
Perceptualand Motor Skilh, 1990, 70, 1299-1314. O Percepmal and Motor Skills 1990



Embry-Riddle Aeronoutical University University of Georgia

Summary.-The purpose of this article is to illustrate the significance of the cog- nitive system in sport expertise. Consideration of visual-perceptual abilities, along with cognitive factoe and their relationship with sport expertise, suggest that level of sport performance can be reliably differentiated on several cognitive dimensions. Infor- mation is given concerning the cognitive requirements of sports skills. It is argued chat, although visual-Perceptual ab~lides are inherent in all levels of sport performance, cognitive factors are essential for sport expertise.

Hall of Fame baseball player and coach Yogi Berra once said, "90% of sports is mental and the other half is in your head." While humorous, this statement also reflects the significant contribution of psychological factors in sport expertise (Taylor, 1987). Although physiological and biomechanical fac- tors are necessary for efficient and successful execution of a sports skill, it is suggested the development of sport-specific cognitive factors are essential for improved performance and resultant expertise. As skill increases, the marked improvements with practice that are characteristic of the early stages of skill acquisition no longer take place. Intense practice brings minimal improve- ment. Consequently, further improvements in performance may have to come from psychological factors.

Over the past few years there has been an increase in the emphasis upon cognitive factors in sport (Straub & Wfiams, 1984). Historically, sport sciences have emphasized physiological and biomechanical factors in differen- tiating levels of sport performance. The skilled athlete was believed to possess a number of superior traits or abilities, along with a superior nervous system (Starkes, 1987; Starkes & Deakin, 1984). For example, visual-percep- t u d abilities such as stereoacuity, dynamic visual acuity, and processing sldls such as reaction time (Starkes, 1987; Starkes & Deakin, 1984) were hy- pothesized to differentiate levels of athletic performance. Although the re- lationship between these central nervous system properties and sport skills may be intuitively appealing, little empirical evidence is available to provide a direct link (Cockera, 1981; Sanderson, 1981; Starkes, 1987; Starkes & Deakin, 1984).

Allard and Burnett (1985) have suggested that skilled athletes develop

'This work was aided by a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi. The Scientific Research Society, to Daniel J. Garland. The authoe express their gratitude ro Dr; Bruce K. Britton, Rod K. Dishman, Stuart Katz, and three anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and comments in the pre aration of this article. Correspondence concerning this a1 tlcle should be sent to Daniel J. G ar f and, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114.


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the same advanced forms of declarative and procedural knowledge as experts in other tasks. Their research suggests that slulled athletes do not necessarily possess superior nervous systems but have the same type of task-specific semantic network suggested for experts in other areas requiring cognitive involvement (e.g., chess, solving physics problems). In a review of the sport perception literature, Starkes and Deakin (1984) examined the relationships between sport skill and "hardware" components, such as stereoacuity and reaction time, and "software" or cognitive components. They suggested that sport performance may be differentiated on more "software" or cognitive lmensions.

The purpose of the present article is to illustrate further the importance of the cognitive system in sport expertise. We will build on the work of Starkes and Deakin (1984) by presenting some of the recent work in cogni- tive sport psychology, along with studies that have attempted to assess the relative importance of visual-perceptual factors in sport. We argue that, whereas visual-perceptual factors are inherent in various levels of sport per- formance, cognitive factors are essential in attaining sport expertise.

Stereopsis Gregory (1973, p. 59) defines stereopsis as the "ability to synthesize

two somewhat different images into a single perception of solid objects lying in three-dimensional space" or simply the ability to perceive depth and dis- tance binocularly. Although the relationship between stereopsis and sport skill is logically appealing, extensive investigations have led to equivocal re- sults (Starkes & Dealun, 1984). Several studies have reported a positive relationship between the ability to perceive depth and sport performance (Bannister & Blackburn, 1931; Graybiel, Jokl, & Trapp, 1955; Olsen, 1956; Ridini, 1968; Winograd, 1942), but others have reported a nonsignificant re- lationship (Beds, Mayyasi, Templeton, & Johnson, 1971; Olsen, 1956; Shick, 1971).

