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Ethernet IO Programming Manual

Visual Basic 6

Design Gateway Co., Ltd. Rev 1.0


*** Please read this manual carefully before using Ethernet IO ***

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Ethernet IO Programming ManualVisual Basic6 - i - PD0401-6-02C-01E

Reversion History reversion Date Detail of change

1.0 26 August 2005 Initial Release

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Table of Contents 1. How to Setup................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Minimum Requirement........................................................................................... 1

2. Contents in Software Directory...................................................................................... 1

2.1. Description of Library Files .................................................................................... 1

2.2. Communicate with Ethernet IO Board ................................................................... 2

3. Example using DLL Library 0f Ethernet IO.................................................................... 2

3.1. Using Library Function of “EthernetIO.Dll”............................................................. 2

3.2. Create Example application form .......................................................................... 4

4. Runing Example application ....................................................................................... 13

4.1. Set Up.................................................................................................................. 13

4.2. Testing run Example application ......................................................................... 14

5. Prototype Function ...................................................................................................... 16

5.1. Communication Function ..................................................................................... 17

5.2. I/O Port Function .................................................................................................. 20

5.3. Parallel I/O function.............................................................................................. 23

5.4. Special Function .................................................................................................. 27

6. Reference.................................................................................................................... 33

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1. How to Setup 1.1. Minimum Requirement

1 Personal Computer Operating System Windows XP, Windows 2000 Space requirement 10 Mbytes CPU 300 MHz or higher Pentium PC or compatible PC LAN interface card 10/100 Mbit. Development program Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

2 Ethernet IO Board

Board version 1.0 Firmware Version 2.0 DLL version 1.2 Module 1.0

2. Contents in Software Directory

- CFG_APP_VB Configuration application and source code - Library_VB Software library (DLL)

2.1. Description of Library Files File Detail

EtherIODll.dll DLL file (use when executing) EthernetIO.bas Library file module (use when compile)

Ethernet IO development kit provides “Regular” DLL library. User can use this library with Microsoft Visual Basic (version 6 recommended). For now it does not support Delphi etc…

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2.2. Communicate with Ethernet IO Board Ethernet IO’s firmware is service network (LAN) communication and serial (RS232 or RS485). In network communication service, Ethernet IO uses TCP/IP port 4025 for serial communication and map uses 4026 for “Command service”. User can communicate directly to serial port on Ethernet IO without this DLL. In case of using IO command, user must use this DLL.

3. Example using DLL Library 0f Ethernet IO This is topic description how to use DLL in user’s application, just like source codes in configuration program do. However there are no deep details on coding. User should have some skill in Microsoft Visual Basic programming. Now we are creating Example Application Program. this application is able to polling receive serial data by use timer and reading logic value GPIO PORT C (8 bit) of Ethernet IO board. Please note that all bold-source codes in this topic 3.2.1-3.2.7 are added codes to procedure each ID Components and important codes. 3.1. Using Library Function of “EthernetIO.Dll”

3.1.1) Open Visual Basic program and create Standard EXE Application project. 3.1.2) Copy “EtherIODll.dll” and “EthernetIO.bas” file to project directory. This file

“EthernetIO.bas” contains all Library Functions of EtherIODll.dll. 3.1.3) Select to Menu project->Add Module

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Figure 3-1 Show Adding Module Menu

3.1.4) Select to “Existing” tab and select file EthernetIO.bas from directory of project.

Figure 3-2 Adding File Module

After adding file module, module directory automatic created in project Explorer Windows of project. These directory modules contain module form of EthernetIO.bas. In module form contain all Prototype Functions of EtherIODll.dll.

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Figure 3-3 Show Detail Prototype Functions

3.2. Create Example application form Now we create Example application form and setting value of ID Component. Example application form show as picture below and adding Timing Control.

