
GPC 1Q 14


A Letter from Mark

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Dear Friends,

Last month the 1Q14 Global Product Committee gathered in Singapore to assess our network’s creative product and to discuss what the future has in store. We saw a few outstanding campaigns and executions, and spent the week stewing in the heat and tropical sunshine that shines down on Singapore year round, which was a welcome reprieve for many of us enduring one of the longest, harshest winters in memory. Many of us are anxiously waiting for spring and the new life and fresh perspective it brings with it. We caught a glimpse of this rekindled energy in the 1Q14 7+ work, a collection of smart ideas and startling executions that serves as the latest iteration of Leo Burnett’s HumanKind thinking and craftsmanship. I urge you to spend some time with the people and campaigns that fill the following pages. Let them move you, and hopefully light a fire in your belly that propels you to set some audacious goals for 2014 and beyond. Throw off this wintry season of discontent and step up to embrace the challenges of tomorrow. Every day our business affords us unique creative opportunities to change the world. Let’s take a lesson from the smart, driven people of Singapore: the future belongs to those who seize it.

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Anyone in our business can learn a lot from the way Singapore has skillfully transformed itself over the last 50 years from a small colonialized city-state into a global economic powerhouse. Only 700 square km in size, with a population of just 5 million people, this little island has become one of the Asia Pacific region’s vital nerve centers. One of its larger neighbors once dismissively referred to it as “a little red dot,” a name Singaporeans have since turned into a point of national pride. Though barely visible on a world map, this country punches well above its weight. Over the next few decades, Singapore is projected to become the world’s richest city, and its rise mirrors the region’s increasing global clout. As the planet increasingly looks to Asia Pacific to drive economic growth and spur technological innovation, Singapore offers us an example of a smart approach to laying the foundations for future prosperity. With precious few natural resources to utilize, the country put a laser sharp focus on developing its people, who have become one of the world’s best educated populations. This strategic blueprint is something every agency should take note of: we can build sustainable success by maximizing the talent and human capital we have on hand. We must continually invest in our own people.

The GPC is one of the ways Leo Burnett cultivates and nurtures homegrown talent. Providing evaluations and constructive feedback to everyone who submits work for appraisal is a herculean task, one that we undertake for both the cohesiveness of our own brand and for the purpose of helping teams achieve their fullest potential. While the GPC began as a system of quality control, it also functions as an incubator for ideas, and as a global brain trust and sounding board for anyone looking to produce better work. To have a supportive network behind you is like having a big entourage in your corner cheering you on each time you step into the ring. We all have pitches to win, clients to appease, and rivals to vanquish. But there’s no reason to fight those battles alone. You have a large, resourceful family that wants to help you succeed. How you leverage that support is up to you.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

The Singapore Story: Rise of the Little Red Dot

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When the GPC concluded in Singapore and the group looked over our final 7+ tally, it was hard to avoid the fact that the list was quite thin. Although the 1Q14 7+ collection contains a few brilliant campaigns likely to earn metal at award shows this year, an unflinching assessment of this quarter’s GPC submissions has to consider some very conspicuous absences. We didn’t see a large volume of work from important multinational accounts, and several of our flagship agencies didn’t submit anything at all. This is unacceptable. While there will always be a few lean quarters, and an ebb and flow to every agency’s output, it is essential that the GPC gets a clear line of sight to all the creative work being produced by Leo Burnett Worldwide. The GPC serves many purposes, and in many respects it’s the most telling barometer describing the health of our agency, because it offers a deep dive into our creative product that yields revealing insights into how we’re working and how we need to grow and evolve. Every meeting guides our steps forward, because the GPC operates as a collective compass that ensures that every office bearing the Leo Burnett name is marching in lock step towards the same shared goal. If the com-mittee isn’t seeing an accurate representation of what individual agencies are producing, it raises red flags and troubling questions about the offices in question. You can avoid being subjected to needless scrutiny simply by sending some of your work to the GPC every quarter. It’s that easy. Send in a sample of what you’re doing across the board for all your multinational clients and big national brands. Don’t just send the work you’re proud of that you think deserves praise. We want to see more than charitable initiatives and extracurricular pro bono campaigns we design to affect positive change in the world. The GPC doesn’t exist just to wax lyrical about our best work. It exists to turn work that scores 4s into solid 5s, and to make work that scores 6s into possible 7s. Even 7+ work has room to improve to become 8-balls. The process is designed to make us all better at our jobs, and it gives everyone in our network a chance to see their own product with fresh eyes. Every creative team working in a Leo Burnett agency should have their work evaluated by the Global Product Committee, to get a sense of where they stand in relation to our global standard. This process defines us. Being a part of Leo Burnett means that you are engaged in an ongoing debate and dialogue with peers across the world, exploring human creativity and refining how we craft effective and original communication. You are not alone. You are not operating in a vacuum. We are stronger together than we are as individuals, and the best way to appreciate that is to let your big extended family see your work and give you constructive feedback on it. Take advantage of the brain trust at your disposal and see where it takes you.

