G. FAYOT. {Arch, de laSoc. des Sci. Med. de MontpelUer, April, 1929, x, No. 4, p. 198.)

Epithelioma of the Thigh. J. NICOLAS, G. MASSIA and J. ROUSSET. {Bull, de la SocFranc;, de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 333 [R.L.].)

Epithelioma, Sudoriparous. HUFSCHMITT and Diss. {Bull, de la Soc. Frang. de de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 27 [K.S.].)

Eruption following Vaccination, Generalized. MAIRE and WORINGER. {Bull, de laSoc. Fnnir. de Derm, et de Syph.. June. 1929, xxxvi, N<i. (i, p. 5 [R.S.].)

Eruption of Confluent Papules of Lichen Planus on the Surfaces Irradiated during theCourse of Radiculo-MeduUary Radiotherapic Treatment of this Affection. J.NICOLAS and J. ROUSSET. [Bitll. de la Soc. Franq. de Derm, et de Syph., June,1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 312 [R.L.].)

Eruption of Trunk and Limbs of Polymorphous Erythema Type following Acute Ton-sillitis, Generalized. P. LANZENBERG and CHAUMERLIAC. {Bull, de la Soc.Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 6 [R.S.].)

Erysipelas, Facial. D. SEEGAL and B. C. SEEGAL. {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, August10th, 1929, xciii. No. <i, p. 430.)

Erysipelas, Report of a Case. A. WILMOT JACOBSEN. {Journ. Atner. Med. Assoc,August 3rd, 1929, xciii. No. 5, p. 374.)

Erythema, Case of Annular Centrifugal Pemphigoid. J. G. URUENA. {Bull de laSoc Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 015.)

Erythema, Infectious Niuth Day Erythemato-Purpuric Form. P. BLI.^L {Bull dcla Soc Franc;, cie Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929. xxxvi. No. (i, p. 588.)

Erythema Multiforme of the Skin and Buccal Mucous Membrane. H KVCK. {Zentralbl f.Haut-u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, July 20th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12, p. 089.)

Erythema Nodosum with Negative Tuberculin Tests, Cases of. E. LAGERGREN. {Amer.Rev. Tuberc, April, 1929, xix. No. 4. p. 447.)

Erythema, Nodular, Manifestation of Primary Tubercular Tnfectiou. L. BERNARD

and J. PARAF. {Ann. de Med., May. 1929, xxv. No. 4, p. 351.)

Erythema, On the Question of the Incubation Duration of Nodular. I. LuNDius.{Acta Tuber. Scan.. 1929, iv. No. 3, p. 25G.)



Exanthema, On the .Etiology of Post-Vaccinal. 0. GANS. {Klin. Wochenschr., July30th, 1920, viii. No. 31, p. 1444.)

Exanthema, Sudden. I). TEITEL. (Arch, de Mid. des Enf., June, 1029, xxxii,No. 0, p. 327.)

" Fausse Teigne." P. PHOTINOS. (Ann. de Derm, et de Syph., July, 1929, x,series vi, No. 7, p. 743.)

Febrile Affection with Exanthema Contracted in the Sahara, Note on a. J. L. Ci:ARD.(.4/T^. de Mid. et de Phar. Milit.. February, 1920, xc. No. 2, p. 231.)

Fever, Exanthematic. D. OLMER and J. OLMER. (Rev. d'Hyg., July, 1020, Ii, No. 7,p. 473.)

Foot Ringworm among College Students, Incidence of. R. T. LEGGE, L. BONAR andH. J. TEMPLETON. {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 20th, 1020, xciii. No. 3,p. 170.)

Fox-Fordyce Disease in a Young Man. L. M. PAUTRIER. [Bull, de la Soc. Frant;. deDerm, et de Syj^h., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 13 [R.S.].)

Frost Injuries and their Complication with Tuberculosis. O. DITTRICH. (Derm.M'ochenschr., July 20th, 1920, lxxxix. No. 20, p. 1050.)

Gangrene, A Case of Puerperal. W. J. STEVENS. (Canadian Med. Assoc. Journ., June,1020, XX, No. 0, p. 042.)

Gold Sodium Thiosuiphate, Treatment of Leukoderma with. H. C. L. LINDSAY. {Arch.of Derm, and Syph., July, 1029, xx. No. 1, p. 22.)

Gold Therapy in Lupus Erythematosus and Other Dermatoses. G. RIVELLONI. (Giorn.Ital. di Derm, e Sifilo, June, 1029, lxx. No. 3, p. 502.)

Hsemoglobinuria and Urticaria from Cold Occurring Singly or in Combination, Observa-tions referring especially to the Mechanism of Urticaria, with some Remarksupon Raynaud's Disease. K. E. HARRIS, T. LEWIS and JANET M. VAUGHAN.

{Heart, 1920, xiv. No. 4, p. 305.)Hair-Dyeing Methods, Injury to Health from. SCHRADER. {Deutsch. med. Wochenschr.,

July 20th, 1020, lv. No. 3, p. 1207.)Hair Growth, A Consideration of the Mechanical Factors in. H. SHARLIT. {X.Y.

State Journ. of Med., August 15th, 1020, xxix. No. 16, p. 1003.)'* Hairy Tongue," An Organism Localized from Two Cases of. L. THOMPSON and

H. ]\I'»NTGOMERY\ [Joum. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 13th, 1020, xciii. No. 2,p. 114.)

Herpes Zoster and its Connection with Arsenic and with Varicella, A Note on. F.PARKES W'EBER. [Brit. Journ. Child, Dis., April-June, 1020, xxvi, Nos. 304-306,p. 108.)

Herpes Zoster and Varicella. I. H. MCCAW. (Brit. Med. Journ., August 3rd, 1920,No. 3578, p. 230.)

Herpes Zoster and Varicella. D. VSTEWART. {Med. Journ. Austral., June 1st, 1029,i. Kith year. No. 22, p. 745.)

Herpes Zoster Otiticus. G. (TUASCHINO. [VOspedale Maggiore, April 30th, 1020,xvii. No. 4, p. 101.)

