  • 7/31/2019 PhoenixSafaris-ExclusiveSuperSavers



    Village Market (near Exhibition Hall)

    Phone: 020-71 22 254 or 24 31 600Mobile: 0733-26 16 46 or 0721-65 08 89

    [email protected]

    Exclusive Super SaversValid to 20th of December 2012

    KItIch camp mathews mOuNtaIN RaNGe

    The Mathews Mountain Range rise up out of the desert;a chain of peaks covered in dense dewy forest. Thecamp overlooks a river glade within the lush indig-enous forest. The forest is home to elephant, melanisticleopard, bushbuck, giant forest hog, rhino, buffalo as

    well as spectacular butteries. With only six tents, onecan expect complete privacy. Each tent is traditionallysafari-style with an al-fresco stone bathroom. The cosy

    lounge with open re overlooks the oodlit river glade from here guests can enjoy watching the elephants,buffalo, and occasionally the beautiful leopard.

    Closed from 01. 11 - 15. 12

    July to 31. October .................................... 14,250 KESConservation fee ...........................................500 KES

    Min. stay 2 nights, all prices include fullboard accommodation per person in a double Errors & omissions expected

    Included: soft drinks, beer, housewines & non-luxury spirits guided bush walks & game tracking, river swimming Ngelai airstrip transfers limited laudry

    tORtIlIs camp - amBOselI

    Amboseli is best known for its unrivalled views of Kili-

    manjaro and the local elephant population.Tortilis Camps tents are all large and spacious with kingor twin beds and elegant en suite bathrooms. The campalso features a Private House and a new Family Tent.

    The main areas feature a spacious open lounge, bar and

    dining area all exquisitely built with natural materialsand thatched roofs with magnicent views of Kiliman-

    jaro and overlooking a nearby waterhole frequented byelephants and other wildlife.

    July, October to 20. December ..................15,200 KESSeptember ................................................19,950 KESKWS park fee ...............................................1,000 KES

    JOys camp - shaBa

    An elegant oasis in the arid lands of Samburu; Joys

    Camp is built on the site of Joy Adamsons tented homein Shaba National Reserve. It overlooks a large naturalspring where elephant and lion jostle for watering rightswith herds of buffalo and the rare desert species of Beisa

    Oryx, reticulated giraffe and Grevys zebra.

    Each of the 10 sumptuous tents is uniquely decoratedand has breathtaking views of the surrounding hills

    with its own private veranda - ideal for game viewing orrelaxing and soaking up the truly wild environs.

    July, October to 20. December ..................15,200 KESSeptember ................................................19,950 KESPark fee .......................................................1,000 KES

  • 7/31/2019 PhoenixSafaris-ExclusiveSuperSavers



    Village Market (near Exhibition Hall)

    Phone: 020-71 22 254 or 24 31 600Mobile: 0733-26 16 46 or 0721-65 08 89

    [email protected]

    lOIsaBa lOdGe - lOIsaBa

    Loisaba is a private ranch and game sanctuary. The lodgehas 7 rooms, a swimming pool, tennis court, boulescourt and spa with massage facilities. Each room looksout from the top of an escarpment over many miles ofempty wilderness to Mt. Kenya. The Star Beds 20 min.

    drive from the lodge are designed on a raised, hand-crafted, wooden platform that is partially covered with athatched roof. The beds can either be wheeled onto theopen deck for a night under the stars, or left under theshelter of the roof.

    July, October to 20. December ..................19,000 KESSeptember ................................................24,700 KESConservation fee .........................................1,000 KES

    elsas KOpJe - meRu

    Meru is a semi-arid National Park with 13 rivers andsprings and an impressive variety in vegetation, land-scape and wildlife. Elsas Kopje is renowned for beingone of the most elegant lodges in Africa with the mostspectacular setting. It is the best location to view rhino

    in their natural habitat in Kenya. Every cottage is theultimate room-with-a-view, uniquely designed andcrafted, with an en suite, elegantly appointed bathroom.There is an open bar, lounge and dining room and a pooloverlooking the Meru plains.

    July, October to 20. December ..................19,000 KESSeptember ................................................24,700 KESKWS park fee ...............................................1,000 KES

    lewa safaRI camp - lewa

    The camp is based within the private conservancy of theLewa Wilderness Trust with outstanding game viewingand spectacular views to Mt. Kenya and arid lowlands.Lewa is home to about 10 percent of Kenyas black rhi-nos and the single largest population of Grevys zebra inthe world. Each tent has a thatched roof, verandah andfull en suite bathroom. The central areas have exquisite

    gardens with a large sunny verandah and swimmingpool and cosy log res in the lounge and dining room.

    July, October to 20. December ..................19,000 KESSeptember ................................................26,600 KESConservation fee ........................................2,000 KES

    saRuNI samBuRu

    This design lodge, located 7km north of SamburuNational Reserve, is surrounded by 95,000 hectares ofprivate wildlife conservancy, and perched on top of aspectacular viewpoint. The 4 rooms and swimming pooloverlook several waterholes where the famous Samburuelephant, leopard, reticulated giraffe, Oryx and Grevyszebra gather to drink. The vastness and purity of this

    African landscape, combined with the untouched localculture, make your safari a unique experience.

    July, October to 20. December ..................19,000 KESSeptember ................................................24,700 KESConservation fee ........................................2,000 KES

    Included: soft drinks, beer, housewines

    Included:starbed transfers, guided bush walks, limited laundry

    Included: guided bush walks & game drives,bush breakfasts, sundowner, soft drinks, beer, housewines& non-luxury spirits, limited laundry

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