Banister and Blackburn (1931) suggested that their finding of a positive relationship between depth perception and sport performance in rugby play- ers was largely due to their sample of rugby players having a greater inter- pupillary distance than nonplayers. They concluded that the increased inter- pupillary distance resulted in enhanced depth perception or stereopsis. In a related study, Clark and Warren (1935) examined the effects of depth per- ception and interpupillary distance on performance in basketball, football, and tennis. Their results indicated no significant differences between athletes and nonathletes, leading Clark and Warren to conclude depth perception and interpupillary distance may not be important factors in the sports inves- tigated.



Shick (1971), using a basketball free-throw shooting task, found no sig- nificant differences between skill level in shooting ability, depth perception, and eye dominance of college women. However, Olsen (1956), using subjects of three performance levels, found varsity athletes had superior depth percep- tion abhties in comparison to intramural athletes and to nonathletes.

Cockerdl and Callington (1981), in attempting to explain the discrepant findings between sport performance and depth perception, suggest more emphasis should be placed on the nature of the particular sport under inves- tigation and the depth perception measures used. Failure to consider these issues has resulted in inconclusive and unreliable data (Starkes & Deakin, 1984).

Visual Acuity Visual acuity refers to the ability to make fine visual discriminations

among objects in the visual field (Barlow & Mollon, 1985). I t seems obvious that good visual acuity would enhance sport performance. However, Bauscher (1968), Garner (1977), and Martin (1970) in examining the rela- tion of visual acuity to sport performance, reported a large percentage of athletes maintain high performance with inadequate visual acuity. Additional researchers (Bannister & Blackburn, 1931; Tussing, 1940; Winograd, 1942) have come to the same conclusion, suggesting visual acuity is not related to athletic abhty .

Dynamic visual acuity refers to the ability to track visually a moving ob- ject, while detecting detail and making fine visual discriminations among the objects in the visual field (Barlow & Mollon, 1985; Burg, 1966; Miller, 1958; Morris, 1977). The ability to track an object visually (i.e., baseball, football, tennis ball, hockey ~ u c k ) seems essential for the execution of most sports. In addition, measures of dynamic visual acuity intuitively seem to differentiate levels of sport performance.

Several studies have suggested that dynamic visual acuity is associated with sport performance. The findings of Beds, Mayyasi, Templeton, and Johnston (1971) in basketball, Sanderson and Whiting (1974) in ball catch- ing, and Morris and Kreighbaum (1977) in volleyball and basketball indicate that dynamic visual acuity may have a significant effect on athletic ability.

In a recent study, however, Starkes (1987) found no conclusive evidence for a relationship between dynamic visual acuity and level of sport perform- ance. Three groups of women field-hockey players, varying in ability (expert, moderate ability, novice), were tested at three dynamic visual acuity speeds. The procedure and equipment used are f d y elaborated by Sanderson and Whiting (1974, 1978). The results indicated no significant differences across ability groups for the three dynamic visual acuity speeds assessed. Starkes (1987) notes that a ceiling effect may have occurred during this task as sub- jects performed with minimal errors at the fastest speed, suggesting all


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subjects possessed the necessary ability at the speeds employed. Although the expert group showed no significant advantage in dynamic visual acuity, the results are inconclusive.

Ocular Movement

In examining the visual movements involved in batting a baseball, Hubbard and Seng (1954) concluded that batters, when tracking the ball, used pursuit movements of the eyes with the head remaining fixed. In addi- tion, Hubbard and Seng found that eye movements stopped when the ball was 8 to 15 ft. from the plate, suggesting proximal pursuit movements of the eye break down at high target velocities.

Falkowitz and Mendal (1977) and Trachtman (1973) investigated the re- lationship between visual skills and batting averages. Both studies yielded a significant correlation between eye-movement efficiency and batting averages.

Research examining the relationship between eye movements and sport performance has come to the general conclusion that the more experienced the athlete, the more efficient the eye movements (Gregg, 1987). This line of research suggests that eye-movement efficiency may be taught or devel- oped with practice.

Perceptual Organization

Perceptual organization is the ability to integrate efficiently complex perceptual stimuli in the visual field. Figure-ground perception, which is the differentiation of the target of perception from surrounding stimuli, is a pri- mary factor in perceptual organization. One might assume such ability to be an important factor in sport performance, however, several studies have indi- cated no relationship. Williams and Thirer (1975) found no significant relationship between figure-ground perception and fencing skills. I n a related study, Pargman, Bender, and Deshaies (1975) reported s i d a r results while analyzing basketball shooting skills. Deshaies and Pargman (1976) concluded that perception is not significantly related to level of athletic performance in college football players.

