Page 1: Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization

Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of theHistory of CivilizationAuthor(s): George Sarton and Frances SiegelSource: Isis, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Autumn, 1944), pp. 349-362Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

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Page 2: Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization




THIS bibliography is an exceptional one, being de- voted exclusively to the articles published in Lychnos (for the years 1941 to 1943, Uppsala I941-43), and to the books reviewed in these three volumes. These volumes were obtained in January I945, thanks to the kindness and courtesy of the Legation of Sweden in Washington. Our reason for devot- ing a special bibliography to them, ahead of our regular bibliography which will appear in the next number of Isis, is obvious enough. The works pub- lished or discussed in Lychnos have remained largely unknown to our readers because of the war; the reviews, it should be noted, do not concern only Swedish or Scandinavian publications, but many others which appeared recently in Finland, Ger- many, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Nether- lands, France, or Italy; a few of them are devoted to English and American books or to the translations of such books. We do not usually mention reviews of items which we have not been able to examine ourselves; in this case, however, we had to depend almost exclusively on the information given in Lychnos, for most of the original books were out of our reach.

Lychnos, it may be recalled, is the annual volume published by the Swedish History of Science Society since 1936, under the editorship of our colleague and friend, JOHAN NORDSTR6M, professor of the

history of learning in the venerable University of Uppsala. The first volume was reviewed in Isis, 26, I77-80, and the volumes for the years 1936 to 1940 were analyzed in Isis as soon as was pos- sible. It should be noted that these analyses and the one which we are publishing below do not exhaust the very rich contents of Lychnos. Indeed, the field of Lychnos is somewhat broader than that of Isis. The Swedish subtitle of those volumes is Lardoms- historiska samfundets arsbok (Yearbook of the Soci- ety for the History of Learning). Learning is given more space than science, while in Isis the opposite is true. Moreover, some of the publications reviewed in Lychnos, being devoted to the history of educa- tion and learning in Sweden or Scandinavia, would not interest the majority of our readers. Those of our readers who would be especially interested in Scandinavian matters should go straight to Lychnos,

that is, they should become members of the Swedish group.

Further information will be found in the article, History of Science in Sweden, kindly prepared by Dr. STEN LINDROTH, of Uppsala, which will ap- pear in a forthcoming number of Isis.

To conclude, we wish to express our deep ad- miration to the Swedish Society, to its editor, and collaborators who had the courage and perseverance to continue this admirable work in spite of the al- most insuperable difficulties caused by the war. Sweden is giving to all of us a high example which we are, alas, not able to emulate!

The notes published in this bibliography were selected by me; they were typed by Miss FRANCES SIEGEL, and the typing and proofs read by Dr. ALEXANDER POGO.


Cambridge, Mass. February 7, I945




Fleischer, Ulrich. Untersuchungen zu den pseu- dohippokratischen Schriften IIapayyeXi'a, lIep' ir,7pov und HepL Evarx)7folvVrl.. II 2 p. (Neue Deutsche Forschungen. Klassische Philologie). Berlin, Junker u. Diinnhaupt, I939.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 416-I7, I941.

IVTH CENTURY B.C. (whole and first half)

Almberg, Nils. PLATONS varldssjiil och Aristo- teles' gudsbegrepp. Studier i platonsk naturfilosofi och astralteologi. viii+526 p. Lund, Gleerup, 1941.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 337-38, 1941.

Palas, Reino. Die Bewertung der Sinnenwelt bei PLATON. Eine Studie zur Psychologie der Welt-


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Page 3: Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization

IVth (i) to XVth (2)

anschauungen. 242 p. Helsingfors, Finska Lit- teratursallskapets Tryckeri, 1941.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 318-20, I943.

Rudberg, Gunnar. PLATON. En inledning till studiet. 251 p. Lund, Gleerup, 1943.

Reviewed by INGEMAR DURING, Lychnos, 315-I8, 1943.

IVTH CENTURY B.C. (second half)

[Aristotle]. ARISTOTLE'S De partibus animalium. Critical and literary commentaries by INGEMAR DURING. 223 p. (G6teborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhilles Handlingar. Sjatte folj- den. Ser. A. Bd. 2, No. I). Goteborg, Wetter- gren & Kerber, 1943.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 374-76, I943.

During, Ingemar. ARISTOTLE, the founder of scientific method and language. Lychnos, 43- 66 (in Swedish, with summary in English), 1943.

IST CENTURY (whole and first half)

Klotz, Alfred. Studien zu VALERIUS MAXIMUS und den Exempla. 104 p. (Sitzungsberichte d. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. Philos.-hist. Abt., H. 5, 1942). Miinchen, Verlag d. Akad., 1942.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 334, 1943.

VIITH CENTURY (second half)

Schnetz, Joseph. Untersuchungen uiber die Quel- len der Kosmographie des anonymen Geographen von Ravenna. 87 p. (Sitz.-Ber. d. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Abt., H. 6, 1942). Miinchen, 1942.

Reviewed by HERMAN RICHTER, Lychnos, 365-66, 1943.

IXTH CENTURY (whole and first half)

[Walafrid Strabo]. WALAHFRID STRABO, Hor- tulus. Vom Gartenbau. Herausgegeben von WERNER NAF und MATHAUS GABATHULER. St. Gallen, Tschudy, 1942.

Reviewed by OTTO GERTZ, Lychnos, 376-77, 1943.

XIITH CENTURY (whole and first half) Richter, Heinz. Englische Geschichtschreiber des

I2. Jahrhunderts. I80 p. (Neue Deutsche For- schungen. Abtg. Mittelalterliche Geschichte, 4). Berlin, Junker u. Diinnhaupt, 1938.

Reviewed by STEN LINDBERG, Lychnos, 373, 1942.

XIIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Mandonnet, Pierre. Saint DOMINIQUE. L'idee, l'homme et l'oeuvre. Augmente de notes et d'e- tudes critiques par M. H. VICAIRE. I. Etapes. 2.

Perspectives. 280 p., 4 pis.; 321 p., 4 pls. Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 1938.

Reviewed by TONI SCHMID, Lychnos, 327-28, 1941.

XIVTH CENTURY (second half)

J0rgensen, Johannes. Den hellige BIRGITTA of Vadstena. I (1303-1349). 270 p., ills. K0ben- havn, Gyldendal, 1941.

Reviewed by TONI SCHMID, Lychnos, 308-og, 1942.

XVTH CENTURY (whole and first half)

Creutz, Rudolf. Medizinisch-physikalisches Den- ken bei NIKOLAUS VON CUES und die ihm als "Glossae Cardinalis" irrig zugeschriebenen medi- zinischen Handschriften. 34 p. (Cusanus-Stu- dien, 4. Sitzungsberichte d. Heidelberger Akad. d. Wiss., Philos.-hist. Klasse, I938/39, 3). Hei- delberg, Winter, I939.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 418-I9, I941.

XVTH CENTURY (second half)

[Amerbach, Johann]. Die Amerbachkorres- pondenz. Im Auftrag der Kommission fur die offentliche Bibliothek der Universitit Basel bear- beitet und hrsg. von ALFRED HARTMANN. Bd. I. Die Briefe aus der Zeit JOHANN AMERBACHS

I48I-I5I3. xxiii+485 p. Basel, Verlag der Universititsbibliothek, 1942.

Reviewed by BROR OLSSON, Lychnos, 290-9g, I942. A review of this book was being prepared for Isis by the late ARNOLD KLEBS, but apparently he was not able to complete it, or at any rate, it did not reach the editor. G. S.

[Columbus]. CHRIST. COLUMBUS, Bordbuch.

Aufzeichnungen seiner ersten Entdeckungsfahrt nach Amerika 1492-1493. Deutsche Obertra- gung von ANT. ZAHORSKY. 343 p., 13 ills. Zu- rich, Rascher, 194I.

Reviewed by HERMAN RICHTER, Lychnos, 390, 1942.

