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  • 7/30/2019 Letters v3 Man








    Jack Galmitz

    Yet To Be Named Free Press

    Stoke-on-Trent, England


  • 7/30/2019 Letters v3 Man


    LETTERS Jack Galmitz

    Collection Copyright 2013 Yet To Be Named FreePress. Individual poems are copyright of Jack Galmitz and

    are used with permission. All rights reserved.

    Yet To Be Named Free Press

    ISBN-13: 978-1481198769

    ISBN-10: 1481198769

  • 7/30/2019 Letters v3 Man



    Everyone's inner world is worked through by traveling thehistory of pioneers of modernism and that while

    "perspective" is gained like in the distance of looking at an

    oil painting, I've tried to achieve this end by concentrating

    on the flat surface of language and painting and the

    concrete music of the 20th C and its link to the music of

    the poems.

    Jack Galmitz, 2013

    Letters is a difficult work but well worth the effort. Most

    of the poems in the collection are not short-verse, but

    within the longer pieces short extracts of gold dust can be

    found, I'll leave you with this one:

    I find you in the robin, in the stems of fishes,

    In the face of statues of eminent citizens

    And, when you die and assume another form,

    I will recognize you and you will be for me all.

    Brendan Slater, 2013

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    For Those Who Listen To White Noise

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    Jack Galmitz

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    A bloodied dog

    wrying on the floor between

    two women praying

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    For the modern sky

    Man in Bomb Vest

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    The Hunter appears

    the day disappears

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    Who Saw the Future

    Europe lay in ruins.

    The grand architecture of centuries

    reduced to piles of rocks

    where rats competed with people

    for food, scavenging for what might do.

    Many blamed technology, but one knew

    it was barbarism that had caused this truth

    and used technology as a ruse.

    Into the formless marched an engineer,

    composer, acoustician, Pierre Schaeffer,

    the pioneer of concrete music (real music).

    Unlike many in the rubble, Schaeffer did not

    think a return to the classical would answer:

    the classical was based on abstractions (musical notations)

    produced as audible music: concrete music (which he


    begins from base phenomena and their sounds and after

    abstracts them

    into composition. He created more technology to achieve

    this feat: sounds from magnetic tape, a tape recorder,


    gramophones and others.

    He mixed mediums-the sounds of trains, voices, pumping


    water splashing in city fountains, children wailing, and



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    instruments, changed the tempos, the wave lengths, played

    parts backwards,

    made arrangements..

    The other arts followed: found objects, assemblages,

    collages, the disjunction

    of poems and novels, the language of each art the

    controller, if it could

    be fairly said there was anyone or anything in control.


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    Im in Melbourne

    standing before the giant theremin

    a rusted pyramid-shaped instrument

    that plays music by movements in front

    of it (open vents with a large antennae

    atop and another one atop a cylindrical

    version of itself not far off.)

    Movement in front of one

    antennae controls the pitch and movementin front of the other controls volume.

    I watch a family running across it raising

    the volume and beginning a symphony.

    The mother hops in front and a low pitched

    line is scored and just behind her husband joins

    holding his daughter and the tempo rises like

    a pianoforte. The son come and hops up and down

    and a train passes and the theremin makes a riotous sound

    as water played on a percussion of pebbles in a steel drum.

    They keep it up for a hour until theyve produced a

    memorable score.

    Before I know it Im shouting Encore. Encore.


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    So, Its Raining

    Its raining. The water shapes the grass-

    borrows its shape. From lenses

    of light it grounds to the dark underground bed.

    It makes you think. Whats to fear.

    Death clarifies life. When you

    cant see your hand in front of you remember

    touching your mothers face, playing the clarinet,

    striking with a bat, the trembling through your fingers

    of a womans back, the warm brown of expanding nipples

    of the

    aureolas of a womans chest.