As the 2014 awards season gets underway, the role of the GPC becomes increasingly important. Our quarterly meetings give us a chance to refine and perfect the case studies of our potential contenders. Work that the GPC has already evaluated and commented on is more likely to perform well at shows, because a dedicated panel has already spent time poring over each frame and proof, while suggesting a range of edits and improvements. This group wants to see you succeed, and understands the challenges that you face. This is not a competition, nor is it a show. That is not the GPC’s purpose. The GPC exists to mentor creative talent and make it better.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

A Call For Submissions

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I hope to see a wider range of work at the 2Q14 GPC meeting in May, with more submissions from Leo Burnett agencies around the world. I want to see bold, audacious ideas that challenge us to rethink category conventions. I want to see brand acts that make me sit up and take notice, because they demand attention and engagement. Radical change is coming to our industry, and none of us can afford to simply keep marching down the path of pragmatic allegiance to a weary status quo. No one’s future in this business is guaranteed. But with hard work, solid strategic planning, and intelligent investments in people and technology, we can lay enduring foundations for our agency’s long term success now, much as the early leaders of Singapore paved the way for their country’s current prosperity many years ago. Sustained success is never an accident; it is the result of driven people forging ahead towards a clearly articulated vision, regardless of the challenges in their way. Success takes conviction, and the willingness to fight for what you believe in. I believe in a bright and expansive future for Leo Burnett Worldwide, and I’m proud to work alongside incredibly talented and creative people who feel the exact same way.

I want to thank Tim Green, Karen Lim, Josh Grace, Jarek Ziebinski, Ruhani Mansor, and everyone else at Leo Burnett Singapore for being patient and generous with their time and space. We had a productive work week, ate some delicious food, and enjoyed our time in your city immensely. Thank you for being wonderful hosts.

Kind regards,

Mark TutsselChief Creative OfficerLeo Burnett Worldwide

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

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Curiosity spurs creativity.

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

ContentsThe 1Q14 Global Product Committee 7

My Name Is Tim Green: The New ECD of LB/Singapore 8

Jarek Ziebinski Leads the Fastest Growing Network in Asia Pacific 9

LBIB’s Resident Brand Guru: Joseph Baladi Delivers “The Brutal Truth About Asian Branding” 10

Leo Burnett Asia Pacific Excels at AdFest 2014 11

Leo Burnett: the Most Awarded Network in MENA in 2014 12

The Black Couch Series: Xavier Beauregard Discusses Le Trèfle’s “Emma” 13

The 1Q14 8-Balls 15

The 1Q14 7+ Gallery 18

Appendix: Cultural Fuel: 1Q14 Singapore 40

Excerpt from a memo to a creative man trying to make up his mind, July 30, 1956.

“As I see it, there are two really basic ways to go:1. You can devote almost your entire thought and effort to the business with such time as you can spare for family life, hobbies and relaxation. The only rewards are money and a sense of satisfaction in your achievement, if your work is something to be proud of... 2. You can go all out in the other direction, using business as only a crutch to make a living, but impelled by a burning urge to express yourself in art. Money is of only secondary interest. This can be a very great source of satisfaction and one which I completely respect. Only you can judge the heat of this urge. When it comes to compromise arrangements, the copywriter who really wants to write the Great American Novel is not usually a very good copywriter and you certainly can’t build a business around him.I am sure you realize as much as anybody that the great need of any solid company is to find people to build the business around. Those people must be fired with ambition and willing to take great responsibility. In other words, they must dedicate themselves to an advertising career, like it, and ask for more.”

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

The 1Q14 Global Product Committee


Susan Credle Chicago

Bechara MouzannarMiddle East / North Africa

Xavier BeauregardParis

Brian MaHong Kong

RaoulPanes Manila

Tim GreenSingapore

Steve PersicoToronto


JenniferSkidgel Chicago

Adam TuckerLondon

ShunsukeKakinami Beacon / Tokyo

Tan Kien EngKuala Lumpur

Soo HeeYangSeoul

Brian CapelJakarta

Jarek ZiebinskiAsia Pacific

Fuad AhmadBangkok

Sompat ‘Kae’TrisadikunBangkok

Claudia Cristovao Tokyo

Josh GraceSingapore

Sanpathit ‘Golf’ TavijaroenBangkok

Jason WilliamsMelbourne


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My Name Is Tim GreenFrom across the room, the carefully considered words coming from the tall charismatic Australian in the corner only serve to enhance the illusion. Mark Tutssel had casually pointed out the resemblance early in the week, and since then, members of the GPC have been weighing the comparison each time the ECD of LB/Singapore starts to speak. As Tim Green concludes his thoughtful critique of the work in front of him, a pair of Asian delegates at the far end of the room nod sagely at his appraisal, and then privately share a discrete whisper. Yes, they agree, this guy really does look like Michael Caine.

