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Opening Prayer

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The Spirit’s BookChapter VIII

Emancipation of the SoulClaudia Nunes

Bezerra de Menezes

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1. Sleep and Dreams2. Visits between the Spirits of living people3. Transmission of thoughts4. Lethargy, Catalepsy: Apparent Death5. Somnambulism6. Trance7. Second Sight

Today’s Topics

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Freeing someone from the control of another; especially a parent's relinquishing authority and control over a minor child.

freeing; liberation; release  Spiritist View:

Freeing of the Spirits form the Body.


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Incarnated Spirits feel like locked up when in a Human Body. The Spirit is never inactive. It is always in

communication with other spirits. While a Sleep, the Spirits is partially Freed

from the body and enjoys the use of faculties not available while awake.


Sleep and Dreams

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INGELIGENT SLEEP People that are aware that although their body

may be asleep, their spirit is not. They talk with superior spirits and gain insights Some Spirits even work while they body rests. “You Die Daily” St. Paul Most people do not know how to …

Sleep Intelligently.

Sleep and Dreams (cont)

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Kardec Says Dreams are a product of the emancipation of the soul Indefinite clairvoyance which extends to places Retraces to our memory the events that have occurred Present existence or in preceding existences Strangeness of the images Mixed up with the things of the present world Gaps resulting from the incompleteness of our

remembrance Narrative from which Whole sentences, or parts of

sentences, have been omitted by chance, Remaining fragments, having been thrown together

again at random, have lost all intelligible meaning.

Sleep and Dreams (cont)

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Sleep is the response of the body. Difficult to retain impressions you have not

received through your bodily organs. Presentiments

Warnings Correlated to day-to-day terrestrial ideas

Dozing off can present same images as sleeping.

Vision occurs when body is in a torpid state…if sleeping it would be a dream.

Sleep and Dreams (cont)

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Great Ideas Why can’t we remember them?

Freedom of the body What is the use?

They belong to the spirit world. Does the Spirit know their time of death?

The Spirit can Pre-sent it and sometimes foresee it. Why do we sometimes wake up tired?

The Spirit is attached to the body, and the body is shaken by the activity of the spirit and it may cause fatigue.

Sleep and Dreams (cont)

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One Spiritual Life with two states: Physical State Spiritual State

Who do we visit on our sleep? Friends, relatives, mentors

Why do we meet at night? To have the intuition or Idea spontaneously after.

Visits between the Spirits of the Living

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Can Intentional Visits occur? Yes, however not likely the priorities on the Spiritual

State are far different form the embodied one. Can we promote a Spiritual Meeting of Incarnates

during Sleep? Yes, the friendship ties old or new are in command

Can you realize that a friend though of being dead is really alive on your Spiritual State and remember when awake? Yes, however depends on the expiation of the

involved souls.

Visits between the Spirits of the Living

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Who invented the airplane? Three guys, however 2 in the USAAnd one in Brazil? Is that possible? Spirits Communicate during sleep. When Spirit wakes up, it things it has invented

something. Several Spirits could have learned it

simultaneously. Everyone works unconscious's to propagate it.

Transmission of Thought

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Awaken Communications: Spirit is not enclosed in the body, it radiates around it. Spirit can communicate with Spirit under a denser

environment. Can two awaken Spirits receive the same intuition

simultaneously? When Spirits are in sympathy, awake. Thought Transmission occurs.

Transmission of Thought

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Lethargy Relatively mild impairment of consciousness

resulting in reduced alertness and awareness; this condition has many causes but is ultimately due to generalized brain dysfunction.

Catalepsy A condition that occurs in a variety of physical and

psychological disorders and is characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity, so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.

Apparent Death

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How does a Cataleptic patient Hear and sees? Through the Spirit.

Can he express himself? No the State of his body prevents him from doing

so. In lethargy, the body is not dead, for it still

accomplishes some of its functions. Lethargy and catalepsy proceed from

the same cause, the temporary loss of sensibility and power of motion, from some as yet unexplained physiological condition.

Apparent Death

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Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a sleep disorder belonging to the parasomnia family. Sleepwalkers arise from the slow wave sleep stage in a state of low consciousness and perform activities that are usually performed during a state of full consciousness.

In somnambulist the independence of the soul is more complete.

Spirit is Freed from the action of matter.


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Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a sleep disorder belonging to the parasomnia family. Sleepwalkers arise from the slow wave sleep stage in a state of low consciousness and perform activities that are usually performed during a state of full consciousness.

In somnambulist the independence of the soul is more complete.

Spirit is Freed from the action of matter.


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When the Spirit is in trance is still more independent.

An Ecstatic soul can perceive happiness So much that it may decided not to come

back. It is very easy to mistake when looking for

answers on areas not permitted to man kind. Anyone who should study them honestly,

and without preconceived ideas, could not be either a materialist or an atheist.


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Second-Sight is a Somnambulist in an awake state.

All Faculties are permanent, but it’s exercise are not.

Second-Sight is an spontaneous phenomena It may seam hereditary, however is by the

physical and education which also is transmitted through generations.


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Final Points

1. Sleep and Dreams2. Visits between the Spirits of living people3. Transmission of thoughts4. Lethargy, Catalepsy: Apparent Death5. Somnambulism6. Trance7. Second Sight

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The Spirits Book Chap VIII Pictures taken from many places on the internet. This PowerPoint has no intention of receiving any financial incentive

or remuneration, it was developed for teaching purposes only.


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Closing Prayer

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