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ISSN: 2249-7196

IJMRR/ October 2014/ Volume 4/Issue 10/Article No-5/996-1006

Syamala Devi Bhoganadam et. al./ International Journal of Management Research & Review

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Syamala Devi Bhoganadam*1, Dr. Dasaraju Srinivasa Rao


1Research Scholar, Dept. of Management, K L University, Vaddeshwaram, Guntur (AP),

India. 2Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Management, K L University, Vaddeshwaram, Guntur (AP), India.


From past decade the business organizations are more concentrating on the human capital

because they are the most valued and most treasured assets. While recruiting the candidates

the organizations has to map carefully the available human resources because they create the

competitive advantage for the organizations. The word recruitment has become as a logistic

of human resource capital for the many organizations. Business organizations are advancing

modern recruiting and selection methods due to the entry of multinational companies. The

aim of the paper is to study the recruitment and selection process followed at Sai Global

Yarntex Private Limited. The best human capital availability in organizations makes them

competitive advantage and as well as they become the real life blood of the organizations.

This research studies the review of literature for recruitment and selection procedures

followed at organizations. The research was done using both primary and secondary data.

Primary data was collected from 40 employees using questionnaire method. The results were

obtained from percentage method. The research findings reveal that sai global yarntex private

limited follows best recruitment and selection process and they are satisfied with the

organizational climate and the organization follows ethical recruitment policy.

Keywords: Employees, recruitment, selection, recruitment policy, organization climate,

ethical values.


Human resource management is the essential function of organizations. Among the HR

practises recruitment is the basic function where employees are entry into the organizations.

Recruitment is the process of searching prospective employees to apply for the job posting in

the sai yarntex private limited. Selection is the process of choosing an appropriate candidate

among the job applicants. Selection process starts after the completion of the recruitment

process. Recruitment is the positive aspect where as selection is the negative aspect of HR

practises. Many of the researchers say that recruitment and selection policies should be

ethical for the organizations in order to sustain in the competitive environment.

Recruitment is the first step then after selection and placement comes in the employment

process (Rao, 2010). Employers aim is to choose an appropriate candidate suitable for that

particular job. Recruitment is the activity done by the HR’s in many organizations. The

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recruitment process differs from one organization to others. According to Edwin B. Flippo

recruitment is the process of attracting the candidates and making them to apply for the job.

Recruitment process followed at many Indian organizations is by framing the recruitment

policy and then making the policy into action. Sources of the traditional recruitment are by

employee referrals, transfers and promotions, walk-in and by the advertisements. In the

modern economy the recruitment process was drastically changed with the entry of social

media. Many organizations are following the online recruiting methods for attracting the

prospective employees but in the sai global yarntex private limited only the traditional

recruitment methods were followed. There are many factors that affect recruitment process

like organization culture, working hours, facilities, salary, welfare, brand image, good will,

location and etc.

Selection is the second step in the in the process of man power planning. Selection is the

process of choosing the appropriate candidate which matches the candidate skills and the job

requirements (Bhattacharyya, 2010). Selection process will be lengthy for large organizations

and will be wider for manufacturing organizations and it differs from one industry to other

(Venkatesh, 2008). As this a manufacturing organization its process will be wider in

departments and activities. According to the Dale Yoder selection means dividing the total

job applicants into two classes as selected and not selected (K.Aswathapa, 2007). The

selection process followed at sai global yarntex private limited is like the selection procedure

of scientific selection procedure. There are many factors that are to be considered while

selecting a candidate those are like group discussions, employment background, referral

background, interviews, medical tests and etc.


According to the Burack (1985) recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational

activities as performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee

wishes and the commitment of the organization (Burack, 1980). These recruitment and

selection process should be done at each and every sector for fulfilling their organizational

goals (Nartey, 2012). Recruitment and selection practises were important in the police

department as said by Michael D. White and Glipsy Escobar (2008) in the world and this

paper shows the importance of seven issues relating to recruitment, selection and training

practises in the organizations (M.N.Malhotra, 2014) (Terpstra.D, 1996). Mohammed Nurul

Absar (2012) says the importance of recruitment and selection in his paper by considering

both public and private manufacturing firms in Bangladesh (M.M.Absar, 2012). Some of the

research professionals and scholars say that there is a close linkage between the recruitment

selection employee satisfaction organization performance and HR practises (Gorter, 1996). In

his paper Recruitment and Selection of public workers: An international compendium of

modern trends and practises say that the importance of using technology in the recruitment

and selection process for updating the organizational resources (Hays, 2004).

