Page 1: Natural Awakenings June 2016



feel good • live simply • laugh more

Choose HappinessDaily Practices for a Happier Life

Buff and Balanced

Bodybuilders Turn to Yoga

Healthy TressesNatural Ways to

Prevent Hair Loss

Emotional Smarts

How to Raise Your EQ

June 2016 | Tennessee Valley |

Page 2: Natural Awakenings June 2016


The content of our imagery

is focused on both food

and lifestyle, because we

believe that cooking inspires

relationships, events,

gatherings and memories

that can last a lifetime. Our

imagery tells a more complete

story about the Saladmaster


Textural elements are also

created with ingredients in our

imagery, and to introduce a

tactile element. This also adds

a healthy serving of realism,

because real cooking and

real gatherings can get a little


For questions regarding

the use of branding, logos,

badges, photography,

marketing materials or other

inquiries, please contact:

[email protected].

6a. PHOTOGRAPHY | Imagery

367b.. BRAND MESSAGING | Direction

Brand Direction

Saladmaster is personal. possible. Incorporate words like “we,” “us,” “you,” "who" and “our” to communicate a connection between Saladmaster and the reader.

Saladmaster is helpful. Utilize a knowledgeable tone without being condescending; Saladmaster wants to lightheartedly share information about cooking, healthy living, nutrition, business, etc. to everyone it can, without being a know-it-all.

Saladmaster is fun. Balance an upbeat tone with professionalism and sophistication.

Saladmaster is concise. With the breadth of

copy should be as streamlined, concise and straightforward as possible.

Saladmaster changes life. Keep this in mind in communications, and share those experiences in an inspirational way.

The following words characterize the Saladmaster brand personality and tone; positive, premium, encouraging and trustworthy.

The Saladmaster Food Processor is our signature kitchen product that quickly and beautifully cuts, grates, juliennes, shreds and slices fruits and vegetables. It’s great for preparing ingredients for a salad and so much more. It’s also our gift to you when you host a cooking show with three couples in attendance. Other premium hosting gifts are available for smaller dinner shows. Hosting requires very little on your part, but the rewards make you glad you did. And besides, everyone’s kitchen needs a Saladmaster Food Processor.

Each dinner show takes about two hours, and we will bring all the food and clean up after. There are several dates available this month, so book your cooking show today. Call Charles Maples at 256-412-4896 to pick your date.

A Premium Reward for Hosting

Saladmaster offers the world’s finest premium cookware that is the healthiest and most convenient way to cook your favorite foods. The advanced design and construction of Saladmaster’s titanium cookware allows vapor seal cooking at a low to medium heat to preserve the nutrition in food, and without using added grease or even water.

We’d like to invite you to host a Saladmaster cooking show in the comfort and convenience of your own home. It’s easy. It’s delicious. And it’s a great excuse to spend time tasting and learning with your favorite people.

Experience a Meal with Friends & Saladmaster

Page 3: Natural Awakenings June 2016

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[email protected]


Publisher/EditorAdvertising Sales

Tom Maples

Co-PublisherCindy Wilson

Design and ProductionMelanie Rankin

Natural Awakeningsin the Tennessee Valley

14 Woodland AveTrinity, AL 35673


contact us

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy- based ink.

SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptions are available by sending $23

(for 12 issues) to the above address.

© 2016 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.” ~Voltaire

Our feature article this month is on Happiness. One of my favorite lines from this article describes happiness as “a deep sense of flourishing that arises from an exceptionally healthy mind.” The link between health and happiness is an obvious one, but there are other parallels to be drawn. Health takes a lot to maintain it, and even more to regain

it if it has been lost or mislaid somewhere along the line. One could say the same thing about happiness. It takes an open heart, blind faith, deep study, white-knuckled determination, raw desire, real miracles, magical manifestations, and massive help from the higher realms and from all living beings and inanimate objects in both the close immediate circle and the vast extended orbit of a person’s life to regain lost health and happiness. But it can be done, and people do it all the time. The ones who are successful at this tend to write about it often and tell everyone they meet about it, all the time and as often as possible, and for as long as people will listen and then even long after that. They are healthy and they are happy once again, and they want to help others to be, too. It’s all they want to do, really. Helping, healing, and happiness-making is now a core part of their own happiness. The bravest of these go into business to do it full time, as holistic health practitioners or in other jobs that are dedicated to nurturing human happiness. Many of them are advertisers and contributors to this magazine. I would like to acknowledge these people with the deepest gratitude and appreciation for what they are doing and for what they have done, for many of them have left safe corporate careers to enter the often less stable financial prospect of doing what makes them happy, which is making other people happy. Ron Gray has been doing this for longer than many others. Newcomers to this scene are two truly lovely people, Jane Reed and Roger Meinke, who have just opened an inspired center of healing in Decatur called The Whispering Heart. I wish them much luck and much love, and I encourage everyone to go see what they’re doing. Jeffrey Rich is another courageous one, having left a successful career as a computer programmer to find his bliss in helping to improve people’s well-being in the most comprehensive way possible, as both a bodyworker and a shamanic practitioner. You can read about his work this month’s Practice Spotlight article. Dana Sims is another, who has decided to make the leap to join Dr. Christie Berry of Alabama Holistic Health as a full-time nutritional counselor. Following your bliss, especially in heart-centered service, is always the surest path to happiness. My most heartfelt thanks to all of you, and to all of our advertisers and everyone who is a part of Natural Awakenings.


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advertising & submissions

HOW TO ADVERTISE Display Ads due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 256-808-8044 or email [email protected].

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS*Newsbriefs due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50-250 words. Content limited to special events and other announcements. No advertorials, please.

Articles and ideas due by the 15th of the month. Articles generally contain 250-850 words, with some exceptions. No advertorials, please.

CALENDAR SUBMISSIONSCalendar of Events and Ongoing Calendar listings due by the 15th of the month. Limit 50 words per entry. Please follow format found in those sections.

ADVERTISE WITH US TODAY256-808-8044 -or- [email protected]

*All submissions are subject to editing and will be printed at the publish-er’s discretion. Article space often fills in advance. Deadline dates refer to the month prior to next publication and may change without notice due to holidays, shorter months, or printing schedules.

Digital archive:

contentsNatural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


5 newsbriefs

9 healthbriefs

12 globalbriefs

14 practitioner spotlight

22 healingways

24 fitbody

27 inspiration

28 calendar

29 classifieds

30 resourceguide

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


18 HAPPY ALL DAY Simple Daily Practices for a Happier Life by Judith Fertig

22 TRESS STRESS Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss by Jody McCutcheon

24 BUFF AND BALANCED Bodybuilders Turn to Yoga by Aimee Hughes

27 EMOTIONAL SMARTS How to Raise Your Quotient by Harvey Deutschendorf







Life isn’t about

finding yourself.

Life is about

creating yourself.

~George Bernard Shaw

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The Whispering Heart Healing Center Opens in Decatur

A new center of healing has opened in Decatur called

The Whispering Heart. The center combines several healing mo-dalities and technologies into one location, with rates that are affordable for everyone. Healing services include: Infrared Sauna, BioMat, In Light Wellness System, MusicGlove Therapy, Aromather-apy and Essential Oils, Healing Touch Therapy, and coming soon, Mild Hyperbaric Therapy. The Dynamic Infrared Sauna uses beneficial penetrating infrared waves help the body remove heavy metals and other toxins, increase blood circulation, ease pain from sore muscles or aching joints, burn calories and improve skin tone. The BioMat also delivers infrared rays, while adding amethyst crystals and negative ions to create a triple synergy of healing energy for the body. The BioMat confers a wide range of health benefits, including deep relaxation and relief of inflammation and pain from many causes. The In Light Wellness System uses LED Light Therapy to relieve minor pain, stiffness and muscle spasms, increase local blood flow, and promote healing for conditions such as burns and diabetic ulcers.

MusicGlove Therapy is a revolutionary hand rehab program that links muscle movements to music that has been clinically proven to improve hand function after stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, neurologic and muscular injury, developmental disability, and cerebral palsy.

Healing Touch is a biofield energy therapy that can facili-tate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Cost for all services is $1 per minute. The Whispering Heart is located at 1221 13th Ave SE, Decatur, 35601. Walk-ins are welcome and appointments available 10am-5pm Mon-Fri and 10am-3pm Sat. 256-822-1108. See ad, page 23.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® of Huntsville

Sandra CopeCertified Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner

Assists healing through relaxation and restoring body harmony.

Animal companion sessions are available.

Office: (256) 534-1794Cell: (256) 509-3540

1108 McClung Avenue SEHuntsville, Alabama 35801

Jeffrey Rich, LMT, Attended Advanced Constellations Training with Stephan Hausner

In the first week of April, Jeffrey Rich, LMT and Systemic Constel-

lations Facilitator, attended several days of advanced constellations training with internationally recognized teacher and constella-tion facilitator, Stephan Hausner in New York. Systemic and Family Constellations is the life-work of Bert Hellinger, German psycho-therapist, and is a sought-after and useful healing modality through-out the world. Constellations work is just now becoming more popular in the United States as more facilitators are being trained here. Systemic Constellations is a unique modality which allows us to see and bring relief to the hidden dynamics in natural systems, notably in families, businesses, and nature systems. The goal of Family Constellations is to increase the flows of love in the family system. This is done by bringing to light and releasing the hidden entanglements we find our-selves in involving other members of the system. In families, these entanglements can be with living family members, or with ancestors long past, especially with those forgotten or excluded from the system. Constellations are powerful as group work when individuals represent family members, and are equally powerful using objects to represent family members, as in individual sessions. Constellations are one of the only methods available for easing systemic and trans-generational pressures that can be found in living systems. In 2015, Jeffrey completed a seven-month systemic con-stellations facilitator training with Francesca Mason-Boring, bicultural author, facilitator, and constellations trainer. He now offers monthly constellations workshops and individual constellations sessions.

Shining Mountain Healing Center, 900 Wellman Ave #5, in Five-Points, Huntsville. [email protected]. 256-337-1699. See ad, page 6.

