Page 1: Makybe Rise News - Every Child Every · Careers Dress Up Day: To celebrate Student Success Week we will hold our annual Careers

IMPORTANT DATES 11 September - Next Gen

Challenge 12 September - School Board Open

Mee ng 5.45pm 18 - 22 September - Student

Success Week 19 September - Open Night;

1 22 September - PMM Reward Day 22 September - Last day of Term 3 9 October - First day of Term 4 for

all students and staff 10 October - First day of

SWIMMING 18 October - School Banking


Makybe Rise News

Hello Makybe Rise Families The buzz in the air was electric today with the start of the Nextgen Challenge for students in Years 4 - 6! Already the students have dug deep into this year’s theme of sustainability and have come up with some inspired, crea ve and diverse ideas about how to support our community with environmental sustainability. We can’t wait for this Friday night’s award ceremony and trade display to celebrate this year’s entrepreneurial ingenuity!

We would like to send a hear elt thank you to the Rotary Club of Rockingham for their dona on in support of assis ng all Year 6 students to par cipate in Year 6 gradua on ac vi es and camp. Your support is deeply appreciated.

We are also extremely grateful to IGA Tuart Rise for their generous dona on of delicious crunchy vegetables in support of our whole school’s endeavour to create the loudest Aussie Crunch in Baldivis! Last week we all gathered out on the oval and enjoyed munching down on our vegies in the deligh ul sunshine.

The Year 6 students have recently been gi ed a commemora ve badge from the P&C. The badges are designed to dis nguish the Year 6 students from other children in the school, and to provide them with a permanent keepsake of their years at Makybe. It is hoped that students will wear their badges with pride this year and also when they return as secondary school students to Makybe to

assist at school events such as Athle cs Carnivals, PMM events, Nextgen Challenge and Open Night.

All dads and father figures at Makybe are invited to join other dads at the next Fathering Project get together on 17 September at 2pm at Lizard Park. Makybe dad, Tristan, welcomes enquiries on 0476 347 969.

As the days get warmer, it is important that all families please follow the legal requirement to not leave young children in cars when they take older children to class. Just recently, I have received a few reports of children left in cars. The temperature inside a car can double within 5 minutes so please make sure you bring all your children with you at pick-up and drop-off times.

The School Board has recently reviewed and re-published the school’s Student Dress Code with only very minor change. The updated policy can be found on the school’s website.

Tomorrow night is the annual School Board Open Night at 5.45pm in the staffroom. All parents are welcome.

We are very excited to announce that the school, in partnership with the P&C, will again this year provide a Pre-Kindy program for students enrolled for Kindy in 2018. The four week program will take place in the second half of next term. Details will be released soon from the P&C.

Steph McDonald Principal

Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message Important Dates Busy Bees in Room 23! Mary Davies Library Excursion School Banking Fathering Project Commit to Student Success Week Timetable Growth Mindset Makybe Maths P&C News

Issue 14 Term 3

11 September 2017

Inside this issue:

Page 2: Makybe Rise News - Every Child Every · Careers Dress Up Day: To celebrate Student Success Week we will hold our annual Careers

This term in Room 23 we have been learning about explana on text types. Explana on texts explain how something works, why something happens or how to do something. While exploring this text type, students have been learning about why volcanoes erupt, how the water cycle works and why it is important for a sustainable community. We have also been learning about how bees make honey. We have been busy bees learning about how bees make honey. Students have been learning about the life cycle of a bee. Discovering parts of a bee, and most importantly learning all about how bees make honey. Kym Kearney Classroom Teacher

Busy Bees in Room 23!

Mary Davies Library Excursion On Thursday, 25 August, 72 students went on a reward excursion to the Mary Davies Library in Baldivis. Wendy Binks, a local author and illustrator from Fremantle, talked to the students about the process for developing her self published books. ‘Where’s Stripey?’ was her first publica on and the main character Stripey the Emu has become famous all over the world. At the end of the workshop, she even showed the students (and adults) how to draw a kookaburra using basic shapes!

At Makybe we love to encourage a life long love of reading and this was a fantas c opportunity for our students to get an insight into the development of picture books.

