Page 1: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Social Media Influence and Electoral Competition

Yotam Shmargad Lisa Sanchez

University of Arizona University of Arizona

[email protected] [email protected]


Do social media platforms help or hinder democracy? Internet enthusiasts posit that social media

could have a democratizing effect by lowering the costs of promotion, while skeptics argue that

these platforms replicate or even exacerbate pre-existing inequalities. We inform this debate by

combining campaign finance and electoral outcome data from the Federal Election Commission

with Twitter metrics of candidates who ran in the 2016 U.S. congressional elections. We find

that poorer candidates, who spent less than their competitor, performed better if they had indirect

influence on Twitter – getting their tweets shared by users whose own tweets are widely shared.

The effect of indirect influence on election outcomes was more pronounced in races with larger

financial inequities between candidates or fewer total expenses across candidates. Moreover,

poorer candidates with indirect influence saw smaller vote gaps than their party’s candidate in

the same district (in House races) or state (in Senate races) in 2014.

Keywords: Campaign Spending, Indirect Influence, Political Elections, Twitter, Two Step Flow

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Social media platforms facilitate information exchange between voters (Bond et al. 2012)

and provide new ways for politicians to engage with their constituents (Golbeck et al. 2010).

Because messages can travel quickly and broadly on social media (Nahon and Hemsley 2013),

these platforms have become a widely used tool for political campaigning (Gulati and Williams

2013). In the 2016 U.S. presidential race, for example, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both

spent considerable efforts to infiltrate social media with their respective messaging. By many

measures, Trump had the upper-hand on social media despite his relative disadvantage in terms

of campaign funds raised (Allison et al. 2016), money spent on television ads, and time devoted

to face-to-face canvassing (Easley 2016). He maintained a 30% larger following on Twitter than

Clinton, received twice as many Facebook likes (10 million compared to Clinton’s 5.2 million),

and had over 20% more followers on Instagram than Clinton (2.2 million versus 1.8 million for

Clinton). Aware of this discrepancy, Trump had this to say in an interview for the CBS news

program 60 Minutes, just days after the election: "I think that social media has more power than

the money [Clinton’s campaign] spent, and I think maybe to a certain extent, I proved that”

(Morin 2016).

While Trump was likely unaware of it, in making this statement he was taking sides in

the long-standing debate about whether online platforms equalize or normalize inequalities. On

the one hand, social media lower the costs of promotion, which can help poorly-financed groups

gain a more prominent voice (Earl and Kimport 2011). However, managing an effective social

media campaign can itself be costly. The learning curve for using these tools effectively can thus

serve to replicate or even exacerbate pre-existing inequalities (Schradie 2018). We contribute to

this ongoing debate by combining campaign finance and electoral outcome data from the Federal

Page 3: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Election Commission with Twitter metrics of candidates who ran in the 2016 U.S. congressional

elections. These metrics were constructed using data obtained with Twitter’s API and a snowball

sampling method that lets us identify users who retweeted (i.e., shared) candidates’ tweets in the

months before the election. We explicitly consider how electoral outcomes varied with Twitter

metrics of financially worse- and better-off competitors, the extent of financial inequity between

them, and the total spending by candidates in a given race.

As expected, financially equal races tend to have close electoral outcomes while unequal

races see large outcome gaps (about 35 percentage points, on average). We investigate how this

relationship between financial and electoral equality varies with Twitter metrics of the competing

candidates, finding that it is significantly moderated when the poorer candidate in a race has

indirect influence on Twitter – getting their tweets shared by users whose own tweets are widely

shared. Indirect influence thus helps to explain when financially unequal races exhibit relatively

close electoral outcomes. The effect persists after controlling for other Twitter metrics, state-

level fixed effects, and several election and candidate-specific variables, including exposure on

traditional media. Moreover, the relationship between money and votes does not depend on the

influence possessed by financially better-off candidates (direct or indirect), adding to the body of

evidence showing that social media can have equalizing effects (e.g., Samuel-Azran et al. 2015).

To explain the effect of indirect influence in financially unequal races, we draw on work

by political scientists on “reactive” spending (e.g., Jacobson 1978). Competing candidates often

reach financial equality when political parties attempt to outspend each other in races perceived

to be close. Empirically, such reactive spending results in higher spending overall. We argue that

the role of indirect influence in financially unequal races can thus be explained, at least in part,

by the fact that total spending in these races is typically low – implying that candidates have less

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to spend on traditional advertising. Indeed, we show that the effect of indirect influence is more

pronounced in lower cost races. Finally, we compare election outcomes in 2016 to those in 2014,

finding that poorer candidates with indirect influence see smaller electoral gaps than their party’s

candidate in the same district (in House races) or state (in Senate races) in the previous election

year. Our results thus do not stem from geographic variation in social media use.

In the next section, we discuss previous research on congressional campaigning and

online influence, framing our work as a test of the normalization versus equalization argument

(e.g., Gibson et al. 2014). In Section 3, we discuss the details of our data and empirical models,

and describe our novel method of using the Twitter API to snowball out from candidate accounts

to measure their indirect influence. We discuss the results of our analyses in Section 4, providing

graphical support for our findings and describing candidates and tweets that garnered the most

indirect influence. We conclude in Section 5 with implications of our findings for contemporary

elections and discuss limitations of our study and directions for future research.


