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      2010 – 2011

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    Table Description of Tables Page

     No. No.

      (1) (2) (3)

      .Map of Maharashtra State showing R.T.O. Offices and Border Check Posts.Section-I : General Information.

    1 Maharashtra’s Economy in Figures, 2011 7

    2 Areas and Population of Maharashtra State, (according to 2001census ). 8

    3 Name,Telephone No. and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s / 9

    Director of Transports of State / Uts in India.

    4 (i) Officer’s Name ,Telephone Numbers.of Tansport Commissioner’s Office,Mumbai , 14

    Maharashtra State.

    4 (ii) Officer’s Name, Office Addresses , and Telephone Numbers of the Regional and 16

    Dy.Regional Transport Offices of Motor Vehicles Department of Maharashtra State.

    4 (iii) Name, Telephone Numbers, of Border Check Post of Maharashtra State. 20

    4 (iv) List of E-Mail ID Of Motor Vehicles Department. 21

    5 Sanctioned ‘Staffing Pattern of Motor Vehicles Department. of Maharashtra State 23

    as on 31/03/2011.

    5 (A) Regionwise Number of Sanctioned Posts in the Motor Vehicles Department of 24

    Maharashrta State as on 31 March, 2011.

    5 (B) Abstract of Postwise and Classwise number of Sanctioned Post in the Motor Vehicles 28

    Department of Maharashtra State as on 31 March,2011.

    Section- II: Motor Vehicles Population.

    6 Total Number of Motor Vehicles Registered in India ( 1951 to 2006 (P)). 31

    7 (A) Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March ,2005 (Revised) . 32

    7 (B) Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March ,2006 (Provisional). 34

    8 (A) Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitian Cities of India as on 31st March, 2005. 36

    8 (B) Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitian Cities of India as on 31st March, 2006 38


    9 Motor Vehicles on Road in Maharashtra State as on 31’st March, 2006 to 2011. 40

    9 (A) Motor Vehicles on Road in Maharashtra State as on 31’st March, 2006 to 2011. 4110 Regionwise Transport and Non- Transport Vehicles in Maharashtra State as on 42

    31’st March, 20010 & 2011.

    11 Motor Vehicles on Road as on 31st March, 2006 to 2011 in Maharastra state 43

     (Officewise & Yearwise).

    11 Chart Motor Vehicles on Road as on 31st March, 1995 to 2011 in Maharastra state

    12 Motor Vehicles Population in Maharashtra State and Mumbai as on 31 March, 2011. 45

    12 Chart Motor Vehicles Population of Maharashtra State and Mumbai as on 31 March, 2011.

    13 Officewise,Regionwise and Categorywise Motor Vehicles Population on Road 47

    as on 31 March, 2011.

    13 Chart  No.Of Motor Vehicles Population on Road as on 31 March, 2011.

    13 (A) Officewise, Regionwise and Categorywise Number of Diesel ,Petrol, L.P.G.& 59

    C.N.G.Used Vehicles as on March, 2011.

    14 Categorywise Motor Vehicles Population as on 31 March, 2011 in Important Cities 117

     in Maharashtra State.

    14 Chart  Motor Vehicles Population as on 31 March, 2011 in Important Cities in Maharashtra State.

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    Table Description of Tables Page

     No. No.

      (1) (2) (3)

    Section- III : Registration of Motor Vehicles.

    15 (A) Newly Registered Motor Vehicles in the State of India.(During 2004-2005). 127

    15 (B) Newly Registered Motor Vehicles in the State of India.(During 2005-2006). 12916 Categorywise Newly Registered Motor Vehicles in Maharashtra State. 131

    (2005-2006 to 2010-2011 ).

    16 Chart  Newly Registered Motor Vehicles during (1994-1995 to 2010-1011)

    16 (A) Categorywise Newly Registered Motor Vehicles in Maharashtra State. 133

    (2005 -2006 to 2010 - 2011).

    17 Number of Motor Vehicles Newly Registered in each Region (2005-2006 to 2010-11) 134

    17 Chart Regionwise Newly Registered Motor Vehicles during(2010-2011

    17(A) Chart Regionwise Newly Registered Motor Vehicles during (2009-2010 & 2010-2011

    18 Officewise ,Regionwise and Categorywise No. of Motor Vehicles Newly Registered 135

    during the year 2010-2011 in Maharashtra State.

    19 Monthwise and Categorywise No. of Motor Vehicles Newly Registered 142

    during the year 2010-11 .

    19 Chart Categorywise Motor Vehicles Newly Registered during 2010-11 .in Maharashtra State19 (A) Officewise & Monthwise and Categorywise No. of Motor Vehicles Newly Registered 147

    during the year 2010-11 .

    Section-IV : Licences

    20 Yearwise Number of Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences Newly issued during, 207

    the year 1991-92 to 2010-11 in Maharashtra State

    21 Regionwise Number of Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences Newly issued during 208

    the year 2010-2011 in Maharashtra State.

    21(A) No. of Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences Newly issued during the year 2010-2011 209

    in each Transport Office of Maharashtra State.

    22 Number of valid Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences in force as on 211

    31’st March, 1985,1990 and from 1995 to 2011 in Maharashtra State .

    23 Regionwise Number of valid Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences in force 212as on 31’st March, 2011 in Maharashtra State .

    23 (A) Officewise Number of valid Driver’s and Conductor’s Licences in force 213

    as on 31’st March, 2011 in each Transport Office of Maharashtra State .

    24 Officewise Newly issued Badges during the year 2010-2011 and Valid Badges 215

    as on 31’st March 2011 .

    25 Officewise Learning Lincences, fitness certificate issued during the year 2010-2011 219

    and No. of Driving schools existance as on 31’st March 2011 in Maharashtra State

    Section - V : Revenue.

    26 Tenth Five year Plan Provision & Expenditure Statement for the year 2002-2003 223

    to 2006-2007 .

    26 (A) Eleventh Five year Plan Provision & Expenditure Statement for the year 2007-2012 . 224

    26 (B) Eleventh Five year Plan 2007-2012, Annual Plan 2010-2011 (Aproved outay.) 22527 Eleventh Five years Plan Budget Estimates and Expenditure ( Plan) 226

    for the year 2007-2008 to 2011-2012 .

    28 Actual Non -Plan Expenditure for the year 2002-2003 to 2007-2008. 227

    28 (A) Actual Non -Plan Expenditure for the year 2005-2006 to 2011-2012. 228

    29 Total Revenue Collected and Expenditure incurred by the M.V.Dept. 229

    during each financial year from 2005-2006 to 2010-2011 in Maharashtra State.

    29 Chart Revenue Collected and Expenditure from 1994-1995 to 2010-2011 in Maharashtra State.

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    Table Description of tables Page

     No. No.

      (1) (2) (3)

    30 Total Revenue Collected by each Transport Office d uring each Financial year from 231

    2005-2006 to 2010-2011 in Maharashtra State.30 Chart Regionwise Revenue Collected during 2010-2011 (Rs. in Lakh)

    30(A) Chart Regionwise Revenue Collected during 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 (Rs. in Lakh)

    31 Officewise and Regionwise Taxes and Fees Collected during the year 2010-2011. 233

    32 Officewise No.of approved P.U.C.Centres as on 31st March , 2011 in Maharashtra State. 235

    33 Performance of Flying Squad,Border Check Post ,Clandestine Opration ,P.U.C. 237

    and Overloading Goods (1999-2000 to 2010-2011)

    33 Chart Amount recovered from Border Check Post ,Flying Squad, Clandestine Operation ,

    P.U.C. Overloading Goods (1999-2000 to 2010-2011)

    33 (A) Performance of Border Check Post during 2010-2011. 239

    33 (B) Performance of Flying Squad during 2010-2011. 240

    33 (C) Officewise Performance of P.U.C. Checking and Performance Clandestine Opration 242

    during 2010-2011.

    33 (D) Officewise Number of Motor Vehicles Checked, Detected and Revenue recovered 244from the Helmets not using Vehicles abd performance of Overloding Goods Vehicles

    during the Year 2010-2011.

    Section - VI : Permits

    34 Officewise No. of Valid ( live) Permits as on 31st March, 2011 in Maharashtra State. 249

    34 (A) Regionwise No. of Valid ( live) Permits as on 31st March, 2011.Maharashtra State. 256

    35 Officewise and Regionwise No. of Temporary Permits isssued during the year 2010-2011 258

    36 Officewise and Regionwise No. of valid (live) National Permits as on 31st March , 2011. 260

    Section - VII : Road Accidents

    37 Road Accident in India.(yearwise 1970 -2007) 265

    38 Statewise Road Accidents No. of Persons killed and injured in India 266

    (1999 to 2007 (Provisional ).

    39 Number of Road Accidents and Casualties in Metropolitan Cities of India 269

    (1998 To 2007 (Provisional))

    40 Districtwise No. of Accidents during 2004 to 2010 (calender year ) in Maharashtra State. 272

    41 Districtwise No. of Persons killed during 2004 to 2010 (calender year) in 273

    Maharashtra State .

    42 Districtwise No. of Persons Injured during 2004 to 2010. (calender year ) in 274

    Maharashtra State .

    Section- VIII : Road statistics

    43 Statewise Road length in India ( surfaced and Unsurfaced) as on 31’st March, 2004. 279

    44 Road length under maintenance with Public Works Department & Zilla Parishad , 280

    as on 31 March , 2011. in Maharashtra State.

    45 Road length according to different classes in Maharashtra State 1970-71 to 2010-11. 28346 Officewise Fees Collected from Atractive Number Allotment during the year 2010-2011 284

     in Maharashtra State.

    Officers /Officials Associated with this Publication. 296

    Organisation Chart.

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    MAP SHOWING R.T.O.& Dy. R.T.O.


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      Section-I :  General Information

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    TABLE No. 1

     Maharashtra’s Economy in Figures, 2011.Item Unit Number  

     (1) (2) (3)

    Administrative Structure

    Geographical area 308

    Divisions Number 6

    Districts Number 35Tahsils Number 353

    City and town units + Number 378

    Population as per census - 2001

    Male No.(‘000) 50,401

    Female No.(‘000) 46,478

    Total No.(‘000) 96,879

    Rural No.(‘000) 55,778

    Urban No.(‘000) 41,101

    Scheduled Castes No.(‘000) 9882

    Scheduled Tribes No.(‘000) 8577

    Main Workers ( No. LAKH) 347

    Sex ratio Females per ‘000 males 922

    Density Population per 315

    Literacy Percentage 76.9

    Transport and Communication-

    Railway Route Length (2009-2010) Km. 5938

    Surfaced road Length (as on 31st March2011) Km. 221182

     National Highways Km. 4376

    State Highways Km. 34103

    Major District Roads Km. 49936

    Other District Roads Km. 46897

    Village Roads Km. 106400

    Motor vehicles Registered (as on 31st March 2011) Number 17434099

    Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation-

    Routes at the end of the year Number 16170Total Route Distance ’00 K.m. 12480

    Average Number of vehicles on Road per day Number 15040

    Average Number of Passengers travelled daily Lakh 65.36

    Local Bodies

    Zilla Parishads Number 33

    Panchayat Samitis “ 355

    Village Panchayats “ 27993

    Municipal Councils “ 222

    Municipal Panchayats “ 4

    Municipal Corporations “ 23

    Police- ( December, 2010 )

    Police Stations # “ 997

    Police out Post # “ 1697Total police Personel # “ 185075

    Cargo handled at the Docks and Bunders in Mumbai port— 

    Imports ( 2009-2010 ) ‘000’ Tonnes 35,357

    Exports ( 2009-2010 ) ‘000’ Tonnes 19,184

    State Plan Expenditure ( 2009-2010) Crore Rs. 31,879

    Source;- Maharashtra’s Economy in figures 2010 of Directorate of Economics and Statistics , Mumbai.& P.W.D.


