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Public Utility District No.1 of Franklin County November 14, 2017 | 1 P.M. | Regular Commission Meeting



1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Employee Safety Minute

3. Public Comment

4. Commissioner Reports

5. Consent Agenda 6. Re-Opening the 2018 Budgets Public Hearing, Presenting the Updated Preliminary

2018 Operating and Capital Budgets, and Recessing the Public Hearing .................. Scarano

7. Adopting a Resolution Approving Rate Schedules for Electric Service and Superseding Resolution 1282 ........................................................................................................... Scarano

8. Approving the 2018 Organization Representation List ................................................ Nies

9. Appointing the 2018 Board of Commission Officers .................................................... Nies

10. Claims

11. General Manager’s Report

12. Staff Reports

13. Executive Session, if needed

14. Future Agenda Items

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for the

November 14, 2017, Franklin PUD Regular Commission Meeting

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1. To approve the minutes of the:

a) Special Commission Meeting of October 17, 2017, and b) Regular Commission Meeting of October 24, 2017.

2. To approve payment of expenditures for October 2017, amounting to $7,686,330.62

as audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and as reviewed/certified by the General Manager as required by RCW 54.16.100, and expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 and as listed in the attached registers and made available to the Commission for inspection prior to this action as follows:

Expenditure Type: Amount

Direct Deposit Payroll Umpqua Bank $442,068.57

Wire Transfers (Wires) $4,952,797.03

Automated and Refund Vouchers (Checks) $1,715,007.39

Direct Deposits (EFT) $576,693.02

Voids ($235.39)

Total: $7,686,330.62

3. To approve the write offs as listed on the Write Off report dated October 24, 2017 in

the amount of $25,880.86.

4. To declare a final acceptance of the work completed and as inspected by the District; to authorize release of available retainage; and to approve final payment in the amount of $2,590.09 for work completed by ABM Janitorial Services, Inc., under Contract 8606, Janitorial Services.

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SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING The Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County held a special meeting at 1411 West Clark, Pasco, WA, on October 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Those present from the District for all or part of the meeting were Commissioner Bill Gordon, President; Commissioner Stu Nelson, Vice President; Commissioner Roger Wright, Secretary; Tim Nies, General Manager; Steve Palmer, General Counsel; Vic Scarano, Director of Administrative Services; Holly Dohrman, Director of Power Management; Duane Sams, Director of Engineering; Carrie Locke, Senior Manager Human Resources; and Rosario Viera, Executive Assistant. Public present for all or part of the meeting were Jim Darling, Vice President, and Charla Skaggs, Senior Communications and Outreach Specialist from Maul Foster & Alongi, Inc. OPENING AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Gordon called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., welcomed Mr. Darling and Ms. Skaggs; and asked Ms. Dohrman to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. DISCUSION AND PRESENTATION ON STRATEGIC PLANNING Mr. Darling facilitated the meeting and began by providing a summary of the discussions and the results of the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis from the September 21, 2017 meeting. He noted that the Commission and staff feedback was utilized to draft the new strategic priorities, goals, and tactics that would be reviewed at today’s meeting. Through a presentation, Mr. Darling reviewed the common themes for each of the SWOT categories from the analysis. He noted that at the September 21 meeting, the Commission and staff had re-affirmed the District’s current Guiding Principles, Vision Statement and Values and he presented a proposed new strategic plan structure, and revised Mission statement for consideration. There was discussion on broadband services in relation to the District’s mission and there was agreement among the Commission and staff that the District’s main objective is to provide power. Discussion ensued. Mr. Darling presented the proposed new strategic priorities and there was discussion for each of the proposed priorities. After review and discussion, the Commission and staff

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agreed that high system reliability, providing stable rates, positive customer satisfaction, and workforce development were essential to the creation of the new strategic priorities. It was noted that safety was a high priority and should be clearly present in each of the new strategic priorities. Discussion ensued. At 9:55 a.m., a five-minute break was called. At 10:00 a.m., Commissioner Gordon reconvened the meeting. The discussion continued on the refining of the new strategic priorities and the new structure of the strategic plan. Discussion ensued. The Commission and staff concurred that the new plan should be structured as follows Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Guiding Principles, Values, and Strategic Priorities. At 11:00 a.m., a five-minute break was called. At 11:05 a.m., Commissioner Gordon reconvened the meeting. Mr. Darling reviewed the proposed new strategic priorities with the recommended revisions and noted that developing goals and concise tactics to accomplish each of the new strategic priorities was critical to a successful strategic plan. At 11:30 a.m., Commissioner Gordon called for a 30-minute break. At 12:00 p.m., Commissioner Gordon reconvened the meeting. Mr. Darling and Ms. Skaggs initiated a discussion on the development of goals for each of the strategic priorities. Mr. Darling noted that staff will need to identify the strategies and tactics for each of the priorities and submit them for completion of the draft strategic plan document. There was brief discussion on the formatting preferences for the new strategic plan and the outreach process to share the new strategic plan with employees and customers. Commissioner Gordon called on Mr. Darling for closing remarks. Mr. Darling reported that the next steps include compiling the edits from the discussion today and drafting the strategic plan document for Commission review. MEETING ADJOURNED

With no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Gordon adjourned the meeting at 12:22 p.m. The District’s next regular meetings will be on October 24, 2017, and November 14, 2017 both at 1 p.m. at the District’s Auditorium.

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A special meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2017, to begin at 9 a.m. in the District’s Auditorium. The purpose of the special meeting is to hear a presentation and have further discussion on strategic planning.

________________________________ William Gordon, President

________________________________ Stuart Nelson, Vice President

________________________________ Roger Wright, Secretary

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REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING The Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County held a regular meeting at 1411 West Clark, Pasco, WA, on October 24, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Those present from the District for all or part of the meeting were Commissioner Bill Gordon, President; Commissioner Stu Nelson, Vice President; Commissioner Roger Wright, Secretary; Tim Nies, General Manager; Steve Palmer, General Counsel; Vic Scarano, Director of Administrative Services; Holly Dohrman, Director of Power Management; Duane Sams, Director of Engineering; Carrie Locke, Senior Manager Human Resources; and Rosario Viera, Executive Assistant. Other staff present for all or part of the meeting were Rich Sargent, Power Analyst; Amanda Taylor, Administrative Assistant; Ben Hooper, Broadband Manager; Barry Balvitsch, Transmission and Distribution Superintendent; Fred Wells, Broadband Technician; Brent Weatherman, Broadband Technician; Lori Combs, Administrative Assistant; Chad Schow, IT Manager; Elena Ramirez, Public Records Officer; and Anthony Wright, IT Systems Administrator. Public present for all or part of the meeting were Carl Adrian, TRIDEC; Gary Ballew, Port of Pasco; and Tyson Fellman, District customer. OPENING AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Gordon called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and asked Mr. Hooper to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. EMPLOYEE SAFETY MINUTE

The Commission welcomed Ms. Taylor and asked for an overall rating on the safety culture, and concerns or suggestions to improve safety at the District. Ms. Taylor rated the District’s safety culture as good. She noted that employee awareness on the processes in place for reporting safety concerns could be improved and that getting quicker resolution to concerns submitted would be helpful. Ms. Taylor reported that continued support from the Commission and management to continue growing the safety program was important. The Commission thanked Ms. Taylor for attending. 10 YEAR EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD Commissioner Gordon called on Ms. Dohrman who introduced Mr. Sargent. She noted that when she began employment with the District, Mr. Sargent had gone out of his way

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to welcome and assist her. She reported that others had commented on Mr. Sargent’s positive attitude, kindness, and willingness to help. She noted that his humor was appreciated by all his peers. The Commission thanked Mr. Sargent for his service. Commissioner Gordon reordered the agenda to accommodate a conflict and noted that Agenda Item 9, Adopting a Resolution Approving a Revised Broadband Services and Facilities Rate Schedule and Superseding Resolution 1283, would be the first agenda item addressed after any public comment. PUBLIC COMMENT Commissioner Gordon called for public comment. “Somos Pasco” We are Pasco Program Mr. Ballew reported that “Somos Pasco” is a collaboration of the Port of Pasco, Franklin County, the Pasco School District, Columbia Basin College and the Hispanic and Pasco Chambers of Commerce, and other organizations and businesses to work on a community wide vision for Pasco’s economic future. He reported on the information gathering phase of the program and shared the results of the survey done to identify the areas the program will focus on. Mr. Ballew noted that community participation was critical and reported on the tools in place to assist community members in providing their feedback. Mr. Ballew reported that the intent of the program was to support local industries while improving the education sector, local wages and job opportunities. Discussion ensued. Economic Development Update Mr. Adrian reported that the Tri-City Development Council (TRIDEC) focused on improving the economic health of the area by looking for ways to increase jobs and supporting local businesses. He noted that the Tri-Cities continues to be a viable area for new businesses and that TRIDEC has experienced an increase in Requests for Information from potential new businesses. He reported on the challenges in providing the information and the indecision from the requestors. There was discussion on the costs and impact to the District and community in providing electric service to a potential new large load customer. Discussion ensued. The Commission reported that further discussion was needed to identify how and if the District could provide such service, and if so, at what cost. There was consideration on holding a Commission workshop in the spring of 2018 for additional discussion.

