Page 1: Middle East Introduction to Early History Brief history of the Region

Middle EastIntroduction to Early History

Brief history of the Region

Page 2: Middle East Introduction to Early History Brief history of the Region

Lesson Objectives

• Understand and give examples of the diversity in the region, distinguishing from prevailing stereotypes.

• Understand and analyze the geographic history of the region, from its ancient empires to its 20th century colonial powers.

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Cradle of Civilization

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Around 3500 BC by the Sumerians... Babylonia…

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Rule to early 6th Century..Mesopotamia was home to several powerful empires that came to rule almost the entire Middle East

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Language & religionCuneiform scrip is one of the earliest known systems of writing. Emerged in Sumer. Polytheism & Ziggurat

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Why is the Middle East called the “Crossroads of the World”?

The Middle East stands at the crossroads of three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe. Since ancient times it has developed major trade routes over land and sea.

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Connects three continentsMany invaders throughout history in a desire to control trade routes and have access to three major continents.

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Map of Ancient Near EastThere have been many conquerors in the Middle East? Do you know any famous empires that conquer the area?

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When were the Modern Day Borders of the Middle East drawn?Who created these borders?

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The borders of the Middle East were created after WWI & WWII, what empires where in the region earlier in history?

, What empires where in the region between the Ancient Near Far East and the Modern Middle East?

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Imperial History of the Middle EAstClick on Link for interactive map of the History of the Middle East

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Based on our discussion after the Maps of War, students will decide which empires to study in class and what are the facts

about each empire we will research.

What was significant about the empire? Give examples of the diversity in the region from each

of the empires.What aspects of the empire’s culture or architecture still

remains in the Middle East today?

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