    Where no light penetrates the ocean floor of sight

    brightens up:

    you recall the faces that meant. Your wife. Theimperfections

    disappear. The sensual lips; the Han peoples cheekbones;

    the yellow

    of the Emperors gown and crown strangely bright as a

    lantern being

    carried in a garden night. Your father coming home after


    a cherub and a man. Friends like kittens feigning fights in

    the grass.

    When you cant hear the pounding silence brings you near:

    The crowds riotous stadium chants, the whispers

    overheard on the

    dank streets, the moments of intimacy, simple words that

    heard heal

    and lighten you as andirons and flue. Even the curses are



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    in the sightless silent hole.

    I watch the drops fall in the buckets, silent and treacherous

    As the beast that loves you.


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    The mouth of the saxophone

    is the belly of the player

    the bones of the playerthe veins of the player

    the feet feeling the earth

    revert the vibrations

    like an oscillator

    you should see the waves

    in the air, in the drinks

    when Mass plays his bass

    it's like the birth of a star,

    a galaxy, the black hole

    of a dying star being sucked into nothing

    it's the streets of summer

    the naked children running

    under the shower of fire plugs openedscreeching with pleasure

    the mothers upstairs in the rooms

    like furnaces-the nights under covers

    of cotton with men, husbands that make it

    all right for a while

    no thoughts of loss, of those missing

    too soonthe rhythm is right and wild

    like someone flying from the roof

    to surrender.


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    On You(Tube)

    Morton Feldmans Crippled Symmetry

    one-and-a-half hours long

    just four notes played over

    sometimes at different speeds,

    timbre, duration, different instrument playing a note

    touching notes on flute, percussion, celesta,

    you want to touch.

    The boy in the glee club has a beautiful

    voice and face; he stands with two others

    of equal grace. The auditorium is packed.

    His mother and father are there and proud.

    His voice is touching. You want to reach out.

    And his face.

    But not so the man. Something happens

    to us all. Its not something to blame.


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    How naked and cold

    words look in the snow

    without protection from the wind

    whipping white and brim

    (I feel a sorrow all my own)

    not even a stenciled abode

    a weather-worn board to protect

    the unadorned word(protruding from the snow

    like stiff twigs-their black bones

    unbroken, non-atoned.)

    I hold my breath to not add

    frozen moisture of my own.

    What do they say in contrast

    To the penetrating white-nothing special

    just shape and height and irregular lines

    that might draw an artist to this site.

    I would light a fire and set them ablaze

    If I thought it would bring them comfort.

    But, alas, theyre like cattle that roamed green hills

    and now are wrapped in freezers.


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    741 hz

    741 hz (of the Solfeggio frequencies)

    calms. I listen and am soothed.

    The music is accompanied by a video

    of interlacing, transparent pyramids

    (purple) turning within and through. The

    Gregorian chanting helps- it makes me feel

    part of a community of sense.

    An hour. The pyramids open doors and shut them.Contrary to law, two things in the same space-time.

    Its like a river of fireflies

    wending its way over reeds

    by the railroad tracks.

    In the end you awake

    to where you are: unplanned buildings,

    paint scrawl, shouts of tough men screaming maricone.

    A gray-haired clerk on the subway in frayed collar and


    with a box-cutter in his pocket that he exhibits with ease.

    Its home.


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    The old womans

    porous bonesthe Zen gardens

    porous stones

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    If I Knew Who

    If I knew who you were

    we could converse on a subject

    we chose. As it is, Im a man

    in isolation in a white room marking

    in lines the days Ive been locked up alone.

    Its between the poem and the reader

    that the poem lives, otherwise its a simulacrum.

    I dont mean Id write to please,but I would be influenced and unashamed of it.

    If you had lost a spouse, I wouldnt say time passes,

    but I might observe the orange leaves crackling underfoot

    and recall their young green tender shoots and their


    If you had recently married, I wouldnt write an


    but I might write about the pear tree blossoms lining Fifth

    Avenue. You know, were here together:

    look at that ant struggling with a leaf five times its size

    to bring it to the colony so it can survive.


