
St Peter’s Newsletter 16, Green Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 4EA Phone 0161 483 3476 Fax 0161 419 9592 email [email protected]

Fr Peter Sharrocks [email protected] Part of the Mother of God Local Pastoral

Area In Stockport You are all welcome to our Church

We warmly welcome you all to St Peter’s. To help those who might not be familiar with the words of

the Mass, some booklets and leaflets are available at the back of the Church. Please ask a Welcomer for

one. New parishioners are invited to fill in one of the forms at the back of Church and hand to Fr Peter

or put in the collection basket.

Remember that we should reverence the Christ within others.

The Word of God

Sacrament of Reconciliation

will be celebrated on Saturday from 11.00-11.45am

LIVE ON THE INTERNET To access our Masses go



The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No 234025

Christmastide - Year A Weekday Readings - Cycle 1 Divine Office Psalter - Week 1 Sunday 25th December 2016 - The Nativity of The Lord 8 30am Peggy Kenny/Kate Greene/Margaret Keegan (RIP) 10 00am Maria Walker (RIP) and the Walker family Also 10 00am at St Philip’s 11.30am People of the Parish Readings Isaiah 52:7-10; Ps 97; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18 NO EVENING MASS ON CHRISTMAS DAY

Monday 26th December - St Stephen M. 12.00noon John Toye (RIP) Readings Acts 6:8-10.7.54-59; Ps 30; Mathew 10:17-22 Tuesday 27th December - St John Ap.Ev. 12.00noon Anne Langley (RIP) Readings 1 John 1:1-4; Ps 96; John 20:2-8 Wednesday 28th December - The Holy Innocents, Mm 10 00 am Mass at St Philip’s NOTE CHANGE OF TIME 12.00noon SERVICE OF THE WORD AND COMMUNION Readings 1 John 1:5-2:2; Ps 123; Matthew 2:13-18 Thursday 29th December - St Thomas Becket, B.M. 12.00noon Clare Bruke McTavish (sick) Readings Colossians 1:24-29; Ps 22; Luke 22:24-30 Friday 30th December - The Holy Family 12.00noon Brian Burgess (RIP) Readings Ecclesiasticus 3:3-7.14-17; Ps 127; Colossians 3:12-21; Matthew 2:13-15.19-23 Saturday 31st December 11.00-11.45am Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 12.00noon John Mullen (RIP) 6.00pm Vigil Mass in Polish 6.00pm Vigil Mass at St Philip’s Readings 1 John 2:18-21; Ps 95; John 1:1-18

Sunday 1st January 2017 - Mary the Mother of God 8 30am Laurie Cregan (RIP) 10 00am Thanksgiving for prayers answered 6.00pm People of the Parish Readings Numbers 6:22-27; Ps 66:2-; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21

First Reading Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 97 Response All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God Second Reading Hebrews 1:1-6 Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! I bring you news of great joy: today a saviour has been born to us, Christ the Lord. Alleluia! Gospel Luke 2:1-14

Tuesday, 27th December - St John Fisher’s Guild Tuesday, 3rd January 2017 - St Edmund Campion’s Guild Offertory Gifts Thank you for your offerings last week which amounted to £1,295.35 plus £590 by Standing Orders. If you attend Mass in one of the other parishes and use envelopes from St Peter’s do please put them into the collection wher-ever you attend Mass and they will find their way back to us. This is specially important if you are on GIFT AID. The last claim for Gift Aid has meant our Central Account with the diocese was credited with £15,997. Many thanks to all who Gift Aid their donations. Equally if you are visiting from another parish you may leave your Offertory envelope here and we will return it to the right parish - honest! FOR THOSE WHO PAY THE OFFERTORY COLLECTION BY STANDING ORDER. Could we ask you just to keep an eye on your bank statements this month and next to make sure the standing order is paid. We have moved banks from RBS to Lloyd’s and such standing orders are supposed to be being transferred but you never know with modern technology!!! Advent Project - Thank you for your donations last week which amounted to £909-89p and the total collected so far is £1,136-81p. Cleaning - Team 1 are on duty this week. Callers - Could we ask that callers to the Presbytery please use the front door and also if you are putting an envelope through the letter box there is no need to ring the bell. References - We remind anybody who is putting Fr Peter down as referee to contact him in person, not by phone or email. ROTAS FOR READERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND COFFEE AFTER SUNDAY 10.00am MASS ARE ALL ON THE WEBSITE

Some useful phone numbers Stepping Hill Hospital Chaplaincy 419 5889 for requests for Holy Communion

To page the Catholic Chaplain in an emergency 483 1010 and ask for Catholic Chaplain St Peter’s Primary School 0161 483 2431 St Simon’s Primary School 0161 483 9696

St James High School 0161 482 6900 Harrytown High School 0161 430 5277 Aquinas College 0161 483 3237

St Peter’s Parish Centre The Centre is available for parties (birthday, wedding, anniversary, christenings etc) Bookings are to be made as follows: Friday to Sunday bookings requiring the bar and children’s parties on Saturday should be referred to 07483 114783, or the booking line 480 0741. (If you use this number you must clearly state that you want St Peters). For all other bookings Monday to Thursday or anyone wishing to use the Meeting Room phone Helen on 07854 928 072.





