  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Murder in PerugiaMurder in Perugia

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    In my prior comparison of a luminol print from the cottage and the bathmat footprint, I

    identified characteristics in common between them. However, while those observations are

    real, perhaps they arent the most important considerations as we compare the different

    footprints, nor are they complete observations.How my observations could have been

    more precise:

    1. Not saturate the colours in thebathmat photo

    I felt this would make it easier to

    delineate the footprint; in fact, the

    strongest colour visually swamped the

    other colours: the lightest areas of thefootprint were washed into the bathmat.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    1. Not saturate the colours in thebathmat photo

    However, when I saw the Il Messaggeroimage of Raffaeles police footprint made

    in custody, there was an obvious

    difference with my observsations: his big

    toe was neither long nor crooked, but

    rather triangular

    2. Take into acount the 3-dimensional

    aspect of the bathmat and the impact of

    its texture on the footprint

    In my prior comparison of a luminol print from the cottage and the bathmat footprint, I

    identified characteristics in common between them. However, while those observations are

    real, perhaps they arent the most important considerations as we compare the different

    footprints, nor are they complete observations.How my observations could have been

    more precise:

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    1. Not saturate the colours in thebathmat photo

    So lets try it again, taking measures to

    be more precise. Later well incorporate

    the new visuals as reported in Il


    Youll see that this presentation focuses

    on comparing the newly available

    footprint of Raffaele taken in custody,

    with the bathmat footprint made in blood.

    Ill save for a future presentation an

    examination of the Luminol print.

    2. Take into acount the 3-dimensional

    aspect of the bathmat and the impact of

    its texture on the footprint

    In my prior comparison of a luminol print from the cottage and the bathmat footprint, I

    identified characteristics in common between them. However, while those observations are

    real, perhaps they arent the most important considerations as we compare the different

    footprints, nor are they complete observations.How my observations could have been

    more precise:

    In particular, if before we

    were looking at the

    luminol and the bathmat

    prints only from an

    overall point-of-view of

    their high-levelcharacteristics, lets now

    descend to a very

    detailed visualisation,

    aided by the

    measurements which we

    now have available.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Well need to pull out ourprecision measuring instrument () from last

    autumns presentation on the 6 Luminol prints. The ruler is based on ILE

    marker C for one of the visible shoeprints in the victims room.

    All we have to do is to rotate it and extend it proportionally, in order to obtain a

    measuring ruler in centimeters. We see that the floortiles used in the north wing ofthe cottage are 16 cm. in width.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Lets confirm the tile width and calibrate our ruler on this grid, at 16cm. per tile width, on the bathroom footprint photo.

    6 cm


    18 cm

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Also, lets keep in mind as we advance the importance of the texture of the bathmat,and its 3 dimensional impact on the footprint.

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  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Lets zoom in on the bathmat photos, and the detailedscale of our ruler.

    6 cm


    18 cm

    Now well try and compare

    specific measurementsbetween the bathmatfootprint and Raffaelesfootprint as taken in custody.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    The first line we will draw will be the one from behind the ball of the foot to the pointbetween the big toe and the second toe.

    I suggest we draw the line fromthe clearest end-point, whichwould be behind the ball of thefoot.

    Lets the mark the line and stopwhen we get to the end point atthe front of the ball of the foot.


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Now lets measure this line and we get

    6 cm

    12 cm

    18 cm

    55 mm. Mmmmmmmmokay, thats fairly near the

    police custody ball-of-the-foot

    measurement of 57 mm.

    Now, Ill accept it if someonesays that while the starting pointof the line is quite obvious, the

    end point isnt necessarily clear.More on that later.

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  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    I guess you call this our first test: are the measurements from Raffaeles police custodyfootprint approximately compatible with the bathmat footprint?

    I think it would be imprudent toexclude the possibility.

    Now, what about that big toe?

    Last week I was thinking that itwas a crooked, elongated toe

    S d f d

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Spend a few seconds

    looking at this zoom of

    the unenhanced bathmat


    Specifically, try to follow

    the limit of the footprintfrom behind the ball of

    the foot, around to where

    the big toe joins the foot,

    then try to identify

    exactly where the print of

    the big toe reaches.Thats enough for now.

    This isnt a trick request,

    in fact its quite the

    opposite. In my case Im

    surprised with myself,that until now, I hadnt

    tried such a simple

    exercise on a zoom of

    the photo.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale




    Ive marked with green

    arrows where I think its

    quite obvious that the

    bloody footprint is in that


    Ive marked with pink

    arrows where its clear

    that the bloody footprint

    doesnt reach.

