


Essays by the StatewideWinners of the 2015-2016 Contest.


A complete list of all participating schools and their local winners.

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For Michigan 8th Grade Students

There is so much that is great about Michigan…our natural beauty and breathtaking lakes, our thousands of thriving communities, and our millions of energetic people. But nothing compares to our Michigan heroes, the people who live and work in our great state and make a difference in the lives of young people.

That’s what this book is about…the heroes of Michigan as seen through the eyes of Michigan eighth grade students. Thousands of students from nearly 400 Michigan schools participated in the 2015-2016 America & Me Essay Contest and submitted essays on the topic “My Personal Michigan Hero.”

Inside you’ll find reprints of the best essays in the state. These essays are about teachers, community leaders, family members, and more — everyday people making an extraordinary difference. Also inside is a complete list of all the schools that participated in the 2015-2016 contest , and the local winners from each school. Every student named in this book, and every student who submitted an essay, has our deepest thanks and congratulations.

Farm Bureau Insurance has been the proud sponsor of the annual America & Me Essay Contest since 1968. The contest has become a tradition in Michigan schools and continues to encourage Michigan young people to recognize the heroes in their communities and their state.

This book is a salute to Michigan heroes and how they make Michigan a better place to live. We hope you enjoy it.

Jim Robinson Chief Executive Officer Farm Bureau Insurance




TOP ESSAYSFrom the 2015-2016 America & Me Essay Contest


Mallery BeeDwight Beach Middle

School, Chelsea


It was late spring, 2012, and I was bumping down the long dirt road to Tantre´ Farm, a mythical place I had only ever heard about but would soon fall in love with. I smoothed my dress down my legs and peeked sideways at my dad. He smiled nervously. My parents have always treated my decisions with respect and weight, and if I didn’t like the person I was about to meet, it would make a huge impact on his life. He removed his large, gray-booted foot from the gas and slid the huge gray Ford pickup truck in front of a sign that said “SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING”. My dad would later joke about the lack of comma, inquiring as to the location of the slow children slinking about. Up ahead, a battered white swing swayed slightly from a large, weathered oak bough. My dad cleared his throat; once, twice, and swung open his door, tumbling into the street and rushing around to open mine.

I stepped gingerly down onto the damp grass, imagining wiggling my toes into the young green blades. Unfortunately, I was wearing sunny yellow flats which were confining my feet. We walked up the drive, which was slick with dew and rutted with potholes…and then I saw her. Bright smile flashing, long, wild brown hair, feet as bare as I wished mine were, she sped up as soon as she saw us. “Oscar, hi,” she greeted my dad softly. I laughed inwardly at the small difference in their heights—usually my dad towers above everyone, but her forehead came above his nose.

“Noelle,” he said, digging his heels into the soft earth. They embraced quickly, and then she turned to me.

“You must be Artemis.” Artemis is what my dad calls me, and the familiarity with which she said my name caught me off guard. I nodded, feeling a sheepish smile create small indentations in my cheeks. “Let me give you the tour.” Her voice had more inflections than voices usually do, but it never changed volume. It remained quiet: soothing, even. It was when we took a tour of the herb garden on this expansive southeastern Michigan farm she called home that I realized how truly connected she was to the earth.

She named all the plants, vines, and flowers, and when I expressed a burgeoning interest in herbs and requested to lie in the chamomile bed, she encouraged me. Now she, my dad, and I share a small farm in Gregory, Michigan. I believe her to



be my dad’s soulmate. She is incredibly poetic, and has written several songs, stories and poems about Michigan and home and what those things represent.

I’ve jumped in Lake Michigan, and we have a shared goal to laugh and splash and fall into the smooth waters of the four other lakes that so define this place where we live—to dive into the cold, deep darkness of Lake Superior, to kick along the shoreline of Lake Erie, to play Marco Polo in Lake Huron, to grin at each other and sprint into Lake Ontario in the chilly early spring. These lakes are symbolic of my newfound ties to my home, to Michigan, and to the people around me, ties that have been woven by Noelle’s hands; the same hands that have tilled and harvested from and planted seeds in our sandy Michigan soil. I’ve gone on runs down winding dirt roads, found a deep love of home and our state (even in winter) inside of myself, and been greatly inspired to express my Michigan love in my own ways—I have tapped my fingers across piano keys and wrapped them around pens in the name of Michigan and Noelle many times now…and all of this is because of her. This I why Noelle Dronen is my inspiring Michigan hero.


Yoojin BaeReuther Middle School,

Rochester Hills


Our world is a big world, with many people and among them, many heroes. They are all different and may have become heroes for different reasons, but all of them have one thing in common: they all made significant, positive differences to someone’s life no matter how small the deed. And in my case, that hero is my first friend that I made in Michigan.

I came from Florida; the state nicknamed the Sunshine State for its obvious reasons. I grew up with the sunny beaches and the roar and rumble of the waves; I slept with the palm trees as they softly rustled through the night; I breathed the clean and sometimes salty air; I smiled with the sun as I went through my days. This was my life for eight years. Oh, the shock I felt when I found out my family and I were moving to Michigan during spring break! It would be unfamiliar in Michigan! It would snow in Michigan! Where in the world was Michigan? I was numb. The last days went by quickly and I couldn’t believe that we were in the car already. We drove and drove. When we arrived, I noticed right away that it was freezing. I checked the temperature. Thirty-one degrees?! Practically unheard of! As I tried to gather my thoughts, I noticed some white stuff covering the ground. In fact, it covered everything! It took me a moment to realize that that was what snow was like. Soon, we got to see our new house. It looked just like how I felt: dark, cold, and empty. A few day later, I shivered into my new completely different-looking school. I felt stares, heard whispers, and all the while felt the urge to throw up. I was alone in such a big, cold, unfamiliar world. I could tell that some kids faked kindness to me because I was new. I hated them and their two-facedness. All their attempts were in vain. By second hour, I wanted to just cry and go home. Oh wait, I thought. Even my own home doesn’t feel like home. I was alone at lunch. By the time school ended, I was utterly miserable. Frustrated. Alone. Many days passed, and I was still a shy and quiet person who everyone by then ignored. I hated school and my life in Michigan, with all its bumpy roads and coldness. Until he came. My new would-be friend. How did it all start? I am not really sure. It was just another cold, lonely day when he was just…there. I never noticed him at first. There was nothing special about him. He did not act like the others; he didn’t jump right in and start talking with artificial words. I had thought he was one of those people who didn’t care about “the new kid”. I was wrong. He took his time and eventually, he came over and started talking to me. His words and actions felt genuine, unlike what I had felt from others. To my surprise, he was really easy to talk to, and he always made me feel like I was a friend since the beginning. When I talked, he listened.



He didn’t judge me. He didn’t care that I was new. He accepted me as I was. I began to open up a little more, bit by bit. My cold and dark life finally saw the light. My face remembered how to smile. My mouth remembered how to laugh. My heart remembered how to feel again. I began to be happy once more. And when my courage had built up, I started to talk to others. I found out that Michigan people weren’t that bad after all. After I started warming up, I think some of them were surprised that I could talk at all, and when they got to know me better and I got more comfortable around them, I know every one of them were surprised by my lively and sometimes even sassy personality.

How powerful an act can be! My friend probably had no idea how much he changed my life that day. But his simple act of kindness of just reaching out was enough to save me from the clutches of near depression. He started a spark to ignite a once-dead flame into a raging fire. Thank you, my friend. In my eyes, you have been and always will be my Michigan hero. Now, thanks to you, I can be seen walking around the school confidently with friends by my side. And I can be seen smiling. Always smiling.


Charles PolomskyTraverse City Christian School, Traverse City

In 1968, an idea was born; an inspiration; a beacon of hope for kids with a passion. A passion that enabled them to let go of the world that criticizes them for what they love do. Still today in 2015, this place gives kids the ability to learn and grow through Dance. On 225 E 14th St, Traverse City, MI a building stands tall, “The Dance Center”.

It is a place where I can easily lose myself in my imagination. With well trained teachers and staff it makes my experience even better. The Dance Center is not just a place of just dance, it’s my home away from home, and it’s my place of family. When I’m there I don’t have to worry about what people think of me or say about me.

At the Dance Center, everyone impacts me on a personal level with their selfless attitudes, joyful spirits, and enthusiastic personalities. This helped me through a lot when my parents divorced. I felt as if I was the one to blame. My mother also suffers from a terrible disease that affects me day in and out. The Dance Center was my safe haven. Although I’m still heavy hearted, The Dance Center has made a new me a stronger, brave, and more kind me; a person who can persevere through the difficult times.

When I was only in the second grade, my parent’s divorce was official, and my mother’s disease progressively got worse. Throughout the rest of my elementary years, there was a surplus of times that I was scared for my mother’s life. I learned that fear was irrational in my life; one second I could be fine and the other would be complete devastation. Dance introduced itself to me when I was in 6th grade, and it drastically changed my life for them better. Dance was my bulwark against all of my issues, problems and differences. Dance was my remedy to life’s problems. The Dance Center provided an environment where problems did not exist, where tough times were a thing of the past, and the nonsense of life couldn’t intrude.

In 7th grade, there was a point where I was losing all hope with my mother and her disease. The feeling of pain and sorrow was constant. The Dance Center stood right by my side the whole time. As The Dance Center grew larger, my mother’s issue became smaller. She gradually became better and so did I. My problems dissolved into oblivion.

From 6th grade to 8th grade, The Dance Center has been there for me always. They are the people who stood by me when I was needing them the most. The



guided me through my challenges and differences. They pierced the veil of my sorrow.