Congressional members were initially slow to adopt social media as a viable campaign

resource, but even early scholarship views social media use by congresspeople as a “vehicle for

self-promotion” (Golbeck et al. 2010). In other words, social media present yet another venue for

campaigning. More recent work on online campaigning has noted a steady increase in the use of

social media by congressional campaigns (Gulati and Williams 2013). Today, it appears that

members of congress have realized the potential of social media platforms for engaging with

their constituents, and have begun to fully embrace its use. For example, in the 115th Congress

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of the United States (active from 2017 to early 2019), only four congressional members did not

have a Twitter account (Littman 2017).

While candidates may have come around to using social media platforms for political

campaigning, the extent that behaviors on social media are associated with political outcomes is

debated. DiGrazia et al. (2013) find that when members of congress are mentioned on Twitter,

they reap dividends in their general election vote share. However, Jungherr et al. (2017) show

that the relationship between Twitter mentions and electoral outcomes is tenuous, arguing that

mentions are a better proxy of attention towards politics rather than political support. Even if a

relationship between Twitter mentions and electoral success were to exist, mentions are not

directly tied to a candidate’s own campaign activities. The implications of such a relationship for

political campaign strategy thus remain unclear, even though the implications for polling may be

significant. Moreover, Twitter mentions represent just one class of metrics on a single platform,

and the findings of Jungherr et al. (2017) may or may not translate to other metrics or platforms.

Can political candidates leverage social media to influence electoral outcomes? While

scholars of technology and politics acknowledge the import of this question (Gibson et al. 2014),

so far research relating social media influence to electoral success remains scarce. One notable

exception is research by Bode and Epstein (2015), who use a unique data collection strategy that

relies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single

“influence score.” They find that a candidate’s Klout score can help predict their vote share, even

after controlling for other candidate and race-specific variables. This work provides important

evidence that social media influence may play a role in shaping electoral outcomes, but the Klout

score is a blunt instrument that does not reveal which specific social media activities are

associated with electoral success. Here, we build on the work of Bode and Epstein (2015) by

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employing a novel snowball sampling method that allows us to construct several classes of

metrics that can each be separately evaluated for their relationship with electoral outcomes.

Importantly, these are all metrics that campaigns could feasibly construct, in real-time and for

free, using Twitter’s Application Programming Interface (or API).

To motivate the classes of metrics we develop, we leverage previous research on the flow

of political information. Hilbert et al. (2017) distinguish between one step, two step, and network

step flows on Twitter. While one step flows capture messages that reach the broader population

directly from the source, two step flows are mediated by so-called “opinion leaders” (Katz and

Lazarsfeld 1955). Network step flows, meanwhile, are more intricate processes that are tied to

the underlying interconnectivity between people. Choi (2015) finds evidence of two step flows in

political discussions on Twitter, noting that “those whose messages were frequently retweeted

were highly likely to be opinion leaders” (p. 705). The idea that messages may rely on several

“steps” before reaching the broader population helps us reconcile how Twitter, a platform used

by fewer than a quarter of Americans (Wojcik and Hughes 2019), could have effects that go

beyond the platform itself. For example, in their study of political campaign websites, Norris and

Curtice (2008) find evidence of two step flows to explain how online campaign information can

reach people who do not visit candidate websites. While few people visit these sites, those who

do are more likely to discuss politics with people that they know. Many voters can thus discover

political information indirectly, without participating in online discussions.

Reflecting on this work, we posit that social media could benefit candidates by way of all

three of these flows. First, social media could help via one step by allowing candidates to engage

directly with more people. By building a large audience, candidates can gain celebrity-like status

(Wheeler 2013), which could have electoral effects. Second, social media can help via two steps

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by allowing candidates to garner the attention of opinion leaders. The diffusion of information on

social media is usually driven by large broadcasts (Goel et al. 2016), implying that candidates

can gain indirect influence by having their messages shared by influential users. Finally, social

media could help candidates via a network step. Klar and Shmargad (2017) show that networks

which are structurally diverse – providing access to many different social network regions – can

accelerate the diffusion of messages from low-resourced groups. We thus test for the effects of

social media influence via one, two, and network step flows.

Beyond the general relationship between social media influence and electoral outcomes,

there is also debate concerning how the benefits of social media campaigning are distributed

across better- and worse-off candidates. Scholars who have contributed to this debate, sometimes

called the “normalization versus equalization argument” (Gibson et al. 2014), have tended to

focus on candidates’ initial adoption of online campaigning rather than metrics that capture the

effectiveness of online campaigns. For example, in a special issue of the Journal of Information

Technology and Politics alone, scholars investigated the adoption of online campaigning in

Denmark (Hansen and Kosiara-Pedersen 2014), France (Koc-Michalska et al. 2014), Germany

(Marcinkowski and Metag 2014), and Poland (Koc-Michalska et al. 2014). Our work helps to

inform this debate by analyzing how specific metrics are associated with electoral success,

extending prior work that has primarily focused on the initial adoption of online campaigning.

Scholars of social movements have noted that the success of modern movements depends

on their ability to leverage specific affordances of the internet. In particular, they cite low costs

of mobilization and asynchronous participation as prime opportunities that the internet affords

(Earl and Kimport 2011). In congressional politics, social media can give candidates with few

resources the ability to enter into a political arena where monetary costs are low, the transmission

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of ideas is relatively unfiltered, and name recognition can be built quickly. This is in contrast to

traditional media outlets, like television, where costs of promotion run high. For example, the

costs of running a political ad on a local television station is estimated at $200-$1500 per 30

second ad, per run. For those with little money to build name recognition through traditional

channels, social media can provide a cheaper alternative. Campaigning on social media can thus

help marginalized candidates attract attention, broaden exposure to their messages, and build

name recognition.

