  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Relieve Your Low Back And Hip Pain With TheseMovesby Cori Lekowith ! "eb #$% &'#( ! Blo)% Bodywei)ht% Core% *+ercises% "oa, Rollin)% Pain Relie  ! ( co,,ents

    Low back and hip pain are co,,on proble,s especially or anyone with a desk -ob. However%

    so,e oa, rollin) /or a back ,assa)e0 and stretchin) o your low back won1t be enou)h to

    really relieve your pain.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Because so,eti,es where you eel the pain% isn1t the place causin) the proble,% especially

    when it co,es to low back pain.

    2ten to relieve your low back and hip pain% you need to ocus on oa, rollin)% stretchin)%

    activatin) and stren)thenin) your entire core.

    Because overly ti)ht ,uscles in your core /such as your hips and lats0 and underactive ,uscles

    in your core /such as your )lutes and deep intrinsic core stabili3ers0 can all be contributin) to

    your hip and back pain.

    "ollow our 4 5tep Pro)ra, below to Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain.

    Relieve Your Low Back And Hip Pain With These MovesMany o us suer ro, low back and hip pain because we sit in le+ion or 6 hours a day at a

    co,puter. Bein) seated at a co,puter puts -ust about our entire body into le+ion 7 it causes our 

    hips to be ti)ht and our )lutes and core to be weak.

     And because we sit in this le+ed position all day% we oten develop i,balances that lead to

    dysunctional ,ove,ent patterns. These dysunctional ,ove,ent patterns oten cause us to

    overuse ,uscles that can1t handle the load /aka our low back0 instead o usin) the correct

    ,uscles or the -ob /aka our abs and )lutes0.

    That is why we need to start by loosenin) up all the ,uscles that are ti)ht ro, our desk -ob and

    our i,proper ,ove,ent patterns.

    "oa, Rollin)

    Because everythin) in your body is connected% even oot proble,s% ankle proble,s% kneeproble,s could all lead to low back and hip pain. *ven upper body dysunction could then lead

    down to low back and hip pain.

    That ,eans that you1ve )ot to ,ake sure to loosen up ,uscles throu)hout your body to restore

    proper unctionin) to your core.

    Below are oa, rollin) ,oves to correct so,e co,,on areas o ti)htness that could lead to% or

    contribute to% low back and hip pain. 8 you are unsure o what areas are ti)ht or you%

    e+peri,ent with rollin) out all o the areas below. 2nce you i)ure out% which spots are ti)ht or

    you% ocus on releasin) the tri))er points in those areas.

    You ,ay even ind that in certain ,uscles you only have knots and tri))er points on one side.

    Make note o these areas. 8 only one side has an issue% this is a si)n o an i,balance.

    8,balances between sides can lead to pain and in-ury and need to be corrected.

    9o not waste ti,e rollin) out areas that aren1t proble,atic or you. You ,ay want to revisit these

    areas at ti,es% but ocus on areas o ti)htness that contain knots or tri))er points.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Foot Foam Rolling:

    Ti)htness in the ascia underneath your eet can lead to overpronation% cal ti)htness% knee

    val)us and then even hip and back pain.

    To roll out your eet% a tennis ball works really well. 8 you have a harder and s,aller ball thou)h%

    you can di) in even ,ore. A lacrosse ball and )ol ball are alternatives to the tennis ball that di)

    in even ,ore.

    Whichever ball you choose to use% place the ball on the )round and step on top o it. Roll it

    alon) the len)th o the botto, o your oot. Hold on any ti)ht spots.

    Try to apply as ,uch wei)ht as you can. *ase into it thou)h and don1t -ust sto,p on the ball.

    You can also use a ro3en water bottle to roll out your oot and ice at the sa,e ti,e. Take a

    water bottle that you1ve illed with water and ro3en in the ree3er and roll it under your oot

    to di) out any knots while also icin) to reduce inla,,ation. This is a )reat ,ove to do i you1ve

    had Plantar "asciitis in the past and are startin) to up your runnin) ,ilea)e and don1t want to

    re:in-ury yoursel.

    "or ,ore ,oves to prevent and alleviate oot pain% check out our Prevent "oot and Ankle

    Pain post.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Calf Foam Rolling:

    Ti)ht calves can contribute to dysunction at the oot and knee% which can in turn lead to hip and

    back pain. Thereore% you need to ,ake sure to roll out your calves% especially i you sit at a

    desk all day% wear hi)h heels and;or run or cycle oten.

    To roll out your calves% a tennis ball works )reat especially i you have a yo)a block or books to

    place the ball up on.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Peroneals Foam Rolling:

     Another ti)ht ,uscle )roup that can contribute to overpronation and thereore hip and back

    pain% is the Peroneals or ,uscles down the outside o your lower le)s.

     A ball is a )reat way to di) out the outside o your lower le).

    To roll out your Peroneals% place a ball on the )round in ront o you and then bend your knee

    and place the side o your lower le) on top o the ball% startin) with the ball below and outside

    your knee. Press down on your lower le) with your hand to apply ,ore pressure so that the ball

    di)s in.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Then ,ove your le) so that you ,ake s,all circles on top o the ball. Work your way down the

    len)th o the side o your lower le)% pressin) your lower le) ir,ly down into the ball. /You ,ay

    even put a book under the ball to help you apply ,ore pressure and )et a better an)le.0

    Hold on any ti)ht spots and% as you hold% le+ and rela+ your oot to help di) into any knots or

    tri))er points. To di) in ,ore% you can also circle the ankle while holdin) on any ti)ht spots

    instead o le+in) and rela+in) the oot.

    To hit sli)htly dierent an)les alon) the side o your shins% rock orward on the ball a bit /toward

    your shin0 or backward /toward you cal0.

    Work your way alon) the len)th o your lower le) ro, -ust below your knee down to a ew

    inches above the anklebone. 9o not )o ri)ht up to the anklebone or roll over bone.

    You can also use the >uad roller to roll out the outside o your shin or a harder or spiky ball.

    Quad/Rectus Femoris Foam Rolling:

    When you sit in le+ion all day% your hips )et ti)ht. And one hip ,uscle that can )et ti)ht is the

    rectus e,oris /also known as a >uad ,uscle0.

    When your hips are ti)ht% you risk not only hip pain but also low back pain. Plus your )lutes are

    likely to be inactive.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To tar)et your Rectus "e,oris when rollin) out% place the tennis ball on the )round and lie ace

    down supported on your orear,s with the ball at the top o your >uad to the ront and inside o

    your hip bone.

    Hold there or a second or two% le+in) and rela+in) your >uad to help the ball di) in ,ore i

    there are any knots. Then roll the ball strai)ht down your >uad to a new spot. Hold there. A)ain

    you can le+ and rela+ your >uad to help the ,uscle release the knot.

    Work your way strai)ht down your >uad to ri)ht above your kneecap.

    You can also use a roller instead o a ball.

    You ,ay also want to roll out the other ,uscles o your >uads to ,ake sure they aren1t ti)ht to

    cause poor ,ove,ent ,echanics that could contribute to low back and hip pain.

    To roll out the entire >uad ,uscle )roup% place the tennis ball on the )round and lie on your

    belly supported on your orear,s with the ball below your hip in the ront o your >uad.

    Rock the le) side:to:side and let the ball roll alon) the top o your >uad under your hip bone.

    You can roll it ro, your inner thi)h to out to your 8T Band.

    Hold on any ti)ht spots and even le+ and rela+ your >uad to help the ball di) in ,ore..

    Work your way down your >uad to ri)ht above your knee. As you work your way down% ,ake

    sure to work over the entire >uad% rollin) the ball ro, -ust about your inner thi)h to in ront o

    your 8T Band.

    9on1t spend ti,e on areas o your >uad that aren1t ti)ht. Hold and ocus on areas that are ti)ht.

    You can even le+ and rela+ your >uad to help the knot release.

    uicker way to roll out your >uads althou)h you won1t di) into speciic spots as

    ,uch. You can also use a rollin) pin or hand:held roller i you have one.

    Hamstring Foam Rolling:

    Your ha,strin)s can eel ti)ht or two reasons 7 one they are shortened and two they are

    actually len)thened. 8 they are shortened% you will want to stretch the,. 8 they are len)thened%

    you will actually want to stretch your hips because you ,ay be suerin) ro, anterior pelvic tilt%

    which is actually len)thenin) your ha,strin) and probably contributin) to your hip and low back


    But either way i your ha,strin)s are ti)ht and not unctionin) correctly% your hips and low back

    ,echanics will be o% which can lead to pain and in-ury. And even i your ?ti)htness@ is caused

    by len)thened ha,strin)s% you need to oa, roll the ha,strin)s to help the, rela+ so you can

    )et your )lutes activated and workin).