Garin, Eugenio. GIOVANNI PICO DELLA MIRAN- DOLA. Vita e dottrina. 243 p. (Pubblicazioni della R. Universita degli studi di Firenze, Facolta di lettere e filosofia, III). Firenze, Le Monnier, I937.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 338-39, 1941.


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XVth (2) to

Lynn, Caro. A college professor of the Renais- sance. Lucio MARINEO SICULO among the

Spanish humanists. ix+302 p., I pl. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, I937.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lynchos, 290, I942.

XVIth CENTURY (whole and first half)


Johannsen, Otto. Peder Manssons Bedeutung fur die Geschichte der Technik. Lychnos, I 17- 26, I94I.

Apropos of the Swedish monk and bishop of Vesteras, PEDER MANSSON (c. I460-I534), author of various technical writings, e.g., a book on mining composed by him in Rome c. I514-24. BIRINGUCCIO was in Rome

during that very period. An earlier book on the same subject, the Bergbiichlein of c. I505, was analyzed by ERNST DARMSTAEDTER in I926 (Isis, 10, I43). G. S.

Mansson, Peder. Schriften iiber technische Che- mie und Hiittenwesen. Eine Quelle zur Ge- schichte der Technik des Mittelalters, iibersetzt und erliutert von OTTO JOHANNSEN. (Schrif- tenreihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Technik- geschichte des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, I6). vii+26I p. Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 194I.

Reviewed in Lychnos by OTTO JOHANNSEN, 117-26, and by CARL BENEDICKS, 404-06, 1941.

Papritz, Johannes; Schmauch, Hans (edi- tors). KoPERNIKus-Forschungen. viii+234 p., 39 ills. (Deutschland und der Osten. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte ihrer Bezie- hungen, 22). Leipzig, Hirzel, 1943.

Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 370-74, 1943.

Peuckert, Will-Erich. NIKOLAUS KOPERNIKUS, der die Erde kreisen liess. 352 p., 2 pls. Leipzig, List, 943.

Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 370-74, I943.

Zinner, Ernst. Entstehung und Ausbreitung der coppernicanischen Lehre. Zum 2oojahrigen Ju- bilaum der Friedrich-Alexander-Universitit zu

Erlangen. xii+594 p., 78 ills. (Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietat zu Er-

langen, 74). Erlangen, Mencke, I943. Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 369-74,

1943. See also Isis, 35, 6i.


Betschart, Ildefons. THEOPHRASTUS PARA- CELSUS. Der Mensch an der Zeitenwende. 17I p., ill. Einsiedeln, Benziger, 194I.

XVIth (I) 351

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 413-I4, '943.

Brunn, Walter A. L. von. PARACELSUS und seine Schwindsuchtslehre. 62 p. (Praktische Tuberkulose-Biicherei, 26). Leipzig, Thieme, I941.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 414-15, 1942.

Fischer, Hans. Die kosmologische Anthropologie des PARACELSUS als Grundlage seiner Medizin. Ein Beitrag zum Verstindnis des Arztes PARA- CELSUS. 51 p., I pl. (Verhandlungen der Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 69). I941.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 416-21, 1942.

Jung, C. G. Paracelsica. Zwei Vorlesungen iiber den Arzt und Philosophen THEOPHRASTUS. I88 p., ill. Zurich, Rascher, I942.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 416-21, I942.

Oosterhuis, R. A. B. PARACELSUS en HAHNE- MANN, een renaissance der geneeskunst. ix+300 p., ill. Leiden, Sijthoff, I937.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 413-14, 1943.

[PARACELSUS]. PARACELSO e 1'Italia. Miscellanea di studi e ricerche. IV centenario della morte di TEOFRASTO PARACELSO. 94 p. (Pubblicazioni dell' Istituto di storia della medicina della Univer- sita di Roma, Coll. C). Roma, I 94 .

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 413-14, I943.

Paracelsus. Die Geheimnisse. Ein Lesebuch aus seinen Schriften mit einer Lebensbeschreibung, einem Abriss seiner Lehre, mit Vorberichten, An- merkungen und einem erklarenden Register, hrsg. von WILL-ERICH PEUCKERT. lxi+474 p., 8 pls., I map. (Sammlung Dieterich, 83). Leip- zig, Dieterich, 194I.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 416-21, I942.

Peuckert, Will-Erich. THEOPHRASTUS PARA- CELSUS. 472 p., 10 pls. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, I94I.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 416-21, 1942.

Sticker, Georg. Ein Gesprich des Konigs FER- DINAND mit PARACELSUS. 14 p. (Nova Acta

Leopoldina, Io). Halle (Saale), Deutsche Aka- demie der Naturforscher, 1941.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 416-21, I942.

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XVIth (I) to XVIth (2)

Sticker, Georg. PARACELSUS. Ein Lebensbild, 94 p. (Nova Acta Leopoldina, io). Halle (Saale), Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, I941.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 4 6-2 , 1942.


Gilbert, Allan H. MACHIAVELLI'S Prince and its forerunners. The Prince as a typical book de regimine principum. xiii+266 p. Durham, N. C., Duke University Press, 1938.

Reviewed by INGVAR ANDERSSON, Lychnos, 356-58, 1941.

Leemann-van Elck, Paul. Die Offizin Fro- schauer, Ziirichs beriihmte Druckerei im 16. Jahr- hundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst anlisslich der Halbjahrtausendfeier ihrer Erfindung. 215 p., ill., 3 pls. Zurich, Fiiss- ii, 1940.

Reviewed by HANS SALLANDER, Lychnos, 310, 1941.

McCann, Lee. NOSTRADAMUS, mannen som sag in i framtiden. Overs. av EVA ALEXANDERSON.

335 p., 8 pls. Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1942.

Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 293-94, 1942.

Nordstrom, Johan. Nar skrev OLAUS MAGNUS sin Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus? Lych- nos, 265-68, 1943.

When did OLAUS MAGNUS write his main work, His- toria de gentibus septentrionalibus, first printed in Rome 1555? G.S.

Nordstrom, Johan. Tva okanda brev fran OLAUS MAGNUS i Vatikanska Biblioteket. Lych- nos, 255-65, facsimile, 1943.

Two letters of the Swedish Catholic historian, OLAUS MAGNUS (I490-1558), in the Vatican Library. They were both addressed in 1545 to GIov. PIETRO CARAFFA (later PAUL IV). G. S.


HEIMER, Briefwechsel. Bd. I. In Verbindung mit ARNOLD REIMAN gesammelt, hrsg. und er- lautert von EMIL REICKE. li+592 p. (Ver6f- fentlichungen der Kommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Reformation und Gegenre- formation. Humanistenbriefe, 4). Miinchen, Beck, I940.

Reviewed by BROR OLSSON, Lychnos, 292-93, 1942.

Reiter, Paul J. MARTIN LUTHERS Umwelt, Charakter und Psychose sowie die Bedeutung

dieser Faktoren fur seine Entwickelung und Lehre. II. LUTHERS Pers6nlichkeit, Seelenleben und Krankheiten. 633 p. Kopenhagen, Munks- gaard, I941.

Reviewed by SIGFRID VON ENGESTROM, Lychnos, 309-1 I, 1942.

Srbik, Robert von. Die Margarita philosophica des GREGOR REISCH (d. 1525). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften in Deutsch- land. 123 p. (Aus den Denkschriften d. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Mathem.-Naturwiss. KI., o04). Wien, Holder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1941.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 364-65, I943. The Margarita was first printed in Freiburg i.B. 1503, not in Heidelberg 1496, as was wrongly put in Osiris, 5, 193 (Isis, 30, 5 o). G. S.

XVITH CENTURY (second half)


Bugge, Giinther. Der Alchimist. Die Geschichte LEONHARD THURNEYSSERS, des Goldmachers von Berlin. 303 p., 12 pls. Berlin, Limpert, I939-

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 403-04, 1941.