      # - Figures related to calender year .

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    TABLE No.2

    Area and Population of Maharashtra State, (According to 2001 Census)

    Sr. Name of the District Area Sex Total Sector Total Density Percentage

     No. (in sq. km.) Male Female Population Rural Urban Population No. of Persons Distribution

    (in ‘000) (in ‘000) (in ‘000) (in ‘000) (in ‘000) (in ‘000) per sq. km. of Population

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

    1 Mumbai 157 1878 1460   3338   0 3338   3338   21261 3.45

    2 Mumbai (Suburban) 446 4742 3899   8641   0 8641   8641   19374 8.92

    3 Thane 9558 4378 3754   8132   2229 5903   8132   851 8.39

    4 Raigad 7152 1118 1090   2208   1673 535   2208   309 2.28

    5 Ratnagiri 8208 795 902   1697   1505 192   1697   207 1.75

    6 Sindhudurg 5207 418 451   869   787 82   869   167 0.90

    Konkan Region 30728 13329 11556 24885 6194 18691 24885 810 25.69

    7 Nashik 15530 2591 2403   4994   3056 1938   4994   322 5.15

    8 Dhule 8063 878 830   1708   1262 446   1708   212 1.76

    9 Nandurbar 5034 664 648   1312   1109 203   1312   261 1.35

    10 Jalgaon 11765 1906 1777   3683   2630 1053   3683   313 3.80

    11 Ahmednagar 17048 2083 1958   4041   3237 804   4041   237 4.17

    Nashik Region 57440 8122 7616 15738 11294 4444 15738 274 16.24

    12 Pune 15643 3769 3464   7233   3032 4201   7233   462 7.47

    13 Satara 10480 1408 1401   2809   2411 398   2809   268 2.90

    14 Sangli 8572 1320 1263   2583   1950 633   2583   301 2.67

    15 Solapur 14895 1990 1860   3850   2624 1226   3850   258 3.97

    16 Kolhapur 7685 1808 1716   3524   2473 1051   3524   459 3.64

    Pune Region 57275 10295 9704 19999 12490 7509 19999 349 20.64

    17 Aurangabad 10107 1505 1392   2897   1810 1087   2897   287 2.99

    18 Jalna 7718 827 786   1613   1305 308   1613   209 1.66

    19 Parbhani 6517 780 748   1528   1043 485   1528   234 1.58

    20 Hingoli 4524 505 482   987   833 154   987   218 1.02

    21 Beed 10693 1116 1045   2161   1774 387   2161   202 2.23

    22 Nanded 10528 1481 1395   2876   2187 689   2876   273 2.97

    23 Osmanabad 7569 769 717   1486   1253 233   1486   196 1.53

    24 Latur 7157 1075 1005   2080   1590 490   2080   291 2.15

    Aurangabad Region 64813 8058 7570 15628 11795 3833 15628 241 16.13

    25 Buldhana 9661 1147 1085   2232   1759 473   2232   231 2.30

    26 Akola 5429 841 789   1630   1003 627   1630   300 1.68

    27 Washim 5153 526 494   1020   842 178   1020   198 1.05

    28 Amravati 12210 1346 1261   2607   1708 899   2607   214 2.69

    29 Yavatmal 13582 1266 1192   2458   2001 457   2458   181 2.54

    Amravati Region 46035 5126 4821 9947 7313 2634 9947 216 10.2730 Wardha 6309 639 598   1237   912 325   1237   196 1.28

    31 Nagpur 9802 2106 1962   4068   1454 2614   4068   415 4.20

    32 Bhandara 3895 573 563 1136 960 176 1136 292 1.17

    33 Gondia 5425 599 602 1201 1057 144 1201 221 1.24

    34 Chandrapur 11443 1063 1008 2071 1406 665 2071 181 2.14

    35 Gadchiroli 14412 491 479 970 903 67 970 67 1.00

    Nagpur Region 51286 5471 5212 10683 6692 3991 10683 208 11.03

     Maharashtra State 307577 50401 46479 96880 55778 41102 96880 315 100.00

     Note:- Details may not add up to totals due to rounding off.

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      TABLE No.3

    Name,Telephone No.and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s/ 

    Director’s of Transport & Transport Secretary of States/U.Ts.

    Sr. State/UT. Name of the Transport Commossioner’s/ Phone No.No. Director’s of Transport, Transport Secretary,

    Office Address and E-mail ID

    1 Andhra Shri. Hiralal Samariya 040 / 23321383 (Off)

    Pradesh Transport Commissioner Govt. of Andhra Pradesh 040 / 23321300 (Fax)Transport Commissione’s office,Transport Bhavan, 3rd & 4th Floor Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500 082.E-Mail ID : [email protected]

    Smt. D. Lakshmi Pathasarathi 040/23453237(Off)Transport Sect. 040/23454547(Fax)

    2 Assam Shri Swapnil Barua, IAS 0361 / 2228087(Off)Commissioner of Transport & Sec. State Trasport 0361 / 2228582(Off)Office of Transport Commissioner, 0361 / 2234110(Fax)Dispur, Housefed Complex,Guwahati 781 006.

    3 Bihar Shri. Rahul Singh 0612 / 2546448 (Off)Transport Commissioner 0612 / 2546212 (Fax) State Transport Commissioner ,Bihar ,Vishweswaraiya Bhawan, 2’nd floor,Baily Road, Patana - 800 015.

    Shri. Uday Singh Kumawat, Secretary 0612 / 2546449 (Off)E-Mail ID - [email protected]

    4 Gujrat Shri. G.P. Gupta 079 / 23251361 (Off)Commissioner of Transport, 079 / 23251362 (Fax)Govt. of Gujrat, 079/23254860 (Res)Transport Commissione’s office,Block No.6, 2/3rd Floor, Old Sachivalaya,Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan,Gujrat State, Gandhinagar.E-Mail ID - Commi-trans @

    5 Haryana Shri. Sant Kumar Joshi 0172 /2784359 (Off)Transport Commissioner to Govt. of Haryana, 0172 / 2700542 (Fax)30 Bays Building, Sector - 17 0172 / 2700551(Fax)Chandigarh 160 017. 0172 / 2560857 (Res)E-mail ID [email protected]

    Shri. Rajan Gupta,IAS 172 / 2713485 (Off)Financial Commissioner & Prin. Sect. Transport

    6 Himachal Shri. Dhruv Vashist (IAS) 0177 / 2803136 (Off)Pradesh Commissioner-cum-Director 0177 / /2803136 (Fax)

    Transport Himachal Pradesh 0177 / 2628701 (Res)Directorate of TransportParivan Bhawan, Shimla 171004.

    Shri T. G. Negi, IAS 0177 / 2621867 (Off/Fax)Prin. Sect. Transport, Govt of Himachal Pradesh

    H. P. Secretariat, Simla 171002 0177 / 2807051 (Res)E-Mail ID - [email protected]

    7 Jammu & Dr. Sayyed Mohd Fazlullah (IAS) 0194 / 2455048 (Off)Kashmir Transport Commissioner, 0194 / 2452520 (Fax)

    Transport Commissioner’s office,Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir,Old Sectt., Srinagar 190001.

    Shri. Pradeep Gupta, 0194/2452512/2458693 (Off)Commissioner-cum-Secretary 0194 / 2452512 / 24586 (Fax)Civil Secretariat, Shrinagar, Kashmir - 190001

    E-mail : [email protected]

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    TABLE No.3 – contd.

    Name,Telephone No.and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s/   Director’s of Transport & Transport Secretary of States/U.Ts.

    Sr. State/UT. Name of the Transport Commossioner’s/ Phone No.No. Director’s of Transport, Transport Secretary,

    Office Address and e-mail ID

    7A Jammu & Shri Rajinder Ticku, 0191 / 2476091 (Off)Kashmir Transport Commissioner, 0191 / 2476091 (Fax)

    Transport Commissioner’s office, 0191 /2470191 (Off)Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu Rail Head Complex, 0191 / 2479914(Fax)Jammu - 180001 0191 / 2433628 (R)

    8 Karnataka Shri Shyam Bhat. 080 / 22254900 (Off)Commissioner for Transport, 080 / 22353783 (Fax)Transport Commissioner’s office, 080 / 25729834 (Res)5th Floor, Multistoried Building,Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Road, K.R.Circle,Bangalore 560 001.E-mail ID- [email protected]

    Shri. M.K. Shankaralinge Gowda, Trans. Sect. 080 / 22353912 (Off)M.S. Bldg., Ground Floor, 3rd Gate, R no 153, 080 / 22352769 (Fax)Bangalore - 560001E-mail :

    9 Kerala Shri. D. P. Senkumar (IAS) 0471 / 2333319 (Off)

    Transport Commissioner & Addl. DGP 0471/ 2333314 (Fax)Transport Commissionerate, 0471 / 2333326 (Off)Trans Tower Vazhuthacaud Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014.E-mail ID - [email protected]

    Dr. K Ilankovan, Secretary Transport 0471 / 2517004 (Off)10 Madhya Shri S.S. Lal (IAS) 0751 / 2457006 (Off)

    Pradesh Transport Commissioner, 0751 / 2429105 (Fax)Transport Commissioner’s office,Moti Mahal, Gwalior - 474 007Madhya Pradesh.E-mail ID - [email protected]

    Shri. Manish Shrivastava, Trans. Secretary. 0755 / 2441636 (Off)Mantralaya, Vallabh Bhavan, 0755 / 2572108 (Fax)Bhopal - 462004

    11 Maharashtra Shri. V. N. More (IAS) 022 / 26550932/33/34 (Off)Transport Commissioner, 022 / 26516336 (Off)Govt. of Maharashtra, 022 / 26414901 (Fax)Transport Commissioner’s office, 022 / 26451423 (Fax)Opp.Dr.Ambedkar Garden, 022 / 22826734 (Fax)Administrative Bldg., 4th Floor, (Churchgate Office)Govt.Colony, Bandra (East),Mumbai - 400 051.E-mail ID - [email protected]

    Shri.Shailesh Kumar Sharma, 022 / 22025009 (off) Secretary (Transport & Excise), 022 / 22845141 (Fax)Home Deptt., Maharashrta , Mumbai-400 032.

    12 Meghalaya Smt. S.N. Marak. M.C.S. 0364 / 2534617 (Off)Commissioner of Transport, 0364 / 2232779(Off)Govt. of Meghalaya, 0364 / 2534717 (Fax)Madanrting, Sawlad,Shillong 793 021E-mail [email protected]

    Shri. H. Marwein,IAS Prin. Secretary. 0364 / 2226102 (Off)E-Mail ID - [email protected] 0364 / 2223114 (Res)

    13 Nagaland Shri. H Achumi 0370 / 2290413 (Off)Transport Commissioner, 0370 / 2290408 (Fax)Old M.L.A. Hostel Building, Nagaland, Kohima - 797001Email id - [email protected]

    Secretary to the Govt of Nagaland 0370 / 227008 (Off/Fax)Transport Department, Kohima - 797001

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    TABLE No.3 – contd. Name,Telephone No.and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s/ 

      Director’s of Transport & Transport Secretary of States/U.Ts.

    Sr. State/UT. Name of the Transport Commossioner’s/ Phone No.

    No. Director’s of Transport, Transport Secretary,

    Office Address and e-mail ID

    14 Orisa Shri. Surendrakumar 0671 / 2507042 (Off)Transport Commissioner, 0671 / 2507238 (fax)6th Floor, Rajaswa Bhavan,Cuttack - 753002Email Id - [email protected]

    Shri. GaganKumar Dhal, Trans.Secretary.15 Punjab Shri. Harjeet Singh (IAS) 0172 / 2702575 (Off)

    State Transport Commissioner, 0172 / 2706943 (Fax)Jeevandeep Building, Sector-17,Chandigarh - 160 017.