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To roll out your ha,strin)s% a ball is actually best as lon) as you can sit on the ball while sittin)

    up on so,ethin) like a chair% table or bo+. The pressure you can apply even when isolatin) one

    le) on a roller on the )round is li,ited so usin) a ball when seated up on so,ethin) allows you

    to di) into your ha,strin) ,ore.

    Take the ball and place it at the top o your ha,strin) ri)ht under the botto, o your butt while

    you are seated up on a chair. Rock side to side on the ball and roll it ro, your inner thi)h out

    toward the outside o your le).

    Hold on any ti)ht spot and peror, s,all rocks side to side to help you di) into the knot urther.

    You can even le+ and rela+ your ha,strin) by strai)htenin) your le) out and then rela+in) youroot back down to the )round to help the ,uscle release the knot.

    Work your way down your ha,strin) toward your knee. Work all alon) the ha,strin)% ,ovin)

    toward your inner thi)h and out toward your 8T Band.

    Make sure to hold on any ti)ht spots. 9o not spend ti,e on areas o your ha,strin) that aren1t


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    8 you have a roller% you can also use a roller while seated on a bo+ or chair. The point is to be

    elevated so you can truly di) into the ,uscle.

    8 the pressure is too ,uch when you sit on a ball on the chair% you can do this ,ove ro, the

    )round and even si,ply place the ball up on a book so you can )et a little ,ore levera)e to di)

    in% but not as ,uch as up on the bench. You can also use a roller.

    Adductor Foam Rolling:

    Ti)ht Adductor ,uscles can lead to li,ited hip ,obility and hip pain. And i your hip isn1t ully

    unctionin)% your body is )oin) to co,pensate and try to )et the ran)e o ,otion to co,plete the

    ,ove,ents ro, so,ewhere else.

    "or instance% i your adductors beco,e ti)ht% you ,ay have li,ited internal rotation% which will

    put ,ore rotational de,ands on your 58 oint 7 aka a part o your low back not well e>uipped to

    handle rotation.

    This will lead to low back pain and in-ury.

    5o you ,ust oa, roll your adductors to ,ake sure that your Lu,bo Pelvic Hip Co,ple+

    unctions properly.

    To roll out your adductors a bi))er ball or roller works best. You can even use a hand:held roller

    or rollin) pin.

    However% i you only have a tennis ball or lacrosse ball% you can use that.

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    To use a ball to roll out your adductors% lie ace down on the )round. Bend one knee out to the

    side at about 6' de)rees and place the ball under the inside o your knee.

    Restin) on your orear,s% rock your le) orward over the ball toward your >uad and then back

    toward your ha,strin). Hold on any ti)ht spots.

    Then ,ove the ball up your inner thi)h toward your crotch. Rock orward and backward a)ain

    and re,e,ber to hold on any ti)ht spots. You can even ,ake s,all circles with the ball while


     As you ,ove up your adductor% you ,ay ind it helpul to place the ball up on a book or two to

    help you di) in dependin) on your le+ibility.

     As you ,ove up toward your hip% you will also want to work around the ront o your le) into your 

    >uad a bit to ,ake sure you hit all o the potential Adductor tri))er points.

    Re,e,ber to spend ,ore ti,e on the areas that eel ti)ht. Hold on those spots and ,ake sure

    to revisit the, whenever you roll out.

    IT Band/TFL Foam Rolling:

     A ti)ht 8T Band can lead to hip pain and proble,s such as 5nappin) Hip 5yndro,e. When you

    roll out your 8T Band% you aren1t only ocused on the 8T Band but all o the ,uscles on the

    outside o your le)% includin) your T"L and lateral >uad ,uscle. Your T"L is another hip ,uscle

    that can beco,e ti)ht and create hip and low back dysunction.

    To roll out your 8T Band% a hand:held roller or a oa, roller is best and easiest to use. However%

    i you only have a ball% you can use that as well.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To roll out usin) a ball% lie on your side with your top le) bent and the oot lat on the )round in

    ront o you. 5tart the ball to the outside or your le) ri)ht above your knee.

    Hold the ball there and very sli)htly rock orward and backward on the ball. Then ,ove it up the

    side o your le)% workin) both up the ront o the outside o your >uads and your ha,strin)s.

    Hold on any ti)ht spots and li)htly rock as you ,ove the ball up toward your hip. When you

    reach your hip% rock orward so you are di))in) in ri)ht below your hip near the top o your

    >uad. Hit the ,uscle below your hip in ront o your 8T Band aka your T"L.

    Make sure to )o over the ti)ht spots a couple o ti,es. 9o not spend ti,e on areas that aren1t


     A)ain% i you have a roller% it is easier to cover the entire e+panse o your le) >uickly. 8t also

    won1t di) in as ,uch as the ball.

    Glute Foam Rolling:

     A ti)ht lute Medius and Mini,us as well as certain tri))er points in your Pirior,is and lute

    Ma+i,us can cause low back pain and ti)htness. They can even lead to hip pain and cause

    reerred pain down your le).

    To release the knots in your )lutes% a ball is best. A s,aller and harder ball will allow you to di)

    into the knots ,ore. 8 you can1t deal with the pressure o a s,aller ball% use a bi) oa, ball or


  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To roll out your )lutes% lie on your side on the )round propped up on your orear,. Place the ball

    under one side ri)ht behind your hip at the top o your )lute. Hold on any ti)ht spots.

    To di) in ,ore% lit and lower your botto, le) up and down o the )round. You can also tuck

    your knee in toward your chest and then strai)hten your le) back out. Peror, a ew reps o

    each then ,ove the ball down the outside o your )lute.

     Ater workin) down the side o your )lute% ,ove it back toward the leshy part o your butt.

    Roll it around under your )lute% searchin) or any ti)ht spots.

    You can work all around the leshy part o your butt 7 ro, the outside o your hip to your

    tailbone% ro, under your 58 oint to the top o your ha,strin).

     A)ain when you ind a ti)ht spot hold there and bend your knee in toward your chest and then

    strai)hten the le) back out. You can also lit and lower the le) when the ball is on the tenderarea to help the ,uscle release. Try (:#' o each ,ove,ent and then ,ove on to the ne+t spot.

    5earch all around your )lute and ocus on the areas o ti)htness. Really ,ake sure to work ro,

    your tailbone out to the side o your hip.

    Hold on any knots and breathe to )ive the, ti,e to release. Make sure to rela+ as you hold.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Low Bac and !"ine Foam Rolling:

    Ti)ht and even overused ,uscles alon) your low back and spine /caused by sittin) in le+ion all

    day and weak ab ,usculature0 can be released by oa, rollin). 8 these ,uscles re,ain ti)ht

    and overactive% you will have a tendency to overuse these ,uscles in your low back when

    bendin) and litin)% which can lead to pain and in-ury.

     And oten when your low back is ti)ht% your )lutes aren1t irin) properly.

    However% you want to be careul when rollin) out your back as it is easy to hypere+tend it. 8 you

    use a roller be careul to not e+tend ully back over it.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    The best tool to roll out your back is the peanut% which can easily be ,ade at ho,e usin) so,e

    tape and tennis balls.

    To ,ake your own peanut and roll out your entire low back and spine usin) it% check out this

    post 7 The Peanut Alleviate Back Pain with this 5i,ple Tri))er Point Tool.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    A#/Psoas Release:

    When you sit in le+ion all day your hips and abdo,inal ,uscles can beco,e ti)ht% causin) your 

    low back to beco,e overworked.

    To release your abs and a hip le+or ,uscle known as the Psoas% a bi) oa, ball is bestD

    however% you can use a roller or a s,aller ball.

    8 you only have a tennis ball% you will also need so,e books to help you di) in.

    To roll out your Psoas% lie ace down on the )round with a ball on so,e books. Place the ball on

    the books in your abs above your hip to one side o your belly button.

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  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To use a tennis ball or lacrosse ball% lie on your side with the ball under your side at the top o

    your ar,pit where your back and shoulder connect. You can stretch your ar, with the ball under 

    it sli)htly out in ront and overhead.

    Rock orward and backward on the ball sli)htly and then ,ove it lower down the side o your

    back. Hold on any ti)ht spots as you )o and ,ake sure to rock orward and backward as you

    ,ake your way down the side o your back.

    Work all the way ro, your ar,pit to al,ost the end o your rib ca)e.

    With the ball% you can also work back up to the outside o your shoulder and even under your

    shoulder blades as well as down your lat.

    8 you use a ball% it is )oin) to apply ,ore pressure than a roller so i you can1t handle the

    pressure a)ainst the )round% use the ball a)ainst the wall.


