Page 1: Meeting Notes - Goldhounds Files/2019... · Pg. 6 Gold Hound Outings Pg 9 Ads Pg 14 Goldhound Classified Pg 17 Membership Application Important Dates 2019-2020 08/31—09/01 State

In This Issue

Pg 1 Meeting Notes

Pg 2

Pg 4 Membership notes

Pg 5 Raffle pictures

Pg. 6 Mother Lode Nuggets

Pg. 6 Gold Hound Outings

Pg 9 Ads

Pg 14 Goldhound Classified

Pg 17 Membership Application

Important Dates 2019-2020

08/31—09/01 State Gold Panning Champioships

09/13 Monthly Meeting

10/11 Monthly Meeting

11/08 Monthly Meeting

12/13 Pot Luck, Ugly Sweater Contest

1/10 Monthly Meeting

2/14 Monthly Meeting

3/13 Monthly Meeting

4/10 Monthly Meeting

5/08 Monthly Meeting

6/12 Monthly Meeting

After the Pledge of Allegiance Heather addressed

the group.

Lately, we've been having an overwhelming num-

ber of people com-

ing into the shop

and bring me every

single issue they

have regarding Gold Hounds . People think it's

easier to come down to Pioneer Mining and ask

me. I am glad to help when I can but remember –

I’m running a business. As much as I love the

Gold Hounds and do whatever I can for the club,

first and foremost I must take care of the store.

Cyndy is your primary contact person's for con-

cerns or questions on any of the stuff to do with dues, State Championships,

or if you didn't get your newsletters All of these things go through Cyndy. Yes,

she is going through some stuff, but honestly, she says doing stuff for the

Hounds takes her mind off of what she's going through and keeps her busy. I

know you are confused because Cyndy is living in Nevada and is sick and we

don’t see her every month and so we think she is not available to help. Cindy's

number is listed in the Newsletter as is her email address and she is glad to

help. Please contact her. The information is on the membership renewal page.

While you are at the meeting and a question hits you, first talk to Jean

Kohlhoff at the Membership Table by the entrance. She is filling in for Cyndy

at the meetings and can help you with many of your questions or she can di-

rect you to the person who can help. Heather is very busy at the meetings and

Jean has more time.

Mother Lode Goldhounds Newsletter for September 2019


Notes August 2019

From the desk of

Jean Kohlhoff

Filling out the Raffle stubs

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The Championships are August 30 through September 1 at Memorial Park in Forest Hill. If you go all the way up

into Forest Hill you see a sign for Grants Hardware turn left where the sign indicates Grants hardware and the

park is right there. Prelims start at 8 am on Saturday and 9 am on Sunday.

Gary We're going to set up on Friday, the 30th. As usual we're going to need volunteers. You guys always come

through and we really appreciate it. Gary says that everyone shows up early Friday morning at 8:00 am. Mike

serves breakfast and the setup starts about 8:30The setup is usually done by noon.

How many people are going to be timers? If you could be a timer and help us out it would be really appreciated.

You are the key. Your job is more important than any others. We treat you well too There are coolers of water

and soft drinks – even chairs and table and great people to talk with if you are waiting to time panners. If you can

spend some time one or both days, that would be great. Bring your tent or trailer – set up is free and there is a

pool if it’s hot. This year is only State unlike the years where we have Nationals as well, so we should be able to

rotate timers in and out and give them breaks. We to train new people. If you've never been a timer before and

you're unsure about it, we've got people that were new at it last year that did a fabulous job and this year they're

professional. Bring your friends as long as they're honest people.

This is Mike. He's our head judge at the championship. If there's any dispute or any

questions about a ruling or a call that was made, I'll come and ask him and between

the two of us will discuss it will come up with the right decision and that decision is

final. So that's what Mike does he's fabulous are doing it.

Matt Morris, in the back, is our Outing Coordinator and he is the one in charge of the

Championship event. If you have questions about it, Matt will gladly answer what he

can and if not, he will investigate the issues and trying to find the answers for you. He

doesn't like social media, but if you go up and you talk to him, he'll gladly take your

number and get the information back to you.