Depau, Robert. SIMON STEVIN. 126 p. Bru- xelles, Office de Publicite, 1942.

Reviewed by 0. KLEIN, Lychnos, 387-88, 1943.

Sandblad, Henrik. Quelques pronostics poli- tiques sur JEAN III, SIGISMOND et CHARLES IX de Suede. Lychnos, 87-96 (in Swedish, with summary in French), 1942.

Applications of astrology to politics, I572-i605. G. S.


Kemner, N. A. Uber die Herkunft des Namens Libella fur die Odonaten sowie die iltere Ge- schichte dieses Namens. Lychnos, 76-86, 3 figs., I942.


Peine, Hans. Briefe KONRAD GESNERS an seine Freunde GASSER und CULMANN. 69 p. (Diis- seldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin). Diisseldorf, Nolte, 1939.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 419, 1941.


Hermeren, Harry. Die Kathedralschule zu Upp- sala und ihre Direktoren wihrend des spateren


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XVIth (2) to XVIIth (2)

Teils des i6. Jahrhunderts. Lychnos, 164-76 (in Swedish, with summary in German), 1942.

Metral, Denyse. BLAISE DE VIGENERE, archeo-

logue et critique d'art (1523-1596). viii+324 p., 5 pls. Paris, Droz, 1939.

Reviewed by MARITA LINDGREN-FRIDELL, Lychnos, 37x-72, 1941.

Norvin, William. PIERRE DE LA RAMEE et le Danemark. Lychnos, 97-1 10 (in Swedish, with

summary in French), 1943. "La presente etude d6bute par une analyse de la

methode de RAMUS et par un court resum6 de la lutte qui eut lieu, particulierement en Allemagne, entre les adeptes et les adversaires du philosophe. Au Danemark egalement la lutte fut chaude, au cours des deux der- niires d6cades du XVIe siecle, autour de la philosophie de RAMUS. Parmi ceux qui subirent son influence, l'auteur range entre autres TYCHO BRAHE. Le plus im- portant des adeptes danois de RAMUS fut ANDERS KRAG, dont les Rameae Scholae (1582) font l'objet principal de l'expose de l'auteur."

Port, Wilhelm. HIERONYMUS COMMELINUS 1550-1597. Leben und Werk eines Heidelberger Drucker-Verlegers. xii+156 p., 4 pls. (Samm- lung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, H. 47). Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1938.

Reviewed by HANS SALLANDER, Lychnos, 310, 1941.

XVIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)


Klein, 0. BLAISE PASCAL et NIELS BOHR. Quel- ques reflexions. Lychnos, 65-75 (in Swedish, with summary in French), 1942.

Kepler, Johannes. Gesammelte Werke, heraus- gegeben im Auftrag der deutschen Forschungs- gemeinschaft und der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften unter der Leitung von WALTHER VON DYCK und MAX CASPAR. Bd. I: Mysterium cosmographicum. De stella nova. 1938. xv+493 p. Bd. II: Astronomiae pars optica. 1939. 465 p. Bd. III: Astronomia nova. 1937. 488 p. Bd. VI: Harmonice mundi. 1940. 563 p. Miinchen, Beck.

Reviewed by JOHAN NORDSTROM, Lychnos, 389-91, 1941.

Kepler, Johannes. Welt-Harmonik. Obersetzt und eingeleitet von MAX CASPAR. 56+403 p.

Miinchen, Oldenbourg, 1939. Reviewed by C. W. OSEEN, Lychnos, 391, 1941.

Sandblad, Henrik. GALILEE dans la litterature scientifique suedoise jusque vers x680. Lychnos,

1I4-32 (in Swedish, with summary in French), I942.

Walde, 0. NICOLAUS GRANIUS, GALILEO and KEPLER. Lychnos, 279-80 (in Swedish), 1942.


Gottlieb, Bernhard Josef. JAN DE WALE. Zwei Briefe uiber die Bewegung des Chylus und Blutes an THOMAS BARTHOLIN, Sohn des CAS- PAR 1640. 87 p. (Klassiker der Medizin, 33). Leipzig, Barth, 1942.

Reviewed by G. LILJESTRAND, Lychnos, 415-16, 1943.


Nordstrom, Johan. DESCARTES and Queen CHRISTINA'S conversion. Lychnos, 248-90 (in

Swedish), 1941.

XVIITH CENTURY (second half)


Haller, Elisabeth. Die barocken Stilmerkmale in der englischen, lateinischen und deutschen Fas- sung von Dr. TH. BURNETS Theory of the earth. xiii+ 79 p. Bern, Francke, 1940.

Reviewed by S. B. LILJEGREN, Lychnos, 357-59, 1943. Apropos of the fantastic treatise of THOMAS BURNET (c. I655-1715), first published in Latin, Telluris theoria sacra (168i), amplified in the English edition (1684). That "sacred geology" caused much discussion not only in England but also on the Con- tinent. G. S.

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van. Alle de Brieven. Uitgegeven, geillustreerd en van aanteekeningen voorzien door een Commissie van Nederlandsche

geleerden. (The collected letters of ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK). II. 505 p., 29 pls. Amster- dam, Swets & Zeitlinger, 1941.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 425-26, 1942. Vol. i of this edition was published in 1939, a review of it was prepared for Isis, 32 (unpublished); vol. 2 was not received. G. S.


Bartholin, Thomas. Skrifter om Opdagelsen af Lymfekarsystemet i Udvalg med Tillaeg af OLOF RUDBECK'S tilsvarende af ROBERT TIGERSTEDT oversatte Skrift. Paa Dansk ved G. TRYDE. 242 p. (Klassisk dansk Medizin, 3). Kobenhavn, Quist & Komp, 1940.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 422-23, 1942.


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XVIIth (2) to XVIIIth (I)

Djurberg, Vilhelm. Lakaren JOHAN VON HOORN, Forlossningskonstens grundlaggare i Sverige. Efterlamnat manuskript utgivet genom Lardomshistoriska Samfundet. 319 p., i6 ills. (Lychnos-Bibliotek, 4). Uppsala, 1942.

Reviewed by EMIL BOVIN, Lycznos, 426-30, 1942. Biography of JOHAN VAN HOORN (born of Dutch an- cestry in Stockholm, I662, d. 1724), gynaecologist.

G. S.

Fischer, Hans. Briefe JOHANN JAKOB WEPFERS

(I620-I695) an seinen Sohn JOHANN CONRAD

( 657-I 7 I ), Studiosus medicinae zu Basel und

Leyden. 68 p., ill. (Ver6ffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, 13). Aarau, Sauerlander, I943.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 417, i943.

Lindroth, Sten. The Pharmacopoeia Holmiensis, I686. A study in the history of medicine. Lych- nos, 67-96 (in Swedish, with summary in Eng- lish), 1943.

Peyer, Bernhard; Peyer, Heinrich. Bildnis und Siegel des Arztes JOHANN CONRAD PEYER 1653-I712. 41 p., ill. (Ver6ffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, 13). Schaffhausen, I943.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 417, 1943.

[Steno, Nicolaus, I638-87]. NIELS STEEN- SENS (STENONIS) Vaerker i Oversaettelse ved R. E. CHRISTENSEN, AXEL HANSEN og KNUD LARSEN. Bind I. lxx+179 p., ill. (Klassisk dansk Medicin, 2). K0benhavn, 1939.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 424-25, 1942.

Steno, Nicolaus. Opera theologica cum pro- oemiis ac notis germanice scriptis ediderunt KNUD LARSEN et GUSTAV SCHERZ. I. 508 p. Hafniae, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, I94I.

Reviewed by JOHAN NORDSTROM, Lychnos, 325-27, I942.


Almquist, Jan Eric. SAMUEL PUFENDORF und NICOLAUS BECKMAN. Eine akademische Fehde im siebzehnten Jahrhundert. Lychnos, 49-IOI (in Swedish, with summary in German), 1941.