    Ive put a couple ofquestion marks on the

    inside of the big toe,

    where the limits of the

    big toe are not exactly


    Click back and forth a

    few times between this

    screen and the previous

    one. Do we all agree on

    these limits to this part ofthe footprint?

    N l t t th t li it

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Now lets trace that limit

    to the footprint.

    This leaves a somewhat

    different impression than

    the crooked, elongated


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Now lets apply the bathmat imagewhich Rinaldi used for his


    Unfortunately, on the copy which we

    have available from Il Messaggero,

    only one of the measurements isreadable 50 mm from behind the

    ball of the foot to the end of the

    bloodstain between the big toe and

    the 2nd toe. Rinaldi was more honest

    than I (55 mm), as he stops his line

    where the blood visibly ends.

    (our photo wasnt as defined there)

    6 cm


    L t i d li k th h th i

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Lets summarise and click through the images:Rinaldis measurements on the bathmat

    L t i d li k th h th i

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Lets summarise and click through the images:Raffaeles police custody footprint

    L t i d li k th h th i

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Lets summarise and click through the images:Our lines and delimitation of big toe (its not crooked!)

    Im not a forensic expert - Ill

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    I m not a forensic expert - I llleave that to Dr. Rinaldi. Andwhile I dont feel in a position tosay definitely that that isRaffaeles footprint on thebathmat, I do believe that the

    bathmat print is compatible withhis footprint. Minor differences,like the point of measurement forthe line between the big toe andthe 2nd toe, can be justified bythe texture of the bathmat, itsraised tufts, and the valley justat that point of measurement.

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    Ms. Bongiorno - can I call you Giulia? - I assume you have a plan for this

    CONCLUSION ( 1/3 )

  • 8/14/2019 Raffaele's Barren Tree Tale


    CONCLUSION ( 1/3 )

    I dont have the details of Dr. Lorenzo Rinaldis expert forensic testimony to the court last May 9. But he has stated thatthere is a very close compatibility between the bathmat footprint made in blood, and the footprint taken of Raffaele incustody.

    A close inspection of the bathmat photo reveals that the footprint there is not simply a foot with a crooked long big toe,but rather does coincide with the custody print, as we saw it published in Il Messaggero.


    Do Dr. Rinaldi's observations mean that those footprints are definitely Amanda's and Raffaele's?

    Not in 100% irrefutable legal terms. However, the more points of correspondence which are identified between twofootprints, the more likely that footprints are made by the same foot. What's more, that consideration is multiplied if youhave similar positive results for footprints from not just one, but two persons who aren't sought out as unrelated,exogenous, coincidentally correct samples out of the 10 billion persons who make up humanity, but are in fact two

    persons who are related (boyfriend - girlfriend) and who could fit into a scenario for being present in the cottagebetween 9 p.m. on 1 November 2007 and 10:30 a.m. the next morning in Perugia, Italy.

    It may be argued that his evidence - or better said, his analysis - is flawed or that the results are due to the proverbialstatistical lottery. In any case, it would be imprudent for the jury to ignore Rinaldi's expert testimony relating to thefootprints, which we understand from press reports was well prepared, well presented, and stood up to the attempts todiscredit it by the defence legal teams (which is, of course, their job).

    If the footprint evidence is true, does it mean that Amanda or Raffaele are guilty of murder or the other chargeswhich they face?

    No, not by itself. A footprint does not a murderer make. However, if we are swayed by Rinaldis analysis (personally, Ihave to say that it seems quite convincing), we have to ask ourselves:

    - what were they doing in the cottage, what did they do there, and at what times were they there during that night?

    - why can't they tell us, or why haven't they told us the Truth? The Truth isn't just some of the truth, or a convenientlegal truth (protected by a suspect's right to lie), but the Whole Truth.

    The use of a suspect's right to silence does not show he or she is guilty of anything in particular. But if one is innocentof charges, and in light of a certain weight of evidence being shown against you, it is probably best not to make use of

    your right to silence, but - with the help of your legal advisors - lay out a logical and explicit defence strategy.

