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PUBLICACIONESAbboud H, Labreuche J, Arauz A, Bryer A, Lavados P, et al. Demographics, socio-economic characteristics, and riskfactor prevalence in patients with non-cardioembolic is-chaemicstroke in low-andmiddle-incomecountries: theOPTICregistr. International Journal of Stroke. 2013; 8(suppl A100): 4-13.

Anderson C, Heeley E, Heritier S, Arima H, Woodward M, Lindley R, Neal B, Lavados P, et al. StatisticalanalysisplanforthesecondintensivebloodpressureReductioninAcu-teCerebralhemorrhageTrial(INTERACT2):alarge-scaleinvestigation to solve longstanding controversy over themostappropriatemanagementofelevatedbloodpressureinthehyperacutephaseof intracerebralhemorrhage. In-ternational Journal of Stroke. 2013; 8(5):327-328.

Anderson C, Heeley E, Huang Y, Wang J, Stapf C, Delcourt C, Lindley R, Lavados P, et al. Rapidblood-PressureLowe-ringinPatientswithAcuteIntracerebralHemorrhage. New England Journal of Medicine. 2013; 368(25):2355-2365.

Anderson C, Sharma V, HuangY, Lavados P, Lindley R, Pan-dian J.TheEnhancedControlofHypertensionandThrom-bolysisStrokeStudy(ENCHANTED):FirstyearExperienceRegardingPossibleSelectionbias. Cerebrovascular Disea-ses. 2013; 36(suppl 1): 20.

Brunser AM, Hoppe A, Illanes S, Diaz V, Munoz P, Carcamo D, Olavarria V, et al. AccuracyofDiffusion-Weighted Ima-gingintheDiagnosisofStrokeinPatientsWithSuspectedCerebralInfarct. Stroke. 2013; 44(4):1169-1171.

Brunser A, Illanes S, LavadosP, Munoz P, Carcamo D, Hoppe A, Diaz V. ExclusionCriteriaforIntravenousThrombolysisinStrokeMimics:AnObservationalStudy.Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2013; 22(7):1140-1145.

Cabieses B.Attheedgeofindividualcognitive-behaviouralpolicies:howtowalk thepublichealthpath toeffectivelyimprovepopulationhealth? Salud Pública de Mexico. 2013; 55(4):421-426.

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