    2nce you1ve started loosenin) up the knots% you then need to stretch the ,uscles to helpeverythin) return to its proper len)th:tension relationships so that you ,ake sure you are usin)

    the correct ,uscles when you ,ove and lit.

    When you suer ro, low back and hip pain% you need to ,ake sure that you stretch to return

    ull ,obility to your hips so that your )lutes and abs work properly and your low back doesn1t

    co,pensate and take over.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the 3-Way Ankle Mobility Stretch% stand acin) a wall with your hands on the wall or

    balance or support.

    5tand in a sta))ered stance with one oot sli)htly in ront closer to the wall and your eet no

    wider than hip:width apart. Make sure your ront knee is at least a ew inches ro, the wall. This

    ront oot is the ankle that is bein) worked on.

    5tandin) in this sta))ered stance% drive the ront knee strai)ht orward over the toe and into the

    wall while keepin) your heel on the )round. 9o not worry i your back heel co,es up. "ocus on

    that ront oot and drivin) the knee into the wall while keepin) the heel down.

    9o that #' ti,es and then take a step out a bit wider to the side and repeat so that your eet are

    about shoulder:width or wider /second set or line o photos in the picture above0. The oot

    should be pointin) strai)ht toward the wall and you want to drive the knee orward over the toewhile keepin) the heel down. Co,plete #' reps% drivin) the knee orward into the wall then

    rela+in) out o the stretch.

    Then step your oot across in ront o your back le) /shown at the botto, o the photo0 and

    repeat #' ,ore knee drives. Make sure that your toe is always pointin) directly toward the wall

    and that you are keepin) the heel down as you drive your knee orward.

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    By ,akin) sure that your toe is pointin) strai)ht into the wall in ront o you% you will hit dierent

    aspects o your lower le) to loosen it up.

     All three positions will hit the lower le) and ankle ro, dierent directions to i,prove your ankle

    ,obility and dorsile+ion /aka how ,uch you can pull your toes up toward your shins0.

    Half%&neeling Quad and Hi" !tretc$:

    8 you sit all day% your hips are ti)ht which ,ay be causin) your back to en)a)e and work when

    it shouldn1t. Ti)ht hips ,ay also be preventin) your )lutes ro, irin).

     A )reat stretch to loosen up your hips is the Hal:=neelin) Euad and Hip 5tretch. There are a

    ew dierent variations o this stretch you can do to tar)et your >uads and hips ro, sli)htly

    dierent an)les. And when you reach back overhead with these irst ew variations% you can also

    stretch out your Psoas% which is an i,portant hip le+or ,uscle to open up to help prevent low

    back and hip pain.

    Be)inners will want to start with the Basic Hal:=neelin) Hip 5tretch or use a towel to do the

    other variations. 8 you are at your desk% you ,ay want to do the 5tep and Reach Hip 5tretch

    instead o kneelin) on the )round.

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    To do the Basic Half-Kneeling Hip Stretch% start hal kneelin) on the )round. Then press your

    hips orward as you reach your hands up overhead so that you eel a nice stretch down the hip

    and even into the >uad o the back le).

    5>uee3e the )lute o your back le) so that you are actually ully e+tendin) your back hip and not

    si,ply archin) your back. 8 you -ust hypere+tend your low back% you will -ust be perpetuatin)

    the proble,. Make sure you are truly e+tendin) your hip.

    Breathe as you hold and reach your hands backward overhead or turn this into a dyna,ic

    stretch by releasin) and then repeatin) the stretch.

    You can also reach your ar,s to the side over your ront le) i you want to hit your hip ro, a

    dierent an)le and stretch your T"L and even the ,uscles o your back that help you bend to

    the side..

    Be)inners ,ay need to stay with this variation or )rab a towel or stretch strap to do these ne+t

    variations. The second variation o the Hal:=neelin) Hip 5tretch will stretch your >uad ,ore as

    wellD however% it re>uires ,ore le+ibility to be able to )rab your back oot and pull it into your


    To do the Half-Kneeling Hip and Quad Stretch% set up hal:kneelin) with your ri)ht le) back. 8t is

    best to do this with a wall or bench in ront o you to help you balance.

    Then reach back and )rab your ri)ht oot;ankle with your ri)ht hand and pull it in toward your

    butt. 8n the hal:kneelin) position with your heel pulled in and the wall to balance you% rock

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    orward and backward% pressin) the hip orward to increase the stretch down your >uad. Then

    rela+ back out o it and repeat. Co,plete all reps then switch sides.

    Make sure to s>uee3e your )lute as you press your hips orward to stretch your ri)ht hip and

    >uad. 9o not si,ply hypere+tend your low back as you rock orward.

    8 you would like to stretch your spine as well as the outside o your hip and )lute as you stretch

    your >uad and hip% then you should try the Rotational Half-Kneeling Hip and Quad Stretch.

    To do this variation% set up in a hal kneelin) position with your ri)ht le) orward. Then place

    your let hand on the )round and lean orward.

    Reach back with your ri)ht hand and )rab your let oot. Pull your oot in toward your butt as you

    drive your hip orward. "eel a stretch down your hip and >uad.

     As you press your hip orward% rotate your chest open toward your ront le). You ,ay also eel a

    stretch throu)h your spine and down the outside o that ront le). Hold here and breathe as you

    rela+ deeper into the stretch. You can also open your knee outward to stretch into your adductor 

    or rotate your knee inward to hit your T"L.

    Be)inners ,ay need a towel or stretch strap to help the, do this stretch as it re>uires ,ore

    le+ibility to reach around and )rab the le) with the rotation.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


     And i you are stuck at work and can1t kneel down% try this standin) Hip and T"L stretch 7 the

    Step and Reach Hip Stretch

    To do the 5tep and Reach Hip 5tretch% start standin) with your eet to)ether. 5tep one oot

    orward as i you are )oin) to lun)e% however% only sli)htly bend the ront knee while keepin) the

    back le) strai)ht. You can co,e up onto the ball o your back oot as you step orward.

    Then reach the sa,e ar, as the le) that is back overhead. Reach toward the ceilin) behind

    you. Press your hip orward as you reach and eel a nice stretch down that back hip. Hold there.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    You can also reach up and over the ront le) to hit your hips ro, a sli)htly dierent an)le and

    also stretch your T"L and even your back. Make sure to s>uee3e your )lutes and drive your

    hips orward so that you eel this in your hips and you are not -ust hypere+tendin) your low


    To use a towel with any o these ,oves% si,ply wrap it around your oot and )rab it with one

    hand to pull your heel in toward your butt. You can also use a -u,p rope or a towel% whatever

    you have on hand to help you pull your heel in toward your butt.

    'orld(s Greatest !tretc$:

    The World1s reatest 5tretch is one o the best stretches to hit your hips% )lutes% ha,strin)s%

    calves% >uads and even your spine and chest% this is a ,ust:do ,ove i you have low back orhip pain and sit at a desk all day.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Click here or How to do the World1s reatest 5tretch.

    L)ing Glute !tretc$:

    This is a )reat stretch to release your )lutes% hips% inner thi)hs and even your low back.

    Because it is a static stretch% you ,ay want to use it ,ore ater your workout and even when

    you are eelin) ti)ht at ho,e.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Lyin) lute 5tretch% lie on your back and bend one knee in and place your oot lat on

    the )round. Then cross the ankle o your other le) over your bent knee.

    Lit the bent knee with the oot on the )round up toward your chest and reach one hand throu)h

    your le)s and the other around the outside o the le) you -ust lited to )rab behind your

    ha,strin) or in ront o your lower le). 8 you are less le+ible% )rab behind the ha,strin). 8 you

    are ,ore le+ible% )rab in ront o your shin.

    Pull that le) in toward your chest as you rela+ your head and upper back onto the )round and

    let the knee with the ankle crossed over rela+ open. Rela+ and hold as you breathe into the

    stretch. Then switch to the other side.

    You can also strai)hten the le) you are holdin) to hit your ha,strin) as well.

    8 you eel this in the knee o the le) you crossed over% ,ake sure to le+ that oot. "le+in) the

    oot will help protect the knee.

    You can also do a variation o this stretch i you are at work and can1t lie on the )round 7 the

    5eated Pi)eon Pose 5tretch.

    To do the Seated !igeon !ose stretch% sit toward the ront o your chair and sit up nice and tall

    with your eet lat on the )round. Bend one knee to place the ankle on top o your other le) -ust

    above the knee. "le+ the oot o the le) you -ust crossed over to protect your knee.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    5ittin) tall% press down on your knee to open up your hip. You can also place your oot on the

    )round up on the base o your chair to help stretch the )lute ,ore by brin)in) your le) in toward

    your chest.

    Breathe and rela+ as you press down on the le) to eel a nice stretch in the outside o your hip

    and )lute. Pay attention to how the stretch eels on each side. Make sure to stay seated up nice

    and tall.

