Page 1: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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History is the lie commonly agreed upon.


Page 2: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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History is the study of the human past. Based on careful analysis of surviving texts (primary and secondary documents) and artifacts (objects made by humans), the historian attempts to reconstruct past events and processes which have created the current world.

Historiography The principles, theory, and history of

historical writing

Page 3: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Historians, through careful analysis, attempt to reconstruct the past.

But every historian views the world through a cultural lens.

Page 4: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Therefore, an element of historical writing is interpretative.

Questions to consider: Whose perspective is voiced? Whose perspective is ignored? What sources are chosen? What elements are emphasized

(political, social, economic)?

Page 5: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Consider the historical record on Columbus

Page 6: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Is the encounter told from an indigenous

perspective or

Did Columbus discover the

Americas or did he accidentally

land in the Americas? from a


Page 7: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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“The present informs the past. It defines the historical questions we ask.”

Questions: Explain the quotation. If the above statement is true, how

would this affect the curriculum of World History AP?

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The Underlying Principles of World History

History is interconnected Current events have historical roots To understand the present, the past

must be examined

Page 9: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Select two historical events or topics previously studied that impact the world today and for each, complete the information that follows:

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The first historical event/topic: _____________________________

Description of the event/topic: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Impact on the world today: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The second historical event/topic: _____________________________

Description of the event/topic: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Impact on the world today: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Reflections: What is “point of view” and why is it

important to consider point of view when analyzing historical documents?

Why is it important to identify the historian’s point of view?

Why are World Historians interested in connections?

Page 13: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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What are some of the academic interests of World Historians?

Was Voltaire correct? Explain your answer.

Why is the study of history important?

How does World History differ from Medieval History?

Page 14: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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“Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.”

  ~African Proverb

Page 15: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity.”

~ CICERO, Pro Publio Sestio

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Page 17: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Page 18: History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire E. Napp

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Let the journey begin!

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