President Mike asks everyone to make sure they have a rubber band. If you don’t my grandson will bring one

around to you because you're going to need it for the next part of the meeting.

Matt can you stand up a second. Where you at? This gentleman here won the

last game that we played. Anybody that can get the rubber band that Matt

has come to me and I'll give you two more. The one who has the most rubber

bands at the end of the night is going to win the gold nuggets. This is the

pirate booty. It's a puzzle box and it has gold nuggets in it.

Okay. Let me explain the game. Get a person into a conversation. This whole

game is about is talking to people and you getting them to say yes, yeah, uh-

huh anything of the affirmative except for a nod of the head if you can hear

them in conversations say a word to the affirmative, you get their rubber

band. If they have 10 rubber bands, you get all 10 rubber bands. So, all you got to do is get them in conversation

as about the economy or gold. Well, maybe not about where they find gold. Ask them if they've been out mining

or ask them you get here on time or anything like that just get him into conversation with a rubber band and the

one with the most rubber bands at the end of the meeting will get this prize of gold nuggets. So, if you haven’t

gotten any gold nuggets yet this year you'll end up with gold nuggets.

While the meeting goes on the team gets the ice cream ready

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Ray brought these backpacks in. You're welcome to look them over, if there's ones that you're interested in you give a five

-dollar donation to the club and take a backpack. At the end of the night and went up if they're not all gone just go ahead

and grab what's left over but we would likely to appreciate five-dollar donation to the club. These backpacks will be up


Does everybody know how the game goes? You guys are good. You guys are going to be

tough. Okay. Let's get our ice cream.

Gary has an announcement to make. These two gentlemen just recently started with us.

While I was down enjoying myself in Roaring Camp, these guys were the only two the Gold

Hounds that ran the event at Steve’s church event. So you are now officially a nugget expert.

Like the other nuggets in here, every one of you guys are what make the events happen.

Hopefully we get more and more people to help so we

can start rotating people a little bit more instead of

having the same guys every time. The nuggets are a

group of volunteers. We actually go out and teach the

general public how to pan gold and how to recover the

gold .They get to keep their gold with a donation to the club. My responsibility is

keeping events booked, but not overwhelm you at the same time. After Forest Hill

we're done for the year guys, so I'm giving you a break. We're not taking any more

events till February. I'm gonna hound you again in about eight months, so don't get too relaxed, but have a nice Winter


So if you want to learn how to work with the kids, it’s simple — come to one of the events. I can teach you before the

event the easiest way to teach the kids. It's a lot of fun when you get to see the kids find their first gold it is as exciting for

you as it is for them. So the more people we have that I can rotate through the easier it is. The older people that are al-

ways ones doing this. So I like to have a little bit bigger field of people that we can work. Sometimes people can't travel

so we end up having only one or two people for an event.

We actually taught at 80-year-old miner from South Africa who had never paned gold. As. He was an old man, but he nev-

er knew how to pan gold—everything they did was with heavy equipment . Yeah, big slabs. You put it on a truck and take

it off to the Crusher. We kind of had a help them a little bit so he can stand upright and I thought I was old and this guy

came along. It doesn’t matter, when people see gold there for the first time ever in a gold pan and it just shines. We are

using a little bigger nuggets so someone is actually able to pick out with our hands instead of using the tips of our fin-

gers .It makes it a lot better and we are getting amazing traction when we show the kids how to go panning. Also, please

come to the events. It only takes two events to become a nugget for the rest of your time with the club.

But then I get to work you for the rest of time my time in a club till I get ready to hand it over.

On the rubber band count we have a little controversy. Is that your name Ethan? Okay. Ethan was counting his rubber

bands. Somebody came up to him and asked him if he was counting his rubber bands as if he thought he won and he said

yes, and he lost his rubber band now he got him back. Okay good. It's okay. I got two prizes. What am I doing? I got you 14

anybody else got anybody else got 14 or 15 just a minute. So Ethan is the winner. Here's your prize. Good luck trying to

figure out how to open it. I took the instructions.

How did you guys do at Roaring Camp? How much gold did you get to the very ounce at Roaring Camp. Oh good you can

you name names? She deserves credit half a pennyweight nugget. Just panning around.