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The Commission thanked Mr. Ballew and Mr. Adrian for attending and providing the information. Commissioner Gordon called for additional public comment and there was none. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Nelson reported that:

He attended the monthly PPC meeting and noted that 2018 membership dues were discussed.

Commissioner Wright reported that: The NoaNet Board officially elected Mr. Dave Spencer as NoaNet’s new Chief

Executive Officer. He reported that the election of officers will be at the upcoming November meeting.

He was pleased with the progress being made on the Strategic Direction.

Commissioner Gordon did not report.

AGENDA ITEM 6 - CONSENT AGENDA The Commission reviewed the Consent Agenda. There was clarification provided on items listed on the warrant register. Commissioner Wright moved and Commissioner Nelson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. To approve the minutes of the:

a) Special Commission Meeting of September 21, 2017, and b) Regular Commission Meeting of September 26, 2017.

2. To approve payment of expenditures for September 2017, amounting to

$8,116,159.37 as audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and as reviewed/certified by the General Manager as required by RCW 54.16.100, and expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 and as listed in the attached registers and made available to the Commission for inspection prior to this action as follows:

Expenditure Type: Amount

Direct Deposit Payroll Umpqua Bank $439,739.77

Wire Transfers (Wires) $5,620,166.87

Automated and Refund Vouchers (Checks) $1,466,323.91

Direct Deposits (EFT) $592,449.51

Voids ($2,520.69)

Total: $8,116,159.37

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3. To approve the write offs as listed on the Write Off report dated September 27, 2017

in the amount of $10,146.10. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Gordon proceeded to Agenda Item 9 and called on Mr. Scarano.

AGENDA ITEM 9 - ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED BROADBAND SERVICES AND FACILITIES RATE SCHEDULE AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION 1283. Mr. Scarano introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. He called on Mr. Hooper to provide a broadband update. Broadband Update Through a presentation, Mr. Hooper reported on the broadband activity to date, progress on the Fiber to the Home and Connell Wireless projects, and he reviewed statistics on customer connects. He noted there has been a significant increase since the commencement of providing broadband services in 2002. The broadband financial results from 2011 to 2016, including the cash flow information and the potential broadband capital projects for 2018 were also reviewed. There was discussion during the presentation and a question and answer period after the presentation. The Commission asked various questions and staff provided the information. The Commission expressed concern with the continued increase in customer connects and the labor obligations to keep pace with this demand. Mr. Hooper reviewed the changes on the Broadband Services and Facilities Rate Schedule as noted in Attachment A of the Agenda Item. Staff reviewed their recommendation. Commissioner Wright moved and Commissioner Nelson seconded to adopt Resolution 1292 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Additionally, Mr. Scarano reported that the 2017 broadband capital budget would likely be exceeded due to the increasing demand of new customer connects. He noted that the overage was within the General Manager’s approval limits. At 2:45 p.m., Commissioner Gordon called for a five-minute break. At 2:50 p.m., Commissioner Gordon reconvened the meeting.

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Minutes of the Franklin PUD October 24, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting

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AGENDA ITEM 7 - RE-OPENING THE 2018 BUDGETS PUBLIC HEARING, PRESENTING UPDATED PRELIMINARY 2018 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS, AND RECESSING THE PUBLIC HEARING. Commissioner Gordon opened the public hearing. Mr. Scarano introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. Mr. Scarano reviewed the proposed changes noted on the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets Crosswalks, Attachments A and B of the Agenda Item. He noted that the Operating Budget included a position change from a contracted employee to a full time position to fill a vacated position and that no changes were noted in the Capital Budget. Staff recommended that after hearing any public comment and after review and discussion, the Commission recess the public hearing to the November 14, 2017 regular Commission meeting. Commissioner Gorgon called for public comment and there was none. Commissioner Nelson moved and Commissioner Wright seconded to recess the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets public hearing until the November 14, 2017 regular Commission meeting. The motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 8 - REVIEWING AND DISCUSSING A PROPOSED COMBINED AGRICULTURE IRRIGATION RATE SCHEDULE. Mr. Scarano introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. Mr. Scarano reviewed the proposed combined irrigation rate schedule as presented on Attachment A of the Agenda. He reported that the combined agriculture irrigation rate schedule will be brought to the November 14, 2017 Commission meeting for Commission consideration and approval. Discussion ensued. He noted that no motion was necessary for this agenda item. AGENDA ITEM 10 - AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PADMOUNTED SWITCHGEAR. Mr. Sams introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. The bid submitted by Wesco contained several major exceptions such as failing to identify a specific switch, and a fuse door mechanism that did not meet the District’s technical bid specifications. Staff reviewed their recommendation. Commissioner Wright moved and Commissioner Nelson seconded to find the bid submitted by Wesco non-responsive and authorize the General Manager or his designee

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to execute a contract for the purchase of padmounted switchgear with Anixter, the lowest responsive bidder, in an amount not to exceed $452,694. The motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 11 - OPENING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE NEW COST PROVISIONS FOR PUBLIC RECORDS, HEARING PUBLIC COMMENT, CLOSING THE PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTING A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NEW COST PROVISIONS APPROVED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 1595 AMENDING THE PUBLIC RECORDS ACT AT RCW 42.56.120. Commissioner Gordon opened the public hearing. Mr. Palmer introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. Staff reviewed their recommendation. Commissioner Gordon called for public comment and there was none. Commissioner Nelson moved and Commissioner Wright seconded to close the New Cost Provisions for Public Records public hearing and to adopt Resolution 1293 as presented. The motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 12 - APPROVING THE 2018 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE. Mr. Nies introduced this agenda item and reviewed the background information as reported on the Agenda Item Summary included in the meeting packet. He reviewed the regular meeting schedule as presented on Attachment A of the Agenda Item. Staff reviewed their recommendation. Commissioner Nelson moved and Commissioner Wright seconded to approve the 2018 Regular Commission meeting schedule as presented. The motion passed unanimously. CLAIMS

Mr. Palmer noted there were no claims to report. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Mr. Nies reported that:

Effective January 2018 he will no longer be on the PNUCC Board of Directors and that he will continue as an Executive Committee member for PPC.

Ms. Dohrman and he met with the District’s lobbyist, Mr. Kastama and Mr. Woodring from Water Street Public Affairs. He noted they had discussed pertinent legislation on pole attachments and carbon.

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This was the 6th Quarter Operating Plan Update and provided an update on the following goals:

o 1. E, Update the Electric System Plan and Present to General Manager. o 2.C, Update the District’s Integrated Resource Plan. o 3.E, Monitor and assess impacts of the Affordable Care Act to the District.

He noted that the goals were completed and would be marked as such for the next formal update.

A CWPU meeting was scheduled to discuss the value of maintaining the group while possibly adding flexibility for each utility to do individual local negotiations.

The District was among the 466 public power entities supporting the APPA Municipal Bond Letter sent to congressional leaders.

Mr. Steve Wright, Chelan PUD General Manager was seeking support for his nomination to the APPA Board of Directors and noted he would like to send a letter of support on behalf of the District. The Commission concurred.

For his audit, he reported that he compared the write offs since the District went live with the NISC to the same period in the prior year. He noted that there was a slight increase in the write offs after the NISC implementation but in the months following, the write offs had decreased and leveled off. The end result was a nominal increase of .03%.

STAFF REPORTS Mr. Scarano reported that:

The meeting packet included the September 2017 monthly financial reports and Administrative Services Department Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). He reviewed the highlights of the reports and KPIs.

The Cost of Service Analysis is in draft form and staff will meet with large industrial customers to discuss the deaggregation of meters.

Staff continues to verify that county and city District customers are assessed the correct taxes.

For his audit, he reported that Customer Service Representatives (cashiers) are required to keep cash at a minimum for security. He noted that six cashier drawers were audited to verify the procedure was being followed and noted all were in compliance.

Ms. Dohrman reported that: She attended PPC and reported that PPC continues to focus on BPA. The September monthly power report and KPIs were included in the meeting

packet and she reviewed them. For her audit, she reviewed the cost per MWh for the District’s additional power

resources for 2016 and 2017. She noted that Nine Canyon was the highest priced power resource at over $95 per MWh for both years. Discussion ensued.

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On behalf of Mr. Grad, Mr. Balvitsch reported that: The tree trimmers completed the work in Kahlotus and will begin in Connell. The new lineman began employment with the District on October 23. An offer was made to another linemen and, if accepted, will tentatively begin in

November. The dock crew is making progress on the Taylor Flats Transmission Line project

and line crews remain busy with Project Freedom and system maintenance work. The safety meeting topic for October was proper job briefings and tailboards. For the audit, he reported on the annual aerial lift inspections completed on the

District’s work fleet. He noted that the audit affirmed the District’s fleet is well maintained and cared for. He reported that the audit records are kept for the life of the vehicles.

Ms. Locke reported that:

The Human Resources KPIs were included in the meeting packet and she reviewed them.

A linemen returned from his leave of absence. Interviews will begin this week for the Business Systems Analyst position. The Director of Operations position has been advertised and noted that several

applications have already been received. Alternate work schedules for the bargaining group were discussed at the recent

labor management meeting. She noted that the linemen presented a proposed alternate work schedule and that staff will meet to discuss further.

