Page 1: Smart ideas to decorate a nursery in budget

Smart ideas to decorate a nursery in budget

The nursery holds a special place in our heart. This is the place where you welcome the little one;this is where they would play and grow-up.

Quite naturally children spend a lot of time in their bedrooms. According to child psychologistsnursery design should invoke sense of security and comfort in the child - both these factors are veryimportant in development and personality building of the young ones. Nursery decoration shouldtherefore be cheerful and calming at the same time. And, most importantly it should be a reflectionof your little one’s personality. However, our expert Interior designers in Ahmedabad have warnedus that it is very easy to get lost in the sea of ideas for baby room decoration.

Emphasis on selecting the right paint

Painting the wall in the right color is very important when it comes to children rooms. It is advisableto paint in bright cheerful colors that reflect your child bubbly personality. Breaking the stereotype ofpink for the girl and blue for the boy is also welcome. Rather, select colors that are gender neutral.White can also be great on the wall since it creates a contrast background for the rest of thedecoration.

Pick up the right furniture

Kid furniture must be functional, sturdy and safe, i.e. avoid sharp and pointed edges furniture as kidshave a tendency to bump against them. Select a low rising bed to eliminate accidental falls. The kidsroom tends to get messy with toys strewn everywhere - to avoid it build ample storing space to storeaway her belongings.

Page 2: Smart ideas to decorate a nursery in budget

Choose furniture that goes with the theme you have decided for the room for more coordinatedlook. Avoid putting too many furniture in child’s room. Adopting a minimalist decoration will leavemore room for the child to play without interruption.

The world is full of ideas and as our Interior designers in Ahmedabad has rightly mentioned that youshould be experimental in decorating the nursery just like the curious nature of small children.

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