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First Century First Century Christianity In the Christianity In the

Twenty-First Twenty-First CenturyCentury

The New Testament Church

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Definition Of Church

➡ Ekklesia means “to call out.” The church is the “called out ones of God” - 2 Thess 2:14

➡ Secularly, the term referred to a public forum.

➡ Scripturally, it is rooted in the Jewish synagogue - Acts 7:38

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Two Senses Of The Church

➡ The “one church” - Mt 16:18; Eph 4:4; Rom 12:4

➡ The universal church speaks of the general assembly of all believers who have ever lived - Heb 12:23

➡ The local church is comprised of members of the one body in a specific area - Gal 1:2

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The Universal Church

➡ The kingdom has citizens - Phil 3:20

➡ The body of has many members - 1 Cor 12:12

➡ The flock has sheep - Jn 10:16

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The Universal Church

➡ The family has children - Eph 2:19

➡ The building has stones - 1 Pt 2:7-9

➡ The vine has many branches - Jn 15:1,2

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The Universal Church

➡ Consists of every believer and saved person, added by God - Acts 2:42-47; Heb 12:23

➡ No sin resides in the universal church; it is pure - Eph 5:27

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The Universal Church

➡ There is no earthly headquarters, or organization, but Christ as head - Col 1:13-18

➡ There is no work which it is involved.

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The Universal Church

“Inspiration gives no indication the universal church was intended to act as a single functional organization. It provides no universal oversight for the decision making that must accompany such action; and no universal treasury to fund such action...”

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The Universal Church

“...Its influence upon the world is exerted distributively as its members are light, salt, and a leavening power...we must begin to think straight regarding the universal church before we can put the local church in proper perspective.” Robert Turner, Cogdill-Turner Discussion, p. 11

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The Local Church

➡ Each local church is autonomous:

➡ Controls its membership - Acts 9:26,27

➡ Has its own eldership - Acts 14:23; 1 Pt 5:2

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The Local Church

➡ Each local church is autonomous:

➡ Controls its own treasury - 1 Cor 16:2; Acts 11:30

➡ Organized with a plurality of elders, deacons, and saints - Phil 1:1

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The Local Church

➡ Worships together on the first day of the week - Acts 20:7

➡ Works together in:

➡ Edification - 1 Cor 14:26,40

➡ Evangelism - Acts 13:1-3

➡ Benevolence - 2 Cor 8 & 9

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The Local Church

➡ Worships together on the first day of the week - Acts 20:7

➡ Works together

➡ Practices discipline - 1 Cor 5:5; Rev 2:14, 20-24

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➡Next lesson: The work of the church in edification of its members.

➡You may be added to the Lord’s church this very day by being baptized into Christ - Acts 2:42; Gal 3:27

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