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Junior Associate Circle’s Monthly March 2013 Issue

Enlightening tender minds

 Light House

RevolutionizeThe World

Through PenEDITOR

Osama Faiyazuddin (B.E)


Mohammed Aslamuddin

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The creation of man started from an importance and power of pen does nodepend upon its design. The power of pen isinsignificant stage, but it was the Mostrevealed by the knowledge and wisdom iBountiful Lord, Who elevated the human

spreads. being from an insignificant state to the state A famous Arabic saying of  Abu Hatim Alof an 'excellent creature'. It is not the Busti translated:anatomy or physiology of the human body “When the brave people swear by theionly that makes it excellent, but the capacity sword someday, and count it among thingto acquire knowledge. that give honor and veneration to men,Allah, from whom the entire knowledge

The writers' pen is sufficient for their honocomes, taught man who new nothing whenand superiority, for all times to comehe was born. It is a great favor of Allah, that

 because Allah has sworn oath by the pen.”He taught Prophet Adam (A.S) everything“Nun, By the Pen and what they write.”  [Al-Quran 68;1]and preserved it till the end of the worlds

with the creation of pen. It is how the The pen has more power thanknowledge has been propagated throughswords/bullets, that it can change the worldages and every baby born thus getstoday and provide peace to the entireopportunities to acquire knowledge. Hadhumanity. Unfortunately, this power of pen been there no pen, the chances of knowledgeis also being used in an evil manner to create being perished are more likely than it beingunrest and spread terror in the world. Corrup propagated. Knowledge sometimes is in theminds expressing evil and misguidingmind, sometimes on the tongue, andthoughts by pen causes the destruction osometimes in written. Thus, it may be

 peace.intellectual, spoken and written. While theWe will be held responsible if we do not usewritten knowledge necessitates the

this power which Allah has granted us, tointellectual and spoken knowledge, the spread the true message and bring peace.reverse is not true.Grab your pen and let ink flow through yourThe history of pen dates back to the early

 pens into revolutionary paragraphs, poemsgenerations of Adam (a.s). Prophet Idris (a.s)cartoons or slogans, as the ink used wiselywas the first person to use a pen. The pen haswould be more effective and precious thanits evolution history, from quill pen to

 blood.fountain and ballpoint pens and keyboards.The earliest pen with an ink reservoir was

th  invented in the 10 century when demanded by the Caliph of Egypt, Ma'ād al-Mu'izz.However, whether it be a Parker, or any other 

 pen looking beautiful in a shirt pocket, the

 Light House  March 2013

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--Talha Faiyazuddin, MBBS (II I Year Stu

“Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, - He Who taught

(the use of) the pen, - Taught man that which he knew not.”   (Al-Quran 96; 3,4,5)


“ Reading makes a full man;

Conference a ready man;

And writing an exact man.”


After Surveying write a letter to theGHMC (Greater Hyderabad M unicipal Corporation) authorities

complaining about the problems your facing in the locality. I f possible provide any snapshots. State the

subject of the complaint & address. Also mention your name, class, school & contact number / email I d.

Write upto 150 words and send it to [email protected] ; the best complaint letter will be published

in the next issue of the magazine as well be mailed to different newspapers.

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An Inspirational Story by Mahboob-ul-Haq

can top in the final exams. With a wide smile in

his face, Zaid ascended on the stage and bagged

the topper’s award.

The school principal handed over the

award and asked Zaid to share a few words with

the audience about his achievement. Theprincipal along with the entire hall apparently

wanted to know the secret behind his success.

Zaid, who was obviously not prepared

started with few words. He said: “Every morning

I wake up for Fajr prayer and read one Ayat (a

verse) from the Quran. I usually read translation

Fahad and Zaid were good friends. They went to and ponder upon it for some time. Once I went

school together and sat on the same bench. through this Ayat which means, “and that man

Besides having lunch and offering Zohar prayer, shall have nothing but what he has striven for”they also returned from school together. (53:39) in other words: “a man shall surely get

Fahad was good at his studies and always what he has striven for”. I started pondering

topped in the class. Teachers were very happy upon this Ayat. Though the context of this Ayat

with Fahad for his good performance. He was is with the life of hereafter, but I found it

often called Genius, Talented and Topper by his equally applicable to the short-term goals we

teachers. On the contrary, Zaid was an average fulfill in this world. I derived two rules out of

student and sometimes failed in a few subjects. this Ayat. Firstly, striving is a precondition for

Teachers were not very happy with Zaid because an achievement or success. Secondly, we will

of his poor performance. However, both Fahad surely get what we have striven for.

