Download - Kabuki theatre

  • 1.Kabuki Theater Alyssa DeFonte, Phil Giannino, Imani Suber, Valerie Baglay

2. What is Kabuki? 3. Its not Shapoopi, its KABUKI! 4. Kabuki Theater Kabuki is a Japanese dance and drama play involving elaborate costumes, eyecatching makeup, and outrageous wigs to convey the audience. Known as the art of singing and dancing 5. History Createdaround the year 1600 by a woman named Okuni who preformed alone on riverbanks. Then her audience grew rapidly. Still preformed today, Kabuki continues to be a form of entertainment enjoyed by many. 6. Anatomy of Kabuki Kabuki theaters relied on the stages, plots, and music. Music was used to set the mood of the play and it also helped emphasize important points in the plays. The actors were trained to take their cues not from a stage director but from the music so listening to the music allowed them know when it was their turn to take the stage. 7. Concepts Sergei Eisenstein discusses how Kabuki is related to cinema through the usage of conveying emotions. Although this elaborate art dose not use dialogue, they do have elaborate makeup which explains their emotions during the play as well as their singing performance. 8. Makeup Kabuki Theater is known for the style of its drama and for the elaborate makeup worn by some of its performers. Makeup helps provide an element of style that is easily recognizable. 9. Application Process How makeup is applied: -rice powder is used to create the white base for the characteristic stage makeup -Kumadori: helps enhances and exaggerates facial lines to produce dramatic animal or supernatural masks. -Based on the meaning on the colors on the next slide, you can go about painting it however you want for the character 10. Whenmakeup is applied, colors and lines help suggest character. Redlines are used to indicate passion, heroism, righteousness and other positive traits. Black or Blue indicates villain, jealously, and other negative traits Green lines indicate supernatural Purple lines indicate nobility 11. Costumes Costumes tend to be extravagant, colorful and flamboyant costumes are unique and different Usually made of silk and embroidered 4 main parts of a dress is: outer clothing, inner clothing, lower garments, and headdresses 12. Kabuki Examples DragQueens Ru Pauls Drag Race 13. Examples Thehit comedy TV show, Everybody Loves Raymond 4QDWNE 14. Haiku Poetry 5,7, 5 syllables Brightstars in the sky Side by side with the moonlight What a lovely sight! 15. Refrences "Edutainment Kabuki Theater." Kabuki Theater. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014. "Japanese Culture - Entertainment - Kabuki Theater." Japanese Culture - Entertainment Kabuki Theater. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. "Kabuki." Kabuki. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2014. "The Story behind the Faces." The Story behind the Faces. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. Drag Race Season 6/Meet the Queens Loves Raymond-Franks Tribute

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