Figure 3-4 Example Application Form

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Table 3-1 Show Detail of Setting ID Component

ID Component

Properties value EVEN Description

NAME cmdConnect Command button Caption Connect

Click Button Use to connect to Ethernet IO Board

NAME cmdDisconnect Command button Caption Disconnect

Click Button Use to disconnect Ethernet IO Board

NAME cmdRDPortC Command button Caption RD_PORTC

Click Button Use to read Logic Value Port C

NAME txtIP Text Box Text None

None input IP Address Ethernet IO Board

NAME txtReceivedData Text Box Text None

None Display Receive Serial Data Message

NAME txtRDPort Text Box Text None

None Display Logic Value Port C

Label NAME lblStatus None Show Status of Communication

NAME Label1 Label Caption IP

None Show Text IP

NAME Label2 Label Caption Receive Serial


None Show Text Receive Serial Data

NAME tmrCtl Enable True

Timer Control

Interval 5

Timer Timer interrupt for do command

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3.2.1) Declare variable and constant value. Const STATUS_CONN_FAILED As String = "Connection failed" Const STATUS_DISCONN_MSG As String = "Disconnected" Const STATUS_READY_MSG As String = "Read ....." Const DEFAULT_IP As String = "" Const PORT_A As Byte = &H20 Const PORT_B As Byte = &H24 Const PORT_C As Byte = &H28 Const PORT_D As Byte = &H2C Const PORT_E As Byte = &H30 Const PORT_F As Byte = &H34 Const PORT_G As Byte = &H36 Public strData As String

3.2.2) Adding function Check_IP for check IP Address of Ethernet IO board. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Check IP Addess value. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Function Check_IP(ByVal strIPServer As String, ByRef nStatus As Integer) Dim strIPChk As String Dim strIP() As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim strIPAddr As String, strIPNo As String Dim nIPAddr As Integer Dim nUp As Integer Dim nLen As Integer, nAsc As Integer strIPChk = strIPServer strIP = Split(strIPChk, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) nUp = UBound(strIP) If (nUp <> 3) Then

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nStatus = -1 GoTo End5 Else For i = 0 To 3 strIPAddr = strIP(i) nLen = Len(strIPAddr) If (nLen = 1) Then nAsc = Asc(strIPAddr) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If ElseIf (nLen = 2) Then strIPNo = Left(strIPAddr, 1) nAsc = Asc(strIPNo) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If strIPNo = Right(strIPAddr, 1) nAsc = Asc(strIPNo) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If ElseIf (nLen = 3) Then strIPNo = Left(strIPAddr, 1) nAsc = Asc(strIPNo) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1

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Exit For End If strIPNo = Mid(strIPAddr, 2, 1) nAsc = Asc(strIPNo) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If strIPNo = Right(strIPAddr, 1) nAsc = Asc(strIPNo) If (((nAsc >= 48) And (nAsc <= 57)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If Else nStatus = -1 Exit For End If nIPAddr = Val(strIPAddr) If (((nIPAddr >= 0) And (nIPAddr <= 255)) = False) Then nStatus = -1 Exit For End If nStatus = 1 Next i% End5: End If End Function 3.2.3) Double click on Example application form to add “Form_Load()” procedure.

This function will load IP Address, default value and setup button default. This

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function load default value of Example application form and ID components when open form.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Load IP Addess Default value when start up program ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub Form_Load() txtIP = DEFAULT_IP lblStatus = STATUS_READY_MSG cmdDisConnect.Enabled = False cmdRDPortC.Enabled = False End Sub 3.2.4) Double click on “Connect” button to add cmdConnect_Click() procedure.

This procedure use to connection to Ethernet IO board. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Connecting to Ethernet IO Board ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() Dim IPServerStr As String Dim nConnect As Integer Dim nWatchComm As Integer Dim nStatus As Integer lblStatus = STATUS_CONNECTING_MSG IPServerStr = txtIP.Text Call Check_IP(IPServerStr, nStatus) If (nStatus <> 1) Then MsgBox "Invalid IP Address. Please insert new IP Address.", vbOKOnly, "Error" GoTo End_Con