I have grown stronger as a person, and became a kid striving for peace. I was someone looking for a change in my life, and The Dance Center was my beacon of hope.


Elisabeth PetroskyCharleviox Middle School,


I suddenly awake to a faint clicking noise. My room is overtaken with darkness when I glance at the clock. 12:17a.m. Strange. I slither out from under my covers and shiver at the plummeting temperature of my room. A quick glance down the hallway is all I can manage before I hear the tapping noise again. The sound echoes through the silent rooms of the home. I quickly and quietly take to the stairs, and soon I am at the bottom. Tap-click-tap-tap. I’m getting close to it, whatever it is, as I can make out the sound coming from just beyond the door guarding our computer room. My curiosity eggs me on, and I reach out to grab the bronze handle. The door opens with a creak. A woman sits on the far end of the room in front of a computer screen. Once I realize who it is I call out to her. “Hey mom,” I whisper. She gives me a smile and keeps clicking away. I realize she is still doing work from her job as a preschool teacher and think about all of the people who work overtime to benefit their town. She is working late to make sure that everything is perfect for her students. This is the most important thing someone in the city can do. My mom, and all teachers, should get so much more credit than they do. Just because they are not jumping into flaming buildings or fighting out in the battlefield doesn’t mean that they aren’t heroes. My mother is my hero because she cares for her students-and everyone she meets-while still having time for her kids.

An average day at my mom’s work requires her to be happy and upbeat all day while teaching thirty-six four-year-olds what school is all about. She makes them want to come back to school, which sets them on a good path for their future. As her class is often a student’s first “school experience,” she is occasionally met with tears of kids who miss their moms. This is where my mom really shines. She has a special gift that makes little people feel very safe and loved around her. She is able to calm the teary-eyed children and still pay attention to her other students. She is such a great teacher and mentor for her kids in and out of the classroom.

A lot of people have the preconceived idea that because my mom is around kids all day she doesn’t want to spend any more time with her children than she has to. They think that teachers need and get a break because of their job. If this is true, my brother, my sister, and I would never know it. She comes home every day and helps us finish our homework, makes us dinner, and packs our lunches for the next day at school. She does all of this while keeping the house clean and trying to spend some quality time with each of us. When she asks us how school was, she seems like she actually wants to know. She also comes to all of our sporting



events and cheers like nobody is watching. She is my biggest supporter, and I don’t know what I would do without her constant affirmation.

My mom is an everyday hero. Her job holds so much more importance than some people think. She works late hours, prepares young children for their journey ahead, and still has time for me. She isn’t just my hero; all her students look up to her too. They think it is the best thing ever when they get to see her out and about. The list of things she does for my family and her students is endless, and that is why she is my Personal Michigan Hero.


Tristan HollandsworthIsland City Academy,

Eaton Rapids


When someone says hero, you probably think of someone like Superman or Batman. A hero for me is somebody that makes a big difference in my life, inspires me, and is a friend. That person to me is Charlie Gantt. He was a tight end for the Michigan State Spartans’ football team and played tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs in the NFL. He was a redshirt freshman when he first joined the Spartans. Charlie was the number fourteen ranked tight end in the country coming out of high school and the number eight top recruit in the country. He is partially deaf in one of his ears and I also have partial hearing loss in one of my ears. He inspired me to do my best and to not let losing my hearing stop me from doing what I love.

Around the end of the third grade, I started to experience major headaches and sometimes ringing in my ears. Then one day I noticed that the ringing wouldn’t stop. Then suddenly I couldn’t hear out of my right ear. A few days later my mom took me to the audiologist. When we got there my audiologist did a hearing test and discovered that I had lost 60% of my hearing in my right ear. About two years later I had another hearing test and it showed that I lost another twenty percent of my hearing and it has stayed the same since. That’s when my mom asked me to go and meet someone very special because he might have a lot to say about my hearing.

I met Charlie in Ionia where kids and their parents could meet a few former Spartan players. We sat down and started talking about how he lost his hearing and how I lost mine. Then he started giving me tips about what’s going to happen in life that could affect me physically and mentally. He went on talking about how people in my life are going to look at me differently, too. Charlie is the only person that has actually talked to me about what is going to happen down the road. This prepared me for what might happen to me.

During my football games, when I’m playing quarterback, it sometimes gets hard to hear the plays my coach tells me to run. Even when my basketball coach tells me to do something on the court, I can barely hear him. It gets frustrating when I have to ask for the play over again or ask another player what the coach just said. Sometimes I get in trouble for not paying attention when what is really happening is that I can’t hear them. Sometimes I get hurt during a football game because I


went the wrong way. And when I get up from those hits I say to myself that I can’t let that stop me from doing my best. That’s when Charlie pops into my mind.

It has been five years since I lost my hearing. To this day I am still playing football, baseball, basketball and all the things I love. Charlie Gantt might not have said a lot to me that day many years ago, but the things he did say I still look back to, for support and encouragement. That is why Charlie Gantt is my Personal Michigan Hero.


Claire FettermanJackson Christian

Middle School, Jackson

AN ARTSY FRIEND I remember the first time we met. I was just an excited, ready-to-learn 8 year-old with a smock over an old t-shirt. I walked down a long hallway in the old Jackson prison to one of the art studios with my mom holding my hand and my dad following behind. We were greeted by an older man with short, silvery hair and dark skin. “Louis Cubille?” my dad said. “Call me Lou,” the man said. “And you must be my new student,” Lou said with an accent as he bent down to get a better look at the shy little girl I was. Little did I know that moment was the start to a long friendship.

Lou taught me many things about art from how to hold a brush properly to how to clean the dried paint from my brush’s soft bristles. I learned much about Lou every Saturday during art class. Lou told me that he was originally from Puerto Rico. I learned that his family then moved to New York. Lou went to a great art college there and then got a job working at Macy’s in advertisement before he moved here. I also learned that Lou served in the Vietnam until he was sent home due to a shot to the head. Lou told me that he sometimes has bad dreams about when he was serving in Vietnam. He also told me about how war was something that is hard to forget. After he returned from war he had a hard time finding a job, so he took up art.

One week Lou texted us saying that art class was cancelled because he was in the hospital. He said that he was in the hospital due to type 1 diabetes and high blood sugar over 400. From that point on Lou basically couldn’t have any sugar. For weeks art class was cancelled. Lou developed blurry vision from diabetes and stayed home healing.

I waited at home practicing the lessons that he had taught me over and over while waiting for Lou to heal. The weeks seemed to move slower and slower. Then the day came when Lou called and said that he was well enough for art class. I was overjoyed that Lou was going to be okay and that he could continue teaching me.

I still continue to learn a great deal from Lou every Saturday. His vision never fully recovered until he had an eye surgery earlier this year. Lou still sells his paintings and now I do also! I have won multiple ribbons at the fair because of Lou’s help and support. He has helped to bring me out of my shell and become the artist I am today. Lou is like a part of my family. Thank you Lou, for helping to shape me into the young artist I am today. Louis Cubille is and always will be my Michigan Hero.



Eileen ZongSaline Middle School,


Recently, while browsing the dictionary for ‘sanguine’, I came upon this:

hero [heer-o] Noun

1. a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability.

Now, I have a hero, and as far as I know, he doesn’t wear his underwear outside of a spandex suit or go around saving damsels form burning buildings. My hero’s name isn’t Peter Parker, or Bruce Wayne. His name is Steve.

Steve is an ordinary guy. He lives in an ordinary brick house, next to mine, and used to work for NASCAR. He’s unemployed now, has a son in college, and likes to frequent the small basketball court in his backyard. If you lived in our neighborhood, though, then you would know that Steve is anything but ordinary.

Every morning, by the time I wake up to the obnoxious noise of my alarm clock, Steve’s car is already absent from his driveway. He’ll be going to some charity event, or volunteering for some community service. I’ll go through the day in a haze of tiredness, and when it’s eleven at night and I’m restless in bed, a bright glare will illuminate the walls, and I’ll get a fleeting look at his blue jeep.

Winter is slightly different. Our family will wake up to see a completely different world outside. It will look like one of those snow globes that you can get from Christmas stores: every surface is buried under tiny, white crystals that blind you if you look too long, and the houses are picturesque, like gingerbread houses. Except for the long, winding driveways and roads, which will only have light dusting of feathery snow. There is only one explanation: Steve.

I said earlier in my essay that Steve was not a superhero, but he kind of is, in his own way. I remember one winter when my dad wasn’t home, and we had a power outage. We were trapped in our house, freaking out because I needed to get to school, and he came and helped lift the garage door for us. Then, another time, he came and started our car for us. The list goes on. He is always trying to make the world a better place, one small favor at a time.

Steve is never doing nothing, whether it be volunteering at his church, giving to the poor, or just helping out a neighbor. I know that there are probably many people out there just like him, helping people in times of need, but Steve is different. He’s not a war veteran, or a firefighter. He’s just… Steve.

And, well, he’s my Personal Michigan Hero.

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Gaspard MosquetDetroit Country Day School, Beverly Hills


“Don’t underestimate the power of your vision to change the world. Whether that world is in your office, your community, an industry, or a global movement, you need to have a core belief that what you contribute can fundamentally change the paradigm or way of thinking about problems.”

