Page 1: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Kaizen 改善Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.

Page 2: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Goals Equal Success

• People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do not have a defined life plan

• less than 3% of the population has a complete goals program.

Page 3: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Goals Equal Success

• Not having goals is similar to sailing a ship across the Atlantic without a map. Goals, like maps, help you get to your destination much faster than sailing though life aimlessly.

Page 4: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Goals Equal Success• The Yale University class of

'53 conducted a famous goal-setting study,

• 400 graduating students were asked to write down their lifelong plan or goal.

Page 5: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Goals Equal Success

• Of the 400 people in the class, only 12 actually wrote down their lifelong plan in a specific manner.

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Goals Equal Success• Twenty years later, the class had a

reunion. The group that had written down their goals seemed happier overall than the rest of the class.

• The fact that the 12 goal setters had a combined worth in excess of the rest of the group may have contributed to their happiness.

Page 7: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do
Page 8: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

• What are your goals?• Loftiest dreams?

– Are these large, out of reach?– We often think to achieve our goals

we have to make some dramatic changes.

– Therefore, I probably have to give many things up?

– Why is that?

Page 9: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Why do goals not work?

• They are New Year’s Resolutions

• Its our expectations of them (Transformation)

Page 10: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Methods of Pursuing Change

• 1. Innovative change

• 2. Small Moments/ Steps

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• Western Culture– Pursues the goal at any


– The goal is most important

– Dr. Mauer- We will spend a million minutes pursuing a goal only to allocate a few thousand minutes to its enjoyment once achieved.

Page 12: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Kaizen 改善• The journey of a thousand miles begins

with one step. Lao Tzu

• Japanese philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement throughout all aspects of life

• Its rooted In 2,000 year old Asian wisdom, but implemented about 60 years ago in Japanese business.

Page 13: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

• Toyota refers to this practice as its “soul”

• Its utilizing small, trivial steps to accomplish large objectives

• Small moments to learn large lessons.

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• Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.“

•~ Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome. ~

•  Arthur Ashe

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Edward Demings

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Innovation vs. Kaizen

• The innovation process is valuable because it gets us to produce something in its entirety.

–Fail forward fast and reach a large valid or successful changes

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• However, if we don’t and procrastinate then we need to do something at the last minute.

–In other words, since we don’t value the small we tend not to move until change is necessary

–Yerkes Dodson curve

Innovation vs. Kaizen

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Yerkes Dodson Curve

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• This leads to stress hormones that don’t create the nurturing environment for creativity and energy for your journey

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• Radical programs or plan changes can arouse doubts and hidden fears

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Two Methods of Change

• Innovation

–Big deal

–Bid fears or doubts

–Limbic system

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• Small Moments/ Consistent Changes

–American Cancer Society ($3.00 average 40% to $5.00 average 60%)

–Gives the flexibility to do what ever they can

–No judgment

Two Methods of Change

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Small Significant Moments

• Kaizen also teaches to use life’s small insignificant moments to learn life’s lessons and to achieve happiness.

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• Yogis have said – we desensitized to small insignificant moments

• Dr. Gottman and relationships

• Small things like giving positive comments.

• You don’t have all your needs met

• But being attended to and the entitlement to be heard

Small Significant Moments

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Small Significant Moments

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WHEN TO USE KAIZEN• When innovation fails

– Big steps haven’t worked

• When innovation succeeds

– Only way you can continue to succeed at something is to continuously find incremental way to improve whether your relationship, health, finances, work environment, work performance.

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Why is Kaizen hard to apply?

• 1. We often change because of pleasure or discomfort.

–Inspiration or Desperation

• Hence, part of the time we are changes because we are feeling desperate or frustrated so we go for innovative changes BIG changes to alleviate that feeling

Page 28: Kaizen 改善 Mario Olavarria, Psy.D.. Goals Equal Success People who write out clearly defined goals and objectives are more successful than those who do

Why is Kaizen hard to apply?