Administrative Policy 12, Personal Leave will need to be revised due to new state laws requiring employers to provide sick leave to all employees.

For her audit, the Personal Leave policy states that any unscheduled absences require a leave slip to be completed as soon as the employee returns back to work. She reported that a review of employees unscheduled absences during the past 4 months was completed and found that the leave slips were completed in a timely manner and that the policy is being followed.

Mr. Sams reported that: The 3rd Quarter System Reliability Report was completed and he provided a copy

to the Commission. Mr. Sams reviewed the highlights of the report. The Taylor Flats Transmission Line project is at 50% of completion and noted that

the project should be completed on time. For his audit, he queried Vacuum Fault Interrupters in service on the electric

system to verify all were included on maintenance/testing plan. He noted that in total there was seven in service and that all were on the testing plan.

Mr. Palmer reported that:

The prospective customer for the disposition of the Pasco CT continues to have interest and is making progressive steps.

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For the Legal Department’s KPIs, there has been three Public Records Request in October.

Staff revised Administrative Policy 33, Public Records Request to comply with the changes in the public records requests fees discussed today.

The Joint Purchasing Agreement with Energy Northwest is still pending finalization. For his audit, he reviewed Administrative Policy 16, Purchasing Approval and

Payment Authority because of the recent broadband capital overage and noted that minor clarifications will be done to the policy.

MEETING ADJOURNED With no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Gordon adjourned the meeting at 4:32 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on November 14, 2017 at 1 p.m. at the District’s Auditorium. The District will hold a special meeting on December 5, 2017, at 9 a.m. in the District’s Auditorium. The purpose of the special meeting is for having further discussion on strategic planning.

________________________________ William Gordon, President

________________________________ Stuart Nelson, Vice President

________________________________ Roger Wright, Secretary

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Item Check/Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount1 179 10/05/2017 WIRE 100521 PUD ADVANCE TRAVEL PUD ADVANCE TRAVEL 4,830.002 183 10/10/2017 WIRE 112714 MACQUARIE ENERGY SWAPS 38,427.603 184 10/10/2017 WIRE 112902 EDF TRADING NORTH AMERICA GAS & POWER SWAP 9,207.004 185 10/12/2017 WIRE 113257 EFTPS - PAYROLL TAXES PAYROLL TAXES 95,294.435 186 10/13/2017 WIRE 100464 WA STATE DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS PERS PLAN 2 68,210.156 188 10/16/2017 WIRE 112712 BP CORPORATION NA INC POWER SWAP 10,106.407 189 10/16/2017 WIRE 112776 MORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL GROUP SWAPS 8,329.928 190 10/16/2017 WIRE 112902 EDF TRADING NORTH AMERICA GAS & POWER SWAP 2,096.169 191 10/16/2017 WIRE 112707 THE ENERGY AUTHORITY TEA CONSULTING/SCHEDULING & DISPATCH 93,057.26

10 196 10/16/2017 WIRE 112714 MACQUARIE ENERGY ENERGY SALES 23,201.1211 194 10/23/2017 WIRE 112689 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION POWER/TRANSMISSION 2,992,182.0012 195 10/23/2017 WIRE 112706 FREDERICKSON POWER LP POWER 423,141.2213 192 10/25/2017 WIRE 109978 WA STATE DEPT OF REVENUE SEPTEMBER 2017 EXCISE TAX 322,643.9114 199 10/25/2017 WIRE 112689 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION POWER/TRANSMISSION 419,377.0015 200 10/25/2017 WIRE 112715 POWEREX CORP SEPTEMBER FREDERICKSON GAS 171,694.5216 202 10/26/2017 WIRE 113257 EFTPS - PAYROLL TAXES PAYROLL TAXES 90,917.5917 203 10/27/2017 WIRE 100464 WA STATE DEPT OF RETIREMENT SYSTEMS PERS PLAN 3 67,004.0818 204 10/31/2017 WIRE 112709 LL&P WIND ENERGY INC WHITE CREEK WIND 113,076.67

Total for Bank Account - 3: (18) 4,952,797.03Grand Total: (18) 4,952,797.03

Bank Account: 3 - FPUD REVENUE ACCOUNT10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017


Warrant Register - WiresAccounts Payable

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount1 29528 10/05/2017 CHK 100028 ABADAN PRINTER MAINTENANCE 74.132 29529 10/05/2017 CHK 113380 ANIXTER INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7,636.753 29530 10/05/2017 CHK 100129 APOLLO SHEET METAL INC HVAC MAINTENANCE 976.314 29531 10/05/2017 CHK 109927 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MATS AND COVERALLS 251.785 29532 10/05/2017 CHK 100179 BENTON FRANKLIN CAC HELPING HANDS 206.246 29533 10/05/2017 CHK 104565 BIG BEND ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE INC UTILITY SERVICES 87.897 29534 10/05/2017 CHK 100339 CENTURY LINK PHONE SERVICES 184.638 29535 10/05/2017 CHK 100354 CITY OF CONNELL CONTRACTED & UTILITY SERVICES 6,073.799 29536 10/05/2017 CHK 101285 CITY OF PASCO PERMITS 10.00

10 29537 10/05/2017 CHK 100360 CITY OF PASCO UTILITY SERVICES 398.4011 29538 10/05/2017 CHK 109178 COOPER POWER SYSTEMS LLC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11,636.6112 29539 10/05/2017 CHK 101488 DOBLE ENGINEERING CO REPAIRS 333.5113 29540 10/05/2017 CHK 100206 FRANKLIN COUNTY GRAPHIC ADVERTISING 46.5014 29541 10/05/2017 CHK 100229 GRAINGER INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,453.0315 29542 10/05/2017 CHK 103521 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC INC BROADBAND MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,316.4016 29543 10/05/2017 CHK 113462 HRMS SOLUTIONS, INC. HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE 175.0017 29544 10/05/2017 CHK 112885 INDEPENDENT STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,077.9018 29545 10/05/2017 CHK 113652 LEAF CAPITAL FUNDING LLC PRINTER LEASE 42.1319 29546 10/05/2017 CHK 113201 NAPA AUTO PARTS 149.8020 29547 10/05/2017 CHK 113269 NISC CONTRACTED MONTHLY SERVICE FEES 20,646.0221 29548 10/05/2017 CHK 100452 ORKIN EXTERMINATING INC PEST CONTROL 645.5622 29549 10/05/2017 CHK 100394 OXARC INC ANNUAL SUPPRESSION TESTING 6,468.9823 29550 10/05/2017 CHK 100426 POWER CITY ELECTRIC INC PROJECT WORK 319,904.0524 29551 10/05/2017 CHK 101875 RAY POLAND & SONS DISPOSAL 96.5425 29552 10/05/2017 CHK 113445 RELIABLE EQUIPMENT & SERVICE COMPANY WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 866.6326 29553 10/05/2017 CHK 100496 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC DISPOSAL 762.4727 29554 10/05/2017 CHK 106825 SEBRIS BUSTO JAMES CWPU EXPENSE/CONSULTING 261.0028 29555 10/05/2017 CHK 100195 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES 284.1729 29556 10/05/2017 CHK 104596 TRI CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ADVERTISING 570.0030 29557 10/05/2017 CHK 113379 WEIDMANN ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY INC OIL SAMPLES 1,180.0131 29558 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 208.8432 29559 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 150.0833 29560 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 48.8234 29561 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 76.85

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

35 29562 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 118.5436 29563 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 33.7737 29564 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 63.4038 29565 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 138.8039 29566 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 47.0540 29567 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 74.8241 29568 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 40.0942 29569 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 142.7643 29570 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 166.4144 29571 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 113.0445 29572 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 119.5546 29573 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 96.6247 29574 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 47.3548 29575 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 108.6149 29576 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 40.2450 29577 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 5.8451 29578 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 314.5652 29579 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 7.7553 29580 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 18.0554 29581 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 89.8755 29582 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 125.0056 29583 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 95.8257 29584 10/05/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 175.1958 29585 10/12/2017 CHK 113435 A-ONE REFRIGERATION & HEATING INC ENERGY SERVICES 46,363.5059 29586 10/12/2017 CHK 113380 ANIXTER INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 53,836.8460 29587 10/12/2017 CHK 109927 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MATS AND COVERALLS 125.8961 29588 10/12/2017 CHK 113437 ARCHIBALD & COMPANY ARCHITECTS P.S. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,796.7362 29589 10/12/2017 CHK 113079 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC PRINTER MAINTENANCE 284.9263 29590 10/12/2017 CHK 112936 CENTURY LINK PHONE SERVICES 1,659.2764 29591 10/12/2017 CHK 100354 CITY OF CONNELL UTILITY TAX 97,365.7665 29592 10/12/2017 CHK 100358 CITY OF KAHLOTUS UTILITY TAX 1,883.1466 29593 10/12/2017 CHK 100362 CITY OF PASCO OCCUPATION/UTILITY TAX 443,551.4067 29594 10/12/2017 CHK 113363 COLEMAN OIL COMPANY VEHICLE FUEL 7,856.5768 29595 10/12/2017 CHK 100387 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOC UTILITY SERVICES 68.04