In this light, the benefits of social media can be viewed as being qualitatively similar, in a

mild sense, to the advantages that are bestowed upon political incumbents. Political incumbents

– officials who currently hold the office for which they are running – enjoy several benefits over

those who challenge them, including free publicity (Cain et al. 1987) and wider name recognition

(Kam and Zechmeister 2013). Social media platforms, given their democratic premise that

anyone’s ideas can go viral (Nahon and Hemsley 2013), could similarly provide marginalized

candidates with the prospect of gaining high levels of exposure. We return to this analogy when

describing the setup of our empirical analysis which shows qualitatively similar patterns for

incumbency and social media influence.

We acknowledge that the benefits of social media could help well-resourced candidates

as well. However, well-resourced candidates have less to gain by using social media because

they already tend to have name recognition, established donor bases, and alternate means of

unfiltered communication with their constituents. Well-resourced candidates are thus more likely

to be at a point of saturation, wherein they have already expended resources to get information

out to voters (Jacobson 1990). Social media platforms can thus serve as a useful tool, one among

many, that well-endowed candidates employ, but is not a game changer. On the other hand, for

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candidates with few financial resources, social media could decrease the promotional resource

gap, thereby narrowing the gap in vote shares.


Data for this project were collected with the help of ten research assistants. Each assistant

was assigned one or several U.S. states, and was tasked with collecting the Twitter handles of the

top two candidates (in terms of vote share) competing in 2016 House and Senate races in those

states. Data about the vote shares of candidates in each electoral race were obtained from the

Federal Election Commission (FEC) and were combined with the FEC candidate financial

summaries. The combined FEC data include several useful data points about the congressional

candidates, including their incumbency status and total disbursements (i.e., expenses) during the

campaign season. Data from the FEC were collected for electoral races in 2014 and 2016, so that

comparisons could be made across election years.

Before discussing the data that we gather from Twitter, we relate financial and electoral

equality across election years. We exclude uncontested races (i.e., those with a single candidate)

and any candidate who came in third or worse. We measure the financial equality of a race with

the ratio of the poorer to richer candidates’ expenses. A ratio of 1 thus implies that the race was

financially equal, while a ratio close to zero implies that the richer candidate outspent the poorer

candidate by a considerable amount. We measure the electoral equality of a race by subtracting

the vote share of the poorer candidate from that of the richer candidate. We use the two-party

vote share, which is the percentage of votes that a candidate receives divided by the total number

of votes that went to the top two candidates. All of the analyses in this paper use the two-party

vote share, though the results are nearly identical when using the raw vote percentages instead.

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In addition to investigating financial and electoral equality across years, we also classify

races by the incumbency status of the candidates. In particular, we designate races as either open

(i.e., no incumbent present), richer incumbent, or poorer incumbent. Figure 1 depicts financial

and electoral equality across years and incumbency. In general, the patterns are similar in open

races and those that feature the richer candidate as the incumbent. In particular, financially

unequal races (i.e., those in which the ratio of expenses between poorer and richer candidates is

near zero) have large electoral outcome gaps. This is evident from the large y-intercepts in the

left two columns. However, as races get more financially equal the gaps tend to zero, implying

that poorer and richer candidates see similar vote shares.

Panels in the rightmost column of Figure 1, which depict the relatively few races where

the poorer candidate was also the incumbent, reveal a different pattern. In particular, electoral

outcome gaps do not appear to vary, on average, with the extent of financial inequality between

candidates. The intuition behind this pattern is simple: one candidate is richer while the other is

the incumbent, and in the end neither type of candidate consistently gets elected in these races.

Empirically, the rightmost column shows a flattening, or moderation, of the relationship in the

two leftmost columns. We similarly search for such flattening when considering the Twitter

metrics that render financial inequities irrelevant, or at least less pertinent, for electoral equality.

More directly, we are interested in Twitter metrics that exhibit qualitatively similar patterns as

poor incumbency.


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3.1 Twitter Data

The final step of the data collection procedure took place in March of 2017, and relied on

Twitter’s API to extract data from candidates’ accounts. Often, candidates maintained more than

one account, and research assistants were instructed to keep every handle that they could locate

in such cases. The assistants then each ran a script, written in the programming language R, to

collect data capturing candidates’ tweets, users who retweeted (i.e., shared) candidates’ tweets,

tweets of users who retweeted candidates’ tweets, and users who retweeted tweets by candidate

retweeters. The data about candidates were thus detailed enough to let us create each candidate’s

ego social network, which includes information about which users retweeted a candidate’s tweets

and the extent that these users retweeted each other.

Figure 2 depicts our Twitter data collection strategy and the metrics that we construct to

capture one, two, and network step flows. At one step, we include the number of retweets and

likes that candidates received on their tweets, on average. At two steps, we include the average

number of followers that candidates’ retweeters had at the time of data collection (in thousands),

and the number of retweets and likes their tweets received, on average. At the network step, we

include two measures of structural diversity: the clustering coefficient (Watts and Strogatz 1998)

and social network constraint (Burt 1992). These measures capture the extent that a candidate’s

retweeters are located in different social network regions – where a low clustering coefficient

and network constraint both imply high levels of structural diversity. Both measures range from

0 to 1, and we multiply them by one hundred to ease the interpretation of our model estimates.


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We restrict data collection to the three months leading up to the morning of election day,

November 8th, 2016. Practically, this means that the script requested tweets with ID numbers

greater than 760836150760050689 (a tweet by Clinton on August 3rd, 2016) and smaller than

795954831718498305 (a tweet by Trump on the morning of November 8th, 2016). To constrain

the time spent collecting data, the script requested at most 100 tweets from each candidate and

retweeter account. Twitter’s API restricts data collection to the most recent 3,200 tweets per

account, including replies and retweets. Since data collection took place more than six months

after the start of the period of interest, it is possible that some tweets from some candidates were

not retrieved. In Figure 3, we depict the total number of tweets collected and a count of the

earliest tweet collected by candidates, broken down by day and political party.