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End If nConnect = EthernetIO.EthConnectTo(IPServerStr) nWatchComm = EthernetIO.EthWatchComm If ((nConnect And nWatchComm) = 1) Then cmdConnect.Enabled = False cmdDisconnect.Enabled = True cmdRDPortC.Enabled = True lblStatus = ("Connection established with EthernetIO Board : ") + IPServerStr Else End_Con: lblStatus = STATUS_CONN_FAILED End If End Sub 3.2.5) Double click on “Disconnect“ button to add cmdDisconnect_Click()

procedure. This procedure use to disconnect to Ethernet IO board. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Close connection Ethernet IO Board '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub cmdDisconnect_Click() EthernetIO.EthStopComm Dim nResult As Integer nResult = EthernetIO.EthIsOpen() If (nResult = 1) Then cmdConnect.Enabled = True cmdDisconnect.Enabled = False cmdRDPortC.Enabled = False lblStatus = STATUS_DISCONN_MSGSTATUS_READY_MSG End If

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End Sub 3.2.6) Double click on “RD_PORTC” button add to cmdRDPortC_Click() procedure.

This procedure use to read Logic value of Port C from Ethernet IO board. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Read Logic value Port_C ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub cmdRDPortC _Click() Dim btValue As Byte Dim btPort As Byte Dim bResult As Integer Dim nLen As Integer Dim strValue As String btPort = PORT_C bResult = EthernetIO.EthReadPort(btPort, btValue) If (bResult = 0) Then Debug.Print "ReadPort fail." GoTo End2 End If strValue = Hex(btValue) strValue = LCase(strValue) nLen = Len(strValue) If (nLen = 1) Then txtRDPort.Text = "0x0" + strValue Else txtRDPort.Text = "0x" + strValue End If

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End2: End Sub 3.2.7) Double click on “Timer1” ID component add to tmrCtl_Timer() procedure.

This procedure have been polling check incoming data from serial port of Ethernet IO board every 5mS.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Summary : Receive data from serial port. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub tmrCtl_Timer() Dim btRecieve(256) As Byte Dim lCount As Long Dim nResult As Integer, i As Integer nResult = EthernetIO.EthDataRecieved(btRecieve(0), lCount) If (lCount <> 0) Then For i = 0 To lCount - 1 strData = strData + Chr(btRecieve(i)) Next i txtDataReceived.Text = strData End If End Sub

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4. Runing Example application After Making Example application finished. We need to test it with hardware board. This application is simple for reading port c (8 bit) and polling receive data form Ethernet IO board. If user wants to use other function, user can refer to Prototype Function topic.

4.1. Set Up 1) Connecting cross cable or LAN cable between PC Host and Ethernet IO Board. 2) Connecting serial cable of Ethernet IO to com port of PC Host and power on

Ethernet IO board. 3) Opening HyperTerminal select COM port of PC Host and select port setting as

below. Baud Rate : 9600 bps Data Bits : 8 Parity Bits : None Stop bits : 1 Flow Control : None ***Note: You must set port setting coincident with UART Setting of Ethernet IO. ***

Figure 4-1 Show Configuration Dialog


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4.2. Testing run Example application

Figure 4-2 Show Example Application Dialog

1) Click “Connect” button to connect to Ethernet IO Board. If connection success, it show Connection established message “Connection established with Ethernet IO Board: (IP of Ethernet IO) “on status bar. And if connection unsuccessful, it shows message “connection failed”. Show in figure 4-2.

Figure 4-3 Show Connection Established

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2) Open HyperTeminal program when you type character on HyperTerminal. It will be show character on textbox Receive Serial Data of Example application. Show in figure 4-3

Figure 4-4 Show Receive Data from Serial Port

3) Click ”RD_PORTC” button, it will be display logic value of port c on textbox near RD_PORTC button.

Figure 4-5 Show Display Logic Value of GPIO PORTC

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4) If user click “Disconnect” button, this program will be disconnection with Ethernet IO board. It show message “Disconnected” on status bar.

Figure 4-6 Show Disconnection

5. Prototype Function This is topic description all function that provided by Ethernet IO DLL. Ethernet IO development provides function library in DLL module (EtherIODll). It is easy for user to use it without any knowledge about Winsock. User can include this DLL module to user’s Standard EXE application project and develop application base on example program. EtherIODll.DLL contains 2 classes as below.

