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SEPTEMBER 8 - 14, 2010







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Published by Metro Media Publishing Pty Ltd (ACN 141 396 741). All material is copyright and The Weekly Review endorses the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance’s “Code of Conduct”. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Antony Catalano, 25 Nott Street, Port Melbourne, 3207. All signi� cant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions, please visit

PUBLISHER \ ANTONY [email protected] 8669 0511

GENERAL MANAGER \ JASON [email protected] 0422 145 390

SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR \ TRENT [email protected] 8669 0520

EDITOR \ EILEEN [email protected] 8669 0522

DISTRIBUTION \ 1800 032 [email protected]

COVER \Hi Ball Burlesque photographed by Koukei Photography



THE HARD OF HEARTMy, but we’re a rough lot.� ere’s Travis Tuck, the Hawthorn footballer, who is revealed to have tested positive for a third time to illegal drugs; there’s the sad and alarming spectacle of actor Matthew

Newton’s manifestly dangerous impulses; and then there’s the anguished sight of asylum seekers by the side of the road in Darwin, their bedsheets painted with begging slogans, crying for Australia to show them compassion and not send them home.

What could these people possibly have in common? Us, of course. And clearly not the best of us – instead, it’s our scorn and our condemnation.

I’ve been amazed these past few days at how quickly and unapologetically as a community we rush to judgment on people and situations we know only a little about but feel compelled to criticise as if they were our own. (Actually, if they were our own, that would make us even more hard-hearted, but I’ll get to that.) Of course, not everyone has been narrow-eyed and hard-hearted about these very di� erent personal crises, but a signi� cant number have – on ABC News Breakfast, on commercial radio, in responses to well-read

columns and blogs – and the view has been, for me, dishearteningly similar: why should this/these guys get any sympathy? Look at what they’ve done: throw the book at them!

Darwin local radio was jammed with angry callers who were stuck in tra� c caused by the sit-in staged by asylum seekers who had broken out of detention and were protesting their lengthy incarceration on the road outside. I understand the drivers’ frustration, but the general lack of sympathy was staggering.

Similarly for Tuck, a man who – unless it is later shown to be otherwise – is battling issues that have taken down many a person, was condemned by many as a simple drug taker who should be kicked out of the league – end of story.

In the case of Newton, it was his parents, Patti and Bert Newton, who copped it for going public about their son’s history. A little too much information? A little too much candour at a time that probably calls for discretion and drawing up the bridges? Possibly.

But did they deserve the shellacking? 3AW’s Neil Mitchell was taken aback at the criticism Bert and Patti copped from listeners for going public with their dismay and anguish. He didn’t seem to think it was deserved. Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt was one of them – going even further in an interview on Channel Nine and questioning just how Newton might have been raised.

If those rushing to judgment haven’t had personal experience of mental illness, then I am enormously happyfor them. Only one experience of it is enough to change your assumptions, your certainties, and your world forever. You’ll never tell anyone to “just get it together” ever again. You’ll never tell another parent to just give that child some discipline. For this is the issue that unitesthis wretched group, especially the asylum seekers, as so many mental-health specialists have demonstrated.

But having helped raise teenagers, and having stumbled – and sometimes fallen – along the path of good and wise parenting, I can’t rush to judge anyone anymore for the outcomes, for the successes, for the “mistakes”. I think I have a fair sense now of what I regard as good parenting, but I’d never dare to look at a calamity like the Newtons and tut-tut about “just how he was raised” (and if you are a parent, that’s just inviting disaster).

And while I like to think that good behaviour is its own reward, I also know bad things happen to good people, and that mental illness is, unfortunately, the dark angel that unites so many of us, too many of us, and that it should equally unite our compassion. \

VIRGINIA TRIOLI Virginia Trioli is the presenter of ABC News Breakfast

on ABC 2, 6-9am weekdaysFollow her on Twitter @LaTrioli

FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN ANY OF THESE FREEBIES go to and answer the questionsbefore midnight on Sunday September 12. GOT A FREEBIE YOU WANT TO OFFER OUR READERS? [email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING WINNERS FROM AUGUST 25: FREEBIES: Syncopation, Antarctica – Jason Kimberley, BBQ Gauge, Melbourne Recital, Bene� t Brows-A-Go-Go. Ray Leetham, Genevieve Christophers, Georgia Meros, Aletha O'Connor-Smith, Shelley Foley, Margaret Ng, Anne Suteras, Margaret Stevens, Carolyn Swan, Diana Wentworth, Jean Russell, Christine Seabridge, Michael Wurm, Tania Vidoni, Andrew Males, Helen Tauchert, Neti Caird, William Mant, Larraine Jones, Vivian Pryles, Lynne Johnson


WIN Based on Pol Pot’s massacre of the royal

court dancers of Cambodia, The Continuum: Beyond the Killing Fields is a gripping retelling of the story of 78-year-old Em Theay, who survived the Khmer Rouge’s brutal 1975-1979 regime. The documentary-style theatre production from TheatreWorks Singapore will be performed at the Arts Centre, Playhouse September 15-18. TWR is giving readers the chance to win one of � ve double passes.

Q. What is the latest “miracle” ingredient in the world of beauty?

WIN Wilkinson Publishing has 10 copies of Little

Bike Bible to give away. Little Bike Bible is easy to understand and celebrates how bike riding is healthy, sociable, makes you feel good, allows you to discover beautiful places at your own pace and can save you time and money. Presented as concise tips, this book covers every stage of riding, from buying a bike to taking it out on to the paths and roads. Assuming no prior expertise, there is valuable information in here for every riderof every age and ability. RRP $9.95,available at all good bookstores and newsagents and

Q. According to former Victorian premier Steve Bracks, what activity is the new golf?WIN The Strathbogie Ranges

Wine Show takes place October 8-10 and will showcase some of the stunning, award-winning wines the area is renowned for. Two lucky winners will enjoy dinner for two with the winemakers on Saturday, October 9 and receive a selection of premium wines from the region. The package is valued at more than $

Q. What is burlesque star Julie Poulter’s stage name?

WIN The Moshi Double Bassburger is a

portable speaker system that can be hooked up to any portable media device. Its lithium-ion battery is rechargeable via USB and pumps out music for more than 10 hours, producing a rich sound. The speakers can be snapped together using internal magnets to operate as a single unit or separated. Moshi is giving TWR readers the chance to win one of three Double Bassburgers, valued at $69.95

Q. When did footwear company melissa start making shoes out of PVC?

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Most weekends, somewhere in the city or suburbs, you can step back in time to the bawdy, glitzy days of burlesque entertainment. SARAH MARINOS talks to some of the people behind Melbourne’s growing love a� air with the genre.


ulie Poulter remembers the � rst time she performed burlesque for an audience. It was at the Corner Hotel in Richmond and she was with friends who shared a love of 1950s vintage fashion, � lms and music.

Dressed in towering heels, corsets and pastel-coloured baby dolls, they heard the music seeping through the hotel’s sound system.

“I remember sitting on a chair, staring at the curtains just before they opened, wearing my corset and thinking, ‘How the hell did this happen’?” says Poulter, 32.

“� en the curtains opened, the crowd started screaming and we just enjoyed the moment. It was a chance to wear beautiful costumes and to have a nice time. It was a one-o� .”

Hi Ball Burlesque Eight years later Poulter, Anna Achia, 34, and Leah Gionis, 32, are known as Hi Ball Burlesque and are still donning feathers and fans and performing at the Red Door Burlesque evening at the Order of Melbourne.

Burlesque has undergone a revival in Australia, with Melbourne seemingly at the epicentre.Poulter, aka Brandy Alexander, is an advertising copywriter; Gionis, Miss Rusty Nail, is a graphic designer; and Achia, Ms Mu� y Manhattan, is a former public servant with the cemeteries and crematoria authority and who now runs a go-go dancing academy.

“Everyone thought I was mad when I le� the

public service,” says Achia, laughing while sipping co� ee in an East Brunswick cafe. While the Saturday a� ernoon crowd kicks back in jeans and jumpers, Achia, Poulter and Gionis have stepped out of a 1950s fashion catalogue. Rouge and red lipstick are mandatory and so are carefully curled hair, pencil skirts, cinched waists, twin sets and jewellery with just the right amount of bling.

From rules and regulations to rhinestones

“But I was living in two di� erent worlds,” says Achia. “During the day I’d talk regulations in the cemeteries and crematoria industry and during the evening it was burlesque and rhinestones.”

� e trio met at swing dancing evenings around Melbourne and discovered they shared a passion for the 1950s, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, cocktail dresses, rockabilly and rhinestones.

Gionis says: “We’d o� en talk about how burlesque was coming back in the States. We loved the glamour of it and would say it was just a matter of time before someone in Australia did it. And then we thought, ‘Why don’t we give it a try?’ It let us take our love for vintage glamour up a notch.”

A second show in the city proved to them that burlesque was really back.

Poulter says: “We were downstairs in the changing room and didn’t realise the queue to get in stretched down ACDC Lane. � e police were called because there were people everywhere.”

On a typical night the Hi Ball audience includes young couples, professionals, groups


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The Burlesque Hour

Moira Finucane, along with Jackie Smith, is a key performer and talent behind � e Burlesque Hour, which � rst opened in a warehouse in Melbourne’s CBD in winter 2004. � e show has since toured Australia and eight other countries and has been seen by 55,000 people. It has won awards and received standing ovations in places as far � ung as Edinburgh, Trieste and Tokyo.

Tall, athletic and con� dent with a strong face and � rm opinions, Finucane, 46, has brought together a bizarre and eclectic cast to show an alternative, edgier style of burlesque. � ink Toni Lamond, a Guinness world record hula hooper, a Japanese butoh dancer and circus-trained performers and you’ve got some idea of the colourful chaos that unfolds.

“I’m a real cultural bower bird. I have an Irish background with a great love of storytelling, plus the Catholic background with those gory tales and hopes of redemption, and I loved fairytales when I was a child,” says Finucane.

“I’ve also worked in human rights, in refugee rights and gender development projects and I’ve met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories – and it all swirls around in the head of Moira Finucane.”

From the environment to artistry

She became involved in performance art in the 1990s a� er studying environmental science at Murdoch University. She represented Australia at the United Nations Youth and Environment Conference in 1985 and became national campaign co-ordinator for the National Wilderness Society.

“One day I � nished a lobbying session in Canberra and I was at the airport waiting for my plane. A friend spotted me and said, ‘You look really terrible, Moira, what are you going to do?’ Out of nowhere I said, ‘I’m going to quit. And I’m going to become an actress’. I had never thought it or said it before.”

Melbourne in the ’90s was home to a vibrant underground performance movement and Finucane became immersed in it.

“I spent a year at theatre school and a guy who ran performance parties in nightclubs saw me and asked me to perform for him and that was the start of burlesque for me,” she says.

“I developed a range of short works, all of which used full-on music and strong images – the burlesque macabre. It was satirical and political but entertaining and from early on I wanted to take provocative entertainment to a broader audience.

“So I elbowed my way out of the club scene into an international arts scene and created a show that is cutting edge, seductive and alluring. You’ll see feathers and gorgeous legs but you will remember the grit, the fabulous one-liners and the person who looks a little edgy.”



Above: Finucane & Smith's The Burlesque Hour, starring Moira Finucane, Yumi Umiumare and Azaria Universe. (JODIE HUTCHINSON)

Main image: The Hi Ball Burlesque ladies Julie Poulter (Brandy Alexander), Anna Achia (Muffy Manhattan) and Leah Gionis (Rusty Nail).(KOUKEI PHOTOGRAPHY)

from the country, hen’s nights, buck’s parties and footy clubs.

“It’s just about fun,” says Achia. “I think women enjoy our shows because we don’t look like airbrushed models. We look like everyday women. We’re di� erent personalities and shapes and we celebrate that. And people in the audience dress up. It injects a bit of glamour into their own lives for an hour or two.”

While there’s � esh on display, traditional or classic burlesque is more about tease and imagination. It’s a world away from the bumping and grinding antics of strip clubs and pole-dancing venues, which is probably why professional performers have also used burlesque to create stunning and thought-provoking shows.



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The Dairy Queen and babies

Earlier this year, Finucane received rave reviews for her vibrant performance in The Feast of Argentina Gina Catalina. But asked which is her favourite burlesque creation, Finucane is quick to nominate her high-energy Dairy Queen persona.

“There’s something raw sport about her,” she says laughing loudly. She’s a seven-feet-tall rock’n’roll monster and she’s fun and naughty. She runs through the audience with her ‘jugs’ and we give people plastic tablecloths to pull over their head so they don’t get squirted with milk. I do that in really big heels on a very wet stage. She’s not a walk in the park but I love her.”

Finucane returned to The Burlesque Hour when her twin girls were eleven-and-a-half weeks old. They are now two. “Thank God for Irish genes. I was breastfeeding the twins and I’d quickly put them to bed, run to the theatre, slap on make-up and five minutes later, I was on.”

For Finucane, burlesque is about thrilling, beautiful performances that celebrate individuality and identity. “I saw an act in Edinburgh once when a beautiful, large young woman did a fan dance to the Hans Christian Andersen song I’m not just an ugly duckling,” she says.

“I’m interested in work that says something about who we are and what is possible for us, and if burlesque can make people feel freer and better about themselves at different ages and different sizes, that’s amazing.”

Finucane’s next burlesque-influenced performance, the Carnival of Mysteries, will open at the Melbourne International Arts Festival in October.

“On an international tour in Rome, I stumbled upon

a very old exhibition and discovered that the original meaning of the word ‘mysteries’ was to open the eyes rather than the mouth. And so we’ve created a carnival of mysteries that certainly opens the eyes,” she says. Burlesque with a twist at Burlesque Bar

When Lauren Pratt stopped managing restaurants and bars two years ago, she decided to take a risk and open her own bar. In a couple of weeks she’d converted a yuppie-style venue of concrete floors and white walls in Fitzroy into an opulent den of velvet cushions, brocade and antique chandeliers.

“It all looked very burlesque and so it became the Burlesque Bar,” she says. It wasn’t long before punters arrived expecting to see live burlesque and so Pratt gathered a retinue of regulars who now provide weekend audiences with a display of classic and macabre burlesque performances on the bar’s chequerboard stage – and often on the bar itself.

Audiences are presented with anything from a trained ballet dancer performing a fan dance to Swan Lake with strategically placed “pasties”, to comedy, to a rendition of Take a Little Piece of My Heart performed while chopping up a lamb’s heart.

“One woman said it was like being part of a crazed family for a few hours,” says Pratt, 30.

Madame Natalia, 29, is the master of ceremonies and is a former preschool teacher, who swapped caring for kids for corsetry. She dons stockings, suspenders, a bustle, gloves and a hat a la Moulin Rouge.

“I worked in a theatre-restaurant for a couple of years doing comedy and if you can handle 300 drunken people in that venue there’s nothing the crowd here can

Review\ Risqu�é bu�sinesswheRe to see bu�Rlesqu�e

Hi Ball BurlesQue performs at red Door Burlesque at the Order of Melbourne, level 2, 401 swanston street, Melbourne. Doors open 6pm on the last sunday of every month. Call 9663 6707 or go to

MOira FinuCane’s next performance will be The Carnival of Mysteries at the Melbourne international arts Festival from October 6. For details and tickets, go to

THe BurlesQue Bar at 42 Johnston street, Fitzroy, has performances every Thursday to sunday from 6pm to late.Go to for details of performances.

For information on Miss BurlesQue ausTralia 2010,go to

To see sTrawBerry siren (winner of Miss Burlesque Victoria 2010), go to

Miss stRawbeRRy siRen


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JENNY MIKAKOS MP 319 SPRING ST, RESERVOIR 3073P: 9462 3966 [email protected]

NAZIH ELASMAR MP SHOP 5, 101 BURGUNDY ST, HEIDELBERG 3084P:9456 [email protected]

NATHAN MURPHY MP464 HIGH ST,NORTHCOTE 3070P: 9482 [email protected]


Burlesque Australia contest. After receiving hundreds of applications, the field was narrowed to 60 finalists across six states. The grand final will be held in Sydney on October 8 at the Enmore Theatre.

“The level of interest has been incredible. There are people new to burlesque, some who are highly experienced and a lot of ex-showgirls,” Bowie says.

“At auditions for our shows I see girls as young as 18 and upwards to almost 50 who want to perform burlesque. They’re of all shapes, backgrounds and sizes.”

“Melburnians have really taken hold of burlesque, being such an art-infused and cabaret-loving city,” she says. “There are a lot of versatile performers and a huge selection of different styles and Melbourne performers and audiences are open to pushing the boundaries.”

From the circus to the burlesque club circuit

Nyree Camden, 27, aka Miss Strawberry Siren, has been honing her performance, perfecting her make-up and overseeing the props and costume she hopes will see her to the final of Miss Burlesque Australia 2010.

Camden has been performing since she was four, when she started dance before moving to gymnastics. By 11, she was with the Flying Fruit Fly Circus and when she left the circus at 19 she won a role in the stage production of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

“But during the show in Perth I suffered a serious neck injury and at the end of the night I was carted off in an ambulance,” she says matter-of-factly.

“I was the show’s aerialist and had my hands in a loop on a track that ran above the stage. I had to spin across the stage but there was a rigging fault and instead of moving forward I was pulled back into the tracking and

crashed my head. I almost broke my neck.”Camden had to take office jobs while her neck

recovered – frustrating for someone who lived for the stage. She found her refuge in burlesque four years ago.

“It was glamorous and a way for me to be on stage again. I could train a few hours a week and it wouldn’t interfere with my neck injury,” she says.

“And I’d always been comfortable in a bikini.”Camden is a popular fixture in Melbourne’s burlesque

scene and incorporates classic burlesque with her acrobatic and circus abilities. She spends about three hours a day polishing her routines, preparing for gigs.

“At the moment I do an aerial ring routine where I do a slight strip and a routine in pasties and undies with circus work and acrobatics like a cartwheel,” she says.

She devises a new act three or four times a year and says it can cost about $1200 a time to buy the appropriately themed costumes and props.

“Costumes are important. You go that extra step to get that extra bit of sparkle,” she says. “I spend about three hours getting ready – putting in the hot rollers, doing my nails and make-up, putting on my lashes, getting my clothes ready. I enjoy going from jeans and a T-shirt to showgirl.

“Growing up I was never allowed to have a Barbie doll but mum did let me have a Strawberry Shortcake doll and people used to call me Little Miss Strawberry Shortcake. So Strawberry Siren came out of that.”

One of Camden’s favourite acts is her homage to the Redheads match girl. “I have an outfit, a tray of matches and I do tricks with fire and fire eating. And at the end, I reveal my Redheads match girl tattoo that I had done specifically for the act. That’s dedication!” \

[email protected]

throw at me that I can’t handle,” she says.Hen’s parties with rhinestones and feathers, and

buck’s parties channelling Al Capone are regulars, but so are couples, singles, city dwellers and suburbanites.

“A guy is coming here for his 60th birthday in a few weeks’ time. His daughter has arranged it,” says Natalia.

“We get a lot of women in the audience and while you get one or two pouting and looking unimpressed, most of them love it because they see the women on stage are empowered. Burlesque is not stripping ... we’ve had nights when the performers don’t take one thing off. Then, the audience gets quite angry. I’ve had to jump in and do a strip myself and then you feel that collective sigh of relief.

“But I remember after one show a woman said to me, ‘I thought you had to have a perfect body to do burlesque but your arse is like mine!’ I’m honest about how I create my body. There’s a lot of help from three pairs of stockings and a whalebone corset.”

The search for Miss Burlesque Australia

Jac Bowie has been running a booking agency specialising in burlesque performers since 2005. She’s now in the midst of running this year’s Miss

“I ThoughT you hAd To hAve A perFecT Body ... BuT your Arse Is lIke MIne!”

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Review\ FOOD

AccORDing tO my Oxford Australian Dictionary, Byzantine

is from the Roman Empire, and also means extremely complicated; inflexible; carried on by underhand methods.

I can confidently say that Byzantine, a new restaurant in Rosanna, has none of the above negatives. Its philosophy is definitely not complicated, the staff are as flexible as you could wish and their cooking methods are anything but underhanded. The two chefs, brothers-in-law who are also the owners, prepare the dishes in full view of their patrons, and the kitchen is spotless. The service is everything you could want.