Sunday Monday Tuesday Centring Prayer in the Parish Centre at 11.15am Slimming World in the Meeting Room at 7.00pm

Sequence Dancing in the Parish Centre at 8.00pm (tuition at 7.30pm)



Friday Saturday Irish Dancing in the Parish Centre from 10.30am-1.30pm

The next meeting of the Parish

Pastoral Team will be on

Monday January 23rd 2017


Theatre Trips NEW SHOWS ‘Evita’ ‘at The Lowry on Thursday 16th March 2017. MATINEE PERFORMANCE at 2.00pm. 30 tickets at £37 each (including coach) have been booked. If we sell more than 30 tickets the price will reduce to £27.50. Sign up sheet on the Notice Board. ‘The Play that Goes Wrong’ at The Lowry on Thursday 8th June 2017 at 7.30pm. 30 tickets at £27.50 each (including coach) have been booked. If we sell more than 30 tickets the price will reduce to £24.. Sign up sheet on the Notice Board


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ed fo

r the sick - we pray for all those who are sick, remembering, all those in the parish, in our hospitals and nursing homes.

We also remember those who are housebound and are unable to come to Mass. We remember Fr Peter Burke, parish priest of St Alban’s Macclesfield and St Paul’s Poynton, who is in hospital at the moment

lately dead -

those whose Anniversaries occur at this time - Bishop Grasar (8th Bishop of Shrewsbury), Fr Paul Glendinning, Brendan Holbery, John Toye, James Foley, Agnes Cryer, Roy Engledow, Annie Kenny, Mary Pauline Morris, Winifred Hardman, Lawrence Cregan, Veronica Chatterton, Christine Glazier, and the victims of the Lockerbie Disaster

PRAYER INTENTIONS We have left a file in the Lady Chapel and invite you to write there any particular intentions for prayer that you may have and we would ask that if you go to light a candle you include in your prayers all the inten-tions mentioned in the prayer file.

To prepare for this prayer, spend a few moments asking the Holy Spirit to open your mind and heart to hear this Word being spoken to you today.

The Nativity of The Lord (Year A) - Luke 2:1-14

C aesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken. This census

– the first- took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria, and everyone went to his own

town to be registered. So Joseph set out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and travelled

up to Judaea, to the town of David called Bethlehem, since he was of David’s House and line,

in order to be registered together with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there the

time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in swaddling

clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn. In the countryside close by

there were shepherds who lived in the fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night. The an-

gel of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said, ‘Do not be afraid. Listen, I bring you

news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to

you; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying

in a manger.’ And suddenly with the angel there was a great throng of the heavenly host, praising God and singing:

‘Glory to God in the highest heaven

and peace to men who enjoy his favour.’

Copyrght…1966, 1967 & 1968 by Dart6on, Lomgman & Todd, & Doubleday & Co. Inc. and used by permission.

1. Read through the passage slowly, pausing at the

words/phrases that draw your attention.

2. Picture the scene…the surroundings, the sounds, the smells…notice what

you see, hear, smell, feel…Imagine yourself there before the manger

where the Christ child, Emmanuel, is lying.. Take time to be there in quiet adoration…

For those who find these gospel reflections helpful you may wish to look at where you can see next Sunday’s reading and reflection by Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB

Diocesan News CARITAS, Diocese of Shrewsbury (CARITAS) From one minute past midnight on the 9th December 2016 Catholic Children’s Society was replaced by Caritas Diocese of Shrews-bury as the Diocesan Social and Community Work Agency. The change to Caritas will allow us to expand our portfolio of services to children and families to include intergenerational work, youth at risk of homelessness and support for those seeking asylum and refuge. It is important to note that all our staff and services will transfer to the new charity and contact numbers will remain the same. Those of you who have a “little house” collection box, or contribute by standing order will be contacted in due course. CARITAS is an exciting new project, we need your support and prayers as we begin this new journey. Thank you. Mary Kilcoyne, Director of Catholic Children’s Society. CRIB OFFERINGS will be donated to Diocesan Social and Community Work Agency.

Local Pastoral Area News

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation Adults) The next meeting is on Thursday 5th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Evron Centre. The top will be ‘An overview of the Sacraments’. Because New Year’s Day is a Sunday our annual Mass together with the other Stockport parishes will be on Monday January 2nd 2017 at Our Lady’s, Shaw Heath at 12 noon. This annual event is now very popular so do try to come along.

Parish Events CHRISTMAS MASSES are: Christmas Day - 8.30am, 10.00am, and 11.30am only. NO EVENING MASS. Mass at St Philip’s on Christmas Day at 10 00am. We are grateful to Mgr Peter O’Neill and Fr John Boles for their help at St Philip’s over Christmas. Boxing Day - 12.00noon. New Year’s Day - normal Sunday Masses.