Herpetic Infection, with Special Reference to Involvement of the Nervous System.E. W. GooDPASTURE. (Mediciiie. May, 1929, viii. No. 2, p. 223.)

High-Frequency Currents in the Treatment of Disease of the Skin. W. KNOWSLEY

SiBLEY. (Brit. Journ. Actinotherapy, June, 1029, iv. No. 3, p. 57.)Hormones in the Dermatological Field, Garcia Trivino's Female Sexual. B. DE MEDINA.

(Actas Der mo-Sifiliograficas, April, 1929, xxi. No. 7, p. 480.)Hydroa, On the Treatment of Buccal. J. GATE, G. BOSONNET and P. MICHEL. (BUU,

de la Soc. Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1920, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 321 [R.L.].)



Hypersensitiveness to Heiminth Proteins. IL Cutaneous and Precipitin Tests withAscaris Extracts in Infected and Immunized Animals. F- A. COVENTRY.

(Journ.y Prerentive .l/>f/, .January, 1929, iii, X<j. 1, p. 4.3.)Ichthyosis of Sauriasis Type, Black. SPILLMANN. (Bull, de la Soc. Franc, de Derm.

et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 48 [R.N.].)

Impetigo Herpetiformis, Experimental Researches on. G. MILIAN. {Bull, de la Soc.Fran^. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. (1, j). 580.)

Infra-Red Rays, 8ome Physiological and Therapeutic Facts. Infra-Red in Dermatology.E. and H. BIANCANI. (Rer. Franq. de Derm, et de Vene.r., May, 1020, v, No. 5,p. 258.)

Iodides, Especially in Dermatology, The. VEYRITSIRES. (Rev. Frang. de Derm, et deVene.r., May, 1929, v. No. 5, p. 289.)

Iodlsan, a New Iodine Preparation in the Treatment of Suppurating Trichophytias of theBeard, On the Uwe of. E. P. FIDANZA. {Ann.df Derm. Hde Syph., ,}u\\\ Iit2i>,X. series vi. No. 7, p. 7.31.)

Iododerma and Bromoderma. W. H. <JOECKERMAN. [Minnesota Mtd., July, Iii2o,xii. No. 7, ]). 408.)

Ischaemia of One Finger. H. H. HAZEN. (Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July, 1029, xx.No. 1, p. 94.)

Itching Dermatoses, Treatment of. (Comments.) (Lancet, August loth, 1920, ccxvii.No. 5528, p. 312.)

Lepers in the United States, A Study of 718 (United States Public Health Service).[New England Journ. of Med., June 27th, 1029, ee. No. 20, p. 1302.)

Leprosy, An Unusual Case of Family Infeetion. E. A. N E F F and R. J. SNODGRASS.

{Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg., May 15th, 1929, xxxii. No. 10, p. 137.)Leprosy in a Peripheral Nerve. R. M. WILSON. {China Med. Journ., June, 1929, xJiii,

No. I), p. (>]7.)Leprosy in Manipur State. ( . G. CROZIER. (Ind. Med. Gazette, June, 1920, lxiv, No. 0,

p. 315.)Leprosy, Involvement of the Hairy Scalp i n ; A Report of Two Cases. E. A. N E F F

and R. J. SNODGRASS. (Journ. Trop. Med. and Hy<j., June 1st, 1929. xxxii.No. 11, p. 147.)

Leprosy, Newer Aspects of. (Current Comment.) (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, AugustlOth, 1929, xciii. No. 0, p. 4(32.)

Leprosy, Note on the Aeute Eruption of, Especially as Regards Leprous ErythemaNodosum. R. CASAZZA. (Giorn. ItaL di Derm, e Sifilo, June, 1020, lxx. No. 3,p. 529.)

Leprosy, Pulmonary Lesions in. J. SOTO and E. ENTERRIA. {Actas Dermo-Sifilio-graficas, Mareh, 1929, xxi. No. 0, p. 438.)

Leprosy, Some New Aspects of the /Etiology and Endemiology of. E. L. WALKER.

(Journ. Preventive Med., May, 1929, iii. No. 3, p. 107.)

Leprous Reaction, The. (Annotation.) {Lancet, July 27th, 1029, eexvii, No. 5520,p. IS:J.)

Lesions of Skin of the Neck, Persistence of Chronic, at the Site of an Old FurunculosisDeveloped Fifty Years Previously. <T. ]MILIAN. (Rer. Frang. de Derm, et deVener., May, 1929, v. No. 5, p. 287.)

Lesions of the Skin, The Diagnosis of Self-InHitted. J. H. STOKES and V. C. GARNER.

(Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, August 10th, 1029, xciii. No. 0, p. 438.)

Leuconychia Striata. E. W. NETHERTON. {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 13th.1929, xeiii. No. 2, p. 110.)



Lichen Planus, Buccal; Therapeutic Check by Medullo-Cervical Radiotherapy. MAIRE

and WORINGER. {Bull, de la Soc. Frant;. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi.No. 0, p. 4 [R.S.].)

Livedo Racemosa. RUSCH. (Zentralbl. f. Haul- u. Geschtechtskrankheiten, July oth,1H29, XXX, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 553.)

Lupus Erythematosus of the Cheek. V. VOLPE. (Raggi UUravioletti, March-April,]!l2fl. V. Xns. :{ and 4. p. H4.)

Lupus Erythematosus Treated with Gold and Sodium Thiosulphate, A Report of Thirty-two Cases. H. C. SAUNDKRS. (X.Y. iSiate Jourm. of Med., August 1st, 1929,xxix. No. 15, p. 942.)

Lupus Erythematosus Treated with Intravenous Injections of Gold Chloride. H. HAXT-

HAUSEN. (Hospitalstidende, November 22nd, 1928, Ixxi, No. 47, p. 34 ; andNovember 29th, 1928, No. 48, p. 56.)

Lupus Vulgaris. SVEND LOMHOLT. (Hospitalstidende, November 29th, 1928, Ixxi,No. 48, p. 64.)

Lupus Vulgaris and Erythematosus. H. MULLER. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechfs-krankheiten, July 5th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 559.)