and Zaid finished their annual exams. Zaid continued, “I took my exams as an

example. We put lot of efforts to gain good

Annual Day @ School marks. Allah has bestowed each one of us with

On the annual day function in the school, natural talent or intelligence which varies from

all students were busy in performing various one student to another. A student doesn’t have

activities: singing, painting, drama etc. Along control over his/her inherent talent because it

with the activities, a felicitation program was comes by birth. As a student we put efforts on

organized to honor meritorious students with top of the given talents. Putting efforts is surely

awards. in our control. I derived a formula using the first

As usual, Zaid was sitting in one corner of rule something like this: Talent + Effort =

the hall where the event was going on. Suddenly, SUCCESS. Considering that talent is a fixed

he realized that his name was being announced. attribute which is given by Allah, one has to

He listened to the announcement carefully. Yes, change the level of efforts to get success. Thus

it was Zaid who topped the final exams. The a student having lesser talent will have to put

entire hall was surprised. Teachers, parents and more effort and a student with more talent may

everyone who knew Zaid were surprised as how a have to put less effort to get the same success.

student who failed in his subjects in mid-exams

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Most of us are quite familiar with the well- present our arguments in a literary manner. It

known proverb “The pen is mightier than the strengthens our arguments and marks us as a

sword”. If we look deeper into this matter, we literate people. Instead of directing our

will find many examples from history to support energies in violence, it is better to spend it and

this adage. For instance, Karl Marx' writings those emotions through words.

about his ideas on politics, philosophy and Developing the habit of writing is not a hard

socialism played a significant role in the task. You can and should participate in various

development of the socialist movement and led co-curricular activities related to writing that

to the formation of such socialist states as the are organized in your school for example essay

Soviet Union and People's Republic of China. competitions, seminars, article writing, etc.

Writing is used to express one's ideas and share Write down a story you know in your own words

one's opinions with the mass community on a or select a topic which interests you and start

large scale. It has a great impact on the writing on it.Once you develop this habit, you willreader's mind and can change their point of view find yourself equipped with a strong and

to a great extent in a conventional manner. influential weapon.

As muslims, we have been gifted with the one Once you are habituated with writing the next

true message and bear the responsibility to step is to become a master of it. There is no

convey it to others. Dawah through writing is special skill involved in it. One needs to have a

one of the best ways to get our message across. good command over the language, which can be

There are many people out there writing achieved through reading. Be creative and

thousands of books with their imaginations. innovative and always try to convey a message

Then why should muslims, who have divine through you writing. It requires some practice.guidance of the right concepts and ideas of life In the beginning you might find your standard of

stay behind? writing not entirely up to the mark, but as you

There is a need for us to express ourselves more proceed you will find that your vocabulary has

in literary circles. This can be done by writing improved and most of your errors corrected.

articles, clearing away misconceptions by Finally, i must say that the use of pen can result

commenting on various blog discussion forums on in revolutionary results. It is up to us that we

the internet etc. make full use of it and direct it in a way that will

People tend to sit up and take notice when we be helpful to Islam. May Allah guide us all.



Some people say that ‘M odernization has improved the standard of living’. While others say that it

has challenged the cultural ethical values of the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write upto 250 words by giving reasons for your answer and relevant examples fromyour own knowledge

or experience. M ention your name, class, school & Send to [email protected] The best writing

will be awarded with prize money.

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 by Musab Khalid Naqeeb (MJCET Engg Student)

 March 2013

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Human beings are spoiled by imperfection. They hardships in his way. The prophet (pbuh) got

commit errors, make mistakes and wrong their used to it and one day when he didn't find her on

souls. Almost everyone agrees that in this era his way, he went and met the woman who was

that no human being is perfect. But a time in taken ill. Such was the integrity and characterhistory which many believe that was a turning of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

point in determining the fate of this world, saw Revenge and Muhammad were strangers. Hating

the last perfect soul to have lined on this earth. and disliking human beings was something alien

He was the last and beloved Prophet of Allah to his blessed traits. Qur'an was the book which

(swt) and Muhammad (peace be upon him) was was revealed upon him and Hadith are his

his name. blessed words and actions presented for

Muhammad (pbuh) spread the message of eternity.