• SockAddrIn contains utility function of Winsock programming (not necessary for communication with Ethernet IO board)

• CEtherIOComm is the main class for sending and receiving data from Ethernet IO. This class uses multithread working, one for send data and one for waiting incoming packet. User must override some functions in this class to handle incoming packet.

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5.1. Communication Function Ethernet IO board is a network embedded board. Another application can control this board via TCP/IP protocol. Library also contains function for communication with Ethernet IO board.

5.1.1) EthConnectTo 1). Format EthConnectTo (ByVal strDestination As String) As Integer

Function Open communication with Ethernet IO board. Parameter ByVal strDestination

As String IP address in string definition

Integer True (1) Open communication successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to open communication. Check LAN

cable or power supply on Ethernet IO board

5.1.2) EthWatchComm 2). Format EthWatchComm ( ) As Integer

Function Create communication monitor thread. For receiving data from Ethernet IO

Parameter - - Integer True (1) Created communication monitor

thread successful Return value

Integer False (0) Fail to create communication monitor thread.

5.1.3) EthWriteComm 3). Format EthWriteComm ( ByVal IpBuffer As String,

ByVal dwCount As Long, dwTimeout As Long ) As Long

Function Send data to target Ethernet IO board.

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ByVal IpBuffer As String

Data to send in string format

ByVal dwCount As Long

Size of data to send


dwTimeout As Long Specified time out for sending data. This parameter can be infinity time (INFINITE)

Return value As Long Size of data that can send to Ethernet IO board

5.1.4) EthDataRecieved

4). Format EthDataRecieved ( ByRef strData As Byte, ByRef lCount As Long) As Integer

Function This function will be call when there are incoming data from Ethernet IO board. User must overwrite this function to store receive data. ByRef strData As Byte Data from Ethernet IO board in pointer

format Parameter

ByRef lCount As Long Size of receiving data Return value -

5.1.5) EthStopComm

5). Format EthStopComm ( ) Function Call this function to close communication with Ethernet IO board. Parameter - - Return value - -

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5.1.6) EthOnEvent 6). Format EthOnEvent (ByVal uEvent As Integer)

Function This function will call when there are event on communication with Ethernet IO board. User must overwrite this function to accept event message

Parameter ByVal uEvent As Integer

Event message ID EVT_CONSUCCESS 0x0000 Connection established EVT_CONFAILURE 0x0001 Wait Connection failed EVT_CONDROP 0x0002 Connection dropped EVT_ZEROLENGTH 0x0003 Zero length message

Return value -

5.1.7) EthSetUartOpt 7). Format EthSetUartOpt ( ByVal DataBit As String,

ByVal StopBit As String, ByVal ParityBit As String, ByVal HwHandshak As Boolean, ByVal BaudRate As Long) As Integer

Function Set UART option such as baud rate, data bit, etc in runtime mode. It useful for communication with another UART board. This function should be call before sending data to Ethernet IO board.

Parameter ByVal DataBit As String

Number of data bit in serial protocol can be 7 or 8


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ByVal StopBit As String

Number of stop bit in serial protocol can be 1 or 2

ByVal ParityBit As String

Number of parity bit in serial protocol can be 0 ( NO ) 1 ( ODD ) 2 ( EVEN )

ByVal HwHandshak As Boolean

TRUE For enable hardware handshake pin(CTS, RTS pin ) ( no available in Ethernet IO board) FALSE Disable hardware handshake pin.

ByVal BaudRate As Long

UART board rate in bit/seconds, can be set to 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200,

230400, 460800, 921600 Integer True (1) Set UART option successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to set UART option

5.2. I/O Port Function

5.2.1) EthSetBit 8). Format EthSetBit ( ByVal port As Byte,

ByVal pin As Byte) As Integer Function Set status of specified pin to logic high.

I/O port to set in Ethernet IO board. User must Parameter ByVal port As

Byte I/O port to set in Ethernet IO board. User must specified port in this definition

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PORT_A 0x0020 PORT_B 0x0024 PORT_C 0x0028 PORT_D 0x002C PORT_E 0x0030 PORT_F 0x0034 PORT_G 0x0038

ByVal pin As Byte Pin number to set. Can be 0 to 7 Integer True (1) Set port command successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to set port on Ethernet IO board.

