Page 1: On 2015.pdf · Lisa & Lenny Williams We praise the Lord for placing children on the hearts of Lenny and Lisa. Furthermore, we praise the Lord for directing

So many things have been happening lately that it seems like a blur. Nonetheless growth and change go hand in hand. Our desire is to be moving forward in all that we do.

February will mark sixteen years since we first moved the CEF office to NW 6th Street. In fact we have spent almost fifteen of those years in the exact same offices. For the past several years we have been extremely cramped for space and even began pray-ing for God’s provision of a new office.

In August Maxine began seriously looking for some options. Then God opened the door for us just across the street (avenue). Our new address is 2711 NW 6th Street, Suite # F Gainesville, FL 32609.

We are thankful for the new office and that it did not require re-locating across town. We would like to resume having a regular prayer meeting at the office in the near future. Further-more we wanted to be able have the room for many more people to use the office as a base of operations for ministry.

Besides changing location we are changing our name. In 2002 we were chartered as the North Central Chapter of CEF of Florida, Inc. However we have been operating under that charter as a separate corporation. A few years ago CEF’s International Board of Trustees decided to consolidate all of the (continued on page 4)

Moving Forward

Children generally look forward

to Christmas. The anticipation of good

gifts has left many boys and girls with

more than one night without a full night’s

sleep. Cookies, pies and various other

tantalizing foods may also come to mind

when we think about Christmas.

Children and adults are often

more willing to think about spiritual

things especially when it comes in a fun

package. In hopes of sharing the good

news of the gospel with an additional

100,000 children across the United States

Child Evangelism Fellowship designed

and assembled a comprehensive outreach

package, Christmas Across America. The

goal is for individuals and churches to

use the materials to share the gospel with

children that are not currently being

reached through existing venues such as

Good News Club®.

The shepherds heard the

message, saw the babe, and left telling

everyone about Jesus. Will you do the

same for the children around you? Call

352.378.0949 today to learn more.

December 2015

Volume 16, Issue 4

CEF of Florida, Inc. North Central Chapter & Camp Good News®

2711 NW 6th St., Suite# F

Gainesville, FL 32609

Office (352) 378-0949 Camp (352) 481-3550

E-mail addresses: [email protected]

[email protected]


Staff Steve & Maxine Carlson


Lenny & Lisa Williams Camp & Ministry Coordinators

Local Committee

Troy Blakely, Chairman

Janet Adams, Vice– Chairman

Robert “Bob” Thomas, Treasurer

Juanita Melchior, Secretary

Rev. Gary Fuss, Member

Vashti Osborne, Member

Rev. Brian York Member

On Point is a periodic informational publication of Child Evangelism Fellowship of North Central Florida, Inc.

Trademarks, registered trademarks and logos in this

document are owned by Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.

On Point

We hope you will stop by!

We have a range of materials!

Page 2: On 2015.pdf · Lisa & Lenny Williams We praise the Lord for placing children on the hearts of Lenny and Lisa. Furthermore, we praise the Lord for directing

How do I put into words …?

Page 2 On Point Volume 16, Issue 4

How do I put into words something that has radically influenced my life to the extant that I want to be actively engaged?

Let me begin by stating that participating in Teaching Children Effectively™ (TCE ™) Level 1 training by Child Evangelism Fellowship® has had a dynamic and beneficial effect on my life. By way of example, I rejoice as my heart sings, “Praise the God from whom all Blessings flow….” A casual look, a curious mind, and a prompting to participate in the TCE level 1 class advertised in the last issue of the 2014 “On Point” was one of the most profitable decisions I have made in my life. Reflecting, I real-ize that God was drawing me to this clear, solid, and thorough teaching experience so that I would heed His call on my life, which is to help reach those who have not heard the Gospel.

It truly is a joy unspeakable and full of glory to have the opportunity and privilege to partake in this ministry. It has equipped me to clearly speak so that the lost can see God’s Plan of Redemption for man to the glory of Jesus Christ. I was most impressed by the excellent training. I learned how to present the Gospel whether I was teaching a scripture verse such as Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace …” or a passage of Scripture about “The Conversion of Paul”, Acts 9:1-21. This made me realize that every time I share God’s Word, I can present the Plan of Salvation. What a thought!

This class has one objective, in my opinion, which is to present the Gospel in a clear, concise way. Anyone who reads, teaches, preaches, or sings from the Bible can benefit from this class. The methodical teaching by dedicated, spirit-led presenter/teachers to eager learners was very re-warding and beneficial. How I praise God for this ministry!

Each student must teach five post-

practicums in order to complete the course. I had the opportunity to teach at the Good News Club at Shell Elementary with Mr. Lenny and his wonderful team in the Spring of 2015. I am so thankful for them! (With the new term I have the privilege of providing leadership to this same club.)

When I discovered that Good News Club are allowed in elementary schools I wanted to share that revelation and encourage every Christian to get on board in one form or fashion to reach the world for Jesus Christ. By the way, Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international ministry reaching chil-dren world-wide. My heart’s desire is to be actively engaged in reaching this world with the message that Jesus Saves!

I am a retired school teacher and I can tell you CEF materials are superior for training and teaching children. You can choose from multiple printed materials such as visuals (Bible lessons, songs, charts, hand-outs, etc.) and music available on CD. You can even select Power Point materials.

Are you a homemaker, business person, home Bible study leader, Sunday School teacher, minis-ter, or just a student of the Word? TCE Level 1 is like a miniature college course in a nutshell. Take it and see if you agree! “Satisfaction”, “completion”, “preparation”, and “equipped” are all words that give a glimpse of my heart’s treasures as a result of taking TCE Level 1. May God richly bless you!

