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Show Up Like You Mean It

Donna Howes chrp, cec, pcc

Being Present Reflective Journal

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Presence shows up in peak moments when I am most creative, empowered and alive.

It feels warm and cool at the same time, and is most certainly wired to that part of me that instinctively strivesto make a difference in the lives of others.

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What is Signature Presence?1

Signature Presence is the unique set of attitudes and assets that make you stand out to others. It includes the self-confidence you feel when you are at your best — and the absolute certainty that you are at peace with yourself.

Outwardly, presence looks a lot like clear thinking, great timing, and the ability to relate, interact, and communicate in powerful and meaningful ways.

Inwardly, presence often reveals itself through our wise inner voice that whispers (and if we’re lucky shouts!) that we’re ‘in the flow’, 2 that we ‘nailed it’ or that ‘it just felt right’.

This important knowledge, together with how you show up, generates a sense of confidence and ease…in yourself and for others.

Why a Reflective Journal?

Where do you look for Signature Presence? Inside yourself. (You knew that….) Discovering your Signature Presence takes looking inside—AND reflecting on your strengths, your values and what you want to be known for.

So, meet your Being Present Reflective Journal…your new best friend. I invite you to take a self-guided journey by using these pages to record your thoughts and observations, insights and responses.

As you explore...remember to stay curious about new ways of thinking and being which are sure to emerge!

1 Signature Presence: Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart, Mary Beth O’Neill 2 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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“The way to do is to be” – Lao Tzu

Reflection Tips

Self-guided Reflection exercise

Signature presence is how you show up to others; your essence, if you will.A good place to start is by understanding what presence means to you.

Who are the three individuals that you most admire, and why?

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

What qualities, characteristics or behaviors do you notice in these people?

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

If someone who knew you intimately were to describe you, what three words might they use?

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________

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What? The Insight or New Idea

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

So What? The Opportunity

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

What Next? The Action

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

Reflection notes

Self-awareness and your inquiring mind are natural reflection tools.

Take note of your insights about your feelings, emotions, intentions and desires. Then ask yourself “so what?’”

“What might be possible if I allowed myself to be the best I can possibly be ALL the time?”

Once you have an answer, write down one thing you would be willing to put into action.

That’s showing up like you mean it!

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Discovering your Signature Presence

Understanding “what you do” and” how you do it” will help you to discover your signature presence.

In this section of your self-guided journey, you’ll have an inner dialogue about two important aspects of who you are that contribute greatly to your presence. These are your:

• strengths and talents

• values and virtues

Self-guided Reflection exercise – Strengths

On the next two pages you’ll find a list of strengths and talents. In their work on strengths-based leadership, Gallup Research3 measures talents in four areas — Executing, Influencing, Relationship, and Strategic Thinking. By adding skills and knowledge to how we think and behave, these talents can be defined as strengths.

Step 1

Spend 5 – 7 minutes mulling over the following questions:

• “What am I good at?”

• “Which ways of ‘doing things’ feel natural to me?”

• “What do I do on purpose?”

• “What do I not do on purpose?”

Step 2

On the next two pages, list your talents for doing things well (not necessarily what you want to do more of ) and take note of these in the space provided.

3 Strengths-Based Development:

Reflection Tips

Listen to your listening without judgement.

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Understanding Your Strengths and Talents


executing People who are strong in the Executing domain have an ability to take an idea and transform it into reality within the organization they lead.

• Achiever

• Arranger

• Belief

• Consistency

• Deliberative

• Discipline

• Focus

• Responsibility

• Restorative

Influencing People who are innately good at influencing are always selling the team’s ideas inside and outside the organization.

• Activator

• Command

• Communication

• Competition

• Maximizer

• Self-Assurance

• Significance

• Sparkle

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Understanding Your Strengths and Talents


Relationship Relationship builders are the glue that holds a team together and transforms a group of individuals into a team capable of carrying out complex projects and goals.