Twitter’s API also restricts the number of retweeters that can be retrieved for each tweet

to the most recent 100, implying that retweeter data was incomplete for tweets that were widely

retweeted. In Figure 4, we depict the retweeter retrieval rate by the average retweets and political

party of the candidates. The average retweeter retrieval rate across candidates was just over 90%,

though the retrieval rate drops off steadily for candidates who received more than 100 retweets,

on average. Finally, while analyzing our data it became clear that one of the research assistants

did not properly complete the task, so that Twitter metrics are missing for candidates in Illinois,

Maryland, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and West Virginia. Still, the full set of Twitter metrics was

available for 400 candidates, and 142 electoral races included the full set for both candidates. We

restrict our main analysis to the 284 candidates in these races.

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In Table 1, we report summary statistics and a correlation matrix of the Twitter metrics.

On average, candidates’ tweets received about 20 retweets and 30 likes. Retweeters, on average,

saw significantly lower levels of engagement with their tweets than candidates, receiving about 2

retweets and just over 3.5 likes per tweet. The correlation matrix reveals that some of the Twitter

metrics are highly correlated. In particular, correlations were high between the metrics capturing

retweets and likes that candidates received, as well as between metrics capturing the followers,

retweets, and likes that candidate’s retweeters received. We revisit this correlation table when

discussing the metrics that we can comfortably include in the same model. We now turn to

describing the empirical models that we use to test how Twitter metrics were associated with the

outcomes of the 2016 U.S. congressional races.


3.2 Empirical Modeling

We start by modeling the relationship between financial and electoral equality depicted in

Figure 1. To formalize the financial equality of a given electoral race, we construct the expense

ratio to be the ratio of expenses between the poorer and richer candidates, constrained to the top

two candidates in terms of vote share. For candidate expenses, we follow Margolin et al. (2016)

and use the TTL_DISB column from the 2016 FEC candidate summaries.

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We then define the vote gap in an electoral race to be the difference in vote counts of the richer

and poorer candidates, divided by the total vote count across these two candidates:

We first employ a simple Ordinary Least Squares regression to relate the vote gap to the

expense ratio:

(Model 1)

Our next specification adds a vector of Twitter metrics and control variables, , an interaction

between this vector and the expense ratio, and state-level fixed effects :

(Model 2)

The coefficients in capture the effects of Twitter metrics and control variables in financially

unequal races (where the expense ratio is zero), while the coefficients in capture the effects of

Twitter metrics and control variables as races tend towards financial equality. The flattening we

observe for poor incumbency in Figure 1 would thus be exhibited by a negative coefficient in

and a positive coefficient in .

While the state-level fixed effects control for variation across states, they do not control

for variation across congressional districts. If certain districts consistently see larger vote gaps,

and these same districts are more likely to feature particular Twitter activities among candidates,

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then the Twitter metrics in would be endogenous. In order to control for time-invariant district-

level characteristics, we match candidates in 2016 with vote shares of their party’s candidate in

the same electoral race in 2014. Formally, we define the vote gap in 2014 as:

We then model the difference in vote gaps between 2016 and 2014 as:

(Model 3)

If certain Twitter metrics are associated with smaller vote gaps in 2016 than 2014, we attribute

the shrinking across years to these metrics.

Finally, we discuss the control variables that we also include in . These are: the total

disbursements across both candidates in the race (in millions); an indicator equal to 1 for Senate

races and 0 for House races; the total number of candidates in the race; an indicator equal to 1

when an incumbent is present and is the richer candidate; an indicator equal to 1 when an

incumbent is present and is the poorer candidate; an indicator equal to 1 if the richer candidate is

affiliated with the Republican party; exposure of both candidates in traditional media – measured

as the number of mentions candidates received in CNN transcripts (DiGrazia et al. 2013) over

the same time period that we used for Twitter data collection; and candidates’ engagement on

Twitter, measured as the average number of days that passed between two consecutive candidate

tweets. Next, we describe the results of estimating several specifications of the models presented.

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We start by establishing the empirical relationship between financial and electoral

equality and the moderating effect of poor incumbency (as depicted in Figure 1). In Table 2, we

report estimates from several models that use FEC data from electoral races in 2014 and 2016.

The left column shows that financially unequal races see large vote gaps – about 35 percentage

points, on average. However, vote gaps tend to zero as races get more financially equal (i.e., as

the expense ratio approaches 1). In the two right columns of Table 2, we add indicators for poor

and rich incumbency and fixed effects for state and year. Under both specifications, incumbency

of the poorer candidate is associated with a statistically significant moderation of the relationship

between financial and electoral equality. Specifically, the indicator for poor incumbency has a

negative baseline coefficient ( ) and positive interaction with the expense ratio ( ).


Next, we test for moderating effects of the Twitter metrics. We begin by estimating

Model 2, which includes state-level fixed effects and the full set of control variables at both the

baseline level and as an interaction with the expense ratio. Since some of the Twitter metrics are

highly correlated (see Table 1), we start by adding them separately into the model. Each metric

enters the model in four ways: at both the baseline level and as an interaction with the expense

ratio, and constructed for both the poorer and richer candidates in a given race. In Table 3, we

report estimates of the seven metric-specific specifications. Only two of the seven metrics show

statistical significance: the average number of retweets and likes received by poorer candidates’

retweeters. Notably, none of the metrics shows statistical significance for the richer candidate in

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the race. Moreover, for the poorer candidate, indirect influence appears to play a more significant

role than their direct influence (i.e., number of retweets or likes on their own tweets).