Lupus Vulgaris, Exceptional Position of the Upper Lip in the Extension of. ST.RoTHMAN and W. KLEBE. {Derm. Wochenschr., July 13th, 1929, lxxxix. No. 28,p. 1019.)

Lupus Vulgaris, Treatment of. A. R. HALLAM. (Brit. Med. Journ., August 17th, 1929,Xn. .So8O. p. 307.)

Lymphogranulomatosis, Inguinal. J. FERNANDEZ DE LA PORTILLA. (Adas Dermo-Sifiliografcas, March, 1929, xxi. No. 6. p. 416.)

Milk Allergy in Infants. H. HALLARMAN. [Mcd. Journ. and Record, August 7th, 1929,cxxx, No. 3, p. 147.)

Molluscum Contagiosum. N. F, ARONSTAM. (Vrol. and Cut. Review, July, 19£9,xxxiii. No. 7, p. 44i .)

Molluscum Contagiosum and Turkish Baths. C. G. CROWLEY. (Med. Journ. Austral,June 15th, 1929, i, 16th year. No. 24, p. 806.)

Monilia Infections of the Hands and Feet. J. G. HOPKINS and R. W. BENHAM. (XeicYork State Journ. of Med., July 1st, 1929, xxix, No. 13, p. 793.)

Naevo-Carcinomas, Two Cases of. Rapidly Cured by Radiotherapy Associated withNegative Electrolysis. J. WATRIN. (Bull, de la Soc. Frang. de Derm, et deSyph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 40 [R.N.].)

Naevus, An Unusual Vascular. J. C. MICHAEL and W. A. CLARK. (Arch, of Derm.and Syph., July, 1929, xx, No. 1, p. 36.)

Neurodermitis Nodularis. E. LIEBNER. (Zentralbl. f. Hant- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten,July 20th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12, p. 693.)

Occupational Cancer in Cotton Workers. 8. A. HENRY. (Lancet, July 27th, 1929,ccxvii. No. 5526, p. 208.)

Onychopathies, A Preliminary Contribution to the Study of. N. E. ARONSTAM. {Amer,Med., April. 192!), xxxv. No. 4, p. 240; and May, 1929, No. 5, p. 30l.)

Pachyonychia Congenita. G. C. ANDREWS and S. STRUivnvASSER. (X.Y. State Journ.of Med., June 15th, 1929, xxix. No. 12, p. 747.)

Pellagra in Britain. (Editorial.) {Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg., July 1st, 1929,xxxii, No. 13, p. 185.)

Pellagra in Ohio. (Current Comment.) {Journ. Amer. Med, Assoc, August 10th, 1929,xciii. No. 6, p. 462.)

Pemphigus Neonatorum Acuta and Dermatitis Exfoliativa. L. KLUMPER. {Nederla7id.Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., June 15th, 1929, lxxiii, No. 24, p. 2861.1



Pemphigus, Subacute, Commencing as Bucco-pharyngeal, of Long Duration. L.SPILLMANN, CREHANGE and POLU. {Bull de la Soc Frang. de Derm, et de Syph.,June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 43 [R.N.].)

Pemphigus Vegetans, Case of Benign. GELB.TERG-HANSEN. {Hospitalstidende, November22nd. 1928, lxxi. No. 47, p. 31.)

Pemphigus Vulgaris. SVEND LOMHOLT. {Hospitalstidende, November 29th, 1928, lxxi.No. 48, p. 51.)

Pigmentation, A Note on. A. ROLLIER. {Brit. Journ. Actinotherapy, July, 1929, iv.No. 4, p. 78.)

Pigmented Growths of the Skin, Their Significance and Treatment. A. BENSON CANNON.

{N. Y. State Journ. cjf Med., July 15th, 1929, xxix. No. 14, p. 857.)Pityriasis Rubra, Improved then Cured, hy Antisyiihilitic Arsenical ^ edication. SPILL-

MANN. {Bull de la Soc Frang. de Derm, ei de Syph., June, 1929. xxxvi. No. (i,p. 49[R.N.].)

Poikiloderma Atrophicans Vasculare. K. PINTER. {Zentralbl. f. Hauf- v. Geschlechts-knnikheiten, July 2l)th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12, p. 090.)

Poikilodermia, Histological Study of a Case of. ADRIAN and Diss. [Bull, de la Soc.Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929. xxxvi. No. 0, p. 14 [R.S.].)

Polycythaemia Rubra. E. HOFMANN. {Zentralbl f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten,July 5th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 502.)

Polycythaemia Rubra, Results of X-Ray Application in E. D. DUBOWY. {Strahlen-therapie, April 17th, 1929, xxxii. No. 2. p. 343.)

Polyomyositis Tropica. P. B. VAN STEENIS. {Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhygiene, July,1929, xxxiii. No. 7, p. 407.)

Prurigo Furunculoid, or Furunculosis Pruriginosa. E. A. S.\INZ DE AJA. {AdasDermo-Sifiliofiraficas, April, 1929, xxi. No. 7, p. 457.)

Pruritus after Mumps. C. W. GREENWAY. {Brit. Med. Joum., August 17th, 1929,No. 2580. p. 330.)

Pruritus Ani. A. CASTELLANI. {Brit. Med Joum., July 0th, 1929. No. 3574, p. 31.)Pruritus Ani. E. G. FRENCH. {Brit. Med. Joum., July 13th, 1929, No. 3575, p. 75.)Pruritus Ani. A. E. MAYLARD. {Brit. Med. Journ., August 3rd, 1929, No. 3578, p. 221.)Pruritus Ani, Diet and, " Pantagruel.' ' {Brit. Med. Joum., August 17th, 1929, No.

3580, p. 330.)Pruritus Ani, Incidence of .^tiological Factors in. J. F. MONTAGUE. {Med. Joum.

and Record, July 17th, 1929, cxxx. No. 2, p. 03.)Psoriasis and Adiposo-Genital Syndrome. J. WATRIN. {Bull de la Soc Frang. de

Derm, et de Syph., June. 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 42 [R.N.].)