    With both versions o this stretch /and any other stretch or that ,atter0 ,ake note o any

    i,balance. 8 you notice one side is ti)hter% ,ake note because i,balances can lead to in-ury

    ,ore so than even i both sides are -ust super ti)ht. You will then want to ocus on releasin) the

    ti)hter side and i)urin) out what ,ay be causin) the i,balance so it doesn1t lead to knee pain.

    Frog !tretc$:

    8t is i,portant to stretch your adductors to help restore proper unctionin) to your hip and 58

     -oint. And the "ro) 5tretch is one o the best stretches or your inner thi)hs.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the "ro) 5tretch% kneel on the )round and spread your knees as wide as possible while

    also supportin) yoursel on your orear,s.

    Turn your toes out as you open your knees as wide as possible. 9o not let your heels co,e

    to)ether behind your butt. You want your eet wide apart so that your ankles are in line with your 

    knees i possible.

    Brin)in) your heels to)ether reduces the stretch.

    Then sit your butt back toward your heels as ,uch as possible while keepin) your knees wide.

    You ,ay not be able to sit back ,uch% but -ust push back as ar as you can.

    Breathe as you sit back and eel the stretch. Hold or a second or two and then release out o

    the stretch% co,in) back orward or a second beore pressin) your butt back as ar as you can

    toward your heels a)ain.

    8 you want to hit the ront o your hip a bit too% you can add in a rotational ,ove as you co,e

    orward out o the "ro) 5tretch.


     As you co,e back orward% lower your hips orward onto the )round and rotate one o your

    lower le)s up and orward% brin)in) your oot orward toward the sa,e shoulder /you are )oin)

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    to rotate your hip inward0. Then sit back a)ain and repeat the "ro) 5tretch beore rela+in) back

    orward and rotatin) the other hip inward. =eep alternatin) sides until all reps are co,plete.

    You can also ,ake the "ro) 5tretch a static stretch by si,ply sittin) your butt back toward your

    heels and holdin) instead o rockin) slowly in and out o the stretch. A static stretch is a )reat

    option or ater your workout. ust sit and breathe and rela+ deeper into the stretch% ad-ustin)

    your knees out urther as you rela+.

    8 you are at work and your inner thi)hs eel ti)ht% you can stretch the, a bit with the *+tended

    Trian)le Poses or even with a little 5ide to 5ide Lun)e as lon) as your work attire allows. 5ee

    the *+tended Trian)le Poses below or check out the 5ide to 5ide Lun)e in this post

    on 5tretches "or Runners.

    !eated Hamstring* Glute and !"inal Twist Com"le+:

    Because there are so ,any ,uscles that connect ri)ht at your Lu,bo:Pelvic:Hip Co,ple+% you

    want to ,ake sure to stretch as ,any o those ,uscles as you can to ,ake sure your hips are

    loose and have ull ,obility.

    The 5eated Ha,strin)% lute and 5pinal Twist Co,ple+ is a )reat static stretch co,bination to

    really i,prove the le+ibility o ,any o the ,uscles that connect around your hips and low back.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the 5eated Ha,strin)% lute and 5pinal Twist Co,ple+% sit on the )round with one le) out

    strai)ht in ront o you. Pull the oot o the other le) in to your inner thi)h so that your knee is

    pointin) out to about $ or 6% dependin) on which le) is out strai)ht. Rela+ that bent le) as you

    old over at the hips and reach toward the oot o the strai)ht le).

    =eep that le) strai)ht to stretch your cal and ha,strin). 8 you can1t reach your oot while

    keepin) your le) strai)ht% )rab a towel or -u,p rope and wrap it around your oot so that you

    can use that to pull yoursel over and stretch your ha,strin).

    Hold here and breathe or #(:&' seconds. Then release and cross the ankle o the bent le) over 

    your strai)ht le) ri)ht above your knee. Place your hands on the )round behind your butt and

    bend the strai)ht le) to brin) your >uad and the le) crossed over in toward your chest.

    5it up nice and tall and press your le) and chest closer to)ether to eel a stretch in the outside

    o your )lute. Breathe and hold% tryin) to )et your le)s and chest closer to)ether. "le+ your oot

    to protect your knee.

    Hold or #(:&' seconds. Then allow the oot o the le) crossed over to lower down to the side

    while keepin) your botto, le) bent. Place the oot lat on the )round as you lay your botto, le)

    down on its side. Then lit the hand on the side you lowered your oot down to and place that

    ar, on the outside o your knee pointin) up toward the ceilin). Press o that knee to rotate your 

    chest toward the le).

    5it nice and tall and eel a stretch down your spine. Breathe and hold or #(:&' seconds.

    8 you are less le+ible% you ,ay need to strai)hten the botto, le) instead o keepin) it bent like

    it was ro, the )lute stretch. Ater holdin) in the 5pinal Twist% release and strai)hten the other le) out and start on the other

    side with the 5eated Ha,strin) 5tretch.

    L)ing Quadratus Lum#orum !tretc$:

    This is another )reat static stretch to release the ,uscles o your low back and even o your


  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Lyin) Euadratus Lu,boru, 5tretch% lie on your back with your ar,s out to your sides.

    Bend one knee and place the oot lat on the )round. Then cross the ankle o the other oot over 

    your >uad ri)ht above your knee.

    Let your knees then all toward the side o the ankle you -ust crossed over.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Ca,el% start kneelin) with your knees about hip:width apart and your eet le+ed. 5it

    back on your heels and place your hands on your heels.

    Then arch your hips up and away% litin) your )lutes up o your heels and pressin) your chest

    out. =eep your hands on your heels as you arch away and s>uee3e your )lutes to ully e+tend

    your hips.

    Rela+ your head back and arch as ,uch as you can% )ettin) a nice stretch down your chest%

    core% hips and >uads. 9o not let your shoulders shru).

    Hold or #:& seconds and rela+ back down. Repeat% archin) back up. You can also ,ake this a

    static stretch by si,ply holdin) the pose or #(:&' seconds.

    8 you are less le+ible% do this stretch with a couch% chair or table behind you. =neel down and

    place your hands back behind you on the couch or table. 8 you are at your desk% you can use

    your desk or chair. Then press your chest out and arch away as ,uch as possible away ro,

    the piece behind you while leanin) your head back.

    8 you want to ,ake the stretch ,ore challen)in)% point your toes and place your hands on your

    heels instead o le+in) your eet.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    T$oracic Bridge wit$ !it T$ru:

    Like the Ca,el% the Thoracic Brid)e with 5it Thru is another ,ust:do brid)e variation or anyone

    with a desk -ob that suers ro, hip and low back pain /i you have knee or even upper back

    pain as well% this is a ,ust:do ,oveF0. This is also a )reat ,ove or cyclists who spend lots o

    ,iles hunched over on the bikeF

    To do 5it Thru to Thoracic Brid)e% set up on your hands and knees with your hands under your

    shoulders and your knees under your hips. "le+ your eet and lit up onto your hands and toes.

    Then lit your ri)ht hand and brin) your let le) under your body and throu)h so you rotate your

    hips open toward the ceilin) as you place your let oot lat on the )round.

     As you rotate your hips up toward the ceilin) and s>uee3e your )lutes to lit the, up as hi)h as

    you can% reach your ri)ht hand down toward the )round% rotatin) your chest toward the loor."eel your )lutes workin) to keep B2TH hips up% while you reach your hand down. We have a

    tendency when we rotate to drop the hip on the side we are rotatin) toward. Make sure both

    hips stay up as hi)h as possible so you eel a nice rotation and stretch throu)h your spine. You

    are twistin) al,ost like so,eone wrin)in) out a towel.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Then drop your hips and step your oot back throu)h while placin) your hand back down on the


    5tep throu)h and rotate to the other side% brid)in) your hips up as hi)h as you can as you reach

    toward the )round. You want to eel your )lutes workin) as you eel your spine stretchin).

    Be)inners ,ay need to start in a Table Top Brid)e position and then si,ply raise one hand and

    reach it across their body as they brid)e up instead o includin) the 5it Thru.

    Crescent to Hamstring !tretc$:

    This is a )reat ,ove to work a little on balance as you stretch your hips% >uads% ha,strin)s%

    calves and even your abs and lats a bit.

    To do the Crescent to Ha,strin) 5tretch% step one oot back into a nice wide lun)e stance with

    the back heel up. Bend your ront knee and place your hands on the )round on either side oyour oot in a nice low runner1s lun)e. =eep your back le) strai)ht in the low lun)e.

    Then% stayin) in a nice low lun)e% reach your hands up and back overhead to ,ove into

    Crescent Pose.