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    Two Sparrows

    Entangled. Fighting or mating

    its hard to tell in the sunshine

    on Main Street in Farmingdale

    when two sparrows, one atop

    the other are grappling with passion.

    I know they chatter, have disputes,

    but when I leaned down closer to look

    I was surprised that such small birdsfought with such ardor, with all it took.

    I put my foot near them to frighten

    the aggressor, but he kept pecking the other

    as if I was nothing. I could see the loser hadnt

    the energy to hop or fly away. He was finished.

    (I wanted to cry).

    They say God knows when every sparrow falls.

    I thought maybe thats what Im here for.


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    Word Painting I

    In their brief manifesto,

    Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko & Adolph Gottlieb

    (in 1943) asserted the world of imagination is violently


    to common sense, that they were for flat forms because

    they destroy illusion and reveal truth-

    much like poetry, painting with words,

    where it is understood that the medium is two-dimensionaland bears no real relation to deception and a real world.

    My wife and I took a boat trip down the Seine. You can


    to its samd its so clean. Pariss many prominent buildings

    were displayed: Notre Dame Cathedral (with a view of the

    flying buttresses),the Eiffel Tower, the Musee du Louvre, Pont Neuf (a 16th

    Century bridge),

    Grand Palais, and on the steps of the quays it seemed all

    Parisians were lying

    in the sun that day.

    Remember, none of this refers to structures of sense,dimension, texture, time

    or the romance of it all.

    It is 14 pt. New Times Roman.


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    I would know you

    I would know you anywhere:

    Buying dry black mushrooms

    In Shanghai knelt on the floor,

    Your face sharp as a sword;

    Or looking for a stray thought lost

    In the clouds that tore through

    The gorge from which you were born:

    All waterfall and all;Amongst crowds that formed in Times Square

    On V.J. Day to celebrate the end of the war,

    Your face would be by me informed;

    And if you were a man steeped in crowds

    On Bombays streets to catch a trolley-car,

    Would you be by me in love reborn.

    Funny. When you are there across

    The table or resting in a chair,

    I think nothing of it. Its so familiar,

    As clear as a crystal bowl of apples and pears.

    But, when Im gone into the runningon the streets of our city,

    I find you in the robin, in the stems of fishes,

    In the face of statues of eminent citizens

    And, when you die and assume another form,

    I will recognize you and you will be for me all.


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    Weather Report

    I exclude the news

    never read a paper

    I just go outside

    to know the weather

    Now, its fall


    I can tell because

    children wont make way for me(an old man of weathers)

    as we approach (on the street) each other

    Yet, I like the yellowing

    burning brown

    (the exposure of lignin to sunlight and air)

    in old historical documents

    & in golden locust trees

    (with their drying fruit)

    that shaken make music

    like guiros.


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    Charnel house, my house

    Concrete floor, stale air

    Unpainted walls for years

    t.v. light on me

    & my bones on the chair

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    On a Collage

    When we awoke & realized we were not alone we were

    more alone.

    They there was an age when we lived without considering


    , and then we could see that the stems of plants and trees

    were like our spines, the spewing waterfall the moisture on

    our lips, the grass, the moss and shrubs our hairy arms,

    legs, sexual parts.

    With this knowledge we learned to make a teepee that hadno flat lines and the wind would not bring it down, lodges,

    and even pagodas, and now we build towering buildings

    of glass and steel that reflect the sky, the clouds,

    sometimes birds scurrying home, we made blankets,

    clothes, fences for animals, mostly horses, and in the end


    It comes to this: a line divides. Nothing remains in the

    middle, everything is on either side.

    The line that joins two points, the line that makes creation,

    the line that draws resemblances is also that which makes

    conflict and strife: while two things unlike are potentially

    joined, there is an upper and under where there is a line

    and with movement of the two come the ten thousandthings. Theres no way around it.

    So, while we know that a human is like us, we begin to

    practice distinction: African scarification used distinct

    symbols for different tribes, and American Indians used

    paint on their faces and ponies to make them something

    other than human, fierce, the mask of a god.

