  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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    Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in

    Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998( AMENDED UPTO MAY, 20 1 5)

    Sector-8, Pocket-14 Dwarka, New Delhi-110077Ph: 011-25367033, 25367035, 25367036

    Fax: 011-25367024Website: www.mciindia.Org.

    E-Mail: [email protected] & [email protected].

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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    Published in part – III section – 4 of the Gazette of India upto December, 2009.

    No. MCI-12(2)/98-Med./ In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33 of the Indian

    Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India, with theprevious sanction of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations,


    1.  Short title and commencement:

    (1) These regulations may be called the “Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Institutions Regulations, 1998 amended upto December 2009.

    (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

    2 Objectives: Appointment of medical teachers, with minimum qualification and

    experience in various departments of medical colleges and institutions imparting graduateand post-graduate medical education is a necessary requirement to maintain a standard of


    3. Minimum qualifications for appointment as a teacher: Minimum qualifications forappointment as a teacher in various departments of a medical college or institution

    imparting graduate and post-graduate education shall be as specified in the Schedules Iand II annexed with these regulations

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    Every appointing authority before making an appointment to a teaching post in

    medical college or institution shall observe the following norms:  

    1. All Medical teachers mu st possess a basic University or equivalent

    qualification included in any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act,1956 (102 of 1956). They must also be registered in a State Medical Register or

    I ndian Medical Register.

    The Clause 1A as under is included in terms of Notification published on16 .03.20 05 in Gazette of I ndia.

    1A.  “The ma ximum age limit upto which a person can be appointed or grantedextension or re-employed in service against the posts of Teachers or Deanor Principal or Director, as the case may be, which are required to be filledup as per the norm s of the M edical Council of I ndia in any Me dical College orTeaching I nstitution for im parting Graduate and Post-Graduate me dical

    education, shall be 6 5 years.”

    The clause ‘1A’ was inserted after paragraph 1, vide notification dated16.3.2005. The last words of the paragraph i.e. “shall be 65 years.”,shall beamended as under, in terms of notification dated 17.09.2010.

    “shall be 70 years.”

    2. I n th e departments of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistr y, Pharm acology and

    Microbiology, non-medical teachers may be appointed to the extent of 30% of the

    total number of the posts in the department. A non-medical approved medical M.Sc.

    qualification shall be a sufficient qualification for appointment as Lecturer in thesubject concerned but for promotion to higher teaching post a candidate must

    possess the Ph.D. degree in the subject. The Heads of these departments mustpossess recognized basic university medical degree qualification or equivalent

    qualification. However, in the department of Biochemistry, non-m edical teachers may

    be appointed to the extent of 50% of the total number of posts in the department. Incase of the paucity of teachers in non-clinical departments relaxation upto the Head

    of the Department may be given by the appointing authority to the non-medical

    persons if suitable medical teacher in the particular non-clinical speciality is notavailable for the said appointment. However, such relaxation will be made only with

    the prior approval of the Medical Council of India. A non-medial person cannot beappointed as Director or Principal or Dean or Medical Superintendent. In the

    departments of Community Medicine and Pharmacology, Lecturers in Statistics and

    Pharmacological Chemistry shall possess M.Sc. qualification in that particular subjectfrom a recognized University.  

    I n the above clause the w ords “The Heads of these departments mustposses recognized basic university medical degree qualification or

    equivalent qualification” shall be substitut ed w ith the follow ing asamended in terms of Notif ication published on 24.07.2009 in Gazette of

    I ndia .

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    “Hea ds of the departm ents of pre and para clinical subjects m ust

    possess recognized basic University degree qualification i.e. MBBS orequivalent qualification”. 

    I n the above clause the w ords “I n the departm ents of Comm unity Medicine

    and Pha rm acology, Lecture rs in Stat istics and Pha rm acology Chem istry shall

    possess M.Sc. qualification in that particular subject from a recognisedUniversity”   shall be substituted with the following as amended in terms ofNotif ication published on 24.0 7.20 09 in Gazette of I ndia .

    “I n the departm ent of Community Medicine, Lecturers in Statisticsshall possess M.Sc. qualification from a recognized Univer sity”.

    3. Medical teachers in all Medical Colleges except t he Tutors, Resident s, Registr ars and

    Demonstrators must possess the requisite recognized Postgraduate Medical

    qualification in their respective subject.

    The following shall be included in terms of Notification published on

    24 .07.200 9 in Gazette of India .

    “Dean / Principal / Director of Medical college/ institution, who is

    head of th e institute and t he Medical Superinten dent w ho is head of

    the affiliated te aching hospital can be incharge of a Un it but cannotbe HOD in the medical college/ institution. However, they can teach

    and practice in the De partm ent concerned.”

    4. The appointing authority may consider the holders of equivalent postgraduatequalification, which may be approved by the Medical Council of India from time to

    tim e, to have the requisite recognised qualification in t he subject concerned. 5. The Medical Council of In dia shall determ ine equivalent qualification refer red to in

    these regulations. 6. The teachers in a medical college or institution having a t otal of eight years’ teachingexperience out of which at least five years teaching experience as Lecturer or Asst.Professor gained after obtaining postgraduate degree shall be recognised as

    postgraduate teachers in broad specialties. In the case of super-specialties only

    those teachers who possess eight years’ teaching experience out of which at leastfive years’ teaching experience as Lecturer / Asst. Prof. gained after obtaining the

    higher speciality degree shall be recognised as postgraduate teachers:Provided that in the case of super-speciality courses which are being newly

    instituted, matter regarding relaxation of qualification and experience of

    postgraduate teachers may be taken up by the appointing authority with the MedicalCouncil of India. 

