Page 1: Saint Mark's Messenger · Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor July 2020 Our Last Walking Together ... journey. Your servant in Christ, ... hope this has


Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor July 2020

Our Last Walking Together

Do you remember the first time we met? I met most of you for the first time in April 2016. After having some conversations with Bishop Steven Miller about churches where I could serve, he mentioned St. Mark’s Beaver Dam. In April, I came to St. Mark's to listen to God and discern a call to serve as a priest in charge. On that Sunday, one of the Lutheran pastors from First

Lutheran came to celebrate the Eucharist. Even though the presider of the service was extremely welcoming and loving, the true welcome came from you. I came to our parish with the hope of hearing God’s loving voice and I did - in each of yours. I heard love. I heard hope. I heard my call to serve as a parish priest. Weeks later I called our bishop and after sharing with him my experience of St. Mark’s I said to him: “More than anything, I want to work with this parish because I want to learn from them how to welcome and love others.” We have been gathering for over 4 years now. During each gathering, I keep feeling this powerful sense of welcoming and love from each of you. Yes, we have had challenges. Yes, we have gone through hard times. And yet, God’s spirit continues moving through each and every one of us. Today, as I write this to you, I am reminded of that first gathering. I am reminded that what makes a church a church isn’t the priest; it's the people. Last week, I wrote an email to St. Mark’s vestry acknowledging my last day of service as your priest and rector would be July 15th, 2020. Even though I leave with a sense of grief for not being able to gather and properly say goodbye to each of you, I know St. Mark’s rests in great hands - both yours and God's. I will keep you and the community of St. Mark’s in my prayers in this time of transition. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we begin a new journey. Your servant in Christ, Oscar+

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Dear Members of St. Mark’s,

During our “Stay Home Stay Safe” our members have been very faithful about

sending in their pledges We are very thankful and truly blessed. Again, I want to

thank everyone for sending their pledge.

We now have a new way to send in your pledge or other donations. You may have

noticed on St. Mark’s website ( on the lower right-hand

corner there is a spot for you to make a donation to St. Mark’s. (See box below)

If you click on the Donate button

it automatically takes you to St.

Mark’s PayPal Account. (see

next picture on the left-hand side

of this page).

Type in the $0.00 amount you

wish to give.

You can then type in a note as to

if it is your monthly pledge, for

flowers, whatever you wish your

donation to be used towards.

Another way to donate would be

if you have your own PayPal

Account. You would log in as

normal, then go to the send

money button at the top right

(see next picture below.

Page 3: Saint Mark's Messenger · Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor July 2020 Our Last Walking Together ... journey. Your servant in Christ, ... hope this has


Under the Send money enter:

[email protected]

press the Next button,

enter in the amount you want

to donate and enter in the

“ Note” a description of

pledge, flowers, etc. of what

you would like your donation

to be used for.

As always, if you have questions, please feel free to call me. 1-920-319-6693. I do

hope this has been helpful for you.

I hope everyone is staying safe and I hope we can get back to in person church soon.

Fred Ellis


Treasurer’s update ~ Fred Ellis ~ May 2020:

Total Income: $41,379.83

Total Expenses: $34,388.54

Net Income $ 6,991.29

Scrip Profit for the Month of MAY 2020 is: $46.26

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To be a safe and welcoming

worshipping community supported by

faith in Christ through sacramental

life, holy scripture and prayers.

We welcome, support and nourish the

diversity in all people and treat

everyone with dignity and respect.

Around the Parish: Even though we are not able to physically gather together, we can

still call, write, and join us for the ZOOM Coffee Hours on Sunday

Mornings @ 9:00 am

Join Zoom COFFEE HOUR JULY 5th, 2020 @ 9:00 am

ST. MARK'S COFFEE HOUR ~ Join us July 5th for our Weekly Virtual

Coffee Hour. June 21st we had 17 parishioners online. We will

gather at 9 am, prior the diocesan morning liturgy. Grab a cup

of coffee, sit down on your most comfortable chair and join us

from home.

