Download - Sarc-cv June 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Sarc-cv June 2010


    SARC Consulting Limited, registered in England & Wales, Reg: No. 06886660. Registered address 32 Channel House, Aston Street, London

    SARC Consulting Limited, registered in England & Wales, Reg No: 6886660, Registered address: 32 Channel House, Aston Street, London E14 7NJE14 7NJ

    Contacts:M. Jowardhar+44(0)7974 662 [email protected]

    Date: June 2010

    Company Profile

    About us.

    SARC Consulting is a registered company based in the UK, working as service & businessmanagement consultants in the public and private sector. The company was originally founded by MJowardhar, in April 2009. Presently the company is run by three experienced associate consultants withover 55 years of public and private sector service and project management experience. One of our aimsis to become a leading consulting firm within next five years working mainly in South Asia and theEurope. The company has recently completed a contract for management service to a London ALMOproviding essential management support to a team of managers in improving service delivery to theirclients.

    Individual associate consultants has variously worked on a number of projects in Bangladesh over thepast ten years and established a recognisable position within a number of establishments. Thecompany is presently working to support energy, power and infrastructure developments in Bangladesh.

    A number projects have been identified where SARC Consulting can actively participate in consultancy,project management, business structuring and project consolidation programme.

    Present projects:

    Energy & Power(current)

    We are presently working on a Waste to Fuel conversion project in Bangladesh, based on a German

    Technology for producing diesel from MSW. The project is designed for PPP with an investmentopportunity of 120m over the course of next 3 years. On completion, it will contribute to meeting theenergy and power shortage in the country.

    Infrastructure (current)

    Trans Asia Network - a cross-border road transport scheme was conceived in 2003 in partnership withthe governments of Bangladesh, India & Myanmar. After an initial agreement the project was delayeduntil new roads connectivity were put in place for through across borders passage. The project hasbeen re-introduced following recent development of roads and agreements between Bangladesh, India,Bhutan and China for road transport connectivity. This project is aimed to provide international luxury

    coach service for the growing travellers in the region. Initial project costs estimated to stand at 85m.

    Possible Future Projects:

    We are presently seeking to engage in the following projects in Bangladesh and the UK.

    1. Padma Bridge River Training Work (a World Bank funded project worth $600m). We areseeking to work as the local consultant for the project contractors.

    2. Dhaka Chittagong Expressway (BOT costs estimated $3b). We are seeking to engage asproject management consultants and financial advisors.

    3. Deep Sea Port Chittagong (project costs $3b). We are seeking to engage as project

    management consultants and financial advisors.4. Proposed Waste to Fuel Conversion Project (PPP) with a local authority in London. Projectcurrently under discussion.

  • 8/9/2019 Sarc-cv June 2010





    Finance & Banking(Bangladesh Government)

    M Jowardhar(previously Director of Bex Group) worked on the following projects as consultant.

    1. In 2003 -2004, we have worked with the Central Bank (Bangladesh) on operation and businessmanagement structure for Inward Remittance policy and client bank operational relationshipwith foreign companies.

    2. In 2004-2005, we designed the Trans Asia Network Project and worked as consultants to theBangladesh Army for developing this business model engaging in negotiations with the Indian &Myanmar governments. The scheme design included a major contribution and participation ofthe private sector partnership with the commercial wings of the each National Armed Forces.

    3. A major contribution was made by M Jowardhar in decentralisation of power sector inBangladesh in 2004. He worked with the Ministry of Energy and Power in part privatisation ofpower distribution and private sector power generation.

    4. Biman Bangladesh Airlines M Jowardhar, under Bex Group, worked with the Biman Authorityin aircraft procurement finance for their fleet in 2004 & 2008. A package of procurement financewas offered totalling over $2.5 billion. The project was halted with the fall of Lehman Brothers inOctober 2008.

    The Team:M Jowardhar, BA (Hons), MSc, (principal associate partner), has 14 years of experience of workingwith local authority at various levels in management and budget & performance monitoring. He hasover 6 six years of experience in project consultation locally and at international level.

    A Malik (associate partner), has 20 years of management experience in working with various localauthorities.

    A Miah (associate partner), has 20 years of management experience in working with a localauthority.

    Team Adviser:

    Dr. Michael Keith (Director of COMPAS Oxford University)


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