These two metrics, average retweets and likes among poorer candidates’ retweeters,

exhibit qualitatively similar empirical patterns as poor incumbency. In particular, they show a

significant negative baseline coefficient and positive interaction with the expense ratio – a

flattening of the relationship between financial and electoral equality. Indirect influence thus

helps to explain financially unequal races that see relatively close outcomes. However, we are

careful not to attribute causality to these effects. The specifications in Table 3 do not account for

variation across congressional districts. It is possible that high engagement candidates compete

in districts that tend to lean strongly towards one political party, thereby exhibiting larger vote

gaps. In Model 3, we address the alternative explanation that our results stem from geographic

variation in social media use. In particular, we control for district-level variation by comparing

races in 2016 to the prior congressional election year of 2014.

The next analyses include multiple Twitter metrics in the same specification. We exclude

the metric capturing followers across a candidate’s retweeters, since it is highly correlated with

retweeters’ retweets and likes (see Table 1). Moreover, unlike retweets and likes, the follower

metric had no significant effects on its own (see Table 3). This null result is consistent with prior

work suggesting that follower counts are a poor measure of a user’s influence on Twitter (e.g.,

Cha et al. 2010). Since retweeter retweets and likes are also highly correlated with each other, we

exclude the metric capturing average likes across a candidate’s retweeters. The results are nearly

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identical when excluding the number of retweets instead. We also exclude the metric capturing

likes that candidates themselves received, though specifications that exclude retweets instead

show nearly identical results. Alternative specifications, which include average likes across

candidate and retweeter tweets, are available in the appendix.

In Table 4, we report estimates from Models 2 and 3 in the left and right panels,

respectively. Both specifications include state fixed effects, all control variables, and four

Twitter metrics. We do not report estimates of the control variables here for the sake of brevity,

but they are available in the appendix. Notably, the number of observations is lower in Model 3

than in Model 2. This discrepancy is due to: 1) some states holding senate races in 2016 but not

in 2014, 2) some races in 2014 being uncontested so that vote gaps could not be calculated, and

3) some races featuring a third-party candidate in one year but not in another (so that races could

not be matched by party across years). Across both specifications, we find strong support for the

role of indirect influence. In financially unequal races, poorer candidates see smaller vote gaps in

2016, and compared to their party’s candidate in 2014, when they have indirect influence. The

effect of indirect influence is thus not an artifact of geographical variation in social media use.


4.1 Total Spending

Next, we address the following question: why is the effect of indirect influence more

pronounced in races that feature large financial inequity between candidates? To address this

question, it helps to understand how such inequity arises in the first place. Political scientists

have long argued that candidates’ spending decisions reflect their perceived chances of winning

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(e.g., Jacobson 1978). As Jacobson (1990) writes, “campaign spending may affect the vote, but

the (expected) vote affects campaign contributions, and thus spending, because potential donors

give more to candidates in races that are expected to be close” (p. 335). Donations thus pour into

races that are perceived to be competitive as political parties attempt to outspend each other. The

result of such reactive spending, paradoxically, is that competitors end up spending roughly the

same amount. Indeed, in our dataset, total spending in a race is highly correlated with the extent

of financial equity (i.e., the expense ratio) in the race (ρ = .429).

Financial inequity is thus more likely to arise in races that feature less spending overall.

In these races, candidates have less to spend on traditional forms of advertising, opening the door

for the relatively inexpensive promotional capabilities provided by social media. We thus expect

that social media will be more effective in races that feature lower spending. In our final model

specifications, we investigate whether social media mattered more in low spending races. If the

effect of indirect influence is more pronounced in low spending races, this would help to explain,

at least in part, why such influence is also more pronounced in races that feature larger financial

inequity between candidates.

In Table 5, we report estimates of Models 2 and 3, modified to include interactions with

total spending instead of the expense ratio. As in Table 4, both specifications include state fixed

effects, all control variables, and four Twitter metrics. We do not report estimates of the control

variables here for the sake of brevity, but they are available in the appendix. Across both models,

we find strong support for the role of indirect influence in low spending races. In low spending

races, poorer candidates see smaller vote gaps in 2016, and compared to their party’s candidate

in 2014, when they have indirect influence. Moreover, the effect of indirect influence tends to

Page 20: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


zero as total spending increases, though the interaction only reached marginal significance in the

latter specification (p = .053).


The estimates in Table 5 also point to the role of network influence in how candidates

performed relative to their party’s candidate in 2014. In low spending races, richer candidates

performed better (i.e., saw larger vote gaps) when their social networks were highly clustered.

This effect reverses for high spending races, wherein richer candidates perform better when their

networks are structurally diverse (i.e., less clustered). In high spending races, poorer candidates

also perform better when their networks are structurally diverse, as is evident from the larger

vote gaps associated with a larger network constraint. While we did not theorize about the effects

of social media in high spending races, our results suggest that more intricate network dynamics

may also underlie how social media shape political competition (Klar and Shmargad 2017).

4.2 Graphical Support

In Figure 5, we depict our findings graphically. In the top panels, the y-axis reflects vote

gaps in 2016, while in the bottom panels it reflects differences between 2016 and 2014. The left

and right panels capture the expense ratio and total spending on the x-axis, respectively. Each

point represents a different electoral race, with its size reflecting how many retweets retweeters

of the poorer candidate in the race received, on average. Gray points capture races where poorer

candidates did not have indirect influence, while black points capture races where they did. This

split roughly approximates the median of this metric (1.83 across all 142 races; 1.99 across the

Page 21: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


111 races where comparisons to 2014 could be made). The lighter and darker bands reflect 95%

confidence intervals of the best fitting line for the gray and black points, respectively.