Rather than pursuing a life as a celebrity impersonator, Tim Green has built a long and accomplished career on the strength of his talents and the power of his ideas. He is a recent arrival to LB/Singapore, after a successful four year run as a creative director at LB/Sydney, where he produced stunning work like the “Watermark” campaign for Diageo’s Bundaberg Rum. Tim’s work has earned widespread recognition and prestigious awards at every major global advertising festival, and under his leadership Leo Burnett in Singapore looks poised to make a great creative leap forward. Tim formerly served as the Regional Executive Creative Director across Southeast Asia for J. Walter Thompson, prior to his time at LB/Sydney. He has a passion for good ideas and a work ethic that’s helped him forge a long and storied career, and is just beginning a new chapter in one of the most dynamic and future-facing cities of the world.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

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Jarek Ziebinski Leads the Fastest Growing Network in Asia PacificWith 50% growth in revenue and 80% growth in profit over the past five years, Leo Burnett is currently the fastest growing creative network in Asia Pacific. Mirroring its success in business, its cre-ative prowess in the region is also a force to be reckoned with, as Leo Burnett has been consistently recognised as one of the top two regional networks by leading creative festivals like AdFest and the prestigious Gunn Report.

At the center of this success is Jarek Ziebinski, the President of Leo Burnett Asia Pacific, whose mantra of “Growth” has become one of his signature calling cards. While addressing a group of agency leaders at a recent meeting, he declared that “our goal is to be the fastest growing and most creative network in the region.” The rationale behind his relentless emphasis on growth is simple: Jarek notes that “growth is freedom, and creativity is the only advantage that we have in business today.” In an industry ruled by revenue numbers, growth gives agencies the means to control their own future. When you stop growing, you lose your autonomy.

Jarek arrived in Singapore in 2009, after a successful tenure as the CEO and Chairman of Leo Burnett in Central and Eastern Europe. As the President of Leo Burnett Asia Pacific, he’s spent the last five years demanding ambitious financial growth, while pressing for increased transparency and accountability from every LB office in the region. He is a tireless advocate for innovation, and has surrounded himself with talented and visionary leaders to help position Leo Burnett at the forefront of what he calls “the next curve.” His candid leadership style has resulted in substantially increased revenues and a cache of new business wins across the region. But Jarek and his team are just getting started. At the conclusion of the 1Q14 GPC, Jarek noted that even as Asia Pacific continues to be one of the main drivers of quantitative growth in Leo Burnett Worldwide, his team is also striving for a corresponding “qualitative growth in our creative product.” With an eye to the future and his finger on the pulse of the world’s most populous region, Jarek is building an agency juggernaut poised for 21st century greatness. Make no mistake: Asia is rising.

Growth is freedom. I tell every market the same thing: if you grow you earn the freedom to hire new talent, to raise salaries, and to expand and invest. Growth is the key.”

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LBIB’s Resident Brand Guru: Joseph Baladi Delivers “The Brutal Truth About Asian Branding”It’s a rare adman that has the will and capacity to candidly inform the CEO of a multimillion dollar company that when it comes to branding, “you don’t have a clue.” In the hierarchical world of Asian business, where rank is king and saving face is sacrosanct, few dare to walk down the path Joseph Baladi is busy blazing. A sought-after consultant with extensive industry experience across the world, Joe pulls no punches as he dispenses hard truths and honest guidance to the clients who seek out his expertise as they attempt to grow and evolve. Leo Burnett recently hired Joe to be the Head of Consulting at the new Leo Burnett Institute of Behaviour (LBIB). LBIB provides brand consultancy services out of Singapore, and sells brand workshops and a range of HumanKind tools, trainings, and assessments that enable clients to take a hard look at their purpose, their practices, their strategies, and their futures. Have a look at the LBIB website and its diverse offerings by clicking here.

Widely regarded as one of Asia Pacific’s most respected experts on branding, Joe Baladi’s 2011 book “The Brutal Truth About Asian Branding” reflects an incredibly evolved grasp of the complex issues facing Asian companies trying to navigate the challenges of the 21st century. It’s essential read for anyone working in marketing in Asia. Below is an excerpt.