To Join Zoom Coffee Hourr Meeting click on link below:


Meeting ID: 768 851 3401

Password: 700

If joining by phone, please dial the

number below and when prompted

enter meeting ID # and Password

Phone number:


Meeting ID: 768 851 3401

Password: 700

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Records Improvement Project-on hold The process has begun and we got a good start to the Project before COVID-19 changed our lives. Once we are allowed to gather again our project with continue and move forward.



We had signed up for Friday, August 21st.

We are still in the wait and see phase of

being able to host this fundraiser.


What do you do when you have to cancel an event and you have gathered things for the event?? You use them to beautify your church. The plants we collected are planted on the east side of the church building. Stop by and check out the new plants and rock.

Thanks to Dave & Cori Drexler, Ken & Robin Peters and Linda & Bob Zamzow.

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Baptismal Anniversary or Wedding Anniversary is not listed, please fill

out a green update form and turn into the office. The form is located on

the Narthex Table. Please do come for a blessing on the Sunday even if

your special date is not listed. Please let us know also if your name is

spelled in-correctly or your special day is missing, we try hard to keep everything correct.

Birthdays: 1st – Donald Drews 2nd – Isabelle Wesener 3rd – Rev. Gary Lambert 3rd - Miriam Tester Rozo 7th – Jody Horne & Matt Jacobsen 8th – Kylie Jacobsen Kopmeyer 12th – Elizabeth Peters 14th – Summer Helmer & Jody Langfeldt 25th – Amy Diebaren 29th – Zachary Neuman 30th – Michael Mosher 31st – Azalea Helmer

Baptismal Anniversaries:

None Wedding Anniversaries: 8th – Ken & Robin Peters 10th – Mike & Darcie Mosher 26th – Fred & Joann Ellis

The next Quarantine

Book Club Meeting

is, Thursday,

July 9, 2020

at 7:00 pm. We are

reading the book,

“Learning to Walk

in the Dark”, by

Barbara Brown

Taylor. Won’t you

consider joining us?

Page 7: Saint Mark's Messenger · Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor July 2020 Our Last Walking Together ... journey. Your servant in Christ, ... hope this has


St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Vestry

April 26, 2020

This meeting was held via Zoom

Members in attendance were: Joann Ellis, Christine Merrill, Linda Zamzow,

Rev. Oscar, Priest, James Merrill, Sr. Warden, Dave Drexler, Co-Jr. Warden, Fred

Ellis, Treasurer

Members Unavailable: Jody Langfeldt, Erin Weirough and Ken Peters, Co-Jr.


Meeting began at 2:08 pm

1. Opening Devotion: per our meeting minutes of last month this item was dismissed due

to time constraints of our meeting venue. (With using the ZOOM soft-ware we only

have 40 minutes of meeting time)

2. Approval of March 2020 meeting minutes a motion was made by Linda Zamzow and

2nd by Chris Merrill.

3. Treasurer’s Report Fred reported that the negative bank account balance shown on last

month’s Balance Sheet has been corrected. (This occurred as the reports were printed

prior to the QuickBooks update was completed.) Our current checkbook balance after all

the bills have been paid is $1,623.77. A synopsis of our current financial situation looks


Total Our Monthly Bills $6,952.00

Less Current Bank Balance $1,623.77

Sub Total $5,328.23

Average Monthly Income Received in the Past 3 months$4,662.66

Approximate Average Monthly Shortfall $ 666.57

It was suggested we look at taking money from Line Items # 250.8 House Sale

Money Market; # 251.8 Camp Web Money Market; #259.9 Coffee Money. It was

requested that Fred Ellis contact our Horicon Bank Loan Representative, Paul

Huebner to see where we are in regards to the Paycheck Protection Program


Linda Zamzow moved we Approve the Treasurer’s Report as Presented

4. Old Business

a. Church PC upgrade has been completed per James Merrill.

b. Non-profit in Beaver Dam (flyer)/(website) – Jody provided Oscar with

resources and in the process of putting this together Fr. Oscar found a Dodge

County listing of resources that he will request Kit Marceil put a link to on our

church Website.

c. St. Mark’s T-shirt orders have been put on hold and revisited after COVID-19

restrictions have been lifted. Tabled until next meeting.

d. Plant, Rummage, Bake/Sandwich Meat sale scheduled for May 30th. Erin

Weirough, Linda Zamzow and Fr. Oscar will be discussing in the next week or so.

e. Records project this project has been put on hold until after COVID-19 restrictions

have been lifted. Tabled until next meeting.