    7. I n cases where candidates with requisite experience are not available, a reference

    may be made by the appointing authority to the Medical Council of India forconsideration on m erits. 

    8. The names of the teaching posts, academic qualifications and the teaching or

    research experience required for each teaching post are given in Table I in respect ofgraduate and post graduate / higher speciality courses and in Table II in respect of

    super-speciality courses. 9. The requirement of publication of four research papers for the post of Associate

    Professor and eight research papers for the post of Professor may be a desirable


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    The following clause shall be added after Sl. No.9, in terms of notificationdated 03.11.2010.

    “10. A person possessing DNB in the concerned broad-speciality, iseligible for admission in the Super-Speciality/Higher course


    11. Persons possessing DNB qualification on the basis of which theyhave already been promoted as Associate Professor/Professor in theconcerned department, may be treated at par with MD/MS in thebroad-speciality and DM/M.Ch. in the Super-Speciality without anyfurther teaching/research experience.”

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    In the “Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998”, in ‘TABLE-1’ under the heading “REQUIREMENTS OFACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS, TEACHING AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE”,as amended vide notifications dated 21/07/2009, 28/10/2009 and 15/12/2009,in the column of ‘Academic qualifications’ for all the specialities, the

    following shall be inserted, in terms of notification dated 03.11.2010

    “DNB (_________________)”Concerned speciality

    In the “Minimum qualification for Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998”, the following addition/ modifications/ deletions/substitutions, shall be, as indicated therein:-

    The clauses 4 (i) shall be substituted as under:-

    “4(i). In the “Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998”, in “TABLE-1 & TABLE-2” under the heading“REQUIREMENTS OF ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION AND TEACHING/RESEARCH EXPERIENCE”, as amended vide notifications dated21/07/2009, 28/10/2009, 15/12/2009, 03/11/2010, in the column of ‘Academicqualifications’ for all the specialties, the following shall be substituted:-

    “DNB (____________________ )”‘Broad/ Super-specialties’



    Post   Academicqualifications 

    Teaching/ Research Experience  

    Principal / Dean /

    Director of MedicalInsti tution. 

    Should possess the

    recognised postgraduatemedical qualification

    and other academicqualification from a

    recognized institutionwith a minimum of tenyears’ teaching

    experience as

    Professor/ AssociateProfessor/ Reader in a

    medical college/Instt.

    Out of which atleast fiveyears should be as

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    Professor in a

    department. Preferencefor these appointments

    may be given to the

    Heads of theDepartments.

    Director / Medical

    Superintendent of theaffiliated teaching


    Should possess a

    recognised postgraduate medicalqualification from a

    recognised Institutionwith 10 yrs.




    (A) Professor M.S. (Anatom y)/


    with M.Sc. (Anatomy)/M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy)

    with Ph.D. (Med.

    Anatomy)/ M.Sc. (Med.Anatomy)/ with D.Sc.

    (Med. Anatomy)

    i) As Reader/ Associate Professor in

    Anatomy for four years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journal and oneresearch publication in international

     jou rnal . 

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    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor inAnatomy for three years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four researchpublications in indexed/ national

     jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as theFirst Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 4 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Professor should be taken on

    cumulative basis with minimum of 2research publications must be

    published during the tenure of the

    Associate Professor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the post

    of Professor can be made by theinstitutes in accordance with the

    “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be

     substituted as under:-

    “Four Research papers accepted/

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     published in index/national journal

     as first/second author on cumulative basis. Out of these four research

     publications minimum two research publication must be published during

     the tenure of the Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as professor shall be more than 18 years with Four Research

     publication in indexed journal as Ist Author or corresponding author.

    Such Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be

     called as “Designate Professor” and on completion of three years

    experience in the capacity of

     Designate Professor, such person shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Associate

    Professor/ Reader

    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer

    in Anatomy for five years in arecognised m edical college.


    (ii)Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor in

    Anatomy for four years in the

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    recognized m edical college.

    (ii) Minimum of two research

    publications in indexed/national jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/accepted

    for publication in th e Journals by theNational Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as the

    First Author. Further provided thatthe requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to the

    post of Associate Professor shouldbe fulfilled with 2 research

    publication must be published during

    the tenure of the AssistantProfessor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.