    Yet, the rifles that shot lead in a straight line lead to the

    Trail of Tears, reservations, loss of traditions, alcoholism,

    and the snapping of the soul of nature to those who still

    lived in it as in the sacred.


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    I Fell From the Sky

    by the railroad tracks

    lucky for me

    there was a car chassis

    and landed in the reeds

    to sleep in (such ease)

    I could see

    that curve aheadwhere the trains


    into the green

    of another year

    lucky for me

    I fell from the sky

    Its lonely there


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    I'm Walking Without

    Im walking without direction. Am I lost? Only if I am

    going someplace. Im not. Ive lived my life like this. Do

    I recommend it? I do not. Ive learned a lot. Gradationsof the smallest degree. How grass differs from earth.

    Concrete. Cobblestone. Ice that is safe. Ice that is not.

    When a mans dangling arms are dangerous. When not.

    When I walk my body my Achilles tendons hurt. When

    my body leads its soft. I know where they unload

    carcasses of skinned goats. I know where young men play

    basketball. Handball. To take off their shirts. I know the

    sounds of rain on canvas awnings. I know the sounds of

    rain on aluminum awnings. I know where the homeless

    hang out. I know the graffiti artists. I know where to buy

    the cheapest cigarette lighters. I know the sound of rain on

    the peak of my cap. I know the worn smooth surfaces of

    manholes and where they were made. I know which fruitstands have fluorescent lights flickering. I know the men

    who deliver live fish from trucks to the Chinese markets

    and the heaviness of their rubber aprons and boots. I know

    where I can get comidas chinos y latinos. Im not very

    smart. I know where to find black market cigarettes in

    New York. I know which way is north by the growth of

    moss on the trees. I used to be as handsome as RudolphValentino and I know what its like to have to prove your

    whole life you are manly. Now, no one looks at me. Ive

    become the shape and color of a brick faade, the sky, a

    window with merchandise, a parked car, anything you

    want. I bought a piece of chalk and wrote a poem on a

    wall: She was due the doctors delivered a red balloon. Im

    walking without direction. If youre following me stop.Turn away. Get lost yourself.


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    I Write

    I write tossing a ball in the air-

    I do not mention where, when,

    as its still happening by tense,

    nor the force or speed or the wind

    or the gravitational pull or the orbit

    of the earth or sun, constants we know-

    and I wonder if it remains a phrase or has it become

    something else.

    I write Caution: Cotents Hot-

    So it is no longer a legal warning,

    no longer a referent, bereft?

    I write it to no one, including myself:

    it is not an internal conversation,

    no kind of exchange

    just words on the page

    with or without meaning?

    I write Cardinal Par Avion

    From viewing a stamp-

    It seems right - cardinals

    are in flight and air mail is in flight

    and it recalls our ancestral past when birds

    carried messages back and forth, here to there.

    It even has humor, if you look hard enough.

    Is it a phrase? Does it have to rise to be otherwise.

    When do words pass from usage, from sounds

    and ideas to poems and their unimportance?


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    So, What Do You Do

    think of this




    a canarys belly

    carved in

    the bark

    of a treeit may

    have been night

    and the young

    couldnt let go


    were two sides

    of an Indian head


    thats how it started

    the rest you knew

    they could only flyat best in the blood u bloom of the boot

    to the clouds

    dreamt by no churchnder the bridge

    in the west




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    Work Backwards

    The line moves on.

    Each man with a tray

    The beard hairs turn gray.

    Sentenced without a trial

    for a crime unnamed.

    I cant complain.

    Its a trade:

    the fields of winter grain,the white churches in the rain,

    the stone angels trumpets at the graves,

    the bindweed climbing fenced chains.

    Be silent! Theres holiness.

    Words cannot reproduce any real thing.

    Be a Trappist monk. Work. Hoe.

    Harvest. Eat. Pray without words.

    Sleep. Sleep.

    Work backwards

    Before you were given the role to name.


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