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Research & planning As a group we used the internet to research our film genre. From doing this I learnt the websites which are usefuln to find out about the genre of films such as Wikipedia and I also realised how much information there is on the internet about different film genres

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Digital technology Within our group, 2 of us hadn't used the equipment before therefore we had to familiarise ourselves with it as each of us needed to be filming at different times. In AS media I learned the simple button functions of the camera such as how to record, pause, play, select clips and zoom. After we had recorded our footage we had to come back to the classroom where we uploaded our footage on to one of the editing machines via a lead. On the computers, I learned how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. I hadn't used any of these programmes before therefore it was all new. In AS I learned the basics such as how to create new projects. I also learned how to select clips, how to crop and how to move them. I also gained experience learning how to edit individual clips to create the effect I wanted such as making a clip darker to make the overall setting seem like it was set later. Finally, I learned how to add transitions in between each clip. Although I have gained experience on these programmes, I do feel like I could still learn more and hope to during A2.

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Using conventions from real media textsThrough the time we had spent on our research and planning we identified the key conventions of a psychological thriller opening and were then easily able to apply this to our own film opening. We took into account different aspects of mise-en-scene so that the audience would be able to identify the genre of our film opening without us having to make this clear through speech.

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Post productionFrom using the editing machines I have learnt to upload and transfer the footage I have recorded from the camera to the machine. Also, I have learnt basic editing skills from using the Adobe Premiere Pro such as how to crop and put together footage. Another thing I have picked up on is how you can change the brightness or lighting if it needs to be adjusted on the footage from the software. Editing is an area where I have developed basic skills, but would like to develop more skills in more depth for the A2 media course, to allow me to come out with the best possible music video I can produce.

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CreativityI think my group were creative in relation to the

different camera perspectives we used as we included perspective shots as well as different

camera angles with the perspective of an outsider. We got this idea after researching our

film genre and two of our films included the perspective of what a character was seeing

through a video camera.

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