    Shri. Anurag Agarwal,Trans. Secretary 0172 / 2743136 (Off)

    5th Flr, R.No. 510, Mini Secretariat of Punjab

    16 Rajsthan Shri. Deepak Upreti 0141 / 2740301 (Off)Transport Commissioner & Principal Secretary, 0141 / 2740177 (Fax)Govt. of Rajasthan,Parivahan Bhawan,Sahkar Marg,Jaipur 302 005.E-mail [email protected]

    17 Sikkim Shri. Arun Kumar Yadav, (IAS) 03592 / 202774 (Off)Transport Commissioner-cum-Secretary, 03592 / 202774 (Fax)Transport Department, Govt. of Sikkim,Yatayat Bhavan, Gangtok,Sikkim - 737101

    18 Tamilnadu Shri S. Murugaia (IAS) 044 / 28520682 (Off)Transport Commissioner 044 / 28412244 (Fax)Transport Commissioner’s Office,Govt. of Tamilnadu,Hilagam Building, Chepauk,Chennai -600 005.E-mail ID [email protected]

    Shri. Nasimuddin,IAS Transport Secretary 044 / 25671475 (Off)19 Tripura Shri Kishor Ambuly (IAS) 0381 / 2324601(Off)

    Prin. Secretary, Govt.of Tripura, 0381 / 2416042(Fax) New Secretariat Complex,

    Agartala (West)Tripura - 799006.

    20 Uttar Shri. Sudhirkumar Shrivastava (IAS) 0522 / 2613978 (Off)Pradesh Transport Commissioner, 0522 / 2629235 (Fax)

    Office of the Transport Commissioner,Parivahan Bhavan,Tehari Kothi,M.G.Marg, Lucknow 226 001.Email Id - [email protected]

    Shri. Majit Ali, Principal Secretary, Transport 0522 / 2239768 (Off)Secretariat, Lucknow - 226001 0522 / 2236977 (Fax)

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    TABLE No.3 – contd.

      Name,Telephone No.and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s/ 

    Director’s of Transport & Transport Secretary of States/U.Ts.

    Sr. State/UT. Name of the Transport Commossioner’s/ Phone No.No. Director’s of Transport, Transport Secretary,

    Office Address and e-mail ID

    21 West Shri B.P. Gopalika 033 / 22145455 (Off)Bangal Trans. Sect. & Commissioner of Transport Deptt., 033 / 22144700 (Fax)

    Second Floor, Protected Area,Writer’s Bldg., Govt. of West Bangal,Kolkata 700 001.

    22 Andman & Shri. K. C. Aggarwal 03192 /230225 (Off) Nicobar Island Transport Sect. & Directorate of Transport 03192 /230235 (Off) (U.T.) Port Blair -7441011 03192 / 230235 (Fax)

    E-mail ID - [email protected]

    23 Arunachal Shri. S.N.Sriwastaw, 0360/212161 (Off)Pradesh Director (Transport), Naharlagun, 0360/212161 (Fax)

    Govt.of Arunachal Pradesh,Itanagar-791 111.

    24 Dadra & Shri. Sanjay Goel 0260 / 2642721 (Off) Nagar Haveli. Director of Transport 0260 / 2642787 (Fax) (U.T.) Office of the Collector  

    Dadra & Nagar Haveli, (U.T.),Silvassa-390230

    Shri. K. T. Parmar 0260 / 2642444 (Off)Asst. Dirctor of Transport, Dadra Nagar HaveliAmli, Silvasa - 396230

    25 Dehli Shri. R. Chandramohan (IAS) 011/23980166 (Off)  (U.T.) Principal Secretary-cum-Commissioner (Trans), 011/26888698 (Off)

    Deptt., of Transport, 011 / 23933829 (Off)

    Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi, 011/23933069 (Fax)5/9 Under Hill Road,Delhi-110 054.

    26 Goa Shri. Arun Desai 0832/2225724 (Off)Director of Transport & Ex-offcio, 0832/2225724 (Fax)Directorate of Transport Govt. of Goa,Junta House, 1st Floor,Panji (Goa) 403 001.E-Mail ID [email protected]

    Shri. Rajeev Verma, Prin. Secretary (Transport) 0832 / 2419417 (Off)Secretariate Govt. of Goa, Porvorim - 403527

    27 Mizoram Shri. H Darzika, Secretary Transport, 0389/2322197 (Off)Annexe-II, Civil Secretariate 0389/2326198 (Fax)

    Treasury Square, 0389/2341376 (Res) Aizwal 796 001.E-mail [email protected]

    28 Pondichery Shri. T. Karikalan 0413 /2280130 (Off) (U.T.) Transport Commissioner, cum Additional 0413 /2280130 (Fax)

    100 feet Road, Olandaikeerapalayam, 0413 /2254209 (Off) Mudaliarpet, Pondicherry -605 004.Email Id - [email protected]

    Shri. S.B. Deepak Kumar, Transport Secretary 0413 / 2248691 (Off)0413 / 2248759 (Fax)

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    TABLE No.3 – concld.Name,Telephone No.and Office Address of Transport Commissioner’s/   Director’s of Transport & Transport Secretary of States/U.Ts.

    Sr. State/UT. Name of the Transport Commossioner’s/ Phone No.No. Director’s of Transport, Transport Secretary,

      Office Address and e-mail ID

    29 Manipur Shri.Aleng A.S.Shimray, 0385 /2220783 (Off)Director of Transport, 0385 /2222629 (Fax)Govt. of Manipur,Imphal- 795 001.

    30 Chandigarh Shri.Ram Niwas, I.A.S. 0172 /2740008 (Off) (U.T.) Home Secretary-cum-Secretary Transport , 0172 /2740337 (Fax)

    Chandigarh Administration Secretariate , 0172 /2545283 (Res)Room No. 411, 4th floor,Deluxe Building Sector-9, Union Territory, Chandigarh-160019.

    31 Lakshadweep Shri. V. C. Pandey (IAS) 04896 / 262278 (Dir)

     (U.T.) Secretary Transport, Secretariate, 04896 / 263942 (Off)U.T. of Lakshdweep, 04896 / 262459 (Off)Kavaratti- 682 555. 04896 / 263180 (Fax)

    32 Daman & Diu. Shri. Manoj Kumar Sahoo 0260 / 2260140 (Off) (U.T.) Director of Transport, Daman 0260 / 2230689 (Fax)

    Office of the Directors of Transport, 0260 / 2263361 (Off) New RTO Complex, Near Airport Road  Nani Daman - 396 220.Email Id - [email protected]  [email protected]

    Smt. Alka Divan, Sect. Transport / M.D., OIDC 0260 / 2240338 (Off)Fort Area, Moti Daman - 396220

    33 Chattisgarh Shri.N. K. Aswal 0771 / 2582088 (Off)Transport Commissioner-cum-Principal Secretary 0771 / 2582799 (Fax)DKS-Bhawan,Govt. of Chattisgarh,Raipur-492 001.E-mail ID [email protected]

    34 Uttarakhand Shri.Rajiv Joshi, 0135 /2761655 (Off)Additional Secretary (Transport), 0135 /2761916 (Fax)8 Rambag, Kawali,Govt.of Uttarakhand Dehradun -248001.

    E-Mail ID - [email protected]

    35 Jharkhand Shri. AshokKumar Sharma (IAS) 0651 /2401693 (Off)Transport Commissioner, 0651 /2401709 (Fax)Govt. of Jharkhand,Transport Commissioner’s Office,EFT Bldg, HEC Project, Ranchi -834 004.E-mail Id: [email protected]

    Shri Surendra Singh (IAS), Transport Secretary 0651 / 2401693 (Off)

    Eb 4182–5

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    TABLE No. 4(i)

     Officer’s Name, Telephone Numbers of Transport Commissioner’s Office, Mumbai, Maharashtra State.

    Sr. Name of the Officer Designation Telephone No.

    No. Residence Office (Direct) On PBX Nos.

      022/26550932 / 

    33/34 Extn.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    1 Shri V. N. More, I.A.S. Transport Commissioner 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 201


      Fax 022/26414901

      Fax 022/26451423

      022/22826734 Churchgate.Office.

    2 Shri S.V.Thakur Addl. Transport Commissioner 022/26456161 022/26516446 202

    3 Shri S. B. Sahastrabudhe Jt. Transport Commissioner 022/26515115 229

    4 Shri Amrendra Pathak Dy. Transport Commissioner (Adm.) 022/28400560 022/26414900 203

    5 Shri P.V.Mahajan Dy. Transport Commissioner (Comp.) 022/26416498 210

    6 Shri L. P. Khade Dy. Transport Commissioner (E-I) 022/24902049 022/26414899 2047 Shri S. K. Pacharne Dy. Transport Commissioner (E-II) 022/25383939 022/26416425 205

    8 Shri M. B. Jadhav Dy. Transport Commissioner (Insp.) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 206

    9 Vacant Dy. Transport Commissioner (Trg.) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 226

    10 Shri K.B. Gade Dy. Commissioner (Acctts.) 022/28871708 022/26412223 209

    11 Shri S.B. Valvi Asstt. Commissioner of Police (Vig.) 022/25913671 022/26414075 208

    12 Vacant M.V.Prosecutor 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 200

    13 Shri D.N. Manwar Dy.Regional Transport Officer. 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 227

    14 Shri S.N. Jadhav. Dy.Regional Transport Officer. 022/26550932 / 33/ 34

    15 Shri R.K.Navale Asstt. Transport Commissioner . 022/26550932 / 33/ 34

    16 Vacant Asstt. Transport Commissioner 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 246

    17 Shri. R.N. Sawant Asstt. Transport Commissioner 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 246

    18 Shri. Y.K. Bag. Asstt. Transport Commissioner 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 246

    20 Shri. R. R. Jadhav Administrative Officer 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 217

    22 Shri A. P. Salvi Account Officer (I) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 218

    21 Smt.Sangeeta Srivastav Account Officer (Il) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 219

    23 Vacant Research Officer 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 246

    24 Vacant Public Relation Officer 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 216

    25 Vacant O & M. O. 022/26550932 / 33/ 34

    26 Vacant Programmer 022/26362252

    Name of the P.A. Designation Telephone No. Extn.

    1 Smt.S.S.Rao P.A. to Transport Commissioner 022/26516336 220

    2 Smt.Usha Kulabkar P.A. to Transport Commissioner 022/26516336 220

    3 Smt.Sneha Walawalkar P.A. to Addl. Transport Commissioner 022/26516446 221

    4 Smt Shrahda .S. Savant P.A. to Jt.. Transport Commissioner 022/26515115 230

    5 Smt.Asha Garud P.A. to Dy. Transport Commissioner (Adm.) 022/26414900 222

    6 Smt. D. H. Khot P.A. to Dy. Transport Commissioner (EI) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 223

    7 Smt. V. S. Karambe P.A. to Dy. Transport Commissioner (EII) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 231

    8 Smt.Aruna Naidu P.A. to Assistant Commissiner of Police(Vig.) 022/26550932 / 33/ 34 228

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    TABLE No. 4(i) ——concld.

    Name of the Desk Incharge & Extn. Number of Transport Commissioner’s Office, Mumbai, Maharashtra State .

    Sr. Name of the Desk Incharge / Desk Name of the On PBX Nos.