-Leroy Hood

The above quote by esteemed Biologist, Leroy Hood can easily describe my chosen community hero. Father Mario, a Catholic priest, has lived in Southwest Detroit for about ten years. Previous to his time here in the Detroit area, he was our priest and friend in Paris, France. In the years since both of us have been in the Detroit area, he has been striving to improve his community. Following the basic needs of his community, he has tirelessly provided “hands-on leadership” to improve the areas of education, proper nutrition, and decent housing. He not only “talks the talk,” but e “walks the walk.” My point is that he works extremely hard and helps people in his community without a lot of accolades for himself, which is why Father Mario is my choice for my Michigan hero.

My hero has not only created, but is presently implementing, many projects to help the neighborhoods that make up his community. Father Mario decided that he would support the formation of a school for adults that know little or no English. There are also hope to introduce kindergarten classes next year. Because of these schools, the hopes are that the children and adults will have a safe education, and would have the possibility to broaden their choices of careers. On the other hand, the consensus is that the children are ultimately the future of our world, so the more the focus can be on bettering the youth of the community, the better off all will be both now, but especially in the future. Father Mario decided that he would open a food pantry for the homeless in his community. Education and resources such as food are very important parts of a community, but the basic need for shelter is too. That is why he decided to buy auctioned houses at low costs from the city of Detroit. He is doing so with the hopes of being able to renovate them back to their original functions. Eliciting the help from fellow concerned community members to make this project a reality has been his strong area. Once these houses are renovated, he hopes to give them to needy, but deserving families.

He is NOT Superman, Batman, or Spiderman. He does not have superior strength, hearing, or sight. His is just a driven man… driven to do the right thing, to lead by

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example, and put his actions where they speak louder than his words. He inspires me to envision a path. He inspires me to take a vision of a better world and take action toward it. He is my role model. He has not waited around for others to do something about community improvement. He has challenged himself to be that person.


Madeleine Cof manSaint Monica Catholic School, Kalamazoo

A hero is a person who uses their talents to help and improve their community. My personal Michigan hero uses her talents in the profession of Speech Pathology to help the people in her community communicate more effectively and clearer with each other. My hero has worked in hospitals with people who have experience the tragedy of a stroke. She has also worked with children with Autism in a school that is located in my home town of Kalamazoo. My hero is my hard working and amazing mom.

During the time when my mother worked in hospitals, she taught the patients how to swallow. The patients were people who previously had strokes and who had lost the ability to swallow. By teaching her patients these skills, it improves their medical condition because they can now ingest fluids and solids. After someone has a stroke, it is important the person is rehabilitated, and my mom was the one who helped her patients accomplish that task. If a person loses their ability to swallow, chances are they cannot communicate properly. My mom helped patients in the hospital re learn how to talk. When the patients are able to speak, they can communicate their feelings to the doctors, who will be able to help them recover from the stroke.

My mom also has helped kids in Michigan who have Autism. She helps the kids learn how to communicate better with the people around them, so that the kids will get what they desire. When they are able to communicate better with people, it boosts their confidence in the people who can help them and also improve their self-confidence. Also, when the kids with Autism learn better communication skills, it makes life at home simpler.

When my mother took this job, I learned that she was filling in for a woman who needed to take a maternity leave. This job was not my mother’s favorite circumstances and it was very difficult. Working with these kids often left my mother exhausted and cranky, but she still worked very hard with the kids who had Autism.

At home, my mother has also helped my brothers and I learn without the burden of a speech restraint. To ensure that my siblings and I did not have this problem, she used flashcards that taught us how to correctly pronounce commonly found objects. My mother would also correct us when we pronounced words wrong. This annoyed me when I was younger, but I now realize she was preparing me for the future.

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Aside from the statewide winners whose essays appear in this book, we want to recognize this year’s local winners from each school.

On the next several pages, you will find a listing of all the schools that participated in the 2015-2016 America & Me Essay Contest and the local winners from each school. The first place essay from each school went on to the statewide competition from which the best essays in the state were selected.

We want to thank all the participating schools and their winners. Thank you for participating, thank you for your excellent essays, and thank you for telling us about your Michigan heroes. We wish you continued success and a great future.

Farm Bureau Insurance Michigan’s Insurance Company



When my mom was working at her jobs she was earning money that would enable her children to attend St. Monica School. Now that I am older I realize that when my mom’s work seemed like a nuisance, it helped me to be where I am today. My mom is my personal Michigan hero because of her dedication to her family and work. She has also affected my community with communication in a very positive way.



PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS and LOCAL WINNERS Academy of the Sacred Heart School, Bloomfield Hills 1st place - Benjamin Stevens 2nd place - Gabriel Derocher 3rd place - Brian Carroll

AGBU Alex & Marie Manoogian School, Southfield 1st place - Angela Yuhana 2nd place - Raquel Yaldo 3rd place - Matthew Kakos

Akron-Fairgrove Junior/Senior High School, Fairgrove 1st place - Jordyn Weihl 2nd place - Natalie Aldrich 3rd place - Stacia Cohee

Alanson Public Schools, Alanson 1st place - Isaac Kroll 2nd place - Michael Murray 3rd place - Jade Sherwood

Albion Community Schools, Albion 1st place - Kaitlyn Macuga 2nd place - A’Veion Washington 3rd place - Denisha Harris

Alice M. Birney Middle School, Southfield 1st place - Jade Locke 2nd place - Tiffani Stanley 3rd place - Lauren Gilmore

All Saints Academy, Grand Rapids 1st place - Megan Meyers 2nd place - Sophia Corona 3rd place - Madeline Mitchell

All Saints Catholic School, Canton 1st place - Angeline Solis 2nd place - Sarah Noonan 3rd place - Kylie Goit

Allendale Middle School, Allendale 1st place - Mikaela Berna 2nd place - Erica Van’t Land 3rd place - Olivia Cataldo

Almont Middle School, Almont 1st place - Nathan Castillo

American International Academy, Westland 1st place - Anthony Jones 2nd place - Laniyah Brown 3rd place - Zaneshia Martin-Jackson

Anchor Bay Middle School North, New Baltimore 1st place - Jessica Schneider 2nd place - Annalise VanAcker 3rd place - Briana Whitney

Anderson Middle School, Berkley 1st place - Mackenzie Fambrough 2nd place - Kaleigh Wrubel 3rd place - Marin Szuber

Ashley Community Schools, Ashley 1st place - Kadyn Welch 2nd place - Kellie Brown 3rd place - Haley Mader

Assumption School, Belmont 1st place - Paul Tighe 2nd place - Danielle Paganelli 3rd place - Elizabeth Ostoin

Athens Jr./Sr. High School, Athens 1st place - Braylin Bolton 2nd place - Chloe Cromwell 3rd place - Shelby Platteborze

Baldwin Street Middle School, Hudsonville 1st place - Braely Herrema 2nd place - Rhys Weaver 3rd place - Makiah Schuur

Bangor Middle School, Bangor 1st place - Grace Ford 2nd place - Audrey Hay 3rd place - Noah Baldwin


Baptist Park School, Taylor 1st place - Caitlyn Hamilton 2nd place - Stanzie Loftus 3rd place - Faith Culp

Baraga Area Schools, Baraga 1st place - Cameron Goodreau 2nd place - Madelyn Turpeinen 3rd place - Holly Rogers

Baseline Middle School, South Haven 1st place - Malory Davis 2nd place - Jordan Harris 3rd place - Nadia Kimbrough

Bath Middle School, Bath 1st place - Brielle Johnson 2nd place - Ann Krapohl 3rd place - Makala Charvat

Beal City Public School, Mt. Pleasant 1st place - Ryleigh Hines 2nd place - Olivia Nelson 3rd place - Lyndsey Fillenworth

Belding Middle School, Belding 1st place - Abigail Maag 2nd place - Erica Billings 3rd place - Olivia Stout

Bellaire Middle School, Bellaire 1st place - Logan Kadlec 2nd place - Emma Clore 3rd place - Libby Derrer

Berrien Springs Middle School, Berrien Springs 1st place - Hannah Pittman 2nd place - Ellie Haygood 3rd place - Yoel Kim

Beth Jacob School, Oak Park 1st place - Chani Daina 2nd place - Devorah Levi 3rd place - Tehilla Muller

Big Bay de Noc School, Cooks 1st place - Connor Dalgord 2nd place - Hailey Farley 3rd place - Shianna Robitaille

Big Rapids Middle School, Big Rapids 1st place - Caitlyn Hector 2nd place - Lauryn Nostrant-Torres 3rd place - Ann Nelson

Bloomfield Christian School, Bloomfield Hills 1st place - Natania Shi 2nd place - Nick Gilbert 3rd place - Hannah Benjamin

Bothwell Middle School, Marquette 1st place - Reegan Ketzenberger 2nd place - Amanda McIntire

Boulan Park Middle School, Troy 1st place - Apurva Vaddamani 2nd place - Shruthi Sunilkumar 3rd place - Jacqueline Kallis

Boyd Larson Middle School, Troy 1st place - Megan Litchfield 2nd place - Kira Hegdal 3rd place - Libby Jackson

Boyne City Middle School, Boyne City 1st place - Joad Blaauw-Hara 2nd place - Jacob Alger 3rd place - Gabrielle Musser

Brace-Lederle Elementary School, Southfield 1st place - Kayln Wells 2nd place - Re’Jene Vanner 3rd place - Kirstin Allen

Brandon Middle School, Ortonville 1st place - Brianna Kreft 2nd place - Victoria Ciavarella 3rd place - Izabella Lombrana



Breckenridge Community School, Breckenridge 1st place - Alivia Giles 2nd place - Caleb Frederick

Brethren Middle School, Brethren 1st place - Megan Cordes 2nd place - Abigail Shackley 3rd place - Americus Cutler