Jeffrey Rich

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Holistic Massage and Organic Body Wraps Available at Dominion Restart

Wesley McCarley, Managing Massage

Therapist at Dominion Restart, has specialized in body treatments through-out his massage career. As he has delved deeper into the healing and medicinal side of holistic care, he took body wrapping to the next level to incorpo-

rate into his healing regimen with his clientele. Wesley uses the finest organic ingredients, including Aztec clay, Manuka honey, essential oils, and herbal remedies to concoct each wrap. A wrap can be a catalyst of healing for cystic acne, skin allergies, water retention, detox from aller-gies, after surgery or a medical procedure, to enhance lymph and blood flow, and so much more. A body wrap is so much more than losing inches or smoothing out cellulite, though those are definite benefits. Body wrap treatments are often offered in a series, which can open doors to deeper healing. Linda McCarley says that she often sees a client come in with an assumption of a surface issue that with wellness con-sultation and a series of massage and wraps shows a deeper issue, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. “One client came in to do a series of body treatments for cystic acne,” says Linda, “and Wes felt like the sores were more than acne and suggested clean eating and lifestyle changes. She’s still coming in for maintenance and herbal treatments as she continues finding out what the deeper issues are. This is the perfect example of the door of healing opening up for this young woman to seek out not only physi-cal healing, but emotional healing as well.”

Dominion Restart is located at 415 Church St NW, Ste C, inside Dominion Salon and Spa in Huntsville. 256-651-2572. See ad, page 17.

Shakti River Offers Integrated Movement Classes at the Healing Arts Center

Shakti River has joined the Heal-ing Arts Center as an Integrated

Movement Practitioner and Yoga and Pilates Instructor. She is cur-rently offering Custom Integrated Movement classes as well as Yoga and Pilates classes for groups both on and off-site. Integrated Movement instruction focuses on improv-ing posture and body alignment during movement as well as at rest. Shakti draws on her training in Pilates, Shambhava Yoga, and

Thai Therapeutic Massage in developing Integrated Movement techniques and principles. The goal of Integrated Movement is to eliminate bodily discomfort in everyday experience, both during activity and rest. Currently, Shakti is teaching classes for clients of Susan Jeffreys’ Structural Integration therapy. Structural integration clients at any stage of the 10-part series are encouraged to take Shakti’s classes once weekly for four weeks. The inten-tion is to complement the structural integration with move-ment instruction that will reinforce positive patterns and optimize the changes made by the structural integration by putting the body into motion. Integrated Movement instruction can also benefit any-one. By observing an individual’s posture and body align-ment in standing, sitting, walking and moving, Shakti can often identify many issues that can be addressed. Improve-ment in body alignment and movement mechanics can have significant positive results in overall well-being. “A good posture and body mechanics can result in less energy leakage from your body, leaving you with much more energy and vitality at the end of the workday,” says Shakti.

Shakti River is located in the Healing Arts Center, 525 Foun-tain Row, Huntsville. [email protected]. See ad, page 7.


Wesley and Linda McCarley Shakti River

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The Paranormal Study Center Hosts International Psychic LaMont Hamilton

LaMont Hamilton will present “How To Function and Survive as

a Multi-Sensory Being in 2016 and Beyond” at the Paranormal Study Center meeting on Friday, June 24. Most of us are having a “five-sensory” type of experiences as our actions, emotions and behav-ior depends on what we normally perceive through those five physical senses and how it influences our personality. In each of our in-carnations, our soul creates the type of special personality and body and during our lifetime; this very personality contributes to the evolution of our soul. Most of the time, this personality is a splintered entity since there are many incomplete parts that are out of harmony and balance of our Spiritual energy. In case of multi-sensory personalities, he or she will learn more rapidly and will not need 10 or 20 or even 200 lifetimes to learn a major lesson like trust, love or responsi-bility. Impulses, hunches, sudden or subtle insights, intuition and inspirations help multi-sensory personalities to assist the soul during our evolutionary journey. This realm is invisible to most of the five-sensory individuals on the planet but that is changing this year. LaMont will share his insight into the events that are now shaping our world in 2016 and how you can influence that outcome in a more positive way that serves you.

Date: Friday, June 24, 6:30pm. Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 4801 Governors House Dr (next to Landry’s Seafood), Public Admission: $10.

Fascia BodyWork Workshop for LMTs

This class is all about how to “work smart, not hard.” Fascia

BodyWork is a deep tissue mas-sage that is just as rewarding for the therapist as it is for the client. It is fascia specific, not muscle specific. There is no digit work. It is performed with flat, smooth surfaces such as the back of the fist, flat of the palm and back of the forearm. The goal of Fascia BodyWork is to create a more fluid fascia rather than “gel-like” fascia. This modality creates a drag on the tissue instead of a glid-ing stroke. The drag assists the fascia to become more fluid, which allows muscles better function, flexibility, and range of motion. Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue that permeates the human body. Fascia interpenetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels and other structures. Fascia is an uninterrupted, three- dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, front to back, interior to exterior. It is responsible for main-taining structural integrity, providing support and protection and acts as a shock absorber. The instructor, Marsha Mathes, is a LMT, NCBTMB Ap-proved Provider and AL instructor. This workshop offers 16 CEs for LMTs. Early bird special is $325 if paid by June 11.

Date: June 25-26, 8:30am-5:30pm. Location: Parkway Office Center, 3313 Memorial Parkway SW, Ste 116, Huntsville. Reg-ister with Marsha at 256-698-2151 or [email protected], or visit her web site at See listing, page 31.

Massage Structural Integration Reiki Biomat Sessions Reflexology

525 Fountain Row in Huntsville — between Williams Avenue & Manning Drive downtown

Visit our new location and let us take care of you.

HAC Ad 7.5x3.25 0714.indd 1 7/11/14 12:11 PM

LaMont Hamilton Marsha Mathes

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8 Tennessee Valley


Massage Therapist Carol Labriola Joins the Healing Arts Center

Carol is moving her massage practice to The Healing Arts

Center. She has spent more than seven years honing her skills, prac-ticing a variety of styles and tech-niques including Pain Management, Stress Relief, Hot Stone Massage, Aromatouch Technique, Pre-natal Massage, Essential Oil Therapy, and Canine massage. During the first three years of her professional career, Carol refined her craft as a care-giver and relaxation expert. She studied the

art of pampering at a world-renowned day spa. The following three years were spent on the opposite end of the spectrum at a busy chiropractic clinic. Work here was less about pam-pering and more about healing—both mind and body. It was during this stretch that her clientele revealed to her that her specialization lies in pain management and stress relief. “For some people,” Carol says, “that means keeping stress under control with relaxing massage. For others, it’s about work-ing deep layers of muscles and tissues, encouraging them to realign to reduce the pains of daily activity.” Carol’s cumulative experience has aided her in devel-oping technical skill, complimenting her intuitive healing touch. She seems to have a knack for finding trouble spots, as if her hands just know where to go. Her massages help reduce pain and stress and rejuvenate the spirit through the practice of Reiki. She is thrilled to be joining the diverse team of practitio-ners at the new Healing Arts Center.

Carol Labriola, Healing Arts Center, 527 Fountain Row, Huntsville, 205-602-3615. [email protected]. See ad, page 7.

Learn how your past Lives affectthe present and the future

Delsie HillPast Life Intuitive and Counselor

[email protected]

Light Journey Reiki

[email protected]

Barbara Caioli, RM


Cryotherapy Relieves Pain, Enhances Recovery, and Improves Well-Being

With whole body cryotherapy, the body is safely exposed

to low temperatures (-200 to 240ºF) for a short duration. The client stands in a cryosauna for about three minutes, which lowers the client’s skin surface temperature significantly. This short time exposure triggers a sys-temic anti-inflammatory response, increases oxygen in the blood, release of toxins and endorphins. Cryotherapy has been used

by people with all sorts of health and fitness goals, from weekend warriors, to professional athletes, to those looking to ease the aches and pains of growing older. Cryotherapy’s wide appeal is due to its wide range of benefits, includ-ing faster recovery from sports stress, relief from joint pain, enhanced energy, reduced inflammation, decreased muscle soreness, and improved skin tone. Cryotherapy is also used by those suffering from long-term medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy and rheumatoid arthritis to combat chronic muscle and joint discomfort. Even after one session, the wonderful effects from whole body cold therapy can be felt. The rush of endorphins will usually bring people a nice boost of energy and well-being. Some people who suffer from specific health issues like migraines have received relief immediately. Most people who are dealing with long-term joint and muscle issues usually get the best results after about five sessions which are held within a week or two. And those who incorporate cryother-apy into their regular lifestyle have seen great benefits from boosting their body’s system on a regular basis.

Cryotherapy North Alabama is located at 900 Bob Wallace, Suite 120, Huntsville. 256-808-2410. [email protected]. See ad, page 17.

Carol Labriola

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9natural awakenings June 2016

Medicinal Mushroom Heals HPV

Research from the University

of Texas Medical School and Health Science Center has found that a me-dicinal mushroom extract may be able to eradicate human papilloma-

virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease. Presented last fall at the 11th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, in Houston, the clini-cal study treated 10 women that tested positive for HPV with the mushroom mycelia extract called active hexose corre-lated compound (AHCC). The patients were given three grams of the AHCC once a day for six months or longer. Eight of them tested negative for HPV after the period, including three that were confirmed HPV-eradicated after stopping the AHCC treatment. The two other patients continued receiving the extract. A phase II clinical trial led by Dr. Judith Smith, a profes-sor at the UT Medical School, will be conducted.


Ashwagandha Pumps Up Testosterone

Low testosterone levels can

be problematic for men as they age. Fortunately, Mother Nature produces her own form of testosterone booster: the

herb ashwagandha. Research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition tested 57 men between the ages of 18 and 50. They were divided into two groups—one was given 300 milligrams of the herbal extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other ingested a placebo for the same period. Both groups underwent supervised muscle training programs for the duration of the study. The men that took the ashwagandha had significantly higher levels of circulating testosterone compared to the placebo group. The ashwagandha group also experienced an increase in muscle mass in the chest and arms, yielding an average arm muscle size of 8.6 centimeters, compared to the placebo group’s 5.3 centimeters. Those men in the ashwagandha group also exhibited faster reductions of creatine kinase, a marker for the type of muscle fiber injury that occurs during strenuous exercise, following workouts.