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

69 29596 10/12/2017 CHK 112972 COMMERCIAL TIRE INC AUTO MAINTENANCE 1,336.7170 29597 10/12/2017 CHK 110413 COMPUNET INC HARD/SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 2,638.0971 29598 10/12/2017 CHK 100344 CONNELL GRANGE SUPPLY CO INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 143.5272 29599 10/12/2017 CHK 100346 CONNELL OIL INC GAS & OTHER FUELS 526.2473 29600 10/12/2017 CHK 112942 CONNELL SAND & GRAVEL INC PROJECT WORK 346.0374 29601 10/12/2017 CHK 109178 COOPER POWER SYSTEMS LLC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 18,176.2875 29602 10/12/2017 CHK 100695 DEPARTMENT OF L&I, ELEVATOR SECTION ANNUAL OPERATING CERTIFICATE 129.0076 29603 10/12/2017 CHK 113057 ES CONTRACTING LLC ENERGY SERVICES 10,457.0077 29604 10/12/2017 CHK 100197 FEDEX FEDEX 91.1778 29605 10/12/2017 CHK 100229 GRAINGER INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 26.4279 29606 10/12/2017 CHK 103521 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC INC BROADBAND MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,067.8080 29607 10/12/2017 CHK 113462 HRMS SOLUTIONS, INC. HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE 43.7581 29608 10/12/2017 CHK 113706 INTERMOUNTAIN CLEANING SERVICE INC JANITORIAL SERVICE 3,156.3782 29609 10/12/2017 CHK 113652 LEAF CAPITAL FUNDING LLC PRINTER LEASE 244.3683 29610 10/12/2017 CHK 113201 NAPA AUTO PARTS 765.1884 29611 10/12/2017 CHK 100452 ORKIN EXTERMINATING INC PEST CONTROL 217.7485 29612 10/12/2017 CHK 113367 PEOPLEFACTS BACKGROUND CHECK 16.6786 29613 10/12/2017 CHK 101875 RAY POLAND & SONS DISPOSAL 48.6987 29614 10/12/2017 CHK 112770 SOUTH COLUMBIA BASIN IRRIGATION DISTRICT RESERVED ENERGY CONTRACT CREDIT 76,869.0088 29615 10/12/2017 CHK 112697 STRIPE RITE INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 380.0089 29616 10/12/2017 CHK 111471 VERIZON WIRELESS METER READING & PHONE SERVICES 6,122.4290 29617 10/12/2017 CHK 100290 WA PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASSOC DUES & MEMBERSHIP 8,850.0091 29618 10/12/2017 CHK 100285 WA STATE SUPPORT REGISTRY SUPPORT PAYMENT 370.8792 29619 10/12/2017 CHK 113626 WATER STREET PUBLIC AFFAIRS LLC CONSULTING 3,000.0093 29620 10/12/2017 CHK 100300 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA INSURANCE PREMIUM 138,075.5094 29621 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 222.7695 29622 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 88.0096 29623 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 93.2397 29624 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 634.6598 29625 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 54.9399 29626 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 111.93

100 29627 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 123.40101 29628 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 348.85102 29629 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 167.20

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

103 29630 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 300.00104 29631 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 310.30105 29632 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 119.62106 29633 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 218.10107 29634 10/12/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 172.04108 29635 10/19/2017 CHK 100028 ABADAN PRINTER MAINTENANCE 32.33109 29636 10/19/2017 CHK 113564 ADVANCED CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY INC ENERGY SERVICES 3,895.00110 29637 10/19/2017 CHK 113380 ANIXTER INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4,561.20111 29638 10/19/2017 CHK 100171 BASIN DISPOSAL INC UTILITY SERVICES 1,177.31112 29639 10/19/2017 CHK 100187 BOB RHODES HEATING & AIR COND INC ENERGY SERVICES 3,300.00113 29640 10/19/2017 CHK 105559 BRUCE HEATING & AIR INC ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.00114 29641 10/19/2017 CHK 112936 CENTURY LINK PHONE SERVICES 54.37115 29642 10/19/2017 CHK 101285 CITY OF PASCO PERMITS 10.00116 29643 10/19/2017 CHK 110790 CITY OF PASCO ENERGY SERVICES 4,520.60117 29644 10/19/2017 CHK 100360 CITY OF PASCO UTILITY SERVICES 318.43118 29645 10/19/2017 CHK 112961 CITY OF RICHLAND FIBER LEASE 270.00119 29646 10/19/2017 CHK 113663 DATA HARDWARE DEPOT LP BROADBAND MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 7,998.00120 29647 10/19/2017 CHK 100001 DAYCO HEATING & AIR ENERGY SERVICES 6,000.00121 29648 10/19/2017 CHK 101487 DELTA HEATING & COOLING INC ENERGY SERVICES 5,500.00122 29649 10/19/2017 CHK 100518 FRANKLIN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY SURVEYOR SERVICES 254.20123 29650 10/19/2017 CHK 103521 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC INC BROADBAND MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 25,491.99124 29651 10/19/2017 CHK 100073 HDR ENGINEERING INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40,691.99125 29652 10/19/2017 CHK 113717 JORDAN HUMINSKY ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.00126 29653 10/19/2017 CHK 100321 CAMPBELL & COMPANY INC ENERGY SERVICES 16,300.00127 29654 10/19/2017 CHK 112752 MOORE SYNDICATION INC ADVERTISING 2,438.21128 29655 10/19/2017 CHK 113201 NAPA AUTO PARTS 348.84129 29656 10/19/2017 CHK 100452 ORKIN EXTERMINATING INC PEST CONTROL 320.97130 29657 10/19/2017 CHK 100394 OXARC INC NITROGEN & OTHER GASES 53.82131 29658 10/19/2017 CHK 100638 PERFECTION GLASS INC ENERGY SERVICES 396.70132 29659 10/19/2017 CHK 100405 PUD REVOLVING FUND PETTY CASH 187.60133 29660 10/19/2017 CHK 107211 RESER'S FINE FOODS INC ENERGY SERVICES 11,073.79134 29661 10/19/2017 CHK 100496 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC DISPOSAL 439.27135 29662 10/19/2017 CHK 112839 SHOWCASE SPECIALTIES INC BROADBAND SAFETY VEST 31.72136 29663 10/19/2017 CHK 100505 SIERRA ELECTRIC INC PROJECT WORK 2,179.45

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

137 29664 10/19/2017 CHK 100195 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES 215.40138 29665 10/19/2017 CHK 100083 STONEWAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,423.34139 29666 10/19/2017 CHK 101108 TOTAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.00140 29667 10/19/2017 CHK 113111 TOTAL QUALITY AIR LLC ENERGY SERVICES 30,000.00141 29668 10/19/2017 CHK 100478 TRI CITY HERALD ADVERTISING 846.23142 29669 10/19/2017 CHK 113420 VERIZON WIRELESS FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES 946.99143 29670 10/19/2017 CHK 111471 VERIZON WIRELESS METER READING & PHONE SERVICES 1,153.02144 29671 10/19/2017 CHK 113373 VISIONARY COMMUNICATIONS INC FIBER SERVICES 402.09145 29672 10/19/2017 CHK 113413 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 40.00146 29673 10/19/2017 CHK 104105 WATER SOLUTIONS INC WATER COOLER RENTAL 418.11147 29674 10/26/2017 CHK 100129 APOLLO SHEET METAL INC ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.00148 29675 10/26/2017 CHK 109927 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MATS AND COVERALLS 125.89149 29676 10/26/2017 CHK 100179 BENTON FRANKLIN CAC ENERGY SERVICES 20,494.80150 29677 10/26/2017 CHK 112791 BNSF RAILWAY CO ENERGY SERVICES 29,100.00151 29678 10/26/2017 CHK 100308 BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY RAILROAD CROSSING PERMITS 600.00152 29679 10/26/2017 CHK 105559 BRUCE HEATING & AIR INC ENERGY SERVICES 1,000.00153 29680 10/26/2017 CHK 110786 CCR TRI CITIES III, LLC ADVERTISING 1,354.00154 29681 10/26/2017 CHK 100515 CED WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 17.15155 29682 10/26/2017 CHK 112949 CENTURY LINK PHONE SERVICES 57.08156 29683 10/26/2017 CHK 101285 CITY OF PASCO PERMITS 10.00157 29684 10/26/2017 CHK 100360 CITY OF PASCO UTILITY SERVICES 888.88158 29685 10/26/2017 CHK 112903 CITY OF RICHLAND FIBER LEASE 53.80159 29686 10/26/2017 CHK 113719 COLUMBIA VALLEY GRANGE #938 ENERGY SERVICES 400.00160 29687 10/26/2017 CHK 113369 CORWIN FORD - TRI CITIES AUTO PARTS 158.39161 29688 10/26/2017 CHK 100001 DAYCO HEATING & AIR ENERGY SERVICES 8,000.00162 29689 10/26/2017 CHK 100292 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FEE 227.50163 29690 10/26/2017 CHK 100292 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 35,597.98164 29691 10/26/2017 CHK 102923 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 2017 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 8,407.90165 29692 10/26/2017 CHK 112753 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC CAR RENTAL 146.23166 29693 10/26/2017 CHK 113057 ES CONTRACTING LLC ENERGY SERVICES 4,445.00167 29694 10/26/2017 CHK 100443 FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE RECORDING FEES 75.00168 29695 10/26/2017 CHK 107290 FRANKLIN PUD UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 451.64169 29696 10/26/2017 CHK 113270 GARDA CL NORTHWEST INC CO 230 ARMORED CAR SERVICE 441.91170 29697 10/26/2017 CHK 100216 GENERAL PACIFIC INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,935.02