Yeah, it was a really fun event. We signed up again for next year. We got new members from the eevnt. Ten people

showed up. Okay. There were plenty of camp sites. We have plenty of room and a free steak dinner. It was amazing. It

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Everybody had a good time and they're going to start booking it again for next year. So you

guys are interested. Let me know what else to say. Yeah.

So on the 27th of August, Miners other groups that are going to meet down at the Capitol.

They're trying to work for keeping our roads open for Mining and access to a mining claims.

They're going to bring that up and about the dredging band. So hopefully everyone can

show up at 1 o'clock at the steps of the Capitol. They're doing this on purpose because

that's when all the legislators have to be there. Everybody has to show up and that way we

can make a bigger impression because more people will see us. Everyone has to be there

by law on the 27th. So it's important that the walk starts on the seven.

It starts up in Sierra County at the beginning of Route 49 before the gathering at the Capi-

tol and then he's going to walk all the way to Coloma. So if you can support him on the

way, he'd appreciate that. Okay, if anybody here is a Facebook user you can get details about it at Walk for Liberty.

Yes, and also you go to the website it will be on there. They will take donations too because they have to feed the core

group of hikers. They're meeting with people in each one of the larger cities and talking about how this situation is

affecting them and they're doing a video and to get the message out there.

The news media is also going to be out there. So if you guys can help us out and be there and support them, they'd

appreciate it. They don't really want people walking with them, because they don’t want the group to block traffic and

all that kind of stuff. When they're in the town, show your signs, be respectful, right? So that's the main thing see if it

can you play any part whatever. The Pick and Shovel Gazette has an article.

Mike says ‘Time for the raffle, so thank you for coming.

And the rubber bands accumulate

From the desk of the Temporary Membership Chair

Panning Championships Aug 31– Sep 1

Send in your raffle tickets or bring them with you on Saturday and Sunday. Hang out with great people and keep cool while watching all the panners

I will be at the Membership Table again in September

Bring dues if due.

Happy mining,

Jean Kohlhoff

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Raffle Time

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Gary Shaver and Ray Dodds

Pssst you don’t have to be a Nugget to

help the Nuggets. You don’t even have to

know how to pan, we will teach you!


From Gary Shaver’s Pan:

August is half over. It was a successful month for outings for the Nugget’s. We had our event in Colfax run by just 2 Nuggets.

I would like to thank the Nuggets that showed up to help make this event a success. Steve Johnson and Steve Smith. Without their your we would not have been able to do this event that benefits the club and the kids that were taught to pan.

Just a friendly reminded to watch the wa-ter level and flow rate for your favorite panning spots. We have not yet hit the peak water level on the rivers. Most high-level areas still have snow on the ground that hasn’t melted off. Robinson’s Flat still has a fair amount of snow for this time of year. This is going to be a late thaw for us this year. Safety first always - the gold will still be there on your next trip. Thank you Gary Shaver and hope to see you on the riv-

er somewhere.

Gold Hound Outings

We had our outing at Roaring Camp and there were

10 people. The steak was delicious , the camps were

spacious. Everyone had a great time. We will ce

setting this up as an event next year.

Roaring Camp website. email, call or txt me for any questions. Thanks, Mathew Morris [email protected] (360) 930-9266

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More Raffle Time

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More Raffle Time

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The Mother Lode Goldhounds and Nuggets want to recognize and

offer our sincerest Thanks to

Hansen Brothers Enterprises

for their generous donations of gravel used during the Championships and

by the Nuggets during gold panning demonstrations and lessons.

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Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA) We meet the third Saturday in January, April, July and October River City Prospectors Chapter meets quarterly in Rio Linda, CA. GPAA has member only claims and outings. Their “Pick & Shovel Gazette” contains good information for everyone who supports mining. For GPAA Gold Show dates check: or call 1-800-551-9797. Find us on Facebook or Contact Jim Hutchings at (530) 367-5108 or the GPAA at 800-551-9797. Visit the GPAA web site at Roseville Rock Roller Gem & Mineral Society – Scroll down for rock show information and discount admission coupon. Meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at the Placerville Fairgrounds in Roseville, 800 All American City Blvd. or email [email protected]

Sacramento Valley Detecting BuĀs Meetings on the first Thursday of every month at the Sacramento County Old SMUD Building, corner of Elkhorn & Don Julio in North Highlands, CA.