This brief review indicates that the evidence relating visual-perceptual factors to sport performance is equivocal. Cockerill and MacGilLivary (1981) and Gregg (1987) provide excellent sources of references to additional studies of v~sual-perceptual factors and sport.

Memory for Game Situations The organization of stimulus information and its subsequent retrieval

has been shown to differentiate reliably levels of expertise in cognitive skills. Specifically, the recall paradigm has permitted researchers to show experts



take in a large quantity of task-specific information in a brief period of time and subsequently recall the information in meaningful units. Chase and Simon's (1973a, 1973b) studies of recall of chess positions indicated that ex- perts are able to encode more information in a limited time than nonexperts and subsequently recall the information in meaningful units. Importantly, ex- perts exhibited superior recall for structured chess positions only, with recall being similar across all levels of expertise when subjects were presented un- structured chess positions. This suggests the superior recall of the expert is a function of experience with the subject matter and not attributable to in- nately superior memory capacity.

The recall paradigm, in recent years, has been used to examine the re- call of structured versus unstructured game situations in sport. When Allard, Graham, and Paarsalu (1980) used a 4-sec. recall paradigm, they showed var- sity basketball players recall game-structured information more accurately than intramural basketball players. Recall of unstructured information was similar for both groups. Similar results were found by Starkes (1987; Starkes & Deakin, 1984) using an 8-sec. recall paradigm. Starkes noted that experts, namely, the Canadian National Women's Field Hockey team, were superior to varsity players and physical education students in recall of structured field-hockey situations.

Allard, Graham, and Paarsalu (1980), used a recognition task to exam- ine memory of structured and unstructured basketball game situations. Their results indicated that basketball players were significantly more accurate than nonplayers on the recognition task. Based on these findings, Allard, Graham, and Paarsalu suggest that basketball players encode structured information better than nonplayers. Their results were consistent with earlier studies of chess (Chase & Simon, 1973a, 1973b) and bridge (Charness, 1979).

Chunking in Recall of Schematic Sport Information Although the previous studies give evidence of experts' sensitivity to

the pattern or structure of their sport, the characteristics of the perceptual structures (chunks) that are stored and subsequently retrieved are unclear. Chase and Simon's (1973a, 1973b) explanation of chess experts' superior re- call is their ability to chunk the information into meaningful units. They developed an experimental technique to facilitate the testing of their hypoth- esis, which isolated and defined chunks in recall based on temporal boundaries. The technique involved using subjects' successive glances at a chessboard as an index of chunking, while the subjects tried to reconstruct a chess position on a separate chessboard with the two boards in plain view. I t was assumed that the subject would encode only one chunk per glance while reconstructing the position. This technique confirmed the 5-sec. recall find- ings that increased expertise led to increased chunking size and frequency.

Using an experimental procedure adapted from Chase and Simon


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(1973a, 1973b), Allard and Burnett (1985) reported data suggesting superior chunking behavior by experts in sport. Their experts consisted of members of the Canadian National Women's Basketball team, and the control subjects were psychology graduate students. Allard and Burnett presented their sub- jects with 10 schematic diagrams of basketball plays, which the subjects were allowed to study for 5 sec., then reproduce as fully as possible using a colored marker. Additional attempts were made, using a different color mark- er, until the play was reproduced to the subject's satisfaction. Recall was scored by counting the number of elements of the play recalled. The ele- ments were the starting positions of each player, the routes of each player, any actions the player was to perform, and the path of the ball. As expected, expert players took significantly fewer looks to complete the play than did the control subjects. The results suggest basketball knowledge may be organized in a similar semantic network as that proposed for experts in skill domains requiring obvious cognitive involvement (Allard & Burnett, 1985).

To explain chunking in the recall of task-specific information, Chase and Simon (1973a, 1973b; Simon and Chase, 1973; Simon & Gilmartin, 1973) have proposed a "perceptual chunking hypothesis." Perceptual chunk- ing involves perception by coding the position of entire chunks or several pieces, storing chunk labels in short-term memory and subsequently decod- ing them at the time of recall. Two critical features of the perceptual chunking hypothesis are that chunks are independently perceived and that re- call requires decoding chunk labels in short-term memory (Egan & Schwartz, 1979).