Melissa Christmass Curriculum Support

Page 3: Makybe Rise News - Every Child Every · Careers Dress Up Day: To celebrate Student Success Week we will hold our annual Careers

There’s some amazing prizes to win with the new School Banking compe on. All you need to do is make 3 deposits during 14 August - 10 November 2017 for your chance to go into the draw to win. It’s not too late to join School Banking; all you need to do is visit the Commonwealth Bank website and open a Youth Saver account online; it’s that easy! The CommBank Youth App is now available to download. Once you have downloaded the app, children can check the balance of their Youth Saver account, view school banking history, track their Dollarmite tokens and more! Please note: There will be NO School Banking on the first week back for Term 4. School Banking will recommence on Wednesday, 18 October 2017. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Natasha School Banking Coordinator

School Banking


18 September TUESDAY

19 September WEDNESDAY 20 September

THURSDAY 21 September

FRIDAY 22 September

Morning Meeting: Writing

Makybe Magic Kids Morning Tea

Fully SIC Performance Fes val

(Student Vote)

Kindy A - Parents Make Makybe

Reward Day

Morning Meeting: In-quiry



3 - 4pm Open Classrooms

Follow the WICOR-brick road ac vi es

Sunset on the Rise

Art Exhibi on

Fully SIC Performance Fes val

(Parent/Community Vote)

Wellness Fair

Kindy A - Careers

Themed Dress Up Day

Morning Meeting: Collaboration

2pm The Great Makybe Rise Spelling Bee

Grand Final

Morning Meeting: Organisation

Careers Themed Dress Up Day

2pm Makybe Maths Fact

Challenge Grand Final

Morning Meeting: Reading

Parents Make Makybe Reward


Page 4: Makybe Rise News - Every Child Every · Careers Dress Up Day: To celebrate Student Success Week we will hold our annual Careers

Makybe Rise P&C Inc. News UPCOMING EVENTS Disco: A big thank you to all the gorgeous Makybe students who a ended our disco on 25 August. You made Makybe proud with your behaviour and it was great to see everyone having a wonderful me. A massive thank you to everyone who volunteered on the night and the week prior with cket sales; these events run with the help of volunteers and it was greatly appreciated! COMMIT TO STUDENT SUCCESS WEEK Careers Dress Up Day: To celebrate Student Success Week we will hold our annual Careers Dress Up Day on Thursday, 21 September (Kindy A; Tuesday, 19 September.) Open Night: We are excited to hold an informa on booth at the Wellness Fair being held on Open Night. Come over to see how the P&C operates and why it is an important part of our school community. Our fabulous canteen will be selling food and beverages at a stall outside the library during open night. If anyone is able to assist, please contact the canteen. Canteen: Reminder that the second hand uniform shop is open from 8.45 - 2.45pm on Mon/Wed/Fri’s. Our volunteers are essen al in ensuring the smooth opera on and affordability of our canteen. If you are able to help, please pop in and see Ka e and Laura or email: [email protected] . All canteen orders are submi ed online through: . Contact Us: for all P&C enquiries, please contact us via our Facebook page or by email: [email protected] . Execu ve Commi ee Makybe Rise Primary School P&C Associa on Inc.

Growth Mindset Mathema cal Mindsets: The Power of Mistakes

It is only in recent mes, with the research of Growth Mindset that we are beginning to realise the power of making mistakes. Peter Sims, a writer for the New York Times points out imperfec on is a part of any crea ve process and of life, yet for some reason we live in a culture that has a fear of failure... It’s the single most disempowering state of mind you can have (Boaler, 2016, p.13). Here is a list of habits Sims says successful people do to develop a Growth Mindset: Feel comfortable being wrong. Try a seemingly wild idea. Be open to different experiences. Play with ideas without judging them. Willing to go against tradi onal ideas. Keep going through difficult mes.

Charlotte Ferguson AVID Growth Mindset Committee Leader

Tip #7

Problem Solving: Cu ng Out The Extra Bits Some mes in word problems, extra informa on which does not help us answer the ques on is included. In these sorts of ques ons, it is helpful to iden fy what the useless informa on is, and put a line through it. This is ‘cu ng out the extra bits’. When looking at the problem, ask yourself these two ques ons: •What is the relevant informa on required to solve the

problem? •What do you not need to know in order to solve the problem? Cross out the useless informa on so it doesn’t confuse you! Amy Stewart Classroom Teacher

Makybe Maths

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