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What is social media?

A social trend in whichpeople use technologies

to get the things they needfrom each other

rather thantraditional institutions.

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Why are peopleusing social media?

★To share information.★To keep in touch.★To re-connect.

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Social Mediahas becomea legitimate

form ofsharing and


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CAUTION!E-mail and social media

has allowed us to become “overly casual”

in how we communicate!

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HIPAA,FERPA, andthe Public

Information Act

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What is HIPAA?

★ The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.

★ The HIPAA Privacy Rule creates national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information.

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Understanding FERPA★ The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is

a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

★ The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

★ FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records.

★ These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.

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More on FERPA

★ Schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record.

★ FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to school officials with a legitimate educational interest.

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A Public Information Primer

★ Government is the servant, not the master.

★ People are entitled to complete information, with limited exceptions.

★ Government does not get to decide what is good for the people to know.

★ Information is public unless it fits one of the exceptions in the statute.

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PIA Exceptions

★ PIA does not require the release of information contained in education records except in conformity with FERPA.

★ Information that is “confidential by law.”★ Information in a personnel file if the disclosure

would be a “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

★ Your college transcript, except for degree obtained and curriculum studied.

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More PIA Exceptions★ Information pertaining to pending litigation.

★ Information that would give a bidder an advantage.

★ Location or appraisal of property under consideration.

★ Home address, phone number of public employees who exercise “opt out” option.

★ Social Security Number.

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What is public?★ Applies to information “collected, assembled

or maintained” in connection with official business.

★ Includes a book, paper, letter, document, printout, photo, film, tape, microfiche, microfilm, photostat, sound recording, map, drawing, voice, data or video representation in computer memory.

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Is it really justharmless gossip,

or is ita violation

of the FERPA law?

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One of your students was injured in a car wreck. She is still in the hospital. You want to help. You would like to e-mail everyone about her condition.

What canyou do?

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Coach Prince (not his real name) sends an e-mail to everyone on the campus mailing list regarding players being dismissed at 1:00 PM to go to a game in Austin.

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The e-mail states ...

Please dismiss the following football players at 1:00 PM tomorrow.

Deion Landers #102345Clayton Manning #104325Dayrle Harmonica #112771

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What should it say...

Please dismiss the following football players at 1:00 PM tomorrow.

Deion LandersClayton ManningDayrle Harmonica

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You and a fellow teacher have exchanged e-mails about a student. You have deleted all the e-mails from your in-box. The parent has asked for a copy of all those e-mails.

What do you tell the parent?

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Some Social Media Headlines ...★Teacher disciplined for Facebook postings.

★ Schoolteacher suspended for Facebook gun photo.

★When young teachers go wild on the web.

★MySpace leads police to murder suspect.

★Twitter: It’s not just for students anymore.

★Your tweet is showing.

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Using Social Media:


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Common Social Media ToolsNetworking Tools (Linkedin)

Presentation Sharing (SlideShare)Journal Publishing (Blogger)

Scrapbook Publishing (tumblr.)Communication Service (twitter)Journal Publishing (Facebook)

Video Sharing (YouTube)

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Social Media Thoughts

Everything you writeis a permanent recordof your professionalism.

Sister St. Catherine - St. Kevin’s School

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Linked-In strengthens and extendsyour existing network of trusted contacts.

Linked-In is a networking tool thathelps you discover inside connections.

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Social Media ThoughtsConsider maintaining separateprofessional and personal sites

with strict limits onpersonal informationbeing made available

to your students.

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SlideShare allows you to share yourPowerPoint and Keynote Presentations.

Share publicly or privately.

Add audio to make a webinar.

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Social Media ThoughtsTell parents at the beginning of the

school year that you might text message students or communicate with them through the Web, so they

aren't surprised. Make sure they have an opt-out opportunity if it

makes them uncomfortable.

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Blogger is a free blog publishing tool foreasily sharing your thoughts with the world.

Blogger makes it simple to posttext, photos, and videos.

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Social Media ThoughtsCheck personal sites regularly if the

public has access to them.

Even if you don't post inappropriate material, that doesn't mean your friends or your students won't.

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If blogs are journals,tumblelogs are scrapbooks.

Tumblelogs are slightly more structured blogsthat make it faster and easier to post to.

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Social Media ThoughtsHave a collective discussion

as a faculty to considerthe implications of social media

and settle on best practices.

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Twitter is a service forfriends, family, and co-workers

to stay connectedthrough the exchange of quick answers.

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Social Media ThoughtsIf you’re wondering

“should I post this?” probably shouldn’t!

Terry Morawski - Mansfield ISD

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Facebook is a social utilitythat connects people with friends and others

who work, stdy, and live around them.

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Social Media ThoughtsMake it a habit to go through

your list of friends and followers to weed out anyonethat may be posting

inappropriate information.

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YouTube is the world's most popularonline video community, allowing millions of

people to discover, watch and shareoriginally-created videos.

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Are you in Cyberspace?

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