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

171 29698 10/26/2017 CHK 103521 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC INC BROADBAND MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 8,751.64172 29699 10/26/2017 CHK 113683 GURDI CORPORATION ENERGY SERVICES 1,320.00173 29700 10/26/2017 CHK 113394 HOURSIX CONSULTING LLC WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 261.25174 29701 10/26/2017 CHK 113462 HRMS SOLUTIONS, INC. HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE 87.50175 29702 10/26/2017 CHK 113442 ICE TRADE VAULT, LLC NATURAL GAS & POWER SWAPS 495.00176 29703 10/26/2017 CHK 100321 CAMPBELL & COMPANY INC ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.00177 29704 10/26/2017 CHK 113201 NAPA AUTO PARTS 154.87178 29705 10/26/2017 CHK 113269 NISC CONTRACTED MONTHLY SERVICE FEES 37,694.25179 29706 10/26/2017 CHK 100394 OXARC INC NITROGEN & OTHER GASES 63.53180 29707 10/26/2017 CHK 100638 PERFECTION GLASS INC ENERGY SERVICES 3,353.00181 29708 10/26/2017 CHK 100195 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES 427.70182 29709 10/26/2017 CHK 113111 TOTAL QUALITY AIR LLC ENERGY SERVICES 26,500.00183 29710 10/26/2017 CHK 104190 UPS POSTAGE 22.02184 29711 10/26/2017 CHK 100283 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOCATION CENTER LOCATES 488.18185 29712 10/26/2017 CHK 111471 VERIZON WIRELESS METER READING & PHONE SERVICES 574.87186 29713 10/26/2017 CHK 104325 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM 1,513.71187 29714 10/26/2017 CHK 100285 WA STATE SUPPORT REGISTRY SUPPORT PAYMENT 370.87188 29715 10/26/2017 CHK 112904 KELLAN J WEGNER ENERGY SERVICES 6,000.00189 29716 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 58.31190 29717 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 36.09191 29718 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 187.82192 29719 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 168.35193 29720 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 213.59194 29721 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 180.65195 29722 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 260.12196 29723 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 189.29197 29724 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 191.93198 29725 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 350.00199 29726 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 107.29200 29727 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 173.21201 29728 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 162.83202 29729 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 91.56203 29730 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 149.17204 29731 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 119.25

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Item Check /Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount

Checks and Customer RefundsAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

205 29732 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 175.58206 29733 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 286.94207 29734 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 122.42208 29735 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 122.94209 29736 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 147.08210 29737 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 213.26211 29738 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 41.42212 29739 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 178.72213 29740 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 86.60214 29741 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 35.65215 29742 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 160.35216 29743 10/26/2017 CHK 90002 CUSTOMER REFUND CUSTOMER REFUND 99.61

Total for Bank Account - 1: (216) 1,715,007.39Grand Total: (216) 1,715,007.39

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Item Check/Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference Amount1 3871 10/06/2017 DD 113709 CAROLE CARL ENERGY SERVICES 1,377.192 3872 10/06/2017 DD 102842 ENERGY NORTHWEST PACKWOOD & NINE CANYON 194,218.473 3873 10/06/2017 DD 113463 EPICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE 262.504 3874 10/06/2017 DD 112981 GREEN ENERGY TODAY LLC ESQUATZEL DAM PROJECT 47,913.745 3875 10/06/2017 DD 1011 SYLVIA G HUBBARD TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 695.426 3876 10/06/2017 DD 100256 KELLEY'S TELE-COMMUNICATION INC ANSWERING SERVICE 898.257 3877 10/06/2017 DD 100130 MOON SECURITY SERVICES INC SECURITY MAINTENANCE 928.878 3878 10/06/2017 DD 1093 STUART J NELSON TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 809.199 3879 10/06/2017 DD 113294 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS, INC BROADBAND DOCK CREW 19,182.89

10 3880 10/06/2017 DD 1120 VIOLA J SHOELL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 999.7611 3881 10/06/2017 DD 1141 DANIEL E STEPHENSON TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 1,590.0012 3882 10/06/2017 DD 1023 ANGEL H VALDOVINOS EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT 102.0013 3990 10/13/2017 DD 103316 A W REHN & ASSOCIATES-FLEX PLAN FLEX PLAN 1,132.2114 3991 10/13/2017 DD 1036 DEBBIE M BONE-HARRIS TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 25.2915 3992 10/13/2017 DD 113227 BUSH CAR WASH VEHICLE WASHES 35.0016 3993 10/13/2017 DD 112913 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC PRINTER MAINTENANCE 100.4317 3994 10/13/2017 DD 1154 HOLLY DOHRMAN TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 497.9618 3995 10/13/2017 DD 113641 ECOSEAL, LLP ENERGY SERVICES 34,150.0019 3996 10/13/2017 DD 102842 ENERGY NORTHWEST PACKWOOD & NINE CANYON 23,433.0020 3997 10/13/2017 DD 113299 HRA VEBA TRUST VEBA 19,919.4221 3998 10/13/2017 DD 100245 IBEW LOCAL 77 UNION DUES 5,399.1122 3999 10/13/2017 DD 112723 ICMA 401 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 11,607.6723 4000 10/13/2017 DD 112722 ICMA 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 13,813.5224 4001 10/13/2017 DD 100366 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING 115.0025 4002 10/13/2017 DD 111368 ONLINE INFORMATION SERVICES INC UTILITY EXCHANGE REPORT 1,174.8026 4003 10/13/2017 DD 113294 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS, INC BROADBAND DOCK CREW 16,325.7627 4004 10/13/2017 DD 111776 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1,689.8428 4005 10/13/2017 DD 102263 TYNDALE COMPANY INC FIRE SAFETY CLOTHING 195.0429 4006 10/13/2017 DD 100277 UNITED WAY UNITED WAY 623.7930 4007 10/13/2017 DD 100320 WOODPECKER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO SUPPLIES 218.8631 4008 10/20/2017 DD 100178 BENTON COUNTY PUD SAFETY TRAINING & TREE TRIMMING 5,162.5932 4009 10/20/2017 DD 101625 CARLSON SALES INC METER SHOP MATERIALS 28,896.2933 4010 10/20/2017 DD 111933 CHINOOK HEATING & AIR INC ENERGY SERVICES 10,500.0034 4011 10/20/2017 DD 101890 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES SHREDDING SERVICES 154.50

Bank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

Warrant Register - Direct DepositAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017

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Item Check/Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference AmountBank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

Warrant Register - Direct DepositAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017

35 4012 10/20/2017 DD 100146 ELECTROSWITCH CORPORATION WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,022.9836 4013 10/20/2017 DD 113463 EPICOR SOFTWARE CORPORATION HUMAN RESOURCES SOFTWARE 175.0037 4014 10/20/2017 DD 1069 LINDA R ESPARZA TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 875.2038 4015 10/20/2017 DD 107217 FCS GROUP INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,777.5039 4016 10/20/2017 DD 1011 SYLVIA G HUBBARD EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT 110.6940 4017 10/20/2017 DD 113443 HUSKIE TOOLS, LLC PRESS REPAIR 1,529.3141 4018 10/20/2017 DD 102763 KONECRANES INC ANNUAL CRANE INSPECTION 1,303.2042 4019 10/20/2017 DD 100448 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 77.3143 4020 10/20/2017 DD 1140 CARRIE A LOCKE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 890.7044 4021 10/20/2017 DD 100112 MID COLUMBIA FORKLIFT, INC CLEANING SUPPLIES 236.0545 4022 10/20/2017 DD 107620 MULTIFAB INC WAREHOUSE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,580.4646 4023 10/20/2017 DD 113294 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS, INC BROADBAND DOCK CREW 27,434.4447 4024 10/20/2017 DD 113168 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY COB INTERTIE 5,358.2448 4025 10/20/2017 DD 113684 SUSTAINABLE LIVING CENTER ENERGY SERVICES 14,883.9249 4026 10/20/2017 DD 102263 TYNDALE COMPANY INC FIRE SAFETY CLOTHING 175.2850 4027 10/20/2017 DD 100320 WOODPECKER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO SUPPLIES 258.7251 4135 10/27/2017 DD 103316 A W REHN & ASSOCIATES-FLEX PLAN FLEX PLAN 1,132.2152 4136 10/27/2017 DD 112724 A W REHN & ASSOCIATES-FLEX/COBRA ADM COBRA NOTIFICATION/FLEX FEE 94.0053 4137 10/27/2017 DD 113435 A-ONE REFRIGERATION & HEATING INC ENERGY SERVICES 6,500.0054 4138 10/27/2017 DD 1017 STACEY L AZURE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 114.8155 4139 10/27/2017 DD 101890 COLUMBIA INDUSTRIES SHREDDING SERVICES 154.5056 4140 10/27/2017 DD 113299 HRA VEBA TRUST VEBA MEDICAL PLAN 4 4,971.1757 4141 10/27/2017 DD 112723 ICMA 401 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 11,607.6758 4142 10/27/2017 DD 112722 ICMA 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 14,313.5259 4143 10/27/2017 DD 103554 JACOBS & RHODES INC ENERGY SERVICES 1,800.0060 4144 10/27/2017 DD 113692 MAUL FOSTER & ALONGI, INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,183.3861 4145 10/27/2017 DD 1100 BRETT E MCCLURE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 560.1062 4146 10/27/2017 DD 106826 MILLIMAN CONSULTANTS & ACTUARIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 673.3263 4147 10/27/2017 DD 100572 MONARCH MACHINE & TOOL INC RELAY PANEL 7,534.6764 4148 10/27/2017 DD 101318 NOANET A CORPORATION FIBER SERVICES 4,544.0065 4149 10/27/2017 DD 113294 PARAMOUNT COMMUNICATIONS, INC BROADBAND DOCK CREW 397.4866 4150 10/27/2017 DD 1120 VIOLA J SHOELL TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 837.8867 4151 10/27/2017 DD 113659 SYMETRA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURANCE PREMIUM 7,811.0968 4152 10/27/2017 DD 105132 TRI CITIES SUNRISE ROTARY CLUB DUES & MEMBERSHIP 205.00