Aspelin, Gunnar. RALPH CUDWORTH'S inter- pretation of Greek philosophy. A study in the history of English philosophical ideas. 47 p. (Go-

teborgs hogskolas arsskrift, 49, I943:I). G6te- borg, I943.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 320, 1943.

Aspelin, Gunnar. JOHN LOCKE and traditional university philosophy. Lychnos, 146-60 (in Swedish, with summary in English), 194I.

De Pauley, W. C. The candle of the Lord. Stud- ies in the Cambridge Platonists. vii+ 248 p. Lon- don, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, I937.

Reviewed by SVEN SILEN, Lychnos, 339-41, 1941.

Ekenvall, Asta. Sur les premieres revues savantes. Lychnos, 16I-90 (in Swedish, with summary in French), 194I.

Hult, O. T. Zu MAGNUS GABRIEL BLOCKS Ju- gendgeschichte. Eine Episode aus Uppsala wiih- rend des cartesianischen Streites. Lychnos, 97-I 13 (in Swedish, with summary in German), I942.

"Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt einen recht bosartigen Studentenstreit in Uppsala am Schlusse des I7. Jahrhunderts, dem in seinem Ursprung ein gewisses ideengeschichtliches Interesse innewohnt, weil er ein Licht auf den damals sehr aktuellen Gegensatz zwischen der aristotelischen Schulphilosophie und dem vordrin- genden Cartesianismus wirft."

XVIIITH CENTURY (whole and first half)


Lindroth, Sten. HIARNE, BLOCK und PARACEL- SUS. Ein Bericht iiber den Paracelsusstreit I708- 1709. Lychnos, 191-229 (in Swedish, with

summary in German), 194 .

Naucler, Olof. Stora Kopparbergs gruva och kop- parverk. Tva akad. avhandlingar vid Uppsala universitet ar 1702 och I703. Overs., fran det latinska originalet av ENGELBERT NORDENSTAM och forsedda med en inledning av AXEL A:sON LILJENCRANTZ. XXXiii+ II2 p., 3 pls. (Skrifter utg. av Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags Aktiebolag). Uppsala, 1941.

Reviewed by PER ABR. JONSON, Lychnos, 402-04, 1942.

Nordenmark, N. V. E. A newly found portrait of ANDERS CELSIUS. Lychnos, 277-79 (in Swedish), 2 ills., 1942.

Supplement to NORDENMARK'S excellent biography of CELSIUS (Uppsala 1936; Isis, 26, 177-80). G. S.

Nordenmark, N. V. E. OLOF HIORTER. Ob- servator Regius. 1696-1750. 103 p. (K. Sven-


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XVIIIth ( ) to XVIIIth (2)

ska Vetenskapsakademiens arsbok f6r ar 1942. Bilaga.). Stockholm, 1942.

Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 393-94, I942.


Hesse, Peter G. Der Lebensbegriff bei den Klas- sikern der Naturforschung. Seine Entwicklung bei 60 Denkern und Forschern bis zur Goethe- zeit. viii+ I8o p., 2 pls. Jena, Fischer, I943.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 381, 1943.

[LINNE]. Bref och skrifvelser af och till CARL VON LINNE. Med understod af Svenska Staten och Wenner-Grenska Samfundet utgifna af Upsala Universitet och Svenska Linnesallskapet. Andra afdelningen. Utlindska brefvixlingen. Del 2. BRUGMANS-BURMAN. Utgifven och med upp- lysande noter forsedd af J. M. HULTH och AR- VID Hj. UGGLA. iv+297 p. Uppsala, 1943.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 380, 1943. Second volume of LINNE'S collected correspond- ence.

Petersen, Josef. S0fareren VITUS BERING. 238 p., 2 maps. K0benhavn, Hagerup, 1941.

Reviewed by HERMAN RICHTER, Lychnos, 391-92, I942. Navigations of VITUS BERING (I680-1741.)


Smith, Norman Kemp. The philosophy of DA- VID HUME. A critical study of its origin and cen- tral doctrines. xxiv+568 p. London, Macmillan, 1941.

Reviewed by INGEMAR HEDENIUS, Lychnos, 321-23, I943.

Witt, Wilhelm. Nordisches im englischen acht- zehntenJahrhundert. x+202p. (Kolneranglis- tische Arbeiten, 38). Bochum-Langendreer, 1940.

Reviewed by GUNNAR SVANFELDT, Lychnos, 292-93, I943.

XVIIITH CENTURY (second half)


Bodman, Gosta. AUGUST NORDENSKI6LD, al- chemist to King GUSTAVUS III. Lychnos, I89- 229 (in Swedish, with summary in English), I943.

"AUGUST NORDENSKIOLD, belonging to the later on well-known family of that name, was born in Finland in I754. Early he devoted himself to chemistry and the art of mining and was given an appointment in the Bergskollegium in Stockholm, where he started upon a

career which in all probability would have carried him far. He was, however, also strongly affected by the alchemical theory of transmutation, and, like some other members of his family, by a religiousness of a mystical, Swedenborgian nature. It is as an alchemist he is treated in this paper. In 1779 NORDENSKIOLD left his appoint- ments in Sweden and went to England, where he met GUMPERTZ LEVISON, a Jewish physician. They elab- orated a plan together to offer the alchemical secrets of NORDENSKI6LD to GUSTAVUS III, King of Sweden. Having returned to Sweden NORDENSKIOLD was in- stalled in Stockholm with his alchemical outfit at the King's cost, but after some time this work came to an end, and NORDENSKI6LD went to Finland, where he had got a situation. He was still, however, chiefly con- cerned with alchemy, whose fundamental problems he has treated in a number of short tracts. In a very inter- esting correspondence, CARL FREDRIK BERGKLINT, his assistant, has given us an excellent insight into the hard work of his master to find the philosopher's stone. He met with difficulties of different kinds, but in 1788 we again find him working in secret as alchemist to the King, this time at Drottningholm Palace under the supervision of Governor A. F. MUNCK. An interesting contract concerning these alchemical works of his has been preserved, the full text of which is given above. He did not, however, reach the results wished for and was discharged from his duties. During his last years he led a restless life, sometimes in England, where he was active on behalf of the Swedenborgian doctrine. At last he entered into connexion with the Sierra Leone companies. As a mineralogist and geologist in one of these he went to Africa in 1792, but he met with illness and hardships and his chequered life ended at Freetown in the month of December of that year."


experiments. A new edition of FRANKLIN'S ex- periments and observations on electricity. Edited, with a critical and historical introduction. 453 p. Cambridge, Mass,, Harvard University Press, 194I.

Reviewed by C. W. OSEEN, Lychnos, 398-99, 1942.


Minnesteckning. 23 p. (Levnadsteckningar over K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens ledamoter. I I9). Uppsala, 1943.

Reviewed by J. NORDSTROM, Lychnos, 392, 1943.

Nordstrom, Johan. Two notes concerning SCHEELE'S biography. Lychnos, 280-84 (in Swedish), 1942.

Polvani, Giovanni. ALESSANDRO VOLTA. 485 p., ill. (Studi di storia delle scienze fisiche e ma- tematiche, I). Pisa, Domus Galilaeana, I942.

Reviewed by 0. KLEIN, Lychnos, 388-89, 1943.

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm. Manuscript I756-77. 2 vols., edited by C. W. OSEEN. Stockholm, Academy of Sciences, 1942.


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XVIIIth (2) to XIXth ( )

Elaborate review by JOHAN NORDSTROM of the C. W. Oseen facsimile publication (Isis, 34, 432) of the Scheele ms. I756-77, Lychnos, 254-77 (in Swedish), 1942. G. S.

[Scheele, Carl Wilhelm]. Einige vergessene Briefe und Zeitschriftbeitrige von CARL WIL- HELM SCHEELE. Mit einer Einleitung von

JOHAN NORDSTR6M. Lychnos, I77-233 (in Swedish, with summary in German), 1942.