    24th July, 2009, theappointment/promotion to the post

    of Associate Professor can be made

    by the institutes in accordance withthe “Minimum Qualifications for

    Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998” as prevailingbefore notification of “Minimum

    Qualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beinserted:-

    “If a DNB qualified candidate isworking as Assistant Professor in a

     M.C.I. recognized college medical/Central institute, he/she

    would require one more year of teaching/research experience to be

     promoted as Associate Professor over and above the minimum time frame

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     for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be

     substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/ published in index/national journal

     as first/second author during the tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as Associate Professor shall be more than 10 years with Two

     Research publication in indexed journal as Ist Author or

     corresponding author. SuchConsultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Associate Professor”.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    01.10.2012, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate

    (broad/ super-specialty) having fulfilled the requirements as per

     clause 4(iii) mentioned below for appointment as Assistant Professor

     or is already working in a MCI recognized medical college/ central

    institute, he/she would be further promoted as per Minimum

    Qualification for teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as

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    (C) Assistan t Professor /


    The a bove is

    substitutedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under: - 

    Assistant Professor  

    -do- (i) Requisite recognized

    postgraduate qualification in thesubject.

    (ii) Three years teaching

    experience in Anatomy in a

    recognised medical college asResident/ Registrar/Demonstrator/


     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “(i) For the candidates possessing

     MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/Registrar/

     Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the


    (ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI

     recognized medical colleges/centralinstitutes where there are no MD/MS

     courses running.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB

    qualification. The concerned

     candidate would also require one year of additional teaching/researchexperience in the concerned subject

    in a recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.

    (iii) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from MCI

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     recognized medical colleges/central

    institutes where there are MD/MS courses running

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject in a recognized medical college either during the DNB course

     or after obtaining DNB qualification

    (iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers

     other than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject either during the DNB

     course or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned candidate would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.

     Resident/Research Associate (CSIR)in a MCI recognized medical

     college/central institute.”  

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “For the candidates obtaining DNBqualification from centers other than

     MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes, the

     concerned candidate should have minimum two publications

    (accepted/published) in the index journal (national/international as

     first/second author). In case, the concerned candidate does not have

     the required publication, he/she must have a total of three years teaching

    experience in a recognized medical college/central institute after

     possessing DNB qualification.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be

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    (i)   For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/

     Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the


    (ii)   Equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad specialties) with

     MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)with DM/M.Ch.

    (a)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in an

    institution which now run MCI recognized postgraduate degree

     courses in a given subject, their DNBqualifications shall be considered at

     par with MCI recognized

    qualifications that subject only.

    (b)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in a multi specialty teaching hospital with

     atleast 500 beds, involved in various postgraduate/ super-specialty

     teaching programmes provided that the one out of three DNB supervisors

    (teachers) qualify as postgraduate teacher as per MCI norms in their

     previous appointment; and one out of remaining two should qualify as

     postgraduate teacher as per MCI regulations with the following bed

     requirement for teaching unit:

     Postgraduate broad specialties

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     30 beds per unit }

      50% beds should be Postgraduate super specialties

      20 beds per unit }  teaching beds.

    Such qualifications shall be

     considered at par with MCI recognized qualification.

    (iii)   Additional training of one year for equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad Specialties) with

     MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)with DM/M.Ch.

    Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training (both broad

     specialties and super-specialties) in hospital/ institution other than

     mentioned in (ii) above, shallundergo one additional year of senior

     residency or equivalent training or research job in a MCI recognized

     hospital/ institution, provided suchqualifications are notified in the

     Postgraduate Medical Education

     Regulations 2000”. 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as Assistant Professor shall

     be minimum 6 years. SuchConsultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Assistant Professor”.”

    (D) Tutor/ (MBBS/ M.Sc. (Medical

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    Anatomy ) for non-

    medical persons.


    (A) Professor M.D. (Phy siology ) MBBS

    with M.Sc.(Physiology) / M.Sc.(Med. Physiology)

    with Ph.D. (Med.

    Physiology) / M.Sc (Med.Physiology) with D.Sc.

    (Med. Physiology)

    (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in

    Physiology for four years in arecognised m edical college


    (ii) Minimum of four Research

    publication indexed in IndexMedicus/national journal and one

    research publication in international

     jou rnal .

    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated

    24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor inPhysiology for th ree years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four research

    publications in indexed/ national jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated

    15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/

    accepted for publication in theJournals by the National

    Associations/Societies of the

    respective specialities as the FirstAuthor. Further provided that the

    requirement of 4 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Professor should be taken on

    cumulative basis with minimum of 2

    research publications must bepublished during the tenure of the

    Associate Professor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the post

    of Professor can be made by the

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    institutes in accordance with the

    “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be

     substituted as under:-

    “Four Research papers

     accepted/published in index/national journal as first/second author on

     cumulative basis. Out of these four

     research publications minimum two research publication must be published during the tenure of the

     Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as professor shall be more

     than 18 years with Four Research publication in indexed journal as Ist

     Author or corresponding author.Such Consultant or Specialist after

     joining a medical college shall be called as “Designate Professor” and

     on completion of three yearsexperience in the capacity of

     Designate Professor, such person shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / Associate


    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer in

    Physiology for five years in a

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    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    recognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four Researchpublications indexed in index

    Medicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor in

    Physiology for four years in therecognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two research

    publications in indexed/national

     jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies ofthe respective specialities as the

    First Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Associate Professor should

    be fulfilled with 2 researchpublication must be published during

    the tenure of the Assistant


    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the postof Associate Professor can be made

    by the institutes in accordance with

    the “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

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    03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate is

    working as Assistant Professor in a

     M.C.I. recognized college medical/Central institute, he/shewould require one more year of

     teaching/research experience to be promoted as Associate Professor over

     and above the minimum time frame for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/

     published in index/national journal as first/second author during the

     tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as Associate Professor shall

     be more than 10 years with Two Research publication in indexed

     journal as Ist Author or corresponding author. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Associate Professor”.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    01.10.2012, the following shall be substituted:-

    “If a DNB qualified candidate

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    (broad/ super-specialty) having

     fulfilled the requirements as per clause 4(iii) mentioned below for

     appointment as Assistant Professor or is already working in a MCI

     recognized medical college/ centralinstitute, he/she would be further

     promoted as per MinimumQualification for teachers in Medical

     Institutions Regulations, 1998 as amended.”