The Byzantine Empire was the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire of the Middle Ages. Byzantine the restaurant, in Turnham Avenue, Rosanna, promotes itself as Greek Mediterranean, and it carries this off with panache. There are several of the anticipated Greek dishes, but there's also an attempt to present and produce servings that are creatively different.

From the moment we entered these recently opened premises in a new building opposite the Rosanna railway station, we were swept away by the service. The waitress, who introduced herself as Irene, was friendly without being overbearing, efficient without making it obvious, and she gave a thorough but low-key explanation of every dish.

The food was stimulating. Byzantine does not do takeaway. It positions itself

as a high-standard restaurant, and it lives up to its own expectations. The original Byzantines were

Building a new empire







veRDict Byzantine, a newcomer on the Rosanna restaurant

scene, is on the ground floor of a new building with views onto the street. It serves modern Greek and Mediterranean food. It is licensed and BYO for wine only; service is excellent and the staff knowledgeable about the food coming out of the kitchen. It is definitely worth a visit.


distinguished by their style, and so is this eatery.The décor is subtle, well lit with muted tones, and it

has a modern, open-plan layout. The tables are nicely arranged, with ample space for many more than the 30 customers present on the Wednesday night that we dined there.

We started with the tasting plate, which offered some inviting flavours. The oven-baked fetta in foil was to die for and the taramosalata was scrumptious. Irene also brought us two baskets of home-baked bread – we can't say enough nice things about Irene.

The mains offered a combination of the obvious and the unexpected. The moussaka was so rich it melted in the mouth. The grilled calamari was tasty. The scallops served in tomato and with chorizo were spicy and full of flavour. And the lamb, presented with a vegetable stack of eggplant, capsicum and a touch of fetta, was delicious.

As we paused before dessert, my dinner companion commented on how Rosanna has changed. A decade ago, this was sausages-and-three-veg territory, and locals had to drag the Kingswood out of the garage and head for the big smoke for an interesting night out.

Like so many suburbs in the area, Rosanna is undergoing a transformation – there are some delightful cafés and coffee shops in the nearby shopping strip, and restaurants such as Byzantine bring a cosmopolitan flavour to the former suburban wasteland.

By the time the ever-flexible Irene offered us the dessert menu, we were plum tuckered out. But, hey, you can't leave Byzantine without trying the sweets. The baklava was yummy, and we had the vanilla panacotta with a compote of figs, prunes and apricots. It was a full-flavoured finale to a satisfying dinner.

Byzantine has been operating for just over a month, and is open Tuesday to Sunday from 6pm until late. This Greek Mediterranean eatery is a real acquisition for those wanting something above the ordinary.

With suburban restaurants like this, locals might never need to go to the city again. Goodnight, Irene – I'll see you and your moussaka in my dreams. \

MARIA [email protected]

ByzAntIneShop 1, 76-82 turnham Avenue, Rosanna

Chefs: Andrew Sansis & Scott Shade

Prices: Entrees: from $12 Mains: from $24 Desserts: $8-$8.50Open: Tuesday-Sunday from 6pmBookings: 9457 6570

eAt thiS

This month-old restaurant is set in a new building. Its interior is elegant and understated and lives up to the claim of a casual elegance that the owners wanted. There are no posters of the Greek islands or Zorba music throbbing in the background. Instead, a row of upholstered “banquette” seats against the feature wall at the back of the dining room is an inspired decorating detail. On the night we visited, diners gravitated to this part of the restaurant. In the rest of the dining room, timber tables and dining chairs with upholstered seats are very comfortable. The curved stone-topped bar is lit by overhead lamps. The tables are well-spaced to provide privacy; this also suits larger groups.

RAck OF LAmb

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� e � nd LADURÉE PARIS CANDLES $99, (07) 3846 2227There are candles and then there are Ladurée Paris candles. Words cannot explain the olfactory delight these candles offer, even when they are not lit. Founded in 1862 in the rue Royale by Louis Ernest Ladurée, the establishment is renowned for its macaroons, tea rooms and sheer opulence and attention to detail. This same distinct attention, style and taste is re� ected in the candles, each beautifully scented and housed in china pots with the Ladurée Paris emblem. Just exquisite.

» StockistsAveda 1300 300 054Divina David Jones/MyerIssahra Maran Cosmetic www.josiemarancosmetics.comNaturelle d’Argan

THE GOOD OIL2\ ISSAHRA ARGAN COSMETICS PERFECT OIL (50ml, $50) is the ultimate argan product – perfect in every sense. It is certi� ed organic (Ecocert), light to touch, absorbs easily and is great for the face, body and hair. A little goes a long way, and do not be afraid to apply oil to your face – you’ve got to try this to believe it.

DHAV NAIDU looks at the next beauty industry ‘phenomenon’ – argan oil


EDITOR’S PICKI have come across many primers in my time and currently the Divina Argan Gold Primer has to be one of my favourites. Beautifully formulated and packaged, it has a touch of bling to bring out that hint of a diva in you. We can expect great things from this brand – stay tuned.

THE WORLD of beauty is � lled with products claiming to contain “miracle” ingredients.

Without the industry we would never have heard of the bene� ts of vitamin E, shea butter and fruit acids to name a few.

We now have another “miracle” ingredient for which to be thankful – argan oil. If you have not heard of it, you soon will.

Argan oil may be new to the wider Western community, but for the Berbers (indigenous Moroccans) it’s as old as the hills. Traditionally, they have been using it for cooking and cosmetics. It is said to be a distant relative to olive oil.

It is extracted from the fruit of the argan tree (Argania spinosa). � e tree once grew across north Africa but is now limited to south-western Morocco. In 1999, UNESCO added the argan tree to the World Heritage list.

� ere are two grades of oil – an orange-hued oil more suited for

cosmetic use, and a light, re� ned oil that is best for cooking.What makes argan oil expensive is the fact that most of its

production is still carried out by hand. � e large olive-like fruits are husked and then shelled and the pip-like inner

fruit is dried and roasted and the oil is extracted without heat or solvents. It takes about 50 kilograms of nuts to make a litre of oil.

Argan oil is exceptionally rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E, squalene, carotenoids, ferulic acid, sterols and polyphenols. In other words, it is the purest food for your skin. Argan oil can

be excellent to calm acne, cuts, bites and rashes, a good free-radical � ghter and a perfect “antidote”

for ageing skin.Although there has been little scienti� c research on the

e� ects of argan oil on skin, its composition is testimony to its bene� ts. � e Berbers are living proof that it works. \

[email protected]

WIN TO WIN one of three Divina

Argan Gold Primers ($80 each) go to and tell us what the main ingredient

in the Divina Argan Gold Primer is.

1\ DIVINA ARGAN GOLD PRIMER (20ml, $80) is the ultimate in luxury – 24-carat gold � akes mixed with pure argan oil to give the skin a perfect base for make-up. The primer is silky smooth and preps the skin like no other. It contains organic argan oil but no petrochemicals, arti� cial oils, colours, preservatives or parabens. This is innovation at its best.

5\ NATURELLE D’ARGAN SOURCE DEFENCE DAY CREAM (40mls, $46.95) is full of goodness to help soothe, calm, hydrate and nourish your skin. As well as argan oil, it has macadamia oil, shea butter and extract of chamomile. The range is certi� ed organic.

6\ GUERLAIN TERRACOTTA SUNLESS SELF-TANNING GEL ($85) enriched with argan oil is what all self-tanners should aim to be. The ease of use, colour, results and the feel on the skin make this a stand-out. The Terracotta range is the one everyone is trying to mimic, so cut to the chase and grab the original.

4\ AVEDA GREEN SCIENCE RANGE ($69.95-$149.95) is a balance of products that taps into nature and science to give amazing results. The range of six products all feature argan oil deftly mixed with ingredients such as organic cactus, lady’s thistle, shea butter and peptides.

3\ JOSIE MARAN COSMETICS range is unfortunately not yet available in Australia but the company, when asked, is currently putting together an international shipping schedule. Josie Maran has morphed from an international cover girl to cosmetics entrepreneur. She is one of many high-pro� le people who want products that are ethical, sustainable and organic. As mentioned, the range is not available here but I wanted to share with all my savvy international shoppers that there is an entirely argan oil-focused colour cosmetic range in existence.

� e scoop TOM FORD PRIVATE BLEND LIP COLOR $65, exclusive to David Jones city store. When asked what the perfect accessory is, Tom Ford passionately says: “There is no more dramatic accessory than a perfect lip.” With that in mind, he has launched Tom Ford Private Blend Lip Color, his � rst foray into a complete cosmetics line. There are only 12 colours in the range so far, but what brilliant hues they are. Luxuriously formulated and packed in a slick gold-accented ivory case, these will be this season’s most coveted pout tool.













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BRAZILIAN footwear company melissa® has made PVC part of its daily

grind since 1979, serving up shoes made entirely from plastic. What’s more, the innovative shoe designer has teamed with some of fashion’s elite to push its ‘plastic is fantastic’ philosophy to the masses.

As part of its winter campaign, melissa worked with Parisian couturier Jean Paul Gaultier and roped in the sultry beauty of burlesque diva Dita Von Teese to model the new range titled Cirque. It was like a fairytale coming to life – the dreamy 10-centimetre chiselled-heel stilettos served in luscious shades of fruity tangerine, olive, brown and ash-tinged black and inspired by a circus theme destined for the dance � oor. � e plastic shoe is opaque and transparent with strappy detailing, and a metal cigarette heel for added wow factor.

According to Gaultier, working with melissa was a worthwhile project, and his fancy range is available in Australia this month: “Working with melissa has been a coup de pied à la mode. I’ve enjoyed the challenge of creating a high-heeled plastic shoe with all the values of my design ethos.”

Add to this the fact the shoe manufacturer likes to fragrance its shoes with the smell of bubblegum, and it becomes instantly tempting to want a piece of the plastic pump, even just for curiosity’s sake.

In the past, melissa has joined forces with an abundance of designers, including avant-garde fashion martiarch Vivienne Westwood, Alexandre Herchcovitch, furniture designers the Campana Brothers, British stylists J. Maskrey and Judy Blame and Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid.

� e emphasis is always on the innovative and unusual and designing shoes that are 100 per cent wearable. � e aesthetic of the shoe has shi� ed from

architectural genius to futuristic design, always keeping comfort in mind for the consumer.

Fans of the shoes include actress Halle Berry (who wore a pair to the Grammy Awards earlier this year) and Paramore’s frontwoman, Hayley Williams. � e ever-so-famous peep-toe Lady Dragon shoe designed by Westwood for her Anglomania range is desirable in every shade and still popular a year a� er it made its debut. From Barrier Reef coral orange with a black love heart (seen on Pamela Anderson) to the beige number with the red heart motif, the shoe is ideal for casual wear or night outings. Singer Katy Perry swears by her Lady Dragon shoes, too.

For spring/summer 2010-11, Westwood’s famous peep-toe shoe comes with a new addition, and we think it’s perfect for the racing carnival. Her Lady Dragon heels and signature � ree-Strap Elevated style make a comeback with a revamped look and the addition of


Main: melissa’s Cirque.

Below left: Vivienne

Westwood’s cherry white

high heels for melissa.

Below right: Jean Paul Gaultier’s

stiletto for melissa.

cherries on top. It’s a perfect sugar � x without the calories.Also popular for spring/summer is Westwood’s

Ultragirl Bow shoe, which returns in new pastel colours (think fairy � oss pink) and features a translucent bow, giving a new look to the famous � at. � ere’s also a new Zen Girl sling-back � at for those who like to cruise closer to the pavement.

With a 40-year history in making shoes from 100 per cent recycled plastic, the melissa phenomenon has also been adopted by other designers including Diane von Furstenberg, Roberto Cavalli, Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton. All have been drawn to the jelly-like creations and have tried to mimic the craze in one way or another over the past decade. \

JANE [email protected]


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Review\ inteRview

Cycling’s not for everyone, as PETER WILMOTH found out. But passionate cyclist and former Victorian premier Steve Bracks is putting the

final touches to the biggest international cycling event Australia has seen.

it seemed like a good idea and a couple of my friends were doing it and they seemed to like it and didn’t mind being mocked for wearing lycra, and the coffee afterwards sounded fun and I was reasonably fit and … well, that’s how I ended up early on a Saturday morning doing the Hell Ride on Beach Road with 6000 others.

So there I was, going along happily on the bike I’d borrowed from a mate, sort of vaguely keeping up with the pack of heaving and puffing cyclists taking it all Very Seriously Indeed and feeling only slightly

ridiculous wearing those “cleat” shoes and my mate’s discarded lycra shorts and this guy behind me yells: “Get out of the way!” What? Why? I’m not in anyone’s way and if I am, ride round me, you – as Dustin Hoffman’s character in Tootsie said to her sexist television director – macho shithead.

I got to Black Rock and turned for home – and that coffee. But halfway back I stopped because the bay at Brighton was this cobalt blue, stunning, and I stopped to admire it. God it was beautiful. The packs heaved past. Was it at that point that I realised I liked looking at water more than road cycling? That it wasn’t for me? No, that realisation came on Punt Road riding home half an hour later.

I approached the lights and pulled up next to a car and then forgot which foot I had taken out of which cleat. Wearing shoes locked into a bike means your brain has to be reasonably on the money, especially if you’re in traffic. I ended up slowly crashing to the ground, almost kissing the car’s tyre. Sometimes you have to go through some pain to know yourself.

So I don’t share the love. But, boy, so many others do. Cycling is a phenomenon. More than 1.9 million Australians are involved in recreational bike riding. More bikes are sold in Australia than cars. Cycling’s the new golf – except it’s a coffee afterwards, not a beer, and it ends at 9am, if you want it to.

Cycling’s got the lot. It’s family-friendly. It’s great exercise. It’s social. And it’s the chance for gadget-obsessed cyclists to spend a lot of money on accessories.

His brethren might lapse into unattractive road rage, but Steve Bracks, as any Victorian would know, is a gentleman on and off the bike. And he understands all the fine qualities about cycling – he’s a devotee, cycling 70 kilometres every Saturday morning at 6.30am and 40 kilometres on Wednesday mornings.

“We’re back at 9am,” he says. “It’s not a whole-day pursuit. Can be if it’s a large tour. It’s social. When you’re riding with five or six, you talk to each of the people more than once. I’m sure that happens in golf as well. I used to swim. Doesn’t happen so much in swimming. It’s hard to talk when you’re looking at a line at the bottom of a pool. A lot of people would have withdrawal symptoms if they just rode and went home and didn’t stop and have a coffee.”

The cycling is doing him good. In his Treasury Place office Bracks is a man in great shape at, it befalls me to say, the age of 55. I tell him he looks very fit. Most middle-aged men at that point would say, “Do you think?” but the modesty we saw during his eight years as premier kicks in. “I don’t want you to misrepresent to your readers. I’m not very fit. I’m reasonably fit.”

Cycling could be about to enjoy another mini-boom

and heavy media buzz with the arrival next month of the world’s best riders for the 2010 UCI Road World Championships. The 70-year-old event is one of the most coveted prizes in cycling.

The five-day event will feature cyclists from about 50 countries and attract 300,000 spectators at the event and a global television audience of 200 million (the Tour de France attracts around a billion viewers, Bracks says). Network Ten successfully bid for the television rights, negotiated by Bracks.

With Australia’s involvement there are some significant landmarks. It is only the sixth time the race has been hosted outside Europe – it is able to be held outside Europe once every seven years, according to the rules of the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale).

It is the first time Australia has hosted a world championship, the first time the event has been held in the southern hemisphere and the first time in the history of the championship it will be starting in one city and going to another (it starts at Federation Square and concludes with some circuits in Geelong, spanning eight hours).

In the hierarchy of cycling events it sits alongside the Tour de France, the Tour of Spain and the Giro d’Italia. It is one of the few world championship events where riders ride for their country rather than for sponsors.

“It’s an enormous honour to have this event,” Bracks says. “It will be the biggest cycling event Australia has ever seen. It’s probably the only time it will ever happen. Maybe in 40 or 50 years we will get it again. It’s quite appropriate (that we host) given that we have produced such great cyclists for indoor and outdoor events.”

Bracks last year attended the event at Mendrisio on the Swiss-Italian border. “You have to see it to believe it in Europe,” Bracks says of the event. “The excitement is unbelievable. Everything stops for it, great celebrations

before and after, a great festival atmosphere.”As a passionate road cyclist, Bracks is aware of the

tension – and often open hostility – between motorists and cyclists. He says Australia is “somewhere in between Europe and the US” in mutual respect between motorists and cyclists. “If you go to Europe cyclists are everywhere; it’s well regarded and the esteem in which cycling is held is enormous and motorists have a great respect for cyclists.” In the US less so, and here it’s a slow climb towards mutual tolerance.

I say to Bracks how often you see cyclists going through red lights and other ridiculous behaviour, which does so much to damage the reputation of cyclists. “Correct,” he says. “We’ve just got to clamp down on that. It’s not good enough for cyclists to say motorists get too close to them and (don’t give) them space on the road. It’s just not acceptable to go through a red light and there needs to be more scrutiny, more people who are apprehended and charged so that we can have a better understand of the respect that each has for each other.

“Respect comes with adopting the same set of rules. I think that’s happening more and more. I think there’s a majority of cyclists equally condemning of those who break the rules; but those who break the rules obviously get more publicity. We’re at a transition stage.”

I mention the macho culture on Beach Road, which I’d witnessed. “I think that’s a minority,” he says. “It was obviously highlighted publicly through a dreadful incident on the Hell Ride (in 2006) in which a pedestrian was killed. I think it’s a minority and it’s certainly been clamped down on since. There’s an understanding that you have to break up some of the big groups. You shouldn’t ride more than two abreast. If you’re in a peloton (a group of riders bunched together) you talk to each other and indicate what’s happening, car back, car in front, if you need to go single file. That etiquette is now almost de rigeur.”

I asked Bracks if he believed cyclists should be registered. “I don’t think that’s necessary at this stage. You want to keep an open mind for the future. You don’t want to put restrictions on through a cost on people’s participation in cycling. I don’t think there’s a strong enough case for it at this stage.”

If cyclists knew they would lose licence points from poor decisions, just as motorists do, could that improve behaviour? “It could, but let’s try peer pressure, by cyclists controlling other cyclists,” he says. “Let’s have more education campaigns.”

Bracks believes Melbourne is a safe place to cycle and it is the responsibility of the cyclist to ride in safe areas. “More and more you are seeing the shoulders of roads, which are so important to cyclists, have been improved and maintained, and some lined. As new roadworks are done, it’s been mandated that there would be a cycle way within the way, a line drawn and a shoulder prepared and that’s happening more and more.”

He says the best way forward is for all states and


“The exciTemenT is unbelievable. everyThing sTops for iT …”

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councils to ensure a well maintained shoulder involving a painted line. “My view is that the best system is to use the same road. You don’t need a concrete barrier. In some areas of very high density there’d be a case for it. Cyclists want to go on the same roads as cars because roads pick the best possible gradient and the shortest point between A and B. If you want the ideal it’s to colour the side of the road or (put down) cycle stencils to delineate that shoulder.”

Steve Bracks stood down as Victoria’s premier in 2007, saying he could no longer commit to the job 100 per cent, as well as giving family reasons. He was at the top of his game, and the announcement was a surprise. His decision followed a drunken smash in Williamstown that year by his then 20-year-old son Nick, after which Nick was banned from driving for 15 months.

If Mark Latham is a prime example of what can happen to a politician after politics – a sad and undignified story and a man expediently enabled by the Nine Network giving in to its basest motivations

– then Bracks has become the benchmark for how to leave politics: go out on top and don’t look back.

“There’s no rule book here,” he says. “I felt, after several terms and eight years as premier, with a group that was still talented and able, a state that was being run well, it was the time to move on.

“The profession in which I spent my life, politics, public life, is littered with tragedy, of people being forced out for one of three reasons – losing an election, being dumped by your own party and going out because of a scandal.

“I wanted to set myself a goal of trying to move on when things were going well and when I had the capacity to do other things. The circumstances were good for me. I was very fortunate in that respect.