Schoeps, Hans Joachim. The physician and alchemist GUMPERTZ LEVISON. Lychnos, 230- 48 (in Swedish, with summary in English), I943.

"GUMPERTZ LEVISON, born in Berlin of Jewish par- ents in the I740's, came to England in I77I. There, after studying medicine under different teachers, JOHN HUNTER for one, he became a doctor at the General Medical Asylum in London, and soon also made a name for himself as an author of medical and theological works -the latter mainly written in Hebrew. In 1779 he came into contact with the Swedish alchemist and Swedenborgian, AUGUST NORDENSKIOLD. Together with him, LEVISON succeeded in obtaining the financial sup- port of the Swedish king, GUSTAVUS III, for NORDEN- SKIOLD'S alchemic experiments, for which a laboratory was set up in Stockholm. During his stay in Stockholm in 1780 LEVISON also attempted to interest the king in his plan of instituting in the Swedish capital a dispensary for the sick poor, on the pattern of a similar institution he had set up previously in London. LEVISON also tendered his services to the king as a biblical philologian, apparently suggesting to the king that the English theologian and orientalist ANSELM BAYLY be invited to come to Sweden as his collaborator. GUSTAVUS III appointed LEVISON to a titulary professorship - he was the first unchristened Jew of modern times to be hon- oured in this way. Nevertheless, LEVISON shortly after- wards left Sweden under circumstances of which no de- tails are known. He settled down in Hamburg in 1782, where he had a flourishing medical practice, was ap- pointed physician to the Swedish Legation, and pursued his medical, theological and philological authorship to his death in I797."



Bidrag til den biologiske Forsknings Historie i det attende Aarhundrede. I. Bind. Barndom, Stu- denter- og Hovmestertid (I730-67). xii+3I7 p., ill. (Acta Hist. Scient. Nat. et Med. ed. Bibl. Univ. Hauniensis, 2). Kibenhavn, Munksgaard, I943-

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 381-82, 1943. Apropos of the Danish protozoologist, OTTO FREDERIK MULLER (1730-84). G. S.


Cederberg, A. R. The study of PORTHAN and its main problems. Lychnos, 130-48 (in Swedish, with summary in English), 1943.

"HENRIK GABRIEL PORTHAN, who was born in 1739 and died as a professor at Abo in I804, is one of the most important figures in the history of culture in Fin- land. He has made himself a name not only as a univer- sity professor and historian but also as a representative of national research and Finnish individuality. In one of his earlier works, 'De poesi fennica' (1766-1778), he lays emphatic stress on the great importance of Finnish folklore."

Heckscher, Eli F. The economic influence of

physiocracy in Sweden. Lychnos, 1-20 (in Swed- ish, with summary in English), I943.

Porthan, Henrik Gabriel. Opera omnia. Edidit PORTHAN-SEURA. I. 510 p. Turku, I939. Helsinki, Akateeminen kirjakauppa.

Reviewed by BROR OLSSON, Lychnos, 299, 1942.

Sallander, Hans. Die erste Geschichte der schwedischen Wissenschaften. Lychnos, 230-47 (in Swedish, with summary in German), I94I.

Apropos of a history of Swedish science to i520 pub- lished in 1758 by ANDERS ANTON VON STIERNMAN

(I695-I765), president of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. G. S.

Schmid, Glinther. Goethe und die Naturwissen- schaften. Eine Bibliographie. xv+620 p. Halle

(Saale), Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, I940.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 390, 1942.


[MAYER, JULIUS ROBERT]. JULIUS ROBERT MAYER und das Energieprinzip I842-1942. Gedenkschrift zur o00. Wiederkehr der Ent-

deckung des Energieprincips. 387 p., ill. Hsg. im Auftrage des Reichsforschungsrates durch den Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Berlin, VDI- Verlag, 1942.

Reviewed by 0. KLEIN, Lychnos, 389-90, 1943.

Trommsdorff, Hermann. JOHANN BARTHO- LOMA TROMMSDORFF und seine Zeitgenossen. Jahrbiicher der Akademie gemeinniitziger Wis- senschaften zu Erfurt. Erster Teil: H. 53, p. 7-55. Erfurt, I937. Zweiter Teil: H. 55, p. 131-244. Erfurt, I94I.

Reviewed by ARNE FREDGA, Lychnos, 392, 1943.


Pfannenstiel, Max; Zaunick, Rudolph. Lo- RENZ OKEN und J. W. VON GOETHE dargestellt auf Grund neu erschlossener Quellenzeugnisse. 63 p., I port. (Aus dem Leben und Werk von


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XIXth (i) to XXth

LORENZ OKEN. Eine Quellensammlung bearb. und herausgeg. von R. ZAUNICK. 2. Abschnitt). (Sudhoffs Arch. f. Gesch. d. Mediz. u. d. Natur- wiss., 33). Leipzig, Barth, I941.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 382, 1943.


Opuscula selecta neerlandicorum de arte medica. XVI. Observationes cytologicae et histologicae. xxxvii+219 p. Haarlem, Bohn, 1942.

Contents: DE FEYFER: Einleitung. P. HARTING: Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Kenntnis der weichen tierischen Gewebe. 1839. F. C. DONDERS: Grundfor- men und Gewebe. 1845-46. F. C. DONDERS: Physiolo- gische und pathologische Aufzeichnungen gemischter Art. I845-46. JAC. MOLESCHOTT: Der Uebergang der Chyluskiigelchen in Blutk6rperchen. I845-46. F. C. DONDERS: Form, Mischung und Function der elemen- taren Gewebetheile in Zusammenhang mit ihrer Genese. x851.

Reviewed by BROR REXED, Lychnos, 420-22, 1943. The latest volume of that collection which we received was Fasc. XIV, I937 (Isis, 28, 294). G. S.

Widmark, Erik M. P. W. BEAUMONT et J. J. BERZELIUS. Lychnos, 102-I6 (in Swedish, with

summary in French), 1941.


[RASK, RASMUS]. Breve fra og til RASMUS RASK

udgivet med St0tte af Rask-0rsted Fondet ved Louis HJELMSLEV. I-II. I805-1832. xiii+

457 p.; ix+402 p. Kobenhavn, Munksgaard, 194I.

Reviewed by VALTER JANSSON, Lychnos, 381-82, 1941.

XIXTH CENTURY (second half)


Althin, Torsten. GUSTAF DE LAVAL, 1845-1913, de h6ga hastigheternas man. Minnesskrift ut- given av AB de Lavals Angturbin till bolagets femtioarsjubileum den I maj I943. 352 p., ills.

Stockholm, Tekniska Museet, I943. Reviewed by THORSTEN QUENNERSTEDT, Lychnos,

396-97, 1943.

Pelseneer, Jean. ZENOBE GRAMME. Notice

bio-bibliographique suivie de la description de la dynamo par son inventeur et d'autres documents. 79 p. Bruxelles, Office de Publicite, 194I.

Reviewed by TORSTEN ALTHIN, Lychnos, 406, 1941.

Rohr, Moritz von. ERNST ABBE. xxiv+234 p., 17 pls. (Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir thiiringische

Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Beiheft 21. Bei- trige zur Geschichte der Universitat Jena, H. 8). Jena, Fischer, 1940.

Reviewed by H. J. HEYMAN, Lychnos, 395, I941.


Collander, Runar. FREDRIK ELFVING. Min- nestal vid Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens arshogtid den 29 april 1943. 43 p. Societas Scientiarum Fennica Arsbok - Vuosikirja XXI C, Helsing- fors, 1943-

Reviewed by OTTO GERTZ, Lychnos, 385-86, 1943. Book dedicated to the Finnish botanist, FREDRIK ELF- VING, born in i854, professor of botany in Helsinki, emeritus since 1926. G. S.

