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Shooting schedule – Jack out the box

Scene 1 – Getting ready

Time 16:00 Friday 10th January 2014Location Crowthorne BedroomWho’s in the scene JessieWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Jessie getting ready in her bedroom

Scene 2 – Drug taking

Time 18:15 Friday 10th January 2014Location Crowthrone Outside the houseWho’s in the scene ChrisWhat props are needed Baggie with sherbet inWhat are we going to shoot Chris taking drugs in the car

RELOCATION to next area: 45 minutes to get there and set up

Scene 3 – Forest

Time 19:30 Friday 10th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed CarWhat are we going to shoot Establishing shots of the car driving past the


Scene 4 – Inside car

Time 20:00 Friday 10th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Car, beer cans and cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot The conversation of Jessie and Chris within

the car

Scene 5 – The car breaking

Time 21:45 Friday 10th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Car, beer cans and Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Jessie pulling the handbrake stopping the car

Page 2: Shooting schedule

Scene 6 – Outside car

Time 23:15 Friday 10th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Car, cross necklace, torch, phone and GPSWhat are we going to shoot Chris trying to fix the car, Jessie realising she

has no signal and then the pair walking into the woods.

Scene 7 – Walking in woods

Time 18:30 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklace and torchWhat are we going to shoot Reaction shots of Jessie and Chris walking

through the forest and the start of the noise coming from the Jack in the box

Scene 8 – The jack in the box

Time 19:15 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Torch, cross necklace and Jack in the boxWhat are we going to shoot Jessie and Chris finding the Jack in the box

and Chris starting to open it.

Scene 9 – The transformation

Time 20:30 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene ChrisWhat props are needed Jack in the box, blood capsules and make upWhat are we going to shoot Chris opening the Jack in the box it spraying

blood on his face and then the close up of his face changing into the puppet.

Page 3: Shooting schedule

Scene 10 – Panicking Jessie

Time 21:30 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene JessieWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Multiple shots of Jessie running through the


Scene 11 – He’s behind you!

Time 22:00 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Jessie peering round tree and to her horror

Chris is standing there looking at her. .Then Jessie running off again

Scene 12 – The chase

Time 23:00 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot The cuts back and forth of Jessie running and

Chris sluggishly walking behind her

Scene 13 – Popping out

Time 23:45 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Simons woodsWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Chris popping out into Jessie path with her

falling over right in front of him

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RELOCATION to next area: 30 minutes to get there and set up

Scene 14 – Safe escape?

Time 00:30 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Crowthorne houseWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Once again Chris pops out in front of Jessie.

Then Jessie runs towards the farm house in the distance

Scene 15 – The finale

Time 01:20 Saturday 11th January 2014Location Crowthorne houseWho’s in the scene Jessie and ChrisWhat props are needed Cross necklaceWhat are we going to shoot Jessie is banging on the farm house door

pleading for help and then Chris opens the door.

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