“Leaving when things were going well wasn’t that easy. Politics is adrenaline. It really motivates you significantly, the contest of ideas, the contest of winning people over, persuading, arguing. It’s a really high-adrenaline occupation.

“When things are going well you don’t want to leave it so it took a lot of soul searching to make the decision. My soul searching was something around ‘this is going to end at some time. Have I achieved what I wanted to achieve to date to make that decision myself or not?’ ”

Nick’s issues were significant in his decision. “Nick wasn’t the reason I left, but it helped me, when those events happened, to decide to clarify whether that was the right time. I didn’t want to burden him with an outcome when I decided to leave ...”

Bracks was also concerned about leaving his government in good shape, ensuring a smooth succession to John Brumby. “I felt I owed it to the Labor Party,” he says.

Bracks now advises East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao on governance issues. “I like it enormously and I find it rewarding to see the country develop and to try and assist him in the decisions that he wants to make and help bring in the right people to support that.”

If all cyclists were as courteous and gentlemanly as Steve Bracks, the brethren’s reputation would skyrocket and the roads would be a much safer and happier place. If that bloke who screamed at me to get out of his way is reading this, don’t worry, buddy, you’re safe because I’ve hung up the cleats. But maybe, if you see our ex-premier on the road, and you are able to see through your angry eyes, you should take a few cues from him. \

[email protected]

» 2010 UCI Road World Championships will be held

September 29 – October 3. Events will be held in Geelong and Melbourne.

“Reasonably fit”:Former Premier

Steve Bracks rides the wave

of Australia’s cycling boom.


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A lthough Chinese culture and feng shui are steeped in symbolism, the practical application of feng shui doesn’t have anything to do with burning incense, crystals or strategically placed

� gurines. It’s about stimulating the mood and energy � ow within our buildings to evoke very real physical feelings that in� uence the entire spectrum of human “being”.

How we interact with the world and how we are perceived is determined through the presentation of our homes. Traditionally, the Chinese call this feng shui, and while its Western context remains unnamed, we innately know it as comfort.

Upon entering a new home or workplace, your primal senses are alerted, seeking connection with that space. Is it bright, welcoming and safe, or dark and uninviting? � is hunch also imprints your immediate perception of those who live there. � is is feng shui at its core.

If the feng shui is good, you feel the balance between light and dark, polished and plush, busy and restful – yin and yang.

Consider that all existence, the sun’s heat, weather systems, the moon’s light is driven by energy. Our homes, too, are an energised space, imbued with a dynamic mix of positive and negative forces, and we a� ect those spaces with our own blend of personal energy. � is mix is constantly changing, which is re� ected through our moods. Because our moods shape our lives, creating a haven to which we return to recharge our batteries, this has enormous bene� ts to our health, motivations and in� uences.

Every home has aspects that shine and provide reasons for us to feel good. Contrarily, homes have “hot spots” too, where clutter and dust gather. O� en they are high-tra� c areas that we observe hundreds of times each day, o� ering plenty of reasons to feel bothered, perhaps stuck. � ese are visual indications that the energy � ow has stagnated.

Clearing these areas is a makeover that recharges the energy of these spots, and you’ll feel it immediately. Are you now rejuvenated because your home is fresh or because the energy is � owing and drawing you in? � is is feng shui. It equates to better feelings, a more enjoyable � ow through the processes and a more harmonious existence.

Our homes present a re� ection of our personalities and demonstrate how we live our lives. Your front garden activates the sensory journey for people entering your property. � eir � rst impressions are formed here. � e garden’s condition indicates the level of care you give yourself and your loved ones.

For a home on the market, well-groomed gardens maximise the number of inspections and potential buyers. Water features in gardens entice a focusing on surroundings. Because bubbling water actually stimulates that which moves around it, water

messages, you’ll know whether you’re comfortable to proceed inside.

A clean front door with a clear porch enables energy to � ow gently through the door,

circulating for the bene� t of the inhabitants. � is sustains a willingness to move forward and readiness to welcome new opportunities.

Home means stability, nourishing body and soul. For families, the kitchen comes into sharp focus. Meal preparation is perpetual, and maximising the space available can be the di� erentiating factor between lovingly prepared sustenance or provisions prepared under duress.

It’s customary for the pantry, fridge and pots-and-pans cupboards to be out of order, but when they stay this way for extended periods of time, the energies need a revamp. A simple rearrangement of daily items so they can be reached without struggle, contributes to a feeling of ease and ability. Displaying fresh produce inspires culinary creativity, promotes a feeling of abundance and draws people in, making for more enjoyable kitchen experiences.

Bedrooms are havens inside the home, providing the ultimate place to unwind, a space to call

your own, creating a pause between busy days as a partner, professional or

parent. Bedroom energy is considered yin, peaceful and quiet. Maintaining your

bedroom as a place of rest will contribute to balancing energies within the home. Practically,

this means keeping noisy clocks, TV, video games and computers in the living areas. � ey promote hyperactivity and their electromagnetic � elds disturb sleep patterns.

Because they fracture the energy, mirrors are another source of disturbance in bedrooms. Opposite the foot of the bed they can cause night frights and sleepwalking, so cover them during the night.

It’s generally when our lives need overhauling that feng shui comes into its own. We have intimate connections with our homes, and during turbulent times the invisible residing energies become more tangible. As most homes are complete before feng shui is considered, this practice has become more aligned with contemporary urban design, modern settings and more practical uses.

So whether you have an established property or are creating a ground-up design, a sensible application of feng shui can be employed to build you a better connection with your home, to present your abode in its best possible light, and without a whi� of incense or even a crystal in sight. \

LETINA WONG [email protected]


features are traditionally used in feng shui to enhance a positive energy.

Encouraging energies then help us create, and money is the natural result. � is is why fountains are commonly seen at the front of buildings and are linked with prosperity. Moving water enhances whatever energy it encounters, helpful or damaging, so the positioning of such should be done in careful consultation.

Considered the mouth of the home, the front door is where the majority of energy enters. By now, opinions about what awaits are already formed. Whether it’s the jaw-dropping wow factor or subtle subconscious

LETINA WONG RUSSELL can help you achieve balance and harmony in the home.

Presenting your home the


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Review\ Yoga Me well

with yoga on every street corner, you almost feel like you’re on the outside if your inner world

isn’t being toned. Everyone seems bent on finding the pretzel inside.

Most depictions of yoga, from promo fliers to YouTube, offer the human paperclip as inspiration. But where does that leave the lawyer fossilised by 16-hour days or the chronically fatigued mum? How does the average, flex-free, joint-jarred, physically disproportionate student overcome that invocation, to grasp the subtler gifts of yoga?

Over a 15-year, once-or-twice-a-week journey as a student, the glitter in my path began to sparkle. That may sound like a slow train to nowhere in particular, but little by little yoga’s revelatory influence dramatically altered my life perspective and path.

As the philosophy of the mat unrolled, I learned the sanctuary of that rectangular space and how to use it to sustain me.

PhilosoPhy of the matOn the mat, at first, I struggled and forced, often leaving depleted and disillusioned. But with acceptance, patience and growing self-responsibility, the mat became an expansive place where I could lose all sense of time and place and the worries I’d heaped upon me.

Rules of the mat 1+2 one: You need to explore several classes to find the right match of tradition and teacher, the one that opens your body and mind the way you imagined yoga might. two: Ignore Flexy Pants who flops effortlessly into postures. Your body, and the emotional and mental layers that inform it, is unique. So too is your yoga journey. Immerse yourself in your own space ... fully.

accePtance When your hamstrings refuse to fold perfectly in half from a standing position, welcome acceptance. No amount of forcing your limbs into submission or allowing the inner critic to judge is going to progress you quickly or safely. Accept your limitations on the mat and work gently to see whether they are blockages that may be freed with regular, self-nurturing attention.

Patience You know it, something worth having takes time ... From the Sanskrit “yug”, meaning “union”, “yoga” invites you to unite the mind, body and spirit (the inner self, the divine within and without). This profound union is accessible to the patient student, which is why yoga persists over millennia – since 5000 BC and counting. At first, the union lingers in moments. Ultimately, it can underpin your state-of-being, informing all you do. All you need is openness to self-exploration.

self-awaReness Those crooked and recalcitrant parts of you provide a golden opportunity to grow in self-awareness. The real management of my own journey of stress-induced chronic illness began by applying yogic philosophy to life off the mat. Embracing yoga doesn’t mean you won’t get sick but it equips you with a vast toolkit to navigate the ups and downs of life. Hmm … how so?

Instructions to focus on a particular muscle or to bring the breath to your big toe offer the first steps towards self-awareness. We spend 99% of life focused externally on people and tasks. Your teacher asks you, repetitively, to move internally in order to become acutely aware of the messages your body, emotions and state-of-mind are pumping out. Once we learn to truly witness and act appropriately on those messages, we manage ourselves and pilot life’s journey more smoothly.

self-ResPonsibilityYour teacher may be an expert guide, but the final arbiter on the mat is you. Can you be strong enough to take a breather, rather than force a posture or repetitions for pride’s sake? If you show up for a commando-style class undernourished and overtired, then awake leaden and strained the next day, who is responsible?

By all means, challenge your body to become lighter, looser and stronger, but consider that beyond

physicality is a labyrinth of thoughts, attitudes, habits and emotions to tame, should we choose, through exploring our inner Pretzel.

mat chatTry a mantra to keep on track next class:“What do I feel, where do I feel it?“My breath guides my limbs.“My body opens slowly, gently.”

takeaway yogaTake one thing from your favourite class and practise it for a few weeks – that’s a five-minute daily yoga practice. (Ask your teacher if it’s OK to bring a pen/paper to write it down.) As a dear mentor, Lucille, always says: “If you can’t find five minutes for yourself, who’s running your life?” \

lisa mitchellJoin blog chat on this article at

lisa mitchell is a hatha yoga teacher, relaxation instructor and freelance writer/editor.

The Pretzel in Me







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Old is the New New this October, with Salvos Stores’ first ever Buy Nothing New Month.

Get on board for more money in your pockets, time on your hands and a lighter carbon footprint.

Buying nothing new doesn’t mean going without. Make a Buy Nothing New Month pledge and you can beg, buy, barter and swap for whatever you need, as long as it is pre-loved, but with the exceptions of necessities (including food, drink, medications and hygiene products) you can’t buy anything new.

Salvos Stores Buy Nothing New Month also shows going green don’t have to be expensive, but that by adapting our attitudes, can be a money saving path to socially responsible consumption.

This October, think about where stuff comes from, where it is going and what the alternatives are.

Plus there’s a prize for the most creative Nothing New Month pledge. Logon to when the site goes live on September 1st to find out how you can save money and win!

Get into Salvos Stores to experience the joys of a life less wasteful.

Up for achallenge?

buy nothingnew month









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FOR 32 YEARS, Phil Hempel has been tending native Australian

plants on his property in Diamond Creek. His wife, Diane, has her own plantings of herbs and � owers near the house, which is sited on the rise of a 2.8-hectare block. � e land slopes languidly from the house to a dam and grassy patch where kangaroos graze.

Following the past years of dry weather, Diane’s herbs and � owers have largely vanished, leaving some salvia, tree azaleas and geraniums to soldier on. Phil’s natives, however, show little sign of stress apart from broken limbs (where the roos sometimes stomp) and snipped shoots (where the hares have had breakfast).

Remarkably, the natives in this garden are not pampered by an irrigation system. Rain is their sole source of drink. � e land has not received supplementary water in the past � ve, notably dry, years.

� e plants here are not necessarily native to Diamond Creek. Many have been transported from their microcosms in Western Australia, South Australia and the Wimmera so that they can be “coaxed into growing here in Diamond Creek”.

A� er years of trips to the outback, the Hempels now

have about 4000 native plants of about 1000 individual species on their farm. Among them is an amazing collection of eremophila (emu bush), some of which have been gra� ed on correa rootstock. In essence, the gra� ed eremophila get gumboots so they are better equipped to wade into Melbourne’s comparatively damp backyards.

“I am building up a collection of plants that are rarely seen in cultivation and I am experimenting with gra� ing onto various rootstocks to adapt them so they � ourish in a wide range of gardening conditions,” says Phil, an engineer.

His farm now holds one of the largest private collections of native plants in Victoria. � ere is alwaysto do every day: gra� ing; seeding; planting; mulching; weeding; and guarding against kangaroos and rabbits.

It is a farm like no other, as it is not a commercial venture. Visitors can appreciate the diversity of native plants here without having to venture into the inhospitable places where these plants are usually found.

In a way, the farm is a living book. It would be hard to take in or retain all the details that it conserves. � ere is, however, one stand-out lesson, and that is: native plants

can survive Melbourne's range of weather whammies. In their thousands they have thrived in Diamond Creek with only the rain for drink. � ey can do so in other suburbs as well.

Phil Hempel’s garden will be in the Open Garden Scheme for the � rst time in October. He will also be speaking at the Australian Plants Expo in Eltham, organised by the Australian Plants Society, Yarra Yarra.

� ere will be native plants for sale, books on plants, product stands, artwork and a speaker program throughout the two days. Other groups taking part include Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, Wildlife Victoria, Edendale Farm Nursery, La Trobe Wildlife Nursery, Robins Foods, Green Screen Landscaping and Helene Wild gi� ware. Native-plant growers and propagators will also be on hand to give advice. \

[email protected]

» Australian Plants Expo, Eltham Community and Reception Centre, September 11 and 12, 10am-4pm.

Farm of a thousand speciesA Diamond Creek plant hunter works on a unique patch to give native plants a leg-up into Melbourne’s suburbs, writes SIEW-CHING GOH.

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Eucalypts for small spacesThe relationship between eucalypts and small gardens has doubtless been patchy. They are said to hog water (to the detriment of other plants), they drop limbs in inconvenient places and they can be unpredictable as they are known to be variable within the same species.

There is, however, no reason to tar all eucalypts with the same brush, suggests

Phil Hempel (pictured). With the proper selection, they would be the most drought-resistant specimens in any Melbourne backyard. Ideally, eucalypts should be planted as tube stock in late winter. Here is his selection of eucalypts for small spaces:

1YELLOW GUM (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) is commonly grown as a shade tree that can reach 10 metres in height. The forms in cultivation are

generally smaller than their many wild cousins and produce deep pink or white � owers, mostly in April and May. It is a hardy tree especially suited to coastal sites, though it needs protection from the wind.

2 SILVER PRINCESS (E. caesia) is a small tree of weepy habit, which produces conspicuous (up to � ve-centimetre) � owers in

winter and spring. The � owers, which can be pink or red depending on subspecies, are followed by three-centimetre “gumnuts”.

“As the tree gets older it develops a weeping-to-the-ground habit ... so it needs to be securely staked for at least the � rst three years, especially if grown in an open situation,” says Hempel. “You can expect this mallee to � ower within three years of planting.”

3 MOTTLECAH or ROSE OF THE WEST (E. macrocarpa) is a small tree with silvery grey-blue leaves and powdery white branches that � owers mostly in

spring and summer but can bloom sporadically throughout the year.

“It is one of the large-� owering eucs that is easy to grow in Melbourne,” says Hempel. “There is a rare cream � ower form, but all these mallees have single, very large, stunning brilliant red � owers set against the glaucous foliage.”

This species can be cut back to maintain size. “They prefer an open, warm, well-drained position but will grow in heavy clay soils. Poor ventilation can lead to sooty mould developing.”

4 DOWERIN ROSE or PEAR-FRUITED MALLEE (E. pyriformis) with slender stems and pinkish-grey bark is highly

ornamental. It has grey-green leaves and lime-green buds that produce large red or cream � owers in bunches of three. “This plant requires a warm, open, well-drained position and does well in an enclosed garden protected from cold winds,” says Hempel.

OOLDEA MALLEE (E. youngiana) is similar in form to Dowerin Rose but is slower growing.

5 BELL-FRUITED MALLEE (E. preissiana) is a small, sprawling, coastal plant that can be

established as a border as it withstands pruning. This plant is valued for its abundance of yellow � owers that bloom in winter, early in its life. “This is one of the smallest mallees, making it ideal for a small area,” says Hempel. There are two subspecies, both of which are easy to grow in Melbourne.















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Large rooms, zoned living areas and great indoor/outdoor entertainment spaces provide lots of options at this Diamond

Creek house.Be it the formal front of the house,

the informal living and meals area, the rumpus room or, in summer, the pool with its covered outdoor entertainment pavilion, this house in Monomeath Avenue has something for everyone.

� at other Monomeath Avenue – in blue-ribbon Canterbury – measures its properties by the millions, but the Diamond Creek version is on the move. Sure, it has not yet broken through the magic million mark, but selling agent Dean Wolfe is tipping this house will fetch more than $730,000.

� e one-owner property, o� Aquaduct Road, is set on 810 square metres of land. � e cream-rendered house has a red-tiled roof and a classical portico entrance and triple garage at the side of the building. � e central path leads directly from the street to the entry. Like many other


A CUT ABOVEMARIA HARRIS discovers a house with the old-world charm of Canterbury in the promising, lush heartlands of family-friendly Diamond Creek.




The real estate cover story (right) and WE LOVE IT property reviews on the following pages have been visited by TWR journalists. AGENT’S CHOICE and OUT OF TOWN are real estate promotions provided by the agents unless tagged as written by a TWR journalist.













WHERE TO LIVE TEAM\EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONSPROPERTY EDITOR \ MARIA [email protected]: 0409 009 766 HARI [email protected]: 0415 346 906 ADVERTISING INQUIRIESGENERAL MANAGER, SALES \ JASON [email protected]: 0422 145 390

DISTRIBUTION \ 1800 032 [email protected]

Main: Set in mature gardens, this house has winning street appeal.

properties in Monomeath Avenue, this one engages with the street by dispensing with the front fence, a feature that adds to the openness and airiness of the house.

� e front door, with Georgian-style fanlight above the window, opens into a wide, tiled entry hall.

Interiors are, in the main, varying shades of cream and apricot, with deep-apricot carpets in the bedrooms and formal living room. � ere are also some feature walls to bring colour into the equation.

On the right o� the entry hall are the formal living room and the dining room. � e living room connects to the dining room through a square arch, creating a spacious entertainment area.

On the le� , the large main bedroom has a window looking over the front garden. � is room has a smart walk-in wardrobe, which is divided into his and hers sections, and also has excellent built-in shelving for shoes and folded garments, as well as the usual hanging space.

� e walk-in wardrobe continues into a tiled en suite, with bath and separate shower.

Page 19: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20

FLETCHERS, 9430 1111

7 Monomeath Avenue, Diamond Creek

Price: $730,000 – $840,000

Expressions of interest: Closing September 14

Fast facts: One-owner property, large block of land, en suite, walk-in wardrobe, tiled � oors, rumpus room/home theatre, ducted heating, cooling, heated pool, covered al fresco entertainment area, triple garage, parking bay for caravan or boat, water tank, close to Greensborough Plaza, in StHelena Secondary College zone, near public transport. DIAMOND CREEK:23 KILOMETRES NORTH-EAST OF THE CBD The suburb is named after the Diamond Creek watercourse, which is a tributary of the Yarra. The township was established near the site of the Caledonia gold run discovered in 1841, but developed after the Diamond Reef was found in 1863. After the gold rush, the area was used for orchards and small farms.

Diamond Creek is part of the Nillumbik Shire. The historical society has its headquarters in the oldest surviving house in the area, a stone cottage built in 1865 by William Ellis, who bought his 448-hectare property 15 years earlier for £1 an acre.

Every year in September the locals turn out for the Diamond Creek Town Fair, which is organised by the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek. An annual pet expo is also held.

The area has schools, churches, a community centre, supermarkets, banks and a football club. But not many suburbs have their own donkey shelter. The shelter operates on 11.3 hectares. It cares for unwanted, neglected and abused donkeys from all over Victoria.

Diamond Creek has a range of cafés and restaurants, with places as diverse as The Vines Café and Chute Street Fish & Chips.

Author Alan Marshall, famous for his book I Can Jump Puddles, lived in what was once the Shire of Eltham and is buried in the Diamond Creek Cemetery. How this suburb has moved: Median house price has increased 9.7 per cent in the year to the June quarter. * REIV stats


4 2 3

� e end of the hall opens into the informal rear of the house. Here the open-plan kitchen has a long island bench to separate the living area from the cooking area. A cream-tiled splashback complements the many cream-painted cupboards against the wall. At the end of the kitchen, the meals area looks out to the garden and swimming pool.

