Page 1: STORIONE HP caviar , · 2019. 8. 2. · Homemade Caviar Chocolate We sell homemade caviar chocolate at our shop. We ordered carefully selected

I f you have any other requests , p lease do not hes i ta te to ask the s ta f f .Al l l i s ted pr ices are wi thout tax .

表示価格は、全て税抜きとなっております。 その他ご要望がございましたら、スタッフにまでお気軽にお申し付けください。

Depending on the season and purchas ing s i tuat ion, menu contents may be changed.


cav iar .


30g ¥9,800(ギフトボックス付き)



30g×3 種類 ¥1,500(ギフトボックス付き)



他にはない、『trattoria STORIONE』オリジナルのキャビアを、



Homemade Caviar

We se l l homemade cav iar a t our shop.

Chef wi l l make cav iar us ing domest ic s turgeon.

"Trat tor ia STORIONE" Please enjoy the or ig ina l cav iar .

This i tem is l imi ted in quant i ty . Please do not hes i ta te to

contact us when purchas ing .







Homemade Caviar Chocola te

We se l l homemade cav iar chocola te a t our shop.

We ordered careful ly se lec ted cacao beans to France and f in ished

wi th or ig ina l rec ipe.We prepare three types of tas te : b i t ter · whi te · caramel .

Recommended for g i f t s to your prec ious person.

This i tem is l imi ted in quant i ty . Please do not hes i ta te to

contact us when purchas ing .

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