Page 1: HÁROM FELADAT HÁROM SZINTEN 1. KÖNYV · magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol mondatszerkesztést. A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam

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Page 2: HÁROM FELADAT HÁROM SZINTEN 1. KÖNYV · magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol mondatszerkesztést. A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam

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BEVEZETÉS Egy kis ízelítőt hoztam neked új könyvemből, amelyet hívhatunk a Nagy

Gyakorlókönyvnek is, hiszen három szinten kínál 40 feladatlapot.

Ez a könyv akkor készült Neked, kedves angolul Tanuló, ha szeretnéd

magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol


A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam össze három

különböző szinten.

Ha kezdő vagy még, akkor az Elementary (kezdő) feladatokkal indíts, és

ahogy haladsz előre a tanulmányaidban, folytathatod a Pre-Intermediate

(középhaladó) feladatokkal, de a haladókról sem feledkeztem meg, nekik

az Intermediate feladatcsokor jár.

A könyv több mint 120 feladatot tartalmaz, minden egyes feladat

megoldását megtalálod a végén található Megoldókulcsban, így le is

ellenőrizheted magad.

Az ízelítőben négy feladatlap vár, ismerkedj velük, és ha tetszik, kérd a

több mint 200 oldalas nagy gyakorlókönyvet!

Noémiangol Online Tanfolyamomhoz ingyen jár!

Jó gyakorlást: Gyuris Noémi

Page 3: HÁROM FELADAT HÁROM SZINTEN 1. KÖNYV · magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol mondatszerkesztést. A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam

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Page 4: HÁROM FELADAT HÁROM SZINTEN 1. KÖNYV · magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol mondatszerkesztést. A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam

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1.1 - elementary

Alakítsd át a felszólításokat a példa alapján! Példa: Go into the living-room, Mary. – Tell Mary to go into the living room

1) Take that box into the living room, Joe.


2) Open the window, Mary.


3) Put the sandwich in the bag, Stephen.


4) Make a shopping list, Mum.


5) Take your coat into the bedroom, Rose.


6) Open the door, Joe. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7) Be quiet, Amanda.


8) Put your cap on the sofa, Sue.


9) Go into the kitchen, Kate.


10) Eat this salad, David.


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1.2 - pre-intermediate

Olvasd el a hírdetést, majd válaszolj a kérdésekre. Air Stewards/Stewardesses required by national airline. If you are 18-30, friendly, and good at dealing with people, we’d like to talk to you. We offer a good salary, good prospects, and of course plenty of travel. We are looking for people who

- have at least 5 ’O’ levels - are able to speak a foreign language - have a pleasant personality and appearance - are prepared too work irregular hours and/or shifts. -

If you are interested, write to: Miss D.E. Jones, Natair, 1107, Piccadilly, London W1

1. Is this job for men or women? …………………………………………………….

2. What age do you have to be to apply for the job?


3. What is the company offering? …………………………………………………….

4. Why does the advertisement say ’of course plenty of travel’?


5. What qualities does the company expect from people who apply for the job?


6. What qualifications does the company want from people who apply for the job? ……………………………………………………………………………………………

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1.3 - intermediate

Substitute a word or phrase with the same meaning for light in the following sentences. Example: This suitcase is quite light. Answer: This suitcase is not very heavy.

1. The armchairs in the dining room are light green.


2. I keep a light on the bedside table because I like reading before bedtime.


3. I only have a light supper.


4. The Christmas lights were beautiful this year.


5. His coat was too light for the frosty weather.


6. She gave him a light kiss on the cheek.


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2.1 - elementary Nézd meg a képeket, majd írd a képek alá a megfelelő melléknevet! pretty – happy – ugly – sad – old – weak – strong – brave – scared – rude – young - polite

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

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2.2 - pre-intermediate Írj tagadó mondatokat

példa: She went to Mary’s house yesterday morning. – She didn’t go to Mary’s house yesterday morning 1) You called me yesterday evening.


2) I ate a delicious sandwich for lunch.


3) She did a lot of housework last weekend.


4) Emilio went shopping yesterday.


5) Joe came out of hospital last Friday.


6) Mr Brown had a shave five minutes ago.


7) He bought some cheese in the supermarket.


8) After breakfast I rang my mother up.


9) They switched on the radio.


10) She arrived late at the cinema.


2.3 - intermediate

Olvasd el a következő szöveget! Mr Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well. But one year Mr Day said to one of his friends, ’I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a month before I go.’