But the big feature here is the generous tiled family room. With an olive-green feature wall with a polished timber bar set against it, this looks to be a pleasant room in which to while away the hours. Double bi-fold doors open from this room into a room that could be a home theatre or rumpus room. All windows overlook the deck and the solar-heated pool.

� e � oor plan is simple but e� ective. � e parents’ bedroom is at the front, and in a wing that is parallel to the informal area are three more bedrooms, a bathroom and the laundry.

� e � rst bedroom, now con� gured as a study, is at the end of this wing. Next to it, the central bathroom includes a large bath with tiled surround and separate shower. A separate toilet is next to the bathroom. � e large laundry, with cupboards above the benches on two walls, has a door to the service area outside. � e third bedroom is at the rear of the house and overlooks the back garden. On the other side of the hall, also overlooking the garden, is the fourth bedroom, which has a distinctive deep-purple feature wall.

� e outdoor entertainment area has been well planned. � ere is a covered al fresco deck – with built-in barbecue near the triple garage – and generous paved areas around the pool. Another feature is the parking bay at the side of the house for a boat or caravan, and the drive-through access from the garage to the back garden, which would provide easy access for landscaping equipment if needed. \

[email protected]

Top: The large open-plan living and dining room overlooks the pool and leads to the rumpus room.

Above: The tiled dining room makes dinner parties a pleasure.

Left: Entertaining is a breeze with the covered al fresco pavilion that overlooks the swimming pool.

Page 20: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20


help maintain the house’s aesthetic.At one end is a deck with a water feature,

and at the other there’s a cubby, a sandpit and a shed; but the best part, for those who enjoy entertaining, is that the entire expanse can be opened to form an inside/outside space for guests to wander through – according to the vendors, 80-100 people can be comfortably accommodated.

Inside are two more bedrooms, one with a walk-in wardrobe, and there’s also an easement next door, perfect for kids. \ HARI RAJ

DIAMOND CREEKSophisticated, stylish and spacious – at the risk of succumbing to the twin temptations of hyperbole and alliteration, that’s exactly what this house is.

There’s a study/home-of� ce nook on the left as you enter, and a lavish main bedroom on the right – it’s garnished with panels of American oak, has a rainwater shower and its walk-in wardrobe has an automatic light for added convenience. As you progress along the corridor, there’s a living room that has been kitted out as a home theatre on the left; after this, the house opens up and seems to keep on going.

The vendors have turned what was an outdoor deck into an enclosed family room; the space is huge and has many clever little touches. These include a wet bar, a teppanyaki hotplate and � oor-to-ceiling windows all around that look out onto the outdoor areas. Between the garage and the house is a spa area; the garage is hidden from view via cunningly positioned walls that

WE LOVE IT� ere’s no need to trim the guest list for parties here.






BARRY PLANT, 9459 8111

4 Marigolds Road

Price: $540,000 – $590,000

Auction: September 18 at 11am


275 Kangaroo Ground-St Andrews Road

Price: $1.35 million +

Private sale


When the vendors say they love the open-plan living in this house, they aren’t kidding. Floor-to-ceiling windows across almost an entire side of the house (looking onto the garden) offer abundant natural light; this part of the house is shaped almost like a massive bay window, with a living room at one end and a rumpus room at the other. The windows give the different zones in the residence an appealing interconnected aspect. They look out onto a pretty garden and decking, with a water feature, and room enough for kids to play or to entertain guests. The main bedroom has a spa bath en suite and a walk-in wardrobe, and looks out onto the deck at the front of the house. The surrounding neighbourhood is quiet and parklands are close by. \ HARI RAJ

A recent renovation has added to the charm of this house; it’s a very pretty property, adorned with 300 lemon trees and other varieties of citrus. The house is on a gentle rise, with a deck to soak in the views of the Great Dividing Range. The three bedrooms are all generous in size and look out onto abundant greenery. The roomy kitchen has Fisher&Paykel appliances – and the appeal of making a meal in the morning while looking all the way to the mountains needs to be seen. It’s set up for cattle, but there are enough fruit trees for a side business, and there’s also a barn with three-phase wiring that can be converted into a living area. \ HARI RAJ

3 2 2 3 2 6


47 Wilson Street

Price: $900,000 – $990,000

Auction: September 18 at 11am

4 2 2

Page 21: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20

IVANHOE EASTLove nature? Then this is the house for you. Down one of Melbourne’s signature streets – and, yes, it IS unmade – overlooking abundant greenery and bushland, the house is visited by a huge array of wildlife – everything from frogs to wild ducks to magpies.

Built in 1957, it has had just two owners. The builder was a steel fabricator, and his attention to detail means that many of the house � ttings weren’t just built to last, they were built in situ. Everything from screws to door handles to the one-piece sink, to the cellar that maintains a constant temperature of 15 degrees, is testament to this craftsmanship.

Located on a rise, the main entrance is downstairs, along with the laundry, a bathroom and a bedroom looking out to the garden. Audiophiles or cinephiles will approve of the abundant wiring and power points in the living room.

The main bedroom has a wardrobe vestibule, with ample storage and a built-in vanity, which leads to a room that the vendors use as a home of� ce. It has a balcony and � oor-to-ceiling windows that take full advantage of the elevated position, and connects to the garage.

There are rainwater tanks and solar power, a workshed out the back, and a garden that has been lovingly manicured.

At night, the house is enveloped in peaceful silence; in the mornings, the local wildlife bursts into a cacophony of sound. \ HARI RAJ




489 The Boulevard

Price: $1.4 million – $1.5 million

Auction: September 18 at noon

3 1 2

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Page 22: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20


Barry Plant Diamond Creek9438 1133

A quiet, leafy but very handy location that´s just a short stroll to the shops, schools and train. With a park over the back fence, the kids will never run out of room to play. A huge covered deck with spa is ideal for entertaining or barbecues.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Platters, 1/67 Main Hurstbridge RoadLet's eat dinner @ Creeks Cafe, 29-35 Chute StreetLet's drink coffee @The Vines Cafe, 11 Chute Street

16 Parook Court, Diamond Creek

Price: $490,000 - $560,000

Sale by Set Date: Tuesday October 12 at 5pm





Miles Real Estate9497 3222

Walk to all of Ivanhoe´s blue-chip amenities from the leafy, low-maintenance surroundings of this exceptional two-bedroom villa unit. It's superbly renovated with established garden frontage and a north-facing courtyard garden.

2 1 1

Let's eat lunch @Floyd, 111 Upper Heidelberg Road Let's eat dinner @ Va Tutto, 226 Upper Heidelberg Road Let's drink coffee @Rocket, 144 Upper Heidelberg Road

1/48 Locksley Road, Ivanhoe

Price: $520,000 - $560,000

Auction Saturday September 18 at 11am





Buckingham & Company Greensborough9435 0999

This house needs a complete renovation or replacing with a new house. Located only metres from Diamond Village Shopping Village and a stroll to schools, parks, transport and recreation facilities.

Let's eat lunch @Citrus Tart Cafe, 2D Lambourn RoadLet's eat dinner @ Watsonia RSL, 6 Morwell AvenueLet's drink coffee @Watsonia Cafe, 41 Watsonia Road

9 Orana Drive, Watsonia

Price: $320,000 +

Auction Saturday October 2 at 1pm





Fletchers Eltham9430 1111

A well-maintained house just waiting for your creative touch, in your own time. Updated throughout its life, the house is a blank canvas upon which you can create your masterpiece, nestled among established trees and native birds.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Walks, 1 Pryor StreetLet's eat dinner @ Ying's, 561 Main RoadLet's drink coffee @Volumes, 70 Commercial Place

39 Glenister Drive, Eltham

Price: $480,000 - $550,000

Auction Saturday October 2 at 11am





Morrison Kleeman Greensborough9435 7666

This reproduction house provides an inviting combination of enduring period allure and contemporary comfort. It blends luxury appointments and generously proportioned spaces to deliver prestigious family living at its finest.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Rivers, 28 Kurrak RdLet's eat dinner @ Bridges, 1075 Heidelberg Kinglake RdLet's drink coffee @Cielo Blue, 206 Yan Yean Rd

8 Golf Links Drive, Yarrambat

Price: $1 million - $1.1 million

Private sale





Hocking Stuart Ivanhoe9499 5611

An abundance of living and entertainment options over two levels, this elevated beauty offers lounge/dining, kitchen/meals area with verandah. Three bedrooms and modern bathroom.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Eos Greek Taverna, 83 Grimshaw StreetLet's eat dinner @ La Porchetta, 94 Main StreetLet's drink coffee @Holy Moley Gourmet Coffee, 2/134 Main Street

29 Booyan Crescent, Greensborough

Price: $450,000 - $500,000

Sale by Set Date: Tuesday October 5







BARRY PLANT, 9467 5444

28 Hughes Circuit

Price: $700,000 +

Auction: September 11 at 2pm


Less than two years old, this property is superbly built and beautifully designed. With four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a double garage and set in a close and friendly community, the residence is perfectly suited to a large family. The main bedroom is spacious and features a walk-in wardrobe and large en suite with a deluxe spa bath. All other bedrooms are sizeable with built-in wardrobes. Past the study and living/theatre room is the open kitchen/meals area, which has views through � oor-to-ceiling sliding window doors onto the al fresco dining space. The kitchen, with exquisite white marble benchtops and modern appliances, is � t for a high-class chef. Extending out to the right of the meals space is the delightful family area with plenty of room for the whole family to relax. The backyard is large with well-maintained grass adding to the overall aesthetic appeal of the property. Within walking distance to trams, shops and schools, this is the perfect place to make the perfect start. \ TOM HYWOOD

4 2 2

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Darren Jones9432 2544

Just 500 metres from Greensborough Plaza, an easy walk from the train and bus, this comfortable three-bedroom house on a substantial allotment offers options and opportunities for first-home buyers or developers.

3 2 1

Let's eat lunch @Urban Grooves, 99 Grimshaw StreetLet's eat dinner @ Cafe Spice, Shop 4 118 Main StreetLet's drink coffee @Holey Moley Coffee, 134 Main Street

11 Anama Street, Greensborough

Price: $550,000 +

Auction Saturday September 18 at 12.30pm





Barry Plant Bundoora9467 5444

Only a short stroll to Watsonia shopping strip and train station and just a minute drive to the ring road. Take advantage of the impressive 561sqm (approx) and extend or potential rear development (STCA), currently leased at $1430pcm.

2 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Watsonia Seafood Bar, Watsonia RoadLet's eat dinner @ Watsonia RSL, 6 Morwell AvenueLet's drink coffee @Citrus Tart Cafe, 2D Lambourn Road

14 Longmuir Road, Watsonia

Price: $430,000 +

Auction Saturday September 11 at 1pm







DARREN JONES, 9432 2544

25 Shannon Crescent

Price: $450,000 +

Auction: September 18 at 11am


Set on a quiet street, this comfortable red-brick property with modern interiors is a great house to start a family. Floor-to-ceiling windows � ll the large front living room and kitchen/meals area of the north-facing residence with natural light. The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances, timber cupboards and lovely benchtops. The family bathroom is superbly designed, featuring exquisite � ttings, including a unique glass basin. Adjacent to the bathroom is a convenient laundry with side-passage access. All three carpeted bedrooms are spacious and have walk-in wardrobes and large windows that admit vast amounts of light. Out the back there is plenty of space for the kids to run around, while adults can relax in the brilliantly converted retreat in the double garage. Only a short stroll to schools, shops and parks, this house de� nitely deserves an inspection. \ TOM HYWOOD

3 1 3

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Page 24: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20


David McFarlane Real Estate9439 4022

Whether you´re looking for a place to settle into and enjoy now or somewhere you can add value to over time with a contemporary makeover, this spacious house with a flexible floor plan is ready and waiting for you.

3 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Volumes, 70 Commercial PlaceLet's eat dinner @ Mercers, 732 Main RoadLet's drink coffee @Sugar Kube, Arcade 972 Main Road

37 View Hill Crescent, Eltham

Price: $450,000 +

For sale





Fletchers Eltham9430 1111

Four robed bedrooms are serviced by two bathrooms with formal living, modern kitchen and a brilliant teenager's retreat/rumpus room downstairs. Walk to buses and a primary school, with nearby conveniences.

4 2 2

Let's eat lunch @La Porchetta, 94 Main StreetLet's eat dinner @ Eos Greek Taverna, 83 Grimshaw StreetLet's drink coffee @Urban Grooves, 99 Grimshaw Street

4 Wala Place, Greensborough

Price: $490,000 - $560,000

Expressions of Interest by September 21





Barry Plant Ivanhoe9499 7992

New house offering open-plan living, quality kitchen (CaesarStone tops, s/steel appliances), outdoor deck, huge flexible rumpus/cellar/theatre room/office, central heating and cooling, ducted vacuum, plus double garage with internal access.

3 2 2

Let's eat lunch @Cafe Matto, 136 Burgundy StreetLet's eat dinner @ Cellini, 191 Burgundy StreetLet's drink coffee @Cafe Burgundy, 138 Burgundy Street

56 Martin Street, Heidelberg

Price: $790,000 - $840,000

Auction Saturday October 2 at 11:30am





Miles Real Estate9497 3222

The perfect lifestyle package located in an exclusive cul-de-sac, this quality three-bedroom residence is set behind bird-attracting garden delivering consummate comfort for a discerning family. Rear garden designed for al fresco entertaining.

3 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Mangiamo, 121 Lower Plenty RoadLet's eat dinner @ Baan Thai, 137 Lower Plenty RoadLet's drink coffee @Scooters, 133 Lower Plenty Road

10 Nestan Court, Viewbank

Price: $640,000 - $680,000

Auction Saturday September 18 at 12pm





Buckingham & Company Greensborough9435 0999

This terrific one of four modern townhouses is one of those wonderful rarities. Step out of your front door and within a few minutes' walk find yourself taking advantage of the fabulous shops within Greensborough.

2 1 2

Let's eat lunch @Urban Grooves, 99 Grimshaw Street Let's eat dinner @ Peppercorn Thai, 81 Grimshaw StreetLet's drink coffee @Gloria Jeans Coffee, 25 Main Street

3/159 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

Price: $380,000 +

For sale By Tender September 14 at 6pm





Morrison Kleeman Eltham9431 2444

A mews-like setting in an area sought after for its relaxed leafy living enhance the desirability of this immaculate house. With spacious lounge/dining, equally generous informal living and expansive undercover precinct.

4 2 1

Let's eat lunch @Toti's, 46-48 Beetham ParadeLet's eat dinner @ Suwan Thai, 63 Main RoadLet's drink coffee @Scooters, 133 Lower Plenty Road

27 Tom Roberts Crecsent, Yallambie

Price: $550,000 - $605,000

Auction Saturday October 2 at 2pm








8 Skye Street

Price: $550,000 – $600,000

Auction: September 18 at 10am


Hidden among beautiful gardens, this unique rendered-brick house is a great prospect. With two storeys and � ve bedrooms, it is more than suf� cent for a large family. The spacious living room is � lled with natural light from � oor-to-ceiling windows at each end of the room that look over the forest-like back garden and pretty front garden. Opposite the living room is the attractive kitchen that is equipped with marble benchtops, stained timber cupboards and modern appliances. Upstairs is the parents’ territory, featuring the spacious main bedroom with built-in-wardrobes and a private balcony, a study/� fth bedroom as well as a large bathroom with a beautiful spa bath. The backyard is large and � lled with stunning trees that complement the unique design of the house. A vegetable garden and shed are also set in the back-left corner. With childcare across the road and trams, shops and parks only minutes away, this is a fantastic opportunity. \ TOM HYWOOD

5 2 2














Page 25: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20

where to live\ Green belt ProPertY listinGs

Address AGeNT PAGe

AlPhinGton5/5 Yarana rd Miles Real Estate 93

bellFielD28 Griffiths st Miles Real Estate 95

briAr hill2/24 river st Morrison Kleeman 501/16 Williams rd Buckingham & Co 537/2 Fernside Ave Fletchers 7811 Outlook Cres Fletchers 82

bUnDoorA28 Hughes Circuit Barry Plant 7129 & 30/9 Mirra Court Miles Real Estate 98

CAMPbellFielD37 Colbert rd Miles Real Estate 98

Cottles briDGe235 Hilderbrand rd Morrison Kleeman 41

DiAMonD Creek11 Henry Arthur rd Hocking Stuart 3422 Cockatiel Place Morrison Kleeman 4347 Wilson st Morrison Kleeman 475 Gem Court Morrison Kleeman 5060 James Cook drive David McFarlane 5517 Glen View Close Barry Plant 701 Lotus Court Barry Plant 7116 Parook Court Barry Plant 717 Monomeath Ave Fletchers 72

Doreen5 Folko rd Morrison Kleeman 4836 Tara Valley Barry Plant 6913 Warrawong Circuit Fletchers 82

eAGleMont7 Waldemar rd Hocking Stuart 34

elthAM58 Luck st Darren Jones 278 Fordhams rd Darren Jones 29127 Bridge st Morrison Kleeman 445 Booth Court Morrison Kleeman 4847 Wycliffe Cres Morrison Kleeman 4937 View Hill Cres David McFarlane 552/93 Arthur st Barry Plant 5982a Bible st Barry Plant 5918 Balmoral Circuit Fletchers 742/1A souter st Fletchers 7639 Glenister drive Fletchers 7933 Parsons rd Fletchers 8399 railway Pde Fletchers 84

elthAM north43 Laurison rd Fletchers 83

GreensboroUGh39 Warwick rd Darren Jones 268 st Georges Court Darren Jones 3020 Manatunga Circuit Darren Jones 315 selsdon Court Darren Jones 3111 Anama st Darren Jones 326 Thoona Grove Darren Jones 3329 Booyan Cres Hocking Stuart 358 Glen Valley Court Hocking Stuart 3513 Toorak Court Morrison Kleeman 421 Greenview Court Morrison Kleeman 493/159 Grimshaw st Buckingham & Co 517 Moodie st Buckingham & Co 5124 Louis st Miles Real Estate 981/69 Nell st Fletchers 774 Wala Place Fletchers 8013/265 Para rd Fletchers 84

heiDelberG56 Martin st Barry Plant 57

heiDelberG heiGhts91 Haig st Hocking Stuart 369 Lloyd st Miles Real Estate 9597 Waiora rd Miles Real Estate 97

heiDelberG west122 dougharty rd Miles Real Estate 99

hUrstbriDGe55 Cochranes Ln Morrison Kleeman 4624a daphne Cres Fletchers 85

ivAnhoe403/3 Kiernan Ave Hocking Stuart 36137 Valentine st Hocking Stuart 374/67 Livingstone st Hocking Stuart 371/16 Green st Jellis Craig 396/3 Merton st Fletchers 8518 Carn Ave Miles Real Estate 8853 The Blvd Miles Real Estate 891/117 Locksley rd Miles Real Estate 9135 Melcombe rd Miles Real Estate 9197 Locksley rd Miles Real Estate 921/48 Locksley rd Miles Real Estate 933/11 Langs rd Miles Real Estate 97

ivAnhoe eAst300 Lower Heidelberg rd Miles Real Estate 90489 The Boulevard Miles Real Estate 92

kAnGAroo GroUnD55 Moonlight rd Morrison Kleeman 40

lower PlentY3/36 Alma st Darren Jones 2846 Philip st Barry Plant 601-8/22 Alma rd Barry Plant 68117-123 Bonds rd Fletchers 81

MACleoD8 skye st Hocking Stuart 3810 Jacka st Barry Plant 6614 skye st Barry Plant 661/183 Greensborough rd Barry Plant 672/65 Wungan st Miles Real Estate 98

MontMorenCY43 Para rd Darren Jones 33170 rattray rd Morrison Kleeman 494/28-30 Hoban Ave Morrison Kleeman 50

PlentY10 Bunyip Court Barry Plant 58

reseArCh10-12 Morelle st Morrison Kleeman 471630 Main rd Morrison Kleeman 505/1573 Main rd Barry Plant 64142 Thompson Cres Fletchers 86

rosAnnA132 rosanna rd Barry Plant 655/65 Beetham Pde Barry Plant 657/34 Beetham Pde Barry Plant 682/17 Brassey Ave Miles Real Estate 944 Mount Ida Ave Miles Real Estate 949 Pilgrim Court Miles Real Estate 965/3 Prospect rd Miles Real Estate 97

st helenA18 stuart st Barry Plant 645 summit Court Barry Plant 7030 Larool Ave Fletchers 7512 stuart st Fletchers 86

viewbAnk15 rosemary Court Hocking Stuart 3834 Bannockburn rd Hocking Stuart 3911 Clovelly Court David McFarlane 5430-70 seymour rd Barry Plant 561 Christine st Barry Plant 6112/101 Martins Ln Miles Real Estate 9610 Nestan Court Miles Real Estate 97

wAtsoniA25 shannon Cres Darren Jones 3223 elder st Buckingham & Co 529 Orana drive Buckingham & Co 5214 Longmuir rd Barry Plant 7111 Yerrawa drive Fletchers 8728 Medbury Ave Fletchers 87

YAllAMbie27 Tom roberts Cres Morrison Kleeman 4516 Goulburn Grove Barry Plant 624 Marigolds rd Barry Plant 67

YArrAMbAt8 Golf Links drive Morrison Kleeman 46*Listings provided by campaigntrack


+AUCtions sAtUrDAY’s resUlts online @

the consensus seems to be

that September will be lean for new listings, while October is looking “normal” for auction and private-sale numbers.