    Hold or a second or two% reachin) your ar,s back overhead as you s>uee3e your )lute to

    press your hip orward. Then place your hands back down on the )round.

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    With your hands down on the )round% strai)hten your ront le) and lean orward over your le) to

    stretch your ha,strin). As you strai)hten your ront le)% you will want to drop your back heel

    down to the )round. 8 you can1t reach the )round% you can also place your hands on your shin.

    ust ocus on strai)htenin) that ront le).

    Be)inners ,ay even need to drop their back knee down to the )round to help the, balance as

    they strai)hten their ront le).

     Ater stretchin) your ha,strin)% raise your back heel back up and bend the ront knee to ,ove

    back into the low runner1s lun)e beore reachin) your hands back up into Crescent.

    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin).

    ,+tended Triangle and ,+tended Twisting Triangle:

    The *+tended Trian)le Poses are two )reat iso,etric ,oves to i,prove not only the le+ibility%

    but also the ,obility o your hips. By stretchin) all o the ,uscles around your Lu,bo:Pelvic:Hip

    Co,ple+ while holdin) in a pose that also re>uires so,e stability and stren)th% you can help

    alleviate and prevent hip and low back pain.

    *ach pose tar)ets sli)htly dierent ,uscles but both hit ,uscles that are co,,on causes o low

    back pain% includin) the Euadratus Lu,boru,% lute Medius% Adductors% Ha,strin)s% 8T Band

    and Hips.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the *+tended Trian)le Pose% step up as i you were )oin) to do the Warrior 88 pose%

    steppin) one oot orward into a nice wide stance /with your eet about 4 eet apart0 with your

    ront oot pointin) strai)ht ahead and your back oot turned out.

    Your eet should be al,ost perpendicular. Also% ,ake sure that your ront oot is about at the

    instep o your back oot i you look back ro, your ront heel to your back oot.

    Pushin) your butt back and hin)in) at the hips% reach the sa,e hand as the le) that is orward

    down to the )round. Make sure to keep your le)s strai)ht as you hin)e. 8 your le)s start to

    bend% do not reach lower.Place your hand on the )round inside your oot. You can also place your hand on a block% your

    oot% your shin or your ankle i you can1t reach the )round while keepin) your le)s strai)ht.

    *+tend your opposite ar, up toward the ceilin)% openin) your chest up toward the ceilin). 8 you

    can1t really open your chest up toward the ceilin)% you ,ay want to place your hand up hi)her.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    You can then keep lookin) at the )round to help you balance or look up toward the ceilin) to

    ,ake the ,ove harder.

    Hold that pose and rela+ and breathe. As you breathe% try to stretch urther. Then switch and

    repeat on the other side. Hold on each side or #(:$' seconds.

    You can also do a Twistin) Gariation o the *+tended Trian)le Pose called the Twistin) Trian)le

    Pose. By twistin)% you really )et the outside o your hip and even your 8T Band. "or this

    variation% you will si,ple reach the opposite hand ro, the ront le) down to the )round and

    rotate your chest open toward your ront le). You ,ay also ind you need to brin) your eet in a

    bit closer to)ether or this variation.

    5till ,ake sure to push your butt back and keep both le)s strai)ht as you hin)e over and rotate.

    !tar !tretc$ wit$ Quad !tretc$:

    This is another )reat all:in:one stretch especially i you are short on ti,e but want to stretch out

    ater your workout. This stretch is a )reat release or the low back while also stretchin) your

    >uads and hips.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the 5tar 5tretch with Euad 5tretch% lie on your back with your ar,s out strai)ht to each

    side at about shoulder hei)ht. Then bend your let knee to about 6' de)rees and pull it across

    your body.

    Place your ri)ht hand on top o your knee to press it toward the )round.

    Then bend your ri)ht knee% brin)in) your heel back up toward your butt. rab that heel with

    your let hand to stretch your >uad.

     As you stretch your >uad and push your let knee down toward the )round% try to open up

    your chest as ,uch as possible% lettin) both shoulders rela+ back on the )round.

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    Hold and breathe% rela+in) deeper into the stretch. Then switch sides and brin) the other knee

    across as you stretch your other >uad.

    "eel your low back and even your chest loosen up as you hold.

    8 you can1t reach your oot to stretch your >uad% you can either use a towel or do the basic 5tar

    5tretch without the Euad 5tretch.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    -ownward -og:

    9ownward 9o) is a )reat way to stretch out your lats while also stretchin) your calves and even

    your ha,strin)s. The ,ove also can help i,prove your Thoracic *+tension to help you alleviate

    upper back pain as well as low back pain.

    To do 9ownward 9o)% start in the hi)h plank position. Then push your butt back and up toward

    the ceilin) as you press your chest back toward your le)s between your strai)ht ar,s.

    "ocus on )ettin) your back lat and a nice strai)ht line ro, the heels o your hands up to your

    tailbone. You want your ar,s to be in line with your torso /aka your biceps by the ears0.

    Push your butt back and up as you hold the downward do) position and try to drive your heels

    down toward the )round. 9o not walk your hands in too close to your eet as you hold -ust to try

    to )et your heels down.

    You want to basically push ri)ht back ro, the hi)h plank position into the downward do).

    Breathe and try to )et your back latter and your heels onto the )round.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    C$ild(s Pose wit$ Reac$es:

    This is one o the ,ost rela+in) stretches and one that everyone can easily do. Child1s Pose

    with Reaches is a )reat stretch or your low back% hips% lats and EL ,uscle.

    To do the Child1s Pose with Reaches% point your toes and sit back on your heels as you reach

    your ar,s out strai)ht in ront o you on the )round. Rela+ and reach out as ar as you can with

    your hands as you try to keep your butt all the way back on your heels.

    Then walk your hands to one side. Breathe and eel a stretch down your side and into your low

    back. Then walk your hands back center and to the other side.

    Hold to each side or a breath or two.

    To ocus this stretch ,ore on your low back% you can even reach your hands back toward your

    heels and rela+ your head orward onto the )round. Activation

    2nce you1ve )otten everythin) ready so that the correct ,uscles can en)a)e% you1ve actually

    )ot to )et those ,uscles workin). And that doesn1t ,ean -ust -u,pin) into your workout and

    litin) heavy.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    With low back and hip pain% oten your )lutes and core are weak and underactive i not al,ost

    co,pletely dor,ant. And you don1t auto,atically en)a)e the, when you workout even i you

    are doin) )lute e+ercises such as s>uats or deadlits.

    2ten instead with these co,pound ,oves% you recruit ,uscles that shouldn1t be handlin) the

    load to lit 7 like your low back and even your >uads.

    That is why you need to )et those ,uscles activated beore you start doin) your workout.

    With the Activation *+ercise below% you will wake up your )lutes and core so that they do work

    when you do your heavy lits. These e+ercises will not only ,ake those underactive and weak

    ,uscles active and stron) but they will also help i,prove your ,ind:body connection so that

    you can recruit the, when needed >uickly and eiciently.

    Glute Bridge:

    2ne o the ,ost i,portant Activation ,oves or anyone with low back and hip pain to do is the

    lute Brid)e% especially i you sit at a desk all day.

    The Basic lute Brid)e is a )reat way to )et your )lutes activated while learnin) how to en)a)e

    your core to protect your low back. The ,ove also works on hip e+tension to help open up your

    hips ater sittin) all day at a desk.

    You can do the Basic lute Brid)e as a hold or or reps. 9oin) a lute Brid)e as a hold is a

    )reat way to start activatin) those )lutes while bein) able to easily concentrate on everythin)


    With the lute Brid)e% you don1t -ust want to )o throu)h the ,otions o brid)in)% you actually

    want to think about% and ocus on% your )lutes en)a)in) and workin). You want to ,ake surethat other ,uscles don1t take over and work or your )lutes to perpetuate your i,proper

    ,ove,ent patterns and i,balances.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the "so#etric $lute Bridge% bend your knees and put your eet lat on the )round -ust close

    enou)h that you can )ra3e your heels with your in)ertips when you stretch your ar,s down by

    your side. Your eet should be about hip:width apart. You can chan)e up how ar your heels are

    ro, your butt. ust ,ake sure you eel your )lutes workin) as the pri,e ,over o the brid)e.

    Then bend your elbows to 6' de)rees so that only your upper ar,s are on the )round. 9rive up

    throu)h your heels and upper back and ar, to lit your )lutes up o the )round. 9rive your hips

    up as hi)h as possible% s>uee3in) the )lutes hard. =eep your belly button drawn in so you don1t

    hypere+tend your back.

    9o not push backward o your heels. Make sure you are drivin) strai)ht up al,ost as i drivin)

    your knees orward over your toes. You want to ully e+tend your hips 2T your low back. Also%

    ,ake sure that your knees aren1t cavin) in or allin) open as you brid)e up.

