Page 1: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


1. In Persecution and Emigration, read the section called “A Long History” in Chapter 1. What

is anti-Semitism?.

2. Look at the anti-Semitic propaganda on the marked pages in the books. Which image do you

feel would have been the most effective for creating anti-Semitic feelings? Why?

3. Find the section titled “Nazi Racism” in Tell Them We Remember. Use the photos and text

to answer the following questions.

3a. What was Hitler’s preferred phenotype for Aryans?

3b. Who, other than Jewish people, were excluded from the Aryan “master race?”

3c. Which picture and caption (explanation) do you think was the most humiliating to

the person ? Why?

3d. In the last paragraph, we learn that teachers “classified” children as Aryans or

not. Schools were important ways for the Nazi party to spread their values and

principles, using anti-Semitic textbooks, posters, and children’s clubs. Do you think

that school is an appropriate place to spread values and principles?


Why or why not?

3e. Do you feel that you are being taught values and principles here at Rolfe?

Explain your answer.

Page 2: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


1. Look up “persecute” in the American Heritage Student Dictionary. What does

“persecution” mean? _________________________________________________

2. Using the section titled “The Rise of Anti-Semitism” in Holocaust, outline how the

Nazi Party persecuted the Jews, gypsies, and others.

3. Analyze at this photograph by carefully looking at it and read the caption. What can

you infer (figure out) about how Nazis felt about Judaism based on how they treated

these holy scrolls?

4. Listen to Yvonne Powell's story about her experience as an observer, then answer the

following questions.

4a. Do you think that a bystander has responsibility for a crime that he/she observes

and does nothing about? Why or why not?

4b. If you were perceived to be a member of the Aryan race and safe from

persecution, how would you have reacted to persecution of the Jews? Explain why.

5. Rank the following 5 people in terms of responsibility for the Holocaust. ("USHMM: Education Division")

Person Responsibility


Explain your ranking

A concentration camp guard

Children who joined Hitler


A businessperson who used

concentration camp inmates

as factory workers.

Someone who ignored the

situation and tried to just

“mind their own business.”

Page 3: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

STATION 3: THE FINAL SOLUTION **individual** Adapted from “Anne Frank Stations 1011” (Spisak)

1. Look at pp. 155-157 and the cover of the graphic novel Maus I by Art Spiegelman. This

is a book written by a man whose parents were Holocaust survivors. This was his attempt

to document his parents’ story. Answer the following questions.

1a. What animal represents the Jews? ____________________ (Hint: not pigs, who

represent the Polish people).

1b. What animal represents the Nazis? ____________________(Hint: not pigs, who

represent the Polish people).

1c. Choose an animal that you think would represent the Europeans and Americans who

defeat the Nazis. __________________

1d. Why do you think Spiegelman chose these animals to represent these groups of

people? (What is the symbolism?)

2. Directions:

Go to the following website

Select List of Photos under Birkenau or Mauthausen

If you do not have a computer, use Auschwitz, The Nazi Death Camps, and the other

books at your table to see pictures of the concentration camps.

Spend your ten minutes quietly searching through these pictures and reading the

captions. Do not discuss what you see with your group members. This is a time for

quiet, personal reflection.

With one or two minutes left, record your reactions in three to four sentences. You

may discuss your feelings, something that surprised you, something that horrified

you, etc.

Your reactions:

Page 4: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

STATION 4: LIBERATION **Group** Adapted from “Anne Frank Stations 1011” (Spisak)

1. In a Google search bar, type “define: liberate.” What does the word “liberate” mean?


2. Using your headphones, watch this animated map on the white laptop for background

knowledge about liberation. What emotions do you think the liberating soldiers felt

when they arrived at the camps?

3. Directions: Listen to clips of actual news broadcasts from NPR called “Eyewitness

Reports of Nazi Concentration Camps.”

Follow along with the transcript, and answer the questions.

You may pause the podcast as you write down your answers, and you can

listen to it as many times as you like.