In terms of price, with only two spring weekends since the election, it would be courageous (that’s agent code for “ridiculous”) to make a call. However, those serious about market watching are looking to early demand and demand indicators to assess what they can ask as sellers and what they can offer as buyers.

One of those demand indicators is the number of bidders per auction, which we measure with our Bidderman indicator.

The importance of bidder numbers is that you need at least two bidders per auction for buyers to see competition and know they have to put in a reasonable offer to buy.

When you start to have three bidders per auction, as we did earlier in the year (and in late 2007), that leads to more-aggressive bidding and creates breakout prices that can lead to a market out of its normal cycle or, as some commentators argue, a market that is out of control.

Major factors that can quell demand include an increase in interest rates, a

GFC or – as we saw in May 2010 – a huge increase in stock.

So what’s happening in Eaglemont, Ivanhoe and the surrounding areas? In the first auction week of spring after the election we saw four out of four properties in those areas sell for more than $1 million. One was 59 Studley Road, Ivanhoe, which was sold by David Oster from Jellis Craig for $4.3 million – $800,000 over the reserve.

But, perhaps even more importantly, we have seen the numbers of bidders per auction in this market trending at around two. In fact, there were 11 bidders across four auctions in spring’s first auction weekend – meaning that seven known

would-be buyers still remain unsatisfied and may be more aggressive in terms of price next time.

It’s a completely different tale at Bayside however, where bidder numbers per auction have been hovering around one over most of winter. And Bayside overall has been Melbourne’s weakest $1 million-plus market in the past six months.

What’s happening there? It’s not that Church Street coffee has gone off or Hamptonites have stopped liking the beach. In Bayside the problems are oversupply and a general buyer psyche that there is no need to rush.

Autumn saw huge surges of houses going onto the market in Bayside, with many not selling then or over winter. These stales (winter unsolds) create an overhang, and only a small overhang is required to change the market dramatically. When buyers see houses still for sale after several months, it

makes them nervous, and that means they don’t go quite as hard at the early spring auctions. Consequently, you see smaller numbers of bidders at each auction. In fact, Bidderman has been struggling to see many auctions with more than one bidder.

The market won’t necessarily be rebalanced by worried sellers holding back their stock, either. It takes a while for a market that has lost its heat and has a lot of overhang stock to get going again.

So until we start seeing Bidderman trending towards two bidders per auction on a sustained basis, you will see no general improvement in the Bayside market.

How can this happen? It’s not as if we will suddenly see a change in demand – after all, everybody already knows how good it is living by the bay. My feeling is that it can only happen if asking prices are lowered or if houses are withdrawn or if fewer homes come onto the market.

So while the Diamond Valley market is strong and looking very solid for spring, Bayside is looking weak and in need of a supply change to stimulate demand.

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Page 26: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough


Classic Charm with Potential GaloreJust a few minutes walk from all Greensborough has to offer, this double fronted timber home successfully blends character with convenience. It delivers a rare opportunity to secure an original, but far from ordinary home, and

enhance it over time with a contemporary makeover and extension. (stca) • Two bedrooms • Formal living and dining• Ornate ceilings and picture rails • Established gardens

• Gas heating and air conditioner • Kitchen with meals

Auction Saturday 2nd October at 11.00amLand 580 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 3.00 - 3.30pmContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Darren Jones 0425 717 111Website ID 106798323

Page 27: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

ELTHAM 58 Luck Street

Large Light Filled SpacesThis substantial home under 500 metres from Eltham s main street is ready for you to move straight in and enjoy. On the upper level formal living dining and separate informal living are complemented by three bedrooms and 2

bathrooms, while the lower level features a teen retreat or huge home office.• Tiled outdoor entertainment area • Seconds from primary school• Walk to shops, station and parks • Double garage

• Ducted heating and cooling • North facing

Auction Saturday 2nd October at 3.30pmLand 860 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pmContact Gordon Armit 0407 801 979

Website ID 106792885

Page 28: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

LOWER PLENTY 3/36 Alma Street

First Class Living in Fabulous Designer SpacesDesigner styling and generous proportions add to the appeal of this as new home perfectly situated near all desired amenities. Expansive formal and informal living, gourmet kitchen with stone benchtops and Miele

appliances and 4 bedrooms including main with ensuite deliver luxury living in a size surprise. • Double garage, workshop space • Ducted heating and cooling• Low maintenance garden • Kitchen with gloss cabinetry and glass splashback

• Quality fixtures and fittings • Walk to shops, park, bus and school

Auction Saturday 9 October at 11.00amInspect Thursday 4.00 - 4.30pm

Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pm

Contact Gordon Armit 0407 801 979Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

Website ID 106793290

Page 29: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

ELTHAM SOUTH 8 Fordhams Road

Over an Acre and a Half in a Premier Position This home on an elevated allotment provides an irresistible invitation to secure a property just moments from all Eltham has to offer. With room for a pool and court it offers the opportunity to renovate or build your dream

home and enjoy an enviable lifestyle (stca) Currently tenanted, long settlement available. • Within easy reach of Eltham • Short walk to kinder and school• Peaceful no through road • Relaxing tree top views from verandah

• Extremely comfortable living • Currently tenanted, long settlement available

Auction Saturday 9th October at 12.30pmLand 6470 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 4.00 - 4.30pm

Saturday 11.00 - 11.30amContact Gordon Armit 0407 801 979

Darren Jones 0425 717 111Website ID 106782270

Page 30: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

ST HELENA 8 St Georges Court

Uncompromised Living in a Quiet Cul-de-sacA choice of two relaxing outdoor areas, one including an inground pool and spa lift this substantial home to the next level. In a quiet cul-de-sac in the St Helena College zone it delivers exceptional living through a spacious

interior comprising 3 separate living areas, 4 bedroom s, 2 bathrooms and a study.• Ducted heating, cooling and vacuum • Huge garage with workshop and double carport• Formal living with wood heater • Timber kitchen with walk in pantry

• Alfresco dining and poolside entertaining area • St Helena College Zone

Auction Saturday 2nd October at 2.00pmLand 970 sqm ApproxInspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pmContact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

Darren Jones 0425 717 111Website ID 106780604

Page 31: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough


Elegant Sophisticated LivingA huge alfresco deck overlooking low maintenance gardens and large paved precinct enhances the spacious interior of this impeccably presented home. Moments from all amenities it offers 4 bedrooms (main with ensuite), study, spa

bathroom, timber kitchen and 3 superb living areas for fabulous family living.• Ducted heating, cooling and vacuum • Minutes from school, shopping and parks• Within easy reach of Greensborough and Ring Road • Views to Macedon from rumpus and main bedroom

• Double auto garage & under-house storage • Landscaped garden sustained by water tanks

Auction This Saturday 11th September at 12.30pmLand 580 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 4.00 - 4.30pm

Saturday from 12.00pmContact Daniel Leibowitz 0428 812 636

Darren Jones 0425 717 111Website ID 106744808

GREENSBOROUGH 20 Manatunga Circuit

Elevated ExcellenceA freshly renovated interior and a position moments from all Greensborough has to offer make this 3 bedroom home impossible to resist! A new granite kitchen with stainless steel appliances overlooking family meals, designer bathroom

and ensuite and formal lounge combine perfectly for stylish stress free living.• Three bedrooms, all with robes • New carpets and brushbox floors• Rear yard with three level terraces • Ducted heating and cooling

• Double garage with auto door • Caeserstone bathroom and ensuite

Auction This Saturday 11th September at 11am

Land 540 sqm Approx

Inspect Thursday 6.00 - 6.30pm

Saturday from 10.30am

Contact Daniel Leibowitz 0428 812 636

Website ID 106747812

In conjunction with

Jonathan Shepherd

0409 886 878

Page 32: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough


Convenient Location, Large AllotmentThis comfortable home just 500 metres from Greensborough Plaza combines perfect position with untapped potential. Comprising 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 living areas it will suit those looking to add value with a makeover, or

buyers looking at the option to redevelop or build their dream home. (stca)• Main bedroom with ensuite • Split system cooling • Ducted heating • Covered out door entertainment area

• Storage shed and workshop • Deep rear yard

Auction Saturday 18th September at 12.30pmLand 766 sqm ApproxInspect Wednesday 4.00 - 4.30pm

Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pmContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Website ID 106765829

WATSONIA 25 Shannon Crescent

Stylish Update Ready for YouWith new carpets, designer bathroom and new kitchen boasting stainless steel appliances there is nothing to do here but move in and enjoy. Central to Greensborough and Watsonia, moments from schools, shops and parks this

immaculate three bedroom home is the perfect place for the perfect start.• Freshly painted • Double garage converted to enclosed outdoor entertainment with bar• Quiet street • Polished floorboards

• Carport • Ducted heating, evaporative cooling

Auction Saturday 18th September at 11.00amLand 650 sqm ApproxInspect Thursday 5.00 - 5.30pm

Saturday 2.00 - 2.30pmContact Ashley Croall 0417 522 941

Website ID 106765015

Page 33: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20

A free suburb report from gives you the power to sell with confidence.

View the last 50 sales in your suburb of interest, median price data and demographic profiles – all within minutes.

Take advantage of this offer and get your free report today.

Find out how much your home

is really worth FREE Suburb

Sales Report*

Valued at $24.95


free-report for details.

*Limited time only,

offer ends 31 October

2010 9432 254494 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

MONTMORENCY 3 and 4/43 Para Road

In a much sought after location with the Plenty River walking tracks at your door and only minutes from local schools and Montmorency and Lower Plenty shopping villages is your choice of two brand new three bedroom luxury townhouses. Boasting quality fittings and fixtures throughout, this is a fantastic opportunity not to be missed.

Offers Close Monday 20th Sept at 7.00pm

Price Guide $480,000 - $535,000

Inspect Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pm

Contact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414


This cleared allotment of approximately 760m2, an easy stroll to the station and Greensborough and moments from the lifestyle benefits of Willinda Park and the walking tracks along Plenty River, provides a rare opportunity for an astute purchaser to secure a blank canvas and build their dream home or explore development options (stca)

Auction This Sat 11th Sept at 11.00am

Land 760 sqm Approx

Inspect Saturday from 10.30am

Contact Steve Thomson 0402 445 414

Darren Jones 0425 717 111

Page 34: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20

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Revealing generous interiors with a delightful sense of light and space complemented by an

attractive landscaped courtyard and designer decking, this townhouse represents exceptional

appeal in this highly sought after position close to Ivanhoe shops and transport. Welcoming

interiors with high ceilings include Living and Dining opening to deck, well-equipped Kitchen

with new oven and 2 upstairs Bedrooms, each with WIRs, main with split-system and balcony

with leafy outlook and city views. Features central bathroom, 2nd WC, heating/cooling and

garage with internal access.

Auction Saturday 11th September at 11am

Inspect Thursday 5.30-6pm, Saturday from 10.30am

Contact Rod Watson 0407 848 599

Liz Walker 0412 659 140

Office 75 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe

Tel 9490 2900


1/16 Green Street - IVANHOE

Diamond Creek11 Henry Arthur Drive

Design and build a lifestyle you deserve

Set in a picturesque estate surround by new quality homes this vacant corner block of land (654sqm approx) is probably your last chance to design and build your dream family home while still being within an easy reach to all St Helena, Eltham and Diamond Creek amenities like schools,transport, shopping and acres of parklands. North facing and elevated to make the most of the views the block also has access to all services. Call today as it may be gone tomorrow!

> VIEW Sat 10.00 - 10.30am> PRIVATE SALE

> MEL REF 11 J8> OFFICE Ivanhoe Office

171 Upper Heidelberg Road 3079> TEL 9499 5611> CONTACT Mario Cavar 0414 764 436

Philip James 0408 008 007

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Enchanting established gardens, solar heated pool and separate spa under all weather gazebo surround this immensely

appealing three bedroom country home. Set on approximately 20 acres with fabulous entertaining areas, both the main

home and second luxury two bedroom dwelling are positioned to capture breathtaking views to the City, Mt. Macedon

and the Great Dividing Ranges. This flexible accommodation delivers a lifestyle desired by many but enjoyed by only a

lucky few. MEL REF: 271:C3

Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Scott Rawlings 0409 675 408

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 11th September at 12:00pm

5 3 4






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This sprawling home on some 20 acres delivers a tranquil oasis where comfort and class meet sensational indoor and

outdoor living thanks too exceptionally generous living spaces moving easily from one to the other and a brilliant alfresco

area, enclosed for year round use. Divided into 5 paddocks, all with water, and with stables, tack room and abundant

shedding it doesn´t matter whether you´re seeking a home base for a tradesman, somewhere pursue equine interests or

a private family haven, it will achieve every objective with style and accomplished ease.

Inspect Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pm

Contact Tony Duckworth 0417 564 787

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 18th September at 2:00pm

6 12 6

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Topiary, clipped hedges and manicured lawns complement the clean lines and striking façade of this elegant 4 bedroom

plus study home in a leafy cul-de-sac in the sought after St Helena College zone. A heated swimming pool and spa set in

easy to maintain tiles and surrounded by low maintenance gardens will ensure summers here are as memorable as they

are relaxing. Enticing inclusions of ducted heating and cooling throughout interior spaces including 4 living areas, video

security and intercom deliver enviable contemporary living.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

Contact Leigh Maher 0400 663 599

Contact Peter Kleeman 0419 002 103

Office 2/86 Grimshaw St, Greensborough 9435-7666


Auction Saturday 18th September at 1:00pm

4 13 2

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Innovative design elements, exceptional finishes, an inspired use of contemporary colours and every expected inclusion

are hallmarks of this 4 year old home in the coveted St Helena Zone. Providing luxurious living, quality tiles lead past main

suite with walk in robe and spa ensuite and formal living, through to expansive open plan living. Featuring gourmet kitchen

showcasing waterfall stone benches and Kleenmaid appliances including coffee machine, it opens to alfresco area

stepping down to rear yard featuring synthetic turf for all the fun and aesthetic appeal of lawn without the maintenance

issues. A home theatre room fitted with state of the art equipment enhances a private world of easy care indulgence.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

Contact Rocco Montanaro 0412 379 171

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Private Sale

4 12 2

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This exceptional home is significantly enhanced by its landscaped garden surrounds and its perfect position; walking

distance from central Eltham. Timber floors grace renovated, centrally heated and cooled, interior spaces comprising

elegant formal living/dining with fireplace. Vaulted ceilings accentuate a sense of spaciousness and clerestory windows

bring an abundance of natural light into the north facing open plan living, which flows seamlessly to alfresco dining. With

manicured lawns, expansive paved areas and open fireplace the rear yard delivers an ideal outdoor lifestyle all year

round. If you are ready to take the next step in family living this is the home for you.

Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Contact Rocco Montanaro 0412 379 171

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 18th September at 12:00pm

4 2

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A mews like setting in an area sought after for relaxed leafy living enhance the desirability of this immaculate family home.

An attractive, established front garden leads to centrally heated and cooled single level living. The L-shaped formal lounge

and dining complements an equally generous open plan living area which flows out to an expansive undercover precinct.

Tiled for easy maintenance and set in relaxing garden surrounds it will be the place to be come summer. Auto garage with

the convenience of rear roller door leading to service area is accompanied by extra parking for boat or trailer. Set on

502m2 (approximately) it will suit the most fastidious buyer.

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

Contact Rocco Montanaro 0412 379 171

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 2nd October at 2:00pm

4 2 1

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A brilliant statement in quality and style, this modern, four bedroom residence, perfectly sited on approximately 18 acres

and located just near Kangaroo Ground Pony Club offers exceptional living and entertaining spaces for a relaxed resort

type lifestyle. Infinity edge pool, huge workshop, ménage and stables, tack-room and hay storage under one roof and the

convenience of tank, dam and town water ensure relaxed, luxury living and enjoyable equine pursuits.

MEL REF: 263:E12

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 11th September at 2:00pm

4 13 2






This reproduction home provides an inviting combination of enduring period allure and contemporary comfort and blends

luxury appointments and generously proportioned spaces to deliver prestigious family living at its finest. High ceilings,

detailed cornice and polished timber floors add to the charm of a spacious interior which perfectly complements paved

surrounds set with in 2.1 acres approx of child friendly garden spaces. Oversize double garage and ducted heating,

cooling and vacuum reinforce the appeal.

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

ESR $1,000,000 - $1,100,000

Contact Ciaran Brannigan 0410 544 478

Office 2/86 Grimshaw St, Greensborough 9435-7666


Private Sale

3 12 2

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Showcasing the finest of fittings and finishes this home adds an exotic touch with a superb teppanyaki hotplate set in the

open plan living precinct, the size of which has to be seen to be appreciated. Complemented by generous formal living

and including a gourmet granite kitchen, fitted granite wet bar and gas log fire, it flows easily to relaxing outdoor areas

featuring spa and pond. Whether it´s day-to-day living or large scale entertaining, this enticing property combines luxury

and practicality to deliver an exceptional family lifestyle .

Inspect Thursday 6:30 - 7:00pm

Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Carmen Richards 0401 727 848

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 18th September at 11:00am

3 12 2


Serene garden spaces containing a wide variety of established plants, paved entertainment areas, relaxing nooks and a

cubby, that will appeal to the young and the young at heart, surround this warm, welcoming and much loved home. On a

substantial allotment of 2650 sqm approx and within easy reach of the bus, schools, local shops and Eltham, it combines

two living rooms, practical kitchen and functional bathroom to deliver comfortable accommodation while you decide how

best to take advantage of the rare opportunity on offer. Enjoy the existing home as is, refurbish over time, renovate or

design and build your dream home and relish a sense of wellbeing that comes with an enticing lifestyle (STCA).

Inspect Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pm

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Tristan Messerle 0438 176 416

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Auction Saturday 11th September at 3:00pm

3 11 3





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Offering easy access to school, parks, shops and the bus via safe walking tracks this immaculate home toward the end of

a quiet, friendly court delivers deluxe accommodation for the entire family. Thoughtful design has the main bedroom with

ensuite and spacious formal living with cozy open fire zoned from the expansive open plan living, 3 further robed

bedrooms or 2 + study with bedroom flexibility. For peace of mind the modern kitchen has direct line of sight to a child

friendly back yard with cubby. With double garage, ducted heating and cooling and a relaxing outdoor entertainment area

you don´t want to let this one slip through your fingers.

Inspect Saturday 1:30 - 2:00pm

Contact Mark Baker 0410 331 156

Contact Scott Rawlings 0409 675 408

Office 968 Main Road, Eltham 9431-2444


Private Sale

3 12 2


Expansive timber decking, tiled alfresco and a sparkling pool set in paved surrounds enhance the designer finishes of this

immaculate contemporary home. Built with an obvious commitment to quality interior spaces include fitted home cinema,

full width informal living area featuring gourmet kitchen and an equally expansive rumpus room. Centrally heated and

cooled for year round comfort and within easy reach of all the lifestyle benefits this sought after area is renowned for it

delivers luxurious living in a resort like setting.