Natural and Alternative Therapies for Health and Well-Being


Dr. Christina L. Berry, Ed.D., ACI, ADS 204 Lowe Ave, Ste 3, Huntsville, [email protected]

Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture)PAIN CONTROLn Migraine & Headachen General Pain/Discomfort


HEALTH & WELLNESSn Weight lossn Addiction

Lifestyle Coachingn Diet & Supplement recommendationsn Natural Detoxificationn Overall Mental Improvementn Spiritual Journey Counseling

Call for your appointment today

Perfection itself is imperfection. ~Vladimir Horowitz

Page 10: Natural Awakenings June 2016

10 Tennessee Valley

Unity Church on the Mountain1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801

Reverend Carol Landry“Be transformed by the

renewing of your mind.”

What’s Happening at Unity Ongoing Classes

Sunday Discussion Class – 9:30am Sunday Worship – 11am

Meditative Silence begins at 10:55am

Sunday, June 5, 11amGuest Speaker, Rev. Carol Zukosky

Sunday, June 18Annual Unity Yard Sale (See website for updated info)

Sunday, June 26, 11amGuest Speaker, Rev. Vicki Goldston

Sunday 11am (during church service) Children’s Sunday School ages 4-9

and Nursery Care

Wednesday 6:15-7:45pm Course in Miracles

Thursday 6:30-7:30pm every 2nd Thursday of the month

Youth Hour 10 yrs and up. Snack provided. Bring a friend.

Weddings At

Unity ChUrCh on the MoUntAin

The perfect place for couples planning an elegantly simple ceremony.

For more information go to:

or email us at [email protected]

Non-traditional, interfaith unions and commitment ceremonies are always welcome!


“I was the last person I thought that would benefit from this...Ten sessions later I am telling everyone about rolfing.” ~S.H., Birmingham

Advanced Rolf Practitioner Susan K. JeffreysConsultations Available

Find out what Susan K. Jeffreys and Structural Integration can do for you!Call (256) 508-3351 TodayCall (256) 508-3351 Today

Susan K. Jeffreys, AL Lic #249525 Fountain Row • Huntsville, AL 35801

Call (256) 508-3351 TodayCall (256) 508-3351

Structural Integration in the method of Ida P. Rolf

Creating Health and Harmony

through Nature

New Thought Gifts • Crystals • Gemstones Essential oils • Crystal Lightbed Sessions • Candles

Massage Therapy • Salt Lamps • Reflexology

Crystal Lightbed Sessions

4004 Triana Blvd SW, Huntsville 256-883-84464004 Triana Blvd SW, Huntsville 256-883-8446

Page 11: Natural Awakenings June 2016

11natural awakenings June 2016

Let us help you reach your weight loss goals—FOR LIFE!

At Chase Club Reduce, we are dedicated to helping you achieve better health and permanent weight loss results. Our approach is all natural, holistic, and requires no drugs or surgery. We tailor each program to suit YOUR needs, and are available 24/7 to help.

We offer a variety of programs and products tailored to suit YOUR needs!

The quality of our Solutions4 supplements & products are 100% organic and of the highest quality available anywhere.

Chase Club ReduceSchedule an assessment today!


[email protected] Moores Mill Rd, Ste B, Hsv. AL

healthbriefs E-Cigarettes Produce Free RadicalsElectronic cigarette

use, or vaping, is on the rise as many consider it a healthier alternative to smoking. However, in a study published in the Ameri-can Chemical Society journal Chemical Re-search in Toxicology, re-searchers from the Penn State University College of Medicine report that e-cigarettes produce considerable levels of reactive free radicals created by the high-temperature heating coils that warm up the nicotine solution. Dr. John Richie, a professor at Penn State and senior author of the research, says, “The identification of these radicals in the aerosols means that we can’t just say e-cigarettes are safe because they don’t contain to-bacco. They are potentially harmful.” The researchers found that levels of free radicals in e-cigarettes are between 100 to 1,000 times less than the levels produced by tobacco cigarettes, still making them a better choice than traditional cigarettes although they still carry risk. Richie explains, “The levels of radicals that we’re seeing are more than what you might get from a heavily air-polluted area, but less than what you might find in cigarette smoke.” Previous research has found that e-cigarette smoke also contains aldehydes that can potentially cause cellular and tissue damage.

Awe and Wonder Prime Physical Health

Two related studies from the Univer-

sity of California, Berkeley, suggest that the act of admir-ing the beauty of nature with awe and wonder can decrease inflammation in the body.

More than 200 adults reported their experiences of emotions on a particular day, including amusement, awe, compassion, joy, contentment and pride. Samples of the subjects’ gum and cheek tissues were analyzed for cytokines, and the researchers found those that cited emotions of awe, wonder and amazement had the lowest levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). UC Berkeley professor and co-author of the research Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., says, “That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines suggests that the things we do to experience these emotions—a walk in nature, los-ing oneself in music, beholding art—have a direct influence upon health and life expectancy.”

All art is but imitation of nature. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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globalbriefsNews and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Municipal PioneersMore U.S. Cities Leaving the GridNassau, New York, a town of 5,000 outside Albany, plans to ramp up a combination of rooftop- and ground-mounted solar, wind turbine and landfill methane-capture technologies to generate 100 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020. “If all goes as planned, within the next four years, all six of the town buildings will be disconnected from the grid,” says Nassau Supervisor Dave Fleming. The New York Department of Public Services wants this trend to grow through its Reforming Energy Vision (REV) initiative. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s admin-istration is actively working to help municipalities, especially core towns and schools, move toward getting a significant portion of their power from renewable resources. Smaller, cleaner, power systems are less costly and cleaner alternatives to the traditional larger electrical stations. San Diego, California, recently committed to securing 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2035. It’s the largest American city to do so. Already, at least 13 U.S. cities, including San Francisco; Burlington, Vermont; and Aspen, Colorado, have committed to 100 percent clean energy. Las Vegas is among other major cities aiming to follow suit. Hawaii has pledged the same by 2045, the most ambitious standard set by a U.S. state to date.


Bye-Bye DyeMars and Others Abandoning Artificial ColorsMars Inc., the maker of many candies, chewing gum flavors and other food products, is phasing out artificial food dyes over the next five years. The decision came as a re-sponse to growing customer demand, says CEO Grant F. Reid. Nestlé, Gen-eral Mills, Kraft and Kellogg’s have also started eliminating artificial dyes from their products due to calls for more natural ingredients. Common shades of red 40 and yellow 5 are presently ubiquitous, as per capita production of artificial coloring approved for use in food has increased more than five-fold since the 1950s. According to a study of supermarket labels by the Center for Science in Public Interest, an estimated 90 percent of child-oriented candies, fruit snacks, drink mixes and powders contain artificial colors, and many parents are con-cerned about their potential impact on developing brains. Several studies have scrutinized dyes’ possible link to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other effects on children’s behavior. When a study by a group of British scientists suggested a link between the consumption of certain food dyes and hyperactivity in kids, Europe and the UK began requiring food with artificial dyes to carry warning labels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra-tion continues to maintain that no causal relationship exists between color additives and hyperactivity in children, and doesn’t require warn-ing labels.

Well WellNew Healthy Building StandardThe WELL Building Standard, administered by the International WELL Building Institute, is the world’s first development criterion to focus exclusively on human health and wellness. It marries best practices in design and construction with evidence-based medical and scientific research, harnessing the built environment as a vehicle to support human health and well-being. Pioneered by the Delos company and the culmina-tion of seven years of research in partnership with lead-ing scientists, doctors, architects and wellness thought leaders, WELL is grounded in a body of medical research

that explores the connection between the buildings where people spend more than 90 percent of their time and the health and wellness impacts on occupants. It sets performance requirements in seven categories: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and state of mind. WELL-certified spaces can help foster improvements in the nutrition, fitness, moods, sleep patterns and performance of occupants. WELL is independently certified by Green Business Certification Inc., which administers the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program and associated professional credentialing program.


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Nature’s MetricRethinking All Aspects of SocietyThe International Living Future Institute’s Living Future Challenge presents a bold new framework for rethinking how systems, products, buildings and communities are designed. Based on the elegant and pro-found architecture of its recent Living Build-ing Challenge that cites nature as the ultimate metric for success, the Living Future Challenge is now branching out to influence aspects of society. The Living Community Challenge applies Living Building concepts to entire communities or cities; the Living Product Challenge asks designers and manufac-turers to create net positive products; Net Zero Energy Building certification rates successful energy conservation in both new and existing buildings; Just becomes the social justice label for appropriately certified organizations; Declare confirms the merit of nutrition labels; and Reveal affirms a building’s energy efficiency status.


Buzz BenefactorsMore Retailers Ban Bee-Toxic ProductsAmidst the growing pollinator crisis and due to public pres-sure, Aldi Süd, the German supermarket chain with stores in the U.S., has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides toxic to bees, including the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, from fruits and vegetables produced for their stores. Starting in January, Aldi produce suppliers have had to ensure their cultivation practices exclude eight pesticides identified as toxic to bees. Other retailers in the U.S. and Europe are also beginning to shun bee-toxic pesticides. Home Depot will no longer use the class of pesticides known as neonics on 80 percent of its flowering plants; completing the phase-out in 2018. Lowe’s is ending the sale of products containing neonicotinoid pesticides within 48 months. Smaller retailers are also working on removing neonics and other toxic pesticides from their shelves. The science has become increasingly clear that pesticides, working individu-ally or synergistically, play a critical role in the ongoing decline of honeybees and other pollinators. Bees in the U.S. and Europe have seen unprecedented losses over the last decade, and bee-toxic pesticides like neonicotinoids have consistent-ly been implicated as a major contributing factor.