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Item Check/Tran Date Pmt Type Vendor # Vendor Name Reference AmountBank Account: 1 - ZBA - WARRANT ACCOUNT

Warrant Register - Direct DepositAccounts Payable


10/01/2017 To 10/31/2017


Total for Bank Account - 3: (71) 576,693.02Grand Total: (71) 576,693.02

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Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County Write-Off Report

Report Run Date: 10/24/2017Agency: Washington Collectors

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# Name Amount # Name Amount

Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County Write-Off Report

Report Run Date: 10/24/2017Agency: Washington Collectors

85 MARSHALL GADDY 149.94$ 105 H BRUCE HAMMOND 48.80 86 JOSE L ANGULO 160.71 106 JOSEPH D TRUJILLO 152.94 87 MICHELLE CUILLIER 10.64 107 JACKSON FROMM 147.73 88 DOUGLAS JAMES 452.94 108 FIREFLY PROPERTIES ONE LLC 130.35 89 IGNACIO S ALVAREZ 73.75 109 NATONYA DAILEY 49.24 90 ALFONSO MARTINEZ 224.36 110 JESUS VALENCIA 94.45 91 KIMBERLY PENDELL 77.41 111 MARIA E REYES 126.85 92 BRIAN GONZALES 384.50 112 MELISSA M RENZ 151.62 93 ROBERT JOHNSON 94.44 113 CARMELA GARZA 14.36 94 JAIME MIRANDA 428.05 114 CHRIS NEWLAND 107.30 95 ERIKA G SANDOVAL CASILLAS 66.29 115 VANESSA P HILEMAN 49.31 96 JEREMY MILLS 96.16 116 DARN DEVELOPMENT 16.21 97 NATASHA PRUETT 79.30 117 DARN DEVELOPMENT 38.98 98 VICTOR RESENDIZ 57.19 99 JORDAN L HORTON 187.09 TOTAL: 25,880.86$ 100 ROSA LEMOS 80.20 101 SHERWIN R COLLINS 82.42 Average amount per account: 221.20$ 102 BYRON SPARKS 138.16 Gross bad debts as a percentage to 103 YULIS L NOVOA LAZO 91.84 September 2017 sales: 0.00334104 HOLLY M KESTLER 290.39

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Presenter: Victor Scarano REPORT Director of Administrative Services DISCUSSION

Date: November 14, 2017 ACTION REQUIRED


Re-opening the 2018 Budgets Public Hearing, Presenting Updated Preliminary 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets, and Recessing the Public Hearing.

2. BACKGROUND: On September 26, 2017, the Commission President opened, and after the presentation of the preliminary budgets, and a discussion and comment period, recessed the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets public hearing to October 24, 2017. On October 24, 2017, the Commission President re-opened, and after the presentation of the preliminary budgets, discussion and comment period, staff addressed questions. The Commission then recessed the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets hearing to the November Commission meeting. Proposed changes since the last Commission meeting are noted on the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets Crosswalks, Attachments A and B, for Commissioner review. Staff will review the changes and address questions from the Commission. Staff recommends that after hearing any public comment, and after Commissioner review and discussion, the Commission recess the public hearing to the December 12, 2017 Commission meeting.

3. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to recess the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets hearing until the December 12, 2017 Commission meeting.

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Attachment A, Agenda Item 6

Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County2018 Operating Budget Crosswalk

September October * November *$ Increase (Decrease)

% Increase (Decrease)

1 Operating Revenues

2 Retail Energy Sales $82,042,210 $82,042,210 $82,042,210 $0 0.00%

3 Broadband Sales 1,488,826 1,488,826 1,488,826 0 0.00%

4 Sales for Resale 4,925,018 4,925,018 4,925,018 0 0.00%

5 Other Electric Revenue 102,960 102,960 102,960 0 0.00%

6 Other Operating Revenue 458,712 458,712 458,712 0 0.00%

7 Total Operating Revenues $89,017,726 $89,017,726 $89,017,726 $0 0.00%


9 Operating Expenses

10 Power Supply 57,659,702 57,659,702 57,659,702 0 0.00%

11 System Operations & Maintenance 6,311,354 6,311,354 6,311,354 0 0.00%

12 Broadband Operations & Maintenance 518,391 518,391 518,391 0 0.00%

13 Customer Accounts Expense 2,536,930 2,536,930 2,536,930 0 0.00%

14 Administrative & General Expense 6,478,318 6,483,106 a 6,483,106 0 0.00%

15 Taxes 4,860,784 4,860,784 4,860,784 0 0.00%

16 Total Operating Expenses 78,365,479 78,370,267 78,370,267 0 0.00%


18 Operating Income (Loss) $10,652,247 $10,647,459 $10,647,459 0 0.00%


20 Non Operating Revenue (Expense)

21 Interest Income 248,914 248,914 248,914 0 0.00%

22 Interest Expense (2,289,044) (2,289,044) (2,289,044) 0 0.00%

23 Other Non Operating Revenue (Expense) 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.00%24 Total Non Operating Revenue (Expense) (2,030,130) (2,030,130) (2,030,130) 0 0.00%


26 Capital Contributions 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0.00%

2728 Change in Net Position $10,622,117 $10,617,329 $10,617,329 0 0.00%


30 Debt Service Coverage (DSC):

31 Change in Net Position $10,622,117 $10,617,329 $10,617,329

32 Adjustments for Debt Service:

33 Interest, Amortization & Bond Issuance Costs 2,289,044 2,289,044 2,289,044

34 Deposit from Rate Stabilization Fund 0 0 0

35 Total Adjustments 2,289,044 2,289,044 2,289,044

36 Net Revenue Available for Debt Service $12,911,161 $12,906,373 $12,906,373

37 Debt Service 5,566,274 5,566,274 5,566,274

38 Debt Service Coverage 2.32 2.32 2.32

a) Remove $100,000 from IT consulting, and add one Full Time IT Employee Labor and Benefits to fill vacated position due to retirement.

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Attachment B, Agenda Item 6

Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County

September October November $ Increase (Decrease)

1 Broadband 1,080,000$ 1,080,000$ 1,080,000$ -$

2 Building 16,500 16,500 226,500 a 210,000

3 Information Handling 177,000 177,000 177,000 -

4 Tools 56,400 56,400 56,400 -

5 Special Projects

6 System Construction - New Customers 2,700,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 -

7 System Construction - Reliability & Overloads 5,270,000 5,270,000 5,270,000 -

8 Vehicles* 255,000 255,000 255,000 -

9 TOTAL 9,554,900$ 9,554,900$ 9,764,900$ 210,000$

2018 Capital Budget Crosswalk

*Commission authorized to include this expenditure in the 2018 Capital Budget at the July 25, 2017 meeting.

a) Budget amount carried over from the 2017 Capital Budget for completion of the building remodel expected to begin late 2017.

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Presenter: Victor Scarano REPORT Director of Administrative Services DISCUSSION

Date: November 14, 2017 ACTION REQUIRED


Adopting a Resolution Approving Rate Schedules for Electric Service and Superseding Resolution 1282.