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He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to Greece. When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, ’Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?’ ’No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,’ answered Mr Day. ’But the Greeks did!’ a) Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelő szóval, segítségül megadtuk a szó első betűjét. 1. Mr Day learnt Greek for a m……… . 2. Mr Day went around Greece o………… foot . 3. Mr Day s…………, ’I’m going to learn Greek.’ 4. It isn't easy to learn Greek: it is h……… . 5. What language doo the Greeks s………? – Greek, of course. 6. Mr Day had Greek l…………… in the evening class. 7. ’Did Mr Day have trouble with his Greek in Athens?’ – ’N……… .’ 8. Mr Day had a few weeks’ h………… in Greece. 9. His friend said to him, ’B……… careful when you are in Greece! The girls are very pretty!’ 10. He came b………… from Greece by train. b) Melyik válasz helyes a kérdésre? (az olvasott szöveg alapján) 1. Why did Mr. Day have Greek lessons? a. Because he liked evening classes. b. Because he wanted to visit Greece. c. Because he did not like French and German. 2. How long did Mr Day stay in Greece? a. A month b. A few weeks. c. One year. 3. What did the Greeks have trouble with? a. Mr Day's Greek. b. Mr Day's friend. c. Mr Day's holiday.

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Page 12: HÁROM FELADAT HÁROM SZINTEN 1. KÖNYV · magad pontosabban kifejezni angolul, napi szinten gyakorolni az angol mondatszerkesztést. A gyakorlókönyvbe változatos feladatokat állítottam

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3.1 - elementary Nézd meg a képeket, majd válaszolj a kérdésekre!

1. How many houses are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 2. How many boys are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 3. How many loaves are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 4. How many girls are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 5. How many dogs are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 6. How many birds are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 7. How many lamps are there? – There are …………………………………….. . 8. How many cats are there? – There are …………………………………….. .

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3.2 - pre-intermediate

Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást! 1. I have a new … .

a) pair of shoe b) shoe c) pair of shoes d) pairs of shoes 2. They … that he is ill.

a) talk b) speak c) say d) tell 3. I’ve earned my own living … I left school.

a) for b) since c) ago d) before 4. When I am abroad I like to taste every single … on the menu.

a) foods b) dish c) plate d) meal 5. Can you … room for this suitcase in the car?

a) do b) make c) give d) get 6. When I bought my new skirt … in the shop.

a) I tried it on b) it I tried on c) I tried on it d) I it on tried 7. Did you catch your train? – No. Just as I … down the platform the train left.

a) was running b) run c) am running d) have run 8. Scotland is … England in many ways.

a) very similar to b) just like c) different from d) the same like 9. … is often made of wood.

a) furniture b) A piece of furnitures c) Furnitures d) An item of furnitures

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10) I haven’t worn black skirts since I … school.

a) left b) had left c) have left d) was leaving

3.3 - intermediate

Read this text. Mrs Evans went to a large local cinema one summer afternoon. Half-way through the wonderful film there was the usual interval, so that people could buy sweets, chocolates and ice-cream. Mrs Evans rarely bought anything in the cinema, but this time she wa feeling hot, so she thought, ’I’ll have an ice-cream to cool me. I certainly need it.’ Quite a lot of the audience were waiting to buy ice-creams from the girl who was selling them, so Mrs Evans waited for her turn. There was a small boy in front of her. When it was his turn, he offered the girl ten pence and asked for an ice-cream, but they cost twenty pence, so the girl said, ’I want another ten pence, please.’ The small boy put the coin back in his pocket, put his hand in another pocket, took out another ten pence coin and offered that to the girl. Mrs Evans was so amused that she paid the other ten pence herself. A. Which words in the story mean: 1. big 2. make less hot 3. not at all frequently 4. people in a theatre or cinema 5. should be able to B. Write this story. Put one word in each empty space. You can fin dall the correct words in the story. A man was boasting (dicsekedett) to a stranger about the beer in his town. ’Is it so 1) ……………?’ the stranger asked. ’Is it stronger than the 2) …………… beer?’ ’It 3) …………… is!’ said the 4) …………… man. ’I’ve found a stronger one. A friend of mine was at a cinema, and 5) ……………through the film, during the 6) ……………, he went to the bar and had a few glasses of it to 7) …………… himself, because he felt hot. Then he went into the cinema again.’ ’Well, and what's so wonderful about that?’ asked the stranger, putting a 8) ……………down as a tip for the barman.