Ongori Henry and Temtime Z (2009) say that in their paper the recruitment and selection

practises of the small and medium enterprises and make them to improve their HR practises

(R.D.Omolo, 2012). French says that the importance of certain selection and recruitment

activities in the organizations (G.R.French, 2012). Among recruitment sources Bernardin say

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that internal source of recruitment is effective compared to the external source (H.John,

2003). Decker & Cornelius say that compared to the traditional recruiting sources the modern

sources like referrals, casual applicants and direct approaches will benefit at large (L.Barclay,

1985) (Cappelli, 2001). Selection procedure also should be in application to the modern

techniques (M.Smith, 2001). The literature says that employers are doing the traditional

method of recruiting rather than the modern technologies (Schmidt, 1998). Chris Piotrowski

and Terry Armstrong say that in their article that around all the organizations are using

traditional recruitment sources and 30% of organizations are screening candidates honestly

(Armstrong, 2006). According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) says

that 15% joined in the organizations are placing false resume (Gusdorf, 2008). Some of the

employers select the candidates with discrimination was not supposed to be done in the

organizations (Fomunjong, 2009).


• To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process followed at Sai Global

Yarntex Private Ltd.

• To analyze the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment and Selection

procedure of an organization.

• To study recruitment and selection methods at Sai Global Yarntex Private Ltd.


The present research is confined to study the recruitment and selection process followed at sai

global yarntex private limited. The study reveals the recruitment and selection process

followed in the organization. Whether employees are satisfied with the recruitment process?

Is the organization is providing ethical process for recruiting employees? The organizational

study of sai global yarntex private limited was done with the study of recruitment and



Research design is defined as the specification of methods and procedures for accruing the

information needed. It is a plan of organization frame for doing the collection of data. Data

which is required for the study is collected from both the primary and secondary source

(Thornh, 2003). Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing

questionnaires to employees. The Sai Global Yarntex has 350 employees out of 350

employees sample size have been taken as 70 with the help of Convenience sampling

method. But the filled questionnaire received from the respondents is 40.

Table 1: Sample Design

S. No Designation No. of Employees Questionnaires given Respondents

1 Drawing 22 12 05

2 Spinning 20 15 07

3 Auto Cone


32 25 18

4 Packing 28 18 10

5 Total 102 70 40

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• Collecting data properly from employees become difficulty due to the time constraint.

• Busy schedule of the employees also effected to some extent.

• There is a chance for bias in the information given by the respondents.

• The study was based on sample hence results were not fully absolute.

Analysis of Opinion on Recruitment and Selection Process of the Organization

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Very good 10 25

Good 20 50

Average 10 25

Poor 0 0

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The survey depicts that 50% of employee’s opinion is good about the

recruitment and selection process of the company and the remaining 50% of employee’s

opinion is Very good and average.

Analysis of opinion on modification of Recruitment policy

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 8 20

No 32 80

Total 40 100

Interpretation: From the above graph it is clear that 80% of candidates opinion is don’t want

to modify any recruitment policies but 20% of candidates want to modify the recruitment


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Analysis of opinions on favourism at the time of Selection

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 0 0

No 40 100

Total 40 100

Interpretation: From the survey it depicts that 100% of respondents said that there is no

choice of favourisum at the time of selection.

Analysis of satisfaction of Recruitment Procedure in the Organization

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 36 90

No 4 10

Total 40 100

Interpretation: From the above graph it is clear that 90% of respondents are satisfied with

the recruitment procedure but 10% are not satisfied.

Analysis of satisfaction of Selection Process

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Fully satisfied 18 45

Satisfied 22 55

Less satisfied 0 0

Dis satisfied 0 0

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The survey depicts that 55% of respondents were satisfied in the selection

process of the company but 45% were fully satisfied on the selection process.

