
HRM EXAM ANSWERSNov. 2009 – 1st Semester

InstructorAbdel Fatah Afifi

Q1: What is Human Resource Management?

The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.

Or The policies and practices involved in

carrying out the “people” or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising.

Q2: Why is Human Resource Management Important to all Managers?

1. Hire the wrong person for the job2. Experience high turnover3. Have your people not doing their best4. Waste time with useless interviews5. Have your company in court because of

discriminatory actions6. Have your company receive penalties for

unsafe practices7. Have some employees think their salaries are

unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization

8. Allow a lack of training to undermine your department’s effectiveness

9. Commit any unfair labor practices

Q3: What are the basic functions all managers perform? The five basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing,

leading, and controlling.

Or1. Placing the right person on the right job2. Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)3. Training employees for jobs new to them4. Improving the job performance of each person5. Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth

working relationships6. Interpreting the firm’s policies and procedures7. Controlling labor costs8. Developing the abilities of each person9. Creating and maintaining department morale10. Protecting employees’ health and physical condition

Q4: What are the steps of Strategic Management process? (6 Steps)

Strategic management tasks Step 1: Define the Business and Its Mission Step 2: Perform External and Internal

Audits Step 3: Translate the Mission into Strategic

Goals Step 4: Formulate a Strategy to Achieve

theStrategic Goals

Step 5: Implement the Strategy Step 6: Evaluate Performance

Q5: What is meant by the term "Employee Turnover"

(Select one answer)A. The desire within a person causing

that person to act to reach a goal.B. The process in which employees leave

the organization and have to be replaced.

C. Rewarding attendance with prizes and bonuses.

D. Increasingly severe disciplinary action leading eventually to dismissal

Q6: Impact of Turnover

(Select one answer)A. Inability to achieve business

goalsB. Loss of “image” to attract other

individualsC. High costs of turnover and

replacementD. All of above

Q7: A manager may delegate any of the following except

(Select one answer)A. Authority.B. Workload.C. Responsibility.D. Attendance at meetings to

represent the department.

Q8: Workforce planning involves all of the following except

(Select one answer)A. Organizing the training of staff.B. Forecasting future personnel

requirements.C. Examining production plans in a

factory.D. Preparing and maintaining

personnel records.

Q9: Which of the following will NOT result following the introduction of a more decentralized system of management?

(Select one answer)A. Increased motivation amongst those

empowered to make decisions.B. Greater consistency in the decisions

made.C. The development of skills amongst the

junior members of the management team.

D. An increase in the speed at which essential decisions are made.

Q10: An advantage of recruitment from outside the company is

(Select one answer)A. That it is cheaper than internal

recruitment.B. That there is no need to

advertise the vacancy.C. That it brings in new experience

and skills to the firm.D. That it avoids jealousy within the


Q11: What is meant by the term functional management?

(Select one answer)A. A system of business organization that

is based on an individual having a wide range of skills needed to administer a business..

B. A type of management that is based more on personality.

C. A system that groups together various jobs and is organized by departments, sections or functions.

D. A system that supports a flat form of command chain.

Q12: What is meant by the term delegation?

(Select one answer)A. A system of management that relies

on consulting employees before making decisions.

B. The process of using goals as the best way of motivating managers to achieve corporate targets/objectives.

C. The giving of tasks by a manager to a subordinate.

D. A style of management supported by FW Taylor.

Q13: Which of the following is a reason for supporting a wider span of control within an organization?

(Select one answer)A. The management wants to reduce the

opportunities for delegation.B. There is a need for tighter control

within the business.C. The business accepts that within its

management there will be increased contact between managers and employees.

D. Management wishes to introduce a process of de-layering.

Q14: HR becomes a strategic business partner by:

(Select one answer)A. Focusing on developing HR programs

that enhance organizational performance.

B. Involving HR in strategic planning at the onset.

C. Participating in decision making on mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing.

D. All above statements.

Q15: Collaborative HR is a new approach to Human Resource Management, It means : The process of HR professionals from several different organizations working jointly to address shared business problems.

(Select one answer)

A. TrueB. False

Q16: What is meant by the term "HR Technology, Human Resource Management System (HRMS)"?

(Select one answer)A. An integrated system providing

information used by HR management in decision making.

B. The process of HR professionals from several different organizations working jointly to address shared business problems.

C. Participating in decision making on mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing.

Q17: Firms with High Ethical Standards

(Select one answer)A. Are more likely to reach strategic

goals.B. Are viewed more positively by

stakeholdersC. Are better able to attract and

retain human resources.D. All of aboveE. Nothing of above

Q18: Absence Rate can be calculated as :

(Select one answer)A. Shows the quantitative standards, or

“metrics” the firm uses to measure HR activities.

B. Measures the employee behaviors resulting from these activities.

C. Measures the strategically relevant organizational outcomes of those employee behaviors

D. [(Number of days absent in month) ÷ (Average number of employees during mo.) × (number of workdays)] × 100

Q19: What is meant by the term MISION?

(Select one answer)A. A general statement of its intended

direction that evokes emotional feelings in organization members.

B. Spells out who the company is, what it does, and where it’s headed.

C. A system of giving the authority to carry out certain jobs by those lower down the management hierarchy.

Q20: What is meant by the term VISION?

(Select one answer)A. Spells out who the company is, what it

does, and where it’s headed.B. The ability of the chosen manager to

control effectively those under their.C. A general statement of its intended

direction that evokes emotional feelings in organization members.

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