5.2.2) EthClearBit 9). Format EthClearBit ( ByVal port As Byte,

ByVal pin As Byte) As Integer Function Set status of specified pin to logic low.

ByVal port As Byte

I/O port in Ethernet IO board Parameter

ByVal pin As Byte Pin number to set. Can be 0 to 7 Integer True (1) Clear port to set command successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to clear port on Ethernet IO board.

5.2.3) EthOutPort 10). Format EthOutPort ( ByVal port As Byte,

ByVal SendByte As Byte) As Integer Function Send one byte to specified port on Ethernet IO board. Parameter ByVal port As Byte I/O port to set in Ethernet IO board

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ByVal SendByte As Byte

One byte data to send.

Integer True (1) Write port command successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to write port on Ethernet IO board.

5.2.4) EthReadBit 11). Format EthReadBit ( ByVal port As Byte,

ByVal pin As Byte, ByRef bit As Byte ) As Integer

Function Read the status of specified pin on Ethernet IO board ByVal port As Byte

I/O port to set in Ethernet IO board

ByVal pin As Byte Pin number to set. Can be 0 to 7


ByRef bit As Byte Pointer of read byte data. Status of specified pin on Ethernet IO board, can be 0 (low) or 1 (high)

Integer True (1) Read pin command successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to read pin on Ethernet IO board.

5.2.5) EthReadPort 12). Format EthReadPort ( ByVal port As Byte,

ByRef ReadByte As Byte) As Integer Function Read status of all pin in specified port on Ethernet IO board.

ByVal port As Byte I/O port in Ethernet IO board Parameter ByRef ReadByte As Byte

Pointer of read byte data. an be 0x00 to 0xFF

Return value Integer True (1) Read port command successful

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Integer False (0) Failed to Read port on Ethernet IO board.

5.2.6) EthReadADC 13). Format EthReadADC ( ByVal channel As Byte,

ByRef ADCValue As Integer ) As Integer Function Read 10 bit ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) value on specified

channel. Ethernet IO provide 6 ADC channel on port G. ByVal channel As Byte Channel number to set. Can be 0 to 5 Parameter ByRef ADCValue As Integer

Pointer of ADC value.

Integer True (1) Read ADC value command successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to read ADC value on Ethernet IO

board. 5.3. Parallel I/O function

5.3.1) EthFifoWrite 14). Format EthFifoWrite ( ByVal addr As Byte,

ByRef IpBuffer As Integer, ByVal dwCount As Integer) As Integer

1Function Writing data from buffer to Parallel I/O on Ethernet IO. Size must not exceed to 1024 bytes. Note: Port C is Data 8 to Data 15 Port D is Data 0 to Data 7 Port B 4 is Write signal Port B 5 is Read signal Port B 0 is Address 0 Port B 1 is Address 1

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ByVal addr As Byte Address for parallel mode. Can be 0 to 3 ByRef IpBuffer As Integer

Buffer that store byte of data to send Parameter

ByVal dwCount As Integer

Size of data to write.

Integer True (1) Writing to parallel mode successful Return value Integer False (0) Writing to parallel mode failed

Table 5-1 Write Data Timing Diagram

Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit tpwr Period of Write Data 120 - nS. tswr Setup Time of Write Data 60 - nS. thwr Hold Time of Write Data 90 - nS.

Figure 5-1 Write Timing Diagram

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5.3.2) EthFifoRead 15). Format EthFifoRead ( ByVal addr As Byte,

ByRef IpBuffer As Integer, ByVal dwCount As Integer) As Integer

Function Reading from parallel I/O on Ethernet IO board. Size must not exceed to 1024 byte too. ByVal addr As Byte Address for parallel mode. Can be 0 to 3 const LPBYTE lpBuffer Buffer that store byte of data to read


ByVal dwCount As Integer

Size of data to read.