Brown City Jr./Sr. High School, Brown City 1st place - Madison Kreiner 2nd place - Maria Madia 3rd place - Sheldon Shavers

Brownell Middle School, Grosse Pointe Farms 1st place - Elizabeth Wolfe 2nd place - Paisley MacKay 3rd place - Theodore Yaldoo

Byron Center Christian School, Byron Center 1st place - Micah VanderKooi 2nd place - Sarah Bultje 3rd place - Elliot Silvernail

Byron Center Middle School, Byron Center 1st place - Sara McLellan 2nd place - Ana Ha 3rd place - Skyler Silvis

Cadillac Heritage Christian School, Cadillac 1st place - Paige Jenema 2nd place - Katie Crago 3rd place - Amanda Potocki

Calvary Schools of Holland, Holland 1st place - Natalee Thompson 2nd place - Michaela VanDussen 3rd place - Amanda Van Niejenhuis

Carman-Ainsworth Junior High School, Flint 1st place - Aarika Hopson 2nd place - Brijesh Kumar 3rd place - Jordan Martin

Carrollton Middle School, Carrollton 1st place - Ja’El Brooks 2nd place - Chloe Sopcak 3rd place - Patricia Weaver

Caseville Public School, Caseville 1st place - Bayley McIIhargie

Central Academy, Ann Arbor 1st place - Ibrahim Hasan 2nd place - Reem Hassan 3rd place - Fatima Alhomaidawy

Centreville Junior High, Centreville 1st place - Abby McNamara 2nd place - Ainsley Webb 3rd place - Makala Carr

Charlevoix Middle School, Charlevoix 1st place - Elisabeth Petrosky 2nd place - Megan Scholten 3rd place - Sean Bradley

Charlton Heston Academy, St. Helen 1st place - Randee Gage 2nd place - Garrett Hardenburg 3rd place - Skye Ritchings

Cherryland Middle School, Elk Rapids 1st place - Jenna Wilkinson 2nd place - Garrison Waugh 3rd place - Elizabeth Saunders

Chesaning Middle School, Chesaning 1st place - Logan Aguilar 2nd place - Haylei Drope 3rd place - Shane Krupp

Chippewa Middle School, Okemos 1st place - Nigel Gray 2nd place - Ellen Mayes 3rd place - Natalie Thom

Christ Lutheran School, Stevensville 1st place - Izzy Zuccarelli 2nd place - Phillip Cooper 3rd place - Abby Harris



Christ the King Lutheran School, Sebewaing 1st place - Chelsea Bolzman 2nd place - Avery Kuhl 3rd place - Gavin Renn

Clare Middle School, Clare 1st place - Briyanna Smith 2nd place - Erin Middleton 3rd place - Trena Selles

Coleman Community Jr/Sr High School, Coleman 1st place - Kayla Maki 2nd place - Eva Dowling 3rd place - Samantha Kroll

Colon Jr. / Sr. High School, Colon 1st place - Austin Yerrick 2nd place - Ella Wagner 3rd place - Gracie Cornett

Comstock Northeast Middle School, Kalamazoo 1st place - Kelsey Militzer 2nd place - Sage Decamp 3rd place - Carolina Ballesteros

Concord Academy, Petoskey 1st place - Megan Braendle

Coopersville Middle School, Coopersville 1st place - Ellen Smoes 2nd place - Megan Draper 3rd place - Jessica Callahan

Cornerstone Christian Academy, Fremont 1st place - Matthew Shavalier

Corpus Christi Catholic School, Holland 1st place - Analicia Lara 2nd place - Sara Asselin 3rd place - Catherine LaPorte

Cramer Junior High, Essexville 1st place - Emily Benchley 2nd place - Chloe Harper 3rd place - Emilie Goff

Cranbrook Boys Middle School, Bloomfield Hills 1st place - Lucas Bosch 2nd place - Gabriel Ervin 3rd place - Jerome Wiater

Crawford School, Kalkaska 1st place - Olivia Cotton

Dansville Middle School, Dansville 1st place - Isaac Jahn 2nd place - Jonathan Jackson 3rd place - Sophie Lindsay

Daystar Christian Academy, Evart 1st place - Sadie Beilfuss 2nd place - Sierra Blakeslee

DeTour Village High School, DeTour Village 1st place - James Plowman 2nd place - Tailey McCloskey 3rd place - Kendall Moser

Detroit Country Day School, Beverly Hills 1st place - Gaspard Mosquet 2nd place - Helisa Henderson 3rd place - Catherine Glazier

Detroit Merit Academy, Detroit 1st place - Cameron Floyd 2nd place - Bernard McCoy 3rd place - Kristopher Singleton

Divine Child Elementary School, Dearborn 1st place - Viktoria Garcia 2nd place - Matthew Guido 3rd place - Jake Swirple

Dowagiac Middle School, Dowagiac 1st place - Tajaun Reed 2nd place - Matthew Nelson 3rd place - Elizabeth Brito

Dryden Community Schools, Dryden 1st place - Hannah Peyerk 2nd place - Teagan Norman 3rd place - Natalie Morehouse



Dundee Middle School, Dundee 1st place - Natialie Bailey 2nd place - Breannah Wendling 3rd place - Emma Borbely

Durand Middle School, Durand 1st place - Kyle Winslow 2nd place - Mark Sworm 3rd place - Clara Henry

Dutton Christian Middle School, Caledonia 1st place - Alaina Schuitema 2nd place - Zachary VanWinkle 3rd place - Abbie Wayt

Dwight Beach Middle School, Chelsea 1st place - Mallery Bee 2nd place - Morgan Kurth 3rd place - Benjamin Chamberlain Zivsak

E.F. Rittmueller Middle School, Frankenmuth 1st place - Reese Hildner 2nd place - Jayna Leichner 3rd place - Tara Keller

East Hills Middle School, Bloomfield Hills 1st place - Katie Heath 2nd place - Isabelle Harber 3rd place - Sophie Henderson

East Rockford Middle School, Rockford 1st place - Hannah Haggerty 2nd place - Emma Grutter 3rd place - Erin Cavanaugh

Eau Claire Middle School, Eau Claire 1st place - Kayla Arend

Eccles School - Sigel Township S.D. #4, Harbor Beach 1st place - Debra Hoppe 2nd place - Brianna Booms

Edwardsburg Middle School, Edwardsburg 1st place - Bailey McGivern 2nd place - Anna Cleveland 3rd place - Shelby Ison

Ellsworth Community School, Ellsworth 1st place - Sarah VanderArk 2nd place - Ethan Tornga 3rd place - Robbie Wise

Emanuel Lutheran School, Lansing 1st place - Jasmyne Bush 2nd place - Emily Gibson 3rd place - Natalie Christmon

Emerson Middle School, Livonia 1st place - Madison Moore 2nd place - Sophia Ramirez 3rd place - Cameron Krome

Emmanuel Lutheran School, Dearborn 1st place - Calista Clabuesch

Engadine Consolidated Schools, Engadine 1st place - Rebecca Cameron 2nd place - Emma Butkovich 3rd place - Shauna Chaffin

Evart Middle School, Evart 1st place - Laura Junker 2nd place - Morgan Gallinger 3rd place - Sierra Culp

F.C. Reed Middle School, Bridgman 1st place - Brandon Feole 2nd place - Lily Haskins 3rd place - Alexandia Rainey

Faith Christian School, Lake Odessa 1st place - Cassia Barker 2nd place - Caleb Gonyou

Faith Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Bryce Humphrey 2nd place - Ashlyn Nagel 3rd place - Madison Elliott

Forest Hills Central Middle School, Ada 1st place - Katie Bethel 2nd place - Joseph Fiorenzo 3rd place - Hannah Feng



Fort Gratiot Middle School, Fort Gratiot 1st place - Ameera Green 2nd place - Sophie Diller 3rd place - Ian Berberian

Fowlerville Junior High School, Fowlerville 1st place - Emily Wyatt 2nd place - Sarah Cowger 3rd place - Abby Dyc

Franklin Road Christian School, Novi 1st place - Valya Clarida 2nd place - Madeline Williams 3rd place - Hailey McDonald

Fremont Christian School, Fremont 1st place - Abbie Zimmerman 2nd place - Jacob Visser 3rd place - Emma Krick

Gaylord Middle School, Gaylord 1st place - Donnevon Thomasma 2nd place - Hope Bennethum 3rd place - Hannah Johnston

George Crocket Academy, Detroit 1st place - Tony Knight 2nd place - Kierra Pitts-Williams 3rd place - Janarvis Johnson

Gesu Catholic School, Detroit 1st place - Jullian Edwards 2nd place - Julian Miller 3rd place - Christian Kimble

Gladstone Middle School, Gladstone 1st place - Peter Barron 2nd place - Andie Balenger 3rd place - Rhys Wastell

Gladwin Junior High School, Gladwin 1st place - Dominique Trondle 2nd place - Taylor Hund 3rd place - Kaelee Bierschbach

Godfrey-Lee Middle School, Wyoming 1st place - Paulo Zepeda 2nd place - Jorge Montes-Sierra 3rd place - Raul Montanez-Sanchez

Goodrich Middle School, Goodrich 1st place - Abigail Main 2nd place - Natalie Brown 3rd place - Maddison Carlock

Grand Blanc Academy, Grand Blanc 1st place - Imoni Wright 2nd place - Michael Haynes 3rd place - Miesha Woodley