“There is a fundamental disconnect between the expected emergence of the anticipated so-called Asian/Chinese Century and the idea that it can be fueled by Western brands. In reality, of course, this can’t happen. Either Western brands will continue to dominate, reducing the Asian/Chinese concept to hype, or great Asian brands will rise to prominence. The general consensus is that a robust and genuine Asian/Chinese Century is pretty much a done deal; that it is going to happen. This can only mean that great Asian brands will also need to be developed. But for this to take place, the stubborn resistance to change that has characterized recent decades will need to be replaced by a profound, tectonic shift in business practices, mentality, and culture. The longer it takes for Asia to create great brands, the longer it will take for the region to achieve its potential - or, some say, its destiny.”

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Leo Burnett Asia Pacific Excels at AdFest 2014

AdFest concluded a few weeks ago in Pattaya. This annual Asia Pacific Advertising Festival is a celebration of the best creativity in the world’s most populated region. The show embraces and celebrates Asia’s cultures and heritage, and this year, the juries reviewed over 3000 entries from 41 cities across the Asia Pacific region.

The Leo Burnett network performed extraordinarily well at AdFest 2014, and was named the “2nd Most Awarded Creative Network in Asia Pacific.” In total the network took home an impressive 36 awards - 1 GRAND PRIX, I INNOVA Award, 3 Lotus Roots Awards, 2 Gold, 16 Silver and 13 Bronze. Leo Burnett picked up awards for major clients like Coca-Cola, P&G, Diageo, McDonald’s and JAL. 10 offices contributed to Leo Burnett’s creative performance - Sydney, Colombo, Bangkok, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Manila, Jakarta, Cairo, Istanbul and Taipei.

Leo Burnett Sydney led the way by winning 21 awards in total, demonstrating their remarkable creative prowess in all communication channels. They took home the highly coveted GRAND PRIX in Outdoor for Coca-Cola’s “Small World Machines” and a prestigious Lotus Roots Award for Diageo’s Bundaberg Rum campaign “Road to Recovery.” Leo Burnett Sydney was the 2nd most awarded agency in the entire region.

Leo Burnett Colombo also took home a prestigious Lotus Roots award, and the first Gold award for Sri Lanka, for the inspired ADA Newspaper “Unity Paper” HumanKind act.

Coca-Cola was named Advertiser of the Year 2014, on the strength of brilliant work produced by LB/Sydney and other agencies.

Leo Burnett’s outstanding performance at AdFest is a testament to the creative consistency of the network, which over the course of the last 5 YEARS has always ranked in the Top 2 in Asia Pacific - 2010 (2nd), 2011 (2nd), 2012 (2nd), 2013 (1st) and 2014 (2nd).

The work produced by Leo Burnett Asia Pacific across multiple countries continues to earn praise from the best minds and talents in our industry, which reflects the extraordinary people working for Leo Burnett in this region.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

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Leo Burnett: The Most Awarded Network in MENA in 2014

The 2014 Dubai Lynx Awards recently concluded in Dubai. The Lynx is the Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) most sought-after trophy, benchmarking creative excellence throughout the region. This year the festival attracted 2,279 entries. The show is run by Cannes and attracts the region’s most inspiring creative work.

This year, Leo Burnett MENA won 37 prestigious awards (8 Golds, 9 Silvers and 20 Bronze), for major clients including McDonald’s, Samsung, P&G, Virgin, Mobinil and Du. Four Leo Burnett offices contributed to this outstanding creative performance; Beirut, Dubai, Cairo and Jeddah.

The network ranked 3rd at the Festival, and Leo Burnett Beirut was the 3rd most awarded creative agency.

This stellar creative performance follows hot on the heels of this year’s other major regional show, the MENA Cristal Awards, where the network ranked No.1. As a result Leo Burnett is the “Most Awarded Agency Network in MENA in 2014.”

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

LB/MENA’s Chief Creative Officer Bechara Mouzannar presenting on stage at the Dubai Lynx

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Xavier Beauregard Discusses Le Trèfle’s “Emma”Each quarter the GPC hosts a master class session called the Black Couch Series, where an award-winning creative team delves into the backstory behind a notable campaign they’ve conceived and produced. At the 1Q14 meeting in Singapore, Mark Tutssel sat down with Xavier Beauregard, the ECD of Leo Burnett/Paris to discuss the beloved commercial “Emma” Xavier’s team created for Le Trèfle toilet paper. This huge viral hit quickly became one of the most popular spots of 2013, and it’s widespread notoriety generated strong sales results for Le Trèfle while boosting Leo Burnett’s global creative reputation. Xavier and Mark discussed how the team took a seemingly innocuous brief and transformed it into a memorable film that uses authentic hu-man insights to tell a hilarious story that perfectly captures the benefits of an extra-large roll of toilet paper. To watch this engaging and revealing exchange, click anywhere on this page to visit Leo Burnett Worldwide’s Vimeo channel, which hosts all Black Couch Series videos.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