Psoriasis, First Experimental .Etiological Attempts at Studying, by Means of VaccinalTherapy. L. BORY. {Bull de la Soc Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929,x \ \ v i . No. 0, p. 003.)

Psychogenic Dermatitis. W. T. SA( K. {Med. Welt., June 8th, 1929. iii. No. 23. p. 815.)Purpura, Allergic. H. L. ALEXANDER and C. H. EYERMANN. {Journ. Amer. Med.

Assoc, June 22nd, 1929, xcii. No. 25, p. 2092.)Purpura Haemorrhagica without Thrombopenia, Familial. P. E. KOTHMAN and N. K.

NIXON. {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 0th, 1929, xciii. No. 1, p. IT).)Pyogenic Affections of the Skin. J. A. DRAKE. {Clin. Joum., August 14th, 1929,

lviii. No. 33, p. 385.)Radio-Dermatitis, A Case of. U. V. PORTMANN. {Radiology, July. 1929, xiii. No. 1,

p. 43.)Rat-Bite Fever; Report of a Case. A. M. DICKINSON. (.V.}'. State Joum. of Med

July 15th, 1929. xxix. No. 14. p. 804.)



Rat-Bite Fever, Report of a Case of. W. J. ROSE. {Bull. Buffalo Gen. Hosp., June,1020, vii. No. 1, p. 20.)

Raynaud's Disease, Bone Changes in, as Revealed by the Roentgen Ray. K. KORN-

BLU31. {Amer. Journ. Roentgen, and Radium. Ther., May, 1920, xxi. No. 5,p. 44S.)

Raynaud's Phenomenon Treated by Physical Measures. C. R. BROOKE. {PhysicalTherapeutics, April, 1029, xlvii. No. 4, p. 215.)

Ringworm Fungus, On Infection of the Hair " in Vitro" by. A. TOMA. { Derm, rt de Syph., June, 1020, x, series vi. No. 0, p. 041.)

Ringworm of the Hands and Feet. E. ALMORE GAUVAIN. (Lon^ Island Med. Journ.,June, 1029, xxiii. No. 6, p. 306.)

Ringworm Treated by Acetate of Thallium Epilation, First Results of. L. M. PAUTRIER

and WoRiNGER. (Bull, de la Soc. Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929,xxxvi. No. 0, p. 15 [R.S.].)

Rodent Impetigo and Endocarditis. G. MILIAN, NATIVELLE and CAKOLI. (Bull, de laSoc. Franc^. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1020, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 582.)

Sandflies and Leishmaniasis in Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia, The Distribution of.S. ADLEK and O. THEODOR. {Ann. Trop. Med. and ParasitoL, June 27th, 1020,xxiii. No. 2, p. 209.)

Sarcoid of the Cheeks. SVEND LOMHOLT. (Hospitalstidende, November 22nd, 1928,lxxi. No. 47, p. 22.)

Sarcoma Developing after Radium Treatment of Epithelioma in the Temporal Region,A Case of. A. WAGNEK. (Acta Radiologica, October 15th, 1928, ix. No. 4,p. 270.)

Scabies Norvegica, On a Case of. H. SPRAFKE. {Derm. Wochenschr., July 13th, 1929,lxxxix. No. 28, p. 1021.)

Schamberg's Disease. EPSTEIN. {Zentralbl. f, Haut- u. Geschhchtskrankheiten, July5th, 1020, xxx, Nos. 0 and 10, p. 550.)

Schamberg's Pigmentary Progressive Disease, On. A. PROKOPTCHOUK. {Rev. Frayig.'le Derm, et de Veitir., May, 1029, v. No. 5, p. 276.)

Sclerodermia and Sclerodactylia, Extensive. HEUCK. {Zentralhl. / . Haut- u. Gesch-hchtskrankheiten, July 20th, 1920, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12. p. 080.)

Scleroma. KERL. {Zentralbl. / . Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, July 5th, 1920, xxx,Nos. 0 and 10, p. 555.)

Serum Disease and Anaphylaxis. A. BUSCHKE and A. JOSEPH. (Med, Welt., June20th, 1020, iii. No. 20, p. 020.)

Skin Cancer, Intiuence of Ultra-Violet Irradiation on the Production of. (Editorial.)(Arch, of Phys. Therapy, X-Ray, Radium, April, 1920, x, 'No. 4, p. 177.)

Skin as Sense Organ, The. M, COMEL. (Giorn. Ital, di Derm, e Sijilo, June, 1920,lxx. No. 3, p. 051.)

Skin Changes from Laying Out a Frozen Corpse, Peculiar. M. STAEMMLER. (Derm.Wochenschr., July 0th, 102!), lxxxix. No. 27, p. 975.)

Skin Diseases, Treatment of Non-Malignant. H, W. GROTE. (Illinois Med. Journ.,June, 1920, lv. No. 0, p. 422.)

Skin Eruptions in Enteric Diseases, On Rare. S. K. ROSENTHAL. (Derm. Wochenschr.,July 0th, 1920, lxxxix. No. 27, p. 081.)

Skin in Scarlatina; The Histological Study. N. KRITCH, A. PACHINE and P. SIDOROW,

(Arch, de Mid, des Enf,, June, 1920, xxxii. No. 0, p. 313.)Skin Irritation in Icterus, On the Nature and Treatment of. E. ROSENTHAL. (Therapie

der Gegenwart, July, 1029, lxx. No. 7, p. 297.)



Skin, Nervous Control of the Electrical Resistance of the. C. P. RICHTER. (Bull. JohnsHopkins IIosp., July, 1020, xlv. No. 1, p. 50.)

Skin, Organ of Anti-Tuberculous Immunization, The. P. WORINGER. (Ann. deMed., May, 1929, xxv. No. 4, p. .301.)

Skin Reaction with Fermented Tuberculin. A. KOMIS. (Beitrdge z. Klin, der Tuber-kulose, April 25th, 1929, Ixxi, Nos. 5 and 0, p. 700.)

Skin, Secretory Function and Thermo-Registration of the. M. COMEL. {Giorn. ItaL diDerm, e Sifilo, June, 1929, lxx. No. 3, p. 082.)