    (C) Assistan t Professor /


    The a bove issubstituted

    vide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under: - 

    Assistant Professor  

    -do- (i) Requisite recognised

    postgraduate qualification in thesubject.

    (ii) Three years teaching experience

    in the subject in a recognisedmedical college as resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beSubstituted:-

    “(i) For the candidates possessing

     MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized

     medical college either during the post-graduation course or after

     obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.

    (ii) For the candidates processing

     DNB Qualification from MCI

     recognized medical colleges/centralinstitutes where there are no MD/MS courses running.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject in a recognized medical college either during the DNB course

     or after possessing DNB

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     concerned candidate does not have

     the required publication, he/she must have a total of three years teaching

    experience in a recognized medical college/central institute after

     possessing DNB qualification.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be


    (i)   For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI

     recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject as Resident/ Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized

     medical college either during the post-graduation course or after

     obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.

    (ii)   Equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad specialties) with MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)

    with DM/M.Ch.

    (a)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in aninstitution which now run MCI

     recognized postgraduate degree courses in a given subject, their DNB

    qualifications shall be considered at par with MCI recognized

    qualifications that subject only.

    (b)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in a multi specialty teaching hospital with atleast 500 beds, involved in various

     postgraduate/ super-specialty teaching programmes provided that

     the one out of three DNB supervisors(teachers) qualify as postgraduate

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     teacher as per MCI norms in their

     previous appointment; and one out of remaining two should qualify as

     postgraduate teacher as per MCI regulations with the following bed

     requirement for teaching unit:

     Postgraduate broad specialties

      30 beds per unit }  50% beds should be

     Postgraduate super specialties  20 beds per unit }

      teaching beds.

    Such qualifications shall be considered at par with MCI

     recognized qualification.

    (iii)   Additional training of one year for equivalence of qualification

     of DNB (broad Specialties) with MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)

    with DM/M.Ch.

    Those candidates who have

    undergone DNB training (both broad

     specialties and super-specialties) in hospital/ institution other than mentioned in (ii) above, shall

    undergo one additional year of senior residency or equivalent training or

     research job in a MCI recognized hospital/ institution, provided such

    qualifications are notified in the Postgraduate Medical Education

     Regulations 2000”. 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

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    working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as Assistant Professor shall

     be minimum 6 years. SuchConsultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Assistant Professor”.”




    MBBS/ M.Sc.( Medical

    Physiology) for non-

    medical persons


    (A) Professor M.D. (Biochemistry )/

    MBBS with M.Sc. (Med.Biochemistry) M.Sc.

    (Med. Biochemistry)with Ph. D. (Med.Biochemistry)/ M.Sc.

    (Med. Biochemistry)with D.Sc. (Med.


    (i) As Reader/ Associate Professor in

    Biochemistry for four years in arecognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four researchpublications indexed in index

    Medicus/national journal and one

    research publication in InternationalJournal.

    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor inBiochemistr y for th ree years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four research

    publications in indexed/ national jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/ accepted

    for publication in th e Journals by theNational Associations/Societies of

    the respective specia provided that

    the requirement of 4 researchpublications for promotion to the

    post of Professor should be taken oncumulative basis with minimum of 2

    research publications must be

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    published during the tenure of the

    Associate Professor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the postof Professor can be made by theinstitutes in accordance with the

    “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2009” . 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Four Research papers

     accepted/published in index/national journal as first/second author on

     cumulative basis. Out of these four research publications minimum two

     research publication must be published during the tenure of the

     Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as professor shall be more than 18 years with Four Research

     publication in indexed journal as Ist Author or corresponding author.

    Such Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be

     called as “Designate Professor” and on completion of three years

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    experience in the capacity of

     Designate Professor, such person shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / Associate


    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer in

    Biochemistry for five years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four research

    publications indexed in IndexMedicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor in

    Biochemistr y for four years in therecognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two research

    publications in indexed/national jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by theNational Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as the

    First Author. Further provided thatthe requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to the

    post of Associate Professor shouldbe fulfilled with 2 research

    publication must be published duringthe tenure of the Assistant


    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.

    24th July, 2009, theappointment/promotion to the post

    of Associate Professor can be made

    by the institutes in accordance withthe “Minimum Qualifications for

    Teachers in Medical Institutions

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    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate is

    working as Assistant Professor in a M.C.I. recognized college

     medical/Central institute, he/shewould require one more year of

     teaching/research experience to be promoted as Associate Professor over

     and above the minimum time frame for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/

     published in index/national journal as first/second author during the

     tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as Associate Professor shall be more than 10 years with Two Research publication in indexed

     journal as Ist Author or corresponding author. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be designated

     as “Associate Professor”.”