Integer True (1) Writing to parallel mode successful Return value Integer False (0) Writing to parallel mode failed

Table 5-2 Read Data Timing Diagram

Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit tprd Period of Read Data 120 - nS. tsrd Setup Time of Read Data 60 - nS. thrd Hold Time of Read Data 90 - nS. tsdrd Setup Time of Data Read 60 - nS. thdrd Hold Time of Data Read Data 60 - nS.

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Figure 5-2 Read Data Timing

5.3.3) EthWrUserFlash 16). Format EthWrUserFlash ( ByVal addr As Byte,

ByVal IpBuffer As Integer, ByVal dwCount As Integer) As Integer

1Function Writing data at Ethernet IO’s user area flash memory. Size of buffer must not exceed to 500 byte. ByVal addr As Byte Address of flash memory to write. ByRef IpBuffer As Integer

Buffer that stored data to write Parameter

ByVal dwCount As Integer

Size of data to write

Integer True (1) Writing flash memory successful Return value Integer False (0) Writing flash memory failed

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5.3.4) EthRdUserFlash 17). Format EthRdUserFlash ( ByVal addr As String,

ByVal IpBuffer As String, ByVal dwCount As Long) As Integer

Function Read data from user area flash memory. Size of buffer must not exceed to 500 byte. ByVal addr As String Address of flash memory to read ByVal IpBuffer As String Buffer that stored data to read


ByVal dwCount As Long

Size of data to read

Integer True (1) Reading flash memory successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to reading flash memory

5.4. Special Function

5.4.1) EthSystemSoftReset 18). Format EthSystemSoftReset () As Integer

Function Reset target Ethernet IO board. This function will cause Ethernet IO IC to be “POWER ON RESET” state.

Parameter - - Integer True (1) Ethernet IO board resetting successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to reset Ethernet IO board.

5.4.2) EthSaveConfig 19). Format EthSaveConfig ( ByVal DataBit As Byte,

ByVal StopBit As Byte, ByVal ParityBit As Byte,


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ByVal HwHandshak As Boolean, ByVal BaudRate As Long) As Integer

Function Save Ethernet IO configuration such as UART setting and network setting to flash memory in Ethernet IO. After call this function, it will reset Ethernet IO board immediately. Please refer to example application for using this function ByVal DataBit As Byte

Number of data bit in serial protocol can be 7 or 8

ByVal StopBit As Byte

Number of stop bit in serial protocol can be 1 or 2

ByVal ParityBit As Byte

Number of parity bit in serial protocol can be 0 ( NO) 1 ( ODD ) 2 ( EVEN )

ByVal HwHandshak As Boolean

TRUE For enable hardware handshake pin(CTS, RTS pin ) ( no available in Ethernet IO board) FALSE Disable hardware handshake pin.


ByVal BaudRate As Long

UART board rate in bit/seconds, can be set to

− 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 460800, 921600

Integer True (1) Save configuration successful Return value Integer False (0) Failed to save configuration.

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5.4.3) EthSaveIP 20). Format

Return value Parameter Function

EthSaveIP ( ByRef OldIP1 As Byte, ByRef OldIP2 As Byte, ByRef OldIP3 As Byte, ByRef OldIP4 As Byte) As Integer

Function Save IP Address configuration Parameter ByRef OldIP1 As Byte Digit 1 ByRef OldIP2 As Byte Digit 2 ByRef OldIP3 As Byte Digit 3 ByRef OldIP4 As Byte Digit 4 Return value Integer True (1) Save IP Address configuration successful Integer False (0) Failed to save IP Address configuration.

5.4.4) EthLoadConfig 21). Format EthLoadConfig ( ByRef DataBit As Byte,

ByRef StopBit As Byte, ByRef ParityBit As Byte, ByRef HwHandshak As Boolean, ByRef BaudRate As Long) As Integer

Function Load Ethernet IO configuration such as UART setting and network setting. Please refer to example application for using this function ByRef DataBit As Byte Number of data bit in serial protocol can

be 7 or 8 Parameter

ByRef StopBit As Byte Number of stop bit in serial protocol can be 1 or 2

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ByRef ParityBit As Byte Number of parity bit in serial protocol can be 0 ( NO ) 1 ( ODD ) 2 ( EVEN )

ByRef HwHandshak As Boolean

TRUE For enable hardware handshake pin(CTS, RTS pin ) ( no available in Ethernet IO board) FALSE Disable hardware handshake pin.