     No. Desk Incharge Designation Nos. Desk 022/26550932 / 33/ 34


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    1 Shri. Haresh Patil Deputy Accountant 1 STA 233

    2 Shri. U.S. Avale Desk Officer 2 Policy 232

    3 Shri. D.P. Sangle Desk Officer 2 (A) (ENF-II) 234

    4 Shri. D.P. Sangle (Addl. Charge) Desk Officer 2 (B) PUC 234

    5 Shri. S.P. Gaikawad Desk Officer 3 Non use 213

    6 Shri. . . Mane Senior Clerk 4 Road Safety 247

    7 Shri. A. R. kuwalekar Senior Clerk 5 C/Signature 249

    8 Smt. R.L.Diwalkar Deputy Accountant 6 Demand Draft 235

    9 Shri .P.J.Tigdi Office Superident 7 Inward/Out ward 254

    10 Shri K. K..Gosavi (Addl. Charge) Deputy Accountant 8 Esstt. Executive 244

    11 Smt. Salwador Deputy Accountant 8 ( A ) Esstt. Ministerial 237

    12 Shri. S .G . Mane Deputy Accountant 9 Accounts 238

    13 Smt. M. M. Bansode Senior Clerk 10 O & M .O. 239

    14 Shri. S. S. Borkar Senior Clerk 11 Comp. Section 240

    15 Shri. S. D. Dhumane Senior Clerk 12 Inspection 241

    16 Shri. S.S.Marulkar Deputy Accountant 13 Training 251

    17 Shri R. N. Vasave Research Assistant 14 Statistics 211

    18 Smt. S.N. Maroliya Deputy Accountant 15 Budget 225

    19 Smt. H. H. Tawde Senior Clerk 16 Internal Audit 248

    20 Smt. H. H. Tawde Desk Officer 17 A.G. Audit 253

    21 Smt. A. A. Bhosale Desk Officer 18 Passenger Tax 251

    22 Smt. A. A. Bhosale Desk Officer 19 Profession Tax 213

    23 Shri. K. T. Kadam. Deputy Accountant 20 Vigilance Cell 228

    24 Smt. Snehalata mane Chief Typist Typing 243

    Eb 4182–5a

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      TABLE No. 4 (ii).

      Officer’s Name, Office Address & Telephone Numbers of Regional & Deputy Regional

      Transport Offices of Motor Vehicle Department in Maharashtra State.

    Sr. Name of the Office Name of Officer. & Office Address Telephone No.

    No. Office code Office Fax Residence

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    1 Mumbai(C) MH-01 Shri :- M.B. Jadhav 022/23532337 022/23534603Regional Transport Officer, 022/23534600Old Bodyguard Lane,Tulsiwadi, 022/23534601Tardev,Mumbai - 400 034. 022/23534602

    2 Mumbai(W) MH-02 Shri :- A. N. Bhalchandra 022/26366957 022/26366957Regional Transport Officer, 022/26362252111-D,Ambivali Village , 022/26319821 New Manish Nagar,Versova Road, 022/26323315 A.R.T.O.Mumbai- 400 053.

    3 Borivali MH-47 Shri :- B. D. Kalaskar 022/26366957 022/26366957Dy. Regional Transport Officer, 022/26362252C/o. RTO Office, Mumbai (W)-Andheri 022/26319821111-D,Ambivali Village, 022/26323315 New Manish Nagar, Versova Road,Mumbai- 400 053.

    4 Mumbai(E) MH-03 Shri :- V. D. Pandkar 022/24036479 022/24036261Regional Transport Officer, 022/24036221 022/24935857B-2,3rd floor, Wadala Truck Terminal,Wadala, Mumbai (East),Mumbai 37 022/24036518 (direct)2. 25, Sir Pochkhanwala Road, 022/24930299 (worli)Worli, Mumbai 400 025.

    5 Thane MH-04 Shri:- N. K. Patil 022/25340474 022/25365660Regional Transport Officer, 022/25823580 Near Central Jail, 022/25446787Thane 400 601. 022/25823400 (Murphy)

    6 Kalyan MH-05 Shri:- S. C. Dole 0251/2230505Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 0251/2230888Tapsi Pande Compound,Rambhau Patwardhan Road,Kalyan 421 301.

    7 Vashi - MH-43 Shri :- S. P. Raut 022/27650701 022/27650702

      Navi Mumbai Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 022/27650702Vashi, New Mumbai.8 Vasai MH-48 Shri. Anand S. Patil 022/25340474 022/25365660

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 022/25823580C/o. RTO Office Thane, 022/25446787 Near Central Jail, 022/25823400Thane 400 601.

    9 Panvel MH-46 Shri:- N. C. Naik 022/27463838 022/27463839Regional Transport Officer,Karnala Sport AcademySector - 16Panvel

    10 Pen - Raigad MH-06 Shri:- B. Y. Ajri 02143/252234 02143/254403Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 02143/256073Municipal Office Compound At & Post, Pen, Dist. Raigad .

    11 Sindhudurg MH-07 Shri :- A. M. Haware 02362/229050 02362/229050Dy. Regional Transport Officer,Boagte Bldg., At & Post Kudal,Dist.Sindhudurg.

    12 Ratnagiri MH-08 Shri :- R. H. Kadam. 02352/229444Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 02352/220707Block No.18/19, Shivaji Stadium, 02352/230377 Near Maruti Temple,Ratnagiri.

    13 Kolhapur MH-09 Shri :- D. T. Pawar 0231/2663131 0231/2661010Regional Transport Officer, 0231/2665454Kolhapur, 213 ‘E’ Nagala Park,Kolhapur. 02325/244181 (Kagal B.C.P.)

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    TABLE No 4 (ii). - contd.

    Officer’s Name, Office Address & Telephone Numbers of Regional & Deputy Regional

      Transport Offices of Motor Vehicle Department in Maharashtra State.

    Sr. Name of the Office Name of Officer. & Office Address Telephone No.

    No. Office code Office Fax Residence

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    14 Sangli MH-10 Shri :- S. j. Budhawant 0233/2310555 0233/2311099Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 0233/2310888Madhav Nagar Road,Industrial Estate,Sangli 416 416.

    15 Satara MH-11 Shri :- V. R. Gujrathi 02162/230330Dy.Regional Transport Officer,484, Sadar Bazar ,Bhurke Bungalow, 02162/235888 A.R.T.O.Camp,Satara 415 001.

    16 Karad MH-50 Shri :- L. A. DaradeDy.Regional Transport Officer,Sharda Mangal Karyalay,Patan Karad Kaise padli Karad 

    17 Pune MH-12 Shri:- A. D. Yewla 020/26058080 020/26058282Regional Transport Officer, 020/2605809038, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Near 020/26058555 Dy.R.T.O.Sangam Bridge,Pune - 411001

    18 Solapur MH-13 Shri:- A. S. Valiv 0217/2303099 0217/2339134Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 0217/2303199 0217/2303199Vijapur Road, S.T.ColonySundaram Nagar,Solapur 413 004.

    19 Pimpri- MH-14 Shri:- J. B. Patil. 020/27492828 020/27493003Chichwad Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 020/27492829

     Near Town Planning Pradhikaran, Nigdi, Behind Primary School,Pimpri-Chinchwad.

    20 Baramati MH-42 Shri:- Deepak A. Patil 02112/243111Dy.Regional Transport Officer,Barmatati.

    21 Akluj MH-45 Shri:- S. J. Sadamate 02185/231231Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 02185/227555Akluj ,Tahshil - Malshiras,Dist. Solapur 

    22 Nashik MH-15 Shri:-.C. M. Kharatmal 0253/2530038 0253/2530181Regional Transport Officer, 0253/2531070Peth Road,Panchwati, Nashik 422 004.

    23 Ahemednagar MH-16 Shri:- V. D. Kamble 0241/2430114Dy.Regional Transport Officer 0241/2431530Bungalow No.8, Nagar Banbori Rd.,Ahmednagar.

    24 Shrirampur MH-17 Shri:- S. T. Alwarist 02422/222175 02422/224751

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer 02422/223102Market Yard, Nevasa Road, 02422/223102 Shrirampur.

    25 Malegaon MH-41 Shri:- A. A. Patil. 02554/258850 02554/258850Dy.Regional Transport Officer,Malegaon.

    26 Dhule MH-18 Shri:- K. T. Golani. 02562/281351 02562/281351Regional Transport Officer,Govt.Colony, Station Road,

    Dhule 424001.

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      TABLE No 4 (ii). - contd.

      Officer’s Name, Office Address & Telephone Numbers of Regional & Deputy Regional

      Transport Offices of Motor Vehicle Department in Maharashtra State.

    Sr. Name of the Office Name of Officer. & Office Address Telephone No.

    No. Office code Office Fax Residence

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    27 Jalgaon MH-19 Shri:- P. D. Nikam. 0257/2261819 0257/2262619

     Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Govt. Colony, Stn.Road,

    Jalgaon 425 001.

    28 Nandurbar MH-39 Shri:- P. K. Tadvi 02564/223522

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,


    29 Aurangabad MH-20 Shri;-S. M. Salame. 0240/2331135 0240/2331133

    Regional Transport Officer, 0240/2321164

     Near Railway station,

    Aurangabad - 431001

    30 Jalna MH-21 Shri:- S. B. More 02482/220929

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,Group no.246,Nagewadi,

    Taluka & Dist . — Jalna.

    31 Beed MH-23 Shri:- V. R. Manjrikar 02442/222632 02442/230398

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Bhave Bldg., Near Deepak Bungalow,

    Old Champawati Oil Mill, Barsi Naka,

    Beed 431 122.

    32 Latur MH-24 Shri:- S. D. Atole, 02382/242434

    Regional Transport Officer,

     Near Datta Mandir, Vora Road,


    33 Osmanabad MH-25 Shri:- S. D. Atole. 02472/27555 02472/221555

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,Shivneri Bungalow,

     Near Bhosala School,

    Bawankar Bldg.,Osmanabad.

    34 Ambajogai MH-44 Shri:- .S. M .Meshram 02446/247755

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Ambajogai ,Dist. Beed .

    35 Nanded MH-26 Shri:- R. S. Lode Patil. 02462/259900 02462/219900

    Regional Transport Officer, 02462/228900

    Abdulla Hill, Near Aerodram,

     Nanded 431 601.

    36 Parbhani MH-22 Shri:- .R. K. Gaikawad , 02452/248148

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Rajesh Bldg., Near Mohite Garage,

    Shivam Nagar, Parbhani 431 401.

    37 Hingoli MH-38 Shri:- Gaikawad (Addl Charge) , 02456/248048

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Hingoli Zilla-Hingoli

    38 Amravati MH-27 Shri:- V. V. Lande. 0721/2662032 0721/2662606

    Regional Transport Officer,

     Near Collectorate Camp,

    Amravati 444 602.

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    TABLE No. 4 (ii). - conld.

    Officer’s Name, Office Address & Telephone Numbers of Regional & Deputy Regional

      Transport Offices of Motor Vehicle Department in Maharashtra State.

    Sr. Name of the Office Name of Officer & Office Address Telephone No.

    No. Office code Office Fax Residence

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    39 Buldhana MH-28 Shri:- P. B. Jadhav. 07262/242244

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Old Vibhag Niyantrak Karyalaya ,

     Near S.T.Bus Stand , Buldhana.

    40 Yavatmal MH-29 Shri:- G .R. Saidane, 07232/255111

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Shri Sarfaraj Bldg,.Jafar Nagar,

    Pandharkwada Road,


    41 Akola MH-30 Shri:- V. S. Ahire 0724/2459488 0724/2459099

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Krishi Nagar, Akola Murti Bazar Rd.,

    Jamnalal Bajaj Goenka Marg,

    Akola.42 Washim MH-37 Vacant 07252/235244

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    B.ed College Bldg. Risod Rd Washim

    43 Nagpur (U) MH-31 Shri:- S. R. Shelke , 0712/2560781 0712/2561698 0712/2220303

    Regional Transport Officer,

    Opp.Giripeth post office,

     Nagpur 440 001.