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14 Tennessee Valley


Jeffrey Rich, Shining Mountain

Healing CenterBy Tom Maples

Jeffrey Rich has over 2,600 hours of training in the healing arts. His healing services include therapeutic massage, energy healing, shamanic healing, and Family Constel-

lation therapy. What underlies and unifies this diverse set of skills is the goal and the desire to nurture a person’s inner light, to free their natural energy, and to assist a person’s transformation into their authentic, luminous self. Jeffrey is a Certified Orthopedic Massage therapist who uses medically oriented techniques in his massage and bodywork. His “Fab Five” techniques that he blends into each wellness massage session include Myofascial Freedom Technique, Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (Trigger Point Massage), Acupressure, and Energy Clearing techniques. Jeffrey perfected this alchemy of styles over the 17 years that he has been a licensed massage therapist, uti-lizing all of his 1,400 hours of training in massage techniques and incorporating the ones that he has seen in his practice to be most effective at relieving pain quickly and making sure that it stays gone as long as possible. “The goal of all these techniques is to give the body the relief it seeks, and to create conditions in which the body can heal itself and retain the positive changes in a lasting way,” says Jeffrey.

Myofascial Freedom Technique works gently to free the body’s connective tissue from restrictions in order to elimi-nate pain and restore motion.

Neuromuscular Therapy causes muscles to relax, in-creases circulation, removes toxic irritants, and restores neu-romuscular integrity and balance. Neuromuscular Therapy is effective at resolving long-standing pain and movement dysfunction patterns in the body and in the soft tissues.

Deep Tissue Massage is all about accessing deeper struc-tures, resolving tissue adhesions, and bringing relief to deep aches and pains. Deep Tissue Massage is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas, and is ideal for athletes and also those who spend their day in front of a computer. Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure helps the body’s natural energy, the Qi (pronounced “chee”), to flow in a bal-anced and unfettered way. This technique employs medium-to-light finger pressure on points belonging to the energy me-ridians of the Chinese Medicine system. Qi balancing with Acupressure can help greatly in relieving pain and discom-fort in the body, relieving both physical and emotional stress,

14 Tennessee Valley

Schedule a free 30 Minute In-Office Consultation to discuss and define what your healing goals are, either for bodywork or for spiritual healing work, which can take the form of a constellation or a shamanic session.

Freeing your inner light

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and in strengthening the body’s natural defenses.

Energy Clearing techniques clear and remove unhealthy ener-gies from one’s energy system to improve one’s sense of well-being. Unhealthy energetic fields can come from a variety of sources, including the pressure of unfinished business from our ancestors, judgments from others, expectations, geopathic stresses, and the energies of past events. “Simple energy clearings can be very effective in lifting moods, bringing clarity, and easing minor body aches and dysfunction that seem to never go away,” says Jeffrey. In addition to personal energy clearing, Jeffrey also offers clearing for the energy of places, such as the home and workplace, to clear out old, stag-nant energies, and to anchor in pristine and vital energies of blessing. Jeffrey’s expertise in energy clear-ing is a bridge from his skills as a massage therapist to his abilities as a shamanic practitioner. Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that links the practitioner to the natural and spiritual worlds and to the energetic dimensions of existence. It has been practiced in many forms in indigenous cultures all over the world for thousands of years. The goal of shamanic healing is to work with spiritual energies and compassion-ate beings in order to bring balance and harmony to each individual. “The shamanic practitioner’s job is to create the best possible conditions for healing to occur,” says Jeffrey. “Sha-manic healing is the practice of work-ing with a person’s Light and with the energy of their spirit to enable them to be whole, strong, complete, and able to live unencumbered by that which does not serve them. This involves removing energies that are a drain on health and happiness, as well as removing ener-getic blocks or snarls. Shamanic healing is also about bringing back the vital energies and essences that are missing or which a person may not currently have access to.”

Jeffrey has 1200+ hours of training as a shamanic practitioner by indigenous teach-ers in both North and South America. He is trained in several disciplines of Com-passionate Shamanic Healing, including Soul Retrieval, Curse Removal, Energy Blockage Unravel-ing, Extraction of Spiritual Intrusions,

Spirit Clearing, and Clearing Ancestral Entanglements.

Soul Retrieval is the process of restoring soul essence and core vital-ity. During times of great stress, injury, or grief, parts of the soul’s vital essence can split off and become unreachable. This can be a very serious situation. Sandra Ingerman, a noted shamanic teacher in the US, says this about soul loss in her online article “Soul Retrieval” on “There are many common symp-toms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones would be dissociation where a person does not feel fully in his or her body and alive and fully en-gaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tenden-cies, post traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material objects. Anytime someone says I have never been the same since a certain event and they don’t mean this in a good way, soul loss has probably occurred.” Sandra Ingerman says that when soul loss is a factor, the person under-going therapy often can’t seem to get traction for change around the issue until the involved soul parts return. The good news is that with a trained sha-manic practitioner’s help, the soul parts can be recovered, and the energy and vitality restored.

Curse Unraveling is one of Jeffrey’s specialties, a technique he learned from his teacher, Betsy Bergstrom. According


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Jeffrey Rich

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to Jeffrey, curses, especially curses in family lines, are very real and much more common than most people realize. These can be in the form of “curses and curse-like energies, including binding oaths our ancestors made, or promises made on behalf of the family,” says Jeffrey. “In the past, it was very common when someone was dying in battle to curse his enemies and their families for all time. These thoughtforms have power and a life of their own, especially if they were uttered with intense emotional feeling, as they often were.” The real-world ef-fects of words, backed with strong life-force, are often underestimated. Curses laid on families or individuals are very common, and their goal is generally to derail success and suppress happi-ness. They can result in misfortune, ill health, or recurrent bad luck, especial-ly when appear as a repeating pattern, and most especially if the pattern is a multi-generational one. Sometimes, curse-like energies aren’t invoked out of animosity at all, but rather out of a desire to protect one’s family, resulting in unintended consequences. Jeffrey knows a fellow shaman who lives in Madison, Wis-consin, a very shaman-friendly area, who was having difficulty in attracting clients even though she advertised her services widely. The client said that her family had always been healers and she was bewildered by what was happening. Checking in on what was happening, Jeffrey found that one of her ancestors had created a protection spell

to make her family’s spiritual healing abilities invisible, since healers were often targets of persecution in ages past. This invocation was still active down through the generations, and having the unexpected effect of making her healing abilities invisible to potential clients! Using shamanic curse removal techniques, the energies were unrav-eled and her shamanic healing practice began to flourish. It is in the area of unwinding an-cestral entanglements that bridges Jef-frey’s shamanism to another fascinating part of his practice, called Family Con-stellation therapy. There is substantial crossover between Jeffrey’s shamanic work and his work with constellations.

Speaking of shamanic soul retrieval, Jeffrey says that often it blends naturally with Family Constellation therapy: “There can also be an Ancestral entanglement component to this work: sometimes our soul makes a misguided agreement—out of love for an ances-tor whom we may not even know—to help carry and share the burden of their heavy fate. Bringing these entangle-ments to light in a family constella-tion and finding healing statements of resolution to the family system to help resolve them is extraordinarily heal-ing. After all, we can carry only those burdens which truly belong to us, and to only follow our own fate, and not the fate of anyone else.” Family Constellation therapy is in itself is not shamanism, though the two specialties work very well together, as Jeffrey and his shamanic colleagues are discovering. Family Constella-tions work was developed in Germany by Bert Hellinger in his practice of bringing people together in a sacred manner for the sacred purpose of be-ing in service to the healing of their own families and the families of those gathered. Beginning its life as a fam-ily therapy, constellations have since been expanded to working with other systems, notably organizations, busi-nesses, and Nature systems. In a constellation, the facilitator poses questions about the history of the family and about any unusual deaths, circumstances or events that may have occurred, especially if they are part of an intergenerational pattern. To begin the constellation, group members are chosen by the client or by the facilitator to represent individuals, energies, past events, emotions, ideas or concepts in the client’s family system, in order to reveal some of the hidden dynamics at work in the system which are negatively affecting the client. When placed in a constellation, representatives often move and stand in ways remarkably like the individual or concept they represent, and they accurately report information from the client’s family system, even when they are strangers to each other. The repre-sentatives’ actions, words, and relation-ships to each other are what uncover the hidden dynamics in the family system manifesting as dysfunction in

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the client’s life. These entanglements are sometimes actual ancestral spirits who are “out of place” and who need to be compassionately encouraged to move on to their rightful place of honor, or they can be other unfinished busi-ness to be resolved that is affecting the client. The constellation reveals these entanglements between the members of the constellation in a distinctly visual way as the constellation unfolds. Although the phenomenological nature of constellations is not com-pletely understood, the results are real, positive, and are well documented through several decades of constella-tion work in many countries for com-plaints such as insomnia, intractable pain patterns, addictive behaviors, and many other things. “We don’t know exactly how constellations work,” says Jeffrey, “but I have seen them do amazing things to heal people, often from strange, persistent ailments of mysterious origin or other dysfunctions that absolutely no other remedy that they tried could help. The best way I can describe it is that it releases the blockages, increasing the natural flow of love in a family system, and love is a powerful healing energy.” Indeed, if pain, dysfunction and difficulty is persistent and seemingly of a mysterious origin, it could be that interdimensional or intergenerational and systemic issues are involved. Our lives are affected by many fields of energy, originating in the family and outside of it, and in ways that most people don’t even realize. There is an interdimensional component to almost everything, and it affects most of what we experience. “The more that I learn, the more I discover that our physical and spiri-tual symptoms do not always arise in our own bodies, but are part of the many Fields we live and move in, especially those of the family system,” writes Jeffrey. This may be an excellent reason, for whatever ails you, to see a shaman first.

Jeffrey Rich is located at Shining Mountain Healing Center, 900 Well-man Ave #5 in Five-Points in Huntsville. [email protected]. See ad, page 6.

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18 Tennessee Valley

Throughout the past decade, suc-cess researchers and positive psychologists have sketched out

in broad strokes the big picture of our elemental yearning for happiness. Ac-cording to Martin Seligman, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the University of Penn-sylvania, in Philadelphia, inner happi-ness derives from four basic elements: positive emotion, relationships, mean-ing in life and accomplishment. What we want to know now is how to instill happiness into daily practices.