PEACE in this world. People were going astray, Some of His Teachings that still holds a

He showed them the way; they were barbaric, peaceful society are as follows:He transformed them into beings; they were 1. Parents should be respected and obeyed.

immodest; He taught them Haya (modesty). It 2. Behave with orphans in a good manner.

may look so simple that a good and kind man 3. Do not approach immodestly.

calling towards righteousness would be 4. Do not be proud and arrogant.

accepted whole heartedly by the Makkans, but 5. Acquire education that is beneficial for

Muhammad's (pbuh) task was not so easy. They you and your society.

did not approve of his call towards peace and Every human being to come is expected to make

submission right from day one. They mocked his personality pious like the Prophet. The

him, tortured him and finally drove him out of destination is far and unattainable, we cannothis own home land. He beared all this with be Him but we can try to be like Him. Try to

patience. stand for everything he stood for, try to follow

An old woman who disliked Muhammad's (pbuh) every deed He did and approved of and try to

call towards peace used to regularly inflict love Him the most of all the human beings.

MUHAMMAD (pbuh) and His message of Peace


Invite to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching ( Al-Qur’an)

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Born in 1877 in Sialkot(Punjab) Allama Iqbal was born in a family whose ancestors were kashmiri

pandits. Iqbal started his education when he was four in a Mosque where he learnt the Quran andthe Arabic language. His teacher there Mir Hasan played an important role in shaping his future

career. Later on he was so grateful to his teacher Mir Hasan that when he was being knighted on

behalf of the British crown he requested his tutor Mir Hasan too gets the same appellation. The

reply was that Hasan had not authored any books. Iqbal in his novel attire replied he (Iqbal) is the

book which Hasan has produced!!

Iqbal completed his matriculation in 1893. He received intermediate with the faculty of arts

diploma from Murray College (Sialkot) in 1895.The same year he qualified for Bachelor of arts in

philosophy and later pursued the masters degree. He received his further education from

European countries of England, Germany and Spain.His constant hunt for more and more philosophy and knowledge helped him earn a name among the

Britishers and by then he had begun his voyage of poetry, philosophical thesis etc in English,

Persian and Urdu. In his hey days he produced some marvelous works which are even today the

topic of discussion among the greatest intellectuals. Some of his towering works include bang-e-

dara, baal-e-jibraeel, armaghan-e-hijaz, zarb-e-kaleem and jawab-e-shikwa (to name a few).

Iqbal played a tremendous role in reviving the Islamic polity and had a major role in his

contemporary politics. He represented the Muslim League in the round table conferences which

took place in England. He was the one who first proposed the idea of a separate state based on

Islamic principles i.e Pakistan.

At the age of 60 after more than four decades of illuminating his community and the mankind atlarge, Iqbal breathed his last on 21 April 1938.But this short span of time had so much impact that

the people deriving inspiration from him became the stalwarts of their time.

In much of southern Asia and Urdu speaking world, Iqbal is regarded as the Shair-e-Mashriq

(Poet of the East).

The world today awaits another Iqbal, an Iqbal whose ink can act as a fuel for the lamps

that may lead the youth of vogue as it led the youth of the other day!!

Indeed by spilling his blood a martyr makes his mark

before Allah and renders a sought after deed in Islam

but to the surprise of many this blood is blurred bysomething else!! Yes, I am talking about that Ink

which is holier than a martyr's blood and that is pen

which is mightier than a sword!!!To fill a vacuum in the sphere of poetry which occurred in the

late nineteenth century a man to whom the world gave the titles

of 'SIR' and 'ALLAMA' stepped into the boots that fell vacant

after being occupied by many a greats like Rumi.

“READ TO LEAD , WRITE TO EN-LIGHT"(A very brief life sketch of Sir Allama Iqbal) By Uzair Ahmed khan

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crack exams confidentlyyourThe month of March is a challenge for a few, an very difficult thing to do. Often we encounteroccasion to grudge over for many, reason to be situations where we are able to remember onefearful for a good number and the ripe time of half of the points we have studied and sometimessuccess for a handful of students. With the exam less than that. For that 'one should only study season near at hand, it is either the above while studying' leaving behind all differentmentioned situations or feelings of anxiety, activities making mind busy.stress, phobias and uncertainty in the air. A point 2) Exam-day TIPS:when we have limited time and unlimited syllabus Avoid the popular mode of exam-to complete, every second becomes as precious as preparation nowadays, popularly known as night-life itself. outs. One looses all his energy studying the wholeHere we have intended to give a few guidelines night and when the climax is at stake, the brainwhich can help a student decide his course of stops working. Also avoid rushing to the examactions for the forthcoming examinations with his Centre at the last hour and be at your desk atown judgment, reason and strength? We shall deal least ten minutes before, which can help youwith few tips to be adopted to improve efficiency adjust to the environment.before exams, so as to achieve excellence…1) Pre- exam TIPS: Recollect everything you have studied once