    44 ‘Nagpur MH-49 Shri:- N. S. Kshirsagar, (Add. Charge)

     (U. EAST) Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    C/O. Opp.Giripeth post office,

     Nagpur 440 001.

    45 Wardha MH-32 Shri:- U. R. Chavan, 07152/243543

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer, 07152/252400Administrative Bldg.,

    Collector Office Compound,

    Sevagram Road, Wardha 442 001.

    46 Nagpur(R) MH-40 Shri:- P. G. Bhalerao. 0712/2549240 0712/2630647 0712/2242664

    Regional Transport Officer, 0712/2630574

    Indora, Lal Godown No.9,

    Kamathi Rd.Nagpur (R),44001447 Gadchiroli MH-33 Shri:- P. D. Gandawar (Add.Charge) 07132/222195

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer, New Administrative Bldg.,Campus Collectorate, Gadchiroli.

    48 Chandrapur MH-34 Shri:- P. D. Gandawar 07172/255372 07172/256474

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer, Nagina Bag Ward, Bokre Plot,

    Chandrapur 442 401.

    49 Gondia MH-35 Shri:-. S. K. Wadekar , 07182/237321 07182/237037

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,

    Dr.Vaiyapee Bunglow Civil Lines,

    Gondia, 440 016.50 Bhandara MH-36 Shri:- N. S. Kshirsagar, 07184/288165

    Dy.Regional Transport Officer,Bhurbhura Singh Bldg. Mukkam-Kargha


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    TABLE NO.4(iii)

      Name and Telephone Numbers of Border Check Post of Maharashtra State.

    Sr.No. Name of the Check Post Tahsil District Highway No. STD Code Telephone No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    1 Achhad Talasari Thane NH-8 02521 230050

    2 Insuli Sawantwadi Sindhudurg NH-17 02363 270251

    3 Kagal Shirgaon Kolhapur NH-5 02325 244181

    4 Chandgad Chandgad Kolhapur SH- ... ...

    5 Mandrup South Solapur Solapur NH-13 0217 255554

    6 Marwade Mangalvedha Solapur NH-9 02188 245385

    7 Borgaon Surgana Nashik SH-Nashik-Surat 02593 233438

    8 Nawapur Nawapur Nandurbar SH-6 02569 250193

    9 Akkalkuwa Akkalkuwa Nandurbar SH-4 ... ...

    10 Hadakhed (Palasner) Shirpur Dhule NH-3 02563 273294

    11 Chorwad Raver Jalgaon SH-4 02584 266211/266223

    12 Purnad Muktainagar (Edlabad) Jalgaon SH-8 02583 248227

    13 Omerga Omerga Osmanabad NH-9 02475 252084

    14 Billoli Billoli Nanded SH-225 ... ...

    15 Degloor Degloor Nanded SH-6 ... ...

    16 Kharpi Chandur - bazar Amravati SH-6 07227 225140

    17 Warud Warud Amravati SH-244 07229 233304

    18 Pimpalkutti Kelapur Yavatmal NH-7 07235 237822

    19 Managaon (Tak) Ramtek Nagpur NH-7 07114 272536

    20 Sawaner Sawaner Nagpur NH-69 07113 246839

    21 Rajura Rajura Chandrapur SH-264 07173 237010

    22 Deori Deori Bhandara NH-6 07199 225156

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     TABLE No. 4 (iv)

     List of E-mail Id of Motor Vehicles Department

    Sr. No. Designation Username

     (A) Transport Commissioner Office

    1 Transport Commissioner [email protected] State [email protected]

    2 Additional.Transport Commissioner [email protected]

    3 Joint Transport Commissioner [email protected] [email protected]

    4 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Admin) [email protected]

    5 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Enf-1) [email protected]

    6 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Enf-2) [email protected]

    7 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Comp) [email protected]

    8 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Account) dycommr.accts @gmail.com9 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Training) dycommr.trg

    10 Dy.Transport Commissioner (Inspection) dycommr.insp

    11 Public Relation Officer (PRO) [email protected]

    12 Asst.Commissioner Vigilance [email protected]

    13 Dy R.T.O. (1) [email protected]

    14 Dy R.T.O. (2) [email protected]

    15 Administrative Officer [email protected]

    16 Assistant Transport Commissioner (1) [email protected]

    17 Assistant Transport Commissioner (2) [email protected]

    18 Account Officer (I) [email protected]

    19 Account Officer (II) [email protected]

    20 Research Officer [email protected]

    Eb 4182–6

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     TABLE No. 4 (iv) -Conld.

      List of E-mail Id of Motor Vehicles Department

    Sr.No Name of the Office Username

    (B) Field Offices

    1 RTO Mumbai (C) [email protected] RTO Mumbai(w) [email protected]

    3 RTO Mumbai(E) [email protected]

    4 RTO Thane [email protected]

    5 Dy RTO Kalyan [email protected]

    6 Dy RTO Pen [email protected]

    7 Dy RTO Sindhudurg [email protected]

    8 Dy RTO Ratnagiri [email protected]

    9 Dy RTO Vashi [email protected]

    10 RTO Kolhapur [email protected]

    11 Dy RTO Sangli [email protected]

    12 Dy RTO Satara [email protected]

    13 RTO Pune [email protected]

    14 Dy RTO Solapur [email protected]

    15 Dy RTO Pimpri-Chinchwad [email protected]

    16 Dy RTO Baramati [email protected]

    17 Dy RTO Akluj [email protected]

    18 RTO Nasik [email protected]

    19 Dy RTO Ahmednagar [email protected]

    20 Dy RTO Shrirampur [email protected]

    21 Dy RTO Malegaon [email protected]

    22 RTO Dhule [email protected]

    23 Dy RTO Jalgaon [email protected]

    24 Dy RTO Nandurbar [email protected]

    25 RTO Aurangabad [email protected]

    26 Dy RTO Jalna [email protected]

    27 Dy RTO Beed [email protected]

    28 RTO Nanded [email protected]

    29 Dy RTO Hingoli [email protected]

    30 Dy RTO Parbhani [email protected]

    31 RTO Latur [email protected]

    32 Dy RTO Osmanabad [email protected]

    33 Dy RTO Ambejogai [email protected]

    34 RTO Amravati [email protected]

    35 Dy RTO Buldhana [email protected]

    36 Dy RTO Yavatmal [email protected] Dy RTO Akola [email protected]

    38 Dy RTO Washim [email protected]

    39 RTO Nagpur(City) [email protected]

    40 Dy RTO Wardha [email protected]

    41 RTO Nagpur (Gramin) [email protected]

    42 Dy RTO Gadchiroli [email protected]

    43 Dy RTO Chandrapur [email protected]

    44 Dy RTO Gondiya [email protected]

    45 Dy RTO Bhandara [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE No. 5

      Sanctioned Staffing Pattern of Motor Vehicles Department

      of Maharashtra State as on 31st March 2011

    Code Name of the Office Class Total

     No. I II III IV

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    Transport Commissioner’s Office 23 8 208 27 266

    1 Mumbai (C) 23 3 207 26 2592 Mumbai (W) 25 4 146 17 19247 Borivali 14 1 50 6 713 Mumbai (E) 24 3 129 21 177

    Greater. Mumbai 86 11 532 70 699Total Including T.C. Office 109 19 740 97 965

    4 Thane 35 4 123 25 1875 Kalyan 8 0 43 5 5643 Vashi 7 0 30 5 4248 Vasai 9 0 29 4 42

    Thane Region 59 4 225 39 32746 Panvel 13 0 35 4 526 Pen-Raigad 8 0 38 5 517 Sindhudurg 7 0 24 9 408 Ratnagiri 6 0 21 5 32  Panvel Region 34 0 118 23 1759 Kolhapur 25 3 120 18 166

    10 Sangli 9 0 42 8 5911 Satara 8 0 33 6 4750 Karad 6 0 27 2 35

    Kolhapur Region 48 3 222 34 30712 Pune 37 6 167 17 22713 Solapur 14 0 45 9 6814 Pimpri-Chinchwad 9 0 31 8 4842 Baramati 6 0 25 5 3645 Akluj 2 0 11 1 14

    Pune Region 68 6 279 40 39315 Nashik 20 3 77 10 11016 Ahmednagar 7 0 27 7 4117 Shrirampur 8 0 33 6 4741 Malegaon 6 0 25 4 35

    Nashik Region 41 3 162 27 23318 Dhule 23 1 70 21 11519 Jalgaon 14 0 51 14 7939 Nandurbar 16 0 26 6 48

    Dhule Region 53 1 147 41 24220 Aurangabad 17 2 48 12 7921 Jalna 6 0 14 4 2423 Beed 5 0 13 3 21

    Aurangabad Region 28 2 75 19 12424 Latur 12 0 33 7 5225 Osmanabad 6 0 14 4 2444 Ambejogai 3 0 6 3 12

    Latur Region 21 0 53 14 8826 Nanded 20 1 58 8 8722 Parabhani 6 0 14 2 2238 Hingoli 6 0 12 1 19

    Nanded Region 32 1 84 11 12827 Amravati 21 2 82 20 12528 Buldhana 6 0 19 4 2929 Yavatmal 8 0 33 7 4830 Akola 6 0 33 5 44

    37 Washim 6 0 17 2 25Amravati Region 47 2 184 38 271

    31 Nagpur (U) 16 4 86 14 12049 Nagpur (U )(East) 6 0 27 2 3532 Wardha 6 0 15 3 24

    Nagpur (U) Region 28 4 128 19 17940 Nagpur (R) 18 1 78 11 10833 Gadchiroli 4 0 12 3 1934 Chandrapur 8 0 26 7 4135 Gondia 7 0 19 3 2936 Bhandara 6 0 14 1 21

    Nagpur (R) Region 43 1 149 25 218

    Maharashtra State 611 46 2566 427 3650

    Source :— Information from Desk 8A

    Eb 4182–6a

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      TABLE No.5 (A)

    Regionwise Number of Sanctioned Post in the Motor Vehicle Department,

    of Maharashtra State as on 31 March 2011

     Sr.  Name of the post   Name of the Region Gr. Mumbai Name of the Region No. T.C. office Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai including Thane Panvel Kolhapur Pune

      (C ) (W) (E) T.C.Office

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

    1 Transport Commissioner 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    2 Additional Transport Commissioner 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    3 Joint Transport Commissioner 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    4 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Higher Gr.) 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0

    5 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Lower Gr.) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    6 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Accounts) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    7 Regional Transport Officer 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1

    8 Asst. Police Commissioner 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    9 Deputy Regional Transport Officer 2 1 2 2 7 4 4 5 6

    10 Motor Vehicle Prosecutor 2 1 1 1 5 1 0 1 1

    11 Assistant Regional Transport Officer 1 4 7 5 17 8 4 9 10

    12 Assistant Transport Commissioner. 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

    13 Law Advisor ( on Contract) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    14 Motor Vehicle Inspector 4 16 28 15 63 45 25 32 50

    Total Class-1 Officer (Group-A) 23 23 39 24 109 59 34 48 68

    15 Assistant Motor Vehicle Prosecutor 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 1 1

    16 Research Officer 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    17 Organisation & Management Officer 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    18 Administrative Officer 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1

    19 Programmer 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    20 Processor Adm. (Pranali Prashashak) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

    21 Public Relation Officer 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 1

    22 Account Officer 2 1 2 1 6 1 0 1 2

    Total Class-2 Officer (Group-B) 8 3 5 3 19 4 0 3 6

    23 Asst. Motor Vehicle Inspector 2 15 13 7 37 28 22 29 28

    24 Stenographar (Higher Gr.) 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

    25 Asst. Processor Adm. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

    26 Office Superident 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 1 1

    27 Head Clerk (Urban) 12 4 3 2 21 4 1 2 1

    28 Sr.Auditor 2 1 2 1 6 1 0 2 1

    29 Sr.Accountant 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    30 Asst. Account officer 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    31 Accontant (Urban) 2 1 2 2 7 1 0 0 0

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    TABLE No.5 (A) contd.