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     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate(broad/ super-specialty) having

     fulfilled the requirements as per clause 4(iii) mentioned below for

     appointment as Assistant Professor or is already working in a MCI

     recognized medical college/ centralinstitute, he/she would be further

     promoted as per MinimumQualification for teachers in Medical

     Institutions Regulations, 1998 as amended.”

    (C) Assistan t Professor /


    The a bove issubstitutedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under: - 

    Assistant Professor  

    -do- (i) Requisite recognised

    postgraduate qualification in the


    (ii) Three years teaching experiencein the subject in a recognised

    medical college as resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall beSubstituted:-

    “(i) For the candidates possessing

     MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject as Resident/Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized

     medical college either during the post-graduation course or after

     obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.

    (ii) For the candidates processing

     DNB Qualification from MCI recognized medical colleges/central

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    institutes where there are no MD/MS

     courses running.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB

    qualification. The concerned candidate would also require one

     year of additional teaching/researchexperience in the concerned subject

    in a recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.

    (iii) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from MCI

     recognized medical colleges/centralinstitutes where there are MD/MS courses running

    Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification

    (iv) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from Centers

     other than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB

     course or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned

     candidate would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.

     Resident/Research Associate (CSIR)in a MCI recognized medical

     college/central institute.”  

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “For the candidates obtaining DNBqualification from centers other than

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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    undergone DNB training in a multi

     specialty teaching hospital with atleast 500 beds, involved in various

     postgraduate/ super-specialty teaching programmes provided that

     the one out of three DNB supervisors(teachers) qualify as postgraduate

     teacher as per MCI norms in their previous appointment; and one out of

     remaining two should qualify as postgraduate teacher as per MCI

     regulations with the following bed requirement for teaching unit:

     Postgraduate broad specialties  30 beds per unit }

      50% beds should be Postgraduate super specialties

      20 beds per unit }  teaching beds.

    Such qualifications shall be

     considered at par with MCI recognized qualification.

    (iii)   Additional training of one year for equivalence of qualification

     of DNB (broad Specialties) with MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)with DM/M.Ch.

    Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training (both broad

     specialties and super-specialties) in hospital/ institution other than

     mentioned in (ii) above, shallundergo one additional year of senior

     residency or equivalent training or research job in a MCI recognized

     hospital/ institution, provided suchqualifications are notified in the

     Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations 2000”. 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

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    06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as Assistant Professor shall be minimum 6 years. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be designated

     as “Assistant Professor”.”

    (D) Tutor/Demonstrator/Resident/


    MBBS/ M.Sc.(MedicalBiochemistry) for non-

    medical personsBIO-PHYSICS

    (A) Professor M.D. (Bio-Physics)/ M.Sc. ( Bio-

    Physics or MedicalBiochemistry) with Ph.

    D. (Bio-

    Physics)/ M.D.(Physiology) or M.D.

    (Biochemistry) with one

    year training in Bio-Physics

    (i) As Reader/Associate Professor inBio-Physics for four years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journal and one

    research publication InternationalJournal.

    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor in

    Bio-Physics for th ree years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four research

    publications in indexed/ national jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/

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    accepted for publication in the

    Journals by the NationalAssociations/Societies of the

    respective specialities as the First

    Author. Further provided that therequirement of 4 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Professor should be taken oncumulative basis with minimum of 2

    research publications must bepublished during the tenure of the

    Associate Professor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.

    24th July, 2009, theappointment/promotion to the post

    of Professor can be made by the

    institutes in accordance with the“Minimum Qualifications for

    Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “Minimum

    Qualifications for Teachers in MedicalInsti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Four Research papers accepted/published in index/national

     journal as first/second author on cumulative basis. Out of these four

     research publications minimum two research publication must be

     published during the tenure of the Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate

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     medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as professor shall be more than 18 years with Four Research

     publication in indexed journal as Ist Author or corresponding author.

    Such Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be

     called as “Designate Professor” and on completion of three years

    experience in the capacity of Designate Professor, such person

     shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / Associate


    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer in

    Bio-Physics for five years in arecognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in IndexMedicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistant Professor in Bio-Physics for four years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two researchpublications in indexed/national

     jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as theFirst Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Associate Professor should

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    be fulfilled with 2 research

    publication must be published duringthe tenure of the Assistant


    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, theappointment/promotion to the post

    of Associate Professor can be madeby the institutes in accordance with

    the “Minimum Qualifications for

    Teachers in Medical InstitutionsRegulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “Minimum

    Qualifications for Teachers in MedicalInsti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate isworking as Assistant Professor in a

     M.C.I. recognized college medical/Central institute, he/she

    would require one more year of teaching/research experience to be

     promoted as Associate Professor over and above the minimum time frame

     for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be

     substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/

     published in index/national journal as first/second author during the

     tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist

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    (after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as Associate Professor shall

     be more than 10 years with Two Research publication in indexed

     journal as Ist Author or corresponding author. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be designated

     as “Associate Professor”.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate(broad/ super-specialty) having

     fulfilled the requirements as per clause 4(iii) mentioned below for

     appointment as Assistant Professor or is already working in a MCI

     recognized medical college/ centralinstitute, he/she would be further

     promoted as per Minimum

    Qualification for teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as amended.”

