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Mining Attribute Lifecycle to Predict Faults

and Incompleteness in Database Applications

Presented by:-Sandra AlexRoll no: 40

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Each attribute a value created initially via insertion

Referenced, updated or deleted

These occurrences of events, associated with the states attribute lifecycle.

Behaviour of an attribute value from its insertion to final deletion

Extract the attribute lifecycle out of a database application

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Our empirical studies discover, faults and incompleteness in db applications highly associated with attribute lifecycle.

Learned prediction model applied indevelopment and maintenance of database applications

Experiments conducted on PHP systems

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Attribute Lifecycle Characterization

for each attribute, a value isi. created -> insertionii. referenced -> selectioniii. updated -> updatingiv. deleted -> deletion

These occurrences of events are associated with states , to constitute the attribute lifecycle.

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State transition diagram of the attribute lifecycle

Attribute Lifecycle Characterization

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Attribute Lifecycle Characterization

programs sustain attribute lifecycle by 4 database operations:

INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE formulate the following attributes to

characterize its lifecycle:i. Create (C) -> value of attribute is inserted.ii. Null Create (NC) -> inserted without

valueiii. Control Update (COU) -> not influenced

by existing attribute value & inputs from user and database.

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Attribute Lifecycle Characterization

iv. Overriding Update (OVU)-> not influenced by existing value.

v. Cumulating Update (CMU) -> influenced by existing value.

vi. Delete (D) : attribute is deleted as a resultof the deletion of the record

vii. Use (U): value is used to support theinsertion, updating or deletion of

other database attributes or output to the external environment.

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Attribute Lifecycle Characterization

Hence,we characterize the attribute lifecycle by a seven element vector

[m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7], where m1, m2,m3, m4, m5, m6, m7

denote whether there is database operation performed on the attribute is of type C, NC, COU, OVU, CMU, D and U respectively.

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Proposed Approach

A. Mining Attribute Lifecycle

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Proposed Approach

B. Extracting Attribute Lifecycle Characterization Data

1) Query Extraction<?php

function exec_query($q)

{ return mysql_query($q); }

$query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE ";

if (isset($_POST[‘usertype’]))

{ $query .= "usertype =" .$_POST[‘usertype’];//use usertype }


{ $query .= "userid=" .$_POST[‘userid’]; //use userid }



query can be different in runtime.

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Proposed Approach

control flow graph(CFG) for the code

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generates a set of basis paths

encounter a query execution function like “mysql_query”, -> definition of every variable used is retrieved

literals -> replaced by their actual values

variables whose values are not statically known -> replaced by placeholders

parts of query strings with replaced values -> connected

Proposed Approach

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Proposed Approach

2) Analysis of Attribute Lifecyclequeries are extracted analysed to obtain the attribute lifecycle patterns

by using an SQL grammar parser

CREATE TABLE : first parsed to collect the schema of table

VIEW: mapping of attributes between the view & backup table

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o query is parsed, table aliases restored by the actual table names, & attributes are identified

o “*” -> schema of table consulted to get all attribute names

o “count(*)” -> not considered, characterized as “USE”

Proposed Approach

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INSERT:o table name is identified first

o no column list -> all the attributes inserted.

o column list -> attributes are extracted

o “auto incremental” or have not null default values -> treated as inserted by the query

oThese attributes are characterized as “Create”

o explicitly assigned to null -> marked as “Null Create”.

Proposed Approach

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UPDATE :o collect attribute names o identify the update pattern o attribute assignments in the SET clause are


o analyse the value string to determine the update characteristic

o either COU, OVU or CMU

o attributes used in the WHERE clause -> marked as “Use”

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o identify table name

omark all the attributes as “Delete

oattributes in the WHERE clause as “Use”

For each query,

attribute names in it -> put into a collection -> create attribute lifecycle vectors.

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3) Generation of Attribute Lifecycle Vectors

For example,

if there is at least one “Create” characteristic for one attribute,

o the first element of the vector 1

o otherwise 0

no operation on an attribute, all elements set to 0

we generate vectors for all attributes in a database application.

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A. Data Collectionseed faults in open-source database applications to train our model

we chose systems -> should have very few faults associated with attribute lifecycle.

• source code -> publicly available

• application size -> considerable (transaction number and attribute number)

• mature enough -> very few faults associated with attribute lifecycle.


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“batavi” a web-based e-commerce system;

“webERP”, an accounting & business management system;

“FrontAccounting”, a professional web based system

“OpenBusinessNetwork”, application designed for business;

“SchoolMate”, solution for school administrations.


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attribute lifecycle have a number of common patterns

those which do not follow -> cause errors

we seeded the following common errors

1) Missing function: attributes are provided, function is not catered for during the program design

2) Inconsistency design: correcting the result of a transaction that updates an attribute by “cumulative update” using “overriding update”

3) Redundant function: new programs for different types of operations

4) No Update: new attributes without any update functions


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B. Experimental Designthree classifiers to learn the prediction model

1) C4.5 classifier

decision tree classification algorithm

uses normalized information gain to split data

information gain of one attribute A


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Info(D) is defined as:

pi : probability that one instance belongs to class i

In training process,

each time the classifier chooses one attribute

with the highest normalized information gain

to split the data until all attributes are used.


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2) Naïve Bayes classifier generative probabilistic model Bayes’ theorem:

assumed that attributes are independent, we have

For categorical value, the probability P(xi|Ci) is theproportion of the instances in class Ci which have attribute xi.

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3) SVM classifier

Support Vector Machine (SVM)

based on the statistical learning theory trains the classification model by

searching the hyper plane which maximizes the margin between classes

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C. Model Trainingattributes from the five systems labelled to create the training


manually checked, labelled each attribute as “missing function” ,“inconsistency design” ,“redundant function, "no update” or “normal”


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model was trained by three classifiers

for evaluation of trained models 10-fold cross validation on training set

set was randomly partitioned into 10 folds

each time 9 folds of them as training set

and 1 fold was testing set

we computed the average measurements


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D. Assessing Performance


probability of detection pd=(tp/(tp+fn))

probability of false alarm pf=(fp/(fp+tn))

precision pr=(tp/(tp+fp))

pd 1 pf 0

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• pd>87

• pf<1.81

• SVM>C4.5

• C4.5>naïve

Bayes• SVM:

• pd>95%• pf<0.07%

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applied prediction model on four database applications ->

to predict whether there are attributes with missing function, inconsistency design, redundant function and no update.

applied our prediction model learned by SVM to these

systems and counted the attributes that were predicted

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designers could take corresponding actions to modify these design faults and incompleteness

further, we manually validate all the attributes predicted

Of all the 107 attributes, 98 are confirmed to be real

prediction precision is 91.59%

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For each attribute, we extract the set of attributes that can be extracted from code of database applications to characterize its lifecycle.

a characterization vector is formed

Data mining technique is applied to mine the attribute lifecycle using the data collected from database open-source systems.

We seed errors in mature systems and simulate the design faults to train our dataset for our classification method.

Five types of labelled attributes are obtained.

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Fault and completeness prediction model is then built.

In our experiment, the model achieved 98.04% precision and 98.25% recall on average for SVM

We also applied the model on four database open source applications to predict

conduct more comprehensive experiments on a larger set of systems ,further validate the merits of the proposed approach

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