In her latest book, Better Than Before: Mastering The Habits Of Our Ev-eryday Lives, happiness expert Gretchen Rubin fleshes out the needed details. She maintains that the shift into a happier way of being can be as simple as chang-ing our habits, which she terms the invisible architecture of daily life. Rubin found, “We repeat about 40 percent of our behavior almost daily, so our habits shape our existence and our future. If we change our habits, we change our lives.” We can start small in sometimes surprising ways that encourage person-al, family, workplace and community well-being.

Simplify—Exercise—MeditateIsraeli-born Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D., a for-mer Harvard lecturer and author of the bestselling Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, had

854 students enroll in one of his pio-neering classes on happiness in 2006, the highest enrollment for any class at the time. “Students explored ways to apply these ideas to their life experienc-es and communities,” he says. Today, he lectures and consults worldwide on the science of happiness, or “optimal being and functioning”. Ben-Shahar suggests we cultivate three personal habits. The first one is to simplify, saying, “We need to turn off our phones, email and other distrac-tions at home, so we can fully be with the people we care about and that care about us. Time affluence—time to enjoy and appreciate—is a predictor of hap-piness.” The second is to exercise. “We were not meant to be sedentary,” he says. The third is to meditate. “Meditat-ing helps us to develop extreme resil-ience to negative emotion.”

Ken A.Verni, Psy.D., a clinical psy-chologist in Highland Park, New Jersey, endorses the importance of a mindful-ness habit. In his new book, Happiness the Mindful Way: A Practical Guide, Verni outlines easy, step-by-step actions to form a new happiness habit that con-currently reduces stress and increases enlightenment. He starts with what he calls “compassionate attention”; be-ing fully awake or present in our lives without judging what we’re thinking. When we view our thoughts as events

in the mind, he says, conscious self-observation introduces a space between our perceptions and responses, allow-ing us to view our thoughts as separate from the person we really are. Complementary methods may include breathing techniques or body awareness that help shift us away from anxious, “What if?” speculations into the ever-present now. With just a few minutes of mindfulness a day—the first thing in the morning or at night be-fore retiring—according to Verni, “We can shift our relationship to ourselves and our life experiences in a way that allows for greater spaciousness, accep-tance and compassion, and in doing so, can dramatically improve the quality of our lives.”

Daily Joy at HomeAnother way to improve the quality of our life is to reverse one habit. Shonda Rhimes, creator of TV dramas that include Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, admits that she’s a driven, Type-A person in her new book, Year of Yes. A busy career in Los Angeles, three children and little leisure left her feeling unhappy, so instead of reciting her habitual, “No” to anything extraneous—like parties, eating chocolate chip cookies or spending a lazy afternoon chatting with an old friend—she decided to change that habit to, “Yes.” One of Rhimes’ most profound revelations occurred after she respond-ed positively when her children asked her to play. She observes that kids don’t want that much from us and playtime rarely involves more than 15 minutes; when we give them access and atten-tion, it makes everyone feel good. Rubin agrees that it’s the little things that can contribute to family hap-piness. As a New York City mother of two, she decided that she’d be happier if she knew she was creating family memories. She started regularly prepar-ing “special occasion” family breakfasts, a relatively easy meal to customize. She says, “Studies show that family tradi-tions support children’s social develop-ment and strengthen family cohesive-ness. They provide the connection and predictability that people crave. I know that I enjoy a holiday more when I know exactly what we’re going to do and when we’re going to do it.”

HAPPY ALL DAYSimple Daily Practices

for a Happier Lifeby Judith Fertig

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Home for Matthieu Ricard, a biochemist turned Buddhist monk, could be a Nepalese monastery or a seat at scientific conferences around the world. As the author of Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill, he defines happiness as a deep sense of flourishing that arises from an exceptionally healthy mind. “It’s not a mere pleasurable feeling, a fleeting emotion or a mood, but an optimal state of being,” he says. In order to nurture it, Ricard rec-ommends taking some time each day for quiet reflection, noting, “The con-templative approach consists of rising above the whirlpool of our thoughts for a moment and looking calmly within, as if at an interior landscape, to find the embodiment of our deepest aspi-rations.” By cultivating attention and mindfulness, the cares of everyday life

become less burdensome. Such a spiri-tual practice of just sitting quietly for 10 minutes a day, observing the thoughts that randomly cross our minds, and then gently shooing them away, can be enormously beneficial, he says, as it helps us put things in perspective and aim for continuous calm.

Flipping the SwitchChanging thought habits to focus on the good things in life is an approach that works for clients of Mary Lynn Ziemer, a life coach in Estero, Florida. Ziemer suggests we “flip the switch” from nega-tive thinking and make a habit of start-ing our day being positive and grateful for 10 minutes. She recommends we start by doing deep breathing—four seconds breathing in, hold for seven seconds, eight seconds breathing out—repeated four times. Next, we ask our-

Take the Secret Society of Happy People’s personal happiness inventory at provides an introduction.

Happy people don’t find happiness like you’d find a penny on the

ground; they make it happen, with action. Cultivating happiness habits can make a marked difference in your life.

4 Be deliberately optimistic. Optimism is imperative to emotional wellness.

4 Prioritize mindfully. Consistently align choices, intentions and actions with the top priorities of love, happi-ness and health.

4 Keep uplifting resources on hand. A few surefire mood-lifters may include a green smoothie, mani-pedi and solo dance party to at least one get-your-feet-moving song by a favorite artist.

4 Put yourself first. It’s the best way to bring your A game to everyone else.

4 Be a prolific seeker. Seek beauty, joy, adventure, pleasure, growth and power-

ful meaning in all areas of life. Let life move you to possibility, opportunity and gratitude.

4 Don’t make things personal. Abso-lutely nothing others say or do is about you, ever.

4 Examine the worst that can happen. Many of the limitations you’re placing on yourself aren’t real—they’re illusions.

4 Practice loving-kindness. Making this a habit changes the vibration of your life and the lives of those around you. Plus it feels great.

4 Be aware of your energy. Tune in to surrounding energy, as well as the energy you’re emitting and notice what needs to be adjusted or abandoned.

4 Be wary of media consumption. Limit messages in everything from email and news to books and music that take you away from the calm, open space within that revels in joy and wonder. Conversations count, too.

Kristi Ling is the author of Operation Happiness: The 3-Step Plan to Creating a Life of Lasting Joy, Abundant Energy, and Radical Bliss. The life and business coach shares more at


selves how we feel in the moment and identify the emotion, and then ask what thoughts we can think to feel better. The last step of the exercise is to frame a positive outlook in an affirma-tion, such as, “I am so grateful that I know I am doing the best I can and everything will work out. Everything is fine.” Ziemer adds, “Remember that happiness comes from love and takes you to a place of peace and calm. It is such emotions that beget success in relationships, health, supply, and clear purpose. Plus, it benefits everyone around you.”

Happiness Habits at WorkDallas happiness researcher Shawn Achor, founder of Goodthink, Inc., and author of The Happiness Advantage, applies the science of happiness to the workplace. His research echoes the personal positivity of Ziemer, Verni and Ben-Shahar’s approaches to nurturing happiness. “Happiness is such an incred-ible advantage in our lives,” says Achor. “When the human brain is positive, our intelligence rises and we stop diverting resources to think about anxiety.” The Harvard Business Review published his

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20 Tennessee Valley


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research results: “Creativity triples and productive energy rises by 31 percent. Sales rise by 37 percent and the likeli-hood of promotion rises by 40 percent.” Achor’s method is helping people rewrite the way they think by first look-ing for positives at work. Workers write down three highly specific, positive things about their workday for 21 con-secutive days. Rather than just, “I love my job,” acknowledge, “I love my job because I get to help people every day.” Or, “I love my morning tea because it gets me going.” Achor reports that at the end of the period, “Their brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world not for the negative, but for the positive first.” Taking a work break for two minutes of mindfulness is also effec-tive. “We did this at Google,” he says. “We had employees take their hands off their keyboards for two minutes a


Journaling for two minutes about one positive experience we’ve had over the past 24 hours allows our brain to relive it.

Exercising, including 15 minutes of cardiovascular action a day, teaches our brain that our behavior matters and improves our mood.

Meditating for even a few minutes at a time relieves an overloaded brain and allows it to focus on one thing at a time.

Writing one quick email in the morning praising or thanking some-one we work with or just to make them happy will make us feel a sense of social support, a great predictor of happiness.

Source: The Happiness Advantage, by Shawn Achor

day to go from multitasking to simply focusing on their breathing. This drops their stress levels and raises accuracy rates. It improves levels of happiness and it takes just minutes.”

Happiness in the CommunityWe can foster happiness habits at home, at work and in the community. Rubin suggests starting such a group, akin to a self-help book club or bridge group, but with extra benefits. She even offers a free starter kit for those that want to try it, available via In addition to the happy exchange of ideas and success stories, happiness habits group members also have the ben-efit of being accountable to each other. Others can help us continue to color in the details supporting and forwarding the broad brushstrokes of positive emotions, relationships, meaning in life and accom-plishments in a down-to-earth, fun way.

Judith Fertig blogs at from Overland Park, KS.

I have chosen to be happy because it is good

for my health.


Page 22: Natural Awakenings June 2016

22 Tennessee Valley

Experience the Experience the Experience the John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God John of God Crystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCrystal Healing BedCombines color therapy with crystal healing therapy

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Ancient Egyptians sought to stem hair loss and stimulate hair growth with a cocktail of iron

oxide, red lead, onions, alabaster, animal fats and honey. Today, we’re still deploying creative approaches. Men’s hair loss, specifically, is a billion-dollar industry, touting solutions ranging from chemically laced topical treatments and drugs to transplants and wigs. Yet hair-loss science is imperfect; it’s riddled with misinformation that allows compa-nies to sell products of varying efficacy. The average head holds about 120,000 to 150,000 strands of hair, and it’s normal for both men and women to

TRESS STRESSNatural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

by Jody McCutcheon


lose 50 to 100 strands daily. We lose hair for several reasons. Chiefly, aging weakens hair and makes it more brittle; it also decreases hormone production, slowing hair growth. According to a study published in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, anything that inter-rupts the normal hair cycle can trigger diffuse hair loss. Triggers include physi-ologic trauma and emotional stresses, nutritional deficiencies, endocrine imbalances and illness, as well as ge-netics, including pattern baldness. Even air and water pollutants and sunlight’s phototoxic aging effects may facilitate alopecia (sudden hair loss).