Egan and Schwartz (1979), however, have pointed out several problems with these critical features. First, chunk independence does not allow global display processing. Master chess players perceive the global characteristics (e.g., "some kind of attack formation") of a diagram in addition to individ- ual properties. Second, a group of display pieces may not form a functional unit (chunk) independent of other functional units. These units are context dependent. Third, chess studies (Charness, 1976; Frey & Adesman, 1976), using a Brown-Peterson paradigm (Brown, 1958; Peterson & Peterson, 1959), have shown that a variety of interpolated tasks have minimal influence on re- call ~erformance by skilled chess ~layers. These studies strongly question Chase and Simon's (1973a, 1973b) position that chess information is stored in short-term memory.

As an alternative to perceptual chunking, Egan and Schwartz (1979) have ~roposed a "conceptual chunking hypothesis," which links chunking to the organization of long-term memory. Conceptual chunking consists of a few primary features. First, skilled subjects rapidly identify a concept for an entire display from long-term memory. Second, skilled subjects may system- atically retrieve functional units which are related to the conceptual category



as stored in long-term memory. Third, conceptual knowledge of the display enables skilled subjects to search displays systematically to verify details sug- gested by the conceptual category. Based on these features, conceptual chunking seems to overcome some of the difficulties of perceptual chunking (Egan & Schwartz, 1979).

Recently, Garland and Barry (1990a, 1990b, 1990c, in press) conducted a series of experiments which examined the nature of the perceptual proc- esses used by sport experts to perceive schematic sport information. The primary objective of the research was to explore the critical features of both the perceptual and conceptual chunking hypotheses using memory for sche- matic football diagrams.

Garland and Barry (in press) used a modified version of the experimen- tal task used by Chase and Simon (1973a, 1973b) and Allard and Burnett (1785) to isolate and identify the perceptual structures (chunks) in which relevant sport-specific information was hypothesized to be encoded. Experts (high school football coaches) and nonexperts (undergraduates with at least two years of organized high school football experience) were presented slides of schematic football hagrams, each varying in structure and complexity. Subjects were d o w e d to study each slide for 5 sec., after which they dtew what they recalled with a colored pencil. If desired, the same slide was pre- sented for another 5 sec., after which they dtew with a different colored pencil. This procedure continued until each diagram was reproduced to the subjects' satisfaction. The basic assumption was that subjects would encode and recall one perceptual structure, or chunk, per 5-sec. study interval. In addition, a construction task was used to measure subjects' ability to produce elements of a diagram, based on limited features, without prior exposure to the diagram (Egan & Schwartz, 1779).

The results indicated that experts, in comparison with nonexperts, recall larger perceptual structures regardless of complexity but only when presented with structured diagrams. In the construction task. experts produced s~gnifi- cantly more correct elements (M = 9.8) than did nonexperts (M = 3.9) , suggesting that the limited features were sufficient for experts to generate the correct functional elements and units of the hagrams.

An examination of the first perceptual structures for all subjects indi- cated the average number of elements recalled was within the traditional short-term memory capacity (7&2) , except for experts in the struc- tured/complex (M = 20.8) and structured/easy (M = 10.2) conditions, where the number of elements recalled exceeded the traditional short-term capacity.

The conceptual chunking proposal (Egan & Schwartz, 1979) is consis- tent with two primary aspects of the findings. First, experts, compared with nonexperts, recalled larger perceptual structures after the initial 5-sec. pre- sentation, but only for structured stimuli. This recall of a large group of


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structured elements may not represent the recall of multiple independent chunks, as suggested by perceptual chunking, but instead may reflect a "gen- erate-and-test process" (Egan & Schwartz, 1979). Increased knowledge of a conceptual category may enable experts to retrieve elements systematically, because the elements are parts of functional units which are conceptually re- lated in long-term memory. By knowing the conceptual category of a display, experts may generate more elements within each functional unit (Bower, Clark, Lesgold, & Winzenz, 1969; Egan & Schwartz, 1979). Secondly, the results of the construction task are consistent with conceptual chunking. Experts correctly output more elements than nonexperts, based on limited stimulus features, without prior exposure to the stimulus. ' l k s finding im- plies that the limited features of the answer sheet were sufficient to prompt experts into identifying a conceptual category, resulting in the output of rele- vant functional units (Egan & Schwartz, 1979).

