Page 1: Minerals and Rocks - C Rush Rock • Three major classes of sedimentary rock o _____ sedimentary rock is formed form rock fragments that are compacted and cemented

Minerals and Rocks Chapters Two and Three


• Everything in the universe is made of matter. Matter is the substance of which an object is made, has mass and takes up


• _______________ Properties of matter can be observed without changing the matter (ex. color, size, texture)

• _______________ properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to produce a different kind of matter

(ex. rusting, burning)

Atomic Structure

• All matter is made up of elements, which are the simplest chemical form of matter. _______________ are listed on the

Periodic Table.

• Elements consist of atoms. Atoms are made of three major subatomic particles; electrons (-), protons (+) and neutrons.

o The protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of the atom while the electrons swirl around the nucleus in the

electron cloud.

• Each atom has several identifying characteristics

o _______________ number = # of protons

o _______________ number = protons + neutrons

• Atoms of the same element that have different mass numbers are_______________.

Composition of the Earth’s Crust

• _______________ 47%, Silicon 28%, Aluminum 8.1%, Iron 5.0%

Solids, Liquids and Gases

• There are four physical forms of matter, three of which occur on Earth.

• The particles of a solid are packed tightly together and do not move much. Solids have definite shape and _______________

• The particles of a liquid are more free to move around, and have definite volume but takes the shape of the container it is in.

• The particles of a gas move faster and more freely than solids or liquids. Gases have neither definite shape nor definite


• _______________ is a high energy fourth phase that occurs under high temperature and pressure, as in the sun.

Combinations of Atoms

• When atoms of two or more elements are chemically combined, the result is a _______________.

• The smallest complete unit of a compound is called a molecule.

• Molecules of two atoms are called _______________.

• Compound formation is dependent on the interaction of electrons between atoms. This interactive force is a chemical bond.

Chemical Bonds

• An_______________ bond is formed when atoms are involved in a transfer of electrons.

o An ion is an atom or group of atoms that carry an electrical charge.

• A _______________ bond is formed when atoms are involved in the sharing of electrons.

• The elements that make up the compound are always found in the same proportion. Therefore, a compound is represented by

a fixed chemical formula.


• Elements and compounds are generally found mixed together. A mixture is a material that contains two or more substances

that are not chemically combined. (ex. _______________)

• A mixture in which one substance is uniformly dispersed in another is called a _______________. (ex. salt water, alloy)


• Minerals are the basic materials of the earth’s crust. They are natural, _______________, _______________ solids.

• There are twenty most common minerals are called rock-forming minerals, because they make up the rocks of the earth’s

crust. Ninety percent of mass of the earth’s crust is made up of only ten minerals.

Silicate and Nonsilicate

• All minerals may be classified as silicate or nonsilicate.

o Silicate minerals contain atoms of silicon and oxygen

� _______________ = SiO2 Muscovite = KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2

o Nonsilicate minerals do not contain _______________ and make up only four percent of the earth’s crust

� Flourite = CaF2 Silver = Ag Pyrite = FeS2

Page 2: Minerals and Rocks - C Rush Rock • Three major classes of sedimentary rock o _____ sedimentary rock is formed form rock fragments that are compacted and cemented

Silicate Structure

• One Si and Four O s bond in a _______________ shape

• The silica tetrahedron is the basic building block of most minerals of the crust

• Silica tetrahedra bond with other tetrahedra by sharing oxygen atoms

• Other cations bond to form a wide variety of silicate minerals


• All minerals in the earth’s crust have a crystalline structure. A crystal is a natural solid with a definite shape.

Identifying Minerals

• Major identifying characteristics of minerals

• Color – important because of it is easily observable

• _______________ – degree of reflected light (“shiny-ness”)

• _______________ – color in powder form

• Cleavage and Fracture – measure of how a mineral breaks or splits, which is related to the internal structure. Cleavage splits

along a flat plane while fracture is an uneven break

• Hardness – measured by _______________ Hardness Scale

• Crystal Shape – there are six basic crystal shapes

o Isometric, triclinic, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic & tetragonal

• _______________ – ratio of mass to volume

Other Special Properties

• A few minerals have additional properties that help to identify them

o Magnetism (ex. Magnetite)

o Fluorescence, glows under _______________ light (ex. Fluorite), and _______________, continue to glow after

UV light is turned off (ex. Calcite)

o Double refraction produces a double image when objects are viewed through them (ex. Quartz)

o Radioactivity (ex. _______________)


• There are three types of rock

o _______________ rock forms when magma cools and hardens

o _______________ rock forms when sediment deposits harden after compaction and cementation, and is usually laid

down in nearly horizontal layers called strata

o _______________ rock is formed when existing rock is changed by temperature, pressure or chemical processes

Igneous Rock

• Important igneous rock families

o Granite forms from felsic lava which is rich in _______________

o Basalt forms from mafic lava which is rich in iron

o Diorite forms from a combination of many minerals

• The cooling of magma under the earth’s surface produces intrusive igneous rocks, while formation on the surface yields

_______________ igneous rocks.

• Igneous rocks show a wide range of crystal size. Some called porphyry will have a mixture of large and small crystals

Sedimentary Rock

• Three major classes of sedimentary rock

o _______________ sedimentary rock is formed form rock fragments that are compacted and cemented

� Rounded fragments lead to a conglomerate Angular fragments lead to a breccia

o Chemical sedimentary rock forms from minerals that had been _______________ in water

� On land, evaporites are formed when water is evaporated out of a dissolved mineral solution

o _______________ sedimentary rock forms from the remains of organisms (ex. Coal)

Metamorphic Rock

• Metamorphism that occurs due to contact with magma is contact metamorphism

• Metamorphism that occurs during periods of techtonic activity is called _______________ metamorphism

• Metamorphic rocks have one of two structures

o A rock with a _______________ structure has visible bands

o A rock with an _______________ structure does not have visible bands

The Rock Cycle

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