Skin Tuberculosis, Statistic Investigations into. W. ALBERT. {Strahlentherapie,April 17th, 1920, xxxii. No. 2, p. 300.)

Smallpox and Vaccination. F. EBERSON. (California and Western Med., June, 1020,XXX, No. 0, p. 401.)

Smallpox and Vaccination. K. PIERRET. {Biol. Med., May, 1020, xix. No. 5, p. 231.)Smallpox, The Control of. G. F. BucHAN and A. F. CAMERON. {Public Health, June,

1020, xlii. No. 0, p. 283.)Smallpox, The Recent Outbreak of. Introduced from India by the S.S. '' Tuscania.' '

A. S. M. MACGREGOR. {Glasgow Med. Journ., June, 1920, cxi. No. 0.p. 332.)

Smallpox, The Treatment of, by the Withdrawal of Light. R. KING BROWN. {Brit.Journ. Actinotherapy, June, 1029, iv. No. 3, p. 00.)

Snakes and the Antivenin Treatment, Poisonous. .AI. L. CRIMMINS. {Southern Med.Journ., July, 1020, xxii, No. 7, p. 003.)

Solar Dermatitis. (Current Comment.) (Brit. Journ. Actinotherapy, July, 1020, iv.No. 4, p. 70.)

Striae Cutis Distensae, On the Pathogenesis of. F. LASCH. {Derm. Wochenschr., July0th, 1020, lxxxix. No. 27, p. 978.)

Strontiuran in Dermatology. E. SCHUBERT. {Derm. Wochenschr., July 13th, 1020,lxxxix. No. 28, p. 1028.)

Sweating by Mental Stress, On, Ineluding Characteri.sties of Sweating from the Palmsof the Hands and Soles of the Feet in Man. T. KOSAKA. {Journ. Oriental Med.,June, 1020, x. No. 6, p. 75.)

Sycosis Barbae. J. T. INGRAM. {BriL Med. Journ., August 17th, 1929, No. 2580.p. 307.)

Teak Wood Dermatitis. VONKENNEL. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten,July 20th, 1020, xxx, Nos. 11 and 12, p. 001.)

Thallium Acetate, Biological Action of. A. BUSCHKE and B. PEISER. {Giom. itnl. iliDerm, e Sifilo, June, 1929, lxx. No. 3, p. 585.)

Thallium, More Deaths from. (Current Comment.) {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc,July 13th, 1929, xeiii. No. 2, p. 122.)

Tinea Amiantacea. S. W. BECKER and K. B. MUIR. {Arch, of Derm, and Syph.,July, 1929, XX, No. 1, p. 45.)

Tuberculide, Acneiform. H. C. S. FINSEN. {, November 22nd, 102S,Ixxi, No. 47, p. 17.)

Tuberculide en nappe, Erythemato-Papulous : [ntradermo-Reaetion to the Tuberculinsimilar to the Lesion. GOUGEROT, J. MEYER and R. COHEN. {Bull, de la SocFrang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1020, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 587.)

Tuberculides, Papulo-Squamous Atrophic, and Lupus Erythematosus. H. GOUGEROT

and P. BLUM. {Bull, de la Soc Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1020, xxxvi.No. 0, p. 587.)

Tuberculin Therapy, Intra-dermic. J. S. COVISA and K. DE LA CUESTA. {Actas Dermo-Sifiliografleas, April, 1929, xxi, No. 7, p. 475.)



Tuberculoids of the Thorax, Erythemato-Atrophic. SPILLMANN and WATRIN. {Bullde la Soc. Fran<}. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 41 [R.-N.].)

Tuberculoma of the Lower Lip, Primary. D. Auoi and H. L. GUILBERT. {Arch, de laSor. des Sci. Med. de Montpellier, May, 1929, x. No. 5, p. 200.)

Tuberculosis following Measles, Verrucous Disseminated. A. S^ZARY and POUIMAILLOUX.

(Bull, dc hi Sor. Franr. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. C, p. 597.)Tuberculosis of the Fourth Right Toe, Verrucous; Tuberculous Chondro-Co.stal Osteitis.

J. NICOLAS, J. LACASSAGNE and J. ROUSSET. (Bull, de la Soc Frang. deDerm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi, No. 6, p. 338 [R.L.].)

Tularaemia. (Editorial.) (Canadian Public Health Journ., February. 1929, xx. No. 2,p. 93.)

Tularaemia in Minnesota. E. C. HANSON and R. G. GREEN. (Journ. Amer. Med.Assoc, June 8th, 1929, xcii. No. 23, p. 1920.)

Tularaemia, Report of Cases. C. L. STEALY and D. MILLER. (California and WesternMed., June, 1929, xxx. No. 0, p. 418.)

Typhobacillosis Evolved with Polymorphous Erythema, Absolute Cure of Nine and a HalfYears Duration. G. CAUSSADE. (Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. Med. des H6p. deParis, July lst, 1929, xiv, series 3, No. 22, p. 820.)

Ultra-Violet Light and the Appearance of Skin Cancer. ST. ROTHMAN and L. BERN-

UARDT. (Klifi. Wochenschr., July 30th, I!t29, viii. No. 31, p. 1458.)Urticaria, Chronic. J. N. ROUSSEL. (Southern, Med. Journ. July, 1929, xxii. No. 7,

p. 008.)Urticaria, Studies in. A. WALZER. (N.Y. State Journ. of Med., August lst, 1929,

xxix, No. 15, p. 933.)Urticaria, The Search for an Underlying Agent. R. H. RULISON and J. V. LICHTEN-

STEiN. (A'. Y. State Journ. of Med., August lst, 1929, xxix, No. 15, p. 929.)Vaccinotherapy of the Mycoses, Attempt at; Claso-Vaccine and Toxin Filtrate. MONT-

LAUR. (Bull, (le la Sor. Fran(;. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 6p. 508.)

Warts, Radium Treatment on Plantar. W. E. COSTOLOW. (Radiological Review,March. 1929, Ii. No. 3, p. 10.)

Washing Substance Allergy. BERNSTEIN. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten,July 5th, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 561.)