• Adaptability

• Developer

• Connectedness

• Empathy

• Harmony

• Includer

• Individualization

• Positivity

• Relater

Strategic thinking Strategic thinkers keep people focused on what they could be by helping the team to make better decisions.

• Analytical

• Context

• Futuristic

• Ideation

• Input

• Intellection

• Learner

• Strategic

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What? The Insight or New Idea

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

So What? The Opportunity

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

What Next? The Action

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

• _______________________________________________

Reflection notes

Self-awareness and your inquiring mind are natural reflection tools.

Take note of your insights about your feelings, emotions, intentions and desires. Then ask yourself “so what?’”

“What might be possible if I allowed myself to be the best I can possibly be ALL the time?”

Once you have an answer, write down one thing you would be willing to put into action.

That’s showing up like you mean it!

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Self-guided Reflection exercise

On the next two pages you’ll find a list of values and virtues. In their work on character-based strengths, the Values in Action Institute (VIA)4 explores what is best about human beings. Their VIA classification of strengths is the “backbone” of the science of positive psychology.

Step 1

Spend 5 – 7 minutes mulling over the following questions:

• “What are my guiding values?”

• “What am I proudest of in myself?”

• “Which way of ‘being’ feels natural to me?”

• “What do I value most about myself?”

Step 2

On the next two pages, list all the values that you feel reflect who you are (not necessarily what you feel is expected of you) and take note of these in the space provided.

4 VIA Institute on Character:

Reflection Tips

Stay curious and focus on learning.

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VIA Characteristics


Wisdom and Knowledge





•Critical thinking

•Love of Learning












• Capacity to love and be loved


• Generosity and nurturance

•Social Intelligence

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VIA Characteristics







•Forgiveness & mercy

•Modesty & humility


•Self-regulation & self-control


•Appreciation of beauty & excellence


•Hope & optimism



•Religiousness & spirituality

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Self-guided Reflection exercise – bringing it home

Now you are ready to bring it home.

To begin this exercise, think about a specific situation or context to which you want to bring your new level of presence. Imagine what your communication will be like, the impact you’ll have. Be mindful of what is at stake, and who you will be ‘being’ when you are fully present in this situation.

Write a couple of paragraphs describing your true self and your best self through the eyes of those who love and adore you.

Reflection Tips

Inquire into what is possible (not what might or should be).

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Self-guided Reflection exercise

Your Signature Presence

And to finish with flair…write a concise statement about the best of who you are that reflects your signature presence. You could begin with, “What I want others to realize about who I am is…”

What three things will I do from now on to communicate my Presence?




Some coaching questions to help you write your next chapter!

•How does understanding your own strengths and values, change how others see you?

•Drawing on your signature presence, what do you want to achieve with your life?

•What are you doing to ensure that it happens?

•Who might you have to say ‘no’ to, in order to say ‘yes’ to yourself?

•What would help you the most right now?

Reflection Tips

“We are what we think.” – Buddah

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—inspired results through the art of coaching

About Donna howes

Donna takes a holistic approach to identify new perspectives and insights to help you resolve your distinctive immunities to change. Her industry background spans major cities in both Canada and Australia, where she’s designed culture change initiatives that have proven effective across organizational lines and interpersonal dynamics.

The common thread connecting Donna’s varied careers (Radio & TV news and Talk-Show host, political reporter; PR, marketing, recruitment consultant; student; corporate communications and change leader) comes from wanting to understand how things work.

“This is embedded deep inside my dna and comes directly from my Dad, who was an engineer,” says Donna. “As the daughter of an engineer, I can honestly say that I’m interested in seeing how everything works.”

Her goal is to develop effective individuals, strong teams, and rich learning environments that encourage individuals to bring their passion and purpose to their work.

Signature PresenceDonna Howes T: 604.569.9980 E: [email protected]:

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Reflection is healthy soul-work that brings meaning and purpose to our lives. It is at the beginning of every journey toward restoring joy, fulfillment and balance to our personal and professional lives.

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