El Dorado County Mineral & Gem Society Call (530) 676-2472 or visit

Gold Country Treasure Seekers Located in Placerville, CA. This is a club for metal detecting enthusiasts. For more information contact Jan Nixon, [email protected]

Gold Pan California, Gold Adventures

1021 Detroit Ave., Concord, CA – For more information call (925) 825-GOLD Golden Caribou Mining A small-scale mining gold club in Belden, CA. For more information call (530) 283-5141 or visit

UPI - United Prospectors Meets every other month at outings, [email protected] - Info 209-567-9987. Club can offer outings to claims. 2401 E. Orangebury Ave., Modesto, 95355 - phone (209) 567-2370. Shasta Miners Club has claims for members use. Meetings at 7 PM on the third Wednesday of every month at the Moose Lodge on Lake Blvd. in Shasta, CA., just up from Shopko on the left. Call (530) 623-0744

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The 16 to 1 Underground Gold Miners Museum Contact them for tours of a working underground mine and special events. (530) 287-3330 Write: PO Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910 Email: [email protected] Comstock Gold Prospectors Meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Masonic Lodge, 2425 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV. Write P.O. Box 20781, Reno, NV 89515 or visit

The Sierrans for Responsible Resource Development (the “Sierrans”) is a non-profit social welfare organization formed to educate residents, businesses, government agencies, and the community about the benefits of responsible and sustainable resource industry in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. (530) 271-0679 P.O. Box 404, Grass Valley, CA 95945

Western Mining Alliance – Miners who fight for our rights to dredge and mine in California. WMA has a great online newsletter and a great people to work with. Visit: Email: [email protected]

ICMJ’s PROSPECTING AND MINING JOURNAL - Scott Harn, Editor, and his team works hard to get this monthly mining magazine on line & in the mail. Check them out. - [email protected] - 831-479-1500. ICMJ offers current news on the dredging regulations, PLP, Miner’s Alliance, and are the best online source of recent gold news. You can search for great “how-to” and “where-to” articles on dredging, metal detecting, mining operations, assaying, legislative updates, geology, history, met-als prices and financial news.


of Mother Lode Goldhounds and cannot be used without expressed written permission.

Email Jean Kohlhoff at [email protected] for further information

Don’t even try it, remember, we hang claim jumpers.

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Public Lands for the People

PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE - 7194 Conejo Dr., San Bernardino, CA 92404, (909) 889-3039, WWW.PLP2.ORG . P.L.P. continues to work on your behalf to keep public lands open. Donations are tax deductible. They have great raffles posted in the ICMJ to help with attorney fees and they need help! Fighting for your right to mine is very expensive so PLP is auctioning off any donations you can make to help raise money. If you can help they will take just about anything from old heirlooms to vehicles. PLP hosts a running auction for gold on eBay.

AMRA - American Mining Rights Association

is a 501 (c)(3) Non-profit Association and was created by miners and public land users, for min-ers and public land users to preserve and maintain their rights as they pertain to access to their public lands and their rights to obtain the minerals on those lands. We are not a gold club but rather an advocacy group. American Mining Rights Association PMB #607, 6386 Greeley Hill Rd., Coulterville, CA 95311

[email protected] [email protected]

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NAME BADGES: Club name badges can be ordered at any club meeting. See Member Stephen Johnson

at the meeting as you come in the door - Badge with Pin Clasp: $4.50 Magnetic Badge: $5.00.


Please stop by the Raffle table and Thank Steve Johnson for taking over this important task for the club.