    5>uee3e your )lutes and hold at the top. Concentrate on eelin) your )lutes work. 9on1t -ust )o

    throu)h the ,otions. Actually think about the ,uscles that should be workin) as you hold and

    try to s>uee3e your )lutes harder and e+tend your hips without archin) your low back.

    To ,ake the 8so,etric lute Brid)e ,ore challen)in)% you could hold in a 5uspension Trainer%

    on a Power Wheel or even si,ply do a 5in)le Le) 8so,etric lute Brid)e.

    The beneit o doin) the 5in)le Le) Gariation is that you isolate each side so that your stron)er

    le) can1t co,pensate or your weaker le). However% usin) only one le) is way ,ore challen)in).

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    9o not do this variation i you eel the basic brid)e hold in your low back. Also do not atte,pt

    this variation i you can1t )et your hips up -ust as hi)h as with the two:le) variation.

    The point is to work your )lutes and )et the, activated. 8 you don1t eel the, workin) with this

    5in)le Le) Gariation% re)ress the ,ove,ent.

    To do the Single %eg "so#etric $lute Bridge% set up like you would or the Basic 8so,etric lute

    Brid)e and then raise one le) up o the )round. You can bend the raised le) to 6' de)rees or

    you can strai)hten the le) up strai)ht toward the ceilin). *ither is ine. ust ,ake sure you don1t

    swin) the raised le) to help you brid)e up.

    Then drive your hips up% pressin) throu)h your heel and upper back. As you brid)e up% ully

    e+tend your hips and re,e,ber to drive your knee orward over your toe and not push yoursel


    Hold at the top. =eep your abs en)a)ed so you don1t eel it in your low back. Like with all the

    brid)e e+ercises% ocus on eelin) your )lutes work and not -ust )oin) throu)h the ,otions o

    brid)in) up.

    Here are so,e other lute Brid)e Gariations you can also use to )et your )lutes activated.

    Fire H)drant .ariations:

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


     A weak lute Medius can be a ,ain cause o not only low back and hip pain but also knee pain%

    which ,eans you need to )et it activated and workin) beore you workout.

     A )reat ,ove to )et your lute Medius workin) is the "ire Hydrant.

    To do the Basic Bent-Knee &ire Hydrant % start on your hands and knees with your hands under

    your shoulders and your knees under your hips. "le+ your eet.

    Then% keepin) your ar,s strai)ht and your oot le+ed% raise your ri)ht le) out to the side. =eep

    your knee bent to 6' de)rees as you raise and your ankle in line with your knee. 9o not let your

    oot )et above your knee or your knee )o up above your oot. Your lower le) should stay in line

    and be parallel to the )round.

    Hold at the top then lower back down. Make sure to hold or #:& seconds. 9o not rush throu)h

    the lit.Make sure you do not bend your ar,s or lean away ro, the le) bein) raised -ust to )et the le)

    up hi)her. 5>uee3e your butt and ,ake sure you eel it activate. Ran)e o ,otion isn1t

    i,portant. "eelin) the )lute raise the le) and hold is all that ,atters.

    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin).

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


     Another variation o the "ire Hydrant that is even ,ore challen)in) is the 5trai)ht:Le) "ire

    Hydrant. 9o not atte,pt this variation i your ran)e o ,otion is very li,ited with the Bent:=nee


    To do the Straight-%eg &ire Hydrant % set up like you would or the Bent:=nee "ire Hydrant. 5tart

    >uadruped on the )round with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your

    hips. "le+ your eet.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    5trai)hten your let le) out to the side in line with your hip. Then% keepin) your ar,s strai)ht% lit

    your strai)ht let le) up toward the ceilin). 5>uee3e your )lute as you lit. Also% ,ake sure to

    keep your ar,s strai)ht. 9o not bend your ar,s and lean away -ust to )et your le) hi)her up.

    Hold or a second or two at the top then lower back down. Tap your oot down and repeat. =eep

    your le) strai)ht as you lit and do not let it start to loat back behind you.

    You want to ,ake sure you are litin) basically strai)ht up to the side. Co,plete all reps on one

    side beore switchin).

    -one) &ic:

    The 9onkey =ickback is a )reat e+ercise to work on core stability while ocusin) on activatin)

    your )lute ,a+i,us.

    To do the 9onkey =ick% start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders

    and your knees under your hips. "le+ your eet.

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    =eepin) your ar,s strai)ht and your core en)a)ed% drive your ri)ht oot up and back toward the

    ceilin)% keepin) your ri)ht knee bent to 6' de)rees and your oot le+ed.

    =eep your core braced and s>uee3e your )lutes as you kick your heel up and back. 9o not let

    your ri)ht knee lare out as you lit or your low back arch. Try to )et your >uad to about parallel

    to the )round. 2nly kick up hi)her i you are e+tendin) ro, the hip. You do not want to

    hypere+tend your low back -ust to kick up hi)her otherwise you will start workin) your back

    instead o your )lutes.

    Hold or a second or two at the top and lower back down. To ,ake the ,ove ,ore challen)in)%

    hold or a bit lon)er at the top.

    You can also add wei)ht to this ,ove to ,ake it ,ore challen)in) by puttin) on an ankle wei)ht

    or even usin) a resistance band.

    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin). Make sure you don1t rock orward and bend

    your ar,s -ust to kick up hi)her as you peror, the ,ove.

    !traig$t Leg &ic#ac:

    Like the 9onkey =ick% the 5trai)ht Le) =ickback also works your core and )lute ,a+i,usD

    however% because the le) is strai)ht it also en)a)es your ha,strin)s a bit ,ore.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the 5trai)ht Le) =ickback% set up on your hands and knees with your hands under your

    shoulders and your knees under your hips. "le+ your eet.

    Then kick one le) back% drivin) your heel strai)ht back into the wall behind you. 5>uee3e the

    )lute as you lit the le) and drive the heel toward the wall behind you.

    Make sure to keep your ar,s strai)ht as you kick back and your abs en)a)ed. 9on1t arch your

    low back -ust to try to kick your le) back hi)her. Try to )et your >uad to about parallel to the


     Also ,ake sure to keep your hips s>uare to the )round. 9o not rotate open as you kick back.

    The hei)ht o the kickback doesn1t ,atter as lon) as you eel your hips e+tend and your )lutes

    en)a)e. You do not want to eel this ,ove in your low back.

    Hold or a second or two at the top and really contract your )lutes beore lowerin) back down.

    9on1t rush the ,ove,ent. The slower you )o and the lon)er you hold% the harder the ,ove will


    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin).

    8 this ,ove is easy% you can add wei)hts or even use so,e sort o resistance band.

    Bird -og:

    The Bird 9o) is one o the best e+ercises to develop core stability especially or be)inners or

    anyone who1s stru))led with back pain in the past. 8t is a )reat e+ercise to help you learn how to

    en)a)e your core and )lutes.

    Be)inners ,ay need to start with the 5trai)ht Le) =ickback above beore addin) in the ar,

    ,ove,ent. You can also do this as a hold instead o or repetitions.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Basic Bird 9o)% start on your hands and knees on the )round with your hands under

    your shoulders and your knees under your hips. "le+ your eet.

    "ro, here you are )oin) to kick your ri)ht le) back as i doin) the 5trai)ht Le) =ickback as you

    raise your let ar, out toward the wall in ront o you. =ick your le) strai)ht out behind you as i

    kickin) it into the wall while you reach the other ar, out strai)ht toward the wall in ront o your

    head. 9on1t worry about litin) your le) or ar, up hi)h.

    Really try to drive your ar, and le) toward opposite walls as you keep your core en)a)ed and

    s>uee3e your )lutes. You do not want to hypere+tend or arch your low back -ust to reach your

    ar, or le) up hi)her. Also ,ake sure to keep your chest and hips s>uare to the )round as you

    reach out.

    Hold or a second or two at the top then% as you lower your ar, and le) back down% bend the,

    and brin) the, to)ether under your body. Try to touch your elbow to your knee beore e+tendin)

    back out.

    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin) to the other side. All reps should be done in a

    slow and controlled ,anner. You should even hold or a second or two at the top o the ,ove. A

    lon)er hold at the top will ,ake this ,ove even ,ore challen)in).

    You can also advance this ,ove by addin) a resistance band around your le) and opposite

    ar,. 8 you have the resistance band connectin) your ar, and your le)% as you kick out you will

    len)then the resistance band% which will create tension and try to pull your ar, and le) back

    down. Resistin) the tension will ,ake the ,ove harder.

    You can also do the Bird 9o) ro, your hands and toes instead o your hands and knees to,ake the ,ove ,ore challen)in).