Svedelius, Nils. Botaniska sektionen i Uppsala 75 ar. En aterblick pa sektionens aldre historia. Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 34, I73-233, I940.

Reviewed by NILS HYLANDER, Lychnos, 383-85, I943.


Aggebo, Anker. NIELS FINSEN. En saga om daad. 290 p. Kjobenhavn, Nyt Nordisk Forlag.

Reviewed by ROBIN FAHRAEUS, Lychnos, 421-22, 1941.

Brunn, Walter von. Jugendbriefe THEODOR BILLROTHS an GEORG MEISSNER. 211 p. Leip-

zig, Barth, 1941. Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 419-20, 1941.

Florkin, Marcel. LEON FREDERICQ et les debuts de la physiologie en Belgique. 104 p., ill. Bru- xelles, Office de Publicite, 1943.

Reviewed by GUSTAF GOTHLIN, Lychnos, 423-24, I943.

Lomholt, Svend. NIELS R. FINSEN. 214 p. K0benhavn, Gyldendal.

Reviewed by ROBIN FAHRAEUS, Lychnos, 422, I943. Biography of the Danish physician, NIELS RYBERG FINSEN ( 8 60-- 904), founder of light therapy. G. S.

Zeiss, H.; Bieling, R. BEHRING. Gestalt und Werk. 627 p., ill. Berlin, Schultz, 1940.

Reviewed by GUSTAF NEANDER, Lychnos, 420-21, 1941.



[SVEDBERG, THE]. The Svedberg. 1884 30 Au-

gust I944. 731 p., figs. Uppsala, Almqvist &

Wiksells, I944. Though this admirable Festschrift, published to cele-

brate SVEDBERG'S sixtieth anniversary, reached me inde-


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XXth to 6. Middle Ages

pendently of the Lychnos volumes, it is fitting to review it in this Swedish bibliography. The Festschrift was

planned by a committee including ARNE TISELIUS, SVEN BROHULT, HARALD NORDENSON, ARNE WESTGREN, RAGNAR WINBLADH, who begin their introduction with the following statement: "On the 3oth of August 1944, THE SVEDBERG, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the

University of Uppsala, attains the age of 60 years. His colleagues, pupils and other friends in scientific and in- dustrial circles have decided not to let him pass this milestone as undisturbed by celebrations as he himself might have wished. All of us have reason to thank THE SVEDBERG for what he has done for science, for our country and for ourselves. One often has a feeling that life does not give one sufficient opportunities of express- ing gratitude. This is perhaps especially true in the daily routine of scientific and industrial research in the laboratory and in meetings where such research is planned and organized, which is the normal environment in which we have had our most frequent contact with THE SVEDBERG. His birthday offers us, however, such an

opportunity and the present volume is thus above all an expression of our gratitude." Most of the articles are technical, except a few printed at the end. "The Insti- tute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Uppsala," by S. BROHULT and N. GRALEN. "Research and Progress in the Textile Industry," by A. ENGBLOM. "Reflections on Scientific Research and Industrial Development," by H. NORDENSON. "Anders Gustaf Ekebergs kemiska fSre- lisningar. 805o-181x," by A. WESTGREN. "Science and Chemical Industry in Collaboration," by R. WINBLADH. "Fran Nya Kemikums forsta tid," by J. A. HEDVALL. The book includes a beautiful portrait of the jubilarian, but no biography or bibliography. G. S.


Benrubi, Isaac. Souvenirs sur HENRI BERGSON.

136 p. Neuchatel, Delachaux & Niestle, I942. Reviewed by HJ. SUNDEN, Lychnos, 325-26, 1943.




Ebbell, B. Die alt-igyptische Chirurgie. Die Chi- rurgischen Abschnitte der Papyrus E. Smith und Papyrus Ebers iibersetzt und mit Erliuterungen versehen. Skr. utg. av Det Norske Videnskabs- Akademi i Oslo, II. Hist.-Filos. Klasse, Nr. 2, 1939-

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 411-13, 1941.


Geurts, P. M. M. De erfelijkheid in de oudere grieksche wetenschap. 216 p. Nijmegen-Utrecht, Dekker & Van de Vegt, 194I.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 415, 1941.

Kiihn, Joseph Hans. Hypsos. Eine Unter- suchung zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Auf- schwungsgedankens von PLATON bis POSEIDO- NIOS. xi+ I 6 p. (Wiirzburger Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft. 14. Heft). Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, I941.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 320, 1943.

Maddalena, Antonio. Sulla cosmologia ionica da TALETE a ERACLITO. vii+268 p. Studi, R. Universita di Padova, Pubblicazioni della Facolta di lettere e filosofia, 19). Padova, Cedam, 1940.

Reviewed by GUNNAR RUDBERG, Lychnos, 314, 1943.

Schumacher, Joseph. Antike Medizin. Die naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Medizin in der griechischen Antike. Erster Bd., xii+292 p. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1940.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 413, I941.

Schumacher, Joseph. tberwindung oder Wie- dergeburt der Antike in der modernen Medizin? vi+38 p. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1940.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 413, 1941.

Stromberg, Reinhold. Griechische Pflanzenna- men. 9go p. G6teborgs H6gskolas Arsskrift, 46, Goteborg, 1940.

Reviewed by G. SENN, Lychnos, 395-97, 1941.


6. MIDDLE AGES (generalities)

Andersson, Ingvar. The conception of the ty- rant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Lychnos, I I -29 (in Swedish, with summary in

English), I943.

Artelt, Walter. Die iltesten Nachrichten iiber die Sektion menschlicher Leichen im mittelalter- lichen Abendland. 25 p. (Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissen- schaften, H. 34). Berlin, Ebering, I940.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 417-18, 1941.

Bastholm, E. Sygdomme i Danmarks middelal- der. Kj6benhavn, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1942.

Reviewed by FR. GR6N, Lychnos, 405-I3, 1943. Ill- nesses in mediaeval Denmark.

Charland, Th. M. Artes praedicandi. Contribu- tion a l'histoire de la rhetorique au moyen age. 420 p. (Publications de l'Institut d'etudes me- dievales d'Ottawa, 7). Paris, Vrin, 1936.

Reviewed by AXEL NELSON, Lychnos, 306-07, 1942.


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6. Middle Ages to 23. Astronomy

Isager, Kr. Krankenfiirsorge des danischen Zister- zienserklosters 0m, Cara Insula. MCLXXII- MDLX. Von KR. ISAGER, Ry, Danemark, in Zusammenarbeit mit EINAR SJOVALL, Lund, Schweden. 125 p. Kopenhagen, Munksgaard, I941.

Reviewed by FR. GRON, Lychnos, 405-13, 1943.

Peuckert, Will-Erich. Deutscher Volksglaube des Spatmittelalters. 222 p. Stuttgart, Spemann, 1942.

Reviewed by C. W. v. SYDOW, Lychnos, 326-28, I943.

Schnitzler, Elisabeth. Das geistige und religiose Leben Rostocks am Ausgang des Mittelalters. 130 p. (Historische Studien, H. 360). Berlin, Ebering, 1940.

Reviewed by HENRIK SANDBLAD, Lychnos, 280-82, I943.

Thompson, James Westfall. The literacy of the laity in the Middle Ages. (University of California Publications in Education, 9). Berke- ley, University of California Press, 1939.

Reviewed by AXEL NELSON, Lychnos, 289, 1942.


Hussey, J. M. Church and learning in the Byzan- tine Empire 867-1185. xiv+26o p. Oxford, University Press, 1937.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 286, 1942.



Zettersteen, K. V. Sur les etudes turques en Suede. Lychnos, I-27 (in Swedish, with sum- mary in French), 194 I.





Lychnos. viii+48o p., 1941. viii+469 p., 1942. ix+462 p., 1943. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells.

