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Mrs. Kula-4th Grade

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7:25-7:55 Arrival / Read in Hallway7:55-8:30 Morning Routine/ Morning Meeting8:30- 10:00 Math Instruction/ Math Groups10:00-10:50 MI Time11:00-11:25 Lunch11:35-11:55 Recess

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12:00-1:30 ELA/ Spelling/ Daily 51:30- 2:00 Power PAWS

Enrichment and Remediation time.2:00-2:40 Working Snack

Science / Social Studies2:40-2:48 Pack-up/ Check-out /Dismissal

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MI SCHEDULE Every nine weeks our class will spend three full

weeks rotating between the same MI and PE. For example: On Tuesday we finished up our first 3 weeks of Music/ PE

rotation. On Wednesday we started our First 3 weeks of Art/ PE

rotations. The last three weeks of this nine weeks student will rotate

between Technology & PE.

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ExpectationsRespect – Respect yourself, others, and your school.

Effort- Pay attention, listen carefully, always do your best

Attitude- Be positive, pleasant, helpful and courteous, keep negative comments to yourself.

Cooperation- Be willing to work with anyone, pay attention to voice level and share

Honesty-Always tell the truth

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BehaviorChart*Purple -“PAW”SOME day! Great Job!

Blue- Making Good Choices

Green - Ready to learn (everyone starts here)

Yellow- warning / short time out

Orange - Think Sheet and Silent Lunch

Red- Office Referral & Parent Contact* Behavior for each day can be noted by the color that

I initial your child’s agenda with.

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Class DOJOpoints*Welcome to Class Dojo

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Daily 5We will use the Daily 5 during our

90 - minute literacy block.

The Daily 5 is a framework for structuring literacy time so students develop lifelong habits of reading, writing, and working independently.

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Daily 5How does it work?

Students select from five authentic reading and writing choices, working independently toward personalized goals, while the teacher meets individual needs through whole-group and small-group instruction, as well as one-on-one conferring.

These choices include: Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work

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Scholastic Students will have the opportunity of having their own individual subscription to scholastic news. I order one for each child. They will receive 20 or more copies this year.

Families will also get access to the scholastic news website and iPad app featuring entertaining videos and test prep materials.

I will send home a form about this tomorrow.


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Eureka mathMath Program adopted school wide. Offers parent tips for each module. Online Companion site is

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HOMEWORK Students are expected to write HW in their agendas

every morning. In addition, I post all HW assignments on my

website. Whenever possible, I also include pdf files available for download in case your child forgets anything at school.

My website: Students will have reading, spelling and math HW

Monday – Thursday.

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Spelling HWand words… Students will be placed in a spelling group based upon their

spelling inventory results. Each spelling group will receive a list of spelling words on

Monday. (lists can be found at website) Students will choose one activity from each letter column on

their “STAR” spelling chart for their spelling homework each night. (STAR chart can be found at website)

S-Mondays, T-Tuesdays, A-Wednesdays, R- Thursdays (25 pts. each)

Students should label work with the correct column and the date completed. Spelling notebooks are due Friday mornings.

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Math HW While math homework will vary from day to day, it will often

either come from the Eureka Math Student Workbook or be related to it.

If you go to my web site and click on the “Eureka Math for Parents” tab you will find all types of resources including videos, Math Tips for Parents , and a Eureka Math Homework Help Guide, all designed to assist your child with skills we are learning in class.

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Reading HW Currently students are expected to read for

twenty minutes, then fill out their reading log and get it signed.

It is important that students try to use the same book each time only changing to another as they finish.

KIDBIZ may be introduced as reading HW in the future.

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Programswe use online… Zearn is the companion site to Eureka Math, the program we currently use for math. a math website where students may practice items related to the math common core. a website used to practice non fiction comprehension

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Gradingwhat makes up a grade?Homework: 20 %

Classwork/ Quizzes: 50 %Tests: 30 %

A Missing assignment will be a zero.

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COMMUNICATIONNotes in agendaTeacher & Parent Notes Email [email protected]: 252-393-3990 (non-school hours)Friday FoldersConferences : Volunteer Spot

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