
New Heights in Jewish Prayer

Segment 16

Ashrei 6


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Ashrei 6

q Vilna Gaon, Siddur HaGra from Isaiah 3:11

“G-d is a tzadik in all His ways” - this means that the rewards and punishments of G-d are

based on justice. “And a chasid in all His actions” – nevertheless at the time of punishment G-d

acts with mercy.

w Vilna Gaon, Mishlei

“G-d is a tzadik in all His ways; and a chasid in all His actions”” – G-d begins with truth but at

the end is full of kindness and does not give full retribution to the wicked.

G-d and His Torah are based on truth and thus the punishments mentioned in the Torah

are strict judgment. Nevertheless G-d, in His kindness, never exacts full punishment to the


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e Sefer HaIkrim

Some people need to pray and will be heard by G-d. There is a higher level; those who fear G-d

who will be helped even without prayer. There is yet a higher level; those who love G-d – these

people are protected by G-d even against their own will. (Also found in Shla and Arizal)

Any true prayer is heard by G-d. There is no such thing as an unheard prayer. Those who fear

G-d have their desires fulfilled even before they begin to pray.

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r Tzav Veziruz

As I reflect back on my life I thank G-d for all the prayers I prayed that were not fulfilled. G-d

did not begin listening to me until the time was ripe.

In G-d’s mercy He does not arbitrarily fulfill all of our desires; He first considers whether the

outcome would truly be to our benefit

y Tomer Devorah Chapters 10 and 11 (source on following page)

The tenth attribute of G-d is “You will give truth to Yaacov” – these are the mediocre Jews

who are so rigid that they do not know how to act outside of the rules. They are referred to

as “Yaacov” for they are sticklers for the truth. G-d also has an attribute of truth. If we are

sticklers for rules G-d works with us in the framework of rules…

The eleventh attribute is Chesed l’Avraham- these are the people who can see and operate

beyond the rules; likewise, G-d will deals with them beyond the rules.

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G-d is a just and true judge. Ultimately good people will be rewarded and wicked ones will

suffer. Until that time, however, we can be dealt with in one of two ways. If we deal with

other people according to the strict letter of the law, G-d will deal with us in the same way.

Conversely, if we are willing to give people more time and help them change their ways, G-d

will do the same for us.

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