Grand Blanc East Middle School, Grand Blanc 1st place - Kaileigh Kapellas 2nd place - Kaylie Ayers 3rd place - Colin Zelley

Grand Blanc West Middle School, Grand Blanc 1st place - Shawn Titmus 2nd place - Reiden Magdaleno 3rd place - Brandon Smith

Grand Haven Christian School, Grand Haven 1st place - Rachel McFall 2nd place - Eden TenCate 3rd place - Grace VanBeek

Grand Traverse Academy, Traverse City 1st place - Violet LeMar 2nd place - Jordan Barnes 3rd place - Krina Riebschleger

Grandville Middle School, Grandville 1st place - Jazmin Quinones 2nd place - Aydia Cain 3rd place - Sahil Sidhu

Great Oaks Academy, Warren 1st place - Sakawat Jibran 2nd place - Kayla Kendricks 3rd place - Krystin Foster

Greater Lansing Adventist School, Lansing 1st place - Dominique Villarreal 2nd place - Kaleb McFarland 3rd place - Olivia Hall



Greater Lansing Islamic School, East Lansing 1st place - Zahra Jeilani 2nd place - Ibrahim Elsadeks 3rd place - Qasim Harvey

Grosse Pointe Academy, Grosse Pointe 1st place - Shekinah Aho 2nd place - Tierney Janovsky 3rd place - Nafissatou Sall

Guardian Lutheran School, Dearborn 1st place - Nathan Tuttle 2nd place - Hannah Brown 3rd place - Jordan Hagan

Hale Middle School, Hale 1st place - Jessie Shaw 2nd place - Kiara Ludwig 3rd place - Joseph Kimmerer

Handy Middle School, Bay City 1st place - Hayden Jatczak 2nd place - Morgaine Knight 3rd place - Dan Elder

Hanover-Horton Middle School, Horton 1st place - Alexia Wagner 2nd place - Alex Jordon 3rd place - Zenzi Peter

Harbor Springs Middle School, Harbor Springs 1st place - Brooke Burdick 2nd place - Fannie Kelbel 3rd place - Ellen Collie

Hart Middle School, Hart 1st place - Elizabeth Vega 2nd place - Brenna Aerts 3rd place - Gabriel Farias

Hartford Middle School, Hartford 1st place - Regan Sinclair 2nd place - Anthony Rodarte 3rd place - Darius Webb

Hartland Middle School at Ore Creek, Hartland 1st place - Mikaela Burtch 2nd place - Lauren Serafimovski 3rd place - Andrew Krause

Haslett Middle School, Haslett 1st place - Nadir Al-Saidi 2nd place - Izabella Bradfield 3rd place - Allison Ross

Hayes Middle School, Grand Ledge 1st place - Jaden Deibel 2nd place - Taegan Byers 3rd place - Isabella Siguram

Heartwood Renaissance Academy, Three Rivers 1st place - Kaylee Thieme 2nd place - Khybren Street 3rd place - Logan Ziesmer

Heritage Christian School, Hudsonville 1st place - Lindsey Holstege 2nd place - Arianne Van Uffelen 3rd place - Lily Holstege

Heritage Junior High School, Sterling Heights 1st place - Annelise Rice 2nd place - Jessica Hall 3rd place - Nicole Bleser

Highlander Way Middle School, Howell 1st place - Madelynn Webb

Hillsdale Academy, Hillsdale 1st place - Bridget Whalen 2nd place - Lydia Knecht 3rd place - Anna Richards

Hillside Middle School, Kalamazoo 1st place - Trevon Gunter 2nd place - Nick Doane 3rd place - Hilario DeLaPaz III

Hillside Middle School, Northville 1st place - Claudia Phillips 2nd place - Paige Jensen 3rd place - Benjamin Leavitt



Holland High School, Holland 1st place - Maya Clawson 2nd place - Jonathan Noordijk 3rd place - Isaac Ryzenga

Holly Middle School, Holly 1st place - Monica Ruiz

Holman Elementary School, Atlantic Mine 1st place - Rachel Brandt 2nd place - Mara Erva 3rd place - Clara Markham

Holt Lutheran School, Holt 1st place - Mikayla Teetz

Holton Middle School, Holton 1st place - Emma Wisniewski 2nd place - Haley LaPres 3rd place - Madelline Hutson

Holy Cross Lutheran School, Saginaw 1st place - Katelyn Krueger 2nd place - Gregory Farrell 3rd place - Cade Beall

Holy Family Catholic School, Grand Blanc 1st place - Elizabeth Taylor 2nd place - Evan Rekowski 3rd place - Delaney Sebring

Holy Ghost Lutheran School, Monroe 1st place - Cassie Maloziec 2nd place - Mia Eby 3rd place - Jefferson Vazquez

Holy Name Catholic School, Escanaba 1st place - MaKenna Pepin 2nd place - Lauren Dykema 3rd place - Thomas Mayville

Holy Name School, Birmingham 1st place - Emily Anschuetz 2nd place - Aiden Connaughton 3rd place - Katherine Najor

Holy Redeemer Grade School, Detroit 1st place - Sonny Lopez 2nd place - Hugo Orona 3rd place - Cecilia Willingham

Holy Trinity School, Comstock Park 1st place - Nicole Sack 2nd place - Lauren Klein 3rd place - Emma Murphy

Hope of Detroit Academy, Detroit 1st place - Jasmin Barba 2nd place - Elaina Hearn 3rd place - Arianna Gomez-Mednoza

Hopkins Middle School, Hopkins 1st place - Chad Steffes 2nd place - Faith Kelly 3rd place - Jasmine Welch

Houghton Lake High School, Houghton Lake 1st place - Ivy Iadipaolo 2nd place - Brianna Brown 3rd place - Kade Job

Howardsville Christian School, Marcellus 1st place - Emily Grice 2nd place - Joseph Nagel 3rd place - Katie Parks

Huda School & Montessori, Franklin 1st place - Lian Shoukfeh 2nd place - Nor Alhilfy 3rd place - Faiqa Alam

Hudsonville Christian Middle School, Hudsonville 1st place - Aliyah Brinks 2nd place - Jesse DeKock 3rd place - Shaelyn Mulder

Ida Middle School, Ida 1st place - Blake Benore 2nd place - Alyvia Fondren 3rd place - Jillian Proudfoot

IHM - St. Casimir Middle School, Lansing 1st place - Camille Taylor 2nd place - Bethany Lindberg 3rd place - Kristen Tran



Imlay City Christian School, Imlay City 1st place - Autumn Smith 2nd place - Cameron Dykshoorn 3rd place - Blake Smith

Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Ira 1st place - Sydney Nikkel 2nd place - Steven DeDalis 3rd place - Sophia Gafa

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Grand Rapids 1st place - Jerry Crampton 2nd place - Cyprian Omweri 3rd place - Phillip Vu

Immanuel Christian School, Roscommon 1st place - Lyndsay Van Dixhoorn

Immanuel Lutheran School, Alpena 1st place - Ava Shriner 2nd place - Cameron Krauss 3rd place - Morgan Glennie

Immanuel Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Faith Sneller 2nd place - Dylan Steele 3rd place - Emily Buck

Immanuel Lutheran School, Macomb 1st place - Christopher Gilford 2nd place - Abigail Valicevic 3rd place - Maxx LePera

Immanuel Lutheran School, Saginaw 1st place - Jordan Brechtelsbauer 2nd place - Kendra Weber 3rd place - Isabelle Reinbold

Immanuel St. James Lutheran School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Britton Godbold 2nd place - Maggie Eastland

Inter-City Baptist High School, Allen Park 1st place - Bryce Fite 2nd place - Megan Flower 3rd place - McKel Howell

Iron Mountain Central Middle School, Iron Mountain 1st place - Bryce Johnson 2nd place - Michael Colavecchi 3rd place - Madelyn Yake

Island City Academy, Eaton Rapids 1st place - Tristan Hollandsworth 2nd place - Hannah Marburg 3rd place - Emma Price

Jackson Christian Middle School, Jackson 1st place - Claire Fetterman 2nd place - Emily Griffis 3rd place - Haley Hands

Jeffers Junior-Senior High School, Painesdale 1st place - Jadyn Huuki 2nd place - Adelaide Somero 3rd place - Nolan Asiala

John E. Owens High School, Reading 1st place - Ben Affholter 2nd place - Brooke Seals 3rd place - Nick Affholter

John Paul II Catholic School, Lincoln Park 1st place - Olivia Biundo 2nd place - Jacob Kowal 3rd place - Katie Sims

Jonesville Middle School, Jonesville 1st place - Courtney Crigger 2nd place - Shianne Cole 3rd place - Kaytlynn Meyer

Joy Preparatory Academy, Detroit 1st place - Kevin Burgess 2nd place - Jaila Williams 3rd place - Aujuana Swann

Juniata Christian School, Vassar 1st place - Anthony Green 2nd place - Merrick Bennett



Kelloggsville Middle School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Breanna Shaffer 2nd place - Eileen Liang 3rd place - Alanna Burrows

L’Anse Creuse Middle School East, Chesterfield 1st place - Sydney Johns 2nd place - Zachary Esch 3rd place - Brooke Kiser

Laingsburg Christian School, Laingsburg 1st place - Paige Nichols 2nd place - Aleayah Patrick

Lake City Middle School, Lake City 1st place - Hayleigh Yonkman 2nd place - Brook Silvers 3rd place - Zach Stockman

Lake Michigan Catholic Jr/Sr High School, St. Joseph 1st place - Hayden Starr 2nd place - Elena Proos 3rd place - Emily Lage