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Analysis to know about the job vacancies in the organization

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

News Papers 0 0

Friends 24 60

Employee Referral 6 15

Direct approach 10 25

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The survey depicts that 60% of the candidates were know the vacancies of

the job through their friends. 25% of candidates were approached to the company directly and

the remaining 15% of the candidates were joined through the employee referrals.

Analysis of work experience of the employees

Interpretation: The survey depicts that 75% of employee’s does not have the work

experience but the remaining 25% of employees will have the work experience.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 10 25

No 30 75

Total 40 100

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Analysis of organization Climate

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Excellent 14 35

Good 20 50

Average 6 15

Poor 0 0

Very Poor 0 0

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The above survey depicts that 50% of the respondents said that the

organization climate is good, 35% of the respondents said that the organizational climate is

excellent and the remaining 15% of the respondents said as average.

Analysis of opinion of best source to recruit the employee in your organization

Interpretation: The above survey depicts that 62.5% of respondents said that Internal source

is the best to recruit the employees. But the remaining 37.5% of employees said that External

source is the best to recruit the employees in the company.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

External source 15 37.5

Internal source 25 62.5

Total 40 100

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Analysis of recruitment Process in the organization is ethical

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 40 100

No 0 0

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The above survey depicts that 100% of respondents said that the recruitment

process in the organization is ethical and transparent.

Analysis of referral bonus for the recommending employees

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 0 0

No 40 100

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The above survey depicts that 100% of respondents said that there is no

referral bonus for recommending the candidate at the time of recruitment.

Analysis of conditions that stimulated to apply for the job

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Working Conditions 13 32.5

Salary and Benefits 5 12.5

Goodwill of the


10 25

All the above 12 30

Total 40 100

Interpretation: The above survey depicts that 32.5% of respondents said that the working

conditions of the company is stimulated to apply for the job, 30% of respondents said that the

working conditions, salary and benefits and goodwill of the company are stimulated to apply

for the job, 25% of the respondents said that they will stimulate for the goodwill of the

company and the remaining 12.5% of candidates responded that the salary and benefits are

stimulated to apply for the job.


1. 50% of respondents said that the recruitment and selection process is good in the company.

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2. 80% of respondents said that the current recruitment policy doesn’t want any

modifications in the company.

3. 100% of respondents said that there is no choice of favourism at the time of selection.

4. 90% of respondents are satisfied with the recruitment procedure in the company.

5. 55% of respondents said that they were satisfied in the selection process of the company.

6. 60% of respondents come to know about the job vacancies through their friends in the


7. 75% of respondents said that the employees don’t have the work experience.

8. 62% of respondents said that the internal source is the best to recruit the employees.

9. 100% of respondents said that the recruitment process in the organization is ethical and


10. 100% of respondents said that there is no referral bonus for recommending the candidates

at the time of recruitment.

11. 32% of respondents said that the working conditions of the company are stimulated to

apply for the job.


1. The management of Sai Global Yarntex can increase its scope of requirements through

advertisements and company can go for job fairs where people get to know about the


2. They should also follow new selection techniques and methods for better recruitment.

3. The member of the selection committee should be well qualified and experienced people.

So that the selection of the employee will be more effective.

4. For filling up vacancies recruitment process can be adopted more in the concerned.

5. It suggested that the Hr department should involve various departmental heads while

recruiting an individual, because the departmental heads can analyze the technical knowledge

relating to the job to the particular department.


The study was based on the recruitment and selection practises but there is a scope to study

other HR practises and overall organizational study not only in the sai global yarntex private

limited but also considering the remaining manufacturing and service industries. Researchers

may also find the linkage between the different HR practises with the recruitment and

selection practises like organization performance, employee satisfaction etc. Researchers may

also find the online recruitment sources followed in the organizations and also the online

screening of employees.


The study was conducted among the workers of The Sai Global Yarntex Private Ltd,

vellampalli covering 50 respondents. The data was collected by means of questionnaire and

the data was classified and analyzed carefully by all means. From the analysis, it has been

found that the most of the employees in the company were satisfied but changes are required

according to the changing scenario of recruitment process that has a great impact on working

of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company. Selection process is also

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good and the company’s recruitment department is doing well in placing the candidates and

filling the job vacancies for all levels of positions. Some of the suggestions were mentioned

to enhance the organizational policies, strategies, procedures and process.


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