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Paleoniches TCN

Pennsylvanian (318-299Ma)University of Kansas~7,000 localities>170,000 specimens~240 species

Aims Georeference and database ~450,000 invertebrate fossil specimens~11,500 localities

Data use: Ecological Niche Modeling, Digital Atlases

To be trained: Grad students, post-doc, and potentially undergraduates

Method: Mostly Specify+Geolocate. Possibly automation. Open to suggestions!

Ordovician (488-444Ma)

Ohio University Zoological Collections, Cincinnati Museum Center and the Karl E. Limper Geology Museum (MUGM)>1,500 localities>100,000 specimens~115 species

Neogene (23-2.6Ma)Florida Museum of Natural History>3000 localities176,615 specimens~500 species

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