Prioritize the portion you have to study at the exam desk.There are some people whobefore exams. It is up to the individual to decide study hard and analyze and take all the safetyfirst, which subject is toughest. For example, if measures but still don't get the desired result. you have three subjects for an exam the next The problem is recollection and it is throughmonth, you will prioritize as follows. The most consistent practice that one gets command over adifficult will be given both the maximum time as subject.well as attention followed by the second one which Presentation decides achievement orwill be given less preference and the third the disappointment. We may have some friends wholeast. Prioritize even the daily chores and avoid do outstandingly in the exam even though theylongs chats with friends, wasting time in front of spend very less time studying because of their

the television, sending messages through mobile super creative presentation. Efforts must bephones, internet surfing etc. keep these activities made to make your answer sheet different andfor the holidays. special. We can make the answer interesting by a

Analyze whatever you are studying and couple of tables, sketches here and there,avoid mugging up things blindly. Any experiment underlining the highlights etc.that you are studying, any theorem you are Strive hard to make every coming daylearning or any historical event that you are better than the past & Never give up trying.reading, do not learn it word to word. People whoare good at memorizing things may find it verytrouble-free and our education system toodoesn't do much to check it but that will not help

in the long run.Key-note the important points of everyanswer and each chapter you studying. Forexample, if you have to give a description of theMoghul rule in India, instead of wasting timestudying, it the conventional way, make a tablewith headings of each and read…..When it comes to mathematics, one can make noteof the important formulae and paste it against awall where he/she often glances involuntarily.

To Store everything one has studied is a

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Hyderabad South Division:

Hyderabad East Division:

Jubail Colony, Falaknuma [9396936811]

Gulshan Iqbal Colony, Babanagar


Masjid Abida, Wadi-Huda

[9291305629] Errakunta, Barkas


Sultan Shahi [9700374864]

Moin Bagh, Riyasat Nagar


Lib. Masjid-Ujale Shah, Saidabad


Amberpet [9985807849]

Al-Falah School, Secunderabad

[8686188310 - 8008739996]

Hyderabad West Division:

Humayun Nagar | Murad nagar |

Mallapally | ZebaBagh | DilshadNagar


Surya Nagar | Samata Colony | Aziz

Bagh | Brindavan Colony [9959523318]

Khairtabad | AC guards | 1st Lancer |

Zehra Nagar | BanjaraHills


Borabanda | Allahpur | Site 1 2 3 4 |

Erragadda [8790057871]

Salarjung Colony | KakatiyaNagar | Al

Hasnath Colony | Meraj Colony | MD-

lines [9703702943]

Golcunda | NayaKhila | Suncity |

LungerHouse [9291550903]

Weekly JAC programmes are held across the city by SIO :-

 Junior Associate Circle

Junior Associate Circle, the school

students' wing of Students Islamic

Organization of India, is to create

awareness and impart basic knowledge

into the tender minds of school

children and to guide them in their

academics and nurture their talents.Lectures are given in various schools of

Hyderabad for the said purposes, and

if your school has not been reached

 yet, then do not hesitate to demand

 your school management or contact us.



If we consider 2 + 1 = 3 then it is also true that 1 + 2 =

3. My friend Fahad is twice talented or intelligent than me so

he puts little effort. In the same way, I am lesser talented so I will have to put double the efforts that

Fahad puts to get the same success what he gets. This rule simply changed my attitude”.

Zaid further said: “Most of us complain that I put lot of efforts but do not succeed. We have to go

back and ask ourselves whether we put the required amount of effort or not. It is a promise from Allah that

he will surely give what we strive for. If we don’t get, then there should be some discrepancy or deficiency inthe effort that we have put. If I would not have got this award today, surely I would have thought that I

might have put 1.5 times the effort that Fahad puts but not 2 times”.

Keeping faith in Allah that he never turns back from his promise, I started putting the required

effort. Keeping strong faith in him and his promise will make you do everything that is required. You will start

devising plans, making schedules and managing time. Thus the secret of my success lies behind this Ayatwhich came from Allah (SWT).

The entire hall was silent. As Zaid finished his words there were signs of appreciation and strength

and a feeling of having got an effective recipe from Zaid’s words. Thus, Zaid gave them a simple but a

working recipe to shine with flying colors!!!!

Watching the corruption in our society what steps would you have taken to

eradicate from the system? What role would you play to serve the society if you given a 

chance to become a minister (any) ? writ upto 300 words & email it to light 

 [email protected] : the best article will be published in the next issue. Mention your 

name, class and school. Also provide your photograph if possible.


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