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PROCTER & GAMBLE - ARIEL & DOWNY Aid CoutureLeo Burnett / ManilaCategory: Integrated Each year, the Philippine Red Cross receives 18 tons of donated clothing to assist typhoon victims. Many of the clothes are garments that have little utility to people who desperately need food, water, and basic essentials after the devastation wreaked by a typhoon. In partnership with P&G brands Ariel and Downy, Leo Burnett Manila worked with the Red Cross to launch “Aid Couture,” an initiative to transform these unusable clothes into meals, medicine, and other essential items. Volunteers washed the donated clothes with Ariel and Downy, identified possible fashion finds, which were then used by some of the country’s top stylists to create “Aid Couture,” a highly publicized and hugely successful fashion show. The clothes in the show were sold and all proceeds were channeled to typhoon victims. This hugely successful campaign used multiple channels to turn useless charitable goods into life-sustaining assistance.

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McDonald’s Literacy StoreLeo Burnett / Chicago & Arc / ChicagoCategory: Promo & Activation

There are 31 million children in the USA who have never owned a children’s book. Seeking to address this issue, McDonald’s created a series of original children’s books to include as Happy Meal gifts, and distributed 20 million via Happy Meals in November of 2013. To dramatize the critical importance of literacy, one Chicago-area McDonald’s was given a dramatic temporary redesign, in which everything in the restaurant was rendered illegible. From the signage, to the menus, to the ketchup packets, no one could read a thing. Visitors to the restaurant were disorientated and confused, until a digital menu drove home the message. “To a child who can’t read, the world can be a confusing place. To spread the joy of reading, we’re including original kids’ books in every Happy Meal.”

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Foundation Mimi If Only For A SecondLeo Burnett / ParisCategory: Promo & Activation

The Mimi Foundation supports cancer patients as they endure the challenges of cancer treatment. Many patients report a loss of joy in their lives, and an inability to be carefree, as the gravity of their diagnosis hangs over them. To give patients a moment of pure joy, the Mimi Foundation created a campaign around a memorable act. 20 cancer patients were given elaborate makeovers with their eyes closed. They were then photographed at the moment of the big reveal, with astonished expressions on their faces. These amazing images were printed on posters, into a beautifully designed book, and were shown in public at a gallery event. The campaign delivered pure joy to patients, “if only for a second.”

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Foundation Mimi If Only For A SecondLeo Burnett / ParisCategory: Print & Design

These print executions created for the Mimi Foundation capture the magical moment when these cancer patients open their eyes after undergoing long, elaborate makeovers, to find that they’ve been totally transformed into unrecognizable alter egos. Face to face with a vision of themselves they could not have imagined, their expressions reveal pure joy, “if only for a second.”

If Only For A Second

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Ebara Foods Industry - Vegetable Seasoning Funfair In Your MouthBeacon / Leo Burnett TokyoCategory: Promo & Activation / Innovation

Ebara Foods in Japan wanted to promote their line of vegetable seasoning sauces, and was looking for a way to specifically appeal to kids. Working with university professors, Beacon / Leo Burnett Tokyo designed a unique interactive experience that encouraged children to eat green vegetables by promising them a “funfair in your mouth.” The agency employed bone conduction technology, and placed marinated vegetables on computer-controlled vibrating skewers that delivered a one-of-a-kind experience to kids who bit down on them. The skewers delivered sonic impressions to the kids through their teeth, so that by biting down on the marinated vegetables, children could hear fireworks, experience the thrill of riding a roller coaster, or even hear the sounds of racing cars or dinosaurs in their minds. This unique execution made news across Japan, and even received international press coverage. The campaign generated a 103% sales increase for Ebara, and gave kids a one-of-a-kind experience they will likely never forget. Beacon / Leo Burnett Tokyo continues to find innovative ways to engage and delight audiences.

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Procter & Gamble - Secret Mean Stinks - Biggest Assembly EverLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Integrated

Secret Deodorant has spent several years developing a national campaign called “Mean Stinks,” which positions Secret as a trusted ally for teens, schools, and parents who want to see an end to bullying amongst the youth of America. The brand’s anti-bullying stance has made it one of the most public and vocal advocates discussing this issue, and after years of employing a variety of communication channels to drive their message home, Secret worked with Leo Burnett Chicago to host and facilitate the “world’s biggest assembly.” Using Google Hangout technology, the brand orchestrated a simultaneous real time gathering of schools across America to discuss bullying in an unprecedented gathering unlike any other of its kind. Triumphing over a range of logistical issues, this bold act attempted to change the culture of schools, and used popular celebrities and technology to scale up “Mean Stinks” to affect an entire generation of kids at the same moment. This campaign changed lives.