Wiiian, Portraits of Robert. J. E. LANE. {Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July, 1929, xx.No. 1, ]). 54.)

Wood's (Ultra-Violet) Light in Dermatology. J. MARGAROT and P. DEVEZE. ( Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, x, series vi. No. 0, p. 581.)

Yeast and Irradiated Ergosterol in the Treatment of Acrodynia. S. J. ^MCCLENDON.

(Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, August 10th, 1929, xciii. No. 0, p. 455.)Yeasts, Microbiological and Humoral Researches concerning, in 137 Patients suffering

from Various Dermatoses. F. RAVAUT, RABEAU, LONGHIN and SLOIMOVICI.

(Bull, de la Soc Fran<;. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 607.)Zona, Contribution to tho Question of. 8. A. GLAUBERSOHN and R. A. VIT>LFAND.

(An7i. de Derm, et dc Syph., June. 1929, x, series vi. No. 6, p. 609.)


Agranulocytosic Syndromes followed by Cure in Two Syphilitics, Treated, One byNovarsenobenzol, the Other by Bismuth. MouQUiN and FLEURY. {Bull, etMhn. de la Soc Med. des Hop. de Paris, June 10th, 1920, xiv, series 3, No. 19,p. 093.)



Agranulocytosis, Case of Post-Arsenobenzolic, without either Angina or Haemorrhage.GuLGEROT, BARTH6LEMY and P. UHRY. {Bull, de la Soc. Frang. de Derm, et deSyph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 590.)

Agranulocytosis in Syphilitics Treated with Acetylarsan and Bismuth, Two Cases of.C. AuBEKTiN, BLANCSTEIN and P. LEHMANN. {Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. Med.des H6p. de Paris, June 3rd, 1929, xiv, .series 3, No. 18, p. 078.)

Amenorrhcea, Sy])hilitic. MILIAN and P 6 R I N . {Bull et Mem. de la Soc Med. des Faris, June 17th, 1929, xiv, series 3, No. 20, p. 730.)

Arsenic, Bismuth and Mercury Resistance in Syphilis. .Etiological and TherapeuticProblem of. M. GARRIGA. {Actas Dermo-Sifiliografic-as, April, I!t29, xxi, Xr) 7,p. 459.)

Autohsemotherapy in Syphilis. (Annotation.) {Lancet, August 3rd, l!)29, ccxvii,Xo. .")r)27. i>. 24(1.)

Available Means of Combating Syphilis, The Actual Value of the. L. BORV. {Med.Press and Circular, August 7th, 1929, cxxviii, N.S., No. 4709, p. 107 ; andAugust 14th, 1929, No. 4710, p. 122.)

Bismuth, Bil)li()graphy of. P. BOYER. {Ann. des Mai Ven., June, 1929, xxiv.No. 6 bis, p. 481.)

Bismuth is Absorbed. M. L. BOYD. {Joum. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 27th, 1921*,xciii, No. 4, p. 209.)

Brain Syphilis; Case Report. A. BRUSH. {Long Island Med. Joum., May, 1929, xxiii,No. 5, p. 278.)

Bubo, Some Cases of After-Examination of Patients with so-called Strumous. G.WiLLNKRS. {Acta Med. Scand., Juno I2th, 1929, lxxi, Nos. 1 and 2, p. 04.)

Cardiac Syphilis with Ventricular Aneurysms, A Case of. H. COOKSOX. [Brit. Med.Joum., July 20th, 1929, No. 3570, p. 94.)

Central Nervous System, Experimental Syphilis of the. 1. L. KRITSCHEWSKI. {Klin.Wochenschr., July 2nd, 1929, viii. No. 27, p. 1259.)

Cerebro-spinal Syphilis, Arsphenaminized Serum Therapy of; Report of One HundredCases. H. S. BLESSE. {Joum. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 20th, 1929, xciii,No. 3, p. 175.)

Chancre and Venereal Adenitis ; Relapsing Posterior Appearance of Fresh Gangrenous(Chancre. M. GARRIGA. {Aetas Dermo-Sijiliograficas, March, 1929, xxi. No. 0,p. 420.)

Chancre, (Airious Pigmentary Evolution of a Cicatrice of Syphilitic. BELGODERE.

{Am/, dfs Mai !>'».. June, 1929, xxiv. No. <), p. 441.)Cholesterol Studies in Syphilis. I. ROSEN and F. KRASNOW. {Arch, of Derm, and

Sifph., July, 11»29, w . Xo. 1, p. 75.)Congenitally Syphilitic Children, Destructive Bone Changes in. B. KPSTEIN and K.

PoDViNKC. {Monatsschr. f. Kinderheilk., June, 1929, xliii. No. 4, p. 3it7.)Dermosyphilography, Practical. J. FERNANDEZ DE LA PORTILLA. {Ada^ Der mo-

Sifiliograficas, April, 1929, xxi. No. 7, p. 470.)Emanuel and Rosenfeld*s Mastix-Lumbo-Test Reaction, Kci)ly to W. Riebe's Work nn.

G. EMANUEL and H. HOSENFELD. {Derm. Wochenschr., July 13th. 1929, lxxxix.No. 28, p. 1035.)

Endarteritis, Syphilitic Peripheral. E. ENTERRIA. {Actas Der mo-Sifiliograficas, April.1929, xxi, No. 7, p. 472.)

Eye Lesions in Patients with Positive Wassermann Reactions. V. H. RODIN and J. G.('AUS(JN. {Joum. Amer. Med. Assoc, August ;Jrd, ll>2!», xciii. No. 5, p. 300.)

FrambCESia, On the Treatment of. G. P U F F . {Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhygiene, July,1929, xxxiii, No. 7, p. 388.)



General Paralysis of the Insane, Treatment of; Results of Malarial Therapy. (SpecialArticle; Report.) E. T. MEAGHER. (Lancet, August 24th, 1920, ccxvii. No.553(t, p. 402.)

Granuloma Inguinale Resembling a Primary Chancre. C. ALLAN BIRCH. (Brit. Med.Join,,., All-list 24th, 1929, No. 3581, p. 345.)