ByRef BaudRate As Long

UART board rate in bit/seconds

Integer True (1) Load configuration successful Return Vale Integer False (0) Failed to load configuration

5.4.5) EthLoadConfig 22). Format EthLoadConfig ( ByRef DataBit As Byte,

ByRef StopBit As Byte, ByRef ParityBit As Byte, ByRef HwHandshak As Boolean, ByRef BaudRate As Long) As Integer

Function Load Ethernet IO configuration such as UART setting and network setting. Please refer to example application for using this function ByRef DataBit As Byte Number of data bit in serial protocol can

be 7 or 8 Parameter

ByRef StopBit As Byte Number of stop bit in serial protocol can be 1 or 2

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ByRef ParityBit As Byte Number of parity bit in serial protocol can be 0 ( NO ) 1 ( ODD ) 2 ( EVEN )

ByRef HwHandshak As Boolean

TRUE For enable hardware handshake pin(CTS, RTS pin ) ( no available in Ethernet IO board) FALSE Disable hardware handshake pin.

ByRef BaudRate As Long

UART board rate in bit/seconds

Integer True (1) Load configuration successful Return Vale Integer False (0) Failed to load configuration

5.4.6) EthLoadIP

23). Format EthLoadIP( ByRef OldIP1 As Byte, ByRef OldIP2 As Byte, ByRef OldIP3 As Byte, ByRef OldIP4 As Byte) As Integer

Function Load IP Address configuration ByRef OldIP1 As Byte Digit 1 ByRef OldIP2 As Byte Digit 2 ByRef OldIP3 As Byte Digit 3


ByRef OldIP4 As Byte Digit 4 Integer True (1) Load IP Address configuration success Return Vale Integer False (0) Failed to load IP Address configuration

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5.4.7) EthLoadSupnet 24). Format EthLoadSupnet ( ByRef SupnetIP1 As Byte,

ByRef SupnetIP2 As Byte, ByRef SupnetIP3 As Byte , ByRef SupnetIP4 As Byte) As Integer

Function Load Subnet IP Address configuration Parameter ByRef SupnetIP1 As Byte Digit 1 ByRef SupnetIP2 As Byte Digit 2 ByRef SupnetIP3 As Byte Digit 3 ByRef SupnetIP4 As Byte Digit 4 Return Vale Integer True (1) Load Subnet mask configuration

successful Integer False (0) Failed to load Subnet configuration

5.4.8) EthLoadGateway

25). Format EthLoadGateway ( ByRef GatewayIP1 As Byte, ByRef GatewayIP2 As Byte, ByRef GatewayIP3 As Byte, ByRef GatewayIP4 As Byte) As Integer ByRef GatewayIP1 As Byte Digit 1 ByRef GatewayIP2 As Byte Digit 2 ByRef GatewayIP3 As Byte Digit 3


ByRef GatewayIP4 As Byte Digit 4 Integer True (1) Load Gateway

configuration successful Return Vale

Integer False (0) Failed to load Gateway configuration

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5.4.9) EthLoadMacAdd 26). Format EthLoadMacAdd ( ByRef MacAdd1 As Byte,

ByRef MacAdd2 As Byte, ByRef MacAdd3 As Byte, ByRef MacAdd4 As Byte, ByRef MacAdd5 As Byte, ByRef MacAdd6 As Byte) As Integer

Function Load Mac Address configuration Parameter ByRef MacAdd1 As Byte Digit 1 ByRef MacAdd2 As Byte Digit 2 ByRef MacAdd3 As Byte Digit 3 ByRef MacAdd4 As Byte Digit 4 ByRef MacAdd5 As Byte Digit 5 ByRef MacAdd6 As Byte Digit 6

Integer True (1) Load Gateway configuration successful

Return Vale

Integer False (0) Failed to load Gateway configuration 6. Reference

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