    (C) Assistan t Professor /


    The a bove issubstitutedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under: - 

    Assistant Professor  

    -do- (i) Requisite recognised

    postgraduate qualification in thesubject.

    (ii) Three years teaching experience

    in the subject in a recognised

    medical college as resident/Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beSubstituted:-

    “(i) For the candidates possessing

     MD/MS Degree from M.C.I. recognized medical college.

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    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/Registrar/

     Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the


    (ii) For the candidates processing DNB Qualification from MCI

     recognized medical colleges/centralinstitutes where there are no MD/MS

     courses running.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject in a recognized medical college either during the DNB course or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned

     candidate would also require one year of additional teaching/research

    experience in the concerned subjectin a recognized medical college after

     obtaining DNB qualification.

    (iii) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from MCI recognized medical colleges/centralinstitutes where there are MD/MS

     courses running

    Three years teaching experience in the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification

    (iv) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from Centers other than of MCI recognized

     medical colleges/central institutes.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB

     course or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned

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     candidate would require two years

     additional teaching experience as Sr. Resident/Research Associate (CSIR)

    in a MCI recognized medical college/central institute.”  

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beinserted:-

    “For the candidates obtaining DNB

    qualification from centers other than MCI recognized medical

     colleges/central institutes, the concerned candidate should have

     minimum two publications

    (accepted/published) in the index journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the concerned candidate does not have

     the required publication, he/she must have a total of three years teaching

    experience in a recognized medical college/central institute after

     possessing DNB qualification.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    01.10.2012, the following shall beSubstituted:-

    (i)   For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI

     recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/

     Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the


    (ii)   Equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad specialties) with

     MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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    undergone DNB training (both broad

     specialties and super-specialties) in hospital/ institution other than

     mentioned in (ii) above, shallundergo one additional year of senior

     residency or equivalent training or research job in a MCI recognized

     hospital/ institution, provided suchqualifications are notified in the

     Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations 2000”. 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as Assistant Professor shall be minimum 6 years. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be designated

     as “Assistant Professor”.”

    (D) Tutor/


    MBBS/ M.Sc.( Bio-

    Physics or Medical Bio-Chemistry) for non-

    medical persons.PHARMACOLOGY

    (A) Professor M.D.(Pharm acology)/ MBBS with Ph.D(Med.


    ed. Pharmacology) withPh.D.(Med.


    Pharmacology) with


    (i) As Reader/Associate Professor inPharmacology for four years in a

    recognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four Researchpublications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journal and oneresearch publication in International


    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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     research publications minimum two

     research publication must be published during the tenure of the

     Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as professor shall be more

     than 18 years with Four Research publication in indexed journal as Ist

     Author or corresponding author.Such Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be

     called as “Designate Professor” and on completion of three years

    experience in the capacity of Designate Professor, such person

     shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / AssociateProfessor

    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer inPharmacology for five years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor in

    Pharm acology for four years in therecognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two research

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    publications in indexed/national

     jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies ofthe respective specialities as the

    First Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 2 researchpublications for promotion to the

    post of Associate Professor should

    be fulfilled with 2 researchpublication must be published during

    the tenure of the AssistantProfessor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the postof Associate Professor can be made

    by the institutes in accordance with

    the “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “Minimum

    Qualifications for Teachers in MedicalInsti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2009” . 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate is

    working as Assistant Professor in a M.C.I. recognized college

     medical/Central institute, he/shewould require one more year of

     teaching/research experience to be promoted as Associate Professor over

     and above the minimum time frame for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

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     the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification

    (iv) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from Centers other than of MCI recognized

     medical colleges/central institutes.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject either during the DNB

     course or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned

     candidate would require two years additional teaching experience as Sr.

     Resident/Research Associate (CSIR)

    in a MCI recognized medical college/central institute.”  

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beinserted:-

    “For the candidates obtaining DNB

    qualification from centers other than MCI recognized medical

     colleges/central institutes, the

     concerned candidate should have minimum two publications(accepted/published) in the index

     journal (national/international as first/second author). In case, the

     concerned candidate does not have the required publication, he/she must

     have a total of three years teachingexperience in a recognized medical

     college/central institute after possessing DNB qualification.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    01.10.2012, the following shall beSubstituted:-

    (i)   For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized medical college.

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    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/ Registrar/

     Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the


    (ii)   Equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad specialties) with

     MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)with DM/M.Ch.

    (a)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in an

    institution which now run MCI recognized postgraduate degree

     courses in a given subject, their DNBqualifications shall be considered at

     par with MCI recognizedqualifications that subject only.

    (b)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in a multi specialty teaching hospital with

     atleast 500 beds, involved in various

     postgraduate/ super-specialty teaching programmes provided that the one out of three DNB supervisors

    (teachers) qualify as postgraduate teacher as per MCI norms in their

     previous appointment; and one out of remaining two should qualify as

     postgraduate teacher as per MCI regulations with the following bed

     requirement for teaching unit:

     Postgraduate broad specialties

      30 beds per unit }  50% beds should be

     Postgraduate super specialties  20 beds per unit }

      teaching beds.