" Guttadiaphot *' Method, Some Remarks on the Nature and Praetical Significance ofthr. V. SCHILLING. (Derm. Zeitschr., July, 1929, lii. No. 4, p. 201.)

Heart and Aorta, Syphilis of the. J. COWAN and J. STEVENFAULDS. (Brit. Med.Journ., August 17th, 1020, No. 3580, p. 285.)

Hepatic Syphilis. F. D ARBELA. (Med. World, July 5th, 1020, xxx. No. 18, p. 324.)Hydromineral Sulphur Cures in the Treatment of Syphilitics. A. BOUTELIER. (Ann.

des Mai. Vfn., June. 1020, No. 0, p. 401.)Immunity Processes of Syphilis, Investigations into the. H. KROO and F. O. SCHULTZE.

{Klin. Wochenschr., June 25th, 1020, viii. No. 26, p. 1203.)Keratoses due to Acetylarsan Treatment, Arsenical. LORTAT-JACOB and SOLENTE.

{Bull, dc la Soc. Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1020. xxxvi, p. 505.)Laboratory Tests for Syphilis, The League of Nations Conference on. R. L. KAHN.

[Joiini. A/ner. Mtd. Assoc, August 3rd. 1929. xciii. No. 5, p. 351.)Latent Syphilis, Evidence (tf the [nfectiosity of the Sperma in. (T. KEETJESZ. {Zentralbl.

f. Haut' u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, July 20th, 1020, xxx. Nos. 11 and 12.p. 097.)

Latent Syphilis, Lesions of. A. S. WARTHIN. (Brit. Med. Journ., August 10th, 1929,No. 3570, p. 230,)

Latent Syphilis, On the Question of the Treatment of. O. NAEGELI. {Schweiz. med.Wochenschr., July 0th, 1020, lix. No. 27, p. 007.)

Lesions of the Bones, Joints and Muscles, Syphilitic. R. BERNARD. (Bruxelles Med.,July 7th, 1020, ix. No. 3)). p. 1011.)

Lues Cerebrospinalis (4 Cases). DAMBOLT. {Zentralbl. /. Haut-u. Geschlechtskrank-heiten, July 5th, 1020. xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 570.)

Malarial Therapy in Progressive Paralysis. E. ]MEDEA. (// PoUclinico [Pract. Seet.],July 1st. 1020. xxxvi. No. 2li. ]). 024.)

Malarial Therapy in Tabes Dorsalis. M. ARTOM. {Giom. ItaL di Derm, e Sifilo, June,1020. lxx. No. 3. p. (ilO.)

Malarial Therapy of General Paralysis, indications. Contraindications and Disturbancesof. J. LiEPiNE, L. BouRRAT, H. CHRISTY and E. LARRIV:E. (Journ, de Med, deLyon, June 20th, 1O2'.I, x. No. 227. p, 307.)

Malaria Treatment of General Paralysis. T. (4ERALD GARRY. (Brit. Med. Journ.,July 13th, 1929, No. 3575, p. 80.)

Meinicke Micro-Reaction, The. (T. DE M. RUDOLF. (Lancet, July 27th, 1020. ccxvii.No. 5520, p. 170.)

Meinicke's New Reaction. A. VALLS CONFORTO. {Arch, de Med. Cir. y Especial, June22nd. 1020, xxx. No. 25, p. 724.)

Meinicke's Turbidity Reaction, Experiments with Stained Antigen in, B. STEPOWSKI

and W. WROBLEWSKL (Med. Klinik, July 20th, 1020, xxv. No. 3, ]). 1174.)Mineral Water Resorts, Syphilities at. BLANC, FLURIN, HEITZ, PIERRET and SALLES.

(Ann. des Mai. Ven., June, 19204 xxiv. No. 0, p. 454.)Mineral Water Resorts, Syphilitics at. H. GOUGEROT. (Ann. des Mai. Ven., June.

1020, xxiv. No. 0, p. 448.)

Novarsenbenzolic Spasmodic Myopia. HKDSLOB and (J. lAvw (Bull, de la Soc Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 7 |R.S.].)



Orchi-Epididymitis with Verrucous Pubo-Scrotal Dermitis. Lesions probably (»fSyphilitic Origin. J. NICOLAS, J. LACASSAONE and J. ROI^SSET. (Bull, de laSoc. Franc, de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi, No. 0, ]>. 328 [K.L.].)

Parasyphilitic Affections of the Nervous System, The Intrathecal Treatment of. T.BRUNNER. (Lancet, July 20th, 1020, ccxvii. No. 5525, p. 117.)

Prophylactic Substances in Experimental Syphilis, A Further Contribution on. A. CMUN.

{Klin. Wochenschr., July 0th, 1929, viii, No. 28, p. 1310.)Sensitization and Allergic Phenomena of the Skin towards Salvarsan, On Experimental.

E. NATHAN and A. MUNK. {Klin. Wochenschr., July llith. 1929. viii. No. 29.p. 1354.)

Sero-Flocculation of Syphilis with Bile Antigen, The. P. G. CASTELLIXO. {Oinrn.Ital. di Derm, e Sijilo, June, 1920. lxx. No. 3, p. 045.)

Serologic Studies. II. A Clinical ('omparison ()f the Kolmcr Cumpleiucnt-Fixation andthe Kahn Precipitation Tests in Syphilitic and Non-Syphilitic Cases. M. C.MCINTYRE and R. L. GILMAN. {Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc, August 3rd, 1929,xciii. No. 5. p. 358.)

Spirochaete of Syphilis, Further Communications on the Biology and Staining' of tbe.S. BERGEL. {Klin. Wochenschr,, June 25tb. 1929. viii. No. 2(i. ].. 121S.) ,

Splenomegalia during the Course of Secondary Syphilis ; Rapid Improvement by Anti-Syphilitic Treatment. J. (JTATE, G. BOSONNET and P. MICHEL. {Bull, dp laSoc Frang. de Derm, et de Syph., June. 1929, xxxvi. No. ii, p. 32() [R.L.].)

Sterility Cured in a Patient with Taboparalysis by Malarial Therapy. M. \\ EISSMANN.