Let the Magic Begin

A Course In Miracles Study Group

9:15am Sundays

1-Hour Mystery School 11:00am Sundays

Affirmations, Music, Mystery Message, Fellowship, An Open Communion Table

Public Clearance 7:00pm, Friday June 24th

Intro to Metaphysics 7:00pm, Thursdays June 9th - Aug 11th

LOCC Light Festival 10:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday, June 18th

Summer Solstice Celebration 7:00pm, Monday, June 20th

Looking Ahead:

Meditation Class 7:00pm, Mondays

Aug 8th - Aug 29th

Metaphysics 201 Class Clearance and the

Consciousness Chart 7:00pm, Thursdays Aug 25th - Oct 27th

Our labyrinth is always open for your meditative walks.

4208 Holmes Ave. NW Huntsville, Alabama


Page 23: Natural Awakenings June 2016

23natural awakenings June 2016

The Whispering HeartThe Whispering HeartA heart-based healing center with the latest health and wellness technologies

Dynamic Infrared Sauna • BioMatIn Light Wellness SystemMusicGlove Therapy • Healing TouchAromatherapy and Essential OilsComing soon: Mild Hyperbaric Therapy

All services just $1 per minute

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Walk-ins welcome, or call for your appointment today

Dynamic Infrared Sauna • BioMatIn Light Wellness SystemMusicGlove Therapy • Healing TouchAromatherapy and Essential OilsComing soon:

All services just $1 per minute

1221 13th Ave SE, Decatur 1221 13th Ave SE, Decatur Walk-ins welcome, or call for your appointment today

While it’s impossible to completely stop natural hair loss catalyzed by aging and genes, the rate can be controlled and abnormal loss may be reversed while stimulating growth. Dietary Changes. The typical North American fat-, protein- and salt-rich diet fosters an acidic environ-ment in the body which can lead to premature hair loss. Iron-rich foods like lean red meats and dark green veggies contribute to ferritin levels sufficient to increase the hair’s growth cycle. Iron also delivers oxygen to hair follicles, further inciting growth. In a review of related research, the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology reports that double-blind data confirmed the findings of a study in women with increased hair shedding in which a significant proportion responded to l-lysine and iron therapy. Because hair is made mostly of protein, and protein deficiency is thought to cause hair loss, it would seem that consuming more protein would stimulate growth, although moderation is the key. Too much protein may result in baldness, according to Dr. Michael Eades, who owns The American Heart Association recommends against high-protein diets because most Americans already eat more protein than they need. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, shellfish, nuts and seeds and their oils

can facilitate the production and action of hormones and oily lubricants that effect a healthy scalp and follicles and bouncy, shiny hair. A-complex and B-complex vitamins also are said to promote vibrant, shiny hair; B12 to neutralize premature hair loss; vitamin C and zinc to help strengthen hair; biotin to avoid hair loss and pre-mature graying; vitamin D to facilitate healthy follicular growth; and vitamin E to maintain a healthy, moisturized scalp. Eating whole foods like organic eggs, lentils, spinach, red meat, pumpkin seeds and salmon is ideal, including plenty of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals. Most vegetable skins are also rich in silica, which helps strengthen hair.

Drink More Tea. Green tea, saw palmetto (or its extract) and stinging nettle tea contain ingredients that inhib-it the conversion of testosterone into di-hydrotestosterone (DHT), a compound that’s been linked to thinning hair and pattern baldness, according to Medical News Today. These products are used in battling some forms of alopecia and concentrated ingredients of these teas are available in pill form.

Detox. Eliminating alcohol, tobacco and coffee can help. Excessive booze and caffeine lead to dehydration, which makes hair dry and brittle, and also dramatically depletes the body’s iron and zinc levels. Cigarette smoke con-tains toxins that accelerate hair loss, as

well as premature graying. Chill Out. Stress is a widely known factor in hair loss, specifically of a condi-tion called telogen effluvium (Principles of Dermatology, by James Marks and Jeffrey Miller). Meditation and exercise can relieve stress and create a better hormonal balance, thereby helping to prevent alopecia. Massage of body and scalp also may be beneficial. Adding oils such as almond or coconut infuses the scalp with essen-tial vitamins and minerals. A study by the Journal of Dermatology shows that apply-ing onion juice can lead to hair growth. Treat hair gently, air-drying rather than rubbing it with a towel. Don’t Fake It. Using extensions and weaves or wearing tight wigs or hairpieces daily may damage hair fol-licles by stressing their anchor to the scalp, accelerating hair loss. Also, hair straighteners, tight pony tails, blow dryers and heated rollers may damage or break off follicles. Consider natural hair dyes. Eschew Shampoo. Most commercial shampoos contain sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulphate because it’s inexpensive, lathers well and typically thickens hair via salt. SLS also corrodes follicles and impairs their ability to grow hair. Consider switching to organic sham-poos and conditioners.

Jody McCutcheon is a freelance editor in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Leap, and the net will appear.

~John Burroughs

Page 24: Natural Awakenings June 2016

24 Tennessee Valley


We don’t typically envision iron-pumping bodybuilders also flowing and breathing

through yoga postures, yet many are combining these complementary disci-plines to realize huge benefits.

Competitive EdgeNicolina Sandstedt, a yoga teacher trainer and anatomy expert with the Yandara Yoga Institute, in Baja, Mexico, observes, “The body awareness and alignment focus that the practice of yoga asanas [positions] offers helps bodybuilders find correct posture. Yoga also teaches elegance in transitions that improve competitive posing.” Peter Nielsen, a bodybuilder, yoga practitioner and world-class fitness guru in Detroit, observes, “Most bodybuild-ers haven’t fine-tuned their presenta-tion. They often grimace and look uncomfortable, with their veins pop-ping out.” He points out, “Yoga helps teach bodybuilders how to slow down, breathe into each posture and ultimate-ly win posing competitions because of the grace, elegance and body aware-ness that yoga provides.”

Injury PreventionJoseph Grassadonia, bodybuilder, yoga enthusiast and founder of On Fitness magazine, in Kahuku, Hawaii, cites

additional benefits: “Incorporating yoga into your workout routine improves your core, giving you overall body strength in specific targeted muscle groups. It also increases flexibility, stability and mobility, allowing greater range of mo-tion. Most importantly, it will keep you from being sidelined with injuries.” “Stretching a muscle can make it more aesthetically pleasing,” remarks Sandstedt. “In yoga, we often hold postures for a relatively long period of time, in a more isometric endur-ance workout, than the short, repetitive movements performed in bodybuild-ing. Bodybuilding develops fast-twitch muscle fibers for power and speed, while yoga develops slow-twitch muscle fibers for endurance. Both are important for tissues to stay healthy while building muscle mass.”

Nielsen notes, “Bodybuilding makes me feel stronger; I look better and have loads of endurance. Yoga makes me feel more centered; it softens me so I can hear and surrender to what my body is telling me rather than me just telling it what to do.” Such listening is essential to pre-venting injuries that periodically plague bodybuilders. Slowing down into yoga’s present moment awareness teaches body-builders how to perform from a place of presence rather than on autopilot, which is when most injuries occur.

Buff and BalancedBodybuilders Turn to Yogaby Aimee Hughes

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“Yoga works all the muscles, even the smaller, intrinsic muscles often neglected in bodybuilding,” Sandstedt says. “In addition to facilitating healthy posture, these small muscles help sup-port balanced joint alignment.” She explains that the explosive, repetitive movements used to build muscle mass in bodybuilding make the muscles less elastic, which also inhibits range of motion. Less elastic muscles may be more prone to in-jury, as daily activities require both strength and mobility.”

Beginning YogisFor bodybuilders that want to give yoga a shot, Nielsen ad-vises trying a structured, 30-day yoga challenge. He sees how after the first month with his cli-ents, the positive effects become apparent and most bodybuilders don’t want to go back to life before yoga.

Sandstedt offers, “I advise new-comers to incorporate a light yoga rou-tine into the beginning and end of each bodybuilding training session. Ending training sessions with a few yoga pos-tures will help balance the body, bring-ing a sense of calm and equanimity to the workout experience.” “In my fitness career, I’ve found that yoga perfectly complements any strength training program as a form

of stretching, flexibility and de-stressing,” says Nielsen. “Yoga focuses me, and helps me to isolate whatever

muscle I choose. It helps me reach my fullest poten-

tial and simply makes me a better version

of myself.”

Aimee Hughes is a doctor of naturopathy

and freelance writer in Kansas City, MO. Connect

at [email protected].

YogaStretches and lengthens muscles while relieving tension Moves prana (life force energy) through-out the body, boosting energy levels and mental sharpness after a session Improves oxygenation of the circulatory system, providing energy and invigoration Tones muscles gradually Involves the body, mind and spirit Accessible to every age group Promotes body confidence through self-acceptance Prevents injuries through body aware-ness and helps heal injuries through yoga therapeutics

BodybuildingShortens and builds muscles while building tension Expends energy, sometimes ending in muscle fatigue and mental exhaustion Improves muscle oxygenation, which helps growth and repair functions Builds muscle strength rapidly and enhances the toning aspect of yoga Primarily involves the physical body Not accessible for the very young and very old Promotes body confidence through a fixed physical aesthetic Can cause injury absent preventive awareness

Sources: Nicolina Sandstedt; Peter Nielsen; Joseph Grassadonia


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26 Tennessee Valley

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The role of emotional intelligence (EI) in helping to facilitate success and happiness in individual lives has become well accepted. People with high EI tend to

share seven habits.

Focus on the positive. While not ignoring bad news, EI people have made a conscious decision to not spend much time and energy focusing on problems. Rather, they look at what’s positive in a situation and seek solu-tions. They focus on what can be done and what’s within their control.

