Page 1: Readings on Absolutism

References on Absolutism in France

A.D. Lublinskaya, French Absolutism: the Crucial Phase 1620-!1629, Cambridge, d968.

David Parker, 'French Absolutism, the English State and the Utility of the

Basesuperstructure Model', Social History" Vol. 15, No. 3. Oct.. 1990. pp. 287-301 .

David Parker, 'sovereignty, Absolutisrn and the Function of the l-aw in Seventeenth-

Century Franceoo Past & Present, No. 122, Feb., 1989, pp. 36-74,

David Parker, 'The Social Foundation of French Absolutism 1610-1630', Past & Present,

No. 53, Nov., 1971, pp. 67-89.

David Parker, The Making af French Absolutism, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1983.

J.H.M. Salmon, 'Venality of Office and Popular Sedition in Seventeenth-Century France:

A Review of a Controversy', Past & Present, No. 37, Jul.. I 967 , pp. 2l-43.

Leon Bernard, 'Fiench Society and Popular Uprisings under Louis XIV', French

Historical Studies, iii 1.964, pp.454-74.

Nora Temple, 'The Control and Exploitation of French Tor,vns during the Ancien

Reginre', in History, li 1966, pp.16-34.

Norbert Elias, The Court Society, Oxford, Basil Blackwell" 1983.

Orest Ranun,'Courtesy, Absolutism. and the Rise of the French State. 1630-1660', JML{,

52. 1980, pp.426-451.

Perry Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State, Verso, London, 1979.

Phyllis K. Leffler, 'French Historians and the Challenge to Louis XIV's Absolutism',

French Historical Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring, 1985, pp. I -22.

Teshale Tibebu, 'On the Question of Feudalism, Absolutism. and the Bor-rrgeois

Revolution', Review (Fernand Braudel Center)" Vol. 13, No. l, Winter, 1990, pp. 49-152.

Trevor Roper, lGeneral Crisis'- Symposium" in Trevor Aston (ed.), Crisis in Europe

1560-,$660 (London, ft965), (repr. from Past and Presento no. 18. Nov. 1960). pp. 98-9.

William Beik, Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-century France: State Power and

Provincial Aristocracy in Longuedoc, Cambridge University Press" Cambridge. 1985.

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