See Cyndy Burchard if you are interested in a Goldhounds T-shirt. You can call at 530-346-9481 or email her at: [email protected]. Cyndy will need to know what size you need, and for the wom-en, whether you want a Gold OR Pink one. If you worked at the Gold Panning Championships and signed in with the person in charge, you will receive a shirt. Otherwise they are $16 each


Announcement on Jackets and T-shirts I have the T-shirts and Jackets from Dancing Dawg Produc-

tions. If you haven’t paid me for your Jacket, now is the time! If you see these jackets and would like to place an order, please contact Cyndy Burchard. We need to have at order at least 12 at a time to get them back quickly. The cost is $45 each.


GOLDHOUND PATCH for your hat or jacket are can be bought at each meeting for $6.00 each. See Jean Kohlhoff _______________________________________________________________________ CYNDY BURCHARD is our club Secretary, as well as our Sunshine Lady. Cyndy also sends emails out for the Goldhounds. A BIG THANK YOU to Cyndy for all her hard work. ________________________________________________________________________

GOLDHOUND MEETINGS are held the 2nd Friday of each month from 7:00PM-9:00PM at the Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 EAST ST., AUBURN, CA. Take Hwy. 80 toward Auburn, get off at Hwy 49 and turn toward Old Town Auburn. Turn right at T-intersection (Lincoln). Go one short half-block and turn right again on to East Street. The Veterans Hall sits on your left, parking is in the back. Invite your friends, the public is always welcome to attend. See you there!!


GOLDHOUND CLASSIFIEDS Do you have something for sale? For Barter?

Maybe you have a request of your fellow miner’s? Or just want to offer something free for the asking?

List it free for all Goldhounds here in the Goldhound Classifieds. Send your ad and contact in-formation to Sherry Andersen at [email protected] along with any photos. Your ad will be in the next newsletter and can go on the Goldhounds Live page on web site if requested.

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Please Support These Members and Supporters

Of The Mother Lode Goldhounds

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Contact Cyndy Burchard at [email protected] or (775) 294-5769 for questions or concerns regarding your member-ship status. If you would like to join/renew your membership, please print out this form, fill it out, and send the complete form with a check/money order payable to Mother Lode Goldhounds to:

Mother Lode Goldhounds P.O. Box 1753

Fallon, Nevada 89407

( ) $40.00 Individual ( ) $45.00 Family ( ) Senior & Spouse (age 70+) $30

( ) New membership ( ) Renewal (one year applies to all)



CITY________________________________________ STATE__________ZIP CODE__________________

I hereby apply for membership/renewal with the Mother Lode Goldhounds. I fully understand Mother

Lode Goldhounds and its agents do not provide goods or services for any of my activities including, for

example, mining equipment or supplies, lodging, transportation, food, etc. Mother Lode Goldhounds is

not liable for any negligent or unwillful act or failure to act by providers of such goods or services during

my activities. I acknowledge that there may be certain risks involved with activities as a member in-

cluding, but not limited to, rugged or uneven terrain, uncertain or unpredictable river currents, physical

exertion for which I am not prepared, or other unknown forces of nature, high altitude, accident or ill-

ness without access to means or rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies, the adequacy of

medical attention once provided, or negligence on part of Mother Lode Goldhounds. I hereby agree to

be responsible for my own welfare and accept any and all risks of unanticipated events, illness, in-

jury, emotional, trauma or death. I acknowledge that the cost of Mother Lode Goldhounds member-

ship is based upon participants executing this release of liability. That whatever casual event I, or my

family, attend that I am responsible and at no time will have legal or financial claim against, nor will

hold responsible, any member or club official of the Mother Lode Goldhounds for any damages or inju-

ries. I agree that this release shall be legally binding upon me personally, all members of my family and

all minors traveling with me, my heirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives, it being my inten-

tion to fully assume all risk associated with my activities as a member of the Mother Lode Goldhounds.

I have read and fully understand this release and membership application

SIGNATURE______________________________________________ DATE_____________________

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Frank, finding nuggets on

the North Fork.

NEWSLETTER ISSUED MONTHLY - Issue #372 September 2019 Mailing address: MOTHER LODE GOLDHOUNDS


PUBLIC WELCOME! One Year Membership: $45.00 Family $40.00 Individual

Editor: Sherry Andersen (916) 812-7813 [email protected] Goldhounds (530) 367-2891 email: [email protected]

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