THE PARISH WEBSITE IS NOW AT You will find the weekly newsletter under ‘Latest’. To navigate round the site click on the three bars in the top right hand corner of the first page

WALKING GROUP. The next walk will be on 15th January 2017. Start at The Crown, Hawk Green for a circular walk ending back at The Crown for lunch There is a sign up sheet on the Notice Board for those who wish to have lunch after the walk. You can join us for lunch whether you walk or not.. But please sign up. ST PHILIP’S 50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Rome October 15th-21st 2017. Leaflets at the back of church. This is now full but there is a waiting list

THE ADVENT PROJECT This year we are collecting funds for the Bulamu Centre for Girls in Kampala, Uganda. It's a refuge centre for girls living on the streets, funded by Retrak. In 2015 the Bulamu Centre helped to refer 61 girls for specialist medi-cal care and reintegrated 105 girls to safe and secure family settings away from the dangers of Kampala’s streets. From this month, the current funding ends and the Bulamu Centre’s services are under threat. Retrak is therefore looking to raise £16,500 in eight weeks in order to continue to provide support to these vulnerable children. The CAFOD boxes at the back of church have been re-named RETRAK during Advent for any contributions you may wish to make. FOODBANK: THE REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR. Would you or your family be willing to take part in this unusual Advent ac-tivity? First of all you need a reasonably sized box. Then each day in Advent, instead of taking a chocolate out of an advent calendar, the family choose an item to place in their Advent box, an item that will be of use or bring pleasure to a family whose dire situation forces them to use the Foodbank. It could be a tube of toothpaste, a packet of tissues, a bar of choco-late, a tin of peas etc. etc. Each day or every second day the idea is to add another small gift to the rest so that by the time Advent draws to an end your family will have gathered a box full of goodies that will bring joy to another family fallen on hard times. All boxes can be brought to the Church on New Year’s Day and will be delivered to the Foodbank Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Lane - You can read ‘Tales of the Holy Land 2016’ on the parish website. It is an account of the recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land by Fr Peter and contains some photographs THE PIETY STALL will not be open today or next Sunday, 1st January.

PREPARATION FOR SACRAMENTS BAPTISMAL COURSE. If you would like to have your children Baptised here at St Peter’s, please contact Karen Haines at [email protected] or 07939 052 357 who will register you on to your preferred course (dates below): 2017:January 8th, 15th, 22nd; February 26th; March 5th, 12th.

THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME. The next session will be on 11th January 2017 from 6.30-8.00pm in the Meeting Room. MARRIAGE Any couples wishing to be married in St Peter’s next year should have made contact with Fr Peter by now. We are already having requests for 2018!!! THE ALPHA COURSE Searching for something? In need of a fresh start? Why not try Alpha in 2017? Alpha starts at St Simon’s Primary School on Tuesday 17th January, 2017 from 1.30 - 3.20 pm., and runs for ten weeks exclud-ing half term. Creche available. All Welcome. There will also be a Sunday lunchtime Alpha starting at The Wellspring in February. Date to be confirmed .... For more information contact: Karen 07939 052357 or Rachel 0161 487 1659 or speak to Fr Peter

The Alpha Marriage Course The Alpha Marriage Course is for any couple who are in a committed relationship which they are seeking to strengthen. At the course you are seated at your own table for two and served a meal. This is followed by a practical talk (DVD) and a time for private discussion between you and your partner. The course is to be held at 7pm on Thursdays commencing on 9th Feb-ruary 2017 in the Parish Centre. To register for the course please contact Laura/David Small on 01625 876752.


NORWOOD Norwood is a residential home in Marple for 15 adults with learning disabilities, aged 47-72 years, 3 women, 12 men who have a range of needs. All are lovely people with different interests. Norwood is looking for volunteers (two types) : someone who would like to befriend an individual and someone who can offer an interest, e.g. cooking, music, art. It is important that if the voluntary work suits the volunteer, they are able to commit on a regular basis, even if it is only once a month. Random visits do not work for Norwood’s residents. If you are interested please contact L iz on [email protected], or telephone 07969104430 CAFOD FUN RUN at Bollington on 27th December at 11.00am (registration from 9.30am) The money raised from the Fun Run will help alleviate some of the hardships that have been heaped upon the people of the Middle East. The run starts from the Mid-dlewood Way next to St Gregory’s Parish Hall, Wellington Road, Bollington, Macclesfield, SK10 5JR. Registration, tea and coffee in the Parish Hall. The Fun Run is open to all ages and runners, joggers , walkers will be warmly welcomed. There are three choices of distance: the short distance 1 mile. Medium 3 miles and the full course 4.5 miles.

Fr Peter wishes you all a very happy Christmas and thanks you for all the cards and presents received.

The Christmas Day collection will be your traditional gift to the Clergy which in this diocese is part of the priest’s annual stipend

For Conversation The peace God brings you.

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