Lakeview High School, Lakeview 1st place - Riley McKenna 2nd place - Kyren Kain 3rd place - Kaitlyn Knapp

Lakeville Middle School, Otisville 1st place - Mariah Reynolds 2nd place - Alaina Wells 3rd place - Abigail Campbell

Lakewood Middle School, Woodland 1st place - Alicia Wernette 2nd place - Lauren Felton 3rd place - Robert Denney

Lamont Christian School, Coopersville 1st place - Haven Kamps 2nd place - Itene Kuperus 3rd place - Madeline Oosterhouse

Lansing Christian School, Lansing 1st place - Colin Cassidy 2nd place - Weston Block 3rd place - Isaac Johnson

Lawton Middle School, Lawton 1st place - Madison Lawson 2nd place - Ella Doster 3rd place - Kelsey Ruff

Legacy Christian School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Matthew Bergsma 2nd place - Matthew Walstra 3rd place - Rachel DeWard

Legg Middle School, Coldwater 1st place - Emma Spoor 2nd place - Grant Kelley 3rd place - Noah Waterbury

Lenawee Christian School, Adrian 1st place - Josh Hoogeveen 2nd place - Hutson Hohlbein 3rd place - Jillian Teeple

Lincoln Middle School, Ypsilanti 1st place - Fenrik Goerlitz 2nd place - Aubrie Lafferty 3rd place - Myah Westbrooks

Lowrey Junior High School, Dearborn 1st place - Lujane Alsalman 2nd place - Manar Zoulfikar 3rd place - Zahraa Alwashah

Ludington Area Catholic School, Ludington 1st place - Sydney Seymour 2nd place - Anaise Vasquez 3rd place - Norma Ramos

Lumen Christi Catholic School, Jackson 1st place - Isabelle Norman 2nd place - Catriana Carroll 3rd place - Megan Gibson



Manistee Catholic Central School, Manistee 1st place - Nicole Kaminski 2nd place - Claire Wittlieff 3rd place - Kyle Mikolajczak

Manistee Middle School, Manistee 1st place - AJ Anderson 2nd place - Dylan Maiville 3rd place - Haley Beaudrie

Maple Valley Jr. High School, Vermontville 1st place - Eli Nelson 2nd place - Cameron Wells 3rd place - Alexis Steele

Mar Lee School, Marshall 1st place - Amber Zabonick 2nd place - Kailey Kowalchuk 3rd place - Jontae Shanton

Marlette Jr/Sr High School, Marlette 1st place - Peyton Dale 2nd place - Marissa Crase 3rd place - Ethan Leger

Marshall Middle School, Marshall 1st place - Abigail Edwards 2nd place - Emma Dickerson 3rd place - Emily McLane

Mason County Eastern Junior/Senior High, Custer 1st place - Katie Nelson 2nd place - Sequoia Olds 3rd place - Ashton Grimm

Mattawan Middle School, Mattawan 1st place - Bryan Hagenbarth 2nd place - Emma Liu 3rd place - Alex Goldenberg

McBain Rural Agricultural Schools, McBain 1st place - Megan Taylor

Milan Middle School, Milan 1st place - Makayla Miller 2nd place - Jared Mercieca 3rd place - Grace Gyolai

Moline Christian School, Moline 1st place - Ashley Bultema 2nd place - Cambree Harkema 3rd place - Adrianna Wynalda

Morey Public School Academy, Shepherd 1st place - Destiny Lake

Most Holy Trinity School, Fowler 1st place - Judith Pohl 2nd place - Logan Klein 3rd place - Kyle Snyder

Munising Baptist School, Wetmore 1st place - Cody Salverson

Muskegon Catholic Central Middle School, Muskegon 1st place - Anna Riegler 2nd place - Megan Zelenka 3rd place - Sam Novotny

Nellie B. Chisholm Middle School, Montague 1st place - Braxtyn Collins 2nd place - Adrianna Dreyer 3rd place - Hunter Dobson

New Bedford Academy, Lambertville 1st place - Mackenzie Hayward 2nd place - Victoria Porter 3rd place - Garrett Helle

North Adams-Jerome Schools, North Adams 1st place - Lane Webb 2nd place - Jasmine Daniels 3rd place - Hallee Forbes

North Branch Middle School, North Branch 1st place - Morgan Stewart McLean 2nd place - Lucas Andrews 3rd place - Ethan Fick



North Central Area Schools, Powers 1st place - Sierra Debelak 2nd place - Cole Timblin 3rd place - Annalise Poupore

North Dickinson School, Felch 1st place - Holly Lindholm 2nd place - Kody Sheldon 3rd place - Ricki Mattson

North Muskegon Public Schools, North Muskegon 1st place - Bodie Collins 2nd place - Lindsey Piper 3rd place - Namratha Nelapudi

North Pointe Christian Middle School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Malorie Fox 2nd place - Elizabeth Nymeyer 3rd place - Audrey Morrison

North Rockford Middle School, Rockford 1st place - Erin Gaynor 2nd place - Phylisia Winter 3rd place - Christina McDonald

Northern Michigan Christian School, McBain 1st place - Jameson Haan 2nd place - Corey VanHaitsma 3rd place - Joshua Byard

Northport Public School, Northport 1st place - Lindsey Somero 2nd place - Hayden Gregg 3rd place - Ahleeyah Wonegeshik

O.J. DeJonge Junior High, Ludington 1st place - Conner Grant 2nd place - Mackenzie Pollock 3rd place - Lauren Larr

Olivet Middle School, Olivet 1st place - Blake McLane 2nd place - Kaylee Lower 3rd place - Riley Crandall

Onekama School, Onekama 1st place - Maggie Madsen 2nd place - Jose Lugo 3rd place - Alliyiah Torrey

Orchard Lake Middle School, West Bloomfield 1st place - Jaela Rose 2nd place - Noor Sabri 3rd place - Chloe Marcou

Our Lady of Consolation School, Rockford 1st place - Joshua Haskell

Our Lady of Lake Huron School, Harbor Beach 1st place - Devin Pfaff 2nd place - Annika Kirsch 3rd place - Nathan Siemen

Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School, Farmington 1st place - Hannah Redmond 2nd place - Davis Fedeson 3rd place - Reese Faunt

Our Lady of the Lakes Middle School, Waterford 1st place - Abie Pennington 2nd place - Kaitlyn Kramer 3rd place - Grant Ross

Our Lady of Victory School, Northville 1st place - Jacob Seabolt 2nd place - Joanie Langan 3rd place - Nicholas Said

Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Grosse Pointe Woods 1st place - Sydney Agius 2nd place - Caitlyn Watts 3rd place - Nicholas Eugenio

Our Savior Lutheran School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Adin Wintzel 2nd place - JD Fields 3rd place - Jena Lyon



Our Shepherd Lutheran School, Birmingham 1st place - Jake Justice 2nd place - Jacob Uhlig 3rd place - Nicole Shore

Owendale-Gagetown Area School, Owendale 1st place - Kaitlyn LaCroix 2nd place - Andrew Roemer

Owosso Middle School, Owosso 1st place - Hannah Archer 2nd place - Abigail Box 3rd place - Trevor Bowers

Parchment Middle School, Parchment 1st place - Jordyn Wilson 2nd place - Savanna Deloach 3rd place - Alexi Kocefas

Parker Middle School, Howell 1st place - Matthew Perkola 2nd place - Olivia Diakantonis 3rd place - Morgan Atkins

Peace Lutheran School, Livonia 1st place - Krissa Sabit 2nd place - Emma Enos 3rd place - Cassidy Scheffer

Peace Lutheran School, Saginaw 1st place - Alyssa Lozano 2nd place - Amanda Pieknik 3rd place - Martina Darling

Pellston Middle School, Pellston 1st place - Jaeger Williams 2nd place - Ashley Howard 3rd place - Joey Rizzardi

Pennfield Dunlap Middle School, Battle Creek 1st place - Ondi Miller 2nd place - Ashley Taylor 3rd place - Emma Kurtz

Petoskey Middle School, Petoskey 1st place - Jordan Lefferts 2nd place - Adriana Myers 3rd place - Ava Atchison

Pickford Middle School, Pickford 1st place - Bailee Stec 2nd place - Darcy Bennin 3rd place - Crimson Lewis

Pinconning Area Middle School, Pinconning 1st place - Carley Crook 2nd place - Emily Bennett 3rd place - Joel Davis

Pine River Middle School, LeRoy 1st place - Rebekah Cole

Pittsford Area School, Pittsford 1st place - Emma Davis 2nd place - Danielle Jagielski 3rd place - Karissa Sanders

Plymouth Christian High School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Kendra Maljaars 2nd place - Levi Schelling 3rd place - Emilee TenElshof

Plymouth Scholars Charter Academy, Plymouth 1st place - Neal Parikh 2nd place - Tanvi Doshi 3rd place - Olivia Angell

Potterville Middle School, Potterville 1st place - Mitchell Yarger 2nd place - Kasey Farner 3rd place - Sophia Morehouse

Powell Middle School, Washington 1st place - Ella Block 2nd place - Jackson Block 3rd place - Mlaika Azhar

Ravenna Middle School, Ravenna 1st place - Sophia Stearns 2nd place - Lauren Odren 3rd place - Josh McCleary



Renaissance Academy, Mount Pleasant 1st place - Alexa Zarr 2nd place - Marah Caszaatt 3rd place - Lily Coffman

Republic-Michigamme School, Republic 1st place - Rachel Mattila 2nd place - Heron Dyer 3rd place - Anna Laakso