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Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights Foundation - CPCR PainLeo Burnett / BangkokCategory: Print

‘The pain lasts a lifetime. Help stop child abuse before it begins. 02-412-1166.’

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Raising the Roof Childhood PhotosLeo Burnett / TorontoCategory: Print ‘People from normal childhoods with normal lives don’t end up homeless. Dave disagrees.Homelessness can happen to anyone. Visit to help.’

‘If you think little girls who love animals and come from good families can’t end up homeless, you should meet Jeanne. Homelessness can happen to anyone. Visit to help.’

‘Above, Blake as a happy 7-year old. Now you know where homeless adults can come from. Homelessness can happen to anyone. Visit to help.’

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Raising the Roof Homeless Donation Boxes Leo Burnett / TorontoCategory: Promo & Activation / Ambient

To encourage donations to Raising the Roof, an organization that seeks out and provides sustainable solutions to the problem of homelessness in Canada, Leo Burnett/Toronto crafted cardboard “homeless donation boxes,” which were positioned on the streets to raise awareness of the problem. These boxes generated strong fund-raising results.

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Business In The Community Second Chance {Skip}Leo Burnett / LondonCategory: Interactive

This brilliantly designed interactive piece compels people to change their attitudes and behaviour towards ex-convicts. As part of a campaign created for Business In The Community to support rehabilitating ex-offenders into society, this campaign bolstered the “Ban the Box” initiative which was created to ask employers to remove the box on job applications requiring people to provide details of past arrests and incarceration. If you’ve done the time, you should be able to start your life anew with a fresh opportunity. This ad is placed as a lead-in to popular online content. For instance, on the site above, viewers will see this piece after clicking on a link to see a video of Prince George leaving his christening with members of the English Royal Family. Before that clip runs, however, a penitent young man speaking directly into the camera asks you to give him a chance. He admits that he’s been ‘inside’ for mistakes he’s made, and while he’s describing his inward journey and the lessons he’s learned, a small “skip ad” button appears, giving you the chance to avoid dealing with this man. Most viewers immediately click this, as standard human behaviour is to bypass any advertising to get to the online content you desire. However, when you click “skip ad”, the same former ex-con reappears on your screen, only he’s now aware that you don’t want to listen to him. He begins to rush through his poignant appeal to your better nature, even as you still have the chance to keep pressing “skip ad.” The more times you press it, the more desperate and sad the young man becomes at your swift rejection of his appeal for a better life. The spot ends as he notes that it takes less than 30 seconds to dismiss someone for their mistakes, dramatically emphasizing how employment discrimination works against ex-offenders. Ban the box. Have the patience to give ex-offenders a viable chance at a new life.

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Business In The Community CVs: Kelly, Mark & GaryLeo Burnett / LondonCategory: Direct Mail

This direct mail campaign was targeted towards HR directors and employers capable of making personnel decisions in companies and organizations. As part of the Business In The Community campaign encouraging people in the UK to address and challenge the systemic discrimination against ex-offenders, fake resumes and CVs were sent into companies as actual job applications. At first glance these documents follow familiar conventions, but when reading them, the text reads like the internal dialogue of an HR rep who quickly dismisses any job seeker who has spent time in jail. This impactful campaign is perfectly targeted to make an impact on people who have the power to affect real change on this issue. The brilliant writing here is constructed around powerful human insights and conveys a very effective sense of empathy for both employers and ex-offenders seeking work. “It takes less than 30 seconds to write off an ex-offender. Give them a second chance and hear what they have to say.’‘’

GPC 1Q 14



a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Seek - Seek Learning Learnings From Seek LearningLeo Burnett / MelbourneCategory: Integrated

Seek Learning offers accredited and continuing education courses to adults in Australia who are interested in broadening their education or receiving specialized training in particular fields. To draw attention to Seek’s extraordinary range of courses, LB/Melbourne launched a popular, attention-getting campaign around “Learnings from Seek Learning,” which features a quirky spokesman offering tidbits of trivia and random astonishing facts designed to “guarantee you’re the most fascinating person in the room.” The compelling content, fantastic writing, and smart way this campaign used multiple channels quickly helped Seek Learning climb into the top 10 education providers in Australia, and become the country’s most socially shared education brand.

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Seek - Seek Learning 19th Century BBQLeo Burnett / MelbourneCategory: Online Film

To promote Seek Learning, an education provider in Australia, Leo Burnett Melbourne created a series of hilarious short online films around unique facts that were designed to spread virally. In this short spot, the campaign’s spokesman points out the curious fact that ‘In the 1800’s, sausages were originally marketed as ‘bags of mystery.’ He then grabs an ancient jar from a dusty shelf, remove a highly dubious old sausage from it, and bites into it with a smiling grimace, while offering the following caveat: ‘5-century rule!’He spends a few moments recovering, then offers up the following: ‘I love that learning. If you like this learning, and want to study marketing or any other course, I can give you all the advice you need.’ ‘Learnings from Seek Learning.’

