
State of the Social Media Election September 24, 2012

Obama leads Romney in social mentions

Aggregate view from 8/15 to 9/24.

View by date 8/15 to 9/24.

Ryan has a wide margin on Biden

Aggregate view from 8/15 to 9/24.

View by date 8/15 to 9/24.

The campaigns are a virtual tie

When the campaigns are viewed together, social media mindshare is split about even:

• Team Obama: 50.27% • Team Romney: 49.74%

Campaign issues in social mediaTop campaign issues on social media:1. Taxes2. Heath care3. Economy4. Debt5. Budget

Taxes remain a top issue, fueled in part by Romney’s most recent tax return release. Health care is a signature issue of the Obama administration. The economy continues to drag with unemployment above 8%. The national debt recently crossed the $16 trillion threshold. The budget is a continual hot topic in light of the looming “fiscal cliff.”

The most influential tweeters

The President’s bully pulpit extends to social media, while both sides have online detractors trading barbs. As indicated here, comedians Chris Rock and Dennis Miller are rather prolific with their views. Note: This Chris Rock account is not verified by Twitter.

Continually updated on the Vocus blog:

o 9/11: #Election2012: DNC Convention Beats RNC Convention on Social Mediao 9/4: #Election2012: A Tight Social Media Race as DNC Convention Beginso 8/29: #Election2012: Taxes Are The Number One Issue, Says Social Mediao 8/27: #Election2012: Is Romney Absorbing Ryan’s Social Media Buzz?o 8/21: #Election2012: Which Candidate Has More Social Media Influence?o 8/20: #Election2012 Social Race: Can Social Media Predict the Election?

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