In the top left panel, the flattening of the relationship between financial and electoral

equality is evident. Indirect influence helps to explain when poorer candidates see smaller vote

gaps in races with large financial inequity (i.e., low expense ratios). In the bottom left panel, we

see that these races also saw smaller vote gaps in 2016 than 2014. In the right panels, it appears

that no high spending races feature a poorer candidate with indirect influence. Moreover, all of

the eleven rightmost points in the top right panel are gray, each representing a senate race. The

appendix includes a figure that excludes senate races, where the statistical support is similar

across races that feature low and high levels of indirect influence for the poorer candidate.

Still, in the top right panel, we find visual confirmation that, in low spending races,

poorer candidates with indirect influence see smaller vote gaps. In the bottom right panel, we

also find evidence that indirect influence helps to explain when vote gaps were smaller in 2016

than 2014, though the bands do overlap, possibly because there are fewer races here and thus less

statistical power. Overall, the patterns of the raw data conform to the estimates of our empirical

models, which point to the equalizing effect of indirect influence in elections the feature large

financial inequity or low overall spending. They suggest that social media may be particularly

useful for candidates who, in some sense, have been forgotten my political parties and donors.

These candidates spend significantly less than their competitor, and tend to compete in races that

do not receive much funding more generally.

Page 22: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


4.3 Descriptive Analysis

To conclude this section, we discuss candidates and tweets that achieved high levels of

indirect influence (that is, were retweeted by users whose own tweets were widely retweeted). In

Table 6, we list the ten candidates who had the most indirect influence, but were outspent by

their competitor. The list is roughly split across party, with six Democrats and four Republicans.

Candidates from both parties can thus achieve relatively high levels of indirect influence. Of the

ten candidates, only two won their race: Brian Mast and Val Demings, one Republican and one

Democrat, who both ran for house seats in Florida. The most influential retweeters for these two

candidates, respectively, were @Braveheart_USA (an activist) and @donnabrazile (a political

strategist and commentator). Other influential retweeters include then Speaker of House Paul

Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) and a political action group that arose from Bernie Sanders’ presidential

primary campaign (@OurRevolution).

In Table 7, we report the most influential tweets from the candidates listed in Table 6. For

each candidate, we list all of their tweets that received an influence score of at least 10, implying

that their retweeters received at least 10 retweets on their own tweets, on average. For candidates

that did not have tweets with an influence score of at least 10, we report their tweet with the most

indirect influence. We also include the text of the most influential tweet by each candidate listed.

Republicans often pronounced their complaints with the current administration, while Democrats

posted about events and encouraged people to vote. Of course, this is a small selection of tweets

from a much larger corpus (see Figure 3), and thus may not represent candidate tweets overall.

Future work could investigate textual characteristics that are associated with achieving indirect

influence. While outside of the scope of the current paper, such an analysis would complement

existing studies, which typically apply measures of direct influence (e.g., number of retweets).

Page 23: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find



In this paper, we investigate how the benefits of social media campaigning are distributed

across competitors with financial inequities. While social media provide an inexpensive way for

groups to promote their messages (Earl and Kimport 2011), there is a significant worry that these

platforms merely serve to recreate or even exacerbate pre-existing inequalities (Schradie 2018).

We contribute to this debate, sometimes called the “normalization vs. equalization argument”

(Gibson et al. 2014), by analyzing Twitter use among 2016 U.S. congressional candidates. We

find that a specific class of Twitter metrics helps to explain when financially unequal races see

relatively close electoral results. These metrics capture the extent that the poorer candidate in the

race builds what we call indirect influence by having their tweets shared by users whose own

tweets are widely shared. We argue that social media platforms may thus serve an equalizing role

by letting candidates broaden their dissemination via two step flows (Katz and Lazarsfeld 1955).

These results have implications for how we go about measuring the success of social

media campaigns. The success of a campaign is typically evaluated based on the number of times

its posts have been liked or shared. Our findings point to another important aspect of a campaign

that informs its success – the extent that it achieves indirect, rather than direct, influence. Indeed,

electoral outcomes did not vary with metrics tied to candidates’ own tweets, such as the number

of times they were retweeted. The metrics of indirect influence we use are simple, and could be

feasibly constructed by campaigns, in real-time and for free, using Twitter’s API. Moreover, they

reflect the findings of previous work (e.g., Bakshy et al. 2011), which suggests that successful

diffusion arises from support among many users of moderate influence rather than a few highly

influential ones. Future research should investigate the types of messages that garner high levels

of indirect influence, as these appear to be indicative of a political campaign’s success.

Page 24: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Our findings also have important implications for the competitiveness of U.S. elections.

Electoral outcomes in the U.S. are seldomly close, which has generated some concern about the

“vibrancy of American democracy” (Fraga and Hersh 2018). Our results highlight that social

media platforms can provide lower-resourced candidates with an edge, especially in races that

feature large financial inequity or lower spending overall. In some sense, these races are the ones

that have been overlooked by political parties and donors, and social media may serve as an

alternative means generating attention in these cases. Of course, it is possible that political tweets

which achieve such influence have normatively negative qualities, such as being ideologically

extreme or even un-democratic (Tucker et al. 2017). Electoral competition is just one measure of

a vibrant democracy, and social media could hurt democracy in other ways. For example, if

tweets containing misinformation or disinformation are more likely to be propagated, social

media platforms would broaden exposure to these messages as well (e.g., Vosoughi et al. 2018).