    To do the Advanced Bird 9o)% set up in the hi)h plank position ro, your hands and toes with

    your hands under your shoulders and your eet about hip:width apart.

    Then lit your opposite le) and ar, up as i you are doin) the Basic Bird 9o). =eep your core

    en)a)ed and s>uee3e your )lutes as you lit the le) and ar,. 9o not let your body rotate open

    or your hips sa) toward the )round. 9o not let your butt )o up toward the ceilin).

    Hold or a second or two at the top and then lower back down and repeat on the sa,e side. You

    can also peror, a lon)er hold to ,ake the ,ove ,ore challen)in).

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    ini Band o0es:

    The Mini Band is the best )lute activation tool out there. Plus it is only I$ and can be stored

    anywhere and even taken with you when you travel.

    With the Mini Band you can work your )lutes ro, every an)le. Here are #' Mini Band Moves to

    activate your )lutes. You can pick one or two o these to include in your war, up to )et your

    )lutes ready to work beore you s>uat or deadlit.

    Pel0ic Tilt Progression:The Pelvic Tilt is a )reat way to stren)then your deep intrinsic core stabili3ers to help you

    protect a)ainst low back and hip pain. Many people skip ri)ht throu)h the pro)ression and -u,p

    strai)ht to 9ouble Le) Lowers.

     And then they wonder why their low backs are workin) and not their abs. Most o the ti,e to

    solve this proble,% people si,ply place their hands beneath their low back;butt.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    However% this is only a short:ter, solution. This doesn1t actually teach the, how to en)a)e their 

    abs. That is why it is i,portant to pro)ress throu)h the steps o the Pelvic Tilt Pro)ression.

    Check out the ull Pelvic Tilt Pro)ression here.


    2nce you1ve ,astered the Pelvic Tilt% you can then put it to use durin) Planks. Planks are a

    )reat core e+ercise to work everythin) ro, your shoulders to your knees.

     And while there are a ton o )reat Plank Gariations you can do% the Basic "orear, "ront Plank is

    a ,ust:do ,ove or anyone lookin) to develop core stability and stren)th to prevent and

    alleviate low back and hip pain.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Basic "orear, "ront Plank% set up on your orear,s with your elbows under your

    shoulders and your le)s out strai)ht behind you with your eet to)ether. "le+ your eet and lit up

    onto your orear,s and toes.

    Maintain a nice strai)ht line with your body ro, your head to your heels and ,ake sure that

    you are concentratin) on tuckin) your pelvic to en)a)e your abs. You also want to s>uee3e your 

    )lutes and >uads to keep your le)s strai)ht while s>uee3in) your le)s to)ether as you hold and

    drivin) back throu)h your heels. 9o not push orward onto your toes.

     Also% do not let your chest sa) toward the )round or your upper back round. You want a nice lat

    upper back.

    Hold in this position. 8 you eel this in your low back% assess whether or not you are peror,in)

    a proper Pelvic Tilt.

    Be)inners will want to start with a Plank ro, their knees or even o an incline to ,ake the

    ,ove easier.

    Check out this post or ,ore Plank Gariations.

    'arrior Poses I* II and III:

    The Warrior Poses develop )reat le) and core stren)th and stability% which can help keep your

    hips and low back unctionin) properly. These ,oves also i,prove your ,obility while activatin)

    your )lutes and cores.

    Warrior 8 will stren)then your core and le)s while also i,provin) your ,ind:body connection.

    Warrior 8 will stretch your hip le+ors% abs and even your ankles. And i you suer ro, 5ciatica%

    this can be a )reat pose to help alleviate the pain.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do Warrior " % set up in a nice wide lun)e stance with one oot orward and one oot back. Turn

    the back toe out so your eet are about perpendicular. Your ront oot should be at the instep o

    your back oot when you turn it out. 5ink down into a lun)e% keepin) the back le) strai)ht and

    the ront heel ir,ly planted.

    Try to )et your ront knee bent to 6' de)rees and your >uad parallel to the )round. You ,ay ind

    you need to step your ront oot orward a bit ,ore to sit co,ortably in the lun)e and keep the

    ront heel down. The lower you sink in the lun)e% the harder the ,ove will be. 9o not let your

    ront knee cave inward. Make sure to s>uee3e your )lutes and keep the knee in line with your

    hip and your ankle.

    While in the low lun)e% reach your hands up toward the ceilin)% s>uarin) your hips orward as

    ,uch as you can. Breathe and rela+ into the lun)e. Make sure you keep both eet lat on the)round and your back knee strai)ht.

     As you reach up% do not hypere+tend your low back. Make sure to s>uee3e your )lutes and

    stretch throu)h your hips.

    Hold then switch to the other side.

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     Another )reat Warrior Gariation to stren)then your le)s and core while i,provin) your hip

    ,obility is Warrior 88.

    To do the Warrior "" % step orward into a nice wide lun)e stance with your eet about 4 eet apart

    to start. =eepin) the ront oot pointin) strai)ht ahead% turn the back toe out so your eet are

    about perpendicular. The back o your ront heel should be in line with the instep o your backoot.

    Then sink down into a lun)e% bendin) your ront knee while keepin) the back le) strai)ht and

    the ront heel ir,ly planted. Try to )et your ront knee bent to 6' de)rees and your >uad parallel

    to the )round. You ,ay ind you need to step your ront oot orward a bit ,ore to sit co,ortably

    in the lun)e and keep the ront heel down.

    The lower you sink in the lun)e% the harder the ,ove will be.

    9o not let your ront knee cave in or your back le) bend. 5>uee3e your )lutes and keep your

    ront knee in line with your hip and your ankle. 5>uee3in) your )lutes will also help open up

    your hips.

     Also ,ake sure that while you hold the low lun)e% your back oot stays lat on the )round. 9o

    not rock in on your back oot as you hold. Also ,ake sure the heel o the ront oot stays down.

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    While in the low lun)e% open your ar,s out at shoulder hei)ht. Reach one orward over the ront

    le) and the other back over the back le). =eep the chest open and do not lean orward. =eep

    your wei)ht centered in the lun)e.

    Hold and breathe rela+in) into the pose. Then switch to the other side.

    Warrior 888 is also a )reat pose to prevent and alleviate low back and hip pain because it

    stretches the entire backside o your le) and )lute while also activatin) and buildin) stren)th

    throu)h your eet% le)s and core. Plus% because this is a unilateral ,ove% each side ,ust work

    independently% which can help correct i,balances.

    To do the Warrior """  pose% start standin) tall with your eet to)ether. Then shit your wei)ht so

    you are balancin) on one oot with the knee sli)htly bent.

    Hin)e over at the hips% leanin) your torso orward as you push your butt back and lit your back

    le) strai)ht toward the wall behind you. Pretend you are drivin) the oot o the lited le) strai)ht

    back into the wall behind you as you reach your head toward the wall in ront o you.

    You want a nice strai)ht line ro, your head to your raised heel% ,akin) sure to keep your back

    lat and your core ti)ht as you hold this hin)ed over position. You can then reach your hands

    overhead in ront o you% out to your sides or back toward your heels.

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    Hold in this position and eel your oot workin) to )rip the )round. Try to strai)hten your standin)

    le) as ,uch as possible to work on i,provin) your ,obility while your )lutes and core work to

    keep you balanced. Make sure you do not lock the standin) le) out thou)h as you hold. Also

    ,ake sure your hips don1t rotate open. 5>uee3e the )lute o the lited le) to keep your hips


    9o not let your back round or your other oot touch down as you hold.

    Be)inners ,ay need to reach back toward their oot instead o out in ront o the, or they ,ay

    even not be able to hin)e over as ar and raise their back le) as hi)h.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the Bent:=nee Reverse Hypers% lie ace down on a bench% bo+ or table. Place your hips

    ri)ht on the ed)e o the bench and hold on to the bench or so,ethin) in ront o you. =eep your

    upper body rela+ed as you hold.

    8 your hips are too ar on the bench% you are ,ore likely to hypere+tend your low back in an

    atte,pt to )et your hips up hi)her so ,ake sure your hips are on the ed)e o the bench.

    Place your heels to)ether and bend your knees to about 6' de)rees. "le+ your eet. You can

    choose to turn your toes out to hit a sli)htly dierent aspect o your )lutes as well.

    Then% with your knees bent% kick your heels back and up toward the ceilin)% s>uee3in) your

    )lutes to lit. You can sort o drive up and out a bit to really )et your )lutes to work. Make sure to

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    press your pubic bone down into the bench as you s>uee3e your )lutes to help you brace your


    "ocus on s>uee3in) your )lutes as you lit and don1t hypere+tend your low back -ust to )et up

    hi)her. Lit so that your >uads are about parallel to the )round and lower back down.

