Page 1: Life is incomplete without love and friendship

Life is incomplete without love and friendshipLove is something that we need in our life, love like air for human to breath.

Friendship also like love, we need friendship in our life such as plant need food to grow. Both of them there are two things that most important for us in all aspect of our life. Many people have miss understanding about them, now I try to explain about them, hopefully you will understand.

Love is a mercy from good (ALLAH). No one can expect when it come and when it gone. It can make you so happy but sometimes it can hurt you so much. It is a strange feeling that you feel about someone, no matter you have know her/him for a long time, or you just meet her/him. Love can make you smart and stupid at the same time. You have to know about it first before you go further because when you have go further there is no way to come back, I means if you ready to start, you have ready to finish, and you have ready to take all the risk. Your self control is the most important, don’t let love controlling you but you must control your love.

Friendship is a strong feeling about others people who care about you without push you to do the same thing for them. Friendship is more expensive than gold and stronger than steel. It will help you when you have trouble, support you when you down, and share everything to you. It like candle which burn to give you light, it like a soap which disappear just to give you a good smell. It closer than your shadow, because your shadow gone when you in the dark but not friendship, it will be your partner until your life end. You must be careful when you choose a friend to be your friendship because need a lot of time to know who they are inside.

There is a similarities between love and friendship. Inside both of them there is someone who care about you, the problem is the way of their care, someone who love you care about you because the condition, you are in dating at the time. your dating could be over one day, but friendship will never end. Both of them we need in our life. You can choose one of them, which one is better for you, or both of them if you want. Especially for me, I choose friendship. Thank’s.

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