There are two limitations to our study that are worth noting. First, while we compare

across election years to control for geographic variation in social media use, it is possible that

some candidates are simply better at attracting attention and would do so even in the absence of

social media. However, given that the influence we uncover requires messages to be shared by

many, moderately influential users, the networked nature of social media likely makes them

more conducive to this kind of decentralized influence. Second, while prior research suggests

that the diffusion of information is usually driven by large broadcasts (Goel et al. 2016), the

mechanisms that connect broadcasts to electoral outcomes need further investigation. For

example, does indirect influence merely broaden exposure to a candidate’s messages, or does it

add legitimacy to these messages through social signals? Future work should seek to inform our

understanding of the mechanisms that convert social media attention to voting behavior.

Page 25: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Figure 1: Financial and Electoral Equality by Year and Incumbency

Page 26: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Figure 2: Data Collection Strategy and One Step, Two Step, and Network Step Metrics

Page 27: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Figure 3: Volume of Total and Earliest Candidate Tweets by Day and Political Party

Page 28: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Figure 4: Retweeter Retrieval Rate by Average Retweets and Political Party

Page 29: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Figure 5: Vote Gaps by Poorer Candidate’s Indirect Influence

Page 30: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 1 Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix of Twitter Metrics

Mean S.D. X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6

One Step Metrics

Avg. Retweets (X1) 18.3 81.3

Avg. Likes (X2) 31.3 140 .976

Two Step Metrics

Avg. Followers (X3) 5.56 7.29 -.048 -.037

Avg. Retweets (X4) 2.17 2.95 -.054 -.054 .654

Avg. Likes (X5) 3.59 4.52 -.059 -.054 .705 .973

Network Step Metrics

Clustering Coef. (X6) 2.35 6.27 -.067 -.069 -.092 -.054 -.051

Net. Constraint (X7) 7.07 9.80 -.140 -.141 -.181 -.182 -.210 .211

Notes: Number of Candidates = 284. Large correlations boxed.

Page 31: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 2 OLS Models Relating Financial and Electoral Equality

Model 1 + Incumbency + Fixed Effects

Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE

Constant 34.6** .698 31.0** 2.26 31.1** 2.41

Expense Ratio -42.8** 1.98 -42.4** 4.50 -43.0** 4.75

Poorer Incumbent

Baseline -46.8** 13.5 -51.6** 13.9

x Expense Ratio 55.6** 16.9 63.4** 17.4

Richer Incumbent

Baseline 3.68 2.38 3.29 2.49

x Expense Ratio 4.25 5.17 4.27 5.43

State Fixed Effects No No Yes

Year Fixed Effects No No Yes

Adjusted R2 .403 .423 .430

Observations 694 694 694

Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01.

Page 32: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 3 OLS Models with Twitter Metrics Included Separately

Model 2

Poorer Candidate Richer Candidate Adj.

R2 Baseline x Exp. Ratio Baseline x Exp. Ratio

Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE

One Step

Avg. Retweets -.110 .165 -.021 .486 .035 .022 -.219 .266 .500

Avg. Likes .003 .077 -.041 .133 .025 .013 -.263 .180 .504

Two Step

Avg. Followers -.293 .382 .236 1.33 .156 .296 -.109 .795 .462

Avg. Retweets -2.69** .975 3.17* 1.42 -.161 .576 .529 2.22 .501

Avg. Likes -2.09** .707 2.44* 1.03 -.159 .387 .477 1.35 .507

Network Step

Clustering Coef. -.300 .279 1.44 1.50 .410 .388 -.765 1.32 .468

Net. Constraint .082 .163 .688 .950 -.661 .652 .762 1.56 .476

Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. Number of Observations = 142. Each row includes estimates from a

different model. State-level fixed effects included. All control variables included at both the baseline

and interaction levels. Statistically significant estimates boxed.

Page 33: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 4 OLS Models with Interactions between the Twitter Metrics and Expense Ratio

Model 2: Vote Gap 2016 Model 3: Vote Gap 2016 – 2014

Baseline x Expense Ratio Baseline x Expense Ratio

Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE

Constant 44.5** 10.7 -65.6* 25.2 15.4 13.0 -61.3 37.5

Poorer Candidate

Avg. Retweets -.121 .179 .296 .540 .137 .423 -.727 1.94

Avg. Ret. of RTers -2.37* 1.02 2.48 1.52 -2.34* .900 2.00 1.54

Clustering Coef. -.227 .321 .376 1.97 -.112 .296 -.420 1.93

Net. Constraint .112 .174 .896 1.27 .201 .212 1.55 1.39

Richer Candidate

Ave. Retweets .038 .025 -.409 .302 -.005 .062 -.216 .735

Avg. Ret. of RTers .013 .601 -.747 2.70 .307 .501 -2.28 2.65

Clustering Coef. .764 .432 -.815 1.43 1.11 .665 -1.94 1.81

Net. Constraint -.811 .816 -.030 1.89 -.493 .862 -2.32 2.22

State FE Yes Yes

Adjusted R2 .507 .458

Observations 142 111

Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. All control variables included at both the baseline and interaction

levels. Estimates of control variables omitted here for brevity but are available in the appendix.

Statistically significant estimates boxed.