2. BACKGROUND: In March 2017, the Commission authorized staff to initiate the process of combining the Small Irrigation and Large Irrigation Rate customers into one rate class and be served under the same rate schedule. Staff worked with the District’s rate consultant, FCS Group, to determine the appropriate combined rate charge and provided notice to all irrigation customers. After review and discussion of the proposed combined irrigation rate schedule at the October 24, 2017 Commission meeting, the Commission directed staff to bring the proposed combined rate schedule to the November 14, 2017 Commission meeting for approval and adoption. The Agriculture Irrigation Service Rate Schedule No. 7 (Attachment A) is the combined irrigation rate scheduled as presented at the October 24 meeting. The other District’s Rate Schedules will remain the same as approved by the Commission and adopted on April 25, 2017. Effective January 1, 2018, service under the Small Agriculture Irrigation Rate Schedule No. 3 and Large Agriculture Irrigation Rate Schedule No. 4 will no longer be provided and customers currently being served under these schedules will be served under Agriculture Irrigation Service Rate Schedule No. 7. Staff recommends that the Commission adopt Resolution 1294 approving the new Rate Schedules, attached as Exhibit A of the Resolution, effective January 1, 2018, and superseding Resolution 1282.

3. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution 1294 as presented.

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Attachment A, Agenda Item 7

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AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for agricultural irrigation and agricultural drainage pumping, and uses incidental thereto, where installations served by one meter.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Three phase, sixty-hertz alternating current at available secondary voltage.

MONTHLY CHARGES: Demand Charges Energy Charges All kW: $9.17 All kWh: April – August $0.0308 September – October $0.0421 November – March $0.0508 MINIMUM BILL: The minimum annual charge shall be $10.31 per average billable demand for the previous 12 months of activity.

DETERMINATION OF DEMAND: Demand measurement will be made by suitable instruments at point of delivery and will be the highest average kW load during any 30-minute period each month.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: The measured demand for billing purposes will be increased 1% for each 1%, or fraction thereof, by which the average power factor is less than 0.97 lagging.

DELIVERY POINT: Above rates are based upon service to the entire installation through a single delivery and metering point. Service at other delivery points or at different phase or voltage will be separately metered and billed.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills are computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings.

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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RES 1294, Page 1 of 3 Approving Rate Schedules

Combined Irrigation Rate Schedule





WHEREAS, Public Utility District No. 1 of Franklin County (the District) endeavors

to provide reliable power at the least cost possible while maintaining stable rates; and

WHEREAS, in February 2017 District staff and the District’s Rate Consultant, FCS

Group, and Rate Advisory Committee reviewed the revenue requirements and rate design

changes; and brought forth a recommendation to the District’ s Board of Commissioners

(the Commission); and,

WHEREAS, in April 2017, the Commission authorized staff to implement the

following rate actions:

1. a 4.1% overall rate revenue increase effective May 1, 2017, leaving the

Residential Service Charge at $34 for single phase and $58.72 for three phase;


2. combining the Small Agriculture Irrigation Service and Large Agriculture

Irrigation Service into one rate class, effective January 1, 2018.

WHEREAS, staff worked with the District’s rate consultant, FCS Group, to

determine the appropriate combined irrigation rate charge and provided notice to all

irrigation customers; and

WHEREAS, in October 2017, staff brought the proposed combined irrigation rate

schedule for Commission discussion and consideration; and

WHEREAS, after review and discussion of the proposed combined irrigation rate

the Commission directed staff to bring to the November 14, 2017 for adoption; and

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RES 1294, Page 2 of 3 Approving Rate Schedules

Combined Irrigation Rate Schedule

WHEREAS, Rate Schedules No. 1, No. 2.0, No. 2.1, No. 2.2, No. 2.3, No. 2.4, No.

5, and No. 6 remain the same as approved by the Commission in April 2017 to be effective

as of May 1, 2017; and

WHEREAS, the combined Agriculture Irrigation Service Rate will be Rate

Schedule No. 7; and

WHEREAS, service under the Small Agriculture Irrigation Rate Schedule No. 3

and Large Agriculture Irrigation Rate Schedule No. 4 will no longer be provided after

December 31, 2017; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the District’s new Rate Schedules for Electric Service,

attached hereto as Exhibit A, are approved to be effective January 1, 2018, as follows:

Rate Schedule No.1 ......... Residential and Small Farm Service

Rate Schedule No.2.0 ...... Small General Service

Rate Schedule No.2.1 ...... Medium General Service

Rate Schedule No.2.2 ....... Large General Service

Rate Schedule No.2.3 ...... Industrial Service

Rate Schedule No.2.4 ....... New Large Industrial Service

Rate Schedule No.5 ......... Street Lighting Service

Rate Schedule No.6 ......... Security Lighting Service

Rate Schedule No.7 .......... Agriculture Irrigation Service

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that customers currently being served under the

Small Agriculture Irrigation Rate Schedule No. 3 and Large Agriculture Irrigation Rate

Schedule No. 4 will be served under Agriculture Irrigation Service Rate Schedule No. 7.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any bills issued on or after January 1, 2018,

that include usage prior to and post January 1, 2018, will be billed based on the previous

rate schedules and any bills issued on or after January 1, 2018, that only include usage

post January 1, 2018 will be billed based on the new rate schedule.

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RES 1294, Page 3 of 3 Approving Rate Schedules

Combined Irrigation Rate Schedule

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution1282 is hereby superseded effective

January 1, 2018.

ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No.1 of Franklin

County, Washington at on open meeting this 14th day of November 2017.

_____________________________ William Gordon, President


Stuart Nelson, Vice President

_____________________________ Roger Wright, Secretary

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Exhibit A, Resolution 1294

Page 1 of 9



AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to single family residences and farms. Separately metered services incidental to single family residential and small farm service may be served under this schedule. The maximum size of any motor to be served under this schedule shall be limited to 10 horsepower.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Normal service will be single phase, sixty-hertz alternating current at 120/240 volts. Three phase service and other voltages may be supplied where District facilities are available.


System Charge Energy Charge Single Phase $34.00 All kWh: $0.0673 Three Phase $58.72

UNMETERED SERVICE: Unmetered service may be provided where, in the opinion of the District, the usage can be determined without using a meter.

MINIMUM BILL: The System Charge unless otherwise provided by contract.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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Exhibit A, Resolution 1294

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AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand is less than 50 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Sixty-hertz alternating current of such phase and voltage as the District may have available.


System Charge: Energy Charge: All Customers $39.56 All kWh: $0.0744

MINIMUM BILL: The System Charge, but not less than $0.85 per month per KVA of transformer capacity required to serve the load unless otherwise provided by contract.

UNMETERED SERVICE: Unmetered service may be provided where, in the opinion of the District, the usage can be determined without using a meter.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service.


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Exhibit A, Resolution 1294

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RATE SCHEDULE NO. 2.1 MEDIUM GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand equals or exceeds 50 kW at least 3 times during a calendar year and less than 300 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Sixty-hertz alternating current of such phase and voltage as the District may have available.


System Charge Demand Charge Energy Charge All Customers $51.88 All kW: $8.26 All kWh:

April – August $0.0364 September – March $0.0461

MINIMUM BILL: The System Charge, but not less than $0.85 per month per KVA of transformer capacity required to serve the load unless otherwise provided by contract.

DETERMINATION OF DEMAND: Demand measurement will be made by suitable instruments at point of delivery and will be the highest average kW load during any 30-minute period each month.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: The measured demand for billing purposes will be increased 1% for each 1%, or fraction thereof, by which the average power factor is less than 0.97 lagging.

PRIMARY SERVICE DISCOUNT: A primary service discount of $0.25 per kilowatt on the demand charge may be allowed if the customer accepts service at primary voltage at a single delivery and metering point. The customer shall own and maintain all equipment on the load side of the system connection.

UNMETERED SERVICE: Unmetered service may be provided where, in the opinion of the District, the usage can be determined without using a meter.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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Exhibit A, Resolution 1294

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AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to commercial, industrial, public buildings, and other services not eligible under other rate schedules where measured demand equals or exceeds 300 kW at least 3 months in a calendar year and is less than 3,000 kW at least 10 times during any calendar year.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Sixty-hertz alternating current of such phase and voltage as the District may have available.


System Charge Demand Charge Energy Charge

All Customers $69.26 All kW: $8.44 All kWh:

April – August $0.0365

September – March $0.0455

MINIMUM BILL: The System Charge, but not less than $0.85 per month per KVA of transformer capacity required to serve the load unless otherwise provided by contract.

DETERMINATION OF DEMAND: Demand measurement will be made by suitable instruments at point of delivery and will be the highest average kW load during any 30-minute period each month.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: The measured demand for billing purposes will be increased 1% for each 1%, or fraction thereof, by which the average power factor is less than 0.97 lagging.

PRIMARY SERVICE DISCOUNT: A primary service discount of $0.25 per kilowatt on the demand charge may be allowed if the customer accepts service at primary voltage at a single delivery and metering point. The customer shall own and maintain all equipment on the load side of the system connection.

UNMETERED SERVICE: Unmetered service may be provided where, in the opinion of the District, the usage can be determined without using a meter. BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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RATE SCHEDULE NO. 2.3 INDUSTRIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power to industrial loads where measured demand equals or exceeds 3,000 kW at least 3 months in a calendar year.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Sixty-hertz alternating current of such phase and voltage as the District may have available.

MONTHLY CHARGES: System Charge Demand Charge Energy Charge All Customers $486.70 All kW: $8.67 All kWh: April – August $0.0363 September – March $0.0456

MINIMUM BILL: The System Charge, but not less than $0.85 per month per KVA of transformer capacity required to serve the load unless otherwise provided by contract. DETERMINATION OF DEMAND: Demand measurement will be made by suitable instruments at point of delivery and will be the highest average kW load during any 30-minute period each month.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: The measured demand for billing purposes will be increased 1% for each 1%, or fraction thereof, by which the average power factor is less than 0.97 lagging.

