
Negative Effects of Teen Pregnancy

By: Nairobi Harris

Teen Pregnancy

By : Nairobi Harris

Interest ?

What really brought me to teen pregnancy and what wanted to make me dig deeper were how exactly did these young teen moms deal with the questioning, name calling etc.c.


Topic: Teen Pregnancy

Driving Question: Do you realize the negative effects of Teen Pregnancy?

Thesis: Pregnant teenagers face challenges during and after pregnancy: finishing school, trying to maintain a healthy body, and continuing a relationship with their partner.

Facts: This can happen to anybody

Not everybody can carry this weight and multitask

Your body is affected by many things.




Have a higher risk for low birth weight and infant mortality.

Have lower school achievement and drop out of high school.

Rely more heavily on publicly funded health care..


For my Product I decided to interview teen mothers.

I asked these teen mother's questions about their body, life, relationships, etc.

I used video documentaries also from Youtube and Teentube.



Both paper and product connect because they each give a very detailed explanation of teen pregnancy..

Successes and Challenges ?


Finding more confidence in myself.

I took the chance to dig deeper in what I was really interested in.


Staying focused


Final Process Reflection

This project will impact my future because I now know how to act or relate to teen mothers that are pregnant or have been pregnant. A part of me can understand what they are going through.

Time management.

Works Cited

"Youthline." Youthline. Kristin Hope, 2005. Web. 08 Aug. 2012. <>.

"Negative Effects of Teenage Pregnancy." Negative Effects of Teenage

Pregnancy. N.p., 12 Mar. 2009. Web. 08 Aug. 2012.



"About Teen Pregnancy." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 Mar. 2012. Web. 13

Aug. 2012. <>.


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