    Regionwise Number of Sanctioned Post in the Motor Vehicle Department,

    of Maharashtra State as on 31 March 2011

     Sr.  Name of the post   Name of the Region Gr. Mumbai Name of the Region  No. T.C. office Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai including Thane Panvel Kolhapur Pune

      (C ) (W) (E) T.C.Office

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

    32 Assistant Programmer 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    33 Research Assistant 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    34 Stenographar (Lower Gr.) 8 1 2 1 12 2 0 2 2

    35 Tax Recovery Officer 0 2 2 2 6 3 0 2 3

    36 Vehicle Checker ( on Contract) 0 2 2 2 6 3 1 3 4

    37 Deputy Accountant 8 4 1 1 14 0 0 0 0

    38 Junior Auditor 5 11 10 8 34 8 3 8 15

    39 Head Clerk (Rural) 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 4 4

    40 Statistical Assistant 3 2 1 1 7 1 0 1 2

    41 Accountant (Rural) 1 0 0 0 1 4 3 5 5

    42 Senior Clerk 35 19 22 16 92 27 12 25 30

    43 Librarian 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

    44 Head Cashier 0 1 2 1 4 3 4 4 4

    45 Head Typist 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    46 Telephone Operator 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

    47 Typist 10 10 4 2 26 8 5 10 9

    48 Junior Clerk 100 77 92 52 321 86 47 64 108

    49 Clerk Typist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0

    50 Assistant Cashier 4 16 21 16 57 25 14 22 26

    51 Tax Investigator 0 28 7 6 41 10 0 16 21

    52 Driver 8 10 9 8 35 7 4 11 14

    Total Class-III (Group - C ) 208 207 196 129 740 225 118 222 279

    53 Massanger 0 0 2 2 4 1 0 1 1

    54 Naik 2 2 1 1 6 1 0 2 3

    55 Transport Hawaldar 6 7 6 4 23 3 3 8 8

    56 Peon 14 8 8 8 38 16 12 12 16

    57 Sweepar 1 4 2 1 8 3 1 4 3

    58 Kata Chalak 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 2 1

    59 Watchman 3 3 3 3 12 5 3 5 7

    60 Mali 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1

    61 Loader (Hamal) 1 1 1 1 4 1 0 0 0

    Total Class-IV (Group - D ) 27 26 23 21 97 39 23 34 40

     Grand Total 266 259 263 177 965 327 175 307 393

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      TABLE No.5 (A) -Conld.

    Regionwise Number of Sanctioned Post in the Motor Vehicle Department,

      of Maharashtra State as on 31 March 2011

     Sr. Name of the post Name of the Region

     No. Nashik Dhule A’bad Latur Nanded Amravati Nagpur Nagpur Maharashtra

      (U) (R) State

    (1) (2) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

    1 Transport Commissioner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    2 Additional Transport Commissioner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    3 Joint Transport Commissioner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    4 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Higher Gr.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

    5 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Lower Gr.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    6 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Accounts) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    7 Regional Transport Officer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15

    8 Asst. Police Commissioner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    9 Deputy Regional Transport Officer 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 56

    10 Motor Vehicle Prosecutor 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 12

    11 Assistant Regional Transport Officer 7 7 5 4 5 8 5 8 97

    12 Assistant Transport Commissioner. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

    13 Law Advisor ( on Contract) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    14 Motor Vehicle Inspector 27 42 18 13 23 32 18 29 417

    Total Class-1 Officer (Group-A) 41 53 28 21 32 47 28 43 611

    15 Assistant Motor Vehicle Prosecutor 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 14

    16 Research Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    17 Organisation & Management Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    18 Administrative Officer 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6

    19 Programmer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    20 Processor Adm. (Pranali Prashashak) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3

    21 Public Relation Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

    22 Account Officer 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 14

    Total Class-2 Officer (Group-B) 3 1 2 0 1 2 4 1 46

    23 Asst. Motor Vehicle Inspector 22 33 8 14 19 28 12 22 302

    24 Stenographar (Higher Gr.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

    25 Asst. Processor Adm. 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4

    26 Office Superident 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 11

    27 Head Clerk (Urban) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 30

    28 Sr.Auditor 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 15

    29 Sr.Accountant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    30 Asst. Account officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    31 Accontant (Urban) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

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    32 Assistant Programmer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    33 Research Assistant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    34 Stenographar (Lower Gr.) 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 24

    35 Tax Recovery Officer 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 28

    36 Vehicle Checker ( on Contract) 3 3 3 1 2 5 2 3 39

    37 Deputy Accountant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14

    38 Junior Auditor 6 6 1 0 1 4 4 5 95

    39 Head Clerk (Rural) 6 5 3 3 3 4 2 5 44

    40 Statistical Assistant 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 15

    41 Accountant (Rural) 4 2 4 2 3 8 3 4 48

    42 Senior Clerk 16 12 9 4 7 20 19 14 287

    43 Librarian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

    44 Head Cashier 4 3 3 2 3 5 3 4 46

    45 Head Typist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    46 Telephone Operator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    47 Typist 4 4 2 0 0 3 4 5 80

    48 Junior Clerk 56 42 20 18 24 64 33 51 934

    49 Clerk Typist 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 20

    50 Assistant Cashier 20 23 4 6 9 23 15 19 263

    51 Tax Investigator 8 5 7 0 7 5 4 6 130

    52 Driver 7 6 5 3 4 8 8 7 119

    Total Class-III (Group - C ) 162 147 75 53 84 184 128 149 2566

    53 Massanger 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 12

    54 Naik 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 19

    55 Transport Hawaldar 3 15 6 2 4 12 3 10 100

    56 Peon 11 9 4 4 4 11 6 8 151

    57 Sweepar 5 6 3 4 1 8 2 2 50

    58 Kata Chalak 0 4 0 1 0 0 3 0 24

    59 Watchman 5 5 4 3 2 4 2 5 62

    60 Mali 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4

    61 Loader (Hamal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

    Total Class-IV (Group - D ) 27 41 19 14 11 38 19 25 427

     Grand Total 233 242 124 88 128 271 179 218 3650

    TABLE No.5 (A) -Conld.

      Regionwise Number of Sanctioned Post in the Motor Vehicle Department,

      of Maharashtra State as on 31 March 2011

     Sr. Name of the post Name of the Region

     No. Nashik Dhule A’bad Latur Nanded Amravati Nagpur Nagpur Maharashtra

      (U) (R) State(1) (2) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE No. 5 (B)

     Abstract of the Postwise and Classwise Number of Sanctioned Post in the

     Motor Vehicle Department of Maharashtra State as on 31st March, 2011 .

    Sr. Name of the Post Class-I Class-II Class-III Class-IV Total


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    1 Transport Commissioner 1 .. .. .. 12 Additional Transport Commissioner 1 .. .. .. 13 Joint Transport Commissioner 1 .. .. .. 14 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Higher Gr.) 4 .. .. .. 45 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Lower Gr.) 1 .. .. .. 16 Deputy Transport Commissioner (Accounts) 1 .. .. .. 17 Regional Transport Officer 15 .. .. .. 158 Asst. Police Commissioner 1 .. .. .. 19 Deputy Regional Transport Officer 56 .. .. .. 5610 Motor Vehicle Prosecutor 12 .. .. .. 1211 Assistant Regional Transport Officer 97 .. .. .. 9712 Assistant Transport Commissioner. 3 .. .. .. 313 Law Advisor ( on Contract) 1 .. .. .. 114 Motor Vehicle Inspector 417 .. .. .. 417

    Total Class-1 Officer (Group-A) 611 0 .. .. 61115 Assistant Motor Vehicle Prosecutor .. 14 .. .. 1416 Research Officer .. 1 .. .. 117 Organisation & Management Officer .. 1 .. .. 118 Administrative Officer .. 6 .. .. 619 Programmer .. 1 .. .. 120 Processor Adm. (Pranali Prashashak) .. 3 .. .. 321 Public Relation Officer .. 6 .. .. 622 Account Officer .. 14 .. .. 14

    Total Class-2 Officer (Group-B)   .. 46 .. .. 4623 Asst. Motor Vehicle Inspector .. .. 302 .. 30224 Stenographar (Higher Gr.) .. .. 2 .. 225 Asst. Processor Adm. .. .. 4 .. 426 Office Superident .. .. 11 .. 1127 Head Clerk (Urban) .. .. 30 .. 3028 Sr.Auditor .. .. 15 .. 1529 Sr.Accountant .. .. 1 .. 130 Asst. Account officer .. .. 1 .. 131 Accontant (Urban) .. .. 8 .. 832 Assistant Programmer .. .. 1 .. 133 Research Assistant .. .. 1 .. 134 Stenographar (Lower Gr.) .. .. 24 .. 2435 Tax Recovery Officer .. .. 28 .. 2836 Vehicle Checker ( on Contract) .. .. 39 .. 3937 Deputy Accountant .. .. 14 .. 1438 Junior Auditor .. .. 95 .. 9539 Head Clerk (Rural) .. .. 44 .. 4440 Statistical Assistant .. .. 15 .. 1541 Accountant (Rural) .. .. 48 .. 4842 Senior Clerk .. .. 287 .. 28743 Librarian .. .. 2 .. 244 Head Cashier .. .. 46 .. 4645 Head Typist .. .. 1 .. 146 Telephone Operator .. .. 1 .. 147 Typist .. .. 80 .. 8048 Junior Clerk .. .. 934 .. 93449 Clerk Typist .. .. 20 .. 20

    50 Assistant Cashier .. .. 263 .. 26351 Tax Investigator .. .. 130 .. 13052 Driver .. .. 119 .. 119

    Total Class-III (Group - C )   .. .. 2566 .. 256653 Massanger .. .. .. 12 1254 Naik .. .. .. 19 1955 Transport Hawaldar .. .. .. 100 10056 Peon .. .. .. 151 15157 Sweepar .. .. .. 50 5058 Kata Chalak .. .. .. 24 2459 Watchman .. .. .. 62 6260 Mali .. .. .. 4 461 Loader (Hamal) .. .. .. 5 5  Total Class-IV (Group - D )   .. .. .. 427 427  Grand Total 611 46 2566 427 3650

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    Section- II:

    Motor Vehicles Population

    Eb 4182–7

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  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE NO. 6

    Total No. of Motor Vehicles Registered in India (1951 to 2006 (P))

     ( In thousand )

      Year All Vehicles Two Wheelers Cars, Jeeps Buses Goods Others

      (as on and Taxis Vehicles *

    31 st March)

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    1951 306 27 159 34 82 4

    1956 426 41 203 47 119 16

    1961 665 88 310 57 168 42

    1966 1099 226 456 73 259 85

    1971 1865 576 682 94 343 170

    1976 2700 1057 779 115 351 398

    1981 5391 2618 1160 162 554 897

    1986 10577 6245 1780 227 863 1462

    1991 21374 14200 2954 331 1356 2533

    1996 33786 23252 4204 449 2031 3850

    1997 37332 25729 4672 484 2343 4104

    1998 41368 28642 5138 538 @ 2536 4514

    1999 44875 31328 5556 540 @ 2554 4897

    2000 48857 34118 6143 562 @ 2715 5319

    2001 54991 38556 7058 634 @ 2948 5795

    2002 58924 41581 7613 635 @ 2974 6121

    2003 67007 47519 8599 721 @ 3492 6676

    2004 72718 51922 9451 768 @ 3748 6829

    2005 81502 58800 10321 892 @ 4032 7457

    2006 (P) 89618 64743 11527 992@ 4436 7920

     Note :— * Others include tractors,trailers,three wheelers (pass.vehicles)/LMV & other misc.vehl.

    which are not separately classified.