Page 34: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 5 OLS Models with Interactions between the Twitter Metrics and Total Expenses

Model 2: Vote Gap 2016 Model 3: Vote Gap 2016 – 2014

Baseline x Total Spent Baseline x Total Spent

Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE Coef. SE

Constant 26.8** 9.83 -.602 2.06 12.5 12.4 -11.6** 3.87

Poorer Candidate

Avg. Retweets -.165 .190 .013 .027 -.012 .443 .088 .125

Avg. Ret. of RTers -3.48* 1.44 .528* .250 -4.49** 1.34 .468 .235

Clustering Coef. .037 .325 -.128 .238 .091 .385 -.330 .326

Net. Constraint .149 .184 .047 .109 .061 .243 .338* .136

Richer Candidate

Ave. Retweets .024 .036 -.005 .016 .012 .102 -.047 .060

Avg. Ret. of RTers -.637 .727 .233 .333 .197 .631 -.022 .350

Clustering Coef. .387 .636 -.017 .330 2.28* .847 -1.07** .380

Net. Constraint -.175 .890 -.159 .266 -1.52 .976 .453 .338

State FE Yes Yes

Adjusted R2 .505 .468

Observations 142 111

Notes: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. All control variables included at both the baseline and interaction

levels. Estimates of control variables omitted here for brevity but are available in the appendix.

Statistically significant estimates boxed.

Page 35: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 6 Poorer Candidates with the Most Indirect Influence

Candidate State–

District Party

Exp. Ratio /

Total Spent

Vote Gap /

Win or Loss



Most Influential


Morgan Carroll CO–6 Dem .876 / 6.71M 8.88 / Loss 23.3 @OurRevolution

Brett Murdock CA–39 Dem .021 / 3.74M 14.5 / Loss 9.33 @CA_Dem

Brian Mast FL–18 Rep .264 / 13.7M -10.9 / Win 9.21 @Braveheart_USA

Frank Guinta NH–1 Rep .994 / 3.10M 1.54 / Loss 7.76 @SpeakerRyan

Jim Reed CA–1 Dem .167 / .944M 18.1 / Loss 6.85 @_HorsesForLife

Kai Degner VA–6 Dem .076 / 2.16M 33.6 / Loss 5.50 @OurRevolution

Jim Lawrence NH–2 Rep .048 / 2.28M 4.65 / Loss 5.37 @rpollockDC

Brady Walkinshaw WA–7 Dem .646 / 4.91M 12.0 / Loss 4.97 @latinovictoryus

Val Demings FL–10 Dem .284 / .065M -29.7 / Win 3.82 @donnabrazile

Scott Garrett NJ–5 Rep .924 / 9.08M 4.51 / Loss 3.73 @SpeakerRyan

Notes: A candidate’s indirect influence is the average number of retweets their retweeters received on

their own tweets. A candidate’s most influential retweeter is that who received the most retweets on

their own tweets, on average. All of the candidates in this list competed in House races. Patty Judge of

Iowa was the senate candidate with the most indirect influence (average retweets of retweeters = 2.14).

Page 36: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find


Table 7 Influential Tweets from Poorer Candidates with the Most Indirect Influence

Candidate Tweet ID Indirect

Influence Text of the Most Influential Tweet Recovered


Carroll 794237520150073344 76.9

EXCITING NEWS: Senator Bernie Sanders will

host a rally for us THIS SATURDAY! Link for

the event here - RSVP now!



Murdock 776852891990499328 9.33

Hey @RepEdRoyce , when are you going to

debate @Brett_Murdock1 ?

Brian Mast









Shameful. When our Veterans are desperate for

our help, the @DeptVetAffairs doesn't answer the


0884f5d1 #FL18 #sayfie









There's a #BetterWay to fight poverty

_newsletter.aspx?id=101415&c=NH01FG Read

abt @HouseGOP plan in my latest "Weekend


Jim Reed 793519489249792000 6.85 I posted a new video to Facebook

Kai Degner 791707858463236096




















I said two years ago that #Obamacare was going

to raise costs and it has. We need market-driven

solutions. #nh02 #nh02debates #nhpolitics


Walkinshaw 792027330608635904 9.40

Vote today; the climate can't wait! Learn more

about Brady's environmental leadership:


Demings 790519281909846016 10.7

It is the first day of in-person early voting! Join

@HillaryforFL @SMurphyCongress & I for a

rally in Orlando this am

Scott Garrett 773561242724229120 14.7

I proudly voted for this bill to make sure every

survivor of sexual assault is empowered to seek

justice (Quoting a tweet by @SpeakerRyan: Last

night, the House unanimously passed a bill to

protect sexual assault victims. @RepMimiWalters


Notes: A tweet’s indirect influence is the average number of retweets its retweeters received on their

own tweets. Only tweets with an indirect influence score of at least 10 are included in this list, unless

none exist for the candidate in which case their tweet with the most indirect influence is included.

Page 37: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find



Yotam Shmargad is an Assistant Professor in the School of Government & Public Policy at the

University of Arizona, [email protected]

Lisa Sanchez is an Assistant Professor in the School of Government & Public Policy at the

University of Arizona, [email protected]


Data on electoral outcomes, incumbency, and party affiliations of candidates in 2014 and 2016

are available here:

Data on the campaign finance activities of candidates in 2014 and 2016 are available here:

Twitter and other data are available from the first author upon request, subject to Twitter’s

Developer Policy:

The authors will link to a GitHub account with the code used for snowball sampling and list of

candidate Twitter handles used.


R was used to collect data from Twitter (with the twitteR package), analyze candidate networks

(with the igraph package), and visualize data (with the ggplot2 package). Stata MP 13.1 was used

for model estimation. A .do file replicating regression analyses is available from the first author.

Page 38: Social Media Influence and Electoral Competitionrelies on Klout – an online service that compiles data from several platforms to construct a single “influence score.” They find



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