( \[ien. klin. Wftrhensrhr., June 27tb, 1920, xlit, \ o . 20, p. 878.)Symphysis of the Spleen with the Liver; Spontaneous Rupture of tbe Rigbt Ventricle

and Sypbilitir A(jrtitis. F. PARKES WEBER. {Brit. Med. Journ., July (ith,1920, No. 3574, p. 15.)

Syphilide, Ulcerative. SVEND LOMHOLT. {Hospitalstidende, November 22nd, 1028,lxxi. No. 47, p. 24.)

Syphilis. F. PINKUS and F. PRErss. {Med. Klinik, July lOtb, 1929, xxv. No. 29.p. 1143.)

Syphilis and Pregnancy. A. SIMPSON WELLS. (Journ. Med. Assoc S. Africa, June22nd, 1029, iii. No. 12, p. 331.)

Syphilis and Pregnancy; Result of Anti-Sypbilitic Treatment. A. FRUHINSHOLZ, J.W'ATKIN and H. VERMELIN. (Bull, de la Soc Franc^, de Dem/, pt de Syph., June,1929, xxxvi. No. 0, p. 30 [R.N.].)

Syphilis, Gastric, and of the Pancreas. G. CAUSSADE and G. LEVEN. [Bull, et la Soc Mid, des H6p. de Paris, July 1st, 1020, xlv, series iii. No. 22, p. 845.)

Syphilis in the Hospital, The Frequency of. A. BTTSCHKE and E. KAUFMANN. (Med.WdL, June 8tb, 1020, iii. No. 23, p. 812.)

Syphilis Indefinitely Prolonged, .Mercurial Treatment and oKL STILL.MANN. (Bull,'le la Soc. Franc^. de Derm, et de Syph., June, 1929, xxxvi. No. (i. p. 25 [R.N.] .)

Syphilis, Malignant Early. G. MILIAN and NATIVELLE. {Bull, dc la Soc. Frant;. deDerm, et de Syph., June, 1020, xxxvi. No. 6, p. 583.)

Syphilis, Resistant. M. JESSNER. {Zentralhl. f. Jhtut- u. Geschhchtskrankheiten, July5th, 1020, xxx, Nos. 0 and 10, p. 548.)

Syphilis Resistant to Treatment, Evolutive. J. GAT:6, H . GADICRE, (i. F^OSONNET andP. MICHEL. {Bull, de la Soc. Franq. de Derm, et de Syph., June. 1929, xxxvi.No. i\, p. 315 [R.L.].)

Tabes Dorsalis, Juvenile. 0. WORSTER-DROUGHT and F. C, DANVEHS-ATKINSON.

(Clin. Journ., July 24th, 1020, Iviii, No. 30, p. 35G.)



Tertiary Syphilis : Is it a Venereal Disease in the .Sense of the Law for CombatingVenereal Diseases ? A. HELLWIG. {Miinch. med. Wochenschr., -June 28th. 1929,lxxvi, Xo. 2(i. p. 1088.)

Tertiary Syphilis : Is it a Venereal Disease iu the Sense of the Law for CombatingVenereal Diseases. L. v. ZUMBUSCH. {Munch, med. Wochenschr., May 31st,U)29, lxxvi, No. 22, p. 92L)

Tuberculosis and Syphilis. (Editorial.) (Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg., June lst, 1929,xxxii. No. 11, p. 150.)

Ulcer of Tongue in a Boy, I^ate Syphilitic. J. JADASSOHX. {Zentralbl. f. Haul- u.Geschlechtskrankheiten, July Sth, 1929, xxx, Nos. 9 and 10, p. 547.)

Venereal Disease, Elimination of. J. W. BARRETT. {Brit. Med. Journ., July *ith, 1929,Xo. :i574, p. 32.)

Venereal Disease, Prevalence iu the City of New York. W. M. BRUNET. (Long LslandMrd. Journ., May, 1929, xxiii. No. 5, p. 296.)

Venereal Disease Problem, The Administrative Aspect of the. ^I. RORKE. {Journ.Shitr Mr<l., .May, 1929, xxxvii. No. 5, p. 289.)

Venereal Disease, The Campaign against. (The Week.) (Brit. Med. Journ., July13th, 1929, No. 3575, p. 61.)

Venereal Disease, The Campaign against ; Congress in London. Dame RACHEL

CROWDIK and others. (Brit. Med. Journ., July 20th, 1929, No. 3576, p. 115.)Venereal Disease, The Control of. E. TYTLER BURKE. (Public Health, May, 1929,

xlii, No. 8, p. 2()0.)Venereal Diseases, The Notification and Control of. A. K. CHALMERS, R. A. LYSTER

aud \\. ROBERTSON. {Public Health, January, 1929, xlii. No. 4, p. 104.)Verrugas Vulgaris and Venereal Vegetations, Notes ou. E. LEDO. {Actas Dermo-

Sijilingraficds, April, 1929, xxi. No. 7, p. 485.)Virus, Anatomo-Cliuical Researches on the Problem of the Syphilitic. M. G. MAKINESCO.

(Aiut. rle Derm, et de Syph., July, 1929, x, series vi. No. 7, p. 681.)Visceral Syphilis, On the Diagnostic Value of Isolated Pupillary Symptoms iu. R. A.

LuRiA. (Deutsch. med. Wochenschr., June 21st, 1929, Iv. No. 25, p. 1037.)Wassermann Reaction, The Spirochaeticidal Activity of the Human Syphilitic Serum

aud the Immunologic Significance of the. J. A. KOLMER aud A. M. RULE.

(Arch, of Derm, and Syph., July, 1929, xx. No. 1, p. 90.)Wassermann Reaction with Active Serum, On the Technique of the. E. S. PEREORIX.

{Actas Deriiio-SifiUograficas, March, 1929, xxi, No. 6, p. 403.)X-Rays Spinal Application in Leprosy and in Tabes and the Mechanism of their Action.

G. TRUFFL (Uiorn. Ital. di Derm, e Sijilo, June, 1929, Ixx, No. 3, p. 573.)


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