    2nly lit hi)her i you don1t eel your lower back take over. You want to ocus on and ,ake sure

    your )lutes are workin) to lit 2T your low back. The ,ost i,portant part is that you eel your

    )lutes ti)hten.

    Hold at the top or a second or two and then lower back down. You can also add wei)ht to

    ,ake this ,ove harder.

    !u"erman .ariations:

    When people suer ro, low back pain% ,any o the, turn ri)ht to the 5uper,an *+ercise

    because it is ,eant to stren)then your low back.

     And while this ,ove can be beneicial to stren)then the backside o your core% you need to do it

    alon) with the oa, rollin)% stretchin) and activation ,oves to )et your abs and )lutes workin)


  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    When doin) the 5uper,an% and it1s variations% ,ake sure to also use your )lutes to help you lit

    up and not -ust your low back. You want to eel your backside ro, your shoulders to your )lutes

    workin) to lit.

    "or tips on how to peror, the 5uper,an *+ercise and variations o the ,ove% check out

    our 5uper,an *+ercise post.

    'eig$ted Glute Bridges:

    2nce you1ve learned to en)a)e your )lutes with the Basic lute Brid)e% you can then add

    wei)ht to really stren)then your )lutes. 5tart li)ht and ocus on e+tendin) your hips% contractin)

    your )lutes and keepin) your low back ro, doin) all the work. Add wei)ht as lon) as you can

    ,aintain )ood or, and even hold or a second or two at the top.

    To do the Wei)hted lute Brid)e% sit on the )round and roll or place the barbell over your hips.

    Lie back and bend your knees with your heels close to your butt and eet lat on the )round.

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    Pressin) the barbell down toward your le)s% drive your hips up and s>uee3e your )lutes. Make

    sure you drive throu)h your heels and upper back to lit strai)ht up. Think about keepin) your

    heels down as you drive your knees orward over your toes. 9o not let your knees all open or

    cave in. Also do not hypere+tend your low back as you s>uee3e your )lutes at the top.

    Hold or a second or two and lower back down. As you lit% you ,ay ind you want to press the

    barbell down and away onto your thi)hs to help you s>uee3e your )lutes at the top and keep

    your core en)a)ed.


    Thrusters are another )reat lute Brid)e Gariation to include in your workouts. And while you

    can do Barbell Hip Thrusters% Bodywei)ht Hip Thrusters are a )reat way to advance the Basic

    lute Brid)e without addin) wei)ht.

    "or instructions on how to do the Bodywei)ht and Barbell Hip Thrusters% check out this post on

    the Hip Thruster .

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


     Another )reat Hip Thruster variation is the Mini Band Hip Thruster. To do the Mini Band Hip

    Thruster% place the ,ini band around your hips and lie on your back on the )round with your eet

    lat on the )round.

    The closer your heels are to your )lutes% the ,ore the ,ove will isolate your butt. The arther

    ro, your )lutes your heels are% the ,ore your ha,strin)s will be involved. Make sure that no

    ,atter how close or ar your heels are ro, your butt% your heels stay down as you brid)e up.

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    Then reach your ar,s down throu)h the band behind your back and% pressin) the band down

    into the )round% brid)e your hips up toward the ceilin)% drivin) throu)h your heels and upper


    Brid)e your hips up as hi)h as you can% pressin) a)ainst the bandD however% do not

    hypere+tend your low back -ust to brid)e up hi)her. Hold or a second and then lower back


    5low down the te,po o the ,ove to ,ake it harder or use a heavier resistance. You can also

    ,ake the Thruster ,ore challen)in) by doin) a sin)le le) variation.

     Also% ,ake sure to keep the ,ini band a)ainst the )round as you brid)e up. 8 you can1t )et your 

    hips as hi)h up usin) the band as you can with a basic )lute brid)e% re)ress the ,ove,ent. Try

    a sin)le le) brid)e irst without the band beore addin) the band in.

    Front !1uats:

    "ront 5>uats are a )reat s>uat variation to stren)then your core while stren)thenin) your le)s.

    You will need to work on your hip ,obility and core en)a)e,ent beore doin) this ,ove. But to

    prevent uture back pain% this is a )reat way to keep your core and hips stron).

    To do "ront 5>uats% you can use barbells% sandba)s or even kettlebells.

     A =ettlebell "ront 5>uat can be done with one kettlebell /a oblet 5>uat0 or with two =ettlebells

    /Racked 5>uat0.

    To do the =ettlebell oblet 5>uat% take one kettlebell and turn it upside down% holdin) it in both

    hands on the bell. 5et your eet between hip:width and shoulder:width apart. =eep the kettlebell

    in at your chest. Brace your abs.

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    Then sit your butt back and down% keepin) your wei)ht toward your heels as you s>uat down.

    =eep your chest up and don1t let your back round orward with the wei)ht.

    5ink your butt down as low as you can% keepin) your heels on the )round. 9o not let your hips

    tuck under as you s>uat. o only as low as you can while ,aintainin) )ood or,.

    Then% drivin) throu)h your heels% co,e back to standin). 9o not lean or rock orward as you

    stand up. Co,e all the way up and s>uee3e your )lutes at the top then sink back down.

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    You ,ay also do a 9ouble Racked =ettlebell "ront 5>uat to ,ake the wei)ht heavier i you don1t

    have a sin)le bell heavy enou)h or si,ply to chan)e up e+actly how you load down the "ront


    You can also do a variation o the "ront 5>uat with a sandba) called the 5andba) Jercher


    To do the 5andba) Jercher 5>uat% stand with your eet between hip:width and shoulder:width

    apart and hold the sandba) up at your chest with your ar,s wrapped around the ba). 9o not let

    the sandba) sink down toward your belly button.

    =eepin) the ba) up at your chest% s>uat down as low as possible% sittin) your butt back and

    down while keepin) your chest up. Make sure to sit back as you s>uat down. 2nly )o as low as

    you can with )ood or,. 9o not lean orward or let your back round.Then drive back up to standin) and s>uee3e your )lutes at the top. Make sure to drive up

    throu)h your heels and keep your chest up as you co,e to standin).

    Brace your abs as you s>uat to support the sandba). You do not want to eel this ,ove in your

    low back.

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    !ingle Leg -eadlifts:

    9eadlits are a )reat posterior chain e+ercise to stren)then the entire backside o your core%

    especially your )lutes and back. And the 5in)le Le) 9eadlit is a )reat 9eadlit Gariation that not

    only works your backside but will also i,prove your oot and ankle stren)th and thereore your


    To do the 5in)le Le) 9eadlit% kettlebells are a )reat tool.

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  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    To do the 5tep 9own% start standin) on a bench% step or bo+ so that you can step o o it to the

    side with your let oot. Your ri)ht oot will be near the ed)e o the bench or step.

    Then slowly be)in to bend your ri)ht knee and sit your butt back as you hin)e over and lower

    your let oot down to the )round. 9o not round your back as you hin)e.

    Lower your let oot down as close to the )round as possible. 9o not put the oot ully on the

    )round. You do not want to be able to push o the )round with your let oot to help you co,e

    back up to standin).

    2nce you1ve lowered your let oot down as ar as you can% drive throu)h your ri)ht oot to co,e

    back up to standin). "eel your ri)ht )lute workin) to push you back up to standin).

    8 you eel this in your low back% do not )o as deep in the 5tep 9own. Also% ,ake sure you are

    sli)htly back in your standin) heel. You really want to load your )lutes and not your knees withthis ,ove,ent.

     And because this ,ove is very challen)in) or the balance% you ,ay want so,ethin) in ront o

    you to help you balance or you ,ay not want to )o as low in the 5tep 9own to start.

    Co,plete all reps on one side beore switchin). To ,ake the ,ove harder% )et a hi)her step or

    bo+ or add wei)ht.

  • 8/17/2019 Relieve Your Low Back and Hip Pain With These Moves


    Hanging A#s:

    Han)in) Abs are a )reat way to stren)then your entire core% especially your abs to help you

    prevent low back pain. And they )ive you ,ore ban) or your buck than re)ular crunches

    because they also work your )rip% lats% abs and even your >uads.

    "or Han)in) Ab *+ercises to include in your workouts% check out this post with #' Han)in) Core


    "or anyone suerin) ro, low back and hip pain% the Han)in) Pelvic Tilt is an especially

    i,portant one to include. The Han)in) Pelvic Tilt is a )reat way to pro)ress the basic Pelvic Tilt

    while also learnin) how to en)a)e your abs when not -ust lyin) still on the )round.

    8 you are suerin) ro, low back and hip pain% you need to inte)rate a ew o these oa,

    rollin)% stretchin)% activation and stren)th trainin) ,oves into your weekly workout routine.

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