
Summer Conference


Thoughts and Ramblings from the Program Director

Well, another summer of conferences has come and gone. I hope, by now, you all have gotten some much deserved rest.. gotten your cell phone fix... and ate something besides camp food. We had a great summer. I saw lots of lives changed and lots of “bridges” begin their construction. I say this a lot, but Bridge Builders is way more than just some summer camp or just another leadership program.. this is a way of life. Bridge Builders seeks to develop ordinary youth into extraordinary leaders (that’s even written on the sign outside our office). I believe in this program so much, that I’ve made it my career. I don’t just have a job... I have the opportunity to help shape the lives of the future leaders of our state (I’m talking about you, by the way). You see, Bridge Builders helps you see the world in a new way. I think it helps you see LEADERSHIP in a new way. Lots of people say that are a leader or “know about” leadership. But, I believe you guys ARE leaders. I saw it in each and every one of you over the past few weeks. THE TIME IS NOW for you to act on what you learned while you were at your leadership conference. Remember the rules of game? Rule #4: If you’re tapped 3 times, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! That’s not just a rule for that game... it’s a rule for you as a Bridge Builder. We’ve given you the tools, led you through the activities, discussions, and debriefs.. now it’s up to you to take what you’ve learned and go out and use it. So, I’ll end (or begin, whichever way you look at it) with this: You’ve been tapped 3 times: DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!




The End

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