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    Pathology for four years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journal and oneresearch publication in International


    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor in

    Pathology for thr ee years in therecognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four researchpublications in indexed/ national

     jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/

    accepted for publication in the

    Journals by the National

    Associations/Societies of therespective specialities as the First

    Author. Further provided that therequirement of 4 research

    publications for promotion to the

    post of Professor should be taken oncumulative basis with minimum of 2

    research publications must be

    published during the tenure of theAssociate Professor.

    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.

    24th July, 2009, theappointment/promotion to the post

    of Professor can be made by the

    institutes in accordance with the“Minimum Qualifications for

    Teachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailingbefore notification of “Minimum

    Qualifications for Teachers in Medical

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    Insti tutions (Amendment)

    Regulations, 2009” . 

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be

     substituted as under:-

    “Four Research papers accepted/published in index/national

     journal as first/second author on cumulative basis. Out of these four research publications minimum two

     research publication must be published during the tenure of the

     Associate Professor.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience forequating a Consultant or Specialist

    (after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as professor shall be more than 18 years with Four Research

     publication in indexed journal as Ist Author or corresponding author.

    Such Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be

     called as “Designate Professor” and on completion of three years

    experience in the capacity of Designate Professor, such person

     shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / AssociateProfessor

    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lectu rer inpathology for five years in arecognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

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    Medicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor inPathology for four years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two researchpublications in indexed/national

     jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these researchpublications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as theFirst Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Associate Professor should

    be fulfilled with 2 researchpublication must be published during

    the tenure of the Assistant


    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the post

    of Associate Professor can be madeby the institutes in accordance with

    the “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailing

    before notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “If a DNB qualified candidate is

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    working as Assistant Professor in a

     M.C.I. recognized college medical/Central institute, he/she

    would require one more year of teaching/research experience to be

     promoted as Associate Professor over and above the minimum time frame

     for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/

     published in index/national journal as first/second author during the

     tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated06.09.2012, the following shall be


    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate

     medical degree in the subject)working in the concerned specialty in

     the minimum 300 bedded ESI Hospitals as Associate Professor shall

     be more than 10 years with Two Research publication in indexed

     journal as Ist Author or corresponding author. Such

    Consultant or Specialist after joining a medical college shall be designated

     as “Associate Professor”.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be substituted:-

    “If a DNB qualified candidate(broad/ super-specialty) having

     fulfilled the requirements as per clause 4(iii) mentioned below for

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     have a total of three years teaching

    experience in a recognized medical college/central institute after

     possessing DNB qualification.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated01.10.2012, the following shall be


    (i)   For the candidates possessing MD/MS degree from MCI recognized

     medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject as Resident/ Registrar/ Demonstrator/ Tutor in a recognized

     medical college either during the post-graduation course or after

     obtaining postgraduate degree in the subject.

    (ii)   Equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad specialties) with MD/MS & DNB (super-specialties)

    with DM/M.Ch.

    (a)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in aninstitution which now run MCI

     recognized postgraduate degree courses in a given subject, their DNB

    qualifications shall be considered at par with MCI recognized

    qualifications that subject only.

    (b)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in a multi

     specialty teaching hospital with atleast 500 beds, involved in various

     postgraduate/ super-specialty teaching programmes provided that

     the one out of three DNB supervisors(teachers) qualify as postgraduate

     teacher as per MCI norms in their previous appointment; and one out of

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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     Hospitals as Assistant Professor shall

     be minimum 6 years. SuchConsultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Assistant Professor”.”

    (D) Tutor/

    Demonstrator/Resident/Resident Pathologist/





    (A) Professor M.D.(Bacteriology) /


    MBBS with M.Sc.(Med.Bacteriology)/

    M.Sc. (Med.


     /M.Sc.(Med. Bact.) with



    with D.Sc.(Med.

    Bacteriology)/M.Sc. ( Med.

    Microbiology) with

    Ph. D.(Med.Microbiology)/


    Microbiology) withD. Sc.(Med.


    In the qualifications

    mentioned above

    required for the post of

    Professor/ AssociateProfessor/ Assistant

    Professor in

    MicrobiologyDepartment, in 5th line

    mentioned as “M.Sc.


    (Med. Bacteriology)”shall be substitutedwith the following asamended in terms of

    (i) As Reader/Associate Professor in

    Microbiology for four years in a

    recognised m edical college.

    Desirable(ii) Minimum of four Research

    publications indexed in Index

    Medicus/national journal and oneresearch publication in International


    The above has been amendedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under:

    ( i) As Associate Professor in

    Microbiology for thr ee years in therecognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of four research

    publications in indexed/ national

     jou rnals. 

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12.2009 as under: 

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/accepted for publication in the

    Journals by the NationalAssociations/Societies of the

    respective specialities as the First

    Author. Further provided that therequirement of 4 research

    publications for promotion to the

    post of Professor should be taken on

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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    Such Consultant or Specialist after

     joining a medical college shall be called as “Designate Professor” and

     on completion of three yearsexperience in the capacity of

     Designate Professor, such person shall be designated as “Professor”.”