Garland and Barry (in press) also examined the conceptual chunking proposal that chunking is linked to the organization of long-term memory. Subjects participated in a long-term memory recognition task to determine whether task-specific information is processed meaningfully in a brief period of time. Subjects participated in three phases of the recognition task: (a) a study phase consisting of presentation of 28 schematic diagram target slides in succession; (b) a 2-rnin. distractor task to eliminate the benefits of short-term memory in the subsequent test phase; and (c) a test phase consist- ing of presentation of 56 schematic diagram slides-the 28 target slides and 28 new diagram slides. The results indicated that experts were significantly more accurate than nonexperts at detecting the target stimulus. In accord- ance with conceptual chunking, experts' knowledge of the conceptual cate- gory enabled them to process elements rapidly and systematically in long- term memory, thereby facilitating recognition performance.

Following the recognition task, subjects participated in a sorting or clus- tering task. Using an experimental task adapted from N a r d and Burnett (1985), subjects were asked to sort various pictures of schematic football dia- grams into as many categories as they wished, based on their own criteria. It was expected that the level of discrimination in sorting would reflect the ex- pertise of the subjects, and the nature of the task-specific organizational structure in long-term memory. An hierarchical cluster analysis (SAS Institute, Inc., 1985) indicated that experts used four distinct groupings as compared to three for the nonexperts. The nonexperts' groupings were char- acterized by superficial sorting criteria, based on the number of elements and distinct diagram markings present, rather than the dynamics of the dia- grams. The experts' groupings indicated four primary sorting criteria, with each refined to indicate more specific criteria. The primary criteria included: (a) defensive techniques, consisting of two specific criteria, defensive stunts



and pass coverage; (b) offensive pass plays, consisting of four specific crite- ria, pass routes, roll-out pass plays, drop-back pass plays, and screen pass plays; (c) offensive running plays, consisting of three specific criteria, inside running plays, outside running plays, and motion-counter running plays; and (d) kicking techniques, consisting of two specific criteria, kick-off coverage, and kick-off and punt-return plays.

Garland and Barry's (in press) evidence for rapid processing of meaning- ful and familiar material in long-term memory by football experts, along with a complex and discriminating organizational structure, provides support for the conceptual chunking position that chunking is linked to the organiza- tion of concepts in long-term memory. Garland and Barry (1990b) replicated Garland and Barry's (in press) findings using three subject skill levels: experts (high school football coaches with an average of 11.4 yr. of coaching experience), nonexperts (undergraduates with an average of 3.7 yr. of high school football experience), and novices (undergraduates with no prior exper- ience with organized football).

The critical short-term memory feature of the perceptual chunking hy- pothesis (recall consists of decoding chunk labels held in short-term memory) has been questioned. Frey and Adesman (1976) repeated the basic chess memory study using an interpolated processing paradigm. They interpolated 30 sec. of additional processing (counting backwards by sevens in a loud voice) between stimulus presentation and recall. Their data indicated that the interpolated activity had minimal effects on recall for the chess positions. I n addition, Charness (1976) has shown that a variety of interpolated tasks (computing a running sum of random digits, mentally rotating and then copy- ing abstract symbols, and problem-solving on a new chess diagram) has no influence on recall performance of skilled chess players. These studies strongly question Chase and Simon's (1973a, 1973b) notion that chess infor-

- -

mation is stored in a limited-capacity short-term memory. Garland and Barry (1990a, 1990c) showed subjects of three skill levels

schematic football diagrams using an interpolated processing paradigm. They noted that for football experts, information extracted during an 8-sec. study period has great longevity and durability. Subjects were presented one or two schematic football diagram slides, followed by slide presentation of a three-digit number, from which they counted backwards by threes in a loud voice for 30 sec. Following the 30 sec. of interpolated processing, subjects were instructed to reproduce as fully as possible on a blank sheet,kither the single diagram, the first of the two diagrams presented in sequence, or the second of the two diagrams presented in sequence. Analysis indicated that, for experts, interpolated processing demands, along with the additional en- coding activity of the second diagram presentation, had minimal effects on recall performance. This evidence supports the position that meaningful and


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familiar information abstracted during a brief exposure is immediately pro- cessed in long-term memory, thereby facilitating subsequent recall.

Decision Accuracy and Eficiency The ability of an athlete to encode and retrieve sport information effi-

ciently and accurately is extremely valuable in decision making. Chase and Ericsson (1981) have argued that a highly organized hierarchical system of encoding information is necessary for reliable and fast retrieval. Intuitively, experts encode and retrieve highly complex, game-structured information faster than nonexperts, resulting in faster decisions.