    CONCLUSION ( 2/3 )

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    CONCLUSION ( 2/3 )

    I recently read an interesting article in The NY Times - Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets, by Benedict Carey:

    May 12, 2009

    Before any interrogation, before the two-way mirrors or bargaining or good-cop, bad-cop routines, policeofficers investigating a crime have to make a very tricky determination: Is the person Im interviewing beinghonest, or spinning fairy tales? ....

    Until recently, police departments have had little solid research to guide their instincts. But now forensicscientists have begun testing techniques they hope will give officers, interrogators and others a kind of honestyscreen, an improved method of sorting doctored stories from truthful ones ....

    Kevin Colwell, a psychologist at Southern Connecticut State University, has advised police departments .... Hesays thatpeople concocting a story prepare a script that is tight and lacking in detail.

    'Its like when your mom busted you as a kid, and you made really obvious mistakes,' Dr. Colwell said. 'Well,now youre working to avoid those.'

    By contrast, people telling the truth have no script, and tend to recall more extraneous details and may even

    make mistakes. They are sloppier ....

    In several studies, Dr. Colwell and Dr. Hiscock-Anisman have reported one consistent difference: Peopletelling the truth tend to add 20 to 30 percent more external detail than do those who are lying. This is howmemory works, by association, Dr. Hiscock-Anisman said. If youre telling the truth, this mental reinstatement ofcontexts triggers more and more external details.

    Not so if youve got a concocted story and youre sticking to it. Its the difference between a tree in fullflower in the summer and a barren stick in winter, said Dr. Charles Morgan ....

    Will the Barren Tree of Truth to which we have been witness during the course of an autumn, a winter, a spring, asummer, another autumn, another winter, and another spring suddenly burst into bloom by the time this summer of2009 arrives? (Three weeks distant at the time of writing this).

    I am not betting on it, but I hope and pray that that may occur.

    Perhaps Raffaele and Amanda are not legally guilty of the trial charges against her (or perhaps she is ). But in anycase they are morally responsible to tell the Whole Truth, for many reasons, including - above all - the Kerchers right toknow everything possible about what happened to their daughter, and - in purely selfish terms - the viability of their ownreinsertion into the world on the day when they finally return to Seattle and Bari and they try to convince the general

    public that they really did make every effort to support the investigation, respond to questions and help clarifyMerediths murder in any minor or major way which they could.

    CONCLUSION ( 3/3 )
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    CONCLUSION ( 3/3 )

    Its never too late to start working on redemption, but it does get more and more difficult to achieve as more timepasses.

    Even Judge Heavey tells people to assume their responsibilities, regardless, as he says, of whether your actions areright or wrong (click to see his statement from 1995). Its clear that his apology in a 1995 legislative investigationreferred to moral responsibilities, and not just legal liability, as he was never found legally responsible for wrongdoing inthat case (the issue goes back to when he was a politician). I wish he had been as public and explicit in his apology to

    Prosecutor Mignini for the unsupported accusations of illegal actions on the part of Italian justice officials that theAmerican judge made on Washington State Supreme Court official letterhead - as published by Anne Bremner on herwebsite (Anne has now left the link hanging by removing the document, but you can still find it on PMF), calling Heaveya member of the Friends of Amanda group.

    Part of the problem, perhaps, is the energetic effort on the part of the respective groups of people who believe they aresupporting Raffaele and Amanda, who have turned their positions into an all or nothing bet. However, if they are trulyconcerned about their return and reinsertion into normal family and social activities - at whatever date - then they woulddo well to encourage Raffaele and Amanda to tell the Whole Truth. It will help them emotionally and give them theconfidence to state in the future that whatever happened, they have explained what they know about this case.

    I personally find Raffaeles and Amandas "barren tree" explanations early in the investigation and subsequence silencerather distressing; it definitely does not contribute to the public being able to trust and believe that each of them wascompletely unaware of and separate from the occurrence of the crimes in the cottage on 1 November 2007


    Post Script:

    In the name of complete disclosure, I should also quote the end of the above mentioned New York Times article

    concerning police questioning, concerning the limits of the barren tree method of detecting truth or lies: This approach, as promising as it is, has limitations. It applies only to a person talking about what happenedduring a specific time not to individual facts, like, 'Did you see a red suitcase on the floor?' It may be poorlysuited, too, for someone who has been traumatized and is not interested in talking, Dr. Morgan said. And it is notlikely to flag the person who changes one small but crucial detail in a story 'Sure, I was there, I threw some

    punches, but I know nothing about no knife' or, for that matter, the expert or pathological liar.' "

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