     @ Includes omni buses .(P);- Provisional

    (R);- Revised 

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006- 2007 Govt. of India .

    Eb 4182–7a

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    TABLE No 7 (A)

      Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March, 2005 (Revised)

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. States/ Two Cars Jeeps Omni Tractors Trailers Others Total

     No. U.Ts. Wheelers Buses Non-


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Andhra Pradesh 5116696 485709 61692 40817 64456 49346 5543 5824259

    2 Arunachal Pradesh * 11051 2468 2271 0 338 155 179 16462

    3 Assam 476378 124275 14808 0 10823 8953 21430 656667

    4 Bihar 903261 71834 39542 0 126968 73154 7263 1222022

    5 Chhattisgarh 1117136 51622 7855 0 51355 44553 2463 1274984

    6 Goa 342087 80619 @ 0 0 0 4478 427184

    7 Gujrat 5744353 632154 117809 0 290219 206498 14670 7005703

    8 Haryana 1729236 312072 90513 0 394111 0 21477 2547409

    9 Himachal Pradesh 167906 51019 8278 325 0 0 862 228390

    10 Jammu & Kashmir 273265 85812 10778 219 11882 569 1734 384259

    11 Jharkhand 1049303 102186 26773 0 18055 14761 6357 1217435

    12 Karnataka 3957762 539518 43804 51242 144355 142785 37661 491712713 Kerala 1819884 428327 72227 0 14496 2001 34607 2371542

    14 Madhya Pradesh 3176549 166393 37704 0 355625 180981 13372 3930624

    15 Maharashtra 6926576 1039800 283016 0 212466 197169 25057 8684084

    16 Manipur 80557 9532 8269 670 1348 587 251 101214

    17 Meghalaya 27237 19186 10490 0 466 2504 1053 60936

    18 Mizoram 21816 5565 3576 0 231 260 4757 36205

    19 Nagaland 39989 34866 21999 216 1859 740 311 99980

    20 Orissa 1360582 74265 29938 2380 37279 30019 5808 1540271

    21 Punjab 2877147 300594 36751 0 466063 417 7233 3688205

    22 Rajasthan 3016763 234297 137384 0 432686 58136 5018 3884284

    23 Sikkim 4957 2505 3293 763 13 0 0 11531

    24 Tamil Nadu 7292507 783892 54575 19957 95344 41396 89112 837678325 Tripura 34450 5784 4283 13 82 99 3506 48217

    26 Uttarakhand 433981 50303 6734 1082 32884 1129 2467 528580

    27 Uttar Pradesh 5652044 499148 106897 16244 742717 10283 19102 7046435

    28 West Bengal 1687045 528101 @ 0 55164 # 31658 2301968

    Total States 55340518 6721846 1241259 133928 3561285 1066495 367429 68432760


    29 Andaman & Nikobar Islands 20320 2099 705 206 226 19 8211 31786

    30 Chandigarh 434758 166755 0 45 0 0 0 601558

    31 Dadra &Nagar Haveli 20841 10443 448 6 51 46 0 31835

    32 Daman & Div 30761 13602 301 38 200 132 31 45065

    33 Delhi 2683955 1108045 61286 77267 4632 99 148 3935432

    34 Lakshadweep 3654 27 86 63 50 0 520 440035 Pondichery 264895 49833 3841 2713 325 1615 5202 328424

    Total UTs 3459184 1350804 66667 80338 5484 1911 14112 4978500

    Grand Total 58799702 8072650 1307926 214266 3566769 1068406 381541 73411260

     Note :— 

      * Totals have been arrived at by adding the data relating to 1996-97 to the data on newly registered vehicles.

      @ Included in cars .

      # Included in Tractors .

      ^: Included Omni Buses .

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

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      TABLE No 7 (A) -Conld.

      Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March, 2005 (Revised)

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. States/ Multi/Arti.veh. L.M.V.Goods Buses Taxis L.M.V. Total Grand Total

     No. U.Ts. Trucks& Three &Four Auto-Rickshaws Transport Transport

    Lorries Wheelers (Passengers) Non-Transport

    (1) (2) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

    1 Andhra Pradesh 162156 75845 16909 97516 281236 633662 64579212 Arunachal Pradesh * 2334 576 678 334 1441 5363 218253 Assam 87118 16852 10776 11440 32386 158572 8152394 Bihar 49437 0 16158 22271 42050 129916 13519385 Chhattisgarh 45805 19254 22294 4736 8219 100308 13752926 Goa (c) 31053 $ 5267 9036 9763 55119 4823037 Gujrat 191159 227652 52286 43714 296758 811569 78172728 Haryana 166437 67991 11297 17294 43239 306258 28536679 Himachal Pradesh 29142 18148 6687 14695 3717 72389 30077910 Jammu & Kashmir 31515 13949 20735 12344 15054 93597 47785611 Jharkhand 65662 $ 9878 23289 40714 139543 135697812 Karnataka 172383 49530 38052 56226 202298 518489 543561613 Kerala 234191 $ 95486 100012 320851 750540 312208214 Madhya Pradesh 81436 34377 25990 67570 47976 257349 418797315 Maharashtra 266004 293843 63405 113380 515249 1251881 993596516 Manipur 6314 1490 2480 369 2630 13283 11449717 Meghalaya (C) 15819 1907 3285 7180 3001 31192 9212818 Mizoram 4061 0 672 4316 1336 10385 4659019 Nagaland 44002 10733 3863 4721 9100 72419 17239920 Orisa 62486 40916 15012 26365 30310 175089 171536021 Punjab 64967 53799 19855 9616 39664 187901 387610622 Rajasthan 191207 17674 58092 37761 71711 376445 426072923 Sikkim 1769 417 355 5467 0 8008 1953924 Tamil Nadu 293486 216456 82547 124370 163545 880404 925718725 Tripura 7664 1872 1864 1232 11881 24513 7273026 Uttarakhand 10816 6969 5279 14605 7060 44729 57330927 Uttar Pradesh 101355 63768 25081 27810 80037 298051 734448628 West Bengal 223826 $ 33613 65110 56038 378587 2680555

    Total States 2643604 1234018 647896 922779 2337264 7785561 76218321UTs

    29 Andaman & Nikobar Islands 1607 70 633 246 2857 5413 3719930 Chandigarh 1703 7743 2166 1550 2000 15162 61672031 Dadra &Nagar Haveli 5782 1521 156 112 527 8098 3993332 Daman & Div 2055 2089 389 43 942 5518 5058333 Delhi 57131 63193 25357 13470 92243 251394 418682634 Lakshadweep 0 290 9 0 249 548 494835 Pondichery 6715 3997 1915 1538 4600 18765 347189

    Total UTs 74993 78903 30625 16959 103418 304898 5283398

    Grand Total 2718597 1312921 678521 939738 2440682 8090459 81501719

     Note :— 

      * Total have been arrived at by adding the data relating to 1996-97 to the data on newly registered vehicles.

      c LMV (Passangers) includes 1 Motor Cycles on hire also .

      C LMV (Passangers) includes 6343 Motor Cycles on hire only.

      ^ Includes Omni Buses.

     $ Included in Multi-axeled/articulated vehicles/Trucks & Lorries .

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



     TABLE No 7 (B)

      Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March 2006 (Provisional)

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. States/ Two Cars Jeeps Omni Tractors Trailers Others Total

     No. U.Ts. Wheelers Buses Non-


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Andhra Pradesh 5707383 576329 65377 45214 66613 51881 6617 6519414

    2 Arunachal Pradesh * 11112 2595 2284 0 345 155 180 16671

    3 Assam 541275 145029 15080 0 11270 9050 22192 743896

    4 Bihar 964594 76896 41863 0 130477 75594 8569 1297993

    5 Chhattisgarh 1247658 59591 8575 0 58733 50684 2849 1428090

    6 Goa 375571 89547 @ 0 0 0 4773 469891

    7 Gujrat 6352109 703968 122864 0 311385 217790 17417 7725533

    8 Haryana 1881174 373659 95450 0 382581 0 21434 2754298

    9 Himachal Pradesh 187883 58005 9544 402 0 0 1042 256876

    10 Jammu & Kashmir 297656 98309 11058 219 12818 587 1869 422516

    11 Jharkhand 1164854 113500 30962 0 20968 16819 7268 1354371

    12 Karnataka 4512910 635205 41989 54808 166685 167622 43213 5622432

    13 Kerala 2099652 498472 73158 0 15162 2264 15880 270458814 Madhya Pradesh 3526416 185700 38291 0 376771 192742 13665 4333585

    15 Maharashtra 7691856 1165365 300023 0 229362 204733 29446 9620785

    16 Manipur 86931 11233 8568 801 1446 612 270 109861

    17 Meghalaya 31008 22351 11300 0 487 2607 1240 68993

    18 Mizoram 24737 6286 3712 0 246 264 4925 40170

    19 Nagaland 42851 37513 22481 350 1891 772 353 106211

    20 Orissa 1530295 82686 30547 2567 42189 34679 5975 1728938

    21 Punjab 2975198 335284 41670 0 472873 481 7581 3833087

    22 Rajasthan 3393916 269861 147840 0 464443 59564 5822 4341446

    23 Sikkim 5282 3053 3769 1070 24 0 0 13198

    24 Tamil Nadu 7936778 840433 55673 19957 102744 44015 108041 9107641

    25 Tripura 61968 6656 4358 13 89 100 5397 7858126 Uttarakhand 486734 59368 6944 1629 34155 1401 2802 593033

    27 Uttar Pradesh 6083655 615739 112837 19015 791411 14579 21132 7658368

    28 West Bengal 1833820 556230 @ 0 58828 # 34812 2483690

    Total States (P) 61055276 7628863 1306217 146045 3753996 1148995 394764 75434156


    29 Andaman & Nikobar Islands 23079 2441 779 335 229 22 8237 35122

    30 Chandigarh 454308 176387 0 51 0 0 0 630746

    31 Dadra &Nagar Haveli 23607 11820 460 6 57 46 0 35996

    32 Daman & Div 33379 15007 307 38 224 138 31 49124

    33 Delhi 2851920 1222706 65028 80277 4706 99 169 4224905

    34 Lakshadweep 4822 38 88 73 63 0 546 5630

    35 Pondichery 296735 52593 3865 2918 478 1655 5850 364094Total UTs (P) 3687850 1480992 70527 83698 5757 1960 14833 5345617

    Grand Total (P) 64743126 9109855 1376744 229743 3759753 1150955 409597 80779773

     Note :— 

     * Totals have been arrived at by adding the data relating to 1996-97 to the data on newly registered vehicles.

      @ Included in cars .

     # Included in Tractors .

      P Totals are provisional - representing summation of available data .

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE No. 7 (B) Conld.