Allard and Burnett (1985) have demonstrated that expert basketball players process information by use of an hierarchical semantic structure with greater discrimination than nonplayers. Thirty schematic diagrams of various aspects of basketball were presented to I 1 members of the Canadian National Women's Basketball Team and 10 nonplayer control subjects. The subjects were instructed to sort the pictures, using as many categories as they chose. The results indicated that experts used significantly more categories (M = 7.2) than did non~layers (M = 4.2). Experts used six distinct groupings compared to two for the nonplayers. Experts sorted the pictures according to significance of skill, indicating a more refined and discriminating hierarchical retrieval structure. Garland and Barry (in press) obtained similar findings using football diagrams.

Chase and Ericsson (1981) reported that, with practice and training, the encoding and retrieval processes become faster and more reliable, because of the strengthening of the relationship between the encoding structure, re- trieval structure, and relevant retrieval cues. This position is illustrated in a study by Thiffault (1974)) which examined the training of decision-making by ice hockey players. Thiffault presented an untrained group, consisting of ice-hockey players, with slides depicting tactical game situations. Players were instructed to respond verbally "shoot," "pass," or "skate" as quickly as possible, with regard to the most appropriate move for the player with the puck. The training group, who also were ice-hockey ~layers, were presented similar slides during 10 training sessions and instructed to respond in the manner previously mentioned. The results indicated that trained players made significantly faster tactical decisions than did the untrained players and supported Chase and Ericsson's (1981) suggestion that decision-malung time decreases with training and practice.

Recently, Starkes (1987) reported further evidence for differentiating the levels of ~erformance by measuring complex decision-making abilities. Starkes visually exposed (1160 sec.) three groups of field-hockey players (ex- pert, moderate ability, novice) to 24 slides of schematic field-hockey situations. Subjects were to decide quickly and accurately the optimal offen- sive move for the player with the ball, by responding "shoot," "dribble," or



"dodge." The results indicated that expert players do not make significantly faster tactical decisions, but rather, made significantly more accurate deci- sions than lower level performers. These results are in opposition to the findings of Allard and Starkes (1980) in volleyball, and Thiffault (1974) in ice hockey, who reported faster, but not necessarily more accurate decisions.

Other Cognitive Abilities Starkes and Deakin (1984), in a review of the sport perception research

on "Hardware" (stereoacuity and reaction time) and "Software" (cognitive) components affecting sport performance, suggested that perceptual "soft- ware" components, such as recall, perceptual anticipation, signal detection, and decision-making, provide a better way of examining skilled performance. The findings in perceptual anticipation research by Jones and Miles (1978) in tennis, by Bard and Fleury (1981) and Salmela and Fiorito (1979) in ice hockey, by Bard, Fleury, and Carriere (1975) in gymnastics, and Starkes (1987) and Starkes and Deakin (1984) in field hockey indicate that skilled performers can use visual cues to anticipate the location of relevant informa- tion and use it to enhance performance.

Starkes (1987), in examining several perceptud "hardware" and "soft- ware" abilities in field hockey players, came to the following conclusions concerning the skilled field-hockey player: (a) dynamic visual acuity, reaction time, and coincident anticipation do not differ between skilled, moderate abdity, and novice players. (b) Skilled players have superior recall of game-structured information, make better use of advanced visual cues, and make more accurate, but not faster tactical decisions than moderate ability and novice players. (c) Field-hockey skill does not require rapid visual search.

In summary, while there are obvious differences between skill in sport and sk~U on tasks requiring obvious cognitive involvement (e.g., chess, solv- ing physics problems), there are demonstrated similarities between the cogni- tive skills of sport experts and those in other skill domains.

CONCLUSION I n considering the various visual-perceptual and cognitive factors and

their relationship with sport expertise, it is evident that levels of sport per- formance can be reliably differentiated on cognitive dimensions. This article has summarized information concerning the nature of the cognitive require- ments in sport. I t is suggested that sport skiUs which have traditionally emphasized physiological and biomechanical factors also require substantial cognitive involvement (AUard & Burnett, 1985).