PRIMARY SERVICE DISCOUNT: A primary service discount of $0.25 per kilowatt on the demand charge may be allowed if the customer accepts service at primary voltage at a single delivery and metering point. The customer shall own and maintain all equipment on the load side of the system connection.

UNMETERED SERVICE: Unmetered service may be provided where, in the opinion of the District, the usage can be determined without using a meter.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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RATE SCHEDULE NO. 2.4 NEW LARGE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for lighting and power service to new large industrial loads where power requirements equal or exceed 3,000 kW served under a power sales contract with the District.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Sixty-hertz alternating current of such phase and voltage as the District may have available.

MONTHLY CHARGES: New Large Industrial Service customers will be served at rates negotiated and determined under a contract with the District based on specific customer needs and loads.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings.

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service.


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AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available to cities, towns, Franklin County and State of Washington installations located in the District’s service area upon receipt of an authorized lighting design under this schedule and under contracts based thereon.

This street lighting schedule will be applicable to the service of lighting systems for public streets, alleys, and thoroughfares. Public grounds service existing prior to July 27, 1977, may be provided under this schedule. This schedule of charges for street lighting includes energy only. Any work performed and material furnished by the District in relamping fixtures, making repairs, alterations, changes and additions to existing systems will be billed at actual cost plus overhead to the responsible party. SPECIFICATIONS: Lighting systems supplied and installed by the developer/customer shall meet all requirements of the District’s current Standard Specifications for Street Light Construction Lighting systems will be supplied at voltages and locations approved by the District. MONTHLY RATES:

Customer Owned or District Owned HPS Energy Only IND Energy Only LED Energy Only

100 Watt $3.93 70 Watt $1.99 53 Watt $1.51

150 Watt $5.35 100 Watt $2.85 101 Watt $2.88

200 Watt $7.12 139 Watt $3.96

250 Watt $8.40 168 Watt $4.78

400 Watt $13.24

Metered 0.085 per kWh Light Types: HPS = High Pressure Sodium, IND = Induction, LED = Light Emitting Diode BILLINGS AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Street lighting will be billed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service.


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RATE SCHEDULE NO. 6 SECURITY LIGHTING SERVICE RATE AVAILABILITY: 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights are available to residential, general service, and irrigation customers. Lights may be added only to existing accounts.


Light Types: HPS = High Pressure Sodium, MV = Mercury Vapor

CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: The District will replace and maintain lamps and control equipment. The light will be installed on a District distribution pole, where space is available.

BILLINGS AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills will be computed at monthly or bimonthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service.



Monthly Rate

Relamping Energy Only KWh/Mo.

175 Watt MV $7.90 $1.63 $3.28 70 250 Watt MV 9.13 1.63 4.68 100 400 Watt MV 11.88 1.63 7.50 160

1000 Watt MV 22.24 1.63 18.72 400

100 Watt HPS 7.02 1.70 1.63 35 150 Watt HPS 8.02 1.70 2.43 52 200 Watt HPS 9.66 1.70 3.18 68 250 Watt HPS 12.18 1.70 3.93 84 400 Watt HPS 16.39 1.70 6.70 143

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AVAILABILITY: Service under this schedule shall be available throughout the District’s service area for agricultural irrigation and agricultural drainage pumping, and uses incidental thereto, where installations served by one meter.

TYPE OF SERVICE: Three phase, sixty-hertz alternating current at available secondary voltage.

MONTHLY CHARGES: Demand Charge Energy Charge All kW: $9.17 All kWh: April – August $0.0308 September – October $0.0421 November – March $0.0508 MINIMUM BILL: The minimum annual charge shall be $10.31 per average billable demand for the previous 12 months of activity.

DETERMINATION OF DEMAND: Demand measurement will be made by suitable instruments at point of delivery and will be the highest average kW load during any 30-minute period each month.

POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: The measured demand for billing purposes will be increased 1% for each 1%, or fraction thereof, by which the average power factor is less than 0.97 lagging.

DELIVERY POINT: Above rates are based upon service to the entire installation through a single delivery and metering point. Service at other delivery points or at different phase or voltage will be separately metered and billed.

BILLING AND TERMS OF PAYMENT: Bills are computed at monthly intervals. Bills are due and payable on receipt and are delinquent twenty (20) days after the billing date. Failure to receive a bill shall not release the customer from liability for payment. Bills not paid in full on or before the twentieth (20) day after the date of the bill are subject to an additional charge. This charge shall be one percent (1%) of unpaid amounts on monthly bills, and shall be applied at subsequent billings.

GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this classification is subject to the District’s Rules and Regulations for Electric Service. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018

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Presenter: Tim Nies REPORT General Manager DISCUSSION

Date: November 14, 2017 ACTION REQUIRED


Approving the 2018 Organization Representation List.

2. BACKGROUND: At the end of each year, the Commission approves the appointment of Commissioners and staff to represent the District on external organizations’ boards and committees for the coming calendar year. Attachment A is the current Organization Representation List which has been redlined to show the proposed changes for 2018. Staff recommends the Commission approve the Organization Representation List for 2018 with the changes as shown on Attachment A.

3. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to approve the 2018 Organization Representation List as presented.

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Attachment A, Agenda Item 8

11.06.17 Page 1 of 1

2018 Organization Representation List Organization Delegate Alternate

American Public Power Association

Legislative & Resolutions Committee B. Gordon Policy Makers Council (PMC) B. Gordon

Conservation and Renewable Energy Systems (CARES) S. Palmer T. Nies

Columbia REA R. Wright J. Grad

Columbia-Snake River Irrigators (CSRIA) R. Wright R. Sargent Energy Northwest (ENW)

Board of Directors B. Gordon S. Nelson

Participant’s Review Board (PRB) S. Nelson

Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet)

Board Member R. Wright B. Hooper Member Representative B. Hooper V. Scarano B.

Weatherman Northwest Public Power Association (NWPPA)

Government Relations Committee D. Bone-Harris

Accounting & Finance Committee V. Scarano

Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC)

Board of Directors T. Nies

Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA) D. Bone-Harris R. Wright

Public Power Council (PPC)

Executive Committee T. Nies

Tri-City Development Council (TRIDEC)

Board of Directors T. Nies


Board of Directors S. Nelson R. Wright

Managers Committee T. Nies S. Palmer

Government Relations/Communications Committee D. Bone-Harris

Energy Committee T. NiesH. Dohrman

S. Nelson

Telecommunications Committee R. Wright V. Scarano

Finance and Audit Committee V. Scarano

Budget Committee – The Committee is inactive at this time and participation is appointed by WPUDA.

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Presenter: Tim Nies REPORT General Manager DISCUSSION

Date: November 14, 2017 ACTION REQUIRED


Appointing the 2018 Board of Commission Officers.


Pursuant to RCW 54.12.090, at the end of each year, the Board of Commissioners appoints new officers for the coming calendar year. The 2017 Commission Officers are Bill Gordon, President; Stu Nelson, Vice President; and Roger Wright, Secretary. Staff recommends that the Commission appoint new Commission Officers for 2018 according to the customary rotation. The appointment for 2018 Commission Officers would be: Stu Nelson, President; Roger Wright, Vice President; and Bill Gordon, Secretary.

3. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to appoint the District Commission Officers for 2018, effective January 1, 2018, as follows: Stu Nelson, President; Roger Wright, Vice President; and Bill Gordon, Secretary.

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Subject to Change

Revised 10.18.17 Page 1 of 1


December 5, 2017 Special Commission Meeting

9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Description: Presenter Strategic Plan Presentation, Review & Discussion

December 12, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting

Description: Presenter

1. Re-Opening the 2018 Budgets Public Hearing, Presenting the Final 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets, Closing the Public Hearing and Adopting a Resolution Approving the 2018 Operating and Capital Budgets ....................................................................................................................... Scarano

2. Authorizing the General Manager or his Designee to Approve 2018 Payments of Automated Mailing Services, Bill Inserts, On-line Payment Processing and Annual Software Maintenance, Payable to National Information Solutions Cooperative ................................................................. Scarano

3. Authorizing the General Manager or his Designee to Execute a Contract for Construction of Foster Wells Substation Bay 3 Addition .................................................................................................... Sams

4. Adopting a Resolution Approving the Pre-Qualification of Electrical Contractors for Calendar Year 2018 ...................................................................................................................................... Palmer

5. Authorizing the General Manager or his Designee to Execute a Task Order with The Energy Authority, Inc. for 2018 Consulting Services .................................................................................................. Dohrman

January 23, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

Description: Presenter

1. Authorizing the General Manager or his Designee to Execute a Contract for the Purchase of Primary Underground Cable ........................................................................................................................ Sams

2. Reviewing and Discussing Proposed Revisions to the District’s Strategic Direction ...................... Nies

3. Approving Closure of the District’s 2016-17 Operating Plan and Discussing the Draft 2018-19 Operating Plan ........................................................................................................ Nies

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