Resurrection School, Lansing 1st place - Anaida Bugayong 2nd place - Nick Myrick 3rd place - Logan Tietsort

Reuther Middle School, Rochester 1st place - Yoojin Bae 2nd place - Anna Nickel 3rd place - Melodie Wong

Rogers City Area Schools, Rogers City 1st place - Brooke Ganske 2nd place - Cassidy Delekta 3rd place - Makayla Tennant

Romeo Middle School, Romeo 1st place - Brooke Bennett 2nd place - Izabella Dukaj 3rd place - Rayna Asuncion

Rudyard Middle School, Rudyard 1st place - Nina Alpers 2nd place - Michaela Scheitler

Sacred Heart Academy, Mt. Pleasant 1st place - Thomas Eidenberger 2nd place - Madelon Humphreys 3rd place - Allison Rawson

Sacred Heart School, Dearborn 1st place - Nuala Kennedy 2nd place - Phillip Tanner 3rd place - Alisha Jawad

Saint Thecla Elementary School, Clinton Township 1st place - Madison Girodat 2nd place - Josie Jaboro 3rd place - Julian Bourdeau

Salem Lutheran School, Owosso 1st place - Jenna Weber 2nd place - Rafe Jacobs 3rd place - Michael Porubsky

Saline Middle School, Saline 1st place - Eileen Zong 2nd place - Elizabeth Solis 3rd place - Julius Stuhec

Sampson Leadership Academy, Detroit 1st place - Derrick Freeman-Hall 2nd place - Michael Johnson 3rd place - Tamyre Watkins

Sand Creek Junior High School, Sand Creek 1st place - Caysie Ringkvist 2nd place - Grace Francoeur 3rd place - Grace Adams

Schoolcraft Middle School, Schoolcraft 1st place - Lindsey Polum 2nd place - Makenzie Crissman 3rd place - Karson Leighton

Seneca Middle School, Macomb 1st place - Gabriella Malzahn 2nd place - Morgan Ferguson 3rd place - Kaitlyn Sycko

Shrine Academy, Royal Oak 1st place - Joelle Denhof 2nd place - Allison LaPoint 3rd place - Anna Murphy

Slauson Middle School, Ann Arbor 1st place - Soorya Janakiraman

Sparta Middle School, Sparta 1st place - Natalie Horrigan

Spiritus Sanctus Academy, Plymouth 1st place - MaryMargaret Weeks 2nd place - Molly Cesa 3rd place - Isabella Steckel



Spring Lake Middle School, Spring Lake 1st place - Rose Henke 2nd place - Isabelle Cobb 3rd place - Kendel Bolema

Springport Middle School, Springport 1st place - Claire Hayes 2nd place - Jana Overweg 3rd place - Alana Nelson

SS Peter and Paul School, Ionia 1st place - Ben Toaz 2nd place - Tiffany Ferguson 3rd place - Marciana Gutierrez

St. Anselm School, Dearborn Heights 1st place - Elizabeth Orozco 2nd place - Samuel Dudek 3rd place - Nawal Sleiman

St. Anthony of Padua School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Paige Jewell 2nd place - Grace McCartney 3rd place - Megan Parzych

St. Augustine Catholic School, Kalamazoo 1st place - Sofia Klemmer 2nd place - Skyler Madden 3rd place - Katherine Harpenau

St. Augustine School, Richmond 1st place - Andrew Zauner 2nd place - Grace Thomson 3rd place - Anthony Kerry

St. Brigid Catholic School, Midland 1st place - Ruth Pasek 2nd place - Paul Volesky 3rd place - Gretel Grossman

St. Charles School, Greenville 1st place - Grace Verdun 2nd place - Beni Milewski 3rd place - Mikayla Krick

St. Charles School, Newport 1st place - Shane Gessner 2nd place - Ann Brinkmeier 3rd place - Faith Zochowski

St. Clare of Montefalco School, Grosse Pointe Park 1st place - Christopher Lujan 2nd place - Ashton Pongratz 3rd place - Jordan Bettie

St. Edith School, Livonia 1st place - Anthony Dib 2nd place - Rayda El-Charif 3rd place - Diego Fernandez

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Middle School, Traverse City 1st place - Campbell Robertson 2nd place - Laura Gallagher 3rd place - Anne Marie Myler

St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School, Reese 1st place - Leslie Licudine 2nd place - Jack Starling

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, Petoskey 1st place - Hailey Tanis 2nd place - Colleen Cesario 3rd place - Sophie Waldvogel

St. Gerard School, Lansing 1st place - Isabella Gardner 2nd place - Ian McDonald 3rd place - Ally Simon

St. Ignatius School, Rogers City 1st place - Madison Tulgestka 2nd place - Mikaela Bannon 3rd place - Brooke Saile

St. Joan of Arc School, St. ClairShores 1st place - Gorgiet Jezdan 2nd place - Cassidy Whitton 3rd place - Christina Braker

St. John Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Hailey Barbeau 2nd place - Caytie Miller 3rd place - Samantha Davis



St. John Lutheran School, Fraser 1st place - Emily Mathews 2nd place - Kathryn Krause 3rd place - Katie Rousso

St. John Lutheran School, Rochester 1st place - Molley Spencer 2nd place - Emily Abramczyk 3rd place - Sarah Schmidt

St. John School, Fenton 1st place - Joe Fay 2nd place - Olivia Battaglia 3rd place - Gwen Feamster

St. John Vianney Catholic School, Flint 1st place - Michael Spleet 2nd place - Madison Speer 3rd place - Elizabeth Igram

St. John Vianney Catholic School, Wyoming 1st place - Abby Deibis 2nd place - Morgan Wermuth 3rd place - Elaina Young

St. John’s Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Joseph Smith 2nd place - Emily Berchem 3rd place - Taylor Johnson

St. John’s Lutheran School, Midland 1st place - Adelina Wolok 2nd place - Kirsten Butcher 3rd place - Erika Ware

St. John’s Lutheran School, Port Hope 1st place - Randy Schulte 2nd place - Dylan Burton

St. John’s Lutheran School, Westland 1st place - Chloe Wellday 2nd place - Logan Kittle 3rd place - Allison Prieskorn

St. Joseph Catholic School, Erie 1st place - Brooke Knicely 2nd place - Athera Yakoo 3rd place - Emma Cronin

St. Joseph Catholic School, Howell 1st place - Caleb Truran 2nd place - Matt Long 3rd place - Lauryn Hewer

St. Joseph School, Battle Creek 1st place - Autumn Dorsey 2nd place - Hannah Oo 3rd place - Matthew Beyer

St. Joseph School, Lake Orion 1st place - Lauren Scolari 2nd place - Samantha Walker 3rd place - Charlie Haynes

St. Joseph School, Pewamo 1st place - Annabelle Schafer 2nd place - Cameron Schmitz 3rd place - Paige Hengesbach

St. Lorenz Lutheran School, Frankenmuth 1st place - Sydney Merrihew 2nd place - Karsin Cloeter 3rd place - Rebecca Kwaiser

St. Luke Lutheran School, Clinton Township 1st place - Kayla Schmaltz

St. Margaret School, Otsego 1st place - Erin Lamper 2nd place - Genevieve Warnez 3rd place - Avery Bush

St. Mary / McCormick Catholic Academy, Port Huron 1st place - Hanna Sarrine 2nd place - Paul Nasr 3rd place - Ben Gibbons

St. Mary Cathedral School, Gaylord 1st place - Danielle Cruz 2nd place - Kenley Pawlanta 3rd place - Megan Grusczynski

St. Mary Catholic School, Pinckney 1st place - Kimberly Flaherty 2nd place - Adam Falinski 3rd place - Luke deBeauclair



St. Mary Catholic School, Wayne 1st place - Thomas Dylewski 2nd place - Kathryn Wolney 3rd place - Colleen Verla

St. Mary Elementary School, RoyalOak 1st place - Ava Smith 2nd place - Grace Seefelt 3rd place - Aidan Madden

St. Mary School, Mt. Clemens 1st place - Rocco Stroker 2nd place - Nicholas Moncaleano 3rd place - Katy Feskorn

St. Mary School, Spring Lake 1st place - Sophia Bates 2nd place - Kaisee Jonio 3rd place - Mary Fojtik

St. Mary’s Catholic School, St. Clair 1st place - Olivia Parlow 2nd place - Sarah Kehoe 3rd place - Megan Kammer

St. Matthew Lutheran School, Walled Lake 1st place - Jose Aguilera 2nd place - Noelle Stults 3rd place - Andrew Stocke

St. Michael Lutheran School, Richville 1st place - Abigail Hambaum 2nd place - Calista Bickel 3rd place - Chelsea Merkiel

St. Monica Catholic School, Kalamazoo 1st place - Madeleine Coffman 2nd place - Grace Pierucci 3rd place - Nickolis Kimberly

St. Patrick School, Ada 1st place - Lucas Kramer 2nd place - Matthew Martin 3rd place - Alyssa Melnik

St. Patrick School, Carleton 1st place - Emma Hamilton 2nd place - Acacia Marks 3rd place - Samuel Cousino

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School, Grosse Pointe Farms 1st place - Madeline Sullivan 2nd place - Lilly Hall 3rd place - Maddy Campbell

St. Paul Catholic School, Owosso 1st place - McKenna Sovis 2nd place - Elizabeth Vreibel 3rd place - Andrew Vreibel

St. Paul Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Karli Bourdow 2nd place - Matthew Lemanski 3rd place - Lydia Schultz