      Motor Vehicles Registered in each State of India as on 31st March 2006 (Provisional)

      (In Numbers)

    Sr. States/ Multi/Arti.veh. L.M.V.Goods Buses Taxis L.M.V. Total Grand Total

     No. U.Ts. Trucks& Three &Four Auto-Rickshaws Transport Transport +

    Lorries Wheelers (Passengers) Non-Transport

    (1) (2) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

    1 Andhra Pradesh 181832 85112 18368 113693 299776 698781 7218195

    2 Arunachal Pradesh * 2355 601 682 343 1449 5430 22101

    3 Assam 91801 19371 11378 12671 34906 170127 914023

    4 Bihar 50016 0 16271 22698 45365 134350 1432343

    5 Chhattisgarh 51716 21858 24955 5036 9194 112759 1540849

    6 Goa (c) 34043 $ 5689 9361 10035 59128 529019

    7 Gujrat 204362 253340 54446 47914 336695 896757 8622290

    8 Haryana 176046 74494 19986 16344 45858 332728 3087026

    9 Himachal Pradesh 31803 20623 6859 14542 2825 76652 333528

    10 Jammu & Kashmir 33174 16843 21435 13656 15919 101027 523543

    11 Jharkhand 68915 $ 10238 24693 46834 150680 1505051

    12 Karnataka 210432 65581 40819 67385 213721 597938 6220370

    13 Kerala 264262 $ 127574 119753 342527 854116 355870414 Madhya Pradesh 83293 39943 27997 72760 51049 275042 4608627

    15 Maharashtra 287230 334741 66754 122389 534535 1345649 10966434

    16 Manipur 6746 1854 2570 377 2721 14268 124129

    17 Meghalaya 17060 2565 3497 8432 3569 35123 104116

    18 Mizoram 4475 5 704 4988 1534 11706 51876

    19 Nagaland 47089 11804 4060 5004 9548 77505 183716

    20 Orissa 74432 47843 15996 30426 34360 203057 1931995

    21 Punjab 68154 59566 21136 9937 43280 202073 4035160

    22 Rajasthan 206381 22966 60979 42679 79576 412581 4754027

    23 Sikkim 1915 489 365 6052 0 8821 22019

    24 Tamil Nadu 315564 231491 89991 134580 174646 946272 10053913

    25 Tripura 8138 2535 1961 1316 13237 27187 105768

    26 Uttarakhand 12092 8336 5949 16069 7906 50352 64338527 Uttar Pradesh 106760 77668 26549 28443 91346 330766 7989134

    28 West Bengal 235269 $ 43599 68926 40315 388109 2871799

    Total States (P) 2875355 1399629 730807 1020467 2492726 8518984 83953140


    29 Andaman & Nikobar Islands 1716 76 658 246 2997 5693 40815

    30 Chandigarh 1766 8039 2307 1771 2000 15883 646629

    31 Dadra &Nagar Haveli 6072 1750 176 123 539 8660 44656

    32 Daman & Div 2223 2316 420 43 976 5978 55102

    33 Delhi 57682 67144 25963 15569 96149 262507 4487412

    34 Lakshadweep 0 347 13 0 273 633 6263

    35 Pondichery 6965 4903 1997 1626 4665 20156 384250

    Total UTs (P) 76424 84575 31534 19378 107599 319510 5665127Grand Total (P) 2951779 1484204 762341 1039845 2600325 8838494 89618267

     Note :— 

     * Totals have been arrived at by adding the data relating to 1996-97 to the data on newly registered vehicles.

     c LMV (Passangers) includes 6063 Motor Cycles on hire also .

     ̂ Includes Omni Buses . $ Included in Multi-axeled/articulated vehicles/Trucks & Lorries .

      P Totals are provisional - representing summation of avaliable data .

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



     TABLE NO. 8(A)

      Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitan Cities of India as on 31st March 2005

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. Name of Two Cars Jeeps Omni Tractors Trailers Others Total

     No. Metropolitan Wheelers Buses Non-Transport


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Ahmedabad 1202828 201612 21038 .... 28754 18479 4544 1477255

    2 Bangalore 1639782 326803 8043 20787 10939 9903 8453 2024710

    3 Bhopal 347571 31815 2973 .... 10034 3961 680 397034

    4 Chennai 1464838 366490 12149 8769 2327 11618 33496 1899687

    5 Coimbatore 575041 67661 4485 303 6189 91 5414 659184

    6 Delhi 2683955 1108045 61286 77267 4632 99 148 3935432

    7 Hyderabad 1071168 177750 31044 11092 369 0 9807 1301230

    8 Indore 551729 60029 4331 .... 11073 7610 1698 636470

    9 Jaipur 692512 99732 26714 .... 24100 2861 811 846730

    10 Kanpur .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    11 Kochi .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    12 Kolkata 405669 345503 (a) 0 4838 (b) 21067 777077

    13 Lucknow .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    14 Ludhiana .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    15 Madurai 273810 19585 1214 77 3979 1336 3446 303447

    16 Mumbai 647892 382898 22354 0 1406 986 10052 1065588

    17 Nagpur 650001 48605 13551 .... 4830 4881 1415 723283

    18 Patna 260807 41384 .... .... 8705 6803 1630 319329

    19 Pune 614340 96418 11619 0 2419 2112 2153 729061

    20 Surat .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    21 Vadodara .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    22 Varanasi .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    23 Visakhapatnam 360502 29395 3262 1276 2810 83 864 398192

    Total (P) 13442445 3403725 224063 119571 127404 70823 105678 17493709

     Note :— ... Not Indicated 

      ( a ) Included in Cars

      ( b ) Included in Tractors

      ( P ) Totals are provisional-representing summation of avaliable data

      $ Included in Multiaxled/articulated vehicles

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE NO. 8 (A) Conld.)

    Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitan Cities of India as on 31st March 2005

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. Name of Multi/Arti.veh. L.M.V.Goods Buses Taxis L.M.V. Total Grand Total

     No. Metropolitan Trucks& Three &Four Auto-Rickshaws Transport Transport +

    City Lorries Wheelers (Passengers) Non-Transport

    (1) (2) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

    1 Ahmedabad 30928 33518 24891 7376 58700 155413 1632668

    2 Bangalore 66263 23800 13234 24111 80810 208218 2232928

    3 Bhopal 4622 5232 2759 8202 10127 30942 427976

    4 Chennai 79996 59775 28616 41015 58317 267719 2167406

    5 Coimbatore 2072 6847 3163 4442 6744 23268 682452

    6 Delhi 57131 63193 25357 13470 92243 251394 4186826

    7 Hyderabad 24308 23725 2785 5200 75950 131968 1433198

    8 Indore 29843 8346 5222 15402 10300 69113 705583

    9 Jaipur 34902 4569 16403 9360 11170 76404 923134

    10 Kanpur .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    11 Kochi .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    12 Kolkata 69836 $ 10532 38045 16431 134844 911921

    13 Lucknow .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    14 Ludhiana .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    15 Madurai 6820 3570 2699 5954 7528 26571 330018

    16 Mumbai 16708 38235 12256 58049 104104 229352 1294940

    17 Nagpur 13266 13973 4531 1011 14308 47089 770372

    18 Patna 15831 4159 3085 36134 59209 378538

    19 Pune 21157 17759 8892 5604 45308 98720 827781

    20 Surat .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    21 Vadodara .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    22 Varanasi .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    23 Visakhapatnam 8050 4636 920 4247 19268 37121 435313

    Total (P) 465902 323009 166419 244573 647442 1847345 19341054

     Note :— ... Not Indicated 

      ( a ) Included in Cars

      ( b ) Included in Tractors

      ( P ) Totals are provisional-representing summation of avaliable data

      $ Included in Multiaxled/articulated vehicles

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

    Eb 4182–8

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE NO. 8 (B)

    Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitan Cities of India as on 31st March 2006 (Provisional)

    Sr. Name of Two Cars Jeeps Omni Tractors Trailers Others Total

     No. Metropolitan Wheelers Buses Non-

    City Transport

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Ahmedabad 1307107 216782 21704 .... 30236 19182 5115 1600126

    2 Bangalore 1896907 400476 5147 22132 14177 12670 12147 2363656

    3 Bhopal 387308 37015 2816 .... 10132 4110 396 441777

    4 Chennai 1592543 392679 12160 8769 2332 11620 34768 2054871

    5 Coimbatore 630744 74474 4745 303 6441 131 7570 724408

    6 Delhi 2851920 1222706 65028 80277 4706 99 169 4224905

    7 Hyderabad 1140795 189304 33062 11813 393 0 10445 1385812

    8 Indore 605191 66013 4342 .... 11382 7829 1731 696488

    9 Jaipur 789737 115773 29844 .... 26542 2861 994 965751

    10 Kanpur .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    11 Kochi .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    12 Kolkata 419656 363752 (a) 0 4840 (b) 21147 809395

    13 Lucknow .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    14 Ludhiana .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    15 Madurai 300373 20656 1438 77 4278 1365 5327 333514

    16 Mumbai 714209 408890 23566 0 1402 987 10152 1159206

    17 Nagpur 695590 53750 15266 0 4821 4837 1686 775950

    18 Patna 279890 45168 .... .... 8907 6866 2702 343533

    19 Pune 647360 97925 12910 0 2610 2319 2347 765471

    20 Surat .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    21 Vadodara .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    22 Varanasi .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0

    23 Visakhapatnam 383935 31306 3474 1359 2993 88 920 424075

    Total (P) 14643265 3736669 235502 124730 136192 74964 117616 19068938

     Note :— ...  Not Indicated   * Data relates as on 31/3/2003

      ( a ) Included in Cars  ( b ) Included in Tractors

      (P) Totals are provisional-representing summation of avaliable data  $ Included in Multiaxled/articulated vehicles

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2006-2007,Govt.of India .

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



     TABLE NO. 8 (B) (Conld.)

    Motor Vehicles Registered in Metropolitan Cities of India as on 31st March 2006 (Provisional)

    Sr. Name of Multi/Arti.veh. L.M.V.Goods Buses Taxis L.M.V. Total Grand Total

     No. Metropolitan Trucks& Three &Four Auto-Rickshaws Transport Transport +

    City Lorries Wheelers (Passengers) Non-Transport

    (1) (2) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

    1 Ahmedabad 31651 37071 25457 8027 77896 180102 1780228

    2 Bangaluru 93889 31863 14085 32370 81502 253709 2617365

    3 Bhopal 4889 6147 2939 8998 10954 33927 475704

    4 Chennai 82736 63715 29874 44072 63204 283601 2338472

    5 Coimbatore 2839 7675 3312 4985 7212 26023 750431

    6 Delhi 57682 67144 25963 15569 96149 262507 4487412

    7 Hyderabad 25159 24555 2882 5383 78608 136587 1522399

    8 Indore 31601 9906 5676 17084 10370 74637 771125

    9 Jaipur 37338 6413 17059 10764 13181 84755 1050506

    10 Kanpur .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    11 Kochi .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    12 Kolkata 71055 $ 10791 39293 17392 138531 947926

    13 Lucknow .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    14 Ludhiana .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    15 Madurai 7733 4148 3005 7369 7916 30171 363685

    16 Mumbai 16977 42591 12591 57383 104899 234441 1393647

    17 Nagpur 13520 14471 4234 1160 14580 47965 823915

    18 Patna .... 16052 4199 3160 38274 61685 405218

    19 Pune 22521 19629 9257 7119 50412 108938 874409

    20 Surat .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    21 Vadodara .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    22 Varanasi .... .... .... .... .... 0 0

    23 Visakhapatnam 8331 4799 952 4395 19943 38420 462495

    Total (P) 507921 356179 172276 267131 692492 1995999 21064937

    Note :- ...  Not Indicated 

      ( a ) Included in Cars

      ( b ) Included in Tractors

      ( P ) Totals are provisional-representing summation of avaliable data

      $ Included in Multiaxled/articulated vehicles

    Source :— Road Transport Year Book 2004-2005,Govt.of India .

    Eb 4182–8a

  • 8/9/2019 Mumbai Vehicle Stats 10-11



    TABLE No.9

    Motor Vehicles on Road in Maharashtra State as on 31st March, 2006 To 2011

     (In Numbers)

    Sr. Category As on 31 st March Percentage

     No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 increase or 

      decreas over 

     previous year 

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

    1 Two Wheelers 7691856 8573679 9394869 10212360 11181762 12429011 11.15

    2 Cars / Jeeps & 1479877 1648379 1822458 1979191 2182969 2440404 11.79

    Station Wagons.

    3 Taxi Cabs 122389 133309 149526 157916 168307 168496 0.11

    4 Auto - Rickshaws 534535 555118 574625 598013 626332 640700 2.29


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