Associate only with positive people. High EI people re-gard complainers and negative people as energy drains. They tend to avoid them to maintain their own vitality. Instead, they spend time with those that look on the bright side of life. They tend to smile and laugh and attract other positive people. Their warmth, openness and caring attitude leads others to regard them as more trustworthy.

Set boundaries and assert a position. Although their friendly, open nature may make them appear as pushovers to some, people with high EI are able to set boundaries and assert themselves when necessary; they demonstrate politeness and consideration, yet stay firm. High EI people guard their time and commitments and know when they need to say no. They don’t make needless enemies. Their response to potentially volatile situations is measured, not inflated, and managed appropriately. They think before speaking, allow-ing themselves time to calm down if their emotions start to feel overwhelming.

Emotional SmartsHow to Raise Your Quotient

by Harvey Deutschendorf

inspiration Practice forward thinking and willingness to let go of the past. People with high EI are too busy thinking of future possibilities to dwell upon things that didn’t work out in the past. They apply lessons learned from past missteps in taking future actions. They never see failure as permanent or a personal reflection of themselves.

Look for ways to make life more fun, happy and interesting. At work, at home and with friends, high EI people know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand the enjoyment. They receive pleasure and satisfaction from seeing others happy and fulfilled, and do whatever they can to brighten someone else’s day.

Expend energy wisely. High EI folks don’t hold onto anger over how others have treated them, but use the incident to create awareness of how to not let it happen again. While they move on and forgive, they don’t forget, and are unlikely to be taken advantage of again in the same set of circumstances.

Always learn and grow. High EI people are lifelong learners, constantly growing and evolving. Being critical thinkers, they are open to changing their minds if someone presents a better idea. They trust themselves and their own judgment to make the best decision for themselves.

Harvey Deutschendorf is an emotional intelligence expert, speaker and author of The Other Kind of Smart. Take the EI Quiz at

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28 Tennessee Valley


FRIDAY, JUNE 312th Annual Cigar Box Festival (Concert on the Dock) – 6-9pm (Fri), 12-9pm (Sat). Featuring live music and makers from across the region, celebrat-ing Cigar Box Guitar folk culture. Demonstrations and hands-on workshops, folk art, regional mer-chants, and food trucks. Free with $5 for parking. Lowe Mill, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville.

SATURDAY, JUNE 4Reiki I Certifi cation Workshop – Barbara Caioli. Learn about Reiki history, its uses and basic tech-niques for self-healing and healing others. $145. Location: Botanical Gardens. Reservations at, Workshops and Classes tab. 256-716-8419.

SUNDAY, JUNE 5Guest Speaker, Rev. Carol Zukosky – 11am. Rev. Carol Zukosky will be a guest speaker at Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271.

MONDAY, JUNE 6Rocket City Yoga Week – June 6-12. A week of free or 100% fundraising yoga events in Huntsville, Madison and Decatur. Over 60 yoga events in all.

Concert: Rising Appalachia – 8pm. Led by the collective voice of sisters Leah and Chloe, Rising Appalachia is a melting pot of folk music simplic-ity, textured songwriting, and those bloodline har-monies that only siblings can pull off. $25. Flying Monkey Arts Theater, Lowe Mill, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville.

FRIDAY, JUNE 10Friday Night Art Walk – 5-8pm. Shop local in the Downtown Huntsville Square with a wide variety of artisans and live music. Free.

Concert on the Dock: BonnaWHO? – 6-9pm. Several local bands come together on the dock stage for an outdoor extravaganza. Free with $2 for

parking. Lowe Mill East Dock, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. 256-533-0399.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11Family Fun Festival and Expo – 10am-5pm. Free activities, interactive games, crafting classes, infl ata-bles, a carousel, face painting, free health screenings, door prizes, a tumbling track, a performing arts stage with dancing and drumline performances, a musi-cal petting zoo and a garden area. Free. Von Braun Center South Hall, Huntsville.

MONDAY, JUNE 13Dream Exploration Circle – 6:30-9pm. Explore the power of your dreams. In this Dream Explo-ration Circle, we will use techniques pioneered by Robert Moss, author and dream pioneer. Free. Donations gladly accepted. Shining Mountain Healing Center, 900 Wellman Ave #5, Five-Points.

SATURDAY, JUNE 18Reiki II Certifi cation Workshop – Barbara Caioli. In Second Degree Reiki, the student learns to use the fi rst three of fi ve Reiki symbols and is awakened to the power of distance healing. Reiki I required. $235. Location: Botanical Gardens. To reserve a spot, go to and visit the Workshops and Classes tab. 256-716-8419.

Annual Unity Church on the Mountain Yard Sale – More details on the website,

Email [email protected] for guidelines and to submit entries.

LOCC Light Festival – 10am-6pm. Unique Ven-dors, Intuitive Readers, Free Speakers, John of God Crystal Healing Bed, food for sale. Admission $5, Readings $25 or 3 for $65. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. Info: Rev. Donell Koch at [email protected] or 256-653-0127.

MONDAY, JUNE 20Summer Solstice Celebration – 7pm. Celebrating the Solstice with music and ceremony. Free. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25Fascia BodyWork Workshop for LMTs – 8:30am-5:30pm (Sat-Sun). Learn how to “work smart, not hard” in creating a more fl uid fascia. Instructor: Marsha Mathes. 16 CEs for LMTs. $325 by June 11. Parkway Offi ce Center, 3313 Memorial Parkway SW, Ste 116, Huntsville. Register: 256-698-2151 or [email protected].

Nature Constellations Workshop with Jeffrey Rich, Certifi ed Constellations Facilitator – 9am-5pm. Want to learn how to better talk to Nature, to a Tree, to a Spring, or to the Mountain? Join us for a fun and fabulous day of Nature constellation play. $75. Register: or [email protected].

SUNDAY, JUNE 26Guest Speaker, Rev. Vicki Goldston – 11am. Rev. Vicki Goldston will be a guest speaker at Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr. SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271.

plan aheadSATURDAY, JULY 30Shambhala Training Level I: The Art of Being Human – 9am (Sat), 12pm (Sun). Meditation in-struction and practice wtih Janet Bronstein from Bir-mingham Shambhala. New meditators are welcome. This program is the fi rst in the Shambhala Training series and is open to all. Healing Arts Center, 527 Fountain Row, Huntsville. 256-534-2954.


HOLISTIC HUNTSVILLENatural Health And Wellness Fair


Love looks through

a telescope;

envy, through

a microscope.

~Josh Billings

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29natural awakenings June 2016



A Course in Miracles Study Group – 9:15am. Shared reading and group discussions. Extra books available. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

Revealing Service – 9:45am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596.

Celebration Service – 10:30am. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596.

Unity Church on the Mountain Worship Service – 11am, with Adult Discussion at 9:30am. Children’s Sunday School ages 4-9 and Nursery Care during church service. Unity is a positive path for spiritual living. Rev. Carol Landry. 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville.

1-Hour Mystery School – 11am. A different service each week including ritual, music, and a message in an open, loving environment. Light of Christ Cen-ter, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

A Course In Miracles: Integrating the Lessons Through Heart Centered Listening – 4-5:30pm. For students of ACIM daily lessons (workbook) or text. Donations accepted. Healing Arts Center, 525 Fountain Row, Huntsville. [email protected].

mondayAcupuncture Happy Hour – 4-6pm, Mondays and Thursdays. A 30-minute ear acupuncture treatment that will de-stress, detox, relax and re-energize you. No appointment necessary. $25. Alabama Holistic Health, 204 Lowe Ave SE, Ste 3, Huntsville. 256-801-9162.

Prenatal Yoga – 5:15-6:15pm. Perfect for pregnant and new moms, this 60-minute class builds strength and endurance, increases fl exibility, and helps the mother-to-be prepare for birth. Taught by Marcy Evans RN, BSN. The Yoga Center of Huntsville, 500 E Pratt Ave.

tuesdayLatham Farmers Market – 3-6pm. Buy from farmers who sell the fruit, vegetables, meat, and poultry grown on their own farms. Latham United Methodist Church, 109 Weatherly Rd SE, Hunts-ville.

Meditation – 6pm. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596.

BodyFlow – 6-7pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yoga/Pilates/Tai Chi-based exercise class that

builds strength, tones your body and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Part of the Les Mills Fitness Program. $10/class and no contract. New participants are always welcome. Madison Ball-room, 9076 Madison Blvd, Suite E, Madison, AL. 256-461-1900.

Military Stress Acupuncture Clinic – 6:30-8:30pm, starting June 7. For active duty and veterans with Military Stress, PTSS, PTSD. Acupuncturists and massage therapists available to relieve stress or pain. Donation only. Alabama Holistic Health, 204 Lowe Ave, SE, Ste 3, Huntsville. 256-801-9162.

wednesdayA Course in Miracles Class – 6:15-7:45pm. Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271.

Satsang – 6:30pm. Through group discussion and inquiry, we reveal the innate wisdom of the one pres-ence living life as each one of us. Meditation 6pm. Led by Rev. David Leonard. Center for Spiritual Living, 308 Lily Flagg Rd, Huntsville. 256-883-8596.

thursdayWinchester Rd Farmers Market – 4-7pm. Local Farmers sell local fresh produce, vegetables, herbs, fl owers, dairy, meats, eggs, bakery items, and much more. GracePointe Church, 2940 Winchester Rd, New Market, AL.

The Greene Street Market – 4-8pm. Downtown Huntsville’s open-air market for fresh, locally grown vegetables, fruits, herbs and fl owers. Local produce, grass fed beef and pork, free range chickens and eggs, and more. Local artisans. Eustis Ave between Greene and Franklin Streets.

Youth Group – 6:30-7:30pm, 2nd Thursday of each month. 10 years old and up. Snack provided. Unity Church on the Mountain, 1328 Governors Dr SE, Huntsville. 256-536-2271.

Email [email protected] for guidelines and to submit entries.


SALADMASTER sales and service. 256-412-4896.

classifiedsFee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to [email protected]. Deadline is the 10th of the month.

fridayPublic Clearance Session – 7pm. Third Friday each month. Learn effective healing through re-ception and application of Divine energies. Light of Christ Center, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville. 256-895-0255.

saturdayBailey Cove Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables of all kinds, along with eggs, meats, artisan breads, fl owers and other locally produced products. St. Thomas Epis-copal Church, 12200 Bailey Cove Rd, Huntsville.