St. Paul Lutheran School, Millington 1st place - Brianna Schwab 2nd place - Alyssa Frahm

St. Paul Lutheran School, Stevensville 1st place - Daniel Graebel 2nd place - Katie Rainey 3rd place - Meg Stangl

St. Paul’s Lutheran, Ann Arbor 1st place - Emily Podolski 2nd place - Michael Theisen 3rd place - Joey Varblow

St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Saginaw 1st place - Madison Schroer 2nd place - Emma Sauer 3rd place - Alexis Leyrer

St. Peter Lutheran School, Eastpointe 1st place - Ethan Rice 2nd place - Christopher Desbien 3rd place - Chance Delpier



St. Peter Lutheran School, Hemlock 1st place - Shana Newton 2nd place - Madison Kumar 3rd place - Eliana Behnke

St. Peter Lutheran School, Macomb 1st place - Giovanni Cavaliere 2nd place - Angela Shall 3rd place - Isabella Ensworth

St. Peter’s Lutheran School, Big Rapids 1st place - Melanie Johnson 2nd place - Kyle Bowen 3rd place - Cody Brown

St. Peter’s Lutheran School, Plymouth 1st place - Philip Schroeder 2nd place - Kai Pearce 3rd place - John Lovell

St. Peter’s Lutheran School, Richmond 1st place - Trevor Goretski 2nd place - Alyssa Haller 3rd place - Jacob Harkness

St. Pius X Catholic School, Flint 1st place - Natalie MacDonald 2nd place - Zachary Lash 3rd place - Mitchell DeDolph

St. Pius X School, Southgate 1st place - Jenna Malinowski 2nd place - Mariah Zammit 3rd place - Makenzie Machowicz

St. Raphael School, Garden City 1st place - Caleigh Muglia 2nd place - Brodenck Riopelle 3rd place - Elaina Ryan

St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic School, Flushing 1st place - Sophie Klanseck 2nd place - Juliett Hawa 3rd place - William Bush

St. Sebastian School, Dearborn Heights 1st place - Brendan Zemke 2nd place - Jessica Bergum 3rd place - Devin Barr

St. Stanislaus School, Dorr 1st place - Macy Krcatovich 2nd place - Joseph Skrycki III 3rd place - Brady Bockheim

St. Stephen Catholic School, East Grand Rapids 1st place - Claire Hile 2nd place - Drew Crowley 3rd place - Anais Baizan

St. Stephen School, New Boston 1st place - Ethan Ouellette 2nd place - Hannah Nowlin 3rd place - Caroline Bodary

St. Thomas the Apostle School, Grand Rapids 1st place - Bree Bylak 2nd place - Grace Rellinger 3rd place - Luke Braselton

St. Valentine School, Redford 1st place - Ila Roullier 2nd place - Brianne Sheltraw 3rd place - Rhonwyn Martin

Star International Academy, Dearborn Heights 1st place - Mariam Hashem 2nd place - Zainab Mustafa 3rd place - Hiba Hilal

Stevenson Middle School, Westland 1st place - Elizabeth Ezeoke 2nd place - Layali Alshaikh 3rd place - Katie Calmeyn

Sturgis Middle School, Sturgis 1st place - Alan Albarran 2nd place - Taylor Hopkins 3rd place - Hannah Massey



Swan Valley Middle School, Saginaw 1st place - Yina Todd 2nd place - Mia Lazzaro 3rd place - Cassidy Palmateer

Swartz Creek Middle School, Swartz Creek 1st place - Aeriana Clark 2nd place - Jasmine Moore 3rd place - Hailey Feudale

Tekonsha Middle School, Tekonsha 1st place - Evelyn Hendrix 2nd place - Emmah Cook 3rd place - Eric Long

The Chatfield School, Lapeer 1st place - Rayenna Sutton 2nd place - Kristen Kautz 3rd place - Alyssa Gilpin

The Japhet School, Clawson 1st place - Keith Lloyd 2nd place - Maddy Grunow 3rd place - Nate Hodgson

Traverse City Christian School, Traverse City 1st place - Charlie Polomsky 2nd place - Rachel Silkovskiy 3rd place - Rachel Burch

Tri-Unity Christian School, Wyoming 1st place - Zipporah Nagurski 2nd place - Joe Deal 3rd place - Emeline Syren

Trinity Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Jeremiah Iseler 2nd place - Maddison Stevenson 3rd place - Logan Pankow

Trinity Lutheran School, Berrien Springs 1st place - Nicklas Nelson 2nd place - Colton Stoub 3rd place - Chloe Johnson

Trinity Lutheran School, Clinton Township 1st place - Madison Atwell 2nd place - Sarah Hamick 3rd place - Avery Briggs

Trinity Lutheran School, Jackson 1st place - Jonathan Ekong 2nd place - Alex Schultz 3rd place - Jane Carter

Trinity Lutheran School, Monroe 1st place - Sarah Voss 2nd place - Madalyn Poupard 3rd place - Matthew Timiney

Trinity Lutheran School, Paw Paw 1st place - Anna Vavra 2nd place - Kelsey Babcock

Trinity Lutheran School, Port Huron 1st place - Laren Spadafore 2nd place - Deschalyn Riase

Trinity Lutheran School, Reed City 1st place - Calvin Louis Rohde 2nd place - Elliana Joy Burns

Trinity Lutheran School, Reese 1st place - Abby Brown 2nd place - Lily Wendland 3rd place - Logan Putman

Trinity Lutheran School, Utica 1st place - Jenna Lechner 2nd place - Anna Stadnika 3rd place - Ryan Connolly

Ubly Junior High School, Ubly 1st place - Andrea Grifka 2nd place - Lacey Pionk 3rd place - Danielle Umbreit

Union City Middle School, Union City 1st place - Grace Spenelli 2nd place - Kaitlyn Brinkman 3rd place - Alison Harvey



Unionville-Sebewaing Area Middle School, Sebewaing 1st place - Vicente Huizar 2nd place - Alayna Wanless 3rd place - Nathan Miklovic

Universal Academy, Detroit 1st place - Aml Ali 2nd place - Ameel Awnallah 3rd place - Marwa Al-Shohatee

University of Detroit Jesuit Acad & HS, Detroit 1st place - Robert French

University Preparatory Academy MS, Detroit 1st place - Imari Carl 2nd place - Armecia Marion 3rd place - Arkeedria English

Vanderbuilt Charter Academy, Holland 1st place - Sietie Hicks

Vassar Junior High School, Vassar 1st place - Kennedy McDaniel 2nd place - Sadie DuBois 3rd place - Delaney Goodell

Verona Mills Elementary School, Bad Axe 1st place - Braydon Harris

Vestaburg Middle School, Vestaburg 1st place - Hannah Palmer

Vicksburg Middle School, Vicksburg 1st place - Elijah Lewis 2nd place - Kora Kindig 3rd place - Madison Bullis

Waldron Area Schools, Waldron 1st place - Grace Emens 2nd place - Shelby Suhy 3rd place - Jordan Miller

Walkerville Middle School, Walkerville 1st place - Morgan Nicole Baker- Briam 2nd place - William James Barnes

Warren Woods Christian School, Warren 1st place - Ethan Neff 2nd place - Alexandra Hutsko 3rd place - Brianna Ackerman

Washtenaw Christian Academy, Saline 1st place - Alysse Brendtke 2nd place - Kate Johnson 3rd place - Noelle Potra

Wayland Union Middle School, Wayland 1st place - Emily Bolthouse 2nd place - Kayla Russo 3rd place - Samya Chlebana

West Hills Middle School, West Bloomfield 1st place - Emma Dwoskin 2nd place - Alan Yang 3rd place - Mari Lynn

West Intermediate School, Mt. Pleasant 1st place - Amanda Nguyen 2nd place - Emily Wilczak 3rd place - Kaitlyn Bootz

West Iron County Middle School, Iron River 1st place - Noah Thomson 2nd place - Robert Quayle 3rd place - Aurora Rowell

West Middle School, Plymouth 1st place - Carlissa Baker 2nd place - Matthew Falzon 3rd place - Alyssa Lollo

West Middle School, Rochester Hills 1st place - Rohit Mital



Western Michigan Christian High School, Norton Shores 1st place - Luke Hanes 2nd place - Emma Visker 3rd place - Sara DeYoung

Whitmore Lake High School, Whitmore Lake 1st place - Halie Pechette 2nd place - Konya Halle 3rd place - Catherine Romine

Williamston Middle School, Williamston 1st place - Brynna Gorsline 2nd place - Jenna Ellis 3rd place - McKenzie Lewis

Wilson SDA Junior Academy, Wilson 1st place - Joshua Thurman 2nd place - Blaine Pearson 3rd place - Francesca Molgaard

Woodland School, Traverse City 1st place - Avery Miller 2nd place - Alexis Frank 3rd place - Elena Post

Wyandot Middle School, ClintonTownship 1st place - Ashley Reed 2nd place - Camille Hernandez 3rd place - Felicity Stadalnikas

Zion Christian School, ByronCenter 1st place - Lydia Vincent 2nd place - Grace Maartense 3rd place - Leah Groenveld

Zion Lutheran School, Auburn 1st place - Erin Ettline 2nd place - Dakota Schumann 3rd place - Allison Kubiak

Zion Lutheran School, Bay City 1st place - Hannah VanHorn 2nd place - Owen Wallace 3rd place - MaKenzee Eischer-Bridges

Zion Lutheran School, Harbor Beach 1st place - Ethan Woodke 2nd place - Cierra Landenberg 3rd place - Sean Hessling





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