3a. Which U.S. President announced victory in Europe? __________________

3b. Name one of the Nazi concentration camps that was liberated. (Don’t worry about

spelling.) ___________________

3c. What were the British soldiers filled with? _______________________________

3d. When one of the children in camp rolled up his sleeve, what was there?


3e. What were some of the occupations (jobs) of the people before they were prisoners?


3f. What song did the victims of the concentration camps play in their rescuers honor?


3g. The food rations for one American meal is as much food as the people in the camps

would normally get for ______ days.

3h. What did Winston Churchill say to the reporter about President Roosevelt?


Page 5: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


1. Directions: If you have a computer, locate the United Nations Resolution on Genocide by

opening ABC CLIO World History: The Modern Era, and searching for 354690 in the quick

search box at the top right. If you do not have a computer, use the paper copies on the table.

1a. Define genocide in your own words. Hint: Look in Article 2.

2. Directions: If you have a computer, read about the War Crimes Trials, the most famous of

which are the Nuremberg Trials and answer the following questions. If you do not have a

computer, use the paper copies on the table.

2a. What was the name of the special group of judges who tried the “major” war criminals?

Hint: search (control-F) for the word “major.” ___________________________________

2b. How did these trials help the world learn about concentration camps? Hint: search

(control-F) for the word “concentration.”

2c. Have all of the war criminals been brought to justice yet? Hint: look in the last


3. Watch actual video footage from the Nuremberg Trials. Did the defendants (people on trial)

feel that they had done anything wrong?

4. On p.37 of Aftermath and Remembrance, read the section called “Could It Happen Again?”

and view the photograph and caption on p. 38. Where has genocide occurred since the

Holocaust and when did it happen?

Page 6: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Works Cited

Introduction Hyman, Shannon and Janis Jones. "Anne Frank Stations." Byrd Library Learning Commons. Byrd Middle School,

n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2012.

Spielberg, Steven, dir. Schindler's List. Universal Pictures, 1993. Film.


Bachrach, Susan. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. New York: Little, Brown, and Company,

1994. Print.

Chadwick, Alex, perf. "Eyewitness Reports of Nazi Concentration Camps." Day to Day. National Public Radio:

4 May 2005. Web. 19 Mar 2012.

"Concentration Camps." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Education Division. A

Cybrary of the Holocaust, n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2012.

Downing, David. Aftermath and Remembrance. Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2006. Print. World

Almanac Library of the Holocaust.

Downing, David. The Nazi Death Camps. Milkwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2006. Print. World Almanac

Library of the Holocaust.

Downing, David. Persecution and Emigration. Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2006. Print. World

Almanac Library of the Holocaust.

Lawton, Clive. Auschwitz: The Story of a Nazi Death Camp. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick, 2002. Print.

Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps - Animated Map. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Web. 19

Mar 2012.

Powell, Yvonne, perf. I Think My Family Saw Them One Time on the Street, and They Wouldn't Even Talk to Them.

Perf. Gordon Powell. StoryCorps, Web. 19 Mar 2012.

Saphor Torahs. 7 Jun 1945. Photograph. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park,

MD. Web. 19 Mar 2012. Note: Item ID is RG 111-SC-209154.

Spiegelman, Art. Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History. I. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986. Print.

Spisak, Jenifer R. Anne Frank Stations 1011. Doc.

"Teaching About the Holocaust: Assessing and Defining Responsibility." United States Holocaust Memorial

Museum: Education Division. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2012.


The American Heritage Student Dictionary. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2003. 702. Print.

"United Nations: resolution on genocide (1948)." World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 19 Mar.


War Crimes Trials - Historical Film Footage. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Web.

Page 7: Holocaust Stations STATION 1: ANTI-SEMITISM & … Stations Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under

Holocaust Stations

Holocaust Stations by Lauren Mabry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

19 Mar 2012. <>.

Wood, Angela G. Holocaust: the Events and their Impact on Real People. New York: DK Publishing, 2007. Print.

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