Madison City Farmers Market – 8am-12pm. Fresh, quality produce, food products, and hand-crafted items, all grown or made in the Tennessee Valley. Trinity Baptist Church, 1088 Hughes Rd, Madison, Alabama 35758. 256-656-7841.

Lowe Mill’s Open Air Market – 9am-1pm. Shop local farmers, artisans, and makers for your organic vegetables, handmade jams jellies and cheeses, and more. All products produced or grown within 125 miles of Lowe Mill. Free. Lowe Mill, North Parking Lot, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville. 256-533-0399.

Artist Market – 12-4pm. Local artists and others are invited to set up a booth and sell their wares to the public. There will be art, jewelry, vintage clothing, records and more for sale. Admission free. Flying Monkey Arts Center at Lowe Mill, 2211 Seminole Dr, Huntsville.

Community HU Song – 1:30-2pm. Join others in singing HU, an ancient love song to God that can help and uplift you in countless ways. Held each Saturday. Huntsville ECK Center, 900 Wellman Ave NE #3 (near Five Points). 256-534-1751.

Ballroom Dance Party – 7:30-10pm. Beginner group class 7:30-8pm, introduction to different ballroom dances each week. Practice dance party 8-10pm, for all levels of dancers. No partner needed. $10/person for group class and party. Madison Ball-room, 9076 Madison Blvd Suites C/D, Madison, AL. 256-461-1900.

GOT EVENTS? GET NOTICED! Advertise in our calendar.

Page 30: Natural Awakenings June 2016

30 Tennessee Valley

communityresourceguideConnecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green liv-ing in our community. Email [email protected] to request our media kit.


ALABAMA HOLISTIC HEALTH, LLCDr. Christina L. Berry, Ed.D., ACI, ADS204 Lowe Ave, Suite 3, [email protected]

A holistic approach to health and wellness, specializing in pain management, weight loss, natural detoxifi cation, and mental health improvement. Auriculotherapy/Ear acupuncture. Massage therapy. Refl exology. Lifestyle consulting. Diet and supplement

recommendations. Hydro-colon cleanse. Ionic detox. See ad, page 9.

THE NEELEY CENTER FOR HEALTH600 Saint Clair Avenue SW, Bldg 5 Suite 11Huntsville, AL 35801256-716-4048Hours: T-F, 9am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pmHouse calls by Appointment

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbology, Pastoral Counseling, Beam Ray Therapy, Rapid Eye Technology, Emotion Code Technique, Nutritional Supplementation, Detoxifi cation, BioMat.


DR. JAMIE BUNIS, DCDr. Jamie’s Wellness Center917 Merchant’s Walk, Ste A, Huntsville256-434-7977

Comprehensive chiropractic and wellness services. Applied Nutritional Analysis Testing (ANA) and nutritional counseling. Standard Process® high-grade n u t r i t i o n a l s u p p l e m e n t s . Aromatherapy. Essential oils. Detoxifi cation. Multiple styles of

massage, including Qi-ssage. Free educational classes on many healing modalities. Located behind Whole Foods. See ad, page 25.


HOPE FOR LIFE COLONICS Tina PencolaOwner/Certified Colon Hydrotherapist10300 Bailey Cove Rd, Suite-7A Huntsville, AL 35803256-270-8731 • [email protected]

Our goal is to live long and live strong. Young or old, male or female, healthy or sick, will benef i t f rom an in te rna l cleansing. Mention this ad and get $10 off your first colonic session. See ad, page 27.

JARVIS NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC1489 Slaughter Road, Madison256-837-3448

I-ACT Certifi ed Colon Hydro Therapists. Do you know that 80% of your immune system is in your colon? Bathe your body from the inside to improve health. Colon irrigation aids in soothing and toning the colon, which makes elimination more effective.


CINDY WILSONYoung Living Independent Distributor [email protected]

Want to know why everyone is talking about essential oils? Learn more about essential oils, their

uses and how to safely use them. Classes held monthly or schedule your class with friends and family. For more information call or email.


MADISON FAMILY CAREChad Gilliam, M.M.S. PA-C1230 Slaughter Road, Suite C, Madison,

Madison Family Care provides medical care for patients of all ages and uniquely blends Natural and Prescription medicines together to help speed the patient’s recovery. Madison Family Care is the patient’s clinic of choice when they would like to understand how natural

medicines work along with prescription drugs. See ad, page 32.


FENG SHUI BY TRUDI GARDNERTrudi Gardner, [email protected]

An interior design philosophy that invites serenity and reduces s t ress . Feng Shui des ign concepts brings positive energy into your home and office to encourage Prosperity, Well Being, Harmony, and Balance.


SPECIALIZED NAIL CARE1900 Flint Rd SEDecatur, AL [email protected]

Nail care for those that need more than just a pedicure. Physicians order

required for care. Care includes footbath, trimming nails, thinning of thick nails, and removal of calluses and corns. For more information call or email. See ad, page 21.


CJ HAIR AND ART STUDIOCJ Denison105E Church StMadison, AL 35758 • 256-603-9018

Specializing in N AT U R A L Ha i r s t y l e s .

Cuts with Texture and Movement. Specializing in Fine Hair, Razor cuts, Men's Hair Pieces with A NATURAL Look. Specializing in Hair Color OFF the Scalp. Hair Painting. A Safer way to Color or HiLight Your Hair to Help in Decreasing the Exposure to the Scalp. HEALTHY HAIR is HAPPY HAIR. Also Original Art Work and Private Art lessons available. Call Today for YOUR Appointment.


HEAD-TO-TOE TRAINING8006 Madison Pike, Ste 5Madison, AL • [email protected]

A Mind/Body Training Center specializing in Core Training, Corrective and Therapeutic. Offering all facets of training: group and personal. Pilates (both matwork and apparatus), Thai/yoga massage, Flow-motion, PilatEASE, CoreABS

and more! Membership packages available.

Page 31: Natural Awakenings June 2016

31natural awakenings June 2016

256-808-8044 [email protected]

Gr w your business with us!Advertise with us and reach thousands of healthy living

individuals in the Tennessee Valley area.

Something for every budget!


JOAN SCOTT LOWE1901 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South Birmingham, AL 35209 205-871-1288 [email protected]

Call or email Joan Scott Lowe, Homeopathic Wellness Consultant, to determine your individual constitutional remedy, the FDA-approved nontoxic homeopathic remedy based on the totality of your mental, emotional, and physical condition, chosen according to the Law of Similars (“like heals like”). Achieve wellness and freedom from illness!


MARSHA MATHESCertified Hypnotist3313 Memorial Parkway, Ste 116Huntsville, AL

Hypnosis is a tool to assist you in countless ways to heal your past, empower your present and create your future. Hypno-birthing classes, quit smoking, weight loss, nail and lip biting, teeth grinding, insomnia, anxiety and stress relief, phobias and fears, pain relief, sports

enhancement, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), current and past life regressions.


RON GRAY, LMT #36The Dream Maker4004 Triana Blvd SW, Huntsville256-883-8446

Over 24 years exper ience providing an original mix of massage therapy modalities including Polarity Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Balancing, Neuromuscular, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Therapy, Reiki, and Lymphatic Drainage. Works in harmony with the body’s

inner wisdom, gently guiding your session with integrity, intuition and skill. See ad, page 10.

J. L. JONES, LMT, AL #3610Chi of Life Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, LLC614 Madison St, Ste #4, Huntsville256-812-1284 • [email protected]

Assisting your well-being and recovery from discomfort and injury using a variety of Swedish, deep-tissue and neuro-muscular techniques. Energy-based work including Reiki and Refl exology. All services performed in a caring, secure environment. Limited out-call available.


VANESSA MILLER MANTIS, M.ED.Voice and Piano InstructorMusicology School of Music7445 Highway 72, Madison, AL

Daytime availability from 11am-2:30pm. Great for homeschooled students or adults with fl exible schedules. 13 years of music teaching experience, with a M a s t e r ’s i n Vo c a l M u s i c Education. Lessons cater to each individual’s needs and musical

tastes, according to skill level.


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE ASSOCIATESDr. Deb Gilliam, N.M.D.1230 Slaughter Rd, Ste E, Madison, AL256-325-0955

Dr. Deb treats a variety of health problems using natural means. She looks for why people have symptoms and treats the root cause of those symptoms. Dr. Deb is highly regarded in the integrative and natural approach to wellness. Every patent is unique, and she individualizes

treatment for their optimal wellness. See ad, page 21.


HEAD 2 TOE CHANGE, LLCDana Sims, BS, MA, Plant-Based Nutrition,Certified Wholistic Rejuvenist (CWR)204 Lowe Ave, Suite 3, Huntsville 256-323-1265 •

Healthy Shopping/Label Reading. Learn Foods to Avoid Pain/Infl ammation; Chemical Cuisine: Do You REALLY Know What You’re Eating? by Dr. Gloria Gilbere. Individualized meal plans prepared for people who have a specific diagnosis and require strict dietary needs.


LIGHT JOURNEY REIKIBarbara Caioli, RM7500 Memorial Pkwy SW, Ste 114Huntsville AL •

Reiki refers to the universal life force energy that is found in everything. Reiki works through gent le , focused touch or intention for the purpose of healing and balance. Light Journey Reiki offers healings as wells as Certifi cation Workshops. See ad, page 8.


JACI HOGUE [email protected]

A complete system of body education that balances the physical body, improves posture, and helps resolve chronic pain. Created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the 1950s,  Structural Integration has been scientifi cally validated and has withstood the test of time, as millions of people have enjoyed

the remarkable benefi ts.

SUSAN K. JEFFREYSAdvanced Practitioner Lic.#249Dr. Ida P. ROLF method525 Fountain Row256-508-3351 • RolfGuild.orgServing Huntsville since 1995

“When the body gets working appropriately, then the force of gravity can fl ow through. Then spontaneously, the body heals itself.” —Ida P. Rolf. See ad, page 10.

Page 32: Natural Awakenings June 2016



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