Ambassador for Christ,

Jeanette Smith-Brown, II Cor. 5:20

Page 3: On 2015.pdf · Lisa & Lenny Williams We praise the Lord for placing children on the hearts of Lenny and Lisa. Furthermore, we praise the Lord for directing

Page 3 On Point Volume 16, Issue 4

Summer will be here before you realize it. We all have the same amount of time to spend each day. Some people recognize that they can make an impact while receiving a return that will pay eternal dividends when they invest their time in serving the Lord. God uses hundreds of young people across Florida and beyond to serve in 5-Day Clubs® and at Camp Good News. They have fun while sharing the good news of God’s love and demonstrating the Christian walk for children, teens, and adults. Why not explore …

Lisa & Lenny Williams

We praise the Lord for placing children on the hearts of Lenny and Lisa. Furthermore, we praise the Lord for directing them to join the CEF staff here in North Central Florida. Summer 2015 marked their fourth summer leading a small army of amazing volunteers and seasonal staff. Consequently we have experienced a significant increase in the camper average daily attendance. More importantly many parents have shared testimonies of how God is using camp to transform their children. Thanksgiving Camp will wrap up later today and it has been a great three days. This year we will resume Christmas Camp and even add three days of New Year’s Camp. Please make plans now for your children to attend. They will be glad you did. 352.481.3550

Camp Good News is more than a place for children to spend a day, a week, or much more. Each camp event begins with prayer for God’s leading and direction, often months ahead of time. Only then do the staff and volunteers start to plan and prepare to fill each day with life-changing activities and biblically-based, spiritual lessons.

“We praise God for His strength, abundant love, care, and provisions! We praise Him for each one who has prayed, given, and served to make all to this possible! We absolutely could not do what we do without each and every one of you!” Lenny & Lisa

Make Your Summer Count For Eternity!

“Anyone can be a soul winner who is willing to pay the price. All the things we need to be a success, the promises of God, the power of God,

and the preparation of God are available to the Christian who seeks them.” Dr. Robert L. Sumner

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(continued from page 1)

local chapters, reorganizing them under one corporation per state. The chapters will continue to operate with local staff under the over-sight and responsibility of local committees.

Each chapter will still need to raise the neces-sary funds to continue and even expand the work with-in their charter areas. Each area will be able to pursue local ministry options that fall within the CEF USA and FL strategic plans. Each chapter will still play an integral role in fulfilling the strategic goal of reach-ing a 100,000,000 children a year around the world.

Reese Kauffman, the president of CEF, has repeatedly stated, “We are attempting something only God can do . . . .” “Fruitfulness of ministry strengthens your passion and passion is contagious.” As a ministry our vision is “Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.” To accomplish this gargantuan undertaking necessitates training and equipping teens and adults to go. Those that go must be uplifted with the financial and prayer support of countless others.

The vision reflects lofty aspirations, but we cannot allow the size of the task to paralyze us. Each success brings us one step closer to accomplishing the mission. Will you join us?

“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High.”

Training Opportunities— Call 352.378.0949 for more Information

Good News Club Training


January 9th or 23rd, 2016

Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 2

FBC of Ocala

Starting February 20, 2016

Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1


April 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 30th, 2016

Last night those words were streaming through my mind as I woke in the early morning. It is Psalm 92:1 put into a song and we used it as the verse for our Thanksgiving clubs. It reflects a great admonition to all of us even as the news is filled with doom and despair.

We are encouraged by the enthusiasm of the children this fall in Good News Club. We have been emphasizing the various ways that God speaks to us. Many of the children have taken great pride in mastering II Timothy 3:16 & 17 among others. God recorded His Word to reveal His love and provide direction for godly living. Steve & Maxine Carlson

Of the fifteen active clubs in our area Maxine and I have been privileged to participate in ten of them, most on a weekly basis. In each of those clubs are children that would not otherwise be learning about Jesus or that God has a plan for each of our lives. On a regular basis children will ask us if we would come more than once a week. Consequently, we are excited that many children are beginning to use the Wonder Devotionals we are giving them to learn more about God on a daily basis. We also hear from parents, principals, and teachers that they are so glad that we have a club in their school.

The end of December Maxine and I will complete sixteen years as the CEF area directors for North Central Florida. It is a journey that began a long time ago when God used a summer missionary from CEF to lead a 5-Day Club on my parents’ back porch. Although I was raised in a Christian home, rarely missing church, I recognized for the first time that I needed a Savior.

Since then Maxine and I have traveled many miles, and taken too many detours, but God has used all of these experiences to prepare us for what we are doing now. We have been challenged and stretched on this faith expedition. Our compassion and zeal are motivated by our desire to see children spared as many heartaches as possible, especially a Christ-less eternity.

Through it all we are thankful for God’s hand on our lives and the people that have come alongside us. We are thankful that we answered the call to first come on the local CEF committee. God used that as a stepping stone to draw us into considering the possibility of vocational ministry with CEF.

I hope that you will prayerfully consider thinking outside the box. Quite frankly God might want you to launch out into deeper water. I often say that God does not want us to go out on our own. Instead He wants us to be willing to be willing to go where He wants us to follow Him. If God saved you He has a plan to use you. You can pray and give right where you are and those are very important. Additionally, He may want you to go too! I’d love to hear from you.

Merry Christmas and may God expand your horizons in 2016!

Co-laborers in Christ, Steve & Maxine Carlson

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