In explaining cognitive involvement in sport expertise, one needs to consider the role of memory, processes in skill acquisition, and experience. The acquisition of memory skds may help explain the superior memory of experts in the recall and recognition of sport information, and their superior


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accuracy in making complex decisions. Chase and Ericsson's (1981) theory of skilled memory predicts that exceptional memory arises from more efficient storage and retrieval processes in long-term memory. They specify three prin- ciples in the acquisition of skilled memory. First, meaningful encoding, which is done by rapidly encoding and storing semantic information in long-term memory. Second, retrieval structures are constructed by associating retrieval cues with encoding. Third, extensive practice accelerates the encod- ing and retrieval operations in long-term memory.

Within every skill domain, few experts possess the basic skills that are far superior to those of the novice. Instead, most experts are regarded as possessing memory abilities quite different from those of novices. Ericsson (1985) has suggested that any consideration of the nature of exceptional memory requires a theory of normal memory organization. Implications of such a theory would lead to questions of memory systems being genetically endowed versus acquired through practice and experience. Ericsson (1985) has proposed the "memory s k u hypothesis" which argues that memory abil- ity is a skill acquired through extensive practice. I n this review, memory systems have been shown to differentiate reliably levels of sport expertise. Evidence from various sport domains suggests that experts, in comparison with novices, have acquired superior memory processes and structures through extensive practice, and that these processes and structures account for nearly all the variability in sport expertise.

In considering skill-acquisition processes, Fitts (1964) has suggested that skills are developed in stages, srarting with a cognitive stage, followed by an associative stage, and then a final autonomous stage. Anderson (1982) has modified Fitts's stages to describe cognitive skill acquisition. The initial stage is the acquisition of declarative knowledge, followed by a stage of knowledge compilation at which declarative knowledge is translated into pro- cedures. Then there is a final procedural stage during which procedures are characterized as autonomous.

I n addition to Fitts's (1964) and Anderson's (1982) theories, several other theories have been ~roposed to account for the processes used in skill acquisition (Adams, 1987; Anderson, 1983; Fitts & Posner, 1967; Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). Although a review of these theories and others is beyond the purpose of this article, the primary processes of each position are qualita- tively sirmlar. The initial acquisition phase is generally characterized by slow, deliberate processing, with strong demands laced on the cognitive system, and a great deal of attention given to the formulation of production strate- gies and the understanding of the task. With extensive and consistent prac- tice, cognitive processing is reduced, and strategies are fully formulated, re- sulting in increased speed and accuracy of performance. In the second phase, production strategies are further refined with use, and the final phase is



characterized by effortless and automatic processing. Extensive and consis- tent practice throughout the acquisition and beyond appears to be the key to increased performance and resultant expertise (Ackerman, 1988).

Novices do not seem to make use of the cognitive processes used by sport experts. Inefficient or ineffective cognitive processing and production strategies may account for a large percentage of the performance differences between novices and experts.

In sport expertise, important questions remain unanswered, e.g., what are the relative contributions to a cognitive skill from physically performing the task versus observing and studying the task (Starkes, 1987)? Can cogni- tive sport expertise develop in the absence of physical expertise? These become central questions when we consider the qualitative differences be- tween the expert sport performer and the expert coach. Both of these sport experts require cognitive skills, however, the role of physical ability varies. Differences in the formulation and use of their production strategies as well as knowledge suggest that physical ability may not be necessary to support cognitive skill (Starkes, 1987). The resolution of this issue is unclear and is in need of empirical investigation.

Another significant issue that warrants addressing concerns the lirnita- tions of the empirical research conducted to investigate possible relationships between perceptual systems and sport performance. The failure to find reli- able systematic relationships between central nervous system properties (e.g., visual-perceptual abllities) and sport performance may simply be the obvious limitations of simple univariate perceptual studies. We have offered informa- tion suggesting specific perceptual abllities are not reliable in accounting for levels of sport performance, however, a higher level of organization of per- ceptual systems may be more appropriate for investigating levels of sport performance. Research might apply multifactor, multiple correlation, and fac- tor-analytic investigations to examine the influence of perceptual systems in sport performance.


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ALLARD, F., & BURNETT, N. (1985) Skill in sport. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 39, 294-312. ALLARD, F., GRAHAM, S., & PAARSALU, M. E. (1980) Perception in sport: basketball. Journal of

Sport Psychology, 2, 14-21. ALLARD, F., & STARKES, J . L. (1980) Perception in sport: volleyball. Journal of Sport

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Accepted May 21, 1990.

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