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f. Building Use Policy update-Fr. Oscar requested we update our policy. Not

everyone had a copy to look at, tabled until next meeting. Joann Ellis will send

the Vestry Members our current policy. Please review and make additions or

correction. Two items that need to be addressed are the removal of

trash/garbage/recycles and the telephone.

g. AED/CPR Protocol-it seems as if everyone has not received these updates, so it

has been tabled until the next meeting.

h. Phone call tree / directory-reports were given by the Vestry Members as to how it

has been going. Some of the numbers listed are either not working or the church

member has not returned the call to the vestry member’s call. For the most part

our members are doing well with our COVID-19 restrictions. Prayers of

Thankfulness for Ernie’s recovery from hospital to Randolph Care Center-he is

going to be able to go home this week. Prayers of Gratefulness for David

Genereaux who has pneumonia but has tested negative for COVID-19. For the

most part we @ St. Mark’s are doing well.

i. Scrip Cards have been selling during the past month. Bobby & Linda Zamzow

have been handling the sales and deposits of this program. Joann Ellis has been

handling the ordering of scrip cards.

j. Check book balance-this has been resolved as it was an issue with when the

reports were printed from the QuickBooks program. See Treasurer’s Report


5. New Business

A. Issues from Rector: Rev Oscar is working on a letter which will be sent to all

parishioners of St. Mark’s in the next week or so.

B. Junior Warden Report Dave Drexler has been over to the church and changed

the sign out front and done maintenance on the lawn mowers as grass mowing

season is coming upon us.

C. Other New Business

a. Jim Merrill has had a meeting with Good Shepard, Sun Prairie, which is a mission church of the diocese, (which means that they can’t sustain a priest on their own without financial support from the diocesan.) They have not had a rector for 4 or 5 years. They have been operating with a supply priest since their last rector left. They have a fairly new church and hold 2 services each Sunday. One in English and a 2nd service in Spanish. Father Oscar has been doing the Spanish mass for the last 2 years roughly. They have roughly 28 parishioners per service. The pledging comes mostly from the English service where the average age is 60+. The Spanish service has younger average age, but have a lower- pledging base. Good Shepherd reached out to us and St Paul’s Watertown to try and yoke with us in finding a replacement priest. They also reached out to the Diocese for guidance and support in steps to finding a permanent priest. St Paul’s was not willing to entertain splitting a priest. St Paul’s feels that they can afford a full-time priest position. Thus, I’m not sure they would entertain joining with us either unless they happen upon a husband wife combo like Fr. Oscar and Rev.

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Elizabeth. They also are not worried about an interim priest since Elizabeth’s mother currently lives in Oconomowoc and has agreed to stay until they have a replacement. Peggy Bean suggested that we look for some way to make a better offer for a part time rector like sharing with another parish and/or offering more time off like only having Eucharist 3 weeks a month or like a school year and not having Eucharist during the summer months. On Sundays without Eucharist we would have morning or evening prayer or some kind of online service. The Nashotah House Seminary is not an option at this time either for supplying a priest or a deacon. At this time in the Diocese all current search activity has been put on hold and no new searches are allowed to start.

b. Gordon Flesch Copier contract due 4/24-Fr. Oscar has contacted the Gordon

Flesch Company and received a response from their Contracts Coordinator, Cori

Picard. regarding the maintenance renewal of our copier machine (FA4525). It

looks like the 5-year lease on this device ends on 5/24/2020. At that point, we’ll

own it. The service on the device will auto-renew.The new annual service base

will be $635.00, which includes 36,000 covered copies a year. Your new overage

rate will be .01725. The maintenance contract includes supplies (toner), service

and parts. The only exceptions are staples and paper. c. Diocesan Survey- A Financial Survey from the Diocese of Milwaukee was sent to

Jim Merrill and between Fr. Oscar and Fred, a response was submitted. One of the

survey questions were about our availability to pay our diocesan apportionment ~

if we didn’t pay that for a month or two we would almost break even.