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Virgin Radio The Police / Nirvana / MJLeo Burnett / BeirutCategory: Print / Copywriting

‘If you knew what it took, you wouldn’t steal it. Say no to piracy. Virgin Radio.

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Kellogg’s - Special K More Than A Number - Jeans StoreLeo Burnett / Chicago Category: Design & Packaging

Kellogg’s Special K has always been an ally for women who want to feel good about their bodies. As part of an ongoing campaign encouraging women to think of themselves as “more than a number,” the brand has been staging unique experiential events that ask women to consider the qualities they want to embody, beyond any measurable numerical targets they want to achieve. For one day in July, Special K staged a “unique denim experience” at a jeans boutique in Chicago, in which all the sizes on the merchandise were replaced with complimentary characteristics instead of digits. The store featured multiple design elements created to drive this point home, encouraging women to think of themselves as a size “stunning” or a size “vivacious.” Through unique retail design, packaging materials, measuring tapes, and POS posters, LB/Chicago helped Special K emphasize that no one’s self worth can or should be reduced down to a size or number. ‘Kellogg’s Special K. What will you gain when you lose?’


GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


TMB Bank One Baht FlyerLeo Burnett / BangkokCategory: Promo & Activation

TMB Bank wanted to change the way Thai people save money. The bank offers savings accounts with extraordinarily high interest rates that are usually only available for accounts with very high balances. TMB offers 2.5% interest rates to anyone who opens an account with a minimum deposit of 1 baht (roughly $.03 USD). To dramatize this offer, LB/Bangkok developed a sticker that was placed on one side of 100,000 individual 1 baht Thai coins, transforming the nation’s currency into a viral medium spreading the message of TMB’s incredible interest rates. This promotional act resulted in 130,000 new customers, and 75 million Thai baht placed in new savings accounts. ‘TMB. Make the difference.’

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Honda - FCX Clarity Honda H20Leo Burnett / MelbourneCategory: Promo & Activation

The Honda FCX Clarity is a vehicle destined to revolutionize the auto industry. Powered by an innovative hydrogen fuel cell, as opposed to the traditional gasoline engine found in most cars, the Honda FCX’s only emission is water that is clean enough for human beings to drink. To dramatize the harmless nature of the emissions from this groundbreaking vehicle, Leo Burnett/Melbourne developed a campaign around the idea of H20, a brand of bottled water that details how the FCX can generate water as a waste product that humans can drink. These impeccably designed water bottles were carefully placed to maximize their impact and reach, in venues like gas stations and as a free giveaway in movie theaters.‘Honda. The Power of Dreams.’

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Firestone Pick-UpLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Film

In this beautifully crafted film for Firestone, a young couple is flush with excitement in the midst of eloping from their home. They quickly gather some simple essentials for their hasty wedding and depart in a cloud of dust in their trusty truck. Across town, an older couple piles their groceries into their car and heads home. Unbeknownst to both couples, these cars are approaching each other on the same highway. When they see each other, both vehicles brake suddenly and the couples stare at each other in shock. The older couple stares at their daughter, furious that she is dressed as a bride and that the young man behind the wheel is attempting to steal her away. The tense confrontation ends when the young groom puts his truck in gear and pulls away from the scene with a squeal of tires. The bride’s mother tells her husband to “let them go,” as the two watch the trusty pickup truck depart. ‘Whatever your drive, drive a Firestone.’

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Allstate Insurance TrashLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Film

In this latest TV spot for Allstate, Mayhem is “a big old bag of fast food trash” sitting in the passenger seat of a car on the highway. The driver tosses the innocuous bag of trash out his window and instigates a chain reaction of accidents and unexpected destruction. “If you’ve got cut rate insurance, you can be paying for this yourself. So get Allstate, where agents help keep you protected from Mayhem like me.”‘Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands?’

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Allstate Insurance Mayhem TwitterLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Interactive (Twitter)

Allstate Insurance wanted to quickly establish a web presence on Twitter, after competitors got a headstart building up large followings. The brand leveraged the popularity of their iconic “Mayhem” character, and launched an attention-getting campaign that truly brought “mayhem” to the platform in a way no brand has done before. From a highly publicized stunt designed to initiate Twitter’s infamous “fail whale” to engaging a wider audience by asking people to vote on potential story lines for Mayhem, the campaign generated immense interest and quickly earned Allstate a larger Twitter following than any of its competitors. The reach and scope of Mayhem continues to grow and evolve as he branches out into new channels.


GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Theatre De La Bastille Edgar & KellyLeo Burnett / ParisCategory: Film / Cinema

Paris’ Theatre De La Bastille is famous for producing “really unexpected shows.” In this hilarious cinema piece, a predictable romantic comedy premise begins to unfold on screen before a totally unforeseen twist transforms the story line into something absurdly strange and memorable. ‘Theatre de la Bastille. Really unexpected shows.’


GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Lisbon’s Municipal Council LX TypeLeo Burnett / LisbonCategory: Design (Typography)

One of the definitive ways to experience the city of Lisbon is to board a tram, and ride through the city’s neighborhoods taking in the history and the monuments around you. The iconic street cars that traverse the city are guided by an elaborate network of wires, which are framed against the sky and form unique shapes as they mesh and intersect. LB/Lisbon utilized these wire shapes to design an original font called “LX Type”, which became “the official font of Lisbon.” The city’s website encourages online visitors to write words using the font, and each unique word generates a custom itinerary around the city, as each letter identifies a city attraction that begins with that letter. The LX font is also available for free download. The beautiful design and intelligent application of this font are a great example of insightful, purpose-driven design. ‘Use the font, and get to know the city through it.’


GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e ea q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Smith Restaurant & Bar Smith Oyster BarLeo Burnett / TorontoCategory: Design & Packaging

Leo Burnett/Toronto’s department of design was asked to brand Smith Oyster Bar, a restaurant that focuses on offering the best and freshest seafood. To convey this idea across multiple contact points, the agency developed branding that combined a nautical theme with the immediacy of newspaper. The menu is a broadsheet newspaper format and the fish & chips wrapping is a nod to the classic newspaper wrapping. Other elements include after dinner mints and nautical themed coasters.


GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Leo Burnett - 78th Anniversary 78 LB Painted RecordsLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Design & Packaging For Leo Burnett’s 78th Anniversary Party, LB/Chicago curated an agency-wide event which featured performances from a wide variety of local artists, to drive home the way Leo Burnett has been woven into the fabric of Chicagoland’s creative scene for decades. To invite some of the city’s most sought after talents to perform, the agency crafted unique, one-of-a-kind vinyl records as invitations, each customized for specific artists. The beautiful crafting and bold art direction of these pieces speak volumes.

GPC 1Q 14


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Leo Burnett - 78th Anniversary 78 LB RecordsLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Design & Packaging

To commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Leo Burnett Company, LB/Chicago designed a unique 78 RPM record that served as a gift for employees and an invitation to the agency’s day long anniversary party. Crafted beautifully as a homage to the golden age of vinyl, the records are packaged beautifully, with elegant copy on the sleeve that pays tribute to Leo Burnett’s creativity over the span of decades. As an internal gift which celebrates 78 years of success, this piece perfectly captures the tone and essence of an agency that believes that creativity is the lifeblood of business. Congratulations to the team in Chicago for designing this brilliant, evocative 78 RPM record.


GPC 1Q 14


Appendix: Cultural Fuel - 1Q14 SingaporeWe are eternal students of human behaviour. The GPC travels to a different city and country every quarter, to learn from and be inspired by Leo Burnett agencies across the globe, while observing and sampling from each host country’s rich cultural landscape. In Singapore, in between delectable bites of the city’s delicious and unique cuisine, the delegates observed the complex interplay of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western, and Eurasian cultures that comprise key parts of Singapore’s unique identity. Here are a few movies and artists whose work offers telling glimpses into Singaporean life.

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Ilo Ilo

This movie won the Camera d’Or in 2013, the first feature film from Singapore to win an award at the Cannes Film Festival

“Anthony Chen’s portrait of a family in 1997 Singapore is one of those rare films that manages to capture an entire period within an intimate slice of life. Beautifully acted and precisely observed, Ilo Ilo is an amazing debut, full of heart and intelligence.”– Ang Lee

Singapore Dreaming

This movie won the Montblanc New Screenwriters Award at the 54th San Sebastián International Film Festival in 2006.

“...a poignant, yet darkly humorous story about a typical Singaporean family coming to grips with their aspirations. It weaves a layered and moving tale about a family dealing with loss, ambition and the search for what really matters in life.”

Catherine Lim

Catherine Lim has become one of Singapore’s most recognized authors. Her work offers unique insights into Singaporean cul-ture. Here are links to her blog and website, as well as two of her novels and a collection of short stories.

“{The Bondmaid] is considerably more than a Chinese bodice-ripper. Its love-between-the-classes plot may be a chestnut, but Lim enriches it by painting in many of the daily details in the life...providing a welcome glimpse of an unfamiliar society.” – New York Times Book Review

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