• As such we go for the quick change.

• Relationships we look to:

–fall in love vs. grow in love

• As such, we don’t change ahead of time, gradually… instead we are reacting… putting out fires

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Why is Kaizen hard to apply?

• Do Jackson Employees know anything about putting out fires?

• 2. Kaizen requires a relatively healthy self esteem

• 3. Kaizen is learned optimism–Every bit counts as long as we are

moving in the desired direction

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• In Kaizen you are programming your brain as related to the direction you want to go, as such it will make its leaps.

• However, because the steps are small you don’t see the return

Your optimism in each small step sees you through

Like the acting student

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Kaizen and Mistakes

• Innovation can equate to big mistakes

• Kaizen equates to multiple little victories and small mistakes (that we can learn from versus suffer)

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• Road rage and UCLA study• Allowing people to get in

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Kaizen Principles

• Ask small questions

• Think small thoughts

• Take small actions

• Identify small moments

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Ask small questions

• What is one small action I can take to improve my relationship today? Or to make it loving, fun

• What is one small action I can take to contribute to my work team or work environment

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How to?

• Brain has difficulty forgetting and not answering a repeated question.

• Reprogram the brain

• It takes time to develop the mental pathways

• Put a Post It Note

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Think small thoughts

• Mind sculpture

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Take small actions

• Outfox your fear response

• Be able to take more actions consecutively because they are small leading habits

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Identify small moments

• Many of life great moment are developed by many small moments

• We often remember those small moments as being quality

–In fact, look at our patients how they often refer to previous small things/ moments about their life

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Identify small moments

• This may sound easy but it takes: respect, imagination and curiously

• Then, give yourself small rewards

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Post it note

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Thomas Edison

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• Therefore, we don’t always have control over which change or step may have much larger effect.

–Each can be valuable

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Broken window theory

• Broken window theory and Jackson

• How often do you feel that we jumping from one crisis to another?! Putting out fires.

• If don’t focus on the minor infractions then we

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• Rudolph Giuliani: Well, I very much subscribe to the "Broken Windows" theory, a theory that was developed by Professors Wilson and Kelling, 25 years ago maybe. The idea of it is that you had to pay attention to small things, otherwise they would get out of control and become much worse. And that, in fact, in a lot of our approach to crime, quality of life, social programs, we were allowing small things to get worse rather than dealing with them at the earliest possible stage. That approach had been tried in other cities, but all small cities, and there was a big debate about whether it could work in a city as large as New York. One of the ways that New York used to resist any kind of change was to say, "It can't work here," because they wanted to keep the status quo. There is such a desire for people to do that, to keep the status quo.

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• And I thought, "Well, there's no reason why it can't work in New York City. We have bigger resources. We may have bigger problems, we have bigger resources, the same theory should work." So we started paying attention to the things that were being ignored …….

• and it worked. It worked because we not only got a big reduction in that, and an improvement in the quality of life, but massive reductions in homicide, and New York City turned from the crime capital of America to the safest large city in the country for five, six years in a row.

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Methods of Pursuing Change

• 1. Innovative change

• 2. Small Moments/ Steps

• Using both becomes a powerful tool for change.

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• Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.

• Mother Teresa

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• It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into the giving. -Dr. Robert Mauerer

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• One Small Step Can Change Your Life

• The Kaizen Way to Success

• By Dr. Robert Maurer

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Six Sigma

• Six Sigma was originally developed as a set of practices designed to improve manufacturing processes and eliminate defects, but its application was subsequently extended to other types of business processes as well.[2] In Six Sigma, a defect is defined as anything that could lead to customer dissatisfaction.[1]

• The particulars of the methodology were first formulated by Bill Smith at Motorola in 1986.[3] Six Sigma was heavily inspired by six preceding decades of quality improvement methodologies such as quality control, TQM, and Zero Defects, based on the work of pioneers such as Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Ishikawa, Taguchi and others.

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