d. Making our Website a secure website-James Merrill has spoken o Kit Marceil

about this and they will proceed.

e. Adding a Payment option on our website - Fred tried this earlier in the year with

PayPal. He set up the account as a non-profit, but there would still be a charge of

~$8.00 for a $250.00 payment. Even though he sent a Payment to PayPal, it was

never transferred from the PayPal Account to our Checking Account. We will do

further checking on this. (this was also one of the questions on the Financial

Survey from the Diocese)

6. Fundraising

a) Scrip update –March Profit $157.80

7. Next Meeting is to be determined later in the month of May

Devotion Volunteer: Not assigned due to time constraints of our ZOOM Mtg.

Closing Prayer - Fr. Oscar shared a prayer with us to say __

8. Meeting adjorned at: 3:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Joann Ellis, Clerk Pro Temp

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St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting Minutes

May 28, 2020 Held via ZOOM

Members present: Chris Merrill, Erin Weirough, Jody Langfeldt, Linda Zamzow, Joann Ellis Also present: James Merrill, Sr. Warden, David Drexler, Co-Jr. Warden, Fred Ellis, Treasurer, Fr. Oscar Rozo, Rector Members absent: Ken Peters, Co-Jr. Warden

1. Meeting called to order by James Merrill, Sr. Warden at 7:07 pm. Opening devotion was done by Fr. Oscar.

2. Approval of April 26, 2020 meeting minutes – Some members didn’t receive April minutes. Members should review minutes tomorrow, send any changes, and accept by email.

3. Treasurer’s Report – Fred reviewed the balance sheet first. End of April shows pledges are catching up somewhat. Fred had a question about line 261 UTO. The check for the fall ingathering was sent December 2019 but never cashed. Fred has reached out to Connie Ott, Diocesan UTO person, with no response. He requested that Fr. Oscar try to reach Connie to see what’s going on. Reviewed the Profit & Loss statement. Again, this shows pledges are behind but May pledges seem to be catching up. Should be reflected in the June financials. Line 519 Miscellaneous (Snow/Lawn) is under by $70 which is good. Line 542 Heat, Lights and Water is over by approximately $270. Should catch up with not using the church. Line 534 Telephone is over by approximately $101. This is from the new phone and service card. Jody Langfeldt moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion by Jody Langfeldt and seconded by Linda Zamzow to approve the financial review. Motion carried.

4. Old Business – a. T-shirt update – since we have not been in church there is no information on sizes

and numbers of shirts needed. This remains on hold. b. Plant and Bake Sale – Since this event was not held, the plants already collected

have been planted on the east side of the building to help with drainage. Does anyone have any other ideas for fundraising?

c. Records Project – This is on hold until we return to church. d. Building Use Policy – Fr. Oscar stated that this should be updated every 2-3

months during the pandemic as the phases and circumstances change, i.e. masks, number of people allowed in groups, etc.

e. Scrip Cards – This is still going well. Monthly purchases are continuing. Bob and Linda bring the cards to church and leave them. The people who ordered them leave the money at church where Zamzows pick it up.

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f. Diocesan Survey – Done last month and sent in. g. Making website a secure website – Suggested by Chris Marceil and he is working

on it. This would limit viruses. Checking if fee is a one time or annual amount. h. Adding web payment option to website/Revisiting PayPal Account – Fred is willing

to take care of this. This will include registering his name and SSN of Rector, Sr. Warden or Treasurer. This has to be done even as a not-for-profit. Motion by Joann Ellis to use Fred Ellis’ SSN on our PayPal account. Motion carried.

i. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan from the bank – We applied for and received an $11,500 loan from the bank to assist covering salaries and utilities to get through the pandemic. Can be paid back if able.

5. New Business – A. Issues from Fr. Oscar – Most of what he will cover is in Other New Business. B. Junior Warden Report – David Drexler reported that the yard work is going well

due to good help. The sign is done for the Lion’s Den but not up yet. Fr. Oscar will call Marsha about putting it up without blessing it. David is still changing the outside sign weekly. Roosevelt is still closed.