    (B) Reader / AssociateProfessor

    The above issubstituted videNotification dated24 .07.2009 as under: -

    Associate Professor  

    -do- (i) As Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in

    Microbiology for five years in arecognised m edical college.


    (ii) Minimum of four Researchpublications indexed in Index

    Medicus/ national journals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009  

    (i) As Assistan t Professor in

    Microbiology for four years in the

    recognized m edical college.

    (ii)Minimum of two researchpublications in indexed/national

     jou rnals.

    The above has been furtheramended vide Notif ication dated15 .12 .2009

    Provided that these research

    publications are published/ acceptedfor publication in th e Journals by the

    National Associations/Societies of

    the respective specialities as theFirst Author. Further provided that

    the requirement of 2 research

    publications for promotion to thepost of Associate Professor should

    be fulfilled with 2 researchpublication must be published during

    the tenure of the Assistant


    Further provided that for the

    transitory period of 4 years w.e.f.

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    24th July, 2009, the

    appointment/promotion to the postof Associate Professor can be made

    by the institutes in accordance with

    the “Minimum Qualifications forTeachers in Medical Institutions

    Regulations, 1998” as prevailingbefore notification of “MinimumQualifications for Teachers in Medical

    Insti tutions (Amendment)Regulations, 2 009”.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall beinserted:-

    “If a DNB qualified candidate is

    working as Assistant Professor in a M.C.I. recognized college

     medical/Central institute, he/shewould require one more year of

     teaching/research experience to be promoted as Associate Professor over

     and above the minimum time frame for MD/MS candidate.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    03.11.2010, the following shall be substituted as under:-

    “Two Research papers accepted/ published in index/national journal

     as first/second author during the tenure of Assistant Professor”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    06.09.2012, the following shall be added:-

    “The requisite experience for

    equating a Consultant or Specialist(after possessing postgraduate medical degree in the subject)

    working in the concerned specialty in the minimum 300 bedded ESI

     Hospitals as Associate Professor shall be more than 10 years with Two

     Research publication in indexed

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     journal as Ist Author or

     corresponding author. SuchConsultant or Specialist after joining

     a medical college shall be designated as “Associate Professor”.”

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

    01.10.2012, the following shall be substituted:-

    “If a DNB qualified candidate

    (broad/ super-specialty) having fulfilled the requirements as per

     clause 4(iii) mentioned below for appointment as Assistant Professor

     or is already working in a MCI recognized medical college/ central

    institute, he/she would be further promoted as per Minimum

    Qualification for teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as


    (C) Assistan t Professor /Lecturer  

    The a bove is

    substitutedvide Notification dated24 .07.2009 as under: - 

    Assistant Professor  

    -do- (i) Requisite recognisedpostgraduate qualification in the


    (ii) Three years teaching experiencein the subject in a recognisedmedical college as resident/

    Registrar/Demonstrator/ Tutor.

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated03.11.2010, the following shall be


    “(i) For the candidates possessing MD/MS Degree from M.C.I.

     recognized medical college.

    Three years teaching experience in the subject as Resident/Registrar/

     Demonstrator/Tutor in a recognized medical college either during the

     post-graduation course or after obtaining postgraduate degree in the

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    (ii) For the candidates processing

     DNB Qualification from MCI recognized medical colleges/central

    institutes where there are no MD/MS courses running.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject in a recognized medical college either during the DNB course

     or after possessing DNBqualification. The concerned

     candidate would also require one year of additional teaching/research

    experience in the concerned subject

    in a recognized medical college after obtaining DNB qualification.

    (iii) For the candidates possessing

     DNB qualification from MCI recognized medical colleges/central

    institutes where there are MD/MS courses running

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject in a recognized medical

     college either during the DNB course or after obtaining DNB qualification

    (iv) For the candidates possessing DNB qualification from Centers

     other than of MCI recognized medical colleges/central institutes.

    Three years teaching experience in

     the subject either during the DNB course or after possessing DNB

    qualification. The concerned candidate would require two years

     additional teaching experience as Sr. Resident/Research Associate (CSIR)

    in a MCI recognized medical college/central institute.”  

     In terms of Gazette Notification dated

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  • 8/19/2019 Minimum Qualification for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations,1998 (PDF File)


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     par with MCI recognized

    qualifications that subject only.

    (b)  Those candidates who haveundergone DNB training in a multi

     specialty teaching hospital with atleast 500 beds, involved in various

     postgraduate/ super-specialty teaching programmes provided that

     the one out of three DNB supervisors(teachers) qualify as postgraduate

     teacher as per MCI norms in their previous appointment; and one out of

     remaining two should qualify as postgraduate teacher as per MCI

     regulations with the following bed requirement for teaching unit:

     Postgraduate broad specialties  30 beds per unit }

      50% beds should be Postgraduate super specialties

      20 beds per unit }  teaching beds.

    Such qualifications shall be

     considered at par with MCI

     recognized qualification.

    (iii)   Additional training of one year for equivalence of qualification of DNB (broad Specialties) with

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