These three volumes which are magnificent witnesses of Swedish idealism in war times and especially of the activity of our dear colleague, JOHAN NORDSTROM, pro- fessor in Uppsala, are partly analyzed in this Sixty- seventh Critical Bibliography, partly, not completely,

because the field of Lychnos is somewhat broader than that of Isis. G. S.

Singer, Charles. A short history of science to the nineteenth century. xiv+399 p., ill. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1941.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 360-64, I943.

[Sweden]. Die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften in Schweden. Nachtrag zu "Schweden I941". 6i p., ill. Stockholm, 194I.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 291, 1943.



Kasner, Edward; Newman, James. Matema- tiken och fantasien. Den svenska upplagan redi-

gerad av KNUT LUNDMARK. 366 p. (Origi- nalets titel: Mathematics and the imagination. Oversiattningen utford av S. och A. SIVARD). Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, I942.

Reviewed by HARALD J. HEYMAN, Lychnos, 394-96, 1942. The original edition was reviewed in Isis, 33, 723-25.



Nilsson, Martin P:n. Astrology in antiquity. Lychnos, 21-32 (in Swedish, with summary in

English), 1943. "The fundamental principle of astrology, viz. that

the character of the planets' influence is in strict accord- ance with the character of the gods they are named after, is of course Babylonian, but the actual astrological system was created by the Greeks. This is proved by the fact that it is founded on the true order of the planets, which was unknown in Babylonia. It was created in Egypt, but not by the Egyptian priests, who adopted it only with hesitation; in Egyptian reliefs it does not appear until towards the end of the second century B.C. Astrology became popular when the Julian calendar put a handy means for astrological prognostics into the hands of the laymen."

Sandblad, Henrik. The Copernican system of the universe in Sweden. I. The Aristotelian era.

Lychnos, 149-88 (in Swedish), 1943. To be continued.

Zinner, Ernst. Geschichte und Bibliographie der astronomischen Literatur in Deutschland zur Zeit der Renaissance. 452 p. Leipzig, Hierse- mann, 1941.

Reviewed by N. V. E. NORDENMARK, Lychnos, 392, I942. Refers to the period 1448 to 1630.


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24. Physics to 41. Superstition


Ahlstrom, Otto. Synverktyg fran aldre tider. [Optical instruments in olden times]. I68 p., 167 ills. Stockholm, Stockholms firenade special- optiker, 1943.

Reviewed by FREDRIK BERG, Lychnos, 424-25, 1943.

Schnell, Ivar. Glas/ogonens historia. [History of spectacles]. 147 p., 47 ills. Karlshamn, Sveriges lakarforbunds forlag, I943.

Reviewed by FREDRIK BERG, Lychnos, 424-25, I943.


Harff, Horst. Die Entwicklung der deutschen chemischen Fachzeitschrift. Ein Beitrag zur We- sensbestimmung der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeit- schrift. 144 p., 20 pls. Berlin, Verlag Chemie, I941.

Reviewed by ARNE FREDGA, Lychnos, 39I, 1943.

Testi, Gino. Storia della chimica con particolare riguardo all'opera degli italiani. 349 p., ill. (Isti- tuto italiano di storia della chimica). Roma, Casa Editrice Mediterranea, 1940.

Reviewed by STEN LINDROTH, Lychnos, 399, 1942.

Walden, Paul. Geschichte der organischen Che- mie seit I880. Zweiter Band zu C. GRAEBE: Geschichte der organischen Chemie. xiii+946 p. Berlin, Springer, I941.

Reviewed by ARNE FREDGA, Lychnos, 40I-02, 1942.


Lichtenberg, Niels. Dansk Teknik, dens Ud- vikling og Indsats. 316 p. K0benhavn, Hirsch- sprung, 1942.

Reviewed by TORSTEN ALTHIN, Lychnos, 396, 1943. Evolution and contribution of Danish technology.



Berg, Alexander. Die Lehre von der Faser als Form- und Funktionselement des Organismus. Die Geschichte des biologisch-medizinischen Grundproblems vom kleinsten Bauelement des Korpers bis zur Begriindung der Zellenlehre. 88 p., ill. Virchows Archiv, 309, 1942.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 418, 1943.

Dahl, Svend. Den danske Plante- og Dyreverdens Udforskning. 340 p., ill. K0benhavn, Udvalget for Folkeoplysnings Fremme, I94I.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 396-97, 1942. Exploration and study of the Danish flora and fauna.

Hagberg, Knut. Fran ARISTOTELES till BREHM.

Nagra blad ur djurskildringens historia. 99 p., ill. Stockholm, Bonnier, 194 I.

Reviewed by NILS VON HOFSTEN, Lychnos, 397, 1942.


Christensen, Carl. Den danske botaniske Litte- ratur. Bibliographia Botanica Danica I 9 2-1 39. 350 p. K0benhavn, Munksgaard, I940.

Reviewed by OTTO GERTZ, Lychnos, 397-98, 1941.



Mejer, Johannes. JOHANNES MEJERS Kort over det danske Rige. Udgivet med St0tte af Carlsbergfondet af N. E. N0RLUND. F0rste Bind. Sjaelland, Bornholm, Skaane, Halland, Bleking, Gotland og Faer0erne. Andet Bind. Jylland og Fyn. Tredje Bind. Aabenraa Amt. Fol., 26 p., 115 maps; 3 p., 52 maps; 3 p., 127 maps. (Geodetisk Institut. Publikationer I-3). K0benhavn, 1942.

Reviewed by HERMAN RICHTER, Lychnos, 366-67, 1943-


Fischer, Walther. Mineralogie in Sachsen von AGRICOLA bis WERNER. Die altere Geschichte des Staatlichen Museums fur Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden (I560-I820). viii+347 p., 18 figs., 24 pls. Dresden, Heinrich, 1939.

Reviewed by NILS ZENZEN, Lychnos, 398-403, 1941.



Gotfredsen, Edv. Ancient views on heart, blood- vessels and pulse (in Danish). x+332 p. (Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinalium. Edidit Bibliotheca Universitatis Hauniensis, I). K0benhavn, Munksgaard, 1942.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 409-14, 1942.


Odstedt, Ella. Varulven i svensk folktradition. 243 p. (Skrifter utgivna genom Landsmals- och


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Page 14: Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization

Loihr, Hanns. Aberglauben und Medizin. iv+ 106 p. Leipzig, Barth, 1940.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 407-08, I941.

Reichborn-Kjennerud, I. Var gamle trolldoms- medisin. III. 221 p. (Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II. Hist.- Filos. Klasse, 1940, no. ). Oslo, Dybwad, 1940.

Reviewed by C. W. v. SYDOW, Lychnos, 408-09, I941.

Stromgren, Hedvig Lidforss. Skandinavisk Tandlaegeforenings Historie 866-I941. 152 p., ill. K0benhavn, Munksgaard, 1941.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 431-33, 1942. History of Scandinavian dentistry, 866- 94I.


Bochalli, Richard. Die Geschichte der Schwind- sucht. 73 p. (Practische Tuberkulose-Biicherei, 24). Leipzig, Thieme, 1940.

Reviewed by GUSTAF NEANDER, Lychnos, 4I4-15, I94I.

Boers, Kristen. Dansk veterinaer Folkemedicin (De mindre Husdyr). 117 p. (Dansk veteri- naerhistorisk Aarbog 194I II.). Horsens, Ex- pres-trykkeriet, 1941.

Reviewed by W. HALLGREN, Lychnos, 434, 1942. Danish veterinary folklore.


Delphin, T. Akademie Apoteket Kronan i Upp- sala 1628-1928. 262 p. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells, 1942.

Reviewed by MARTIN LUNDQVIST, Lychnos, 425-26, I943.


56. BIBLIOGRAPHY (Methods, Libraries)

Walde, 0. Bucheintragungen als wissenschafts- geschichtliches Material. Lychnos, 28-48 (in Swedish, with summary in German), 1941.

Folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala Ser. B :I). Uppsala, Lundequist, 1943.

Reviewed by ERLAND EHNMARK, Lychnos, 328-30, 1943. Werewolves in Swedish folklore. G. S.



Aggebo, Anker. Fra HIPPOKRATES till CARREL. Aforismer om Laeger og Laegekunst. Kjoben- havn, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1939.

Reviewed by H. BRINCK, Lychnos, 422-23, 1941.

Aschoff, L.; Diepgen, P. Kurze Ubersichtsta- belle zur Geschichte der Medizin. Vierte, ver- mehrte und verbesserte Auflage. 84 p. Miinchen, Bergman, 1940.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 407-08, 1942.

Bergman, Emanuel. Medicinska emblem och symboler. I04 p. Karlskrona, Sveriges likarf6r- bunds forlag, 1941.

Reviewed by NILS LUDVIG RASMUSSON, Lychnos, 399, I943.

Fahraeus, Robin. Les trois epoques principales de la therapeutique. Lychnos, 33-42 (in Swed- ish, with summary in French), 1943.

Galdston, Iago. Medicinens framsteg under de sista hundra aren. Oversattning av ARNE TALL- BERG. Stockholm, Bonnier, I942.

Reviewed by ERNST NACHMANSON, Lychnos, 418-20, I943. Original edition reviewed in Isis, 33, 55i-53.

Lejeune, Fritz. Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Medizin. 2 6 p. Leipzig, Thieme, 1943.

Reviewed by 0. T. HULT, Lychnos, 401-02, 1943.

Lindroth, Sten. Paracelsismen i Sverige till x600- talets mitt. Akad. avh. 540 p. (Lychnos-Bibliotek, 7). Uppsala, 1943.

Reviewed by J. NORDSTROM, Lychnos, 286-89, 1943.

INDEX OF NAMES INCLUDED IN THE SIXTY-SEVENTH BIBLIOGRAPHY The Roman figures followed by (i) or (2) refer secutively from I to 60. For instance, Ander

to the centurial classification (Part I); thus, Amer- I., 6 indicates that a paper by Andersson is liste bach, J., XV(2) means that a paper by Amerbach section 6 (Middle Ages); Ahlstr6m, 0., 24 is listed under fifteenth century, second half. cates that a paper by Ahlstrom is listed in sectioi

The Arabic figures refer to the historical and to (Physics). the systematic classifications (Parts II and III) FRANCES SIEGE which are subdivided into sections numbered con- February 9, I945

sson, ed in indi- n 24


41. Superstition 36i

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Page 15: Sixty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization

362 Aggebo, A., XIX(2)D, 50 Ahlstr6m, O., 24 Almberg, N., IV(i)B.C. Almquist, J. E., XVII(2)E Althin, T., XIX(2)B Amerbach, J., XV(2) Andersson, I., 6 Anker, J., XVII(2)C Aristotle, IV(2)B.C. Artelt, W., 6 Aschoff, L., 50 Aspelin, G., XVII (2) E

Bartholin, T., XVII(2)D Bastholm, E., 6 Benrubi, I., XX E Berg, A., 27 Bergman, E., 50 Betschart, I., XVI (i)D Bieling, R., XIX(2)D Bochalli, R., 5i Bodman, G., XVIII (2)B Boers, K., 51 Brunn, W.A.L.von, XVI(I)D,

XIX(2)D Bugge, G., XVI(2)B

Cederberg, A. R., XVIII(2)E Charland, T. M., 6 Christensen, C., 28 Cohen, I. B., XVIII(2)B Collander, R., XIX(2)C Columbus, XV(2) Creutz, R., XV(i)

Dahl, S., 27 Delphin, T., 53 Depau, R., XVI () B De Pauley, W. C., XVII(2)E Diepgen, P., 50 Djurberg, V., XVII(2)D Diiring, I., IV(2)B.C.

Ebbell, B., 2 Ekenvall, A., XVII(2)E

Fahraeus, R., 50 Fischer, H., XVI(i)D, XVII(2)D Fischer, W., 32 Fleischer, U., V B.C. Florkin, M., XIX(2)D Fredga, A., XVIII(2)B

Galdston, I., 50 Garin, E., XV(2) Geurts, P. M. M., 4 Gilbert, A. H., XVI(i)E

Index to 67th Critical Bibliography Gotfredsen, E., 36 Gottlieb, B. J., XVII(i)D

Hagberg, K., 27 Haller, E., XVII(2)C Harff, H., 25 Heckscher, E. F., XVIII(2)E Hermeren, H., XVI(2)E Hesse, P. G., XVIII(i)C Hult, O. T., XVII(2)E Hussey, J. M., 7

Isager, K., 6

J0rgensen, J., XIV(2) Johannsen, O., XVI(i)B Jung, C. G., XVI(i)D

Kasner, E., 20 Kemner, N. A. XVI(2)C Kepler, J., XVII(i)B Klein, O., XVII () A Klotz, A., I(i) Kuhn, J. H., 4

Leemann-van Elck, P., XVI(x)E Leeuwenhoek, A. van, XVII(2) C Lejeune, F., 50 Lichtenberg, N., 26 Lindroth, S., XVII(2)D, XVIII(I)B,

50 Linne, XVIII(I)C Lohr, H., 50 Lomholt, S., XIX(2)D Lychnos, 16 Lynn, C., XV(2)

Maddalena, A., 4 Mansson, P., XVI(I)B Mandonnet, P., XIII(i) Mayer, J. R., XIX(i)B McCann, L., XVI ()E Mejer, J., 31 Metral, D., XVI(2)E

Naucler, O., XVIII(i)B Newman, J., 20 Nilsson, M. P., 23 Nordenmark, N. V. E., XVIII(i)B Nordstr6m, J., XVI(i)E, XVII ()E,

XVIII(z)B Norvin, W., XVI(2)E

Odstedt, E., 41 Oosterhuis, R. A. B., XVI(x)D (Opuscula selecta neerlandicorum de

arte medica), XIX(i)D

Palas, R., IV(i)B.C. Papritz, J., XVI ()B Paracelsus, XVI(i)D Peine, H., XVI(2)C Pelseneer, J., XIX(2)B Petersen, J., XVIII ()C Peuckert, W. E., XVI ()B, XVI(I)D,

6 Peyer, B., XVII(2)D Peyer, H., XVII(2)D Pfannenstiel, M., XIX( ) C Pirckheimer, W., XVI(i)E Polvani, G., XVIII(2)B Port, W., XVI (2)E Porthan, H. G., XVIII(2)E

Rask, R., XIX(I)E Reichborn-Kjennerud, I., 50 Reiter, P. J., XVI(I)E Richter, H., XII(I) Rohr, M. von, XIX(2)B Rudberg, G., IV(i)B.C.

Sallander, H., XVIII(2)E Sandblad, H., XVI(2)B, XVII(x)B, 23 Scheele, C. W., XVIII(2)B Schmauch, H., XVI ( )B Schmid, G., XVIII(2)E Schnell, I., 24 Schnetz, J., VII(2) Schnitzler, E., 6 Schoeps, H. J., XVIII(2)B Schumacher, J., 4 Singer, C., 16 Smith, N. K., XVIII(i)E Srbik, R. von, XVI() E Steno, N., XVII (2) D Sticker, G., XVI ()D Stromberg, R., 4 Str6mgren, H. L., 50 Svedberg, T., XX B Svedelius, N., XIX(2)C Sweden, 6

Testi, G., 25 Thompson, J. W., 6 Trommsdorff, H., XIX(i)B

Walafrid Strabo, IX(i) Walde, O., XVII ( ) B, 56 Walden, P., 25 Widmark, E. M. P., XIX(i)D Witt, W., XVIII ( )E

Zaunick, R., XIX(I)C Zeiss, H., XIX(2)D Zettersteen, K. V., I4 Zinner, E., XVI(i)B, 23

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