C. Other Committee Reports – D. Other New Business –

a. Parochial Report (Past due) – Was due May 1st. It is now complete. It needs to be also signed by James Merrill, Sr. Warden and Jody Langfeldt, Clerk. It was decided that Fr. Oscar will print is off and leave it at church. James and Jody will stop in when they can to sign it. They will then notify Fr. Oscar when it is ready to be mailed in.

b. Monthly Deposits – varying over the last few months. Now moving back toward normal.

c. Future Services – The Diocese is requiring a plan to be sent to the Diocese for approval. Once it’s approved, we can start services again. A sub-committee will be formed to work on a plan of action and report progress back to the Vestry.

d. Zoom Coffee hours – Planning to hold Zoom coffee hours possibly before the Diocesan service. Until June 15th at least services will remain on line.

e. Kit’s email – See Kit’s email about some ideas about reaching out to parishioners. See thee email. Lindsay Cleary has purchased individual units of juice and a wafer for distribution to parishioners so they can partake in communion during online services or for home communion. Meredith Harmon is willing to drive them around and distribute them. Fr. Oscar will set up a time with Meredith for a consecration service but not on a Sunday.

f. 0utreach 2020 Designee – This is who we would want to support with fund raising income. This would be advertised at the fundraising event, hopefully to increase participation. Maybe at our June brat sale. St. Paul’s Watertown is making masks and selling them. Linda Zamzow stated that people making

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masks at St. Mark’s are donating them to the hospital, nursing homes or other agencies who need them.

g. Forming a Search Committee – Need a more firm resignation date to set meeting with Peggy Bean from the Diocesan office. Fr. Oscar estimates around mid-July depending on Liz finding a position. Jim Merrill suggested an article for the newsletter asking for volunteers for the search committee. It was then decided that Jim will send out a letter instead.

h. YouTube – Jim Merrill will email out user id and password to get on our account on YouTube.

i. Fr. Oscar asked us to continue to keep checking on the parishioners who we were given lists for. Requests prayers for Paul Lampert who is starting chemo on the 1st, Mike Mosher is having surgery on the 4th of June, and Dave Genereaux who is having a procedure.

6. Fundraising – Scrip Update – April profit was $101.27. 7. Next meeting – To be determined, maybe a little earlier in the month. 8. Motion to adjourn – Motion by Linda Zamzow to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at

8:45 pm.

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July 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



8:30 pm Compline

Facebook, Youtube and St. Mark's website

Donald Drews


Isabelle Wesener


Rev. Gary Lambert

Naomi Tester Roszo



10:00 AM



and Facebook Live



5:30 pm Evening Prayer

Facebook, Youtube and St. Mark's


6 7

Jody Horne

Matt Jacobsen


8:30 pm Compline

Facebook, Youtube and St. Mark's website

Kylie Kopmeyer

Ken & Robin Peters

9 10

Mike & Darcie Mosher



10:00 AM



and Facebook Live



5:30 pm Evening Prayer

Facebook, Youtube and St. Mark's website

Elizabeth Peters

13 14

Summer Helmer

Jody Langfeldt



16 17 18


10:00 AM



and Facebook Live



20 21 22 23 24 25

Amy Diebaren


10:00 AM



and Facebook Live



Fred & Joann Ellis

27 28 29

Zachary Neuman


Mike Mosher

31 Azaela Helmer

Page 14: Saint Mark's Messenger · Saint Mark's Messenger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Joann Ellis, Editor July 2020 Our Last Walking Together ... journey. Your servant in Christ, ... hope this has

14 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee

Newsletter Editor, Joann Ellis

[email protected]


Dennis Adams, John Bahler, Mark Fritsche (deployed), Barry

Hilbert, Joshua Kent, Brian Lampert (deployed), Christopher

Schoebel, Steven Strubbe, and Trevor who just joined the Army


Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they

serve at home or overseas. Hold them in your loving hands

and protect them as they protect us. Amen. (If you have updates to this listing of our service men and women, please give me any additions,

corrections or persons to remove because their service time has ended. [email protected] )

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

P. O. Box 126

700 East Mill Street

Beaver Dam, WI 53916

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