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’When he went in again, he found that there was a different film and a different 9) …………… , and when he asked one of them, he discovered that it was the next night!’ (forrás: L.A. Hill: Intermediate stories)

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4.1 - elementary

ÍRD BE A PÁRBESZÉDBE A KÖVETKEZŐ MONDATOKAT A MEGFELELŐ HELYRE. 1. Don't you need a flatmate? 2. Oh, where is it? 3. How many rooms do you have? 4. Oh, what a lovely colour it has. 5. I like it very much. A: So, this is my new flat. What do you think? B: Hmm. ……………………………………… A. Really? It isn't in the centre, but the busstop is near. And the kitchen is very big. B. ……………………………………………………………… A: I have two bedrooms and the kitchen, and the bathroom of course. B: ……………………………………………………………… A: It's on the left next to my bedroom. B: ……………………………………………………………… A: Thank you. I redecorated the whole flat last month. B: ………………………………………………………………


Olvasd el a mondatokat, majd adj tanácsot. Az ’ought to’ és a ’should’ ugyanabban a jelentésben szerepel. Mindkettőt egy jelentésben használjuk. Valamilyen kötelesség kifejezésére használjuk, de jelentésük nem olyan erős, mint a ’must’ vagy ’have to’ szavaké. Inkább tanács, javaslat kifejezésére használjuk (kellene). Például: You ought to work harder if you want to get a better job. – Keményebben kellene dolgoznod, ha jobb állást akarsz kapni. (Ez az én tanácsom, szerintem ez a te kötelességed) Nagyon vigyázz, hogy az ’ought’ után ne maradjon le a ’to’! Nézzünk néhány példamondatot, azután jöhet a feladat. I should learn French. You ought to get up earlier. Should you invite him to the party? – Yes, I should./No, I shouldn’t. Ought they to work harder? Yes, they ought./No, they oughtn’t. You shouldn’t be so rude to me. He oughtn’t to listen to the radio. 1. I want to learn Italian. Perhaps I’ll go and work in France. 2. His car doesn’t work well. Perhaps He’ll take it to the garage.

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3. My sister's getting fat. 4. I can't sleep at night. 5. She looks ill. 6. Her children are very young. 7. His eyes are bad. 8. This tea is too sweet.


Complete the following sentences appropriately. a. Only one hundred years ago it took at least five days to cross the Atlantic, whereas ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . b. Increased ease of travel has led to people becoming more tolerant of each other's cultures than …………………………………………………………………………………………… . c. Besides being relatively cheap, package holidays …………………………………………… . d. My sister and her family always opt for the ease of a package holiday. My family on the other hand, …………………………………………………………… . e. Personally, I dislike being a tourist because one is an observer of another country and its customs without being a part of it. What is more, ……………………………… . f. My husband is usually very cautious about trying foreign food. However, ……………………………… . g. Both Chinese and Indian cooking incorporate a lot of spices, but while the former ……………………………… . h. A charter flight differs from a scheduled flight in that ………………………………… . i. Although both Brighton and Marbella are saside resorts, they differ………………… . j. The more I see of the world, …………………………………………………… .

4.2 - pre-intermediate

Olvasd el a mondatokat, majd adj tanácsot! Az ’ought to’ és a ’should’ ugyanabban a jelentésben szerepel. Mindkettőt egy jelentésben használjuk. Valamilyen kötelesség kifejezésére használjuk, de jelentésük nem olyan erős, mint a ’must’ vagy ’have to’ szavaké. Inkább tanács, javaslat kifejezésére használjuk (kellene). Például: You ought to work harder if you want to get a better job. –

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Keményebben kellene dolgoznod, ha jobb állást akarsz kapni. (Ez az én tanácsom, szerintem ez a te kötelességed) Nagyon vigyázz, hogy az ’ought’ után ne maradjon le a ’to’! Nézzünk néhány példamondatot, azután jöhet a feladat. I should learn French. You ought to get up earlier. Should you invite him to the party? – Yes, I should./No, I shouldn’t. Ought they to work harder? Yes, they ought./No, they oughtn’t. You shouldn’t be so rude to me. He oughtn’t to listen to the radio. 1. I want to learn Italian. Perhaps I’ll go and work in France. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. His car doesn’t work well. Perhaps He’ll take it to the garage. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. My sister's getting fat. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. I can't sleep at night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. She looks ill. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Her children are very young. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. His eyes are bad. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. This tea is too sweet. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

4.3 - intermediate

Complete the following sentences appropriately. a. Only one hundred years ago it took at least five days to cross the Atlantic, whereas ………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. Increased ease of travel has led to people becoming more tolerant of each other's cultures than …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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c. Besides being relatively cheap, package holidays ………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. My sister and her family always opt for the ease of a package holiday. My family on the other hand, …………………………………………………………… . e. Personally, I dislike being a tourist because one is an observer of another country and its customs without being a part of it. What is more, ………………………………………………………………………………………………… . f. My husband is usually very cautious about trying foreign food. However, …………………………………………………………………………………… . g. Both Chinese and Indian cooking incorporate a lot of spices, but while the former ……………………………… . h. A charter flight differs from a scheduled flight in that ………………………………………………………………………………………………… i. Although both Brighton and Marbella are saside resorts, they differ ………………………………………………………………………………………………… j. The more I see of the world, …………………………………………………… .

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