Inspect Saturday 2:30 - 3:00pm

ESR $600,000 - $660,000

Contact Ciaran Brannigan 0410 544 478

Contact Shane Leete 0419 118 302

Office 2/86 Grimshaw St, Greensborough 9435-7666


Private Sale

4 12 2

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Well proportioned and with a great outdoor entertainment zone stretching into the generous backyard, this immaculate

home sited on a magnificent allotment of 862 m2 (approx) is the complete package! Set well back from the street for

peace and privacy and within easy reach of Were Street shops, station, Primary school and Rattray Reserve it offers

formal and informal living, family meals, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Ducted heating, air conditioner and carport

enhance a delightful home that´s sure to impress.

Inspect Saturday 3:30 - 4:00pm

Contact Leigh Maher 0400 663 599

Office 2/86 Grimshaw St, Greensborough 943- 7666


Auction Saturday 18th September at 2:00pm

3 2 1

GREENSBOROUGH 1 Greenview Court

A substantial open plan area featuring

shimmering parquetry floors blending

seamlessly with timber decking in the huge

undercover outdoor entertaining area

enhances the enormous appeal of this

delightful double-storey home and its superb

living and entertaining spaces.

Inspect Saturday 12:30am - 1:00pm

Price $635,000

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Shane Leete 0419 118 302

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431-2444

Private Sale

4 12 2 ELTHAM 47 Wycliffe Crescent

Located just a few minutes drive from the

centre of Eltham, with the bus stop across

the road and schools and parks all within

easy reach this exceptionally well cared for

three bedroom home offers a fantastic

opportunity for first home buyers to enter the

real estate market.

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

ESR $560,000 - $600,000

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Mark Baker 0410 331 156

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431-2444

Private Sale

3 1 2

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BRIAR HILL 2/24 River Street

Forget the "@" in this address because the

size of this inviting brick home and the

allotment on which it sits will entice first home

buyers, investors and those looking to

downsize without compromise. With

expansive living room and generous family

meals it easily meets everyday demands.

Inspect Saturday 12:30 - 1:00pm

Price $535,000

Contact Tristan Messerle 0438 176 416

Contact Ciaran Brannigan 0410 554 478

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431-2444

Private Sale

3 2 1 RESEARCH 1630 Main Road

This original but far from ordinary home on a

substantial allotment of approximately 2000

m2 set well back from the road and moments

from Eltham college, Research primary and

local shops delivers exceptional dimensions

and outstanding potential for an astute buyer.

Act now!

Inspect Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm

Price $520,000

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Tristan Messerle 0438 176 416

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431-2444

Private Sale

3 1

MONTMORENCY 4/28-30 Hoban Avenue

The bright living room of this immaculately

presented town house moments from the

bus, train and shops, flows easily into

generous garden spaces featuring

undercover entertaining to ensure owner

occupiers or tenants will enjoy relaxed living

inside and out.

Inspect Saturday 10:30 - 11:00am

Price $410,000

Contact Graham Morrison 0417 101 997

Contact Tony Duckworth 0417 564 787

Office 968 Main Road

Eltham 9431-2444

Private Sale

2 1 1 DIAMOND CREEK 5 Gem Court

The last one available in this prestigious

court, this vacant allotment of 1005m2

(approx) represents a rare opportunity to put

your long awaited plans into action and

secure a sensational future for you and your

family. In a sought after location it delivers

the chance to reap rich residential rewards.

Contact Leigh Maher 0400 663 599

Office 2/86 Grimshaw Street

Greensborough 9435-7666


Auction Saturday 18th September at Auction Saturday 18th September at 10:00am

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Tender closing 14th September @ 6.00pm

GREENSBOROUGH I 3/159 Grimshaw Street

Quote $380,000 plus buyersMelway 21:D5 Land size StrataContact Vince Masci 0423 691 622 Stuart Buckingham 0411 743 336Offi ce 98 Grimshaw St, GreensboroughPhone 9435 0999


5.00 - 5.30pmSATURDAY

1.00 - 1.30pm

Step out of your front door and within a few minutes walk you’ll fi nd yourself taking advantage of the fabulous specialty shops within Greensborough Plaza, relax with a latte or dine out at one of the many cafés & restaurants, catch a bus or train to any destination or utilize the freeway nearby. This terrifi c (1 of 4) modern townhouses is one of those wonderful rarities. Features: Bright open plan living/dining area, Modern stainless steel kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, Dual entry bathroom, Good sized private courtyard, Central heating, Generous under stairs storage, Private landscaped courtyard, 2nd WC downstairs, Carport & one extra car space on title.

SALE BY TENDER Tuesday 14th September 6.00pm (Unless sold prior)



5.00 - 5.30pmSATURDAY

1.00 - 1.30pm

Impeccably maintained one owner home provides excellent options for fi rst home buyers to create their own style or developers to capitalize on the generous north-facing block opposite reserve (STCA). Currently there’s the main home boasting a light & airy split level design plus a 2nd character-fi lled building suitable as huge workshop, games room or extra accommodation conversion. Features: Four robed bedrooms, Light & bright spacious lounge, Family bathroom & sep. toilet, Immaculate kitchen/meals area, Large workshop/studio with power & plumbing connected, Extra wide drive, carport, Metres to Bowling Club & swimming pool, Close to shops, schools & transport.

AUCTION Saturday 18th September 12.00noon

Quote $430,000 plus buyersMelway 20:H5 Land size 750m2 approxContact Adam McWatters 0404 489 266 Simon McEvoy 0412 319 046Offi ce Cnr Were & Rattray Rd, MontmorencyPhone 9434 6666

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watsonia i 9 orana Drive

Quote $320,000plusbuyersMelway 20:F4 Land size 561m2approxContact VinceMasci 0423691622 StuartBuckingham 0411743336Office 98GrimshawSt,GreensboroughPhone 94350999




Thisoriginalhomeneedscompleterenovationorreplacingwithabrandnewhome,butthebeautyofthispropertyisthatitslocationmakesanydecisionyoumakeworthwhile.Youseeit’sjustmetresfromDiamondVillageshoppingcentreandaleisurelystrolltoschools,parks,recreation/sportsfields,bus&station.Don’tforgettobringyourideaswithyouwhenyouvisitthisaffordableproperty.Under Instructions from the Executors. Features: Spacious lounge/dining, Tidy kitchen/meals, 3 Bedrooms, Long verandah-stylesunroom,Familyroom&utilityroom,Bungalow/study&workshop,Doublegatestotandemcarport,Ductedheating&air-conditioner.

auction Saturday2ndOctober1.00pm

watsonia i 23 Elder street




Rollupyoursleeves&reaptherewardswiththisoriginalbutextremelysoundbrickveneerresidencelocatedincentralWatsonia.1sttimeeverofferedtothemarket,thispropertyisseton630m2(approx)&couldbesuitablefordualoccupancydevelopment(STCA).LiterallyaminuteswalktoWatsoniatrainstation,schools,cosmopolitanshoppingstrip&easyaccesstoMetropolitanRingRoad,thisisanopportunitynottobeoverlooked.Features: Potentialateveryglance,2largebedrooms,Airconditioning,Opensunlitlounge,Highceilings,Floorboardsthroughout,Oversizedgarage,Nearlevelparcelofland,Walktoallfacilities.

salE by tEnDEr Tuesday28thSeptember6.00pm(Unlesssoldprior)

Quote $350,000plusbuyersMelway 20:F4 Land size 630m2approxContact ScottAnderson 0412855775 StuartBuckingham 0411743336Office 98GrimshawSt,GreensboroughPhone 94350999

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BRIAR HILL I 1/16 Williams Road

Quote $460,000 plus buyersMelway 21:B3 Land size 422m2 approxContact Simon McEvoy 0412 319 046 Adam McWatters 0404 489 266Offi ce Cnr Were & Rattray Rd, MontmorencyPhone 9434 6666


5.00 - 5.30pmSATURDAY

12.00 - 12.30pm

Geared to impact your lifestyle in the most positive sense, this renovated home really emphasises the low in low-maintenance … not only in respect to the upkeep of the home, but also the exceptional convenience of its peaceful & private high-set position at the front of a subdivided allotment & the idyllic greenery outlook. Features: Relaxed open plan living/dining (OFP), Modern updated s/s kitchen, Huge calming master bedroom, Stylish ensuite & bathroom, 2 further privately zoned bedrooms, Private & serene alfresco area, GDH & split-system air-conditioner, Water tank, garage & carport, Metres to parkland.

AUCTION Saturday 9th October 11.00am


Client Services Co-ordinatorBuckingham and Company is Diamond Valleys fi rst and only true Boutique Real Estate Agency. With 2 locations in Greensborough and Montmorency you can reap the benefi ts of working close to home. We are looking for an enthusiastic and energetic person to join our team. As Client Services Co ordinator you will be responsible for delivering exceptional customer service to our clients. Working directly under Stuart Buckingham, Director, you will liaise with Vendors, organise and prepare their properties for sale, support sales staff, manage sponsorships and promotions and maintain advertising on the internet and website. We are seeking someone who ideally has previous experience in the Real Estate Industry. To be successful in this role you will have a track record of commitment, motivation and have a drive to succeed in this growing organisation. You must be dedicated to your work, have a willingness to go the “extra mile” and possess excellent organisational skills, attention to detail and strong PC skills.

As the successful candidate you will possess:

• A customer focused attitude • Ability to liaise with both internal and external customers • Computer literacy (Windows) • Willingness to work in a busy and challenging environment • Strong team skills • Ideally have Real Estate Agents Representative Certifi cate • Current drivers license

Attractive Salary Package includes a company car.All enquiries are confi dential.

Please submit Resumes to Nicole Buckingham at:[email protected]


“EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE”“At Buckingham and Company we have an enviable reputation

for quality service, attention to detail and achievingthe best outcomes for our clients.”

Call now for your free Market Appraisal.

9434 6666Corner Rattray Road & Were Street, Montmorency

and98 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough

Terry Gazelle0438 196 480

Nicole Buckingham0402 268 886

Terry Gazelle Nicole Buckingham

Page 54: HDV-Heidelberg-20100908-Edition20


Set in a peaceful court and surrounded by established landscaped gardens offering a profusion of low maintenance color all year round, you and your family will derive nothing butpleasure when you make the move to this immaculately presented home. Situated in the coveted Viewbank College zone and an easy walk from primary schools, the bus and localshops a huge decked outdoor area doubles the summer living space of an interior offering formal living dining complemented by family meals, informal living anchored by gas logfire four double bedrooms including main with ensuite, one presently a superbly fitted study. Act now to secure a sought after lifestyle in a gorgeous garden setting.AUCTION: SATURDAY 2ND OCTOBER AT 11:00 AM OPEN: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2:00-2:30 PMCONTACT: DAVID McFARLANE 0418 319 831 EMAIL: [email protected]

4 2 2 2

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DIAMOND CREEK 60 James Cook Drive Suit $690,000 plus buyers“ENORMOUS LAND, SUBSTANTIAL HOME”

This beautifully presented home on an allotment of 2050m2(approx) and just minutes from Diamond Creek offers first class interior spaces with easy access to covered outdoor entertaining area flowing seamlesslyto inground pool, the perfect place to spend the summer. New carpets and fresh paint complement refined formal living and dining, expansive informal living and kitchen with Smeg appliances. The main bedroomadds a touch of indulgence with a spa ensuite while three further bedrooms share a family bathroom. Along with ducted heating and cooling it offers the added bonus of a huge garage/workshop suitable for ahome based tradesperson, caravaner or collector.OPEN: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 3:00-3:30 PMCONTACT: PAUL HARRISON 0418 103 477EMAIL: [email protected]

ELTHAM 37 View Hill Crescent Suit $450,000 plus buyers“ AFFORDABLE ENTRY IN A SOUGHT AFTER SPOT”

Whether you’re looking for a place to settle into and enjoy now or somewhere you can value add over time with a modern makeover, this deceptively large home with a flexible floorplan is ready and waiting for you.On a superb allotment of 1000 m2 (approx) and within easy reach of Eltham, the lower level offers large utility room, powder room and rumpus opening to under cover entertainment zone leading to large leafy rearyard. On the entry level you’ll discover three bedrooms, kitchen, family meals and formal living opening to balcony with relaxing tree top views. With ducted heating for the winter chills its ready for you, what everyou do.OPEN: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:00-1:30 PMCONTACT: PAUL HARRISON 0418 103 477EMAIL: [email protected]

3 1 1 2

4 2 2 4

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Featuring stunning views of the adjacent parklands & Rosanna Golf course, located on the fringe of Lower Plenty,

are these fantastic allotments offering the successful purchaser the opportunity to build their dream home situated

in under 20kms to the CBD. Titles have just been released with 30, 60, 90 day settlements available so be quick!

Lot 1 = 14,270m2 Lot 3 = 12,860m2 Lot 5 = SOLD

Lot 2 = SOLD Lot 4 = SOLD Lot 6 = 10,000m2

For further details on this exciting opportunity, or to meet a sales rep on site, please contact Aaron Silluzio today!

Tues 28th Sept at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE From $1,100,000____________________________________INSPECT Rep on Site Sat 12:30 - 1pm____________________________________CONTACT Aaron Silluzio 0414 422 299____________________________________

Viewbank 30 - 70 Seymour Road

A Once in a Life Time Opportunity!

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Constructed with much emphasis on quality, light and generous living space is this brand new home offering a life

of style and convenience. The split level floorplan comprises an open plan living area surrounded by floor to

ceiling windows, quality kitchen (Caesarstone tops, s/steel appliances) offering easy access to the outdoor

decking and rear garden, huge flexible rumpus/cellar/theatre room/office, master bedroom (designer en-suite,

WIRs) and 2 further robed bedrooms serviced by the glamorous main bathroom and separate powder room.

Extras include central heating and cooling, ducted vacuum, plus double garage (internal access) with storage.

Saturday 2nd October at 11:30am ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $790,000 - $840,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 5:15 - 5:45pm

Sat 11:15 - 11:45am____________________________________CONTACT Kieran Whaley 0410 587 072

Davide Lettieri 0414 018 747____________________________________





Heidelberg 56 Martin Street

Quality, Light and Space on Heidelberg Hill

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Modern, sophisticated, offering the finest of fittings and finishes and delivering fabulous family living in an ideal

court location...this could be the perfect home. Architect designed and just under 4 years old, it offers five

bedrooms including main with designer en-suite, four distinct living areas, gourmet kitchen, plus sparkling heated

pool and spa with relaxing decked alfresco living and summer-house. With a long list of inclusions starting with

Sydney Blue Gum floos, gas log fires, ducted heating, air-conditioning, vacuum and data, audio and visual

cabling throughout, it successfully combines luxury and practicality to provide an exceptional family home.

Tues 14th Sept at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 11:30 - 12pm____________________________________CONTACT Kim Jarvie-Pridham 0412 237 123

Jamin Silluzio 0411 655 391____________________________________





Plenty 10 Bunyip Court

Exceptional and Enticing

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Architectural MasterpieceSituated in one of Eltham´s most exclusive private estates

is this tri-level residence boasting a stunning aspect in

beautiful surrounds. With an emphasis on open plan and

indoor / outdoor entertaining, it features a central kitchen,

spacious living areas, fantastic outdoor decks, GDH, A/C,

ducted vacuum, alarm, powder room and triple garage.

Eltham 2/93 Arthur Street

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $670,000 - $740,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 6 - 6:30pm

Sat 12 - 12:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Tom Kurtschenko 0417 502 944

Romeo Rigoni 0412 126 646____________________________________

3 2 3 3

Large Home, Central Location!On a 720m2 block (approx.) this unique property offers

space, views, convenience and a flexible floor plan. The

home comprises 4 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, timber

kitchen, downstairs lounge, family room and upstairs

spacious lounge with wet bar. Plus, outside there´s a

separate studio/spa room, and undercover outdoor area.

Eltham 82A Bible Street

Tues 12th October at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $660,000 - $720,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 1:45 - 2:15pm____________________________________CONTACT John Haley 0417 352 312

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024____________________________________

4 2 2 2 1

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Quiet Location, Elevated Family HomeBoasting a fabulously elevated 830m2 (approx) private allotment in a quiet no-through road is this terrific

opportunity to secure your future family home. Designed to take full advantage of the breathtaking views, this

residence boasts generously sized living areas including formal lounge and dining, fabulous kitchen with stunning

solid red gum timber bench tops, downstairs rumpus room opening to a fantastic rear yard ready for the kids to

enjoy, plus 3 great sized bedrooms serviced by 2 bathrooms. Extras include gas heating, air-conditioning,

stainless steel appliances, timber floorboards and tool shed in one of the area´s high growth pockets.

Saturday 2nd October at 11am ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $490,000 - $550,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 5 - 5:30pm

Sat 11 - 11:30am____________________________________CONTACT Romeo Rigoni 0412 126 646

Tom Kurtschenko 0417 502 944____________________________________

Lower Plenty 46 Philip Street 3 2 2 1

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

A Joy to Live in!Young families rejoice with this refreshing opportunity to gain a foothold in the glorious surrounds of Viewbank with

all the benefits of quality schooling and wonderful parklands nearby. The home offers formal and informal living

with prized updated kitchen leading to a covered outdoor decked area ideal for family entertaining overlooking the

rear garden, generous robed bedrooms, updated main and en-suite bathrooms, manicured gardens plus an

oversized remote drive-through garage. Features include gas ducted heating, evaporative cooling, alarm system

and abundant storage. An inspection will please the most fastidious of buyers, call today!

Saturday 2nd October at 2pm ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $540,000 - $580,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 1 - 1:30pm

Sat 3 - 3:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461____________________________________

Viewbank 1 Christine Street 4 2 2 2

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Home at Last!This 7 year old family home, within the renowned Cascades Estate, enjoys a wonderful mixture of light, space and

comfort. The residence provides entry, study, lounge (floorboards), kitchen/meals area (dishwasher and lots of

cupboard space), family room with its own balcony looking onto parklands, large master bedroom (WIR, en-suite

& private balcony) and two further bedrooms (BIRs) serviced by the main bathroom. Extras include ducted

heating, evaporative cooling, alarm system, instant hot water and double garage all set on 600m2 (approx) of

land. Close to schools, parklands, public transport and only minutes drive to shopping, don’t delay call today.

Tues 12th October at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am____________________________________CONTACT Vince Saunders 0425 764 881

Daniel Italia 0423 337 281____________________________________

Yallambie 16 Goulburn Grove 3 2 2 2 1

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Central, Comfortable and PrivateLight and bright home featuring 3 bedrooms, timber

kitchen with meals area leading to an outdoor deck,

separate lounge, huge backyard with treed views and

northerly aspect, ducted heating, air-conditioning and

remote controlled double lockup garage. In the heart of

Research within easy reach to shops, buses and schools.

Research 5/1573 Main Road

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $400,000 - $450,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 11 - 11:30am____________________________________CONTACT Pina Kara 0415 911 437

Lou Silluzio 0412 323 750____________________________________

3 1 1 2

The Great Entertainer!This property is the ultimate in leisure living and will

surprise from the minute you step inside! With 3 separate

indoor living areas, an in-ground pool, separate spa and

stunning outdoor entertaining area with kitchen, you have

all bases covered! Includes meals/family room, downstairs

rumpus (wet bar), galley kitchen, and 2 new bathrooms.

St. Helena 18 Stuart Street

Tue 5th October at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $660,000 - $720,000____________________________________INSPECT Sat 2:45 - 3:15pm____________________________________CONTACT John Haley 0417 352 312

Aaron Yeats 0400 067 024____________________________________

3 2 3 2 1

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Brand New Versatile InvestmentThis versatile property offers clever use of space,

abundant natural light, 6.2 Star energy rating, ground floor

office with kitchenette and toilet, 2nd floor bedrooms with

bathroom, generous living upstairs with Baltic pine floors,

modern kitchen (s/steel appliances) and a great balcony

providing tranquil views towards the Dandenongs.

Rosanna 5/65 Beetham Parade

Saturday 18th September at 2pm ____________________________________INSPECT Thur 3 - 3:30pm

Sat 11:30 - 12pm____________________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461____________________________________

2 1 2 1 1

Nothing To Do, Just Move In!Sensational entry level to the Rosanna market, this

property offers formal lounge and dining, family meals,

vogue stone topped kitchen, covered deck area, secure

rear yard, ample off street parking with turning cycle for

easy entry and exit. Features include GDH, cooling, alarm,

plus second bathroom. Land size - 675m2 (approx).

Rosanna 132 Rosanna Road

THIS SATURDAY AT 2PM ____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $540,000 - $580,000____________________________________INSPECT Thur 2 - 2:30pm

Sat 1/2 hour prior to Auction____________________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461____________________________________

4 2 2 2



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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Potential PlusOne of the area´s originals where the same owners have

been for over 50 years, a wonderful opportunity now

arrives for the new generation to capitalize on a

sensational scenario, and begin again among excellent

amenities including shops, schools, parklands and train

station. The home is set on 600m2 (approx) of land.

Macleod 14 Skye Street

Tues 5th October at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Sat 12 - 12:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Vince Saunders 0425 764 881

Daniel Italia 0423 337 281____________________________________

3 1 1 2

Large 4 Bedroom Home on 1,040m2 (approx)Situated in the much sought after Victoria Cross Estate is

this prime prospect to purchase a large family home or

ideal development site (STCA) on 1040m2 (approx) land.

Features formal lounge and dining, polished floorboards,

kitchen/meals, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, family room,

ducted heating, evap cooling, and under-house storage.

Macleod 10 Jacka Street

Saturday 18th September at 12pm ____________________________________INSPECT Sat 2 - 2:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Vince Saunders 0425 764 881

Sam Kocuk 0419 311 222____________________________________

4 2 2 2

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Vision of Space, Style and Sophistication!With great street presence, abundant natural light, clever

open plan living and a great feeling of warmth this home

will please the most fastidious of buyers. Features include

formal living (OFP), huge family meals area, separate

rumpus, decked outdoor area, fully landscaped gardens

with water feature, gas ducted heating plus evap cooling.

Yallambie 4 Marigolds Road

Saturday 18th September at 11am ____________________________________INSPECT Thur 5 - 5:30pm

Sat 12:30 - 1pm____________________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461____________________________________

3 2 2 2

Only 2 Years Old!This 2 year old townhouse has an unsurpassed feel of

opulence and quality. Features include lounge with

polished floorboards and home theatre, open plan kitchen/

meals (s/steel appliances), cosy courtyard, three robed

bedrooms (master with two-way bathroom), GDH, split

system A/C, single garage and second car space on Title.

Macleod 1 / 183 Greensborough Road

Tues 14th Sept at 6pm (unless sold prior) ____________________________________INSPECT Sat 1 - 1:30pm____________________________________CONTACT Vince Saunders 0425 764 881

Mark Dixon 0423 395 699____________________________________

3 2 2 2

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Eltham 9431 12221022 Main Road

Ivanhoe 9499 7992115 Upper Heidelberg Road

Rosanna 9459 8111131 Lower Plenty Road

Huge Stamp Duty Savings!Clever use of space, modern finishes and an ideal location gives the astute purchaser excellent choice within this unique development. A mixture of floorplans, each town home offers open plan living, spacious bedrooms, some with two bathrooms, powder room, quality stainless steel appliances, polished boards, quality carpet, ducted heating, tandem lock up garage and others with room for two cars, storage area and landscaped gardens.

Lower Plenty1-8/22 Alma Road 3 2 2 2

For Sale by Negotiation__________________________PRICE GUIDE From $510,000__________________________INSPECT Sat 11 - 11:30am__________________________CONTACT Thomas Bechelli 0413 181 461

Mark Dixon 0423 395 699__________________________

Prime Position and Fantastic ValueThis wonderful apartment is conveniently located in central Rosanna. Featuring two bedrooms with built-in-robes, spacious living area, large kitchen with modern fittings including stainless steel appliances, security entrance and secure parking, the apartment is currently leased until May 2011 with a strong rental return making it an ideal opportunity for the savvy investor or first home buyer. You must inspect to fully appreciate!

Rosanna7/34 Beetham Parade 2 1 1 1

Tues 28th Sept at 6pm (unless sold prior) __________________________PRICE GUIDE $350,000 - $390,000__________________________INSPECT Thur 4 - 4:30pm

Sat 12 - 12:30pm__________________________CONTACT Mark Dixon 0423 395 699__________________________

3/101 Lucerne Cres, Alphington Avail NOW $240PWNeat 1 BR apartment, PFB’s, and new carpet, living and lounge area, en-suite, BIR, kitchen and off street parking. Contact Bill4/64 Para Rd, Montmorency Avail 20 Sep $240PW2BR unit, BIR’s, living, new kitchen, bathroom and laundry, A/C, wood heater and single carport. 6 Month lease. Contact Bill D.5/10 Maleela Gve, Rosanna Avail NOW $250PWRenovated 2 BR 1st floor apartment, lounge, dining area, gas heating, BIR’s, bthrm/laundry & off street parking. Contact Jacqui11 Shakespeare Gve, H’berg Hts Avail NOW $270PW3BR home, kitchen, meals, gas appliances, D/W, PFB’s, G/H, bathroom & laundry, shed in yard & garage. Pets ok. Contact Bill S12 Bellevue Ave, Rosanna Avail NOW $280PW3BR house, lounge, kitchen and dining, separate laundry and toilet, gas heater, off street parking. Gardener inc. Contact Meaghan353 Main Rd, Montmorency Avail NOW $310PWNeat 2 BR home, BIR’s, kitchen, dining, lounge, large deck, polished floorboards, 2 split A/C and off street parking. Contact Jacqui91 Ersking Rd, Macleod Avail NOW $330PW3BR home, robes, updated kitchenk & bathroom, lounge, dining, family area, study nook & OSP. Six month lease only. Contact Bill S11 Foxglove Crt, Viewbank Avail NOW $350PW4BR home, BIR’s, en-suite, living area, PFB’s, kitchen, full bthrm, sep toilet and laundry, D/H & off street parking. Contact Meaghan.5/1250 Main Rd, Eltham Avail NOW $350PW2BR T/house, kitchen, meals area, living, central bthrm, D/H, evaporative A/C, alarm & single garage, close to shops. Contact Di301 Bell St, Bellfield Avail NOW $360PWRenovated 2 BR home, BIR’s, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, ss appliances, meals/diing, A/C, D/H & single garage. Contact Joshua

8 Carwarp St, Macleod Avail NOW $370PW3 BR home, BIR, lounge, OFP, D/H, 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets, laundry, kitchen/meals, bungalow, shed & single carport. Contact Bill53 Beatty St, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $380PW2BR home, BIR´s, bathroom, lounge, family room, kitchen/meals, 2nd toilet & sep 1BR bungalow, tandem carport & shed. Contact Bill1/5 Pavey Ct, Macleod Avail NOW $390PW3BR unit, WIR, ensuite, large lounge, kitchen, meals area, D/H & A/C, single garage, close to shops and schools. Contact Sarah.24 Thornton St, Macleod Avail NOW $400PWSplit level 4BR + study home, main BR with en-suite, PFB´s, formal lounge, central bathroom & family/meals. Formal dining, outdoor covered deck & yard with paved BBQ terrace. NO PETS! Contact Di1/1152 Main Rd, Eltham Avail NOW $400PWNew 3BR T/house, BIR’s, ensuite, WIR, kitchen, living, S/S appliances, D/H, A/C, PFB’s, single garage. Contact Sarah.83 Valentine St, Ivanhoe Avail NOW $450PW4BR home, BIR’s, en-suite, study, lounge, G/H, OSP, OFP, D/W, deck, garden shed, close to shops & schools. No pets. Contact Bill 19 Skeffington St, Bellfield Avail NOW $460PWNear new, 3BR, en-suite, living, dining, kitchen, bthrm with spa, laundry, double garage with internal access. Contact Bill48 Parry Rd, Eltham Nth Avail NOW $470PW3BR home, living areas, lounge, dining, OSP, meals area, D/H, A/C, separate office, double garage & workshop. Contact Sarah. 1/170 Ryans Rd, Eltham Avail NOW $470PW3BR home, en-suite, WIR, living area, kitchen/meals, study, D/H, evap A/C, PFB’s deck, watr tank, & double garage. Contact Di39 Casey Cres, Viewbank Avail 1 Oct $550PW2 Storey 3 BR home, BIR’s & master with en-suite. Study, living/family & dining room, D/W, D/H, A/C & double garage. Contact Di


6/1637 Main Rd, Research Avail NOW $8,400PA70m2 (approx) mezzaine flor, CCTV monitored sec system, car parkingf, heating A/C. Excludes GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua25/9 Mirra Crt, Bundoora Avail NOW $12,000PAOffice, 103sqm (approx) reception, storage room, kitchenette, heating & A/C, 2 x OSP. Excl GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua2/296 Station St, Fairfield Avail NOW $15,600PAShop front, approx 38sqm kitchenette, toilet, sink. open floor space roller door. Rental excludes GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua5/22 Bridge St, Eltham Avail NOW $18,000PAFactory, front office, reception, 150sqm approx. lunch room, roller door & alarm. Rental excludes GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua2/67 Beard St, Eltham Avail NOW $22,000PARefurbished shop front approx 70sqm floor space, toilet, 2 sinks and ample parking. Excludes outgoings or GST. Contact Joshua.2A Luck St, Eltham Avail NOW $29,705PA Shop front 66sqm approx, kitchenette, store room, toilets, lease expires 1/12/2011. Excludes GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua27/20 Enterprise Dve, Bundoora Avail NOW $30,000PAOffice, 129sqm approx, kitchenette, heating, A/C, lift, toilets, car parking available. Excludes GST & outgoings. Contact Joshua46 Burgundy St, Heidelberg Avail NOW $35,000PASublease, exp 30/06/11 5 yr option, 180sqm approx, A/C, toilet, lane access, loading dock and car parking. Contact Joshua27 Watsonia Rd, Watsonia Avail NOW $36,364PA155sqm approx, office, kitchen, toilet, heating, A/C, onsite parking, lane access. Rental excludes GST and outgoings. Contact JoshuaIS YOUR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VACANT? Barry Plant Ivanhoe have LET 5 quality commercial properties within the last month, more properties are required. Please call Joshua on 03 9499 7992


Joshua Franzi0413 720 244

Meaghan Fennell0401 019 859

Bill Sismanis 0401 241 070

Di Bryan 0400 911 005

Jacqui Spiteri0414 249 576

Sarah Craigie0409 945 774 Tania Ismail

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62c Main Hurstbridge Road Diamond Creek9438 1133

Perfect For New Home Buyers - Fresh On The Scene!You´ll keep every member of the family happy with this home that´s been designed for those who love their

space! Built 12 months ago, it´s close to schools & shops, & has magnificent views to the Kinglake ranges.

Impressive red mahogany timber flooring adds to the feel, with large lounge & spacious study area. Gorgeous

kitchen boasts a wide Caesar stone island bench / breakfast bar, with plenty of storage space, beautiful dining

area & family room, perfect for family dinners or entertaining guests. Upstairs, the huge master room & luxurious

ensuite, spa & massive dressing room await, along with generous sized bedrooms complete with large robes,

main bathroom, & additional living / games area. Large garage & workshop/storage area. Inspect now!

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $590,000 - $660,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 3.00 - 3.30pm

Photo ID Required____________________________________CONTACT Robyn Johnson 0417 387 890

Peter Koiker 0418 382 959____________________________________

Doreen 36 Tara Valley Crescent 4 2 3 2 1

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62c Main Hurstbridge Road Diamond Creek9438 1133

Huge Display Home, Dream Kitchen!Enjoy life´s luxuries & surround yourself with space. Close

to the station, schools & shops, it is ideal for family living &

offers a choice of entertaining areas. Stunning polished

spotted gum flooring, evaporative cooling & a magnificent,

designer kitchen with Caeser Stone bench tops. Rumpus

room, spa, water tank & low maintenance gardens.

Diamond Creek 17 Glen View Close

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $720,000 - $760,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 12.00 - 12.30pm

Photo ID Required____________________________________CONTACT Robyn Johnson 0417 387 890

Peter Koiker 0418 382 959____________________________________

4 3 3 2 1

A Place to Call Home in the ZoneIn a perfect quiet court, the ideal location, this spacious

single level home is fantastic for every member of the

family. On a level allotment with a generous lounge and

dining, kitchen overlooking the family room, adjoining the

entertaining deck and private backyard. In the St Helena

school zone so be quick to inspect as this will not last.

St Helena 5 Summit Court

Tuesday 21st Sep at 5pm (unless sold prior)____________________________________PRICE GUIDE $530,000 - $590,000____________________________________INSPECT Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pm

Photo ID Required____________________________________CONTACT Justin Booth 0417 034 369

Adam Smith 0433 206 044____________________________________

4 2 2 2

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Bundoora 9467 54444 / 1177 Plenty Road

Bundoora28 Hughes Circuit

Simply Top Shelf!This quality home, less than 2yrs old offers instant appeal. Four large BR’s with magical ensuite, open study, high ceilings, decorative cornices & skirting´s, refrigerated cooling, D/H, video intercom, alarm, ducted vacuum, double garage, large 730m2 block & manicured gardens. Brilliant location with easy access to Bundoora´s fine amenities. Walking distance to tram, shops & schools!

This Saturday at 2pm ____________________________INSPECT Thurs 6 - 6:30pm, Sat 1:30 - 2pm____________________________CONTACT David Moxon 0413 673 636

Michael Egan 0409 416 546____________________________

4 2 2 2 1

When Quality and Location Counts!Only a short stroll to Watsonia shopping strip & train station & just a minute drive to the Ring Rd is where you will find this fully updated and contemporary home. Take advantage of the impressive 561 m² (approx) & extend or potential rear development (STCA), currently leased at $1430pcm.

Watsonia14 Longmuir Road



This Saturday at 1pm ____________________________INSPECT Wed 6 - 6:30pm, Sat 12:30 - 1pm____________________________CONTACT Michael Traikopoulos

0413 657 314Tom Egan 0418 399 398____________________________

2 1 2 2

Diamond Creek 9438 113362c Main Hurstbridge Road

Ideal Family Home.A quiet, treed but very handy location that´s just a short stroll to all amenities. With a park over the back fence, the kids will never run out of room to play! A huge covered deck with spa is ideal for entertaining or BBQ´s. Garage & workshop, with extra space for a trailer or storage. Be VERY quick for this one!

Diamond Creek, 16 Parook Court

Tuesday 12th Oct at 5pm (unless sold prior)____________________________PRICE GUIDE $490,000 - $560,000____________________________INSPECT Saturday 1.00 - 1.30pm

Photo ID Required____________________________CONTACT Paul Sutherland 0407 748 747

Peter Koiker 0418 382 959____________________________

3 2 2 2

Stunning SimplicityThis well maintained elevated home offers comfort & charm from the minute you walk through the front door. Featuring light filled family/meals area, large lounge, delightful kitchen, large bedrooms & main with ensuite. In a convenient location, why wouldn´t you inspect today.

Diamond Creek, 1 Lotus Court

For Sale by Negotiation____________________________PRICE GUIDE $480,000 - $530,000 ____________________________INSPECT Saturday 11.00 - 11.30am

Photo ID Required____________________________CONTACT Bri McInntyre 0433 634 594

Robyn Johnson 0417 387 890____________________________

3 2 2 1 1

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DIAMOND CREEK 7 Monomeath Avenue

Resort-style living. An exquisite and spacious abode with a family-friendly floorplan and fabulous outdoor entertaining space! Parents will enjoy the formal living and dining rooms adjacent to the master bedroom boasting a walk-through robe and immaculate ensuite. A well-appointed kitchen is the heart of the home, overlooking the spacious family and meals zone, framed by the sensational backyard. With bi-fold doors for privacy, an adjacent rumpus room is a brilliant child´s retreat, with ducted heating and evaporative cooling throughout. Accessed from the family room, the fantastic backyard is an entertainer´s paradise with an in-ground solar heated pool and covered pavilion. Further highlights: triple garage, water tank, additional parking and alarm, a short drive to Greensborough Plaza and the Ring Road.

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Guide $730,000 - $840,000Inspect Sat 12-12.30pmLand 810 sq m approx.Melway 11 E8Contact Dean Wolfe 0402 316 333, Kaye Hoverd 0417 325 577Office 951 Main Road, Eltham 9430 1111

Expressions of Interest by Tuesday 14 September (Unless Sold Prior)

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


O n e o f Ivan ho e’ s fin es t aven ues is the pres tigio us s ettin g fo r this o uts tan d in g fam ily res id en ce s ecured an d s eclud ed o n a

s ubs tan tial 1194m ² lan d s caped allo tm en t affo rd in g excellen t views . An exceptio n al fam ily lifes tyle o f s uperb q uality, co m fo rt an d

co n ven ien ce is o ffered by this s pacio us 2-level ho m e. A rare o pen in g to es tablis h a d ream fam ily future, this im po s in g res id en ce

bo as ts 4 bed ro o m s , 3 bathro o m s (en s uite), s tud y area, large livin g ro o m , d in in g ro o m , balco n ies , s pacio us fam ily ro o m (wet

bar), im po rted Italian kitchen with gran ite ben chto ps , m eals area, wo rks ho p, cellar, d ucted heatin g, air-co n d itio n in g, alarm ,

in terco m , electric gates , auto d o uble garage an d big rear gard en with alfres co patio .

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 2pm

ES R $1,850,000-$2,000,000

In s pect W ed 2.30pm -3.00pm , Thu 5.15pm -5.45pm ,

Sat 1.30pm -2.00pm

Co n tact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

Dam ien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 18 Carn Aven ue

Land: 1194m2 approx.





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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


If the ico n ic ad d res s , the Fairy Hills en viro n s an d the tran q uil views to ward s the ran ges aren ´ t en o ugh to en tice yo u, this s tun n in g

n ew luxury res id en ce m o s t certain ly will! Co m pletely captivatin g fro m s uperio r q uality appo in tm en ts to s uperlative s paces filled

with s un light; this breathtakin g ho m e co n veys an im pres s ive air o f co n tem po rary s tyle fo r a lifes tyle o f utter in d ulgen ce. Bo as ts 4

d o uble bed ro o m s (built-in ro bes , m ain with views , his /hers walk-in ro be an d d o uble-s ho wer en s uite), lo un ge ro o m , o uts tan d in g

livin g an d d in in g areas , chef s s tain les s - s teel kitchen with exten s ive is lan d ben ch, chic bathro o m , po wd er ro o m , heatin g/co o lin g,

alarm , vid eo in terco m , Jarrah flo o rs , s o lar ho twater, fabulo us alfres co area, cellar an d auto d o uble lo ck-up garage.

Fo r Sale

In s pect Thu 6.00pm -6.30pm , Sat 3.00pm -3.30pm

Lan d 507m 2 appro x.

Co n tact Peter Sco tt 0459 223 994

Dam ien Carter 0438 850 166

IVANHOE 53 The Bo ulevard

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


´ Space is the breath o f art´ s aid architect Fran k Llo yd W right an d with the prin ciples o f his U s o n ian vis io n a m as terpiece was

co m po s ed with this co m pellin g s in gle-level d o uble brick res id en ce c1963. A private an d peaceful s an ctuary o f o rigin al Sixties

s tyle an d q uality; this light an d airy d o m ain co n n ects with its s urro un d in gs creatin g fo rm an d fun ctio n with in n o vatio n an d s kill o n

a beautiful gard en allo tm en t (1000m ² appro x). In clud es 4 fitted bed ro o m s (en s uite), captivatin g livin g ro o m , co m puter

wo rks tatio n , flo win g lo un ge (O FP) an d d in in g, m eals , go urm et kitchen , vers atile retreat with bathro o m (o r rum pus , o ffice), cen tral

bathro o m , d ucted heatin g, alarm , s tun n in g wo o d wo rk/jo in ery, alfres co en tertain in g, huge carpo rt.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 2n d O cto ber at 2pm

In s pect Sat 2.00pm -2.30pm

Lan d 1000m 2 appro x.

Co n tact Helen W itchell 0413 741 158

Brad Pearce 0409 679 414

IVANHOE EAST 300 Lo wer Heid elberg R o ad

Land 1000m2 approx.

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


An en viable o ppo rtun ity at the heart o f the 1930s Beaum o n t Es tate this s o lid brick res id en ce is n es tled o n the co rn er o f Lin co ln Co urt en jo yin g

s un n y gard en an d co vered alfres co area. A s uperbly appo in ted in terio r with d ucted heatin g an d refrigerated co o lin g is ad o rn ed with d eco rative

ceilin gs , etched glas s , plan tatio n s hutters an d po lis hed flo o rbo ard s . O ffers s ecurity en tran ce, 3BR , o pen plan - livin g an d d in in g (o rn ate s as h

ceilin g), well appo in ted kitchen , s tun n in g bathro o m , laun d ry, rem o te garage plus carpo rt an d recen tly re- s tum ped , re-wired an d re-plum bed .

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 12pm

ES R $820,000-$870,000

In s pect Thu 6.00pm -6.30pm , Sat 11.30am -12.00pm

Lan d 550m 2 appro x.

Co n tact S tewart O ld m ead o w 0412 119 277

s o ld m ead o w@m iles m .au

IVANHOE 35 M elco m be R o ad






W id e fro n tage an d a 765m ² allo tm en t (appro x) pro vid e the id eal in tro d uctio n to this s o lid brick res id en ce pres en tin g a un iq ue an d excitin g

o ppo rtun ity to realiz e en o rm o us po ten tial an d reap the reward s . En viably po s itio n ed , this previo us ly upd ated ho m e in vites ren o vatio n to fully

utiliz e its n o rtherly as pect while there´ s als o s co pe to rebuild /d evelo p (STCA). O fferin g 3BR (BIR s , m ain with d res s in g area), s tud y (o r 4th), livin g

with bay win d o w, d in in g (fireplace), s o lid tim ber kitchen , bathro o m (s pa bath), pwd r ro o m , d ucted heatin g, n o rth- facin g patio an d auto DLU G

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 12pm

ES R $850,000-$950,000

In s pect Thu 2.30pm -3.00pm , Sat 10.00am -10.30am

Co n tact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

s lacey@m iles m .au

IVANHOE 1/117 Lo cks ley R o ad

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


‘ M un gin d i is a captivatin g 4 bed ro o m Califo rn ian bun galo w o pen an d elevated o n a d eep gard en allo tm en t exud in g a relaxed , carefree

am bien ce fo r eas y fam ily livin g an d o utd o o r en tertain in g. Superbly s ituated n ear village s ho ppin g, parklan d s an d train , the o rigin al feel has been

upd ated o ver the years an d the ho m e n o w o ffers a co m fo rtable curren t- d ay en viro n m en t en jo yin g d ucted heatin g, alarm , s o lar ho twater, d eck

an d Tus can alfres co area, s un n y rear gard en & rear acces s . Lan d 942m 2 appro x.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 11am

ES R $1,200,000-$1,300,000

In s pect Thu 6.00pm -6.30pm , Sat 10.30am -11.00am

Co n tact Greg Taylo r 0409 090 611

gregtaylo r@m iles m .au

IVANHOE 97 Lo cks ley R o ad






A m agical lo catio n o n o n e o f M elbo urn e´ s ico n ic s treets is the id yllic s ettin g fo r this exceptio n al s o lid brick res id en ce c1957. So lid ly built with a

s teel fram e an d wro ught iro n d eco ratio n , jus t 2 o wn ers have s avo ured the crafts m an s hip, an d views o f this clas s ic ho m e retain in g its o rigin al

character while upd ated with s o lar electricity, cen tral heatin g, evapo rative co o lin g an d rain tan ks . In clud es 3BR , ho m e o ffice to en clo s ed

balco n y, s egm en ted bath/s ho wer ro o m s , livin g/d in in g area (O FP) to return balco n y, kitchen /m eals , s to rage/cellar, wo rks hed , an d auto DLU G.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 12pm

In s pect Thu 1.30pm -2.00pm , Sat 3.00pm -3.30pm

Lan d 806m 2 appro x.

Co n tact Helen W itchell 0413 741 158

Stewart O ld m ead o w 0412 119 277

IVANHOE EAST 489 The Bo ulevard

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


W alk to all o f Ivan ho es blue chip am en ities fro m the leafy, lo w-m ain ten an ce s urro un d in gs o f this exceptio n al d o uble-fro n ted villa un it that´ s

s uperbly ren o vated bo as tin g o wn es tablis hed gard en fro n tage. The highly-co veted plan e tree en viro n s are an upliftin g in vitatio n to en jo y the

gen ero us o rigin al s paces , gard en vis tas an d n o rth-facin g co urtyard that als o features o wn d riveway, O SP plus garage. In cl; gas heatin g, a/c,

2BR with BIR s (huge m ain ), fabulo us livin g an d d in in g o pen in g to balco n y, kitchen /m eals with Euro . applian ces , cen tral bathro o m , & ln d ry.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 11am

ES R $520,000-$560,000

In s pect Thu 5.15pm -5.45pm , Sat 1.00pm -1.30pm

Co n tact S tewart O ld m ead o w 0412 119 277

Peter Sco tt 0459 223 994

IVANHOE 1/48 Lo cks ley R o ad


Id eally lo cated n ear Darebin Parklan d s , this d elightful apartm en t is s ituated o n the firs t- flo o r o f a bo utiq ue blo ck o f jus t 6 pres en tin g an

im pres s ive lifes tyle o ppo rtun ity. The wo n d erful po s itio n o ffers perfect co n ven ien ce fo r tho s e s eekin g to en jo y lo cal res tauran ts an d eas y acces s

by train to the city - R elax in this light-filled apartm en t in clud in g 2 d o uble bed ro o m s (BIR s ), big n o rth- facin g livin g ro o m , kitchen /m eals ,

ren o vated bathro o m an d laun d ry, s plit-s ys tem heatin g/co o lin g, gas heatin g, s ecurity in terco m , car s pace o n title.

Fo r Sale

ES R $390,000-$410,000

In s pect Thu 3.30pm -4.00pm , Sat 4.00pm -4.30pm

Co n tact Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

s lacey@m iles m .au

ALPHINGTON 5/5 Yaran a R o ad

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


O uts tan d in g views that s weep n o rth alo n g the ran ges pro vid e an irres is tible in cen tive to s take yo ur claim in a highly-co veted lo catio n with this

clas s ic ho m e. Capitaliz e o n the in s tan t appeal o f this tas tefully-pres en ted ho m e that s tan d s o n a lo vely 552m ² gard en allo tm en t (appro x) an d

im m ed iately en jo y the co m fo rtable in terio r o r ren o vate/exten d to fully appreciate the breathtakin g pan o ram a (STCA). An exceptio n al o ppo rtun ity

that curren tly in clud es 3BR , livin g an d d in in g (O FP) to terrace, fun ctio n al kitchen , bathro o m , laun d ry, d ucted heatin g, alarm s ys tem , an d garage.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 11am

In s pect Thu 5.15pm -5.45pm , Sat 10.30am -11.00am

Co n tact Helen W itchell 0413 741 158

helen witchell@m iles m .au

ROSANNA 4 M o un t Id a Aven ue






All the right in gred ien ts co m bin e to create o n e fabulo us lifes tyle with this s uperb villa un it ; a q uiet po s itio n s et back in a gard en d evelo pm en t o f

o n ly 3, a m o s t co n ven ien t lo catio n , m eticulo us ly pres en ted in terio r o f im pres s ive pro po rtio n s ; excellen t co n tem po rary appo in tm en ts ; & a s un n y

paved co urtyard gard en . Bo as tin g cen tral heatin g, evapo rative co o lin g & d o uble rem o te-co n tro l garage, co m pris es 2 d o uble bed ro o m s with

BIR s , n ew kitchen with s /s applian ces ad jo in in g cas ual d in in g area, gen ero us livin g ro o m , ren o vated bathro o m an d laun d ry.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 12pm

ES R $435,000-$455,000

In s pect Thu 5.15pm -5.45pm , Sat 11.30am -12.00pm

Co n tact Greg Taylo r 0409 090 611

gregtaylo r@m iles m .au

ROSANNA 2/17 Bras s ey Aven ue





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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


The wid e an d welco m in g 19m fro n tage to this co m pletely charm in g ho m e pro vid es a huge attractio n fo r an yo n e s eekin g extra s pace to

m axim iz e a wo n d erful lifes tyle in this great lo catio n . Exud in g a d elightful co ttage lo o k o n a 700² allo tm en t (appro x), the im m aculate in terio r

captures n atural light an d gard en as pects . In clud es 3 s iz able bed ro o m s with BIR s (rear bed ro o m po s s ible playro o m o r ho m e o ffice), air-

co n d itio n ers , glo rio us livin g/d in in g ro o m (gas heater), o rigin al kitchen , cen tral bathro o m an d LU G. Lo cated at the R o s an n a frin ge.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 11am

ES R $600,000-$650,000

In s pect Thu 2.30pm -3.00pm , Sat 1.00pm -1.30pm

Lan d 700m 2 appro x.

Co n tact Helen W itchell 0413 741 158

helen witchell@m iles m .au



At las t, the s pace to d o what yo u wan t to is right here o n a 838m ² allo tm en t (appro x) featurin g n o rth- facin g gard en plus m as s ive 6x16m garage/

s hed an d carpo rt. A fres h an d in vitin g in terio r en jo ys d ucted heatin g an d in clud es 3 d o uble bed ro o m s (2 BIR s ) fo r co m fo rtable livin g while

flo win g to a fabulo us co vered en tertain m en t area. Als o o ffers elegan t livin g ro o m (gas heater), m eals area, kitchen with ergo n o m ically high

ben chto ps an d s tain les s - s teel applian ces , cen tral bathro o m , 5000l rain tan k. Excellen t s co pe to d evelo p (STCA).

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 11am

ES R $550,000-$590,000

In s pect Thu 2.30pm -3.00pm , Sat 10.00am -10.30am

Lan d 838m 2 appro x.

Co n tact Jam es Davis 0405 687 817

jd avis @m iles m .au

BELLFIELD 28 Griffiths S treet

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


En tertain ers s eekin g the lifes tyle ed ge will d is co ver a s harp co n tem po rary lo o k an d s urpris in gly s pacio us livin g with this res id en ce s eclud ed to

the rear. Beautifully appo in ted , a large o pen -plan livin g an d d in in g area po in ts n o rth with views to the ran ges an d o pen s to alfres co d ecks an d

co m pact gard en with rain tan k. The gen ero us layo ut o ffers 3BR (m ain with en s uite an d W IR ), s m art bathro o m , s to n e kitchen with Bo s ch apps ,

ln d ry, pwd r ro o m , d ucted heatin g, evap co o lin g, s o lar ho twater, d o uble glaz in g - (6 s tar en ergy ratin g), an d rem o te d ble garage (in t acces s ).

Auctio n : Saturd ay 2n d O cto ber at 11am

ES R $530,000-$570,000

In s pect Sat 3.00pm -3.30pm

Co n tact Dam ien Carter 0438 850 166

Sue Lacey 0412 898 202

VIEWBANK 12/101 M artin s Lan e


A lan d s caped rear gard en d es ign ed with artis tic vis io n en jo ys bro ad fro n tage o n to the wo n d erful R iver Gum W alk en s urin g this 1960s ho m e is a

lifes tyle lo ver´ s d ream . This d elightful ho m e with a retro feel, co n tem po rary en han cem en t an d flexible flo o rplan is elegan tly-pro po rtio n ed an d

s uperbly appo in ted fo r relaxed livin g an d alfres co en tertain in g. O ffers 2 d o uble bed ro o m s with BIR s , d o wn s tairs livin g ro o m o r 3rd BR /s tud io ,

livin g ro o m (O FP), d in in g o pen in g to co vered d eck, kitchen , s tylis h bathro o m , laun d ry, cen tral heatin g, air-co n , d uct vacuum , d ble carpo rt.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 2n d O cto ber at 11am

ES R $630,000-$675,000

In s pect Thu 3.30pm -4.00pm , Sat 3.00pm -3.30pm

Lan d 744m 2 appro x.

Co n tact S tewart O ld m ead o w 0412 119 277

Paul Carbo n e 0418 541 169

ROSANNA 9 Pilgrim Co urt

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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


Perm it fo r 3 practitio n ers , in clud in g 9 car s paces . Build in g area o f 167 s q m (appro x) an d lan d area o f 928

s q m (appro x). A rare o ppo rtun ity to s ecure a prim e m ed ical o ffice s uite within clo s e pro xim ity to Aus tin &

M ercy Ho s pital, W arrin gal Private Ho s pital, Aus tin R epatriatio n Ho s pital an d La Tro be U n ivers ity. So ld

with vacan t po s s es s io n .

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 11am

In s pect: Sat 10.30am -11.00am

Co n tact: Dietm ar Grego ry 0422 402 545

Paul Carbo n e 0418 541 169








The perfect lifes tyle package perched at the head o f an exclus ive cul-d e- s ac, this q uality 3BR res id en ce is

s et behin d bird -attractin g gard en d eliverin g co n s um m ate co m fo rt fo r a d is cern in g fam ily. A s un n y rear

gard en d es ign ed fo r effo rtles s alfres co en tertain in g co m plem en ts the gen ero us ly-pro po rtio n ed in terio r

that o ffers pleas in g flexibility an d an im pres s ive array o f m o d ern appo in tm en ts .

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 12pm

ES R : $640,000-$680,000

In s pect: Thu 5.15pm -5.45pm , Sat 1.00pm -1.30pm

Co n tact: Paul Carbo n e 0418 541 169 pcarbo n e@m iles m .au

VIEWBANK 10 N es tan Co urt


This fabulo us firs t flo o r 1950s apartm en t blen d s large o ld er- s tyle pro po rtio n s with a s tylis h refurbis hm en t

pres en tin g fres h, clean -lin ed s paces capturin g abun d an t n atural light; this attractive ho m e o ffers hallway,

2BR , (BIR s ), livin g ro o m o pen in g to s un n y balco n y, s tain les s - s teel applian ces , s uperb bathro o m /laun d ry,

s plit-s ys tem heatin g/co o lin g an d d elightful views . Car s pace. S tro ll to Zo n e 2 train & village s ho ppin g.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 11am

ES R : $345,000-$375,000

In s pect: Thu 4.30pm -5.00pm , Sat 10.00am -10.30am

Co n tact: Greg Taylo r 0409 090 611 gregtaylo r@m iles m .au

ROSANNA 5/3 Pro s pect R o ad


Lo o kin g fo r an eas ily m an aged lifes tyle that´ s co m fo rtable, q uiet an d co n ven ien t? O wn er-o ccupiers an d

in ves to rs will fin d exactly what they n eed with this d o uble-fro n ted 2BR villa un it that features m uch

preferred n o rth- facin g rear co urtyard , po lis hed flo o r bo ard s , gas heatin g plus car parkin g s pace o n title.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 11th Septem ber at 11am

ES R : $400,000-$440,000

In s pect: Thu 4.30pm -5.00pm , Sat 10.30am -11.00am

Co n tact: Dam ien Carter 0438 850 166 d carter@m iles m .au

Jam es Davis 0405 687 817 jd avis @m iles m .au

IVANHOE 3/11 Lan gs R o ad





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IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


This well pres en ted large 2 bed ro o m villa un it in a blo ck o f o n ly 2 o ffers m o d ern well-appo in ted kitchen ,

o pen plan livin g / d in in g area, upd ated bathro o m , 2 large bed ro o m s with BIR s an d private rear co urtyard

area. Features in clud e d ucted heatin g, s in gle lo ck up garage. Han d y pro xim ity to s ho ppin g an d tran s po rt.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 18th Septem ber at 2pm

ES R : $340,000-$370,000

In s pect: Thu 1.30pm -2.00pm , Sat 10.00am -10.30am

Co n tact: Stewart O ld m ead o w 0412 119 277

Peter Sco tt 0459 223 994

MACLEOD 2/65 W un gan S treet


O f this to tally ren o vated o ffice build in g, exhibitin g pan ache an d d es ign . An excellen t po s s ibility fo r an

o wn er-o ccupier to m o ve in at s ettlem en t. Build in g area 262 s q m (appro x) o ver 3 levels . Lan d area 156

s q m (appro x), plus car parkin g. In clud es 7 o ffices , lun chro o m , en o rm o us s to rage ro o m , am en ities o n 2

levels an d lo ck-up garage. Zo n ed Bus in es s 1. Pas s ive in co m e fro m teleco m m un icatio n s an ten n a.

Auctio n : Saturd ay 2n d O cto ber at 11am

In s pect: By Appo in tm en t

Co n tact: Tim M itchell 0417 339 986

Paul Evan s 0408 144 181

GREENSBOROUGH 24 Lo uis S treet



A well pres en ted facto ry o f 1,115 s q m (appro x) with excellen t ad d itio n al m ez z an in e s to rage area.

Co m pris in g go o d s iz ed o ffice acco m m o d atio n , large s ecure fro n t yard an d abun d an t o n - s ite parkin g.

Zo n ed In d us trial 1. To be s o ld with Vacan t Po s s es s io n .

Auctio n : Thurs d ay 23rd Septem ber at 1pm

In s pect: By Appo in tm en t

Co n tact: Dietm ar Grego ry 0422 402 545

Paul Evan s 0408 144 181

CAMPBELLFIELD 37 Co lbert R o ad



Two n ear n ew executive s tyle wareho us e/o ffice facilities to be s o ld in d ivid ually o r can be purchas ed as

o n e. The pro perties curren tly are in ter-lin ked an d wo rk very s atis facto rily as o n e pro perty. Bo th facto ries

have receptio n fo yer, to ilets an d kitchen facilities an d an expan s ive o ffice o n the firs t level with to ilets .

Build in g areas o f 312 s q m an d 311 s q m (appro x) res pectively, in clud in g firs t flo o r o ffices , bo th o ffer

co n tain er height ro ller d o o r, clear s pan in tern al s to rage an d fo ur car parks .Fo r Sale

In s pect: By Appo in tm en t

Co n tact: Tim M itchell 0417 339 986

Paul Evan s 0408 144 181

BUNDOORA 29 & 30/9 M irra Co urt


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This new logo reflects our Platinum Partnership and ongoing sponsorship of the Centre’s development. The Olivia Newton-John Cancer

and Wellness Centre will be a cancer care centre like no other in Australia. It will complement the Austin Health campus in Heidelberg

– already internationally recognised for developing innovative cancer therapies. For more information about the Olivia Newton-John

Cancer and Wellness Centre Appeal, please contact us at Miles Real Esate or visit


IVANHOE 9497 3222143 Upper Heidelberg Road

ROSANNA 9459 5666118 Lower Plenty Road


A truly unique opportunity to acquire one of Heidelberg West’s largest and most prominent sites. Situated on an allotment of 7,400 sqm

(approx) incorporating three street frontages, the site is zoned Industrial 3. The substantial buildings of 6,400 sqm (approx) in total consists of a

combination of modern and older style office/warehouses including undercover parking for 74 cars. Ideal for the owner-occupier or developer.

A Property Report is available upon request.

Expressions of Interest Closing Wed 6th October at 4.00pm

Inspect By Appointment

Contact Agents in Conjunction

Paul Evans 0408 144 181

Miles Real Estate

Matt Hoath 0418 543 714

HEIDELBERG WEST 122-134 Dougharty Road


Expressions of Interest Closing Wed 6th October at 4.00pm

Inspect By Appointment

Contact Agents in Conjunction

Paul Evans 0408 144 181

Miles Real Estate

Matt Hoath 0418 543 714

Gray Johnson Estate Agents

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20 Diamond Ring Designs each with at least One Carat of Premium Diamonds on Display. Individually Handcrafted in the Michael Wilson Workshop.

Open 6 days a week (Sat 9-5pm). Full range of creative jewellery on display. Complimentary Coffee, Convenient Parking.

����������� �������Exceptional Prices for high quality diamonds.

725 Main Road, Eltham (